DIY snowflakes or what you can make snowflakes from. Snowflakes from threads: master class DIY snowflakes from pompoms

New Year's toy"Snowflake on a template." Master class with step by step photos.

Komolova Anna Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, head of the “Knot Fantasy” studio of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Palace of Children and Youth Creativity”, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol.
This master class is intended for children 6-10 years old, teachers and parents.
Purpose: A wonderful decoration for the New Year tree, it can be used as a decorative element for compositions.
Target: making snowflakes from textile material using a template.
teach the technology of making a multi-beam snowflake using a template;
develop thinking and counting skills up to 9;
cultivate accuracy in work.
The hedgehog looks at the snowflakes:
“These,” he thinks, “are hedgehogs...
White, spiny
And besides, they are volatile.
Spider on a web
He also looks at the snowflakes:

Look how brave they are
These flies are white! (A. Usachev)

New Year! A holiday that evokes a creative search for simple but effective toys to decorate your home and Christmas tree.
On one of these pre-holiday days, the children and I came up with an idea new snowflake from thick threads or yarn.

We did it... We admired it enough and decided to continue using it. It's simple, but you need to be able to count to...9 correctly.
To complete the work we will need: textile material (thick threads or cotton yarn), plastic or cardboard template (we took a ring for storing pins), 20 pins, PVA glue diluted with water (1:1), glue brush. If desired, you can complement the work with beads, beads and sequins.
Stage 1 of work.
We secure the thread from the skein to the template on the wrong side with tape.

Then with front side hook the thread onto the pin. This is the zero point.

Count 9 pins clockwise and hook the thread to the last one. Now this pin will be 0. From it we count 9 pins clockwise.

Let's pay attention to the picture: you don't have to count the pins, but use the pattern indicated by the arrow...
And so we fill all the pins in one layer.

Option: first string beads or small beads onto a thread and complete the work of filling the template with an even distribution of beads.

Difficulties: if wound incorrectly, the result is a clumsy snowflake
To correct: remove the thread from the template and wind it again with a more precise recalculation.
Stage 2 of work.
Place the completed pieces on a plate and carefully coat each thread with glue.

Leave the glued snowflakes to dry for 5-8 hours. We remove the dried snowflakes from the templates by removing the pins and place them in accordance with our imagination.

Difficulties: The snowflake is soft and does not hold its shape.
To correct: glue a second time with a stronger glue solution.
We use these snowflakes in different ways during our studio classes.

Thank you for your attention! Happy New Year and Christmas!

Making snowflakes from threads (with photo)

New Years is soon! We will decorate the room and, of course, the Christmas tree! We talked earlier, and today we will talk about how to make a snowflake out of… threads!

I found a charming snowflake made of threads on the Internet - great craft for the New Year or a DIY gift. Below detailed description master class in pictures creating this winter beauty!

To make snowflakes we will need

  1. Knitting
  2. Scissors
  3. Cardboard
  4. Eyes
  5. Hook

Detailed master class with photos

Step 1. We make a blank from cardboard as for a pompom. We cut out two rings from thick cardboard and also make a round cutout in the middle. We make a cut in the circle to make it convenient to wind the thread. We wind the thread gradually evenly tightly, first in one direction, then in the other. I ended up with two layers of thread. The width of my cardboard is 5 cm, so the finished snowflake is 10 cm wide.

Step 2. We cut the thread along the edge of the cardboard, being careful that the threads do not fall apart.


Step 3. We insert a thread 40 cm long between the cardboards, tighten it and tie it tightly into two knots, leaving the ends, which will later become a loop.


Step 4. We form six or eight rays from the resulting pompom, tying the rays along the edges with a thread of the same color. We make sure that the thread on which the snowflake will hang is inside one of the rays and comes out of it.


Step 5. If you wish, you can create a snowflake face from threads. We make a nose using threads and a hook. We knit a chain of two air loops. Then we make 6 single crochets in the first loop, closing the circle. We make a lifting loop and knit 6 more single crochets in a circle, also completing the circle.

Step 6. We attach the nose to the center of the snowflake by pulling the ends of the thread through the middle to the back side and tying two knots there. We hide the ends.


The last step. We attach a mouth under the nose. I made it from red thread. I tied two knots in the middle of a piece of thread. I hid the ends in the middle of the snowflake (like a nose). I attached the nose and mouth with glue. At first I wanted to make the eyes out of cardboard, but I decided that store-bought ones would look more elegant :)

This snowflake now lives in my house :)


Big variety snowflake patterns on our .

P O P U L A R N O E:


    (translated from English as “twisting”) is the creation using special balls different figures and sculptures. Crafts from balloons can be very diverse. You can make anything you can think of: flowers, animals, garlands, hats and even clothes.

There is a more alternative and acceptable option Christmas tree decorations purchased in a store that will allow you to decorate your apartment in accordance with modern standards. To do this, you can make your own crafts, decorations, and much more. DIY Christmas decorations look quite beautiful, have some creativity and inspire you to come up with new ideas.

The decoration of a room, apartment or your office can be organized based on the creation of various snowflakes toys from scrap materials. You can do this with your child, friends, and employees. In the latter case, company managers can use this technique to raise the corporate spirit of their employees.

As the main materials, you can use paper, cardboard, PVA glue and much more. But our task is based on making snowflakes from PVA glue without spending a lot of time, not counting the drying time. You can create many others from PVA interesting toys, everything that your imagination is capable of, you can turn into reality.

Instructions for making snowflakes

New Year's decorations made from glue have many advantages: it is a hypoallergenic structure, an unbreakable design, and the possibility of quick production. You don't need to spend a lot of time to complete the work.

The most important thing is to do everything sequentially, first we need:

Snowflake patterns
PVA glue
Transparent oilcloth
Glitter or any other materials for decoration
Thread, needle, tape, wire

You can make templates yourself or download them on the Internet, it all depends on your desire. In fact, creating your own creative stencils can be much faster and more interesting. In the same way, you can make various figures to decorate the Christmas tree. If you are going to attach the resulting decorations to windows, then you should wipe them off from excess moisture in advance so that the tape sticks better.

1. Cover the resulting ones with transparent film and gradually apply glue. The layer should be as thick as possible, but the width should not be large. It is best to buy glue with a thick consistency, so the snowflakes will turn out voluminous.
2. After you have received the snowflake, you need to sprinkle it with glitter before it dries. They will stick instantly. After drying, the glitter will not fall off. These decorative elements can be replaced with metal shavings, semolina or finely chopped pieces of tinsel.
3. It takes about a day for a PVA snowflake to dry. In this case, there is no need to rush in this case, since if the glue inside does not dry out, damage may occur and your snowflake will lose its structure.

There are a considerable number of videos and master classes on the Internet that will help you cope with the implementation of the task. In fact, this is one of the most simple ways do interesting decorations on the windows. Their main advantage is that they do not get wet from condensation that accumulates on the glass.

Making snowflakes from PVA is as easy as shelling pears, but decorating them correctly and covering them with glitter is quite difficult. Therefore, this procedure must be approached with special responsibility. Once you have completed everything, the stencils can be hidden until next year.

How to make the right snowflake mounts

The advantages of dried PVA are that it has a dense structure and the fastening used does not violate its structure. At the same time, snowflakes hanging on threads white seem as if they are floating in the air. To complete the task, you will need a needle, which you use to make a small hole and pass the thread through. This way you get the optimal toy for the Christmas tree.

To decorate the window, you don’t have to make these holes; you can use tape. To do this, wipe the glass with a dry cloth and fix the resulting snowflakes. In fact, the panel of snowflakes turns out spectacular. Especially when the garlands are lit at night, the sparkles shimmer and create some enchanting atmosphere.

Storing PVA snowflakes

To organize all storage conditions, you do not need any special skill. First of all, you can use a bag in which you can put all the snowflakes until next year, but there is a possibility that some elements of the toy will be damaged. Therefore, it is best to find a small box. We fold each snowflake alternately with a napkin, this way you can protect the sparkles from mixing.

Receipts should be stored next to Christmas decorations, away from heat. That is, it is best to put it in the closet. On the next New Year, you just take out your snowflakes and hang them up again. Today, this is one of the most optimal storage options.

How to choose the right materials

There are no special recommendations on this matter, but if you are planning to make snowflakes with your child, then you should buy glue only in office supply stores. It is much safer than its construction counterpart. The rest is up to you. You can glue snowflakes in any way, using threads, buttons, tape, wire and much more, in general, complete freedom of action and wishes.

Modern new Year decoration, which are sold in the store, of course have a lot of interesting compositions and beautiful design. But each person can, based on his capabilities and materials purchased tens of times for less money, create more creative decorations and toys. Thus, it is best to spend a few hours and create truly beautiful details for the New Year's decoration.

For the holiday. We take out balls and snowflakes, but how nice it is to hang a toy that you made with your own hands, and if a child helped you make it, then this toy will be the most favorite for all family members. There are never too many snowflakes in winter, so today I will tell you step by step how to make a snowflake from threads for the New Year with your own hands.

Snowflake made of threads for knitting with your own hands - master class

To work you need:

  • yarn white, blue (or any other colors);
  • eyes;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors.


  1. We fold the cardboard in half and draw two circles, a large one and a small one.

  2. We multiply the distance between the two circles by two, this will be the diameter of the snowflake.

  3. Cut out the circles.

  4. If the ball of thread is larger than the inner diameter of the circle, then we put the two cut out circles together and cut out a small strip on one side (we will run the thread through this strip into the circle).

  5. We wrap the entire circle with white thread.

  6. We insert scissors between the two circles and carefully cut the edge of the threads.

  7. We thread a white thread between the two circles and tie the threads tightly.

  8. Wrap the blue thread around your fingers and tie it tightly in the middle with a thread, trim the edges and form a ball. Thread the blue ball into the middle of the snowflake and secure it from the inside out.

  9. Separate one strand from the snowflake and tie it with blue thread near the edge.

  10. You can immediately divide all the threads into ten equal parts and secure them all at the edge with blue threads.

  11. Glue the eyes or sew on black beads (buttons).
  12. Embroidering a smile.

Snowflakes are very easy to make and therefore can be made in a short time a large number of on one piece of cardboard. Instead of a blue ball, you can sew a bead in the middle. To speed up the process, each strand can be tied with elastic bands cut from balloon. You can tie strands in several rows in checkerboard pattern. We turn on our imagination and make a lot of snowflakes that are not similar to each other.