Beautiful congratulations on Valentine's Day. Wishes for Valentine's Day in prose - congratulations in your own words Caucasian congratulations on Valentine's Day

Any person really wants to talk about his feelings for someone: his beloved, his loved one and himself. to a loved one. But trying to convey the depth of love in words is very difficult. And here you just need to come up with or find the most sincere congratulations Happy Valentine's Day.

From the moment people meet and look into each other's eyes for the first time, lovers simply begin to breathe in their loved one and his world. When the door opens, and any woman who loves experiences the strongest feelings, or a man in love hears the sound of the steps of his dearest person along the corridor, his heart immediately begins to sweetly clench in anticipation of meeting him. When people in love spend time together, it turns into an instant, it just freezes and you really want to prolong these sweet minutes of communication. Light touches, pleasure from them, a light smile - this is all that those who love need. That's why unusual holiday, which is dedicated to all the people he loves, requires heartfelt congratulations on Valentine's Day. And after years, love usually does not go away and it manifests itself in many little things, even in admiring the gait of that person who is close and dear. When you see a loved one, when you meet them halfway, you involuntarily begin to smile, then joy begins to overwhelm you and you even want to jump with happiness. The sound of a native voice and loved one enchants and makes you listen in everything, because accepting a loved one if you love him with all your heart is easy and joyful. And therefore it is worth giving the best and most sincere congratulations on February 14th. It’s always sad without a loved one, it seems that the world has become cramped and uncomfortable, everything is wrong at work, and household chores don’t get along with such vivacity.

The care of a loved one fills the inner world with warmth and joy, even in a dream, if he is not dreaming, emotions overwhelm him. The warmth of your beloved hands when they touch is liberating. I would like to give heartfelt congratulations on Valentine's Day. Don't know where to find them? You just have to go to our website and choose any one.

Valentine's Day
For lovers the brightest,
And no reason can be found
To suddenly forget about it.
They give cute gifts
They write letters about love,
And from the magically hot words
Blood boils in my veins.

Love will enchant you with an innocent smile,
And with his gaze he will carry you along!
After all, all people know that on Valentine's Day
Lovers are held dear and honored everywhere!
May you meet your dream on this day!
And with her you will find what you dreamed of!
You will feel it immediately, you will notice it!
And the heart will burst into flames of love!

Spring is about to burst into the world,
But February is still in effect,
He gives us a wonderful holiday -
Cheerful, joyful, beautiful!
May the holiday bring love -
She is more valuable than all gifts,
May any day be with her
Happy, festive and bright!

A storm is raging outside the window,
A blizzard is blowing and a blizzard is moaning,
But suddenly it becomes light,
ABOUT! People, a miracle happened again,
Valentin is coming to us,
Brings warmth. Warmth of love
The old man gives us a gift and calms down
All around. We freeze in
Waiting for a miracle... And suddenly
It's getting warm.
We see the light in our eyes
Beloved and congratulations to everyone
Around. Happy Valentine's Day!
And you, my dear, dear...
Strongly, dearly loved by me!

Half of February has flown by:
Here it is, Valentine's Day!
I write this verse with delight,
To congratulate you on Valentine's Day!
Please accept my congratulations
And save the poem!
Let it be in the February snowy haze
It will remind you of spring, of warmth.
Lovers have a little secret:
There is spring - there are no other seasons!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Valentine's Day, wonderful holiday,
Let love rule the world today,
Illuminating the heart with a clear light!
Never part with her
Take care and give to people,
And then kinder and more gentle
Our world may be difficult!

Valentine's Day -
This is the best day
After all, it comes down from heaven to us people,
Good, dear Valentine.
On this day of bygone legends
Valentine brings us light,
And dispelling sadness, sorrows,
Gives everyone peace of mind.
So let's those people stand up
And let's raise our glasses high
For love and for friends,
And congratulations to all lovers
Even small children.
Let happiness sparkle in people,
Will never go out
Let the misfortune go away soon
Far away and forever.
Well, that's all, I guess that's enough
Congratulations were successful,
Valentin wishes you happiness,
Giving us love again.

May it be Saint Valentine's Day
It will be a holiday in our home.
So that love blooms in him forever
And filled hearts with warmth.
Congratulations, my beloved,
Happy Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is a holiday for lovers,
For two restless hearts,
Our two souls are wrapped in love,
When we are together, time and days fly by.
I want to congratulate you on your holiday,
Give a piece of your heart, leave it in your soul,
Wrap yourself in tenderness, warmth and affection,
Again, confess your love, give flowers with caution...

February has become so romantic,
But the month is strict, snowy, blizzard!
And today it's time to celebrate
Valentine's Day is a much needed holiday!
If you like someone -
You must admit it,
And believe me - then in your destiny
Bright changes will begin!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone,
We will send Valentines
Dear and sweet,
The only one, beloved!
And their recognition
We will surprise and inspire.
Well, a return confession
Our waiting time will come.
So a light day inspires us,
Makes you fall in love faster!
We wish you happiness and love,
Keep your messages!

Inspired by a wonderful feeling,
You decorate the world with yourself,
We congratulate you, lovers,
And your reverent love
May the whole world be filled on this day,
Let summer come in your soul,
May all wishes come true
This is a wonderful holiday for you!

I wish you on Valentine's Day,
May your dreams come true as soon as possible!
So that the soul shines with inspiration
Because passion controls you!
So that love reciprocates -
Just as bright, stormy, selfless!
So that your couple becomes a family
Loving, happy, with many children!

A blizzard is blowing outside the window, flowers are not blooming in the gardens,
But love makes the heart beat stronger.
Valentine united lovers,
After all, it’s not for nothing that Valentine’s Day is named after him.
We will always celebrate Valentine's Day
And we will congratulate each other on the holiday,
Yes, it will always be like this.

I'll write you a letter
And let it fly to you.
There is a lot of sincere love in it,
And congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
There is a lot of light and warmth in it,
Let your soul be filled with it.
And it will become bright for you,
Valentine's Day - believe in it.

On Valentine's Day they say confessions,
The ones that have been hiding for so long.
And all the crazy desires burst out,
Like fermented wine from a bottle!
I want to play pranks! Not evil, lovingly!
Gently roll in a snowdrift,
Looking at snowflakes on clothes,
And look for the shape of a heart in them!

On Valentine's Day, I would like to wish that love is that enormous force that can overcome any difficulties, inspire high achievements, and give positive emotions, security and comfort. Let the relationship be strong, romantic, deep and happy.

Happy Valentine's Day. I wish that not only on this holiday you are enveloped in love and attention, but every day - 24 hours a day. Be happy and cheerful, joyful and, as always, beautiful. Happy Valentines Day!

Just as the force of gravity brings planets together, so love unites people, despite different characters, tastes and interests. To love means to look not at each other, but to look in the same direction. I wish you to find this feeling as soon as possible, and for those who have already found it, I wish you never to lose it! Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Valentines Day! After all, there is nothing better in the world than to love and be loved. Let this holiday be felt not only on this day, but every day, and let the feeling of love and falling in love live in the hearts of everyone for many years of life. I wish all lovers on this day to decide to take a new step in their lives, those who have not yet met their love must find it, and those who have lost faith in love find it again. Love and be loved!

May each of you, the one who gave half of your heart to your loved one, never be disappointed in your choice. He will never experience disappointment, betrayal and pain. Let every lover be happy and inspired by his feeling, and ascend to the pinnacle of bliss, euphoria and delight. Love and appreciate each other, take care and keep, this is a magical feeling. Happy Valentine's Day!

This is one of the most voluptuous, warm, sensual, tender and romantic days of the year. There are so many beautiful legends and stories associated with this holiday, and this is not surprising, because this is a celebration of passion, love and all lovers. On this special February day, I wish that in your life there will always be that same person who will give you happiness and fill your life with picturesque colors and feelings. He will take care of you, appreciate you, adore you and pleasantly surprise you every day. May the magic of this day give you true love!

Happy Valentine's day! Let love be strong and real, warm in moments of adversity and support in any life situations. For those who have found their soul mate, keep and appreciate it; for those who have not yet met their loved one, be sure to find him!

Happy Valentine's Day! I wish that there will always be a place for romance in life, and that there will always be a loved one nearby. loving person. Let love always warm your soul, and let jealousy and resentment forget your address. Vivid impressions, understanding and true love!

Happy Valentine's Day! We wish you prosperity and happiness. May your love always be mutual. May your heart always be young and filled with love for life and inspiration.

Let your hearts always burn with love, glow and overflow with this wonderful feeling. Let everyone, once in their life, forget that they need to breathe and be immensely happy in the arms of their other half. May the patron saint of all lovers protect your hearts from unnecessary worries and worries, and destroy any barriers that stand before you. loving hearts and reduces the time when you have to be separated for a short time. Happy Valentine's Day, happy holiday of love!

Most lovers are looking forward to the morning of February 14, when they can present a touching surprise to their soulmate. We prepare romantic breakfasts and dinners, give teddy bears and huge bouquets of flowers, but often forget about the main thing - sincere, heartfelt congratulations. These are exactly the ones you will find in our article: write them into your valentines, or better yet, whisper them in the ears of your loved ones.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day in verse

Everyone is giving beautiful hearts today,
Don’t be shy about writing sweet little words.
On such a wonderful Valentine's day
The secrets of matters of the heart will all be revealed!
We wish you to be brave and so that the whole country
Say and receive in response: “I love you!”

Surely for good reason
Fate gave a graceful twist:
They called you Valentin/Valentina
And that means today is your day!
Recently it has suddenly become fashionable
Its nationwide
Carry out a folk festival;
Well, we live in a land of the free:
Let everyone be in you today
By default they are in love!

Love is limitless, everyone needs love,
She strives for the hearts of all lovers.
And, playing with feeling, the element is in the chest
He shouts to me: “Hurry up and go to her! Go!
When I see you I burn inside,
Please, just open your heart.

Valentine came up with a wonderful holiday!
How can we live in the world without women and men?
How to live without flirting and making eyes?
And how can we cope without love and affection?
Congratulations to everyone who loves, and those whom they love!
Those who love so many, and those who love only one!

On frescoes, paintings, panels, medallions,
In the files of newspaper sheets -
Saint Valentine, patron saint of lovers,
Ready to help us everywhere!
He himself told me about this at dawn,
When I quietly entered my sleep...
Let's meet him properly -
Together, you and me! Fine?

Happy Valentine's Day!
From my heart I wish you now,
So that there is no reason for sadness!
And let your eyes shine with joy!
Let the smile never leave your lips!
Let grief pass by!
Let happiness find you everywhere!
Let there be a sea of ​​passion and love!

The cupids' wings are wet:
You need to work all day.
And the birds all fell silent for a moment,
When a shadow slipped from the sky...
Watch where the arrow goes
Head this time.
I wish you to fall in love,
After all, it's Valentine's Day!

I wish you on Valentine's Day,
May your dreams come true as soon as possible!
So that the soul shines with inspiration
Because passion controls you!
So that love reciprocates -
Just as bright, stormy, selfless!
So that your couple becomes a family -
Loving, happy, with many children!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Let life be raspberries,
So that in advice and love
Your days have passed.
Let the love be mutual
The rest will remain:
And health and luck,
After all, it cannot be otherwise.
To everyone who loves and is loved,
Valentin helps.

On Valentine's Day,
Every moment and all year round
Be truly loved.
May someone always be waiting for you.

There will be an eternal holiday in life,
Let your head spin
Because there is so much happiness,
The sadness disappeared without a trace.

Let passions rage in the heart,
Let the blood be hot
Let fate overnight
Wisdom and love rule!

On Valentine's Day
Let love wash over you like a wave,
Will plunge you into a sea of ​​passion,
On the crest of happiness it will carry you away

On Valentine's Day
Gives the world a picture of goodness.
Let the stars shine brighter
And everyone dreams of love.

I congratulate you on this day,
And only happiness will be in it.
There is reciprocity and warmth in everything,
Let your heart be light!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Let sudden love
It will cover you quickly, like an avalanche,
And it will stir your blood!

Let Cupid this winter
Will suddenly give you love forever,
To always be with you
Dear, beloved person!

Valentine's Day is an occasion
Tell you “I love you” again.
This is a reason to get together
Meet the early dawn.

Be young, be beautiful
And reckless at heart,
May you be happy
The path to your deepest dream!

Valentine's Day for each of us
The joy of life promises a fairy tale,
Let you, my friend, love and passion
In life they never leave.

It is important to believe and love,
To know that life is given to us all for happiness!
And we need to find love,
Love always has the whole world in its power!

I wish my dear friend
On the day of love, love is great!
Good luck in your personal life - so much so,
And the passions are also unearthly.

After all, somewhere there is yours, dear,
What can inspire the soul,
And give tenderness without edge,
And just be the best!

May you, my friend, be very lucky -
And you will lose count of your successes!
I also wish you beauty in life,
A beautiful love dream come true!

May the chosen one be cheerful and rich,
And let him give flowers every day in a row,
So that the mood is just great,
May your beloved save you from sorrows!

Valentine's Day is a holiday of light,
Tender passion and love.
He brings summer with him
Among the snow and winter.
What do I care about slush or cold?
What is the burden of care to me?
After all, to have such a husband -
This is happiness all year round!
Congratulations, beloved one,
And I hasten to admit again,
I'm so glad that one day
Love married us!

I love you, my beloved!
I love you with the same love.
You are my husband, and it’s nice
And I want to be only with you!
Know that my feeling will not disappear,
I'm still burning with passion.
Believe me, love will only grow stronger over the years!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day greetings to your wife
Was before women's holiday in March,
And in February for us - men.
Now on the festive map
Everything changed for no reason!

And for lovers a new holiday
Invented by their Valentine
Apparently he was also... an ugly person
Well... congratulations on him!

Beloved husband, today, on Valentine's Day,
I want to wish you a lot:
So that you fly, inspired by love,
And never forget me.

Your faithful friend in life
He always wishes you the best,
After all, I am always yours, your wife,
I will never leave you.

Inspired by a high feeling
Once upon a time
Someone came up with Valentine's Day,
Without knowing it then,

That this day will become your favorite one,
The desired holiday of the year,
What's Happy Valentine's Day
They will call him with respect.

Smiles and flowers everywhere
Confessions of love again and again...
So let a miracle happen for everyone,
Let only love and feelings rule the world!

On Valentine's Day I sincerely wish,
So that feelings do not fade away quickly!
So that love lives without knowing problems,
In your warm home endlessly!
May your marriage be bright and happy!
May we find happiness in each other!
So that they remain faithful thriftily!
And they were certainly healthy!

On Valentine's Day I wish
Huge love, all sorts of victories,
And congratulations on the holiday today,
After all, there is no better person in the world!
Let Valentin protect you:
Keeps warm, gives comfort to the soul.
And let love inspire you today,
And in the sky let the angels sing merrily.

In the land of all magical feelings
I'll find myself barely
You are in trepidation
Whisper words of love...

I'll touch you with a kiss
Coral of your lips -
Their scent is exciting
That's happiness for two!

Our Valentine's Day! Today
We will meet again!
This custom is wonderful -
Congratulations to your loved ones!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy day to those inspired by dreams!
Let the feeling be mutual.
Let your soul not be empty,

Less tears and partings,
More fiery dates
Long, tender kisses,
Happy, serene days!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Love everyone, adrenaline!

Congratulations on Valentine's Day in prose

My darling! On this day, I want to sincerely thank heaven for the fact that I once met you. From that moment I understood what real, sincere love really is. When you are nearby, the sun shines differently, the thunderstorm does not seem so frightening, and the sea seems insignificantly shallow. You are nearby - and I can handle any task! It is with great happiness that I share the path of my life with you and I promise you that I will never turn away from it. Happy Valentine's Day, my precious one!

February 14 is a very young holiday. However, in this short period of time we managed to love him very much! Because he is beautiful, warm, sensual, gentle, a little chocolatey and plush... It seems incredibly wonderful to me that millions of people around confess their feelings to each other, and many propose marriage to their soulmate on this very day. And I am very happy that I share this day with you, my love!

I have always considered this holiday special, full of love, miracles and the warmest, kindest feelings. I want us not to lose our passion, our affection for each other. I want us to live a long, long time and always be happy. We will not lose this sparkle in our eyes, and may our hearts continue to beat in unison. Happy holiday, I love you very much!

This day became for us the warmest and most awaited of the year. And even though winter bites with its severe frosts, our souls are warm. Snow flakes melt on my palm, and I want to say how much I love you. May our affection, sincerity, and sincerity only increase over the years. Let even the most severe frost in the world not be able to cool our feelings!

This day is the most wonderful occasion to tell you one cherished phrase: I love you very much. And my feelings are the purest and most sincere in the world! It’s hard to imagine now that not so long ago we knew absolutely nothing about February 14th. We didn’t give each other valentines, didn’t kiss in the morning, bringing a romantic breakfast, didn’t give armfuls of flowers to our loved ones... Therefore, it is with special pleasure that I drown in your arms on this day, dear! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

My beloved, we met you just recently... And I am very pleased to realize that this cold winter is getting warmer on this day. The lights in our eyes become even brighter, and this day becomes ideal for all the cherished desires of the two halves to come true. Just know that I love you very much, not only when you laugh, but also when you cry, are sad, and longing. I need you serious and angry, eccentric and indignant. Without you, life simply doesn't make sense. Congratulations!

How nice it is to realize that Valentine's Day is now our holiday! On this day, I wish that among the millions of valentines you find the one that is honest and sincere. I wrote in it about how wonderful it is when you are nearby - kind, bright, the most gentle and beautiful. May your heart never grow cold. Happy holiday, my love!

Cool congratulations on February 14

Well, my priceless beauty, the most romantic day of the year has come! Oddly enough, today I want you to forgive me. I forgave you for the fact that sometimes I offended you, did not always give as much attention as you wanted, and sometimes ignored your requests. Oh, this youth... It always seemed to us that we were right! But now I see my mistakes and will never repeat them. Know, honey, that without you I am insignificant. You are my support, support, hope in everything. I'm incredibly lucky to have you. Happy holiday, my love!

Beautiful congratulations on Valentine's Day

You know, a couple of years ago, the long-awaited meaning finally appeared in my aimless life. I found a true treasure and now I can say with complete confidence that I will never give it to anyone for anything! We are celebrating this lovely holiday together again. And I want to note that every year our warmth does not cool down, but our hearts still reach out to each other. And I cannot feel greater joy than understanding that you are happy! I have done and will do everything to ensure that this continues. Over the years, everything happened between us. There were quarrels, resentments, misunderstandings. But all this quickly passed and was forgotten, because mutual love capable of the impossible. Therefore, I wish us only a little patience, and we already have everything else. I will repeat for the hundredth time: I love you madly!

Short congratulations on Valentine's Day

May your mood on this day be at its most romantic. Let personal happiness flourish, and let your feelings not smolder, but burn with fire. Happy Valentines Day!

Millions of Valentine's cards are sent all over the world. I want to wish you that that long-awaited Valentine will definitely come to you. Let not only champagne, but also love flow over the edge, happy holiday!

This holiday is not only about love, but also about fidelity. Remember this and take care of the happiness that you managed to get. Happy Valentines Day!

Do you know heartfelt congratulations on Valentine's Day? Share with our readers in the comments!

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Happy Valentine's Day!
I adore and love.
And a valentine heart
I give it to you from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you on Valentine's Day
Heartfelt warmth!
Love, comfort in the home
And in the hearth of fire!

Happy Valentine's Day! Let the right person and, most importantly, your person be nearby. Let every day be filled with love, warmth, care and affection.

A flock of valentines from the sky
Scattered home.
On Valentine's Day
I wish you love.

Happy Valentine's Day!
I want to wish you love,
Happiness, tenderness and affection
From dusk to dawn!

Happy Valentine's Day,
I congratulate you.
May your beloved man
Will always be nearby.

On Valentine's Day
The wishes are simple:
May they be fulfilled from now on
Everyone dreams about love.

Happy Valentine's Day!
I want to get drunk with love,
But don't lose your mind
Know the limit to all desires.
Harmonious relationships.
Everything is for happiness in personal life.

On Valentine's Day
I want to be loved
And healthy and happy,
Kind, smart and beautiful.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Happiness and beautiful love!
Let life be like a painting:
Bright, picturesque, clear!

On the holiday of fidelity and love
Peace and warmth to you,
Happiness, tenderness, kindness.

Happy Valentine's Day
I wish you happiness
May love always live!

Here are the valentines flying,
Looking for soul mates in the world,
And now I wish you
An ocean of love without end.

Happy Valentine's Day,
And I wish you great love,
Let the cold drive away,
The one you need will be nearby!

Happy Valentine's Day,
I give you tender feelings,
I admire, I adore,
And I still love you!

On Valentine's Day I wish
Romantic feelings
And, of course, big
Happiness in personal life.

I appreciate and respect you,
I thank you for everything,
Kisses, hugs tightly
And I love you very sincerely.
On Valentine's Day I wish
You will live your whole life with me.

The way love shines bright.
It makes her feel hot,
Joyfully, easily, calmly,
And, in places, obscene.
So that she gives wings.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is a wonderful holiday,
There's even love in the air.
Let the uncontrollable feeling
It enchants you again and again.

I give you a Valentine's card
And this modest congratulation:
I love you, I wish you a sea of ​​happiness,
I want to hug and... smack-smack-smack.

I want to wish you love -
Pure, bright and heartfelt.
So that it is mutual,
Perennial, durable.