Scenario for a sand ceremony at a wedding. Sand ceremony at a wedding and rules. What you need and where to buy

This ceremony came to our country not so long ago, but quickly became popular among newlyweds. This is explained by the fact that the sand ceremony symbolizes the union of loving hearts forever.

Sand ceremony at a wedding video.

It is known that initially the ceremony was carried out not with sand, but with candles. After consolidation of the marriage, the newlyweds, holding hands, lit a small candle. She was a symbol of the fact that from that moment two loving hearts became one. But since the candle burned out quickly, it was replaced by sand. The ceremony with him is much more spectacular and longer in time.

Words, text for the sand ceremony. We are writing a script for the show.

Up until this point, you were different people. Once upon a time you didn’t even know each other, you were on your own, like two different vessels, each of which is full on its own. But on the day you met, everything changed. Together you spent many happy moments, you learned to love each other, respect, accept each other as you are, and sometimes forgive.

Sometimes it seemed that there was too much haste and fuss in your life. But it turns out that completeness may not be complete. And now, it's time to change everything. By creating your family, you have united your lives into one, and for this union to be complete, you must pass on a piece of yourself to each other.

There are two vessels in front of you (the newlyweds pick up vessels with sand). One represents you (the groom), everything you were before you met your lover, who you are now, and who you will become in the future. The second vessel represents you (the bride), everything you were before you met your chosen one, who you are now, and who you will become in the future.

Sand is a symbol of time, its fragility and inevitability of flow. It is believed that sand is able to retain and transmit positive energy. Therefore, I ask you, while this sand is pouring in, creating a “picture of your love,” tell him about all the brightest and most intimate feelings that united your hearts today (the bride and groom begin to pour sand into the vessel). Look, these grains of sand are poured into the vessel chaotically, but they create original pattern. And this drawing cannot be repeated, just as it is impossible to copy the happiness of our young married couple. Having mixed, the two colors of sand formed a single and harmonious whole!

Just as these individual grains of sand cannot separate and return to their vessels again, so may the love and connection between you be unbreakable. Keep this vessel as evidence of the wonderful feeling that united you today. And let the energy of the “picture of love” always charge you with positivity. We wish you long and happy years life together! source.

How is everything going?

Young people take part in the ceremony. Each of them should have a vessel with sand of a different color. It is better if the container is oblong and narrow. The lovers' task is to pour sand from their vase into a common vessel. They do it in different ways. Some people like to sprinkle in small portions, one at a time. Sand poured in this way into a common vase will not look very impressive. But if you pour it in large portions, alternating each other, then a beautiful striped outline will form in your common vase. Believe me, it's very spectacular.

The entire ritual should be carried out slowly, with comments from the toastmaster regarding your actions. So that everyone around you understands that this ceremony symbolizes your past, your present and your common happy future.

And let's discuss a little about the vessels and sand for the ceremony.

What will you need and where to buy?

You will need three vessels. For the bride and groom - the same size, and the common vessel should be large and especially beautiful. It should have a narrow neck that closes. This is necessary so that the sand does not shake and spoil the unique pattern you have made.

You can find such a vessel on the Internet. Or, as an option, you can use a bottle of expensive alcoholic beverage. When choosing sand, pay attention to the fact that it should be of a fine fraction. Try to find one in florist shops or, again, on the Internet.

Sand ceremony or, in the original, The Unity Sand Ceremony (literally “unifying sand ceremony”) - a beautiful rite that symbolizes the unification of two loving people, their lives and hearts.

Since ancient times, the Sand Ceremony has been performed during weddings in Hawaii. In areas where there is no shortage of beautiful beaches, it is customary to celebrate a wedding on the ocean. It is quite natural that beach sand in Hawaii has become an indispensable attribute wedding celebration. In addition, the Hawaiian Islands, which are of volcanic origin and have several active volcanoes, have many beaches with multi-colored sand - snow-white, gold, red and even blue.

The sand ceremony is held at weddings, regardless of the age of the bride and groom - this may be the first “green” wedding, or maybe even “ silver wedding", "golden wedding", any other memorable date for two lovers. The beauty and solemnity of the moment will be emphasized by appropriate music - a guest saxophone, violin. It is advisable to take care of the appropriate design - an arch, stands as for exit registration, the minimum option is a small table with a light tablecloth, a figurine or a small bouquet of flowers.

What's the point sand ceremony?

So, there are three vessels on the newlyweds’ table. Two of them contain sand, while the third - the most beautiful - is intended for storing sand mixture. We recommend choosing sand in contrasting colors: a combination of pink and green, white and blue, lilac and white, your choice. The more contrasting the color combination, the more interesting the sand mixture looks in a common vessel. One vessel symbolizes everything connected with the bride’s past, present and future, her thoughts, feelings and expectations. The other vessel symbolizes the groom's life experiences, hopes and aspirations. In the middle, between the newlyweds, there is a third vessel, empty.

The presenter takes the floor:

- "Now we will seal the union, which symbolizes the union of two individuals, two vessels with sand. One represents the groom, and everything that he was, who he is now, and who he will become in the future. The second vessel symbolizes the bride, and that's it, who she was, who she is now, and who she will become in the future.

And, just as sands from two different vessels are combined in one vessel, the newlyweds cease to exist separately, turning into a single whole,”

Followed by key moment ceremony: the newlyweds simultaneously pour sand into one vessel - one after another. If the bride and groom take turns pouring sand at short intervals, the sand will form beautiful pattern, where a stripe of sand of a “male” color will alternate with a stripe of a “female” color. You can add sand at the same time - in this case, the pattern in the vessel will be less ordered, but more picturesque and unpredictable.

Thus, two destinies, two life paths are mixed into one, during the ceremony forming a sandy mixture that can no longer be separated... Together - and forever!

During this process, very bright photos and video frames are obtained, the sand ceremony is often decorated very luxuriously and takes place on the street, at the place of on-site registration, I even watched how, in addition to two cameramen with a photographer, it was filmed using a radio-controlled helicopter with a video camera!

When the large vessel is filled, the final remark of the presenter sounds:

“Just as these individual grains of sand cannot separate and return to their vessels again, so may the love and connection between you be unbreakable!”

The vessel is sealed and stored at the young couple’s home for the rest of the time; you just need to carefully, without mixing the sand, take it to the storage location.

What is needed for a sand ceremony?

In order to conduct the ceremony, you need a vessel into which sand will be poured, suitable vases from which the bride and groom pour sand, and also, in fact, the sand itself.

Currently, there are no problems with purchasing all the necessary ingredients and on the Internet you can find more than one company selling sand and vessels for ceremonies of all shapes and sizes. If you want to prepare everything yourself, then an interestingly shaped bottle with a cork and two vases for sand from IKEA will do; decorative colored sand can be found in florist shops and in the same IKEA.

The sand ceremony is ideal as part of the registration ceremony, in which case it is carried out after the ceremonial exchange of rings. It can also be an independent ritual that opens the beginning of the wedding banquet. We invite our future newlyweds to decorate their wedding with such an original ceremony!

Unforgettable emotions and beautiful pictures You are guaranteed:)

The sand ceremony is a very unifying tradition, because the bride and groom represent two families, which also merge into one.

A little about the ceremony

Since ancient times, the sand ceremony has been performed on the beautiful sandy beaches of Hawaii by the locals. It was there that beach sand became an indispensable attribute of a wedding celebration. But if at one time it had not become popular among Americans to hold weddings on warm tropical islands, and in Hawaii in particular, where it is summer all year round, then this tradition would never have reached us. It’s good that the sand ceremony, familiar only to the aborigines, was quickly adopted by the Americans. And in the 90s, the ceremony became a popular ritual at weddings in the USA, and later here too.

During the Sand Ceremony, the newlyweds pour sand of two colors into a beautiful vessel, which symbolizes the union of two lives into one. You need 3 vessels (one for the bride, one for the groom, the third for everyone) and sand of two or more colors (if you want to make a more complex design). All this can be easily found in decorative and florist stores. During the ceremony, you can say vows of love to each other or ask one of the guests to give an accompanying speech. You can pour sand either together or one at a time, then the pattern will be more orderly.

Buy sand in two of your favorite colors or shades of your wedding so that the ceremony is in harmony with the overall style of the wedding. It is advisable that the colors of the sand be contrasting so that when mixed, the pattern appears. You can have your names and wedding date engraved on the shared vessel.

The bride and groom should have vessels with a narrow neck so that it is convenient to pour the sand, and it pours out nice and slowly. The sand should be fine and without lumps so that it does not get stuck in the neck of your vessel. If you pour sand one at a time, the pattern will be more accurate and defined.

The common vessel, on the contrary, should be wide enough so that both necks of your vessels can rest quietly and comfortably above it. You can also choose an intricate shape for the vessel. It is advisable to place a decorative napkin or tablecloth under a common vase to easily collect spilled sand, and it will also decorate the ceremony itself.

The sand ceremony symbolizes the union of two different people into a single whole - into a family. An excellent place for a unique ceremony is the Hawaiian Islands, this is where this tradition came to us. If you are going to Honeymoon to the sunny paradise beaches, then be sure to fasten family bonds this sacrament.

The name "sand ceremony" is associated with a sandy place. Such an unusual event would be more appropriate to hold on a golden sandy beach, on the ocean shore. Since the tradition is borrowed, there are a great many variations, but sand remains the main active ingredient.

The mystery of the sand wedding ceremony consists in the fact that the bride and groom pour sand colored in different colors, into one large transparent jug. Based on the resulting unique sand pattern, shamans of Hawaiian tribes can predict the future of a family. Based on the predominant color of the top layer, they judge what gender the first-born of a young family will have; by analyzing the pattern on the side of the jug, the shaman will predict who will lead the family.

Several rituals are performed over a vessel with sand with spells for a long life, for the health of future children, for the strength of the union. Shamans know how to ward off evil spirits with incantations. The enchanted vessel must be kept at home in a visible place; it will not only remind you of a heavenly holiday, but will also protect your family from betrayal.

How to conduct a sand ceremony?

If you decide to conduct a ritual with sand vessels not on the traditional island of Haiti, then any sea or river beach will do. Take care of an impromptu gate made of white cloth, decorate everything with bright fresh flowers.

This ceremony can be included in the overall wedding scenario or held separately on the second day of the festivities. You determine the number of guests yourself - maybe it will be your closest relatives or a cheerful group of peers.

If you cannot find a shaman who will conduct the ceremony in accordance with all the rules, then invite a leader. Every action you take should be spoken out and carried out to thunderous applause. Often, witnesses encourage the newlyweds to pour out the sand faster. Different jokes and interpretations of the resulting pattern on each side of the vessel would be appropriate.

The music for the sand ceremony should be special - romantic and at the same time solemn. A melody performed by an orchestra would be perfect. After all, it is live music that instills awe in hearts and gives an unusual atmosphere to the ceremony.

To realize your idea of ​​uniting your family, prepare accessories for the sand ceremony; you will need sand of two different contrasting colors and dishes.

You can find colored sand in gift shops or craft stores. You can also prepare colored sand yourself, for example, by mixing it with crushed colored chalk. Sand drawings made of pink and blue flowers, which symbolize the male and female gender. Perhaps you will choose a different palette: lilac-yellow, red-white, blue-green, etc.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need two identical vessels with a narrow neck, it is better that they are transparent. Decorate each vessel individually with the symbols of the bride and groom. For example, you can glue a mini veil to one vessel and a butterfly to another. You can stick the abbreviations of the bride and groom on each vessel, decorate it with rhinestones and other elements, it all depends on your imagination.

Prepare another glass container bigger size. Find original way To solve this problem, for example, an exquisite hollow heart made of glass or an unusual aquarium in the shape of a wine glass, a twisted vase is suitable. Keep in mind that you will keep this accessory in a visible place at home, so try to give it a decorative look.

An alternative to a sand ceremony is to mix small mementos from your pre-wedding life. Each spouse prepares their own box of valuables (small photos, pendants, rings, figurines) and then solemnly put all the items into a large common box.

The most fun alternative would be to mix drinks of different colors into a single cocktail; only the newlyweds should drink it and not treat any of the guests from their family.