Baby oil for newborns: Which is better. Baby massage oil Why use baby oil

Moms know or guess that oiling the delicate skin of a newborn to cleanse, protect and nourish. Tiny children are defenseless and subject to influence from outside, they are not able to take care of themselves. The responsibility for the health and protection of the infant rests with the parents. Careful observance of hygiene rules will keep the baby's skin clean, tender, velvety, elastic, healthy.

Newborn skin

The skin of babies in the first time after birth partially replaces the baby's organs of hearing and vision. With the help of tactile contacts, the baby learns the world. Therefore, it is so important to keep the skin of the crumbs clean, dry, and at a comfortable temperature.

Nature has created on the surface of human skin the so-called mantle, that is, the surface water-lipid layer. This layer is designed to protect the skin from environmental influences, temperature changes, and promotes the production of vitamin D.

Insufficiency of keratin in the skin of infants, a thin stratum corneum, the proximity of blood vessels makes it dry, easily flaky, vulnerable. To avoid irritation, diaper rash, diathesis, protect the baby's skin from birth. Oil for newborns will help take care of the health of children's skin.

What are

Oils have long been valued as the focus of vitamins, especially vitamin E, D, trace elements, and antioxidants. Vegetable oils are squeezed out from seeds and fruits of plants, used for food: sunflower, olive, nut, sesame, cocoa, avocado. They are useful in the content of oleic, linoleic and other fatty acids.

In aromatherapy and cosmetology, essential oils are valued, which are produced by extraction or distillation of flowers, fruits, leaves, rhizomes. They have pleasant aromas. The raw materials for cooking are plants with a bright smell: eucalyptus, calamus, juniper, camphor, anise, oregano.

For hygiene procedures for children and adults, vegetable, medical, mineral, essential oils are suitable.

In medicine, oil for newborns is used on a plant or mineral basis, for example, castor, vaseline, based on sea buckthorn, which have analgesic, wound healing, antiseptic properties. The therapeutic effect on the skin is determined by the substances dissolved in them.

The use in medicine as a solvent for injections and as independent drugs is due to useful qualities. For example, mineral vaseline oil is used as a remedy for healing wounds and cracks, softening hardened areas, it is used to clean cold nose crusts and infant crown crowns.

For babies

Among the many manufactured by the industry, it is difficult to choose one oil for newborns that meets all the requirements of baby care. Each has some useful property, often unique to this variety.

So let's consider the following types.

  • Sweet acacia is a good antiseptic, nourishes and soothes the baby's skin.
  • Apricot kernel oil promotes tissue regeneration, helps with dermatitis.
  • Vanilla - has balsamic properties.
  • Clove oil deodorant, antihistamine, antioxidant, bactericidal.
  • St. John's wort - anti-inflammatory for skin diseases, relieves itching from insect bites.
  • Ginger - softens the mucous membrane during colds, relieves inflammation.
  • Cocoa - softens lips, relieves muscle pain.
  • Sea buckthorn ─ wound healing, especially for burns.
  • Olive ─ light antiseptic, moisturizes, softens the skin.
  • Peach - relieves irritation and redness of the skin.
  • Sunflower ─ moisturizes and regenerates the skin.
  • Rosemary is an analgesic antidepressant.
  • Tui - relieves itching, allergies, wound healing antiseptic.
  • Tea tree ─ against insect bites, anti-inflammatory, strong antiseptic.


The use of oils for the hygiene of the child is necessary and justified. During the morning toilet and after water procedures mother carefully examines the baby, rubs problem areas with clean, sterilized oil. Vegetable or petroleum jelly, applied to a cotton turunda, gently cleans the nose and ears.

If the neonatologist or pediatrician has not recommended another remedy to prevent diaper rash, immediately after bathing, the problem areas are smeared with an oily cotton pad. Temechko, behind the ears, skin folds, neck, armpits, elbow and popliteal folds, groin and ass are also lubricated.

Such procedures are especially useful for premature babies. Lubrication cleans folds and folds, prevents redness, peeling, diaper rash, promotes the speedy healing of infant crusts on the baby's crown.

During the massage, both the baby and the mother are more pleasant if the skin is lubricated. Do not pour oil on the skin of the crumbs. It is used like this: mom puts a small amount ─ a few drops ─ on her palm, rubs it and warms it. With palms rubbed into the delicate skin of the baby.

Baby hygiene includes wiping the folds and folds of the body with oil, this is especially true in the presence of diaper rash, redness, peeling

Testing and sterilization

Before using any products for a baby, check them for allergies. Apply a drop of the product to the child's skin and observe the smear. This test will show the reaction within a day. If redness or a rash appears in this place, this remedy should not be used categorically. Do not ignore such testing, take it as a rule. Allergy is a very unpleasant disease, do not provoke it.

Remember that all oils are sterilized and cooled before use. You can’t buy it at the grocery store (even if it’s a simple sunflower) and immediately smear it on your baby. After sterilization it the best remedy for hygiene procedures and solving skin problems.

The ideal sterilization method is in a water bath. It makes no sense to sterilize a large portion, since the beneficial substances are destroyed during storage. Sterilizing it at home is not difficult and does not take long, so prepare a small portion for the near future.

To prepare a remedy for babies, put a small container of oil in a bowl of cold water. It can be a small glass jar or a medicine bottle. Make the water level in a large container not reaching 1/3 to the top of the jar or bottle. Lay a cloth in 3-4 layers under the dish with oil to protect the oil from overheating and burning. After the water in a large container boils, continue sterilizing over low heat.

Young mothers ask how much to boil the oil for sterilization. Do not boil at all, keep it on low heat without boiling. For a small amount, 20 minutes of warming up is enough. When air bubbles appear on the surface, sterilization is stopped.

Leave the dish with the oil in a large container until it cools completely. When it cools down, close it with a tight lid, put it in a cool dark place. So sterilized oil is stored for a long time. It is not recommended to pour the cooked oil into another dish. Use as needed.

Bübchen oil is the most popular. German manufacturers have taken care of the delicate skin of babies by creating an environmentally friendly oil without preservatives and any other harmful substances.


Some companies produce special baby oils that mothers lubricate the skin of babies.

High-quality, natural, environmentally friendly products of the German company Bübchen are developed on the basis of the latest scientific developments and are designed to actively protect the skin of babies. The products of this company are made from natural ingredients, without preservatives. Oils for babies up to a year gently and delicately cleanse, soften, moisturize all parts of the body.

Bübchen products actively protect, relieve irritation, restore after inflammation, while not clogging pores, the skin remains clean. They have a pleasant delicate aroma, are used from birth.

The German company Weleda has released a line of oils for babies based on calendula and sesame oil. Baby oil with calendula not only carefully and reliably protects the skin of the crumbs, but also activates the natural skin functions. The company grows the medicinal and cosmetic calendula plant in its own garden in southern Germany. Skin treated with Weleda with Calendula quickly recovers from wounds and is in a natural healthy state. Mom and baby like the oil, it can be used daily and for massages.

Another German product that can be used for a newborn without fear. Weleda with calendula will provide gentle and gentle skin care for crumbs

Which one to choose

In pharmacies, children's and cosmetic stores, vegetable, essential and mineral oils are presented in a large assortment. Moms are thinking about which one to choose for their baby, which one to use all the time, which is better for infant hygiene.

Perfect baby remedy without preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, fragrances. Experienced moms with kids advise what they have already tried. Some people like peach or St. John's wort oil, others recommend sea buckthorn or vaseline, and some people like regular butter.

There are many oils - and it is difficult to make a choice. There are cleansing, nourishing, massage, relieving irritation and so on. For home care unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils are suitable for a newborn. Such a product is obtained from raw seeds, without heating, after pressing it is only defended and filtered. Therefore, it contains more useful substances than refined ones. The usual vegetable - olive or sunflower, bought in a trusted store - is healthy and safe.

When choosing any means for a newborn, consult your doctor, look carefully at the body of the crumbs, think about what you need this remedy for. Read the instructions for what ingredients are included, for which it is recommended to use. If the composition contains not only oil, but also other components, it should be discarded.

Remember: the wider the list in the composition, the more allergens it may contain.

Some growers mix two or more varieties. That is, one acts as a basis, and the second is an active substance. So more often they mix vegetable and essential oils, where the essential acts as an active substance.

You need to look at the terms of production and storage. If essential sealed oils are stored indefinitely, then others are not more than a year. Choose clean, cloudy, with a pleasant natural smell, and your baby's skin will always be healthy, smooth, radiant.

Massage promotes not only healing and treatment various diseases but also the harmonious neuropsychic development of the child. Therefore, this procedure is more often used in infants. So that the movements of the masseur's or mother's hands do not bring discomfort to the delicate skin of the baby, it is recommended to use oil. There is a wide range of this product on the market. Let's try to figure out which oil is better to use for massage in children.


  • the oil must have a good shelf life;
  • before buying, you must carefully read the description of the product, the components that make up the oil should be only natural;
  • it is better to use a product without pungent odors;
  • a product purchased exclusively at a pharmacy or a specialized store can be considered reliable.

What kind of oil can massage a baby?

In ancient times, it was a mandatory attribute of a children's first aid kit. This product is odorless and protects the skin well. But it has long been known to everyone that petroleum jelly is a product of oil refining. It forms a very thin film on the baby's skin, which prevents normal perspiration, thereby contributing to the development of prickly heat. To avoid such an unpleasant effect, it is necessary to use the minimum amount of the product during the massage, and after the session, bathe the child.

The famous doctor Komarovsky says that the oil for massaging babies should be edible, and excludes the use of vaseline for this purpose in children of the first two years of life.

Vegetable oils

Olive oil used to massage children due to the content in its composition of fatty acids such as linoleic and oleic. The substance is well absorbed by the skin and eliminates the peeling that often overtakes the baby.

Often used Peach oil in caring for a small child. It is made from peach pits. Peach oil can be lubricated with natural folds to prevent diaper rash and used for massage in infants. The tool has anti-inflammatory, softening effects on the skin.

Wheat germ oil will help moisturize the baby's skin. But, unfortunately, it can cause allergies.

Oil is also made from such an exotic fruit as coconut. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Before use, the oil must be warmed in a water bath so as not to irritate the child with cold touches and for better gliding over the surface of the body. Some tools, such as Coconut oil, must be diluted before use, as use in its pure form can cause unwanted skin reactions.

Everyone vegetable oils may be preferred. But it is better to use products that are specially adapted for delicate baby skin with the help of optimally selected concentrations of substances. Such a product does not form a greasy film and is not excessively absorbed into the baby's skin, carefully caring for it.

"Chicco Baby moments" (Italy) is a product based on rice bran oil, which also contains vitamin E and fatty acids. Suitable for skin prone to dryness, as it restores the hydrolipidic barrier. Does not contain preservatives, parabens, dyes and alcohol.

Mustela (France) produces a product that includes avocado oil, pomegranate seeds and sunflower. On the packaging it is noted that the product is 99% of natural origin. Does not contain parabens, phthalates, phenoxyethanol. Moisturizes, softens and protects the skin

Manufacturer natural cosmetics Weleda (Switzerland) represents 100% natural products, which do not contain synthetic ingredients, dyes, flavors and mineral oils.

  • "Calendula oil for babies" - based on sesame oil and calendula flower extract, providing protection and nourishment for baby's delicate skin;
  • Delicately Scented Calendula Oil for Babies - Contains marigold and chamomile extracts to soothe irritated skin.

The products are labeled free of components derived from wheat, oats and other cereals that contain gluten.

Moisturizing baby oil "Pigeon" (Japan) is produced on the basis of the Baby Lipid formula - a combination of cholesterol, isostearic acid and ceramides. Due to this, the product retains moisture in the skin. It also contains jojoba seed oil. Does not include parabens, dyes and fragrances.

The above products are expensive. The following are funds that have a more affordable price, but are not inferior in quality.

  • the classic has in its composition: liquid paraffin, isopropyl palmitate, fragrance. There is a release form in the form of a spray;
  • aloe oil. Additionally contains Barbados aloe leaf extract and vitamin E;
  • "From crown to heels" with chamomile extract;
  • Bedtime contains NaturalCalm's patented relaxing fragrance and is designed to be massaged shortly before bedtime.

All products of the company are marked by the fact that they retain up to 10 times more moisture.

Bubchen (Germany) produces baby oil containing soybean, sunflower, shea butter, calendula extract, citric acid, flavor and vitamin E. Gently cares for sensitive skin.

Sanosan is another German company that produces natural-based products with a high level of quality, with olive, almond and soybean oils, calendula, vitamin E and bisabolol, which eliminate inflammation and nourish the skin.

Some mothers trust the domestic manufacturer more. Russian companies also prefer natural raw materials. But some firms still include mineral oils in the composition of massage products. The products are mostly low cost.

Massage oils for children produced in Russia

  • "Eared nannies" (sea buckthorn extract, peach oil and petroleum jelly);
  • "World of childhood" (olive oil and tocopherol);
  • Gentle crumb oil of the Siberica Biberika line (wheat germ, flax, evening primrose and rosehip oil, oregano extract, flavor and tocopherol);
  • "Our Mom" ​​(oils: cedar, sea buckthorn, peach, wheat germ, calendula extract, vitamins A and E, flavor, isooctyl stearate, isopropyl stearate);
  • "My sun" (mineral oils, sunflower, pine nuts, jojoba, sea buckthorn, peanut, cedar elfin, tocopherol and citric acid). It has a mark that it is clinically tested and recommended by the Federal State Institution "Ministry of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Russia";
  • "Quack-quack" (vaseline oil, chamomile oil, calendula oil, aloe vera).


The choice of massage oil should not be taken lightly. Since a poor-quality product can harm the health of the child. Before buying, carefully study the composition of the product. If the product is replete with chemical ingredients, then you should not purchase such a product. The safest will be a product based on vegetable raw materials. Be sure to check for possible allergies by applying a small amount of oil to the child's elbow. If redness or rashes appear, it is better to refuse to use this product.

Many couples during their sexual intimacy use special lubricants that replace their natural lubricant. These specialized factory-type products help to get rid of the unpleasant sensation of dryness during contact, and also allow you to solve a number of other problems. However, what to do if right time did you not have such a gel with you? Is it possible to replace it with improvised or natural means? And what can be used instead of lube?

General information about the benefits of lubricants

To begin with, it is worth finding out what is remarkable about the so-called intimate lubricant. Most often, it is a kind of oil or milk with a somewhat viscous and moist base. The task of the remedy is the possible replacement of the natural female secretion, the release of which occurs in the event of the excitation of the partner. Based on this, we highlight the following functions of factory lubricants:

  • the creation of a thin protective film that helps protect the genitals of both partners from micro-tears and other types of minor damage that are possible with "dry" contact;
  • ensuring easy sliding of the genital organs in contact with each other;
  • getting rid of discomfort during intimacy;
  • creation of protection against genital infections (due to the presence of antiseptic ingredients in the composition of lubricants);
  • imparting additional sensations leading to an increase in the state of excitation;
  • providing care for sensitive skin of the genital organs.

We will talk about what can be used instead of intimate lubricant and what not.

Is it possible to replace lubrication with massage cream or oil?

In order to deal with the question of a possible replacement of intimate lubricant, you should deal with its types. In general, they can be divided into three groups of funds:

  • created on a water basis;
  • made on an oily basis;
  • made from silicone.

Based on this information, the following question arises: “Can a cream be used instead of a lubricant?”. According to experts, such a replacement is allowed. In this case, it is best to use a massage cream or oil. However, there is one "but".

Before applying to intimate area, should be carefully studied chemical composition these funds. For example, it is worth giving up creams and oils containing menthol, mint, as well as red pepper, mustard and other ingredients with a strong cooling or warming effect. Otherwise, a burning sensation or a slight cold tingle on the skin will prevent you and your partner from concentrating.

What can be used instead of home: a simple recipe

Incredibly, not only products can have adhesive and enveloping, and most importantly, sliding properties. household chemicals but also common fruits. Who would have thought that a wonderful lubricant can be prepared from food in the refrigerator and any improvised means.

For example, did you know that you can use a ripe banana and running water instead of an intimate lubricant? To prepare such a lubricant, you must perform the following steps:

  • take a ripe banana and peel it;
  • cut the banana into small circles and place it in a blender;
  • grind the fruit in a blender and put the gruel in any small container (you can use a cream jar);
  • add some water to the delicious banana mixture.

Natural lubricant is ready. The main advantage of this remedy is its naturalness and the absence of any adverse reactions of the body. This is due to the fact that the banana, as a rule, does not cause allergies. It does not irritate, but moisturizes the skin. In addition, since the composition you prepared is quite edible, it is perfect for preliminary oral caresses. Here's what you can use instead of lube.

The original lubricant made from starch and water

An excellent alternative to synthetic lubricants is a starch-water mixture. To create it, you should take some starch, pour it with the same amount of water and put it on fire. Then you just have to stir it occasionally until it thickens.

After your jelly thickens, it is recommended to remove it from the burner and put it in a cool place until it cools completely. The original substitute for liquid vaseline for intimate pleasures is ready. This is for creamy textures. But can oil be used instead of lubricant? And which one is suitable in this case? Let's consider further.

Attention! Using folk recipes to prepare a homemade lubricant, be vigilant and careful. Follow the instructions and do not overdo it with the dosage. Be aware that the ingredients in the products you use can cause allergic reactions and inflammation.

Simple lubricants with added oil

Returning to what can be used instead of a lubricant for sex, you need to remember about oil-based products. In this case, you can use whatever you have. For example, sesame, coconut, linseed or olive oil is suitable for these purposes.

To prepare such a lubricant, you should prepare a small saucepan and a bowl into which you need to pour about 5-10 tablespoons of oil. Then it is necessary to pour water into the vessel, and place the container filled with oil above.

Next, put the future lubricant on the fire (you should get a water bath) and heat the liquid. In total, this preparation will take you no more than 15-20 minutes. You can also add a couple of drops to the boiling agent. essential oil or any aphrodisiac liquid type. As you can see, it turned out to be a good lubricant with excellent sliding characteristics.

Caution when working with oils (butter, vegetable, margarine)

The use of vegetable and fatty oils is not always equally beneficial for your intimate caresses. For example, many couples are interested in whether it is possible to use butter or margarine instead of lubrication? Theoretically - "yes", since all these products have excellent sliding properties.

However, it should be understood here that the components of these foundations are not intended for use in the genital area. And although they, like other oils, will allow you to slip and relieve dryness, their abuse can lead to quite the opposite effect. For example, there is a risk of irritation and even swelling of the mucous membranes. Therefore, the use of the above products is not recommended by doctors and other specialists.

In addition, oil can destroy the structure of the latex, which leads to a violation of its integrity.

Is it possible to use baby cream for lubrication?

Some couples claim that it can be used instead of anal lubrication. This judgment is true and at the same time erroneous. So, on the one hand, such a kind of lubricant perfectly moisturizes and is absorbed into the skin. That's just it is good if you use it on the outer surface.

With deeper contact with the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the cream may not be absorbed at all. As a result, fatty and insoluble components of this product may remain inside you, which will become an excellent habitat for various pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

In addition, the use of a fat-containing cream leads to the destruction of the material from which the condom is made, which jeopardizes your sexual intimacy.

How safe is Vaseline to use?

Another sensational tool that bosses and their subordinates talk about so often is Vaseline. Affordability and the availability of a suitable viscous structure that can facilitate the movement during sexual intercourse makes many couples think about using it. But is it as good and safe as they say about it? Let's start with the fact that this tool is very difficult to wash off. It not only remains on the skin, but also leaves unattractive greasy spots on clothing and underwear.

Further, the use of this substance can lead to disruption of the normal microflora of your partner's vagina. As a result, this can lead to the reproduction and accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Moreover, sometimes the use of this remedy causes redness, and even burning of the skin. And finally, Vaseline destroys the protective layer of the condom and damages it. The same applies to used sex toys.

Suppose you know what can be used instead. For example, your choice fell on a water-banana composition. What's next? The use of such a lubricant will be safe if you follow a few simple rules. Firstly, you need to apply the product on a clean and dry wiped body. Secondly, it should be spread with a thin layer with light blotting movements. Thirdly, after applying the banana composition, do not forget to wash off its remnants with running water.

Another important point: homemade lubricants are not suitable for daily use. Despite the fact that most of the ingredients used are not allergens, their regular use may well provoke a negative reaction in your body. For example, do not abuse starch lubricants. Recall that this substance is considered an excellent nutrient medium for the reproduction of various microorganisms and fungi.

What to do if there are complications?

When using homemade lubricant, pay attention to how you feel and how your body reacts. If you subsequently experience any discomfort (and it does not disappear even after taking a shower), it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Now you understand that you can use some natural ingredients instead of lubrication. However, their use is associated with a certain risk and with all the ensuing difficulties.


Almond oil is considered one of the best oils for the skin. It can also be used in small children. Also, almond oil copes well with irritations, dryness, prickly heat. Does not cause allergies and is suitable for sensitive skin.

Almond oil works well in combination with other products. You can add a drop of lavender oil to it - this mixture is suitable for a relaxing bath that will calm the baby and relieve him of anxiety. For a light massage of the abdomen, chamomile is also added to a teaspoon of almond oil. This procedure will help.


Calendula is often used for baths, but after water procedures, calendula oil will be useful for children's skin. It has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. They can treat irritations on children's skin and small wounds. This oil is useful for seizures in the corners of the mouth and. Calendula is also used in massages for small children.

Calendula cream is suitable for babies who have appeared, and for older children who are already running and jumping with might and main, this oil is useful for getting rid of bruises, abrasions and insect bites.


Castor oil is well known as a "savior" for dry skin, hair and nails. This oil can be found in the composition of many children's cosmetics, and all thanks to its excellent ability - it increases the protective properties of the skin of both babies and adults. The oil also moisturizes and softens the skin. You can apply it after taking a bath.

And if a child gets hurt, castor oil it's not scary - it will help heal cuts and abrasions. Just apply it to the affected area several times a day. By the way, if the newborn, also try castor oil.


Chamomile oil will suit your baby if he has sensitive skin. It can be used from two weeks of age. It will calm the baby, help to fall asleep and. Chamomile oil is also used for prickly heat and diaper rash in children.

They believe that chamomile eliminates an inferiority complex and, in difficult conditions of life, helps to adequately cope with difficulties, avoid depression and anger.

This oil is a must have for every mom. It is not only universal, but also suitable for babies from two weeks of age. Children can already have aromatherapy in the form of baths or massages several times a week. Such procedures with chamomile oil will remove the anxiety and anxiety of the baby, help you fall asleep faster. Like calendula oil, chamomile works well for diaper rash.


This oil is very light and absorbs quickly. Nourishes dry skin well and helps heal small cracks. Most often it is used in the summer while sunbathing.

Coconut oil contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, K and C. It has antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial properties and is sometimes even used instead of toothpaste, as it strengthens enamel well and. The only thing is that you should not use coconut oil in its pure form; for children's procedures, mix it with others. healthy oils, for example, with chamomile.


Mustard oil is considered beneficial and safe for baby massage. It is quickly absorbed and effectively nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the baby. The oil is rich in vitamins A, E and F, therefore it is used not only for external use for babies, but it is also recommended for mothers to take it - a complex of vitamins helps the embryo to fully develop. But this is not all the "usefulness" that mustard oil contains - it also contains vitamins D, B3, B6, B4, K, P and many other necessary substances.

Consuming mustard oil with food will help you heal faster from colds. It also has a lot of other properties - this oil has analgesic, antiviral, bactericidal, wound healing effects.


Olive oil, despite its popularity in cooking, is also used externally. appears already in the first days of complementary feeding. It is especially good because high temperature practically does not emit toxic substances, unlike other oils, so it is more suitable for cooking meals for babies. This oil is also useful for those who have problems with the stomach, intestines or liver.

But it is often used in massages. Olive oil removes dryness of the baby's skin, irritation and restores the water-lipid balance. It is also good to apply it in the summer, as olive oil protects the skin from UV rays.


Sesame oil is considered very useful in caring for delicate baby skin. It is recommended to use it during the period of active sun, when the skin needs protection from ultraviolet rays. Sesame oil also moisturizes and soothes irritated skin, helps with burns and cracks.

The oil contains vitamins E, A, C. When coughing, sesame oil can be used in rubbing. It also helps with difficulty breathing, tracheitis and.

For a mother, it is imperative to know everything about oils for babies, since mineral oils and those restored after extraction can cause serious harm to the health of the baby, and it is better not to use some essential oils for up to a year.

So what can be used to massage and moisturize baby's skin? Naturally, it will be better to use all natural. So let's talk about the ten most useful oils.

  1. Coconut oil. It is recommended to use only refined and add to ready-made cosmetics up to 30%. Used as an excellent moisturizer, suitable for the treatment of diaper rash and seborrheic dermatitis. It is hypoallergenic and odorless. Creates a barrier on the skin that protects the child from the effects of adverse environmental factors. It has bactericidal properties, suitable for the complex treatment of dermatological diseases. Ideal for dry skin, but should not be used on the face and neck.
  2. Corn oil. It is produced from corn seeds, it is transparent and practically odorless, which is very good for a child. It contains vitamin E in an amount exceeding 10 times the content of the same vitamin in olive oil. Used as a base for massage, if desired, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil: lavender - to soothe nervous system, chamomile - to relieve flatulence. If the child does not sleep well, you can rub corn oil on his feet, hands, back of the head, knees and elbows for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Peach oil. Can be used in its pure form for children from two weeks of age. If the baby has dry skin, then peach oil in this case will be indispensable. With constant use, the skin will become soft and velvety. You can also instill 1-2 drops into the nose before cleansing it. Suitable for the prevention of various skin diseases.
  4. Apricot Kernel Oil. For massage, it can be used in its pure form, which is very convenient and practical, because daily massage promotes muscle tone, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, thereby accelerating the flow of lymph, and stimulates the activity of the nervous system. Perfect for moisturizing and eliminating rashes, to combat seborrheic dermatitis and prickly heat. Usually does not cause allergies.
  5. Sweet almond oil. Contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, suitable for use in its pure form. Helps in the fight against diaper rash in babies, helps with abrasions and dermatitis. Suitable for massage of all skin types, it is used only in a refined form, which reduces the risk of allergies.
  6. Shea Butter. Solid oil, can be used for sensitive and flaky skin. The oil contains a large amount of vitamins that help it fight dermatitis and diaper rash and produce a healing effect. Used to relieve inflammation, irritation and redness. In a vulnerable place it is necessary to apply every day.
  7. Olive oil. Great as a food supplement. It is better to choose oil of the first cold pressing. You can start giving it to children from six months, adding it to ready-made dishes so that there is no thermal effect on the oil, in which it can lose its beneficial properties. In its composition, olive oil contains Omag-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D and K, which help the baby in his development. It should be added to food gradually, starting with 1-2 drops, bringing it up to half a teaspoon by the baby's first anniversary, and be sure to observe the child's reaction. Olive oil will help to easily transfer the child to adult food.
  8. Avocado oil. It is used in mixtures for application to the skin up to 10-15%. It has a healing effect - heals wounds, fights viruses, fungi and bacteria. It can be used in complex therapy in the treatment of skin diseases. Increases the protective properties of the skin, improves blood circulation. It can also be added to baby creams to protect the baby from the sun's rays.
  9. Lavender essential oil. You can add it when bathing a child or for a massage, after these procedures the baby will calm down and fall asleep easier. For body application, add just 4-5 drops to 2 tablespoons of base oil. Massage will help relieve inflammation and irritation, and improve skin resistance to adverse factors.
  10. Wheat germ oil. Highly fatty oil, therefore, it is independently used for rubbing children with excessively dried skin. It may also have a beneficial effect on oily skin because it reduces the secretion sebaceous glands preventing dirt from entering the skin pores. Accelerates metabolism, detoxifies and improves elasticity.

In order for the massage to bring a pleasant sensation to the child, the following rules must be observed:

  • hands should move easily over the skin, that is, with poor sliding, additional irritation may occur;
  • we apply the oil on our palms, rub it and warm it so that it is by no means cold;
  • start standing from the feet and continue to move up;
  • when using oil or ready-made formula for the first time, first apply a small amount on the wrist, and the next day check if the child has allergies;
  • be sure to follow the reaction of the baby, it is very important that all procedures evoke only positive emotions in him.