Online test whether my husband loves me. How do you know if you love your husband? How to check if you love your husband? Online test for a man's love for girls and women: Does your man love you?

Find out if your husband loves you! Whether you already know the answer and just want to do it for a laugh or are genuinely concerned, this quiz is perfect for you!
Love is a small word with a big meaning, a meaning that is a unique experience for everyone and can mean very different things from one person to another. A man can say he loves a woman and doesn't feel it...or he can feel it strongly but can't say it. Knowing how he feels is much more difficult than just hearing the words. Luckily, how much he loves you is something that can be measured and quantified, which is why we created this test.

Take this super easy test to find out if this guy really loves you and wants to devote his whole life to you.

The test will ask you 9 questions about your relationship. As long as you answer honestly, you will get amazing (even shocking) results. accurate results and you will know for sure whether he loves you or not.


I'm not sure I still love my husband. We've been living together for 10 years. How can I check this?


Approach your sleeping husband at night, holding a pinch of salt in one hand and a glass of cold water in the other hand. Pour a glass of cold water on your husband’s head, and when he wakes up and screams, sprinkle him with salt, saying: “I love you - I don’t love you, I’ll press you to my heart - I’ll tell you to go to hell.” At what word you feel a slap from your husband, that’s what you feel for him!

In general, if you are ready for such tests, fortune tellers and other dregs, if you ask yourself whether you love your husband, of course, you need the help of a psychotherapist. Here it is important to understand what you mean by the concept of “love”. For most married couples“I love” is an expression of neurosis, when a person cannot be alone with himself and solves this problem at the expense of another person to whom he says “I love”. It was in this context that “love” was placed in the international classification of diseases, code F 63.9. If in 10 years you have overcome your dependence on another person, if during this time you have matured psychologically, then it is quite possible that this other person (your spouse) may become a burden and cause similar thoughts...

The biological context of “love”, or rather falling in love, is determined by hormones and manifests itself in passionate desire, which the strong half of humanity habitually voices with the word “love”.

“If it doesn’t hit, it means it doesn’t love” - in this archaic flavor, still relevant and glorified in gray shades these days, the concept of “love” includes elements of violence, humiliation and pain to achieve a more complete orgasm, because “the best sex - after a quarrel."

Further development of consciousness led to the fact that “love” was often referred to as “relationships” between people. “Relationships” imply a certain distance between self-sufficient individuals. If in 10 years, and sometimes in less time, two personalities merge into one large codependency, then there is no distance - no relationship - no love... Perhaps that is why among the Russian nobility (and not only) the house was divided into male and female halves. .. These “relationships” did not always turn out to be harmonious and often resembled “ego games”, so masterfully described by Russian classics (“Anna Karenina” by L.N. Tolstoy, “Demons” by F.M. Dostoevsky).

In whatever context we consider the concept of “love”, it is important to understand that first of all these are the emotions/feelings that you experience - from panic-fear, desire-passion to awareness of the Universe and divine grace in the event true love, which has nothing to do with Ego, jealousy, dependence, but, on the contrary, opposes these biological emotions.

You are what you love.

So, how can you check whether you still love your husband? The promised test!

1. Are you afraid to be left without him?
2. Do you desire him as a man?
3. Do you still have a relationship with your husband (including fear or contempt for your husband)?
4. Do you see God in your spouse's eyes?
5. Do you experience a state of awareness of the Universe?

If you answered “yes” to at least one question, then at least in one context of love you still love your husband, don’t doubt it!)

Psychotherapy online


Ilya Yuryevich! Thank you very much for your sessions, which I was lucky enough to take part in. Thanks to them, I have become more confident in many issues and situations that previously caused anxiety and concern. You taught me how to deal with this in a short period of time. It's a pleasure to deal with a high-level professional!

Ilya Yuryevich, it is difficult to find words to express my gratitude to you for your help. I remembered in what state and with what thoughts I met last year, 2017. I remember those feelings of bitterness and anxiety that did not leave me under any circumstances. Finally, I left this desire for self-destruction and now I can breathe differently. Thank you!

Thank you very much for the consultation! Indeed, I noticed that memories pop up at times when I was in a bad mood or irritable, but I could not understand that this was a defense mechanism. The next time he appears, I’ll try to talk about what exactly causes irritation, instead of plunging into memories.

Thank you, Ilya Yurievich, for the consultation. Indeed, she allowed me to look at my life situation from a different angle. Thanks again!

Many thanks for the help! I am very glad you helped me understand myself and showed me a new path to improve my life!

A test to determine whether a man loves you. This questionnaire takes into account the most exact signs a man’s love and will help answer the question: “Does a man love me?” However, it also reveals your own psychological problems and illusions.

The exclusivity of the test lies in the fact that it not only scans a man’s interest and sympathy for you, but also analyzes your personal difficulties and psychological conflicts. Very often, we see something that is not there and imagine that a man is in love with us, although this is not the case. Answer the questions accurately and find out: is a man in love with you? Does he have sympathy and interest in you?

How to win a man's heart? Millions of girls ask themselves this question every day. In order to soberly assess your chances and efforts, you need to understand whether the guy has sympathy for you? This test will help you understand whether your chosen one likes you.

Some women, not knowing the answer to the question “Does a man love me?” spend a lot of time on dreams, fantasies and waste their time. They look for signs of hidden attention in simple everyday things, justify his inattention, inactivity, and even simply ignore him - just to remain with the hope that the man loves her. This test not only determines whether your chosen one likes you, but also diagnoses the presence of false illusions and self-deception!

Self-deception in the question: Does a man love me?

The main ways in which women unconsciously deceive themselves, entertain the illusion, hoping that the chosen one also has sympathy and wants to meet:

  1. The excuse for ignoring him is “the man’s hidden fears of relationships”;
  2. The feeling that the success of a relationship depends only on the woman’s desire: “I don’t really like him... But if I want, he will be mine”;
  3. Seeing a man’s desire for a meeting, even if he doesn’t want it;
  4. The feeling that you need to be more active in the relationship and then “certainly the man will be mine.”
Loves! And maybe... he still uses it

At first glance, it seems that his intentions are pure and transparent, and the only driving force that brought you together is love, which many people have heard about, but few have met. He does not try to find any obvious benefit in your relationship, values ​​your person unusually highly, brushes aside those who are ready to point out your shortcomings to him (sometimes he even does this in a somewhat exaggerated manner), and is happy that he is simply nearby and can blow away the dust from you. He is not at all indifferent to what is in your soul - what you think about, what you worry about, what plans you make.

Without doubting too much the sincerity of his feelings, still ask yourself - are there any motives that lie beyond the surface? Maybe you got a hero whose meaning in life comes down to constantly saving someone? Not a bad option, by the way, if you feel a kinship of souls with a kitten named Woof, who kept asking, “Where are these troubles? They're probably waiting for me." Maybe for him you are part of the image corresponding to his status? Then it makes sense to think about increasing your beauty budget. Even if you have not found a single secret reason, we do not advise you to rest on your laurels and think that this man will definitely not get away from you. It will get away if you stop meeting his expectations.

Many people having serious relationship, want to be sure that they are loved. You are offered real psychological test for love: “does he (she) love me”.
This free online love test, like any other test, will give you a hypothetical result, but with a high degree of probability, you will be able to determine whether he (she) loves or not.

To accurately understand and confirm the results of this unique love test, you will need to consult a psychologist.

So, let’s take a love test and find out whether he (she) loves me or doesn’t love me

This psychological test for love is intended for girls and boys (guys), for men and women, and of course, for wives and husbands. The test is not for children. Answer like an adult, don’t hesitate. Whatever comes to mind first, mark it.

If you have a couple, ask each other 36 questions one by one to fall in love, get closer and strengthen your relationship...

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