Ninth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens, sensations, fetal development. Embryo development by day and week Where is the baby at 9 weeks

The 9th obstetric week of pregnancy is the seventh week from the onset of conception - the beginning of the third month, when the embryo “officially” becomes a fetus. He doesn't look like a fish at all anymore! The baby begins to form his first reflexes.

At this stage, almost all women already know about pregnancy, many of them have experienced toxicosis. Now everything is gradually getting better - the body is getting used to its new status as a future mother.

Week 9 is accompanied by the active effect of prolactin on the body. Some women still have enlarged and tender breasts, others discomfort subside.

At this time, hyperpigmentation of the nipples and halo may appear (if it has not occurred earlier). In rare cases, scanty discharge from the mammary glands is observed.

Growth hormone begins to be released - it is necessary for proper development fetus at 9 weeks of gestation. With excess production (or dysregulation, sensitivity), a woman’s body parts may become slightly enlarged - usually the limbs, lips, lower jaw and labia.

Don't worry - these are subtle changes, but if you do notice them, you need to see a doctor for checking and possible correction. hormonal levels.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother at 9 weeks of pregnancy in the table.


At the 9th week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches a size comparable to a grapefruit, but does not yet protrude above the pubic bone, so it cannot be felt.

Fetal development

The baby already has the rudiments of all the organs and structures necessary for life. Even with an ultrasound, you can clearly see a tiny silhouette, similar to a newborn baby, because the fishtail begins to disappear.

The size of the fetus at the 9th week of pregnancy increases rapidly, daily weight gain is up to 1.4 g!

The baby is still curled up in an arch, his head pressed to his chest. The lower jaw is clearly visible, but the upper jaw is not yet developed and therefore not clearly defined.

The palms and fingers have formed, and the opposition of the thumb begins. The fetus at the 9th week already has clearly visible femoral areas, lower legs and feet that have begun to form.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, an important period begins in the development of the fetus, namely the nervous system. The two hemispheres of the brain are already clearly separated, the active development of the cerebellum begins - the structure responsible for balance, coordination of movements, and the bridge - the main conductor and “guardian” of the nuclei of the most important cranial nerves.

From the kidneys, ureters begin to grow - “tubes” that will deliver urine to the bladder. The development of the hollow system will not be completed soon, but already now there are germ cells, and in a week the clitoris (in girls) or penis (in boys) will appear.

Fetal development at 10 weeks of pregnancy in the table.

Signs and sensations at 9 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, pregnancy can be determined by any gynecologist during an examination; on an ultrasound at 9 obstetric weeks, the fetus is clearly visible, and the tests have been “streaked” for a long time, so there should be no problems with diagnosis.


Despite the fact that the body gradually adapts to pregnancy, nausea may occur, but usually only in the morning. The skin becomes better, hair and nails become stronger. Changeable mood and tearfulness still persist.

If toxicosis does not subside at the 9th week of pregnancy (or has just appeared), vomiting occurs several times a day and due to almost any food, then you need to consult a gynecologist, such symptoms can seriously harm the pregnancy.


The secretion of mucus or leucorrhoea may increase from the genital tract, if there is no admixture of blood in it, they normal consistency, then do not worry - this is just a sign of increased secretory activity of the vaginal glands. However, if the discharge becomes unusual at 9 weeks of pregnancy (changes color and smell), you need to consult a doctor.

Breasts and tummy at 9 weeks of pregnancy

The belly has not yet appeared in the ninth week of pregnancy, but due to the enlarging uterus it becomes uncomfortable for the woman to wear tight clothes, she tries to relax her abdominal muscles, which is why others may notice an “interesting position.”

Normally, at the 9th obstetric week, weight should remain at the same level as before conception, so if a woman notices an increase, it is necessary to reconsider her eating habits. Weight loss may be due to early toxicosis and usually does not require adjustment.

Breasts at 9 weeks of pregnancy are usually tender, painful and enlarged. Areolas and nipples often darken. There may be no pain in the breasts - there is nothing wrong with this, it’s just that the glands are already in a state of readiness for feeding.

During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the health and well-being of the unborn child, so she needs to lead a certain lifestyle.


Nutrition at 9 weeks of pregnancy should be varied and healthy. The daily diet should consist of half of fresh vegetables and fruits so that the development of the fetus at 9 weeks is complete. A quarter of the diet is healthy carbohydrates - buckwheat, durum pasta, rice, oatmeal and other cereals. The remainder is proteins and fats.

Daily consumption of protein and calcium is mandatory, so the menu should include fish (at least 2 times a week), lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef), cottage cheese (preferably every day, in small portions) and milk.

Be sure to consume a sufficient amount of clean, non-carbonated water - about 1.5 liters per day - swelling is not yet terrible, and the water-salt balance should be under control.


We have already mentioned that at this time in the development of the fetus, the period of formation of important components of the nervous system and other organs begins. Alcohol at 9 weeks of pregnancy can disrupt this process, which will lead to microcephaly - underdevelopment of brain structures, and defects of other organs. In the baby's body, ethanol is found in the same concentration as in the blood of the expectant mother.

Sex at 9 weeks pregnant

At the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy, if there is no threat of miscarriage, there are no obstacles to sexual activity. The main thing is to observe the principles of hygiene and have sex in comfortable positions.

Physical activity

If a woman was involved in sports before pregnancy, then she does not need to stop training (we are not talking about traumatic sports). But you need to reduce the intensity of the load and carefully monitor any changes. If sport begins to bring discomfort, you need to choose another type of activity.

The most beneficial water aerobics for pregnant women are swimming and special exercises to strengthen the back muscles. Even if a woman did not lead an active lifestyle before pregnancy, these loads will only be beneficial. Already at 9 weeks you can do breathing exercises - this will provide the baby with the necessary amount of oxygen.


If a woman still has not registered with the antenatal clinic, then it’s time to do so. When registering up to 12 weeks, there are cash benefits, so it’s better not to miss this time. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations, medications if necessary.

Possible problems

An expectant mother at 9 obstetric weeks may be concerned about the following problems.


Bleeding at 9 weeks of pregnancy, spotting brown discharge, drops of blood - all this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. If the discharge is heavy, you need to call an ambulance and go to a gynecological hospital, where they will provide the necessary assistance to maintain the pregnancy.

There may be several reasons - unidentified ectopic pregnancy(rare), incipient or threatened abortion, trauma to the vagina and cervix, infection.


Often pain in the lower abdomen is associated with increased gas production and relates to pregnancy only indirectly. But intense nagging pain may indicate an abnormal hormonal status, the threat of miscarriage, improper attachment of the embryo, frozen pregnancy at 9 weeks - there can be many reasons.

If the pain is mild but lasts for several days, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist. If the pain at 9 weeks is sharp and difficult to endure, then this is a reason to call an ambulance.

Lower back pain

Pain in the lower back is very common during the 9th week of pregnancy. Sometimes they radiate to the sacrum, coccyx, or leg. This is normal, but to alleviate the condition, special bandages and gymnastics for pregnant women can be recommended.


The normal body temperature of the expectant mother can be up to 37.1 degrees. Did your temperature rise sharply at week 9 without other symptoms? You need to contact a therapist, be sure to warn him about your situation.


If you have a cold in the 9th week of pregnancy, you need to start treatment as soon as possible - complications are extremely dangerous for the baby. It is advisable to coordinate treatment with a gynecologist in person or by phone. It is strictly prohibited to take any pills for this period without a doctor’s prescription!


With normal gestation, studies and tests are not needed at the 9th week of pregnancy. If there is any doubt, a test for hCG, prolactin and progesterone is prescribed.

The hCG rate is different for each laboratory, but the standard value is 27300–233000 IU/ml. Dynamic observation is important.

The level of prolactin increases significantly from the 8th week, it should be at least 34-386 ng/ml.

Progesterone - 37.91+/-4.10 Nmol/l.


An ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy is also performed only if any problems are suspected. The study will show a CTE of 22 to 30 mm.

Features of IVF pregnancy

During this week, there is a high risk of miscarriage or death of one of the several implanted embryos, so it is worth limiting physical activity and emotional disturbances.

Ninth week obstetric pregnancy corresponds to the seventh week from the moment of conception. People around you may already notice some changes in your body, notice sudden changes in mood. A woman’s interesting position can be revealed by severe toxicosis, which, fortunately, does not happen to all pregnant women.

The fairer sex herself is probably already aware of her pregnancy, which is evidenced by many different signs that clearly appear by the 9th week of pregnancy. It is likely that the woman has already visited the gynecological center in order to register and undergo regular examinations with the attending physician.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother in the 9th week of obstetric pregnancy?

At the 9th week of obstetric pregnancy, the baby inside the womb is the size of a cherry. Its weight already reaches 4 grams, and its height varies in the range of 22-30 mm.

The ninth week of pregnancy is characterized by a number of changes and the appearance of new signs. Favorite dresses become tight around the waist, but outwardly the pregnancy may still be barely noticeable to the people around you. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the uterus greatly increases in size. However, the walls of the uterus are not yet too stretched. At this time, a pregnant woman should think about purchasing good cream against stretch marks, which will contain vitamins E and A in sufficient quantities.

Ultrasound at 9 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy is performed to determine how well the fetus is developing. Performing an ultrasound at this stage allows the expectant mother to hear the fetal heartbeat and see the movements of the legs and arms. At this stage, abnormalities in the development of the fetus can be detected, and this will help to effectively and quickly solve the problems that have arisen. The solution will depend on the nature of the abnormalities that have arisen in the fetus. Pathological changes in the body of the fetus inside the womb may require routine consultation with specialists or surgical intervention.

The need for an ultrasound scan in the 9th week of pregnancy arises when a medical specialist needs to use specialized equipment to determine the presence of gross developmental pathologies in a baby inside the mother’s womb. Sometimes such anomalies are considered incompatible with life, and therefore the doctor suggests that the woman terminate the pregnancy so that in the future she can conceive again, carry and give birth to a completely healthy baby.

The ultrasound diagnostic procedure is generally painless, although a woman may experience discomfort when pressing the ultrasound sensor on the lower abdomen. Such actions with the tool allow you to more clearly display the picture on the monitor. Due to the fact that ultrasound diagnostics are recommended to be done with a full bladder, after it is performed, women often have a desire to relieve themselves.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the 9th week of pregnancy

At 9 weeks, the woman’s overall weight may decrease slightly. This phenomenon is associated with severe toxicosis and lack of appetite. Toxicosis in pregnant women is characterized by several unpleasant symptoms, including intolerance to the aroma of food, vomiting, severe nausea (especially in the morning), and aversion to the smell of your favorite perfume. However, there may be another development of events. If a woman has not suffered from toxicosis in the last few weeks, then her weight most likely began to gradually increase, but at this time such an increase is still insignificant.

During this period of time, the pregnant woman still experiences high fatigue and frequent dizziness with sudden turns and tilts of the head. This week, a woman should take special care to avoid fainting.

A subjective sign indicating the presence of pregnancy in the 9th week is swelling of the mammary glands and their sharp increase. These symptoms indicate that female body has already started preparing for the process breastfeeding baby. There is a high probability that the first stretch marks on your chest will appear this week.

Belly at 9 weeks pregnant

At the 9th week of pregnancy, active growth of the uterus is observed. It expands to such parameters that it occupies the entire pelvic cavity. For now, its size is comparable to a small grapefruit, but before the onset of birth, the uterus will increase in size by about 500 times. Depending on the individual characteristics In the female body, the tummy at the 9th week of pregnancy may already be round or not yet noticeable to others at all. In general, the size of a pregnant woman’s belly at this stage depends on the size of the uterus itself, fetal parameters and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Fetal development in the 9th week of pregnancy

At the 9th week of obstetric pregnancy, the active development and improvement of the baby’s brain continues. This organ has already been divided into two hemispheres by this time, and in addition, from this week, the cerebellar part of the brain, which is responsible for coordinating the movements of the little man, begins its formation.

At this stage of pregnancy, more active muscle growth occurs, and the baby’s limbs become slightly thicker. This allows the baby to move his arms and legs and develop some coordination of movements. A more advanced circulatory system in the upper limbs allows them to develop somewhat faster.

The baby's fingers gradually lengthen, and the membranes located between them in earlier weeks begin to disappear. The palms are formed, the tail disappears and the back of the fetus is significantly straightened.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman in the 9th week of pregnancy

A pregnant woman should pay special attention to her diet during the 9th week. Due to severe toxicosis during this period of time, the range of dishes consumed by a woman is significantly reduced. In general, nutrition during this period can become real problem. The expectant mother may be accompanied by attacks of nausea when looking at previously loved foods, and at the same time, new cravings arise for the food that previously caused disgust.

Medical experts advise eating a little, but more often, at this stage of pregnancy. This will make it possible to saturate the body of the expectant mother and the fetus developing inside her tummy with nutritional components, and in addition, effectively cope with attacks of nausea. This condition is especially strong in the morning hours, when attacks of nausea are most severe and acute. For example, it is advisable to divide a portion of breakfast into 2-3 doses and consume it at short intervals.

Features of intimate life in the 9th week of pregnancy

If a woman who is in the 9th week of pregnancy has no contraindications to intimate life, and there are no threats of termination of pregnancy, then sexual intercourse during this period of time is quite possible. However, despite the fact that doctors do not give any contraindications to having sex in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is still undesirable to engage in it, especially if the uterus is in good shape and there is a high risk of miscarriage. Sexual intercourse in the 9th week of pregnancy can provoke uterine bleeding, which occurs against the background of increased uterine tone. If brown or darkish discharge suddenly appears at this time, then it is better to avoid intimacy with your partner. If you notice bloody discharge, you should definitely visit your gynecologist. If the discharge has a yellowish or whitish tint, then it can be considered normal.

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If we calculate from the moment at which conception occurred, then the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy is approximately considered the 7th week of embryo development. And since it is not always possible to determine the exact time of fertilization, the embryo may actually be from six to almost eight weeks old.

The 9th week of pregnancy begins the 3rd month of this physiological process and enters the first trimester of pregnancy. At that moment, it is unlikely that any of your colleagues or even loved ones will be able to correctly identify the causes of sudden changes in mood and well-being and notice the changes in your figure that are beginning to appear. Only manifestations of early toxicosis can reveal the fact of pregnancy to others.

At this time, the woman herself usually clearly interpreted her condition based on the presence of many signs signaling the need to visit a gynecologist.

What happens in the 9th week of pregnancy: signs, symptoms, sensations and changes in the woman’s body

  • Most women in the 9th week of pregnancy experience a regular feeling of nausea, morning (and often evening) urge to vomit. Toxicosis can also manifest itself in the form of intolerance to the sight and aroma of previously familiar food products, dishes, favorite perfumes and other sources of smell. If nausea does not go away for a long time, the woman should definitely visit a doctor, who will most likely prescribe special vitamin complexes for pregnant women.
  • At the end of the 9th week, the woman usually begins to feel much better (provided that the timing of conception is clearly defined), the attacks of toxicosis almost completely disappear, frequent mood swings and manifestations of irritability decrease. Many pregnant women still experience feelings of hunger, heaviness in the legs and constant fatigue, but in most cases the body has already adapted to these manifestations, and the woman is less bothered by these symptoms. Although you are constantly haunted by the feeling that you have suddenly gained weight, it is no longer so easy to climb a flight of stairs, and even walking a few hundred meters can be a bit difficult. These unpleasant symptoms arise, on the one hand, as a result of a significant increase in the volume of blood in a woman’s body and, on the other, due to the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the vessels going to the legs. Sometimes unexpected dizziness occurs after a sharp bend, change in body position, or even a simple turn of the head. In this case, the pregnant woman must be extremely careful not to lose consciousness. This happens because the developing fetus begins to take the nutrients it needs from the body of the expectant mother, and the pregnant woman, lacking them, instinctively increases the amount of food she takes by an average of a quarter.
  • The 9th week of pregnancy is characterized by slight changes in the lady's silhouette - due to a slight increase in the size of the uterus, the waist usually disappears in slender women, and there is a risk of stretch marks. The walls of the uterus thicken. There may be slight pain in the lower abdomen - the fetus may put pressure on internal organs women, which leads to some discomfort. But the embryo itself during this period is still quite small, so that the pregnant woman can feel its presence and movements.
  • Many expectant mothers experience constipation during this period, which often leads to the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones. To minimize such risks, you should take more fermented milk products and regularly practice a special complex of light exercises for pregnant women.
  • External manifestations of this period include shiny hair and a healthy blush on the cheeks of pregnant women. Many representatives of the fair sex experience some increase in breast size.
  • Favorable changes occur in a woman’s behavior in the 9th week of pregnancy: after realizing her new position, she usually prepares the house for the unborn baby - starts cleaning, renewing the interior.
  • The risk of miscarriage is still very high. It is necessary to exclude lifting and carrying heavy objects and prolonged stay in a confined space. If you find any, even the slightest, discharge containing bloody inclusions, you should immediately call an ambulance medical care. You should also sound the alarm if you detect a strong-smelling transparent discharge or uncharacteristic redness. In the 9th week of pregnancy, clear discharge with a neutral odor is considered normal.
  • There may be a slight increase in body temperature - up to 37.2...37.5 degrees. At higher levels, it is necessary, again, to immediately consult a doctor - a high temperature usually signals the passage of inflammatory processes in a woman’s body. Self-medication in such a situation is categorically unacceptable! Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the true reasons for the deterioration of a pregnant woman’s well-being and prescribe adequate treatment and prescribe medications that are suitable for you.
  • It is also necessary to take preventive measures on your own to minimize the possibility of a cold, since even the slightest ailment of a pregnant woman can affect Negative influence on the process of embryo development. And this can manifest itself even 2-3 years after birth - the child turns out to be weakened the immune system and he manages to overcome all childhood diseases.
  • Some pregnant women may experience clear discharge from the mammary glands - colostrum - in the 9th week of pregnancy. This is completely natural. In this way, the female body prepares for the upcoming feeding of the baby.

Fetal development at 9 weeks of pregnancy

The 9th week of pregnancy, corresponding to the 7th week of embryonic life, is characterized by the following changes in fetal development:

  • There is an active growth of the brain, which by this moment is already divided into the left and right hemispheres. The cerebellum, responsible for normal motor skills and coordination of movements, begins to develop. Modern diagnostic medical equipment can already detect electrical signals occurring in the baby’s brain.

  • The tail disappears, the fingers lengthen and they become free of membranes. The palms are formed and the back of the embryo is significantly straightened.
  • Due to growth muscle mass You may notice thickening of the upper and lower extremities. The embryo begins its first movements, which the woman is not yet able to feel. The fetal arms are somewhat ahead of the legs in development, which is caused by the greater development of the circulatory system.
  • During this period, the baby's head is disproportionately large compared to the body. She is constantly pressed to her chest. The face becomes more and more human-like. You can already see the eyes of the embryo, which are still covered with a protective membrane.

  • The lips begin their first movements.
  • The genitals are still too small to determine the sex of the baby with certainty. But they are already working at full strength and, together with the thyroid gland, produce hormones that stimulate the further development of the fetus, the growth of cells, tissues and organs.
  • The functioning of the intestines begins, the first signs of liver function appear. The urinary system is already developed, and urine is regularly discharged into the amniotic fluid.
  • At ultrasound examination you can clearly see the heartbeat. The fetal heart rate during this period usually exceeds 120 beats/minute.
  • The formation of the thymus gland ends, the production of T-lymphocytes begins, designed to protect the small organism from foreign protein bodies.
  • An umbilical cord consisting of 3 vessels is formed between the fetal body and the placenta. One of them has a larger diameter and is designed to deliver blood saturated with nutrients and oxygen necessary for development to the embryo’s body. The other two - smaller in diameter - remove metabolic products and oxygen-free blood from the body.
  • The rudiments of reflexes appear, the embryo learns to use the first of the five basic human senses - touch. The first tactile receptors in the embryo develop on the skin around the mouth.
  • The length of the fetus at the 7th week of life is about seven centimeters, weight – up to fifteen grams.

Diet of a woman in the 9th week of pregnancy

At the 9th week of pregnancy, a woman begins to consume large quantity food. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly approach the selection of food products, monitor their purity, quality and environmental friendliness.

Due to the probable manifestations of early toxicosis, temporary intolerance to specific foods and dishes is possible; on the other hand, appetite may appear at the sight or thoughts of previously unusual food products. Unusual taste preferences and a desire to consume foods in unexpected combinations often appear.

To minimize attacks of nausea, it is better to eat frequently during this period, but portions of meals should be reduced. Especially regarding breakfast. Usually, nutritionists advise pregnant women in the 9th week to break the first meal into 2-3 stages with short intervals.

It is recommended to consume foods that have undergone minimal heat treatment, whole natural products– vegetables, fruits, grains, freshly squeezed juices, fermented milk, boiled lean meat, fish. It is preferable to prepare bread and cereals from whole grains. Such food is much more complete and contains a maximum of essential minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other biologically active substances. And foods such as sausage, packaged pasteurized juices, canned fish and meat, margarine should be kept to a minimum.

Ecologically clean food practically eliminates the possibility of impaired fetal development and the appearance of various congenital defects in the child.

The best, most healthy dishes for pregnant women are prepared by stewing, boiling and baking. It is better to avoid fried foods completely.

Medical recommendations and advice on the lifestyle of the expectant mother at this stage

After confirmation of pregnancy future mom You must register with the antenatal clinic. It is necessary to immediately (and if you planned this pregnancy, then in advance) begin to healthy image life - do not exercise too intensely, eat right, exclude everything bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol (even weak and in small doses).

You should try to monitor any changes in your health, the slightest unusual symptoms. It is very important to take the necessary tests on time.

The first step is to obtain the results of the following tests:

  • blood and urine for the presence of venous diseases;
  • blood - for the presence of antibodies to hepatitis, for clotting;
  • determine your Rh factor;
  • You also need to take a stool and vaginal swab.

After receiving the results of the above tests, the pregnant woman should visit a general practitioner and such specialized doctors as a cardiologist, dentist and ophthalmologist. After which, if necessary, additional examinations can be prescribed.

A mandatory procedure at this stage is ultrasound diagnostics, which makes it possible to clarify the duration of pregnancy and visualize the condition of the fetus and the woman’s uterus.

In the 9th week of pregnancy should be consumed in addition to large quantity natural vitamin sources - vegetables and fruits - multivitamin complexes for pregnant women and vitamin C. This will prevent colds, especially during cold and wet weather.

You should minimize contact with strangers who may be carriers of any infections. Doctors also recommend spending as much time as possible on fresh air, rich in oxygen - walk in forested areas away from highways.

The 9th week is the optimal period when it is necessary to begin the practice of comprehensive body care, which includes activities such as the prevention of varicose veins and stretch marks. You should switch to underwear specially adapted for pregnant women.

Intimate life in the 9th week of pregnancy

In the absence of medical contraindications, in the 9th week of pregnancy, you can continue intimate relationships, using maximum caution. First of all, this applies to the personal hygiene of the woman and her partner, since the slightest infection can lead to erosion of the cervix, which will lead to spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

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At the eighth week, the baby developed a small tail, but now it is falling off. The back straightens, the neck muscles relax, so the head drops. The brain develops and the size of the head increases significantly. Due to the fact that the cerebellum is formed, the motor system begins to function better, the child can move his arms and legs at will. The adrenal glands appear and produce the hormone adrenaline.

The body nourishes the child with useful substances, so the woman’s skin becomes thinner, and her hair weakens and becomes thin and dry. Breast sensitivity increases, dizziness appears and fatigue increases. Over time, the vessels dilate, you can see the vascular network, but it is not as pronounced as in last weeks pregnancy. But still - at this stage it may appear varicose veins veins, so avoid physical activity. Wear comfortable clothes made of pleasant material, buy new underwear that will not rub your chest.

The outlines of the face become more expressive, the eyes become larger, but are covered with a protective film. The child moves more often, but mainly with his hands, because the lower part of the body develops more slowly. Through the placenta the baby receives useful material.

Products containing vitamin C will help strengthen blood vessels. Buy a vitamin complex with a high content of vitamin P and C, for example, ascorutin.

Fetal development

The third month of pregnancy has begun. The fetus at 9 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 22-30 mm tall and weighs only 2 grams. During this period, the embryo has almost straightened out, and very soon its tail will atrophy. It looks like a pea pod. By this period, the fetus’s brain is already relatively well developed, and its lungs and intestines have begun to form. The development process does not stop for a second.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to notify the mother of its emerging needs, transmitting special signals to the mother’s body with its tiny brain. This manifests itself in a change in a woman’s taste preferences.

In the ninth week, the cerebellum begins to form - this is the part of the brain responsible for coordinating movements. The pituitary gland is forming and will produce the first hormones. The formation of the middle layer of the adrenal glands occurs, which subsequently produces the hormone adrenaline. The lymph nodes also develop intensively, the mammary glands are formed, and the genital organs begin to form. But it is not yet possible to determine the sex; you will have to wait until 18-20 weeks. The heart is already beating, the nervous system has also begun to work, but their improvement is still ongoing.

During this period, intervertebral, spinal and cranial nerves are formed. The forearms and shoulders stand out, the limbs are already moving and can even bend, continuing to grow and improve. Fingers are emerging on the hands, the feet are also growing, the rudiments of marigolds appear, which are still located on the inside - on the palms and soles. The baby’s body gradually begins to acquire muscles, and the bones become stronger. The head is still large in relation to the body. By this time, the face began to take shape. Can be easily distinguished ears, nose, mouth, the neck begins to be visible. The child already knows how to swallow and wrinkle his lips.

Another achievement is the emergence of the ability to urinate. The embryo began to excrete waste products into your body through the umbilical cord. Therefore, the load on your kidneys will increase all the time. The umbilical cord became even denser and longer, and the placenta began to function.

Photos of bellies at 9 weeks

Feelings and changes at 9 weeks

The woman feels the changes in the child very well. Can celebrate frequent urination, this is due to the fact that the kidneys are already working for two, and the growing uterus is already putting pressure on the bladder. There may be interruptions in appetite, sometimes it is absent at all, sometimes it appears with double force. Bizarre taste preferences affect not only relatives, but also the mother herself. The terrible drowsiness has not yet passed. There is a constant feeling of fatigue, dizziness may occur, and even fainting may occur. Mood swings and anxiety often occur in the 9th week. The flood of hormones that occurs in the first trimester creates chaos. You may laugh or cry, without knowing why.

You began to gain weight, which means that your body has begun to store fat for breastfeeding. Because of this, you need to start thinking about changing your wardrobe. The clothing you choose during pregnancy should be more functional than aesthetic. You need to give up clothes that restrict movement, press in some places, give up synthetic materials that prevent the skin from breathing freely, causing increased sweating. The underwear should not press either. The bras you buy should be slightly larger than the ones you've worn before. It is necessary to take into account that the mammary glands have already begun to increase in size. Bras should support your breasts, and not restrict them, thereby disrupting the normal development of the mammary glands.

Pain and discharge at 9 weeks

Painful sensations, which can occur at week 9, can most often be associated with a threat of miscarriage. We are not talking about weak, but about strong, contraction-like pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. As a result, blood discharge that is brownish or red may appear. This pain and discharge can lead to bleeding. Therefore, it is urgent to take measures to maintain the pregnancy. Go to bed and call an ambulance, and if possible, have your family take you to the hospital. Bleeding must be considered any blood discharge, in any quantity. Remember that you no longer have your period in the 9th week of pregnancy, although there is such a thing in medicine as “fetal ablution” - a condition when menstrual flow continues despite the development of pregnancy in the body. But in this case, it is unlikely that you would have already found out about your pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen can also be associated with the intestines, in which case consult a doctor, they usually prescribe No-shpy tablets, there is nothing to worry about. Bleeding can also be caused by cervical erosion or some other neoplasm. In this case, there should be no pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the back or sacrum area can be caused by compression of the uterus on the sciatic nerve. If the pain is severe and intensifies, then your doctor may prescribe you to wear a bandage.

In addition to bloody discharge, there is also leucorrhoea. Discharge that often changes its character. In the first trimester they are abundant and mucous, which is normal. From the second trimester, the discharge becomes thinner. Leucorrhoea may be whitish or transparent in color. There should be no odor from them and they do not cause discomfort. Their color should not change. If the leucorrhoea smells strongly, has a different color or consistency, then this should be a reason to go to the doctor to take a smear to determine the infection.

Ultrasound photo at 9 weeks

Ultrasound at 9 weeks

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the doctor will give you a referral for an ultrasound so that you can determine the gestational age more accurately, as well as to see the condition of the uterus and baby. Based on the ultrasound data, the doctor will be able to tell further prognoses.

An ultrasound at this time will show how your baby’s heart beats; now it makes approximately 130-150 beats per minute. He will evaluate the mobility of the fetus, although the mother will feel these movements a little later, but the child is already moving his legs and arms.


A temperature can indicate either an infection or a cold. If a cough, runny nose, or sore throat appears with an increase in temperature, these are clear signs of a cold or flu. Self-medication is now strictly prohibited for you; you must go to the hospital. Before this, you can alleviate the condition by drinking warm milk with butter or figs. It is better to avoid honey, as it is an allergenic product. Also rinse your nose and gargle. Lingonberry and cranberry juices are very tasty and healthy; they also lower the temperature. At high temperature You can take Paracetamol; pregnant women should not drink Analgin. Bed rest is required!


It is known that a child at each stage of development needs a certain composition of substances. If at the beginning of pregnancy a woman’s nutrition remains the same as before. Then in the 9th week, the diet should already be varied and contain all the nutrients and beneficial substances: vitamins, microelements, fats, proteins, carbohydrates. In this case, foods that are harmful to the child should be excluded. Do not drink too much tea and natural brewed coffee, especially strong ones. Because these drinks have a stimulating effect on nervous system. You need to start limiting the amount of liquid you drink now. The habit of drinking a lot and often will most likely lead to the formation of edema. Coffee or tea can be successfully replaced with compote, fruit drink, tinctures of berries and herbs, and rose hips.

Alcohol, as well as smoking, are completely excluded. The baby is completely dependent on you; he eats everything that comes to him from your body. Alcohol reaches the baby in the same amount as the mother took it, passing through the placenta. Therefore, even the smallest doses can cause enormous harm to your baby’s health.

If you constantly feel tired and want to sleep, then you need to increase the amount of iron and protein in your menu. Eat fresh vegetables and, of course, fruits every day. Choosing only those that are in season and homemade. Try to eat less sweets or replace them healthy products– for example, dried fruits. Avoid foods rich in fat, such as lard, fatty meat, mayonnaise... It is not recommended to eat a lot of meat, it is better to replace it with fish.

Sex at 9 weeks pregnant

If everything is fine with you, there are no complications, you feel great, then you can enjoy intimacy to the fullest. The tummy doesn’t bother you at all yet, since it’s almost not noticeable yet. And during this period of pregnancy, women’s libido always jumps very noticeably, so it’s a sin not to take advantage of it.


After you have learned the news that you are pregnant and the doctor has confirmed this, you need to contact the antenatal clinic and register. In addition to the fact that you should now lead a healthy lifestyle, you also need to monitor your health. So as not to miss the signals that your body gives you. After all, it may be that your child lacks some vitamins or is attacked by an infection. In order to prevent this, the main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and get tested on time.

When you first register, you will have to undergo a series of tests: a general blood test, a urine test, donate blood for coagulation, to determine your blood type and Rh factor, also for sexually transmitted diseases, as well as antibodies to hepatitis. You will definitely need to take a vaginal smear and stool test. It will also be necessary to undergo an examination by a number of specialists, such as an ophthalmologist, dentist, cardiologist and therapist. Dad will also have to take part in this process. He will need to donate blood from a vein to determine the Rh factor and undergo fluorography. Based on the test results, your doctor may prescribe additional hormone tests. These tests help assess how the child is developing and give a prognosis of how the pregnancy will proceed.

Helpful information

Try to walk more time and be on the move. Also wear a comfortable bra that supports your breasts.