Synopsis of a psycho-correctional lesson (using elements of sand therapy and psycho-gymnastics) "Transformation of the sand country". Lesson on sand therapy in the senior group outline of the lesson (senior group) on the topic Sand therapy in the senior group

One of the methods of analytical psychotherapy - sand therapy - allows you to develop the child's imagination, normalize the psycho-emotional state, activate adaptive functions at any age. Art therapists, business coaches, correctional teachers use sand therapy in preschool educational institutions - preschool institutions. To solve each specific problem, various methods of sand therapy are used.

Sand treatment is one of the areas art-therapy.

K. Jung and his followers are traditionally considered the "father" of sand games or sandplay. K.Jung developed the technique of active imagination, which is considered the theoretical basis. emergence sandplay began in the 1920s with Charlotte Buhler's development of the "World Test" which was successfully used as a diagnostic tool in child psychiatry.

In 1930, a new technique appeared, which was implemented by Margaret Lowenfeld, who founded the London Institute, it was she who first placed toy figures in matter. This technique was borrowed from the "world test" Margaret's wards created entire large-scale compositions in the sandbox and called them "My peace". Thanks to this, a new method appeared, called "world technology". The successor of this method in the 50s was the follower of K. Jung, Dora Kalff, combining the "world technique" and the Jungian direction, and thereby creating sand therapy.

Dora Kalff's discovery was that sand images created by children can become a reflection of their thoughts and experiences. Application of this useful The technique has been tested not only on young patients, but also on mature people.

In sandplay, they are used as non-verbal means (when creating a plot) and verbal ( history about the finished picture or inventing a fairy tale that reveals the essence of creation). This method is actively used art- therapists, Helstat specialists, family and child psychotherapists, educators and speech therapist in dow.

Method features

The method is suitable for all age groups. As soon as a person dips his palms into the material, his imagination begins to draw colorful pictures of the golden beach, the bright blue of the sea and the white flakes of clouds slowly floating across the sky. Just as sand allows water to pass through, it also absorbs negative energy. The smallest grains of sand, only connected together in a certain way, allow you to create your own work. They symbolize a life in which a person, arranging events and thoughts in a certain way, gets the desired results.

A complex effect on the human psyche is provided due to tactile stimulation of very sensitive nerve endings of the palms and hands. A state of meditation arises, nervous tension is relieved. According to the images and symbols resulting from the drawing, one can draw conclusions about the specifics of personal problems, identify the needs of a person. Studying the captured, we see a three-dimensional image of the inner world, unconscious problems and conflicts.

The goal of therapy is to develop in the child the acceptance of his own "I", to teach him to trust and love himself.

Tasks of therapy:

  • fostering a positive attitude towards life, towards oneself;
  • fostering responsibility for one's actions;
  • training the ability to trust oneself and exercise self-control over one's actions;
  • treatment of excessive anxiety when planning actions and overcoming obstacles;
  • developing self-confidence.

Method principles

Sand therapy is based on the creation of figures or images on a plane. Initially, you need to test by asking to create your own image and describe it in words. The children's audience sees this as a game, which is actually a powerful diagnostic tool and a corrective technique. You can do it with music or listening to a fairy tale, depending on the task of a particular procedure.

The method is used as an independent or as an integral part of the following areas of treatment:

  • sand art therapy;
  • psychology;
  • speech therapy;
  • development of speech, writing, counting, memory and attention;
  • therapy aimed at developing self-awareness, self-respect;
  • identifying negative thoughts, learning to cope with them;
  • impact on several family members in order to correct behavioral disorders;
  • child psychoanalysis.

Method capabilities

Sand therapy in kindergarten will allow you to cook the very first dinner, build your first house. Being a reflection of the inner world, sand therapy provides the following points:

  1. Creates a natural comfortable environment for the creativity of the child, which stimulates his creative activity.
  2. Revives abstract images, simplifies the ability to understand the addition of letters - into words, numbers - into mathematical operations.
  3. Gives children the opportunity to "live" the situation together with the heroes of fairy tales.
  4. Provides a transition from reality to a fairy tale, makes it possible to check the correctness of the decision in a given situation.

Children with speech disorders have complex emotional disorders, which is expressed in the discrepancy between emotional reactions to a specific situation. This complicates contact with peers, leads to hyperactivity or tightness. This gives rise to the need to include a wide variety of methods in working with children. It has been proven that sand therapy allows you to develop communication skills, teaches you to express and understand yourself, your feelings.

Indications for therapy

There are the following indications for sand therapy:

  • experiencing an age crisis;
  • inability to put into words their experiences;
  • the presence of psychological trauma;
  • inability to independently make a decision;
  • delayed psychoverbal development;
  • emotional retardation, "poorness";
  • psychotherapy of various addictions;
  • reducing tension;
  • development of all kinds of sensitivity;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • expanding horizons;
  • increased anxiety, emotional lability.

Relevance sandplay is very high these days. Through tactile Feel not only speech and cognition develop, but also children get rid of unmotivated aggression, the teacher begins to understand his pupils better.

Psychotherapy distributed with the help of sand kindergartens and schools are not universal, but soon this technique will be mandatory for all educationalinstitutions from providing special equipment. It is important to apply this method in working with children with features having onr,zpr, violations vision, cerebral palsy, the disabled. It is enough just to give such children the inclination to build, and they will already begin to create entire universes.


  • attention deficit, hyperactivity;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • psychiatric illnesses;
  • increased anxiety;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • dust allergic reactions;
  • lung diseases;
  • skin diseases and hand injuries.

Psychotherapists use the method with children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Class equipment

The following devices are used for the healing game:

  • a waterproof box, the walls of which are painted blue, and the bottom is blue;
  • a special sandbox that changes color - a tablet;
  • clean sand, which during certain games must be moistened;
  • a set of figurines symbolizing buildings, people, animals, cars;
  • symbolic objects that will denote wishes made, chests with treasures, treasures;
  • fairy tale characters - good and evil;
  • religious items and souvenirs;
  • natural objects - shells, twigs, cones;
  • housewares;
  • bolts, screws;
  • plastic letters and numbers, geometric shapes.

After testing, learning games for preschoolers begin according to needs, age, identified violations, cognitive disorders.

In the future, you can connect interactive, developing activities, and only then - projective games, exercises.

Requirements for a teacher

Starting the game, small hands come into contact with a unique universe. It is necessary to create a friendly, trusting environment, take into account all the nuances of the voice, its timbre, observe the following important parameters:

Sand therapy for preschool children develops fine motor skills of the hand, stimulates blood circulation in the brain, speeds up mental processes, and normalizes psychological reactions. It is necessary to connect the methods of color therapy to this process, since they are powerful signals for the development of personality.

Game techniques

What you need for sand therapy at home

If parents want to organize sandplay Houses, then for this they need:

  • pallet;
  • sand;
  • miniature figurines;
  • Pebbles, plants, etc. to create a specific landscape.

Depending on the tasks set, sand therapy can take place in the form of games aimed at:

  • phonemic development;
  • correction of pronunciation of sounds;
  • literacy training;
  • educational games;
  • family sand therapy;
  • projection games.

The lesson includes the following plan:

  1. We introduce the baby to the sandbox, explain that the blue side symbolizes the sky, that you can create any kind of terrain: mountains, deserts, and by pushing the sand apart - the blue sea.
  2. We give you the opportunity to hold in your hands a collection of geometric shapes, animals, household items.
  3. The figures that the baby chooses symbolize his condition today. The most important thing is to ask him to tell what he thinks about the chosen figures.
  4. We carefully observe the baby: how he enters the situation, with whom he identifies himself.
  5. We teach the child to respect the material.
  6. We formulate the topic at the beginning of sand therapy, conduct classes according to the plan, and after its completion it is important to draw a conclusion about the work done, put all the used objects and toys in their places, and clean up after themselves.

Games for the development of auditory attention and memory

  • Games aimed at increasing vocabulary, building detailed phrases.

By the age of three, a person pronounces basic words correctly. Some children speak indistinctly, swap syllables and letters in words, put stresses incorrectly. In the case of an inattentive attitude to problems with speech, by the age of 5, he understands that he is speaking incorrectly and begins to be embarrassed about this, withdraws into himself. You can arrange speech games in the sand. To do this, children draw letters, learn to build syllables and pronounce them loudly or quietly, in a singsong voice, in a whisper.

Having put different figures in the container, we teach the child to name animals, write - what letter his name begins with, and what sounds these animals make. You can play tic-tac-toe.

  • Cognitive geographic games in the sand.

After simple games with building houses, rivers, seas and boats on them, we begin to develop spatial thinking. For classes, a map of the world or continents made independently in the form of a puzzle is suitable. To do this, you need to purchase two identical geographical maps in the store and divide one into 4-6 fragments. We give the baby a sample card and offer to fold the puzzle. Gradually we begin to add continents, oceans. Then we complicate the game by making a "sea" at the bottom of the sandbox, pushing the sand apart. During the game, we pronounce the names of countries, their capitals, find out who lives there. For example, in France the capital is Paris, and the French live there.

For each country, we select characteristic vegetation and animals, placing palm trees, elephants, crocodiles in the sandbox. We explain what a tropical climate is, why birches do not grow there. You can make a trip to the North Pole, having previously made a supply of salt, foam or cotton wool for snow.

  • Fantastic games with transformers on the sand.

We imitate the life of other planets, the lunar landscape, star wars, which will be especially interesting for boys, help them realize their desire to be a superhero, teach them to fight and win.

Depending on the age of children, in addition to geographical and fantastic, there are the following types of educational games:

  • historical;
  • find logical pairs;
  • learn to eliminate the superfluous;
  • take a tour of the city;
  • count objects, build logical series;
  • learn to navigate: what is - top, bottom, right, left.

Projective Games

The peculiarity revealed by Z. Freud to attribute one's feelings and desires to external objects is very helpful in working with children. The child is asked to do the following:

  • describe the existing images on the sand and endow them with some qualities;
  • create a single whole from disparate parts hidden in the sand;
  • come up with a story or a fairy tale with characters and objects from the available figures in the sand;
  • draw a non-existent animal, and others.

It must be remembered that projective methods cannot be unambiguously interpreted, they are socially and situationally determined, aimed at studying the child's personality as a whole. Given that these techniques are not standardized enough, they are used for diagnosis and treatment by psychotherapists.

Sand therapy includes a wide variety of individual and collective games and activities. Illuminated boards or sand of various colors are actively used. This will help the child to express the existing emotional state.

A series of games and exercises with sand from books T. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva "Miracles in the sand" contribute to the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, fine motor skills, creative imagination, help in the knowledge of one's external and internal world.

Here are some games:

  • Hand prints. With the help of this exercises The baby learns to evaluate sensations. The teacher or parent shows the ward an imprint of his palm
  • on the sand, the patient repeats the same. The hand is pressed in and immersed in the pallet.

First, the leader describes his feelings. He leads his story about sand, what kind of material it is soft or rough, how he feels small particles with his skin. Then follows the story of the kid about the sand.

  • Rain or waterfall. This game is a good tool for relieving muscle tension and aggression. The teacher or leader says that the waterfall has begun. A small person pours sand on the back of the adult's hand, and then he performs the exercise for the baby.
  • Creation of patterns. Draw various patterns on the sand with fingers, fists, brushes, and then tell what the child sees when he looks at them. This can be both flowers and animals, branches, etc. Such an exercise has a positive effect on psycho-emotional the condition of the children.
  • Hide and Seek. The game helps in clarifying the psychological problems of the ward and helping to get rid of them. The preschooler is offered a choice of several items that he must bury in the sand, and then dig up and tell about all the hidden items.
  • Story playback. The psychologist offers the patient to create his own world, using a choice of miniature figurines. If goal sand therapy - getting rid of aggression, then a small person will choose negative characters and arrange a war and destruction, thereby relieving tension and calming his anger.

Psychologist's advice to parents: how to decipher the signs

From sandplay specialist Ulyana Naumova, you can hear the following:

  • The kid can make any buildings and in the ways he wants, adhering to three main rules: do not pour sand outside the pallet, do not destroy the buildings of other children if he plays in the company.
  • Parents need to keep an eye on what the child builds. For example, if he is building a house, the walls of which are very thick, it means that he has a desire for security, which he may lack, wants to strengthen his internal boundaries so that everyone notices them and does not cross.
  • Power is a symbol of the fact that he does not have boundaries, which is why there is no comfort.
  • The appearance of candles or a hearth testifies to the lack of warmth and care in the baby. The presence of chaos in the child's play space shows what kind of disorder is inside the patient or portends an immediate start to change.
  • It is also important to observe the play of a small person, asking him questions: why did this particular composition turn out, what significance do all these structures have for him. With the daily construction of the world, the baby's behavior becomes better, sleep becomes stronger, anxiety and tension go away.


Sand painting will help the child relax, it has a fascinating effect on viewers and artists. Sand therapy can be carried out to music and allows you to solve many problems of diagnosis, treatment and development of cognitive abilities. At the same time, almost all types of analyzer organs are involved in the process:

  • vision;
  • hearing;
  • tactile sensitivity;
  • sensory perception.

Sand therapy for preschool children allows you to develop speech, motor skills, hearing, sociability, creativity, creative abilities. In addition, it relieves stress, relieves fears, helps to express internal conflicts and experiences, increase self-esteem. Sand therapy contributes to the formation of self-esteem in a small person, teaches him to understand himself.

Summary of joint educational activities for the development of speech through sand therapy "Dinotopia"

Material Description: This material will be useful to psychologists, teachers, speech therapists and educators of preschool educational institutions. This lesson is aimed at both the development of speech and the development of the creative abilities of children.
Target: development of speech, fine motor skills of fingers and communication skills in preschool children.

- contribute to the development of the speech sphere of children
- creation of favorable conditions for the development of children;
- to form the child's communication skills through collective activities;
- to develop the accuracy of the movements of the fingers;
- help children master and develop artistic skills and techniques of drawing in the sand;
- to develop the child's interest in experimental activities, his curiosity;
- to develop the ability to independently perform assigned tasks.

Equipment and materials: a light table for sand painting, an interactive light and sound panel "Ladder of Light", an air-bubble column, a massage ball with spikes, three dinosaur figures.


I. Introduction.
We greet each other like giants (sweeping movements and low timbre of voice) and midgets (small movements and high timbre of voice).
Transformation into fairy-tale characters (rub in the palms and pass the massage ball with spikes to each other, assigning the names of fairy-tale characters).
II. Main part.
Psychologist: Now we are a real team. Friends, and we were invited to visit the country of sands. They have problems and ask us for help. But to get there you need to cast a magic spell. Do you happen to know where magic is taught? children's answers.
Psychologist: Very good ideas you offer, but it's too far. Why do we need to go anywhere? We also have a sorcerer's magical voice meter (interactive light and sound panel "Ladder of Light"). Now I will check if my voice is suitable for spells. My voice came up. Who else wants to know if he can be a sorcerer? - the children take turns saying their fairy-tale names as long as possible so that the light ladder reaches its maximum level.
Psychologist: Our voices are ready to cast a spell, but it's too strong and we need magic power. What can energize us in this room? children's answers.
Psychologist: You're right. The magical waterfall will definitely share its power with us (everyone approaches the air-bubble column and wraps their hands around it).

Psychologist: I feel strength in my fingers. Where is your strength already? children's answers. We hold our strength. It is uncomfortable to wear in the hands. I will hide it in my heart. And where will you keep it? - the answers of the children.
Psychologist: My friends, what do you think, now we are ready to go to the sand country? children's answer. Then go ahead! (everyone approaches the light table for sand painting).
Psychologist: To get there we need to cast a spell. Do you know any spell? Try to pronounce it. - The children say different spells. Do you know why the spells didn't work? Because only one of you said it, but you have to do it all together.
Psychologist: Hooray, we made it! I want to walk around this sand country. What is the sand in this country? - children's answers (we walk our fingers on the sand).

Psychologist: My friends, I completely forgot why we came here. We were asked for help. There are three valleys in this country. How do you think these three valleys are divided? (children name and draw borders). And in these 3 valleys live such cute creatures. (children are presented with three figurines of dinosaurs). Which dinosaur do you like best? (children choose their figure). What do you like about your dinosaur? children's answers. Our little friends have the first sound of their names written on their backs. What are your dinosaurs' names? children's answers. Each dinosaur can only speak the first sound of its name. Your dinosaur is very cheerful and constantly smiles and says - the child, smiling, pronounces the sound "s". Please write this cheerful letter on the sand of his valley. And you always have a dinosaur when it starts to rain, gets angry and says - a child, knocks with his fist and makes the sound "k". Well, the third dinosaur always, when he sees a rainbow, is very surprised and says - the child pronounces the sound “o” in surprise.
Psychologist: And where do our dinosaurs live in this country? Let's draw a house for them - children name and draw houses for dinosaurs. My friends, is it boring to live alone? Who will they have more fun with? children's answers. Good idea, they'll be better off with pets. But each animal must also begin at the sound of the valley. - Children name and draw animals.

Psychologist: But they were still lonely. My friends, how can we help these cute dinosaurs? children's answers. I really like the idea of ​​making them friends. Who will your dragon go to visit? is the answer of the child. Two dragons met and were very happy to meet. They shook hands and suddenly thunder rumbled (the psychologist knocks on the bottom of the table). Now, holding hands, the first sounds of the dinosaur names connected and they were able to say a whole syllable. children's answer. They were so delighted by such magic that they wanted to say hello with the other hand. Thunder boomed. What could they say now? children's answer. And the third dinosaur was bored all alone. Let's go visit him. The third dinosaur greeted one dragon. And both of them were able to say what syllable? - children's answer (continue to add sounds into syllables).
Psychologist: Do we need borders in our kingdom now? (children erase the boundaries in the sand). Our dinosaurs hugged. And what word did they say together? children's answer. We can now build one big kingdom with a castle, flowers and trees for our little friends. (children draw in the sand).

III. The final part.
Psychologist: What good fellows you are! And let's give magical powers to our little friends? Oh guys, we're starting to turn into boys and girls. It's time for us to say goodbye to our little friends and wish them to always be friends and appreciate each other.

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"Sand meadow"

Purpose: to teach children to determine the properties of sand by touch, to activate the words in speech: “rough”, “hard”, “soft.”;

to develop in children fine motor skills of hands, perception, thinking, fantasy;

fix the names of flowers, animals, who screams like;

cultivate careful handling of sand.

Equipment: sandbox, screen, sand bucket, sieve, toys according to the number of children, scoops, funnels, flowers, balloons for each child, a stream.

Lesson progress:

1 Greeting.

The sun has risen (circular motion in front of you)

Morning has come

Morning has come (children waving their hands)

The birds are awake

The birds sang (hands up - stretched)

The kids woke up

Children woke up (children smile at each other)

Smiles are everywhere.

2. We say hello to the sun, pay attention to the ball (what color it is, how many balls, put the balls in baskets by color).

3. We follow the sun to the stream, jump over it.

4. We go out to the clearing, where we get acquainted with the sand: you can’t take sand in your mouth, you can’t scatter it, you can’t eat it. We consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand: rough or smooth, dry or wet, soft or hard.

5. We are familiar with the property of sand. We stroke it between the palms. With our sand friend.

6. "Game hide and seek." We hide, and then we find toys in the sand.

7. The game "Sand rain".

Sandy rain, drip-drip-drip.

You do not drip for a long time.

As soon as it starts to rain, the children hide their hands, squeezing them into a fist.

Each child is given a funnel and a scoop. Children use them to start pouring sand.

Sand rain lei more fun!

Sand drops do not regret.

For flowers, for fields

And for little kids.

8. The sun is peeking out. Closing conversation about the past lesson.

"Snowflakes in the Sand"

Purpose: Preservation and strengthening of children's mental health.

Decreased psychophysical stress.

Development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity.

The development of fine motor skills.


Tape recorder, recording of calm music, sandboxes filled with sand,

small buttons.

Working process:

Children are invited to sit on the chairs that stand around.

Guys, when you went to kindergarten today, didn’t you freeze? (froze)

Why are you cold? (cold)

What time of year do you think it is? (winter)

What about a lot of outdoors in winter? (snow)

And what snow? (white, prickly, fluffy, wet, cold, colorless, crispy, light, beautiful, crumbly, sticky, creaky).

And now let's turn into snowflakes. They are not simple, they do not melt, but they love to fly and travel.

Get up, try to move your arms - they are light as snowflakes. Legs are inaudible. The movements are smooth and calm. A light breeze blew and snowflakes flew. (children move in a circle around the chairs, movements occur to calm music).

Snowflakes flew, flew and flew to a fabulous sand country.

(tables are moved, a mini-sandbox is prepared for each child,

at the bottom of the sandbox, there are buttons covered with sand).

Look - this sand is not simple, it is magical and can feel touch, speak. The sand can show children many interesting games and fairy tales. But first, let me remind you the rules of the sand game:

You can build from sand, touch, rake, but you can’t

scatter sand

Taste the sand

Throw sand

Now put your hands on the sand. Let's stroke it with the palm of our hand, then turn the palm over.

What kind of sand?

Warm or cold? (chill)

Rough or smooth? (rough)

Dry or wet? (dry)

Soft or hard? (soft)

The sand is cool, rough, dry, soft

Let's say hello to our friend - the sand.

Hello sand!

Listen, he greets us, only very, very quietly. Let's cheer him up. We tickle him first with one hand with each finger. Then with the other hand. Now let's tickle with both hands. Now, with smooth movements, like snakes, fingers ran across the sand.

Let's rub it between the palms

Let's take it tightly in our fists - firmly so that not a single grain of sand falls, and lower it, (repeat again)

Exercise: "Find, the secret is in the sand."

Children, let's see what secret the sand has prepared at the bottom of the sandbox (children find buttons and put them on a plate)

Exercise: "Patterns in the sand."

Our sand country is not familiar with snow. Let's introduce her to the beauty of a snowy winter. And draw snowflakes in the sand.

I know that you are good at drawing. I suggest you draw in an unusual way - in the sand with your fingers. Let's draw a beautiful snowflake. (I show the children the technique of drawing a snowflake, using a straight path that intersects in the middle).

Now let's decorate the snowflake with buttons. Great, look at your friends patterns. You like?

Now close your eyes and imagine how the snow is falling and white, fluffy snowflakes are spinning. (turn on calm music).

Now stretch your arms over the sandbox and make a motion as if you are rolling a ball. Let's say goodbye to sand. Goodbye sand, goodbye my friend, see you soon! The sand will come to us for the next lesson.

"Fairytale winter forest"

Learn to speak your feelings

To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, signs of winter;

To promote the perception of the world through visual, auditory and kinesthetic channels;

Activate mental and emotional reserves.


Look at our palms

Find kindness, love in them

Sand world, come!

1. Exercise "Winter is a beauty"

Here is the north catching up clouds,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

The magical winter is coming.

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hanging on the branches of oaks,

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills;

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil.

Frost flashed. And we are glad

Leprosy mother winter.:

Winter is not only a very fun time of the year, but also amazingly beautiful. Poets, artists, composers feel winter, its mood, its beauty and talk about it. Poet in the words:

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies.

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters ...

Composers talk about winter with sounds. Here, listen. This is about winter (an audio recording by P. Tchaikovsky "December" sounds)

What emotions did this music evoke in you?

2. Finger gymnastics "Hide and Seek" (sound)

3. Breathing exercise "Santa Claus"

How Santa Claus blew -

In the frosty air

Flying, spinning

Ice stars.

The child takes a snowflake on a string and blows on it for a long time, watching the snowflakes whirl while the psychologist reads the poem.

Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air.

Lace stars fall to the ground.

One fell into my palm.

Oh, don't hide, snowflake, wait a little.

Fizminutka "It's frosty in the yard"

It's cold in our yard.

So that the nose does not freeze,

Gotta stomp your feet

And clap your hands. The child claps his hands on his shoulders and stamps his feet

Now imagine summer.

The river is warmed by the sun.

We swim, we swim, we swim

We get the bottom with our feet. Swimming movements with hands

We come out of the river

Heading to the edge of the forest Walking in place

4. Sand painting "Fairytale winter forest" (to the music of "Blizzard")

The sky in winter is a different color. Let's think about why it depends: on the weather, on the time of day. Think about how the winter sky will be in your drawing: clear, overcast with heavy clouds, or illuminated by the sun's rays.

Think about what trees grow in your fairy forest. Maybe these are unusual trees.

The child is drawing. Then the psychologist and the child discuss what was unusual in the drawing.

5. The game of low mobility "Snowman"

In the middle of our yard

The snowman stood yesterday.

We blinded him ourselves

Nose - carrots are not forgotten,

And today outside the window

Streams flowed all around. A child with a psychologist play a poem, and then show how the snowman melted. First the head melts, then one hand, then the other. Gradually, little by little, the body begins to melt. The snowman turns into a puddle that spreads on the ground.

6. Summing up.

"Sand painting"

Development of cognitive processes;

Development of attention, imagination, thinking;

Improving the coordination of movements, fine motor skills, orientation in space;

Decreased psychophysical stress.


Look at our palms

Find kindness, love in them

Sand world, come!

1. Breathing exercise "The ball burst"

The cat inflated the balloon

And the kitten interfered with her:

He came up with a paw - top!

And the cat's ball - burst!

The child puts his hand on his stomach and inhales through his nose, trying not to raise his shoulders. The tummy should become round, like a ball. After a short breath holding, a long exhalation occurs with the pronunciation of the sound “sh”. The child should try to ensure that the air comes out evenly.

2. Kinesiology exercise "Mirror Drawing"

The child is invited to draw mirror-symmetrical drawings on the sand with both hands at the same time. This exercise relaxes the eyes and hands. When the activity of both hemispheres is synchronized, the efficiency of the brain is noticeably increased.

3. Psycho-gymnastics. Game "Shadow"

The game is aimed at developing attention, memory and observation. The psychologist and the child are walking along the road: the psychologist is in front, the child is two or three steps behind. The child is the "shadow" of the psychologist. The “shadow” must exactly repeat all the actions of the psychologist, who either picks a flower on the side of the road, or bends over a beautiful stone, or jumps on one leg, etc.

Fizminutka "Sunny Bunnies"

Sunbeams play on the wall

I beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me

Well, catch it, catch it soon!

Here, here, here - left, left!

Ran to the ceiling. The child catches a bunny on the wall. The psychologist directs the mirror lower, the child tries to catch the bunny

4. Sand painting "Painting" (to the music of "Morning in the Forest")

The child independently prepares the working surface of the light table, choosing any of the methods of pouring sand.

Then, to the sound of music, he fantasizes with sand, painting on glass based on the techniques already mastered.

5. Playing in the sand "Who is superfluous"


Magic happens in the sand too - One, two, three, come magic.

Hides animal figurines in the sand, puts Christmas trees and mushrooms on the sand. It can be wooden figures, figures made of cardboard or plasticine.

The eyes open, the game begins. Open your eyes and look on the sand some tubercles appeared: Christmas trees, mushrooms. Wild animals are hidden there. And now you will become a wizard - find out where the animals hid?

The child is looking for hidden animals in the sand.

Tell me, which of the animals is superfluous here? (Goat, hare, horse, pig, lion, bear, wolf, fox, dog, cat.)

Dog (cat, goat, pig, etc.) Why? (She is a pet, and the rest are wild.)

We played in the sand, stroking the sand

Our fingers are stretched, we squeeze, we unclench our palms

We shake off the sand, three hands, shaking off the sand

Let's rub our fingers! three each finger

Turn on the light, close the table.

6. Summing up.

"Journey to a fairy tale"

Purpose of the lesson:

Enriching the experience of social and moral behavior of children in the process of resolving simulated problematic game situations

Fantasy Development

Raising a positive attitude towards moral values

Removal of emotional and mental stress.

1. Educational:

To consolidate knowledge of the concepts of "good", "kindness", "good deed".

Clarify children's ideas about good and evil deeds and their consequences.

Teach special movements and their implementation by children

Learn to draw on a light tablet

To teach to engage in collective activities, taking into account the interests and opinions of other children.

2. Developing:

Develop mental processes (attention, memory)

To develop attention, interest, the ability to emotionally respond to actions, events.

Develop the emotional and sensory world of children.

Develop children's communication skills.

Develop subtle tactile sensations, fine motor skills

Improve positive communication skills

Cultivate sensitivity, responsiveness, the ability to empathize.

Bring joy to work together

Materials and equipment: Laser projector, computer, indoor waterfalls, light tablet for sand animation, sand, Baba Yaga, gnomes, hedgehog.

New educational technologies used: health-saving (fairy tale therapy, sand therapy).

To the music from the fairy tale "Three nuts for Cinderella" children enter the group

Guys, I want to greet you with the most important polite word that is said at a meeting. This word is "hello!"

Do you know what this word means, why they say it?

(children's answers)

Saying the word "hello", we wish good health to the one we greeted, and this is pleasant for everyone.

Do you know how to say hello properly?

(children's answers)

Look, if I furrow my brows and make an angry face, turn away and mutter - "hello", will that be right? Or I will say the word "hello" with a smile, looking into the eyes of the person to whom I speak, slightly nodding my head. Which option did you like best?

(Listen to the reasoning of the children).

Guys, do you like fairy tales? And what is your favorite fairy tale?

(Children take turns answering)

Do you want to be in a fairy tale? Today I invite you on a fabulous journey. Do you want to go with me? Are you not afraid? That's right, in a fairy tale it's not scary at all and good triumphs over evil. And we will go to a fairy tale on a magical ship called "Childhood", but to get on it we must light a magic candle.

But, in order to light it, we need to cast a magic spell.

You are ready?

entry into the story.

Then repeat after me. One - two - three - Magic candle burn!

(the candle lights up, the children go to the ship to the music of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Here we are on the ship. Let's say goodbye to the kindergarten and go on a fabulous journey as soon as possible.

To the music of the sound of the sea and the cry of seagulls, children sail on a ship

Teacher - psychologist: So we got into a fairy tale!

Look how beautiful it is here!

In order not to get lost, let's join hands tightly and hit the road.

Guys, who is this?

(children's answers)

Do you think Baba Yaga is good or evil?

(children's answers)

Let's say hello to grandma, wish her good health.

(Children greet)

Baba Yaga lives in a hut on chicken legs somewhere along the road to the thirtieth kingdom, is friends with Koshchei, flies on a broomstick and threatens to eat everyone who does not guess her riddles. Many are afraid that an evil fairy-tale woman is hiding on the roof, or in a dark corner of the room, or looking out the window, intending to drag us to her and eat us. In fact, Baba Yaga is not at all scary, she is very wise, strong and a little cunning. It helps the smart, the brave, and destroys the evil and envious people.

Well, let's guess her riddles?

Terrible birds flew

My dear brother was stolen.

Nothing will happen to him

His sister will rescue him.

(Swan geese)

He once appeared

In the wood workshop.

Papa Carlo worked hard

Over a toy funny.


Three brothers are building a house together,

Warm, comfortable in it.

The brothers know a lot about work,

The wolf will not be able to get into the house.

(Three piglets)

Well done guys, they correctly guessed the riddles and the grandmother lets us go further. Let's say goodbye to grandma!

(children's answers)

That's right - gnomes. What do you know about gnomes? Who are the gnomes?

gnomes are little people.

These little men like to live underground or away from sunlight: gnomes cannot stand it and can turn to stone at the slightest ray of light. Dwarves always guard the treasures hidden in the depths of the earth. They like to dress in purple, blue, light blue, green and brown. Gnomes can give a person confidence, strength, endurance. If a person insulted or offended the gnome, causing him harm, then in the reverse order, the gnome can send sadness and sadness to the person. Dwarf food consists of wild apples, mushrooms, berries, hazelnuts, and various vegetables.

Guys, this sorceress Night decided to help us. What do people do at night?

That's right, rest, sleep. Now we will also lie down a bit, look at the stars and rest.


Relaxation music on

Lie down comfortably, close your eyes. Don't be afraid, you won't fall asleep. Listen to what I want to tell you.

Imagine that you are lying near a waterfall. Wonderful evening, starry sky, warm breeze. You breathe easily and freely. But our waterfall is unusual, instead of water it has a soft white light. Let the light stroke your hands, fingers. The light also flows through your legs, and you feel how the body becomes softer and you relax. This amazing waterfall of white light flows through your body. You feel completely calm and relax more and more with each breath. Now stretch and open your eyes at the count of three. The magical light filled you with fresh strength, energy and goodness.

Well guys, have a rest? You have become kind and strong.

But the sorceress Night is in no hurry to let us go. While you were resting, she whispered in my ear that she was very sad and lonely. Let's make a gift for her, draw flowers for her. But how are we going to draw?

And help us with this - a magic tablet.

The teacher removes the fabric from the tablet for sand animation

Let's touch the sand with our palms. What do you feel?

I'm pleased. I feel the warmth of the sand. I turned my hands, my sensations changed. Take some sand in your palms, and now run it through your fingers. Do you feel the sand waking up through your fingers?

And now, with the help of both hands, we draw flowers for the sorceress of the Night. For decoration, you can take magic stones. They will help make the flowers most beautiful.

Children draw flowers on a tablet for sand animation.

What beautiful flowers the children drew for you - Sorceress Night. Well done! The night was very happy and for this she lets us go.

Lights up

Let's reach out our hands and make our deepest desire. It will definitely come true!

"out of the fairy tale"

And now the time has come - to return to reality, and with us we will take everything that we liked, that we met.

But in order to return, we must return to the ship again and extinguish the magic candle together.

To the music of "Pirates of the Caribbean" children return to kindergarten again

Let's close our eyes and say a magic spell. One - two - three - do not burn the candle!

"Birthday of the Sand Fairy"

Purpose: development of hand motor skills, subtle tactile sensations, development of skills to perform actions according to instructions; development of orientation in the scheme of one's own body (right and left hand); fostering a sense of joy.

Material: Sandbox, Sand Fairy toy, pebbles, Kinder Surprise toys

Lesson progress

Hello children! I am very glad to see you! Today we will learn to greet you with affectionate words (Children come up with affectionate words for each other and greet each other in a circle)

Children: (Answers of children)

And now let's smile at each other, and our mood will become even better.

Children sit on chairs in a circle

I invited you to go to an amazing country. The princess lives in it - the Sand Fairy. She is very cheerful, knows a lot of games, stories, fairy tales, but she will share everything only with those who will follow his rules. Which one of you guessed where we're going?

Children: (Answers of children)

That's right, in the sand country. Now, let's remember the spell and you can hit the road. Put your open palms in the sandbox, close your eyes and say the spell:

"Entrance" to the Sandland

Look at our palms

Find kindness and love in them.

To defeat the villains

It's not enough just to know a lot

Gotta be active

Brave, kind, strong.

Also desirable

Do everything carefully!

Music sounds. The teacher picks up a doll - the Sand Fairy.

Teacher: Please open your eyes. Look who came to us?

Children: (Answers of children)

Let's repeat the rules of the Sandland for our Fairy so that she makes sure that we know them well

The music stops. Children, together with the teacher, repeat the poem of past classes with the words “It’s impossible here ...”

Warm up

Exercise "Hello, sand!"

The teacher, on behalf of the fairy, asks “gently”, and then greet the sand strongly, that is, touch the sand in various ways:

The child touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one, then the second hand, then with all fingers at the same time;

The child easily / with tension compresses the fists with sand; then slowly pours it into the sandbox;

The child touches the sand with his whole palm - the inside, then the back;

The child grinds sand between fingers, palms;

The sand in response also wants to say hello - sprinkle "sand rain" on your fingers.

Teacher: Guys, the Sand Fairy has a birthday today! And, of course, what a birthday without guests. Let's see who goes to visit the Sand Fairy.

Exercise "Magic prints"

Who left on the sand

Are these different tracks? Maybe it was a bunny?

Maybe the cat ran? Well, maybe a sparrow

Did you dance the polka with a mouse?

Take different objects (for example, molds, toys, jars) and press them against the sand, making a “print”. See what you got. You can also circle the palm (mold, toy) along the contour with a stick. First do it yourself, then take the baby's hand in your hand and circle the palm or object together. This contour can be completed by turning it into a funny figure, laid out with pebbles or stuck along the contour of the stick.

Exercise "Sand holiday"

Celebrates the kids - birthday!

We make shortbread cookies in the morning,

We brightly decorate a sand cake for ideas

And we invite children to visit the sandbox.

Offers to arrange a holiday for the Sand Fairy. Now you can apply all your skills in order to make a "cake". Blind a sand base (round or square), lay pebbles, flowers around, draw patterns on it, stick sticks (“candles”). The sandbox itself can be decorated with flowers and twigs, decorated with figures from Kinder Surprise.


Exercise "Air Ball"

Reflection of the lesson:

Children, I'm in a very good mood right now. What is your mood? Who were we visiting?

Children: (Answers of children)

"exit" from the Sandland

We all had fun

And a little tired.

Looked at the clock -

It's time for us to go to the group.

Teacher: Goodbye! See you next time!

"Journey to Treasure Island"

Goals and objectives:

To help preschoolers strengthen the muscles of the hands, develop dexterity and coordination of hand movements.

Help your child feel safe and secure. - To develop activity, to expand the life experience transmitted by the teacher in a form close to the child (the principle of accessibility of information).

Increase children's interest in such exercises by turning them into an entertaining game.

To develop in children an understanding of addressed speech, to develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands.

Relieve muscle tension;

Promote emotional contact between children and adults. - Enrich vocabulary.

Lesson progress:

Let's remember our rules:

Here you can not bite, fight

And throw sand in your eyes!

Sand is a peaceful country

You can build and create

You can do a lot:

Mountains, rivers and seas,

For life to be around

Do not offend anyone, do not ruin anything,

This is a peaceful country, children, understand me?


Guys, a letter was sent to us today for class,

Look what it is!

The envelope is very large

And it's probably not empty!

In the envelope - a geographical map.

Guys, why do we need a geographical map?

What are we to do with her?

Maybe we should take a sea voyage to Treasure Island?

So, it's decided, let's hit the road.

Attention to the screen.

Slide number 2.

Let's go to sea.

Seagulls swirl in the open.

It will be good for all of us

Float on the waves.

Children draw waves and seagulls.

Slide number 3.

Guys, what are we going to travel on?

Our ship under sail

On the sea-ocean floats,

The island will bring us to a miracle.

Children draw a ship.

Slide number 4, 5.

Guys, look:

Fish swim and frolic

They play catch-up

It's fun jumping on the water!

We draw fish.

Slide number 6. Guys, who is playing and shalya

In front of the ship.

Backs flicker over the water, -

Nimble rush ... (children guess) (dolphins)

We draw a dolphin.

Slide number 7. And what kind of marine inhabitant is this

He lives at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs

This is ... (Octopus)

We draw octopuses.

slide number 8

Oh guys, look what is at the bottom of the sea?

Not moving, probably sleeping.

(it's a starfish)

Draw a starfish.

Slide number 9 Look ahead appeared

Sushi a small piece, -

But it happens sometimes

He is big, and even very,

And there is always water around. What's this? (Island)

Draw an island in the sea.

slide number 10

Guys, here we are on the island. Let's look at the pirate map, if we go here, we'll be in trouble there, we'll go straight to the palm trees.

We draw palm trees.

We draw mountains.

slide number 12

A pirate roams the island.

Looking at sunrise, sunset

Looks under every palm tree

Only one phrase repeats.

He thinks as he looks around:

Where is the chest hidden?

We draw a chest.

slide number 13

Guys, what are the pirates hiding in the chest?

Slide number 14 - It's time to return home, but not on a ship, but guess what:

Seagulls circle above the waves.

Let's follow them together.

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,

Over the sea in a basket we are with you!

Guys, what can you fly over the sea?

We will fly in a hot air balloon.

We draw a balloon.

3. Summing up. - What did you guys like today, what do you remember the most?

"Sand Rain"

Purpose: Harmonization of the psycho-emotional state of children.

Removal of psycho-emotional stress in a preschooler;

Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety, tension;

Development of tactile sensitivity.

Material, tools, equipment: a painting depicting autumn and rain, a light table, sand, paper silhouettes of clouds, musical accompaniment of “Voices of Nature” (the sound of rain, the song “Sand is pouring”.

Lesson progress

Guys, look at the picture and tell me what season is shown? (children's answers). What is the weather like in autumn? (children's answers). Do you love rainy weather? Do you know that trees, grass, and earth need rain? And if you have rubber boots and have fun walking through the puddles, right?

1. Finger gymnastics.

Rain, rain is more fun!

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Just don't get us wet!

Don't knock on the window in vain

Spray into the field more:

The grass will get thicker!

2. Exercises "Say hello to the sand." Children are invited to touch the sand, hold it in their hands.

3. Exercise "Sand wind". The song "Sand is pouring"

Children slowly / quickly pour sand from their fist into the sandbox, onto their palm.

4. The game "Rain".

Rain, rain, what are you pouring? 4 cottons.

You don't let us walk. Floods.

Rain, rain, full of pouring, 4 cottons.

Children, the earth, the forest to wet. Jumping in place.

After the rain at the dacha Walking.

We will jump through the puddles. Jumping over puddles.

5. Drawing.

Sounds like the sound of rain.

We draw long, long lines - this is heavy rain, trickles run;

We draw short lines - this is a light rain, raindrops (droplets) drip.

The rain is getting quieter and now it is completely over, only puddles remain on the ground.

What kind of rain will you have?

Children draw raindrops, accompanying the drawing with the words "Drip, drip, drip ..."

6. Reflection.

Well done, what a fun rain you got.

Did you guys like it?

Look at our palms -

They have become wiser!

Thank you, our dear sand,

You helped us all grow!

Olga Belova
Summary of sand therapy classes

MBDOU kindergarten №11

Occupation to relieve anxiety

"Big Turtle Coast" with children of the preparatory group

(sand therapy)

prepared and conducted:

teacher - psychologist

Belova Olga Viktorovna

R. Ilyinogorsk


Relieve emotional and muscle tension, reduce anxiety, self-doubt;

To develop the skills of interaction with each other, the ability to work in a team, help each other, to be aware of oneself as part of a team;

Expand the emotional experience when interacting with each other, contribute to the emergence of empathy, empathy.

Material: sand, figurines - toys, towels, relaxing music, ball, shell.

The form classes: subgroup (2-4 persons).

Lesson progress:

teacher: I'm glad to see you, little friends (children sit in front of the teacher in a semicircle).

teacher: So let's start our occupation. Imagine that you will turn into turtles…. Night has come. The turtles hid under the shell - pulled in and lowered their heads, pressed their paws to the body, closed their eyes. (children follow instructions).

Turtles sleep well. But now the morning has come to replace the night. The sun's rays looked at the turtles and began to wake them up. The turtles are slowly waking up. So they carefully wiggled their toes on their paws, opened their eyes, slowly raised their heads, stretched out their necks and looked around with curiosity.

It's time to get up - they straightened their paws. They got up, stretched, raised their paws up. Oh, how sweet and warm the sun is! Good morning turtles! (children smile at each other).

teacher: Guys, it was not without reason that I suggested that you become little turtles. Today we will go on an unusual sea voyage. How do you think we will travel?

Answers and guesses of children.


Of course, on the ship! Now imagine that you are standing on the deck of a ship. Our ship is rocking hard. Shift your body weight alternately to the right, then to the left leg. Relax the other leg.

teacher: The sea is rich in various wonders, including fantastic figures.

Game - improvisation "The sea is agitated..."


The sea is worried

The sea is worried two,

The sea is rough three

The figure of joy (sadness, fear, anger, surprise, freeze)

Guys, what different figures you got. And now I see an island, let's swim to it. To get started, go to our sandbox(centre of sand)

teacher: On a distant and unknown planet in ancient times there was no water, but only sand. And there was a huge, huge sea of ​​sand. Now I suggest that you turn into the wind and make waves on the sea. (Children use their palms to create waves in the sand).

teacher: IN sandy there was a big tower in the sea ... So you build a high old sand tower (Children build a tower). Nobody lived in the tower. But suddenly various creatures constantly walked around it. (Children choose "creatures" from miniature figurines, placed around the tower). Choose from them those who you do not like, those who are unpleasant. Explain your choice (children's reasoning).

teacher: Sand the island is very small, but our friends need somewhere to live. I offer to help them make friends. For this I have a seashell. Pass the shell to each other in a circle, warming it in your hands, and tell in turn the rules of true friendship (children tell how to be friends).

teacher: What valuable and wonderful rules. And now settle all the inhabitants of the island in the tower, each where it is convenient for him (children resettle residents).

teacher: And big turtles come to rest on the island. But they definitely need privacy, a quiet place to relax. Take figurines, plants and create your own quiet corner (children create a place of rest, each his own).

teacher: Big turtles love to compliment each other. In order to praise, and we will draw magic glasses on the sand and try them on, and along with the fitting, say good words about ourselves (children draw glasses, as if trying them on, praise themselves).

teacher: Large turtles like to burrow into warm sand. Dip your palms in sand(Children bury their palms in sand) . What do you feel? Are you happy or not? (children's answers). What do you want to change? (children's answers). What is your mood? Do you feel fear? (children's answers) Now turn your palms over to the outside. Have your feelings changed? What about your mood? (children's answers).

teacher: It's time for us to return to the ship and sail home. (children join hands in the form "boats" sit down on the carpet. Passing the ball, they share their impressions of classes)

Related publications:

Abstract of the lesson on sand therapy "Magic Flower" Topic: "Magic Flower" Objectives: -develop imagination, curiosity, creativity; - Expand words knowledge; - develop fine motor skills;

According to world statistics, the number of speech disorders in preschoolers is growing, and in connection with this, the relevance of the problem of prevention and correction.

Sand therapy is a unique opportunity to explore your inner world and the world around you with the help of a sand play light table.

Type of lesson Complex Type of lesson - travel Purpose of the lesson: Enriching the experience of social and moral behavior of children in the process.

Synopsis of OD with elements of sand therapy "Tender Sun" Synopsis of GCD in the younger group on the topic "Tender Sun". Prepared by: Rustamova Natalya Yurievna, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 47" KV Objectives: Formation.


Lesson notes

Lesson 1

Topic: "Sensitive hands"

Material: Sandbox - wooden box, painted blue, it contains sand (dry and wet)

^ Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to the sandbox. They sit on chairs around the "sandbox" covered with cloth.

teacher: Hello children! I'm glad to see you. Today we will begin our acquaintance with a magical land. She is no ordinary sandbox. But to get into it, you need to say magic words and perform a special, magical ritual.


Music sounds

teacher: To get to the Sandland, you need to stand around the sandbox and hold hands. Stretch your arms over the sandbox, palms down. Please close your eyes and say a spell behind me:

Look at our palms

Find kindness, love in them

To defeat the villains

It's not enough just to know a lot

Gotta be active

Brave, kind, strong

Also desirable

Do everything carefully!

^ The teacher removes the fabric from the sand sheet

teacher: We are starting our journey through the magical Sandland. There is nothing here yet, but soon you will become real creators and good wizards, get to know the inhabitants of this beautiful country. You don't see them yet, but do you know why? They are still afraid of you, they do not trust you. After all, they do not know we are good or evil, we came to do good or bad

^ Educator: Residents will watch us a little, and if we get better, then in the next classes they will definitely come to visit us

teacher: Will we do everything right with you?

(children's answers)

^ Educator: Okay, then let's start - We will now play one very interesting game "Handprints"

Game progress:

On a flat sand surface, children and an adult take turns making handprints: the inside and the outside. It is important to hold your hand on the sand, slightly pushing it in, and listen to your feelings.

teacher: I'm pleased. I feel the coolness (or warmth) of the sand. And you? (children's answers)

When I move my hands, I feel small grains of sand. What do you feel? (children's answers)

I turned my hands, my feelings changed

Now I feel the sand in a different way, in my opinion it has become a little colder. What do you feel?

It's not very comfortable for me to hold my hands like that. And you?

If children have similar feelings, then you can discuss how to do better

teacher: Let's "slide" the palms on the surface of the sand. When drawing circles and zigzags, imagine that a car, a sled, or a snake crawled through

Place your palm on the edge and perform the same movements

Walk with your hands along the paved routes, leaving your footprints, imagining that we are traveling with you

And now, with the help of our palms, fingers, cams, we will draw bizarre magical patterns on the surface of the sand

Now we will draw on the surface of the sand separately with each finger alternately with the right and left hands. Then - at the same time (first only with the index fingers, then with the middle, nameless, large and, finally, little fingers)

Let's play on the surface of the sand like a piano

And now let's draw with you the sun from the prints of our hands ......

Well done, and now draw on the sand each of your mood

^ Reflection of the lesson:

Teacher: Children, today we started to get acquainted with a magical land. Learned what sand to the touch. What is the difference between dry sand and wet sand? I am now in a very good mood: I learned a lot of new things. What new did you learn? (children's answers)


Now, my dears, stretch your arms over the sandbox and make a motion as if you are rolling a ball. Now put it on your heart and repeat after me:

“We take with us everything important that was with us today, everything that we have learned!”

teacher: See you next time!

Lesson 2

^ Subject: "Meet the Sandman"

Material: Sandbox, sand in it (dry and wet)

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to the sandbox. They sit on chairs around the sandbox

teacher: Hello! Guys, today sand has come to us to tell its secrets, to tell interesting stories and fairy tales. Here, in our sandbox, lives the lord of the sand - the Sand Man. He is very funny and knows a lot of games. But he will be able to reveal his secrets only to those who are ready to abide by his laws. The Sandman rarely shows himself to people, but if we are real wizards, we can see him.

^ Children. How to see it? How? Where is the man?

teacher: For this we need to stand around the sandbox, hold hands. And everyone has to say their name

^ Children. I am Asya. I am Roma. I am Seryozha

teacher: And now we must tell the Sand Man about our good deeds. But let's agree that Asya will tell about what good deeds Roma did, Roma will talk about Seryozha, Seryozha - about Katya. So we will prove to the Sand Man that we are real wizards. After all, wizards do good deeds all the time.

^ Children. Will he hear us? How? Where is he? He is not visible!

teacher: The owner of our sandbox listens very sensitively to everything that happens here. It’s another matter if he doesn’t like us, if we can’t prove that we are worthy of knowing his secrets and fairy tales, playing exciting games with him, he will never appear!

^ Children. We are good and kind!

teacher: This must be proven! The Sand Man listens to us very carefully and does not trust empty words, he needs facts

Dear Sand Man! I am Irina Evgenievna, I want to tell you about Asa. Asenka loves animals very much, she takes care of our hamsters, always feeds them, waters them, cleans the cage. Thanks to Asya, they do not get sick and are always cheerful. Now it's your turn, Asya!

^ Asya. I'll tell you about Roma? Roma is good, he gives everyone candy

teacher: Sand Man, Asya wants to tell you that Roma is a generous, caring boy, he always thinks about his friends and knows how to please them. Did I understand you correctly, Asya?

^ Asya. Right!

The ritual of "entry" to the Sandland:

Music sounds

teacher: When, with the help of an adult, the guys talked about each other's good deeds, the adult asks them to separate their hands, put their open palms in the sandbox, close their eyes and say a spell:

Look at our palms

Find kindness, love in them,

Sandman, come!

^ Educator: Open your eyes, children!

(Voice of the Sandman)

I listened to you, I heard you

You are so great!

You are magical creators

I will reveal secrets to you

You just need to know about it

Rules of my country

They are all very simple!

I will present them now

And please remember!

Are you ready to listen to me?

So, can we start?

Repeat everything after me!

There are no harmful children in the country -

After all, they have no place in the sand!

Here you can not bite, fight

And throw sand in your eyes!

Do not destroy foreign countries!

Sand is a peaceful country

You can build and wonder

You can do a lot:

Mountains, rivers and seas,

For life to be around

Children, understand me?

Or should it be repeated?

To remember and be friends!

(Several times children repeat the rules for working with sand, starting with the words “You can’t bite, fight here ..”)

^ Educator: Guys, and now the Sand Man invites us to play the game "Sand Circle".

The rules of the game are simple: you can draw a circle in any way and decorate it with various objects: pebbles, seeds, shells, coins, buttons, etc. After that, you need to give a name to your sand circle, talk about it.

You can also decorate the prints of your palms, come up with a story about each finger: who he is, what he likes and dislikes

Before starting the game, the Sand Man tells us that the sand must be wet. But how to do it?

That's right, it needs to be watered. Now get started!

Well done, and now draw each of your moods in the sand. Let's say goodbye to Sandman!

^ Children say goodbye

At the end of the work, the teacher invites the children to wash their hands and sit on chairs.

Reflection of the lesson:

teacher: Children, today we met with a magical country, with the Sand Man. We learned what sand is. What is the difference between dry sand and wet sand? I am now in a very good mood: I learned a lot of new things. What new did you learn? (children's answers)

^ The ritual of "exit" from the Sandland

Look at our palms -

They have become wiser!

Thank you, our dear sand,

You helped us all grow!

After saying these words, the guys say goodbye to the Sandman