Tremor in newborns at 1.5 months Komarovsky. Causes and treatment of tremor in infants (chin, arms or legs are shaking). Features of the nervous system

Causes of tremor in babies

In newborns, you can often notice a slight twitching of the limbs and chin. Similar muscle contractions are observed in 50% of children during the first weeks of life. They occur after a strong emotional arousal during: intense crying, strong fright, phase of REM sleep. The nervous system of the newborn is immature, so he is overly excitable, and makes some uncontrollable movements. Such a tremor is considered normal, but in any case, the pediatrician should be aware of it.

The frequent intensity and small amplitude tremor that accompanies crying is a physiological feature of the child's nervous system. So the body compensates for excitement and stabilizes the condition.

Frequent and small tremors are natural for a weak nervous system. But if they do not go away by 3 months and appear for no reason, then it is necessary to think about violations of the functions of the nervous system.

There is another reason for the occurrence of tremor - a high content of norepinephrine in the blood of newborns. This adrenal brain hormone is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain. It is the high concentration of norepinephrine in the blood that provokes a sharp contraction of the muscles during a strong emotional stress.

Tremor can be provoked by various factors that interfere with the normal development of the baby before and after birth. Experiences, stresses of a pregnant woman, poor environmental conditions negatively affect the formation of the central nervous system. After birth, tremor occurs against the background of poor living and psychological conditions.

Head tremor in the chest

Tremor in infants usually manifests itself on the chin and limbs. In rare cases, trembling affects the entire head.

Head tremor can be an absolutely safe phenomenon in the first months of life. But more often it serves as a signal that speaks of a serious neurological disease. It is especially dangerous to leave the baby without medical care if the manifestations of the tremor are intense, occur for no reason and do not weaken for a long time.

The cause of the development of head tremor in infants can be: narcotic withdrawal syndrome, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, hypocalcemia, hyperglycemia, hypomagnesemia, sepsis, intracranial hemorrhage.

Tremor of the chin in the baby

Do not be afraid of the small and frequent trembling of the chin of a newborn if he is emotionally aroused. Tremor is caused by the immaturity of the nerve center of the brain. But if the attacks are too intense and stretched out in time and, in addition, the limbs and head tremble, then medical assistance is urgently needed.

Also, trembling of the chin, accompanied by frequent regurgitation, anxiety, sleep disturbance, are signs of muscular dystonia.

Hand tremor in the chest

Hand tremors are as harmless as chin twitching. But only until a certain time, after 3 months, non-derivative small muscle contraction is not considered the norm and requires treatment.

Additional symptoms should alert the young mother. For example, hand tremors combined with insomnia, increased sweating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are most likely a sign of thyroid dysfunction. The exact diagnosis will be clarified after visiting the endocrinologist and passing all the necessary studies.

Tremor of the legs in the baby

Tremor of the legs in infants is less common than contraction of the muscles of the chin and arms. But this is still the same harmless passing sign of the immaturity of the baby's body. Often, leg tremor appears in premature babies who have undergone hypoxia and trauma during childbirth.

But if the legs tremble very strongly and the tremor does not stop by 3 months, then only a doctor can help. Perfectly helps therapeutic massage, gymnastics and swimming, everything that strengthens the muscles of the legs and the nervous system. If the tremor appeared for the first time, you need to make sure that it is not convulsions.

In rare cases, involuntary muscle contractions are caused by an incorrect structure of individual parts of the leg, an injury.

Sometimes the symptoms associated with leg tremors can tell about a more serious disease. A qualified specialist should diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.

Tremor does not require treatment, which occurs exclusively with fright, crying, REM sleep. But if it does not decrease and does not go away by 3 months, you need to contact a neurologist. It is especially important to consult a doctor for causeless and increasing tremor.

Serious neurological disorders require medical correction, and in other cases, therapeutic massage, special gymnastics, swimming in the pool, and adherence to a rational daily regimen are prescribed.

The mental balance of the people around the baby and the strict implementation of all the doctor's recommendations guarantee a complete cure, with the exception of children who are in an extremely serious condition.

Tremor in newborns is a different kind of muscle twitching that is observed in children from birth. Most often they talk about tremor of the limbs or chin. There may be a tremor of the head - but this is already a sign of rather serious neurological problems, and trembling of the arms or chin when crying, crying for up to three months is not considered a pathology.
Tremor in newborns occurs due to the immaturity of the nerve centers responsible for movement in the brain and the excess content of noradrenaline in the child's blood during manifestations of emotions. And this excess occurs, again, due to the immaturity of the medulla of the adrenal glands that produce norepinephrine.
There are so-called critical periods in the development of the nervous system of a child in the first year of life, during which it is most vulnerable to some kind of failure in normal development. These are the first, third, ninth and twelfth months of a child's life - it is during these periods that it is advisable to visit a pediatric neurologist.
If the attacks of “trembling” last longer, and they can be observed a year or later, it means that there is or was damage to the child’s nervous system during pregnancy or childbirth. There can be many reasons for this - even the mother's stress during pregnancy matters, because the same norepinephrine often “went off scale” in her blood, only this was expressed not in muscle twitching, but in other emotional reactions. And the baby experienced the same flood of hormones, which could lead to an imbalance in both the central nervous and endocrine systems. Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy and during childbirth, and it has a lot of reasons, also contributes to brain disorders. Hypoxia can also occur with placental dysfunction, with bleeding and threatened miscarriage, with polyhydramnios and intrauterine infections. There may be weakness during childbirth. labor activity and rapid labor, entanglement of the umbilical cord and abruption of the placenta - there are many options. All of them lead to a violation of the supply of oxygen to the brain and subsequently manifest themselves,.
Premature babies often suffer from tremors of the limbs, chin, lips, because their central and peripheral nervous systems are initially immature, and maturation outside the mother's body, even with excellent and proper care- that's not quite right.
Therefore, tremor in newborns, although it is considered up to three months not requiring correction, should lead parents to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is " weak link» the child has and it requires close observation. The nervous system of a newborn is a very malleable and dynamic formation, and with proper and timely treatment, it is perfectly restored, bounces back, strengthens - and after a while the baby can be completely healthy.
In addition to the observation of a pediatric neurologist and the fulfillment of his appointments, a baby prone to tremors must be shown a relaxing massage and therapeutic exercises, which, at least in the first year of life, should be carried out by an experienced specialist, it is good to swim early in a special pool, a calm, even and friendly atmosphere in the family .

According to WHO guidelines, a newborn is considered a child up to 28 days of life. This little man is just learning to adapt to a completely new world. The nervous system is especially loaded in the early days. The newborn adapts his reactions to the environment, shows the required physiological reflexes, often he has muscle tone in his arms and legs.
Some signs, alarming for older children, for newborns, in most cases, are the norm. These symptoms include fine trembling of the limbs and chin - a tremor.

In newborns, this is what is called trembling in the muscles. This violation manifests itself from the first day of life and looks like periodic muscle contractions, following one after another. Most often you can see a tremor of the chin and lips in newborns, a tremor of the hands in infants occurs a little less often. Trembling of the head is considered a warning sign: such a symptom may indicate neurological pathologies.

Trembling can be:

  • asymmetrical (only one arm or leg shakes);
  • symmetrical (both limbs tremble; chin and lower lip).

Small twitches do not continue constantly, but occur at a moment of tension: awakening, dressing, hunger, discomfort. In some babies, muscles contract uncontrollably during REM sleep. Non-dangerous physiological manifestations last up to 30 seconds, muscle contractions are fast and rhythmic, the baby is conscious.

What is the reason

Although the external manifestations are the same - a small tremor, but the reasons for its appearance vary. The main reasons why the limbs in newborns are the immaturity of the nervous system, hypoxia, prematurity.

Nervous system

In most cases, the newborn trembles due to the immaturity of the nervous system. The baby is just learning to coordinate its own movements, and with the slightest stress, the adrenal glands release an excess amount of hormones into the blood. As a result, parents may observe a chin tremor in an infant when he is distressed, hungry, or experiencing physical discomfort. In the future, the nerve centers mature, begin to perform their functions better, and the trembling stops.


Insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain impairs the functioning of the nerve centers and provokes excessive tension in the muscles. Hypoxia can happen even in utero: with the threat of a breakdown, polyhydramnios, intrauterine infections, placental abruption, increased uterine tone, cord entanglement. - Hypoxia in newborns - also happens during labor: if the birth was too rapid or, conversely, protracted.


If even in a healthy baby the nervous system is under enormous stress, then for children born ahead of schedule, this load is still increasing. After all, the nervous system of a premature baby has not gone through all the intrauterine stages of formation, and the baby has to adapt ahead of time to the conditions of external existence.

Did you know? Usually, uncontrolled muscle tremor in newborns resolves on its own by the age of 3-4 months. If the cause of the symptoms is associated only with immature physiology, then trembling does not occur in a calm state, but only during situations associated with emotional arousal: fright, joy, change of activity, awakening, hunger.

In a newborn, the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is not the same as in an adult. Therefore, the speed of impulse transmission to the muscles also differs. The faster the impulse is transmitted, the smoother and more coordinated the movements become, and the less likely it is to twitch.

Tremor can be a symptom of what diseases

The place where trembling appears may be an indirect indication of the cause of the disorder. For example, lips often shake in premature babies, as a result of insufficiently formed nervous processes.

In general, trembling of the lips and chin, if it occurs with excitement, crying, fright, in children under four months old, is considered normal. In this case, the chin and lips tremble from tension or emotional stress that has overexcited the nervous system. However, if this happens in the absence of crying or excitement, then it is possible that the newborn is subject to excessive muscle tension - "muscle hypertonicity".

Tremor of hands and feet in newborns- evidence of excessive release of norepinephrine by the adrenal glands. This is how an excessively strong reaction to various stress factors manifests itself. The lower limbs tremble much less frequently than the arms. In the anamnesis of such babies, prematurity, birth trauma, and cerebral hypoxia are often present.

Trembling limbs consultation of a pediatrician and a neurologist is necessary, as parents may confuse tremor with convulsions. Convulsive muscle contractions, in contrast to physiological trembling, are a sign of serious developmental pathologies.

Head trembling, if it is not caused by hunger, discomfort or emotional stress, is an alarming symptom. Especially if such manifestations have not decreased by the age of three months. This may be a sign of a dysfunctional state of the endocrine or nervous systems.

The hands, head, and chin may tremble with these health problems:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • with a deficiency of magnesium in the body - hypomagnesemia, neuromuscular excitability increases, spasms, convulsions and trembling in the muscles appear;
  • provokes the problem of hypocalcemia (lack of calcium) due to insufficient external intake of this trace element with milk;
  • in violation of absorption in the intestines, with stool disorders;
  • elevated blood sugar - hyperglycemia;
  • brain damage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • traumatic brain injury.

treat or wait

Excessive tension and fine trembling indicate increased excitability of the baby and insufficiently formed self-regulation of the nervous system. Despite the fact that for newborns, trembling is considered a variant of the norm, it is necessary to report it to the pediatrician.

Important! A pathology that must be treated is trembling of the limbs in an infant after the onset of four months of age.

Treatment is also necessary if the newborn shakes his hands regardless of the situation, and over time this trembling only intensifies; if the tremor of the head and lower lip of the baby joined the trembling of the limbs.

Contact for medical care if one or more of the following symptoms are present:

  • trembling covers the limbs, face and head, there is a feeling that the newborn is shaking all over;
  • jitter lasts longer than 30 seconds;
  • asymmetrical twitches (chin and one leg or one handle);
  • during an attack, the skin turns pale to blue, the baby is covered with perspiration;
  • the child was 4-5 months old, and the trembling did not stop.

In all these cases, parents need to contact a pediatric neurologist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Medical procedures include special gymnastics, massage, exercises in water, medication.

The body of a newborn is a very plastic system, with proper and timely treatment, many of its functions are restored and come back to normal. If you follow all the medical recommendations, then in the absence of serious pathologies, the baby's nervous system will be strengthened, and the twitches will disappear.
Physiological tremor in newborns is easily treatable. If you let everything take its course, then in the future headaches, problems with posture, fatigue and other health problems are quite possible.

Tremor in newborns, although it is a variant of the norm, still worries parents. And although this is not a pathology, but a temporary physiological state, such a baby requires the right approach.

  • To exclude pathologies and for your own peace of mind, be sure to discuss the involuntary movements of the newborn with the pediatrician. If, in addition to the chin, the limbs and the head are trembling, then the advice of a pediatric neurologist is absolutely necessary. In any case, a planned examination of this specialist should take place in “critical” periods: in the third, sixth and ninth months of life. These are moments of special vulnerability for the nervous system of the crumbs.
  • Minimize or eliminate situations in which the newborn experiences any discomfort. Create a calm atmosphere in the house, eliminate stress factors (sharp sounds, screams, bright lights, many visitors).
  • The newborn should receive a relaxing massage twice a day.
  • Bathe your child two or three times a week warm baths with soothing herbal preparations (mint, lemon balm, oregano, valerian).
  • Almost constant and calm physical contact with the mother is important, especially when the baby falls asleep or eats.
  • Following a routine for a newborn creates predictability and helps to quickly adjust to the transition from one activity to another.
  • Twice daily walks are also required. fresh air to saturate the tissues and organs of the newborn with oxygen.

Compliance with such simple therapeutic measures stabilizes and improves the processes of self-regulation in the body of a newborn.
In some cases, the doctor may prescribe pharmacological agents. The action of drugs is aimed at relaxing and optimizing the access of oxygen to all body systems.

Tremor video

A pediatric neurologist talks about a tremor that occurs as a result of labor. The doctor also answers the question of why trembling sometimes does not appear immediately, but a few days after birth.

Physiological tremor, associated with the maturation of the nervous system and occurring only under certain conditions, is considered safe. Despite this, you should not self-medicate. Prescribing massage or medication is the business of physicians. And parents should pay attention to how the baby reacts to medical procedures, and discuss this with the doctor.

Write if your baby has had a tremor, and what would you advise to do in this case.

Young parents are very sensitive to the health of their tiny child: they are frightened by all the unusual manifestations in his condition. Therefore, when a baby has a tremor of the limbs or chin, they begin to sound the alarm.

Is it correct? What is a tremor? Is it a symptom of serious abnormalities in the newborn? We will discuss all these issues in today's article.

What is a tremor

Tremor in a newborn is shaking or twitching different parts bodies observed in babies from the moment of birth. Most often we are talking about the trembling of the arms, legs or chin. There is also a tremor of the head - but this sign, as a rule, indicates serious problems in neurology, but trembling of the limbs and chin when the baby is crying is not considered a pathology.

When does twitching occur?

Usually, a chin tremor in a newborn, as well as trembling of the arms and legs, is noticeable when crying or after physical activity(after bathing, when feeding, while yawning, etc.). Periodically, such phenomena can also occur during REM sleep of the baby. This condition usually lasts a few seconds and goes away on its own.

If tremors occur at a time when the child is calm, then this can become a signal of muscle hypertonicity and requires contacting a pediatrician. The specialist will tell you what should be done to relax the muscles of the crumbs. As a rule, this is swimming in the pool, regular therapeutic relaxing massage and soothing baths. By the way, they are carried out no more than three times a week, adding decoctions of mint, lemon balm, valerian and motherwort to the water.

How does twitching occur?

Tremor in a newborn occurs due to the immaturity of those nerve centers that are responsible for controlling movement in the baby's brain, as well as due to an excess of norepinephrine in his blood that occurs when crying, fright or hunger. And this excess, in turn, is also provoked by the immaturity of the adrenal glands that produce this hormone.

Especially often this condition is observed in premature babies, since the development of their initially immature nervous system outside the mother's womb is much more difficult than in babies born on time.

At what age does the onset of tremor become a sign of illness?

In the development of a baby in the first year of life, these are the so-called critical periods in the formation of the nervous system. At this time, it is most vulnerable to failures in its functioning. These periods include the first and third, as well as the ninth and twelfth months of a baby's life.

By the way, it is at this time that you should visit a pediatric neurologist. If the tremor of the limbs or chin is observed longer than the specified age, then this may act as a sign of damage to the nervous system both during pregnancy and during childbirth.

What causes tremor

How to deal with tremor in a baby

As you probably already understood, the tremor of the chin in a newborn, as well as the trembling of the arms or legs, is not necessarily a sign of a serious illness. But anyway, having noticed this in your little one, watch him and be sure to report what he saw to the pediatrician, he will tell you what to do.

The calm atmosphere in the family, the love and affection of the parents will certainly help the little man to cope with the problem, and his mother will breathe a sigh of relief. Good health!

Tremor in newborns

Tremor of newborns

Recently I encountered: the small one began to shake his leg and his chin is shaking, especially after and during crying (when he is very nervous). Decided to share useful information:

Tremor in newborns (up to 1 month) is a twitching of the chin, arms, less often legs. Along with muscle hypertonicity, tremor is a sign of increased excitability of the child and the immaturity of his nervous system. These periodic muscle contractions are observed in about half of newborns - as a rule, in an excited state: with strong crying, fright; or during REM sleep (when a sleeping baby's eyes move frequently). In the first weeks of life, they are a variant of the norm. In any case, if you observe a tremor in a child, you need to tell the pediatrician about it.

What is neonatal tremor?

Tremor during crying is a compensatory excitation of the peripheral nervous system to stabilize the condition. Small in amplitude and frequent in intensity tremor during crying in a newborn baby is physiological feature his nervous system.
How long is it normal for newborns to have tremors?
In the first few days of life, small and frequent tremors are quite natural - this is how the excited state of the child's nervous system, which has not yet strengthened, is expressed. More rare contractions with a wide amplitude in most children last no more than a week. In the future, they are possible with a cry or excitement of the baby, with a feeling of hunger and during the phase of REM sleep, and by three months they should completely disappear.

What is the cause of tremor?

This condition occurs in infants due to the immaturity of the nerve centers of the brain, and also due to the high content of noradrenaline in their blood (the brain hormone of the adrenal glands responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses). Therefore, premature babies often suffer from tremors of the limbs, chin, lips - after all, they are almost always born with an undeveloped central and peripheral nervous system.

In general, any factors that disrupt the normal development of the nervous system of the fetus and newborn can cause tremors. For example, fetal hypoxia during pregnancy or childbirth, leading to serious disturbances in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system; birth trauma; mom stress during pregnancy (especially on recent weeks), when an excess of norepinephrine in her blood can have a destabilizing effect on the endocrine and central nervous system of the child.

Tremor can be a symptom of what diseases?

If the manifestations of tremor are intense, they capture not only the arms and chin, but also the legs and head; are not associated with arousal or hunger and do not weaken within weeks or even more so months - this is an alarming sign. It can occur due to very serious problems: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, drug withdrawal syndrome, hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, sepsis, and even intracranial hemorrhage.

Should tremors be treated?

If the tremor occurs only when crying or fright, as well as during REM sleep, then parents should not worry. If the tremor is unreasonable and especially if it intensifies, then this may indicate neurological disorders. In such cases, it is better not to hesitate and contact a pediatric neurologist. As a rule, for children prone to tremor, the doctor prescribes special exercises, special therapeutic relaxing massage, swimming in the pool.

Massage for babies: useful tips

Pediatricians advise starting to massage a newborn after he is 5-6 weeks old. You only need to master a few basic massage movements that your pediatrician will teach you:
- kneading;
- vibration;
- stroking;
- rubbing.
Remember important rule- all movements must be carried out along the joints, that is, from the periphery to the center.

“Before you start massaging the baby, you need to prepare the room. To begin with, ventilate the room for twenty to thirty minutes. If it's warm outside, you can leave the window open.
" ABOUT long nails for some period you will have to forget, they need to be cut short. Do not forget to remove rings and bracelets from your hands - the baby's skin is delicate, you can accidentally scratch it. Before starting the massage, shake your hands several times, and then rub your palms together. Massage must be done dry and warm hands.
“For a massage session, choose a time when the baby is awake and is in good mood. During the massage, watch the reaction of the child, as soon as he begins to show his displeasure - stop.
“It is necessary to do massage in a place familiar to the baby - for example, on a changing table.
“Make sure the baby is comfortable, the sun does not shine in his eyes.
“Do not forget to communicate with the child during the massage: smile, talk to him, sing songs. Remember that massage is not only physical contact with the baby, but also psychological.

« Children's massage you need to start and end with stroking.
“When you massage your baby, do not use powder and aromatic oils. The fact is that they can clog delicate children's pores. The usual products used daily to moisturize the skin of the crumbs are enough.
Relaxing massage doctors recommend doing before daily water procedures. The effect will be especially noticeable for the nervous system of the baby.

Soothing massage before bed

The technique of massaging a newborn before going to bed is quite simple, any young mother can easily master it. Remember that your movements should be smooth. Start the massage with the baby's face, stroke it on the eyebrows and wings of the nose, and then move on to the main exercises.

1. Exercise "Hammer"
Lay the baby on the back on the changing table, grab the foot of the right leg with one hand, and with the other fist tap on the outside of the leg from the bottom up. Repeat the same exercise with the left leg.

2. Exercise "We iron the handles"
With your left hand, fix the arm of the crumbs, and gently grab his shoulder with your right hand. Making shaking movements gradually go down to the wrist. Repeat 2-3 times and move on to the other hand.

3. Exercise "Watch"
Gently stroke the baby's tummy with the whole palm in a clockwise direction for 5-7 minutes.
This technique is especially recommended for children who have problems with the intestines.

4. Muscle relaxation exercise
With one hand, hold the baby by the foot, with the other, grab the leg from below. With the help of shaking movements, all the muscles go in the direction from the hip to the heel.

5. Exercise "Toptyzhka"
Put the baby on the tummy and knead the buttocks with your fists. It is advisable to put some bright toy in front of the baby before this exercise in order to engage the muscles of the back and neck.

6. Exercise "Herringbone"
With your palms, stroke the back of the child in the direction from the back to the coccyx and herringbone in relation to the spine.

Video with massage and bathing.