Kudrin Valentin Ignatievich contacts. Treatment using the Kudrin method. Ceremonial presentation to healer V.I. Kudrin memorial sign-medal "Man of the Millennium" and the encyclopedia "People of our Millennium"

Modern medicine, with its expensive technologies, still cannot identify the causes of many diseases and ailments. Therefore often traditional treatment does not help, because the effect of medications and procedures is aimed solely at eliminating symptoms. Instead of following a proven unsuccessful path, spending a lot of money, and sitting in long lines, we suggest considering an alternative.

Alternative medicine! This term is perceived in different ways, and often negatively. Why? Because people often call themselves healers who do not even have an idea about the work of the body and the nature of diseases. But there are specialists who not only understand various fields of medicine, but have also received recognition from honored doctors and have the appropriate licenses and certificates. One of these healers is Valentin Ignatievich Kudrin.

Valentin Kudrin, first of all, qualified specialist, Candidate of Medical Sciences. The doctor is a naturally powerful healer, clairvoyant, psychic and parapsychologist. He specialized in hypnosis, Freudian psychoanalysis, transcendental meditation, the Ayurveda-Maharishi health system, bioenergetic and acupressure massage, and studied homeopathy and herbal medicine. Valentin Kudrin is a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, an association of specialists in traditional and folk medicine.

Who turns to a healer for help?

For many years, those who have long lost hope of recovery have been turning to Valentin Ignatievich for help. Every day, women with such serious diseases as uterine fibroids, mastopathy, and ovarian cysts come to his center. The healer helps people suffering from depression, panic attacks and various phobias, neuroses, and obesity. Dr. Kudrin's patients are people of all ages and genders, whom traditional medicine and alternative methods could not help.

What are the features of treatment

Valentin Kudrin is the creator of a unique treatment technology that has no analogues. That is why his name is on the list of “people of the millennium”, because his contribution to the development of medicine can hardly be overestimated. The peculiarity and success of treatment according to his method are based on an individual approach. He does not make hasty conclusions based only on the patient’s complaints, but evaluates his physical and psychological condition. It is no secret that the cause of many diseases is an emotional and psychological background. Valentin Ignatievich does not downplay the role of these factors, which means he develops a unique treatment method for each patient. Most known diseases can be cured with a 98% probability. To confirm positive result During treatment, examinations are prescribed using MRI, CT, as well as ultrasound, and analyzes of the biochemical composition of the blood are performed.

Why you should choose treatment using the Kudrin method

The first and most main reason– individual approach. During your first free consultation, you will learn not only everything about your illness and its treatment, but also the prognosis for recovery. Do doctors in clinics give any guarantees? And Valentin Ignatievich guarantees a 100% cure for various mental disorders, neuroses and phobias. The technique developed by this healer is suitable for patients of any age and is absolutely harmless. Along with getting rid of the disease you are complaining about, you are offered a comprehensive recovery of the body, which prevents the risk of other common ailments. The healer also develops individual bioenergy codes that protect against the evil eye and damage. With the help of Kudrin you will get rid of excess weight, fears, the crown of celibacy and many other problems against which traditional medicine is powerless.

To find out everything about your illness, methods and duration of treatment, individual recommendations, sign up for a free consultation. Valentin Ignatievich Kudrin will be glad to help you!

Only a doctor who has basic knowledge about the human body and naturally has a unique Gift
healing, was able to achieve such high results in treating diseases.
This is confirmed by numerous thanks and reviews.

I would like to express my sincere and deep gratitude to my attending physician, a highly qualified professional,
to a wonderful healer and simply a wonderful person - Kudrin Valentin Ignatievich.

I am a nurse with 30 years of experience, I was treated in hospitals and with many specialists for a long time and to no avail,
but no one helped me. And only Valentin Ignatievich saved me in just a few sessions
from a severe neurosis that gave me no rest day or night.
Only thanks to Valentin Ignatievich I feel like myself again healthy person. Low bow to you and
thanks a lot. Wish you good health, prosperity, success in business.
Aksenova Lyudmila Pavlovna, Dubna, M.O.

Thank you Doctor!
For the happiness of remaining a full-fledged healthy woman, for the happiness of avoiding the operating table.
We have been dating for two years now, I hope for further meetings.

With gratitude, Nadezhda Mikhailovna Bachurina.

Dear Valentin Ignatievich!
I stood on the edge of the grave. You gave me life. What words will be sufficient to express
My gratitude to you??!! Magic, miracle!? Even this is not enough.

I thank you for your kind heart, thank you for your divine, healing hands.
I bow to you low to the ground. Live long and happily for the joy of people.
Tatiana F., 47 years old

Dear, respected Valentin Ignatievich!
Thank you for the health that my daughter and I gained after your treatment. My 6 years of torment, my daughter’s 4 years, are a thing of the past. For me and my daughter, only operations were foreshadowed, as the only method that the doctors insisted on. We are lucky to have you, your unique, wonderful method.
You not only saved our health, you brought us back to life!
Low bow to you for your work!
Inessa, Olga, February 2016

Valentin Ignatievich!
I express my deep gratitude for your treatment. You saved me in 2002 from severe depression. The treatment that I received before you turned me into a “vegetable”. And only you performed a miracle for me. I have been living a full life for 14 years only thanks to you.
I would like to shout to the whole world that there is such a wonderful doctor.
With all my heart I wish you to be with us for a very long time. People really need you. God bless you!
Sincerely, Galina 69 years old, 07/10/2016

A great doctor and a wonderful person!
Probably it's not a matter of debt,
It's probably something else,
When you feel the fragments,
Sitting in your patient.

On the deadly battlefield,
You are the very last redoubt.
There is no protection from you with sadness,
They are waiting for your attack!

You have to think, torment and fight,
Suffering from the hands of icy...
What beautiful faces
You have saved patients!

And the nights are anxious and long,
And in the groves the nightingales sing.
Probably it's not a matter of debt -
It must be a matter of love!


Modern medicine, with its expensive technologies, still cannot identify the causes of many diseases and ailments. Therefore, traditional treatment often does not help, because the effect of medications and procedures is aimed solely at eliminating symptoms. Instead of following a proven unsuccessful path, spending a lot of money, and sitting in long lines, we suggest considering an alternative.
Alternative medicine! This term is perceived in different ways, and often negatively. Why? Because people often call themselves healers who do not even have an idea about the work of the body and the nature of diseases. But there are specialists who not only understand various fields of medicine, but have also received recognition from honored doctors and have the appropriate licenses and certificates. One of these healers is Valentin Ignatievich Kudrin.

Valentin Kudrin is, first of all, a qualified specialist, candidate of medical sciences. The doctor is a naturally powerful healer, clairvoyant, psychic and parapsychologist. He specialized in hypnosis, Freudian psychoanalysis, transcendental meditation, the Ayurveda-Maharishi health system, bioenergetic and acupressure massage, and studied homeopathy and herbal medicine. Valentin Kudrin is a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, an association of specialists in traditional and folk medicine.

Who turns to a healer for help?

For many years, those who have long lost hope of recovery have been turning to Valentin Ignatievich for help. Every day, women with such serious diseases as uterine fibroids, mastopathy, and ovarian cysts come to his center. The healer helps people suffering from depression, panic attacks and various phobias, neuroses, and obesity. Dr. Kudrin's patients are people of all ages and genders, whom traditional medicine and alternative methods could not help.

What are the features of the treatment?

Valentin Kudrin is the creator of a unique treatment technology that has no analogues. That is why his name is on the list of “people of the millennium”, because his contribution to the development of medicine can hardly be overestimated. The peculiarity and success of treatment according to his method are based on an individual approach. He does not make hasty conclusions based only on the patient’s complaints, but evaluates his physical and psychological condition. It is no secret that the cause of many diseases is an emotional and psychological background. Valentin Ignatievich does not downplay the role of these factors, which means he develops a unique treatment method for each patient. Most known diseases can be cured with a 98% probability. To confirm a positive result of treatment, examinations are prescribed using MRI, CT, as well as ultrasound, and blood biochemical tests are performed.

Why should you choose treatment using the Kudrin method?

The first and most important reason is an individual approach. During your first free consultation, you will learn not only everything about your illness and its treatment, but also the prognosis for recovery. Do doctors in clinics give any guarantees? And Valentin Ignatievich guarantees a 100% cure for various mental disorders, neuroses and phobias. The technique developed by this healer is suitable for patients of any age and is absolutely harmless. Along with getting rid of the disease you are complaining about, you are offered a comprehensive recovery of the body, which prevents the risk of other common ailments. The healer also develops individual bioenergy codes that protect against the evil eye and damage. With the help of Kudrin, you will get rid of excess weight, fears, celibacy and many other problems that traditional medicine is powerless to deal with.

To find out everything about your illness, methods and duration of treatment, individual recommendations, sign up for a free consultation. Valentin Ignatievich Kudrin will be glad to help you!
Detailed information about the healer V.I. Kudrine - on the website