Why do you need to study? Why are we studying? Why does a person need knowledge?

Why is education needed? It seems clear that a person must be able to read, write and count. But why? Why know classical Russian literature? Is it really impossible to live without her? Yes, of course you can. When asked who wrote “War and Peace,” the answer received from a student at the pedagogical university was “Dostoevsky.” And what? It is not a fact that she will marry less happily than those who know the correct answer. Quite the contrary, because a smart and educated girl has more sophisticated needs.

Most students work hard on their studies, while their more successful peers begin to work. And, as practice shows, when the former graduate from a university with honors and look in confusion at job advertisements that indicate mandatory work experience of a year or two, the latter manage to make good progress up the career ladder. So why is education needed?

The answer to the question about the purposes of education is not at all obvious. And if a student begins to ask questions about why he needs this or that discipline, it is not easy to formulate a convincing answer. Usually they start talking about utilitarian benefits, like the fact that mathematics is needed to count money, and the Russian language is needed to write letters. These answers are followed by natural objections that money will be able to count anyway, the main thing is that there would be money; and you don’t have to write letters at all. And they really are written less and less often. What about biology? In order to eat mushrooms, you do not need to know their place in the Linnaean classification. Physics? In order to use a socket, an iron, a light bulb or even a TV, knowledge of the theory of electricity is not at all necessary.

Many people believe that higher education is necessary for a decent income. However, some earn good money with only average income. Maybe for professional growth or for social status? For general development or to realize that you are no worse than others? Or did any of you want to experience all the joys of student life? Or maybe there are those who study because their parents want it?

In 2007, a survey was conducted of 1,600 respondents aged 18 years and older. One question was posed: “Why is education needed? Why do they go to college?” The motivation of the people was quite serious and well thought out. 51% of respondents wanted to earn more through higher education, 44% wanted to take a higher position in society after graduating from university, the same number wanted to gain knowledge, 36% wanted to do interesting work, 26% studied for general development, 13% wanted to be respected by others people, 9% decided to study because it was customary, 6% simply tried to avoid the army, 3% decided to have a great time in their youth, and 3% did not consider it necessary to get a higher education at all.

Here are the most common opinions on this issue:

  1. A diploma of higher education at the beginning of a career provides additional advantages for growth, a kind of push. Well, if you work in the educational field, it helps in your work. And of course, a diploma is a different status.
  2. Higher education is necessary for general development, but whether to use it or not is a personal matter for everyone.
  3. In order to better navigate in life. This is not only a sum of knowledge, but also a way of thinking.

There is another common belief about education.

If the question “why is education needed?” you answer: “in order to become a successful person!”, it means that you do not need education, but the ability to use information.

As a rule, all universities teach the same thing - the ability to obtain information and then skillfully use this information in life. All the formulas or historical dates that you so carefully studied before the exam, as a rule, disappear from your memory. But the skill of acquiring knowledge will remain with you forever. And now, if necessary, you can easily find forgotten formulas in certain sources and perform the necessary actions with them.

For some people, this skill of working with information is innate. And they can easily put it into practice, like, for example, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates. The billionaire entered Harvard in 1973 and was expelled two years later. This did not stop him from becoming one of the richest people in the world. After 32 years, the university decided to retroactively make Gates an alumnus, thus honoring his special achievements.

Those who do not have Gates' abilities must receive education to develop their information skills. It gives an idea of ​​various aspects of knowledge organization: methods of obtaining it, classifying it, transferring it, storing it, protecting it, etc.

So, we can draw some conclusions. Education increases a person’s chances for a successful career, and with it a successful, prosperous life. You can argue with this statement by saying that now there are a lot of wealthy or even rich people around who do not have a higher education. Yes it is! But they earned their capital in an era of change, when leadership qualities were valued above education. And now, when the situation is becoming more and more stable every year, specialists who have the necessary knowledge come to the fore. And it is very difficult to get them without education.

1. Utilitarian: education serves the needs of economics and politics. For the economy, education prepares a worker, a specialist (labor), for politics (the state, government), education educates, prepares a loyal, law-abiding conformist.

2. Cultural: education is the reproduction of the people (in the limit - humanity).

The utilitarian approach to education defines a person and his current and future life activity as a means for some external goals. The cultural approach to education defines the individual as an end in itself. If we interpret morality traditionally, according to Kant, then it is easy to notice that the utilitarian approach to education is fundamentally immoral, and the cultural one is fundamentally moral. The utilitarian approach to education is, of course, a capitalist approach, and the cultural approach, of course, is communist (socialist, if you like).

To understand the essence of the problem, a simple, “everyday” analogy is useful. Why is there a child in the family? The answer is utilitarian: so that he can be useful, work around the house (economics) and honor his parents (politics). It is easy to notice: this is an approach to a child characteristic of a “traditional” patriarchal family. The answer is cultural: so that he lives his own full life. His own full life may well (and should) include both benefit and respect for his parents, but this is in no way limited to this.

With a utilitarian approach to education, it is natural that the entire sphere of education is led by the state, which represents both power and the economy. With a cultural approach to education, the sphere of education is led by society, while the state here performs purely official and not command functions. The main task of the state here is not the management of education, but financial, material and organizational support for its successful, effective work.

Most current graduates do not work in their profession. Teachers, lecturers, engineers, doctors, due to lack of places or meager wages, work as secretaries-assistants, office managers, administrators, salespeople, etc. But in order to answer the phone, make coffee, move papers from stack to stack and write a report once a month, a higher education is not required at all. However, employers want to have a cleaner with a specialist diploma and a security guard with fluent English on their staff. It turns out that absolutely everyone needs a “crust”. But the majority cannot answer why education is needed. For them, this is an eternal question!

Let's see how things stand with knowledge.

This is what we find in the scientific literature about the essence of knowledge.

Knowledge is a form of existence and systematization of the results of human cognitive activity. Knowledge helps people rationally organize their activities and solve various problems that arise in the process.

Knowledge in a broad sense is a subjective image of reality, in the form of concepts and ideas.

Knowledge in the narrow sense is the possession of verified information (answers to questions) that allows one to solve a given problem.

Knowledge (of a subject) is a confident understanding of a subject, the ability to handle it, understand it, and use it to achieve intended goals.

But as you know, the official point of view is not always correct. Therefore, let’s get acquainted with the people’s opinion. Here is a point of view that has many supporters. Let us present it in the form of a quotation.

“People have always strived for intelligence and loved to reason, loved to think and admire their thoughts. They just didn’t understand why they were doing it, who needed their knowledge. Therefore, they decided that other people needed their knowledge, and began to distribute it left and right. But this was not knowledge, but beliefs, like a person’s point of view on some phenomenon. This is how the logical chain of knowledge began that we put into the heads of our children. That's why children become like us. We deprive them of their own opinion, their own face, their own choice. After all, a small child has no knowledge and no beliefs. Therefore, he trustingly listens to his parents. What can he do? Nobody needs us except our parents. Parents have their own beliefs, their own stereotypes, which they pass on to their children. At the same time, they pass off their beliefs as knowledge.

What is the meaning of knowledge? Why do people need to stick their noses everywhere? Where to look for real knowledge? In nature? It is rich, for example, in medicinal plants that can help all living organisms. But people invented medicine to maintain their health. Even earlier, they invented weapons to lose this health. Every day we destroy him in every possible way and again run to the doctor. The desire for knowledge is the first prejudice of man. The only meaning in knowledge for a person is to gain reason. How long have we been going towards this! Long centuries of vanity and madness, frivolity and delusion. Billions of meaningless books and hundreds of erroneous scientific theories. And after all, all science, together with the ingenious education system, is absolutely helpless in front of a small creature taking its first steps in life. We can only convince ourselves that it is not our fault. And with such conviction we continue to yell at the student during the lesson.

The new generation, in orderly ranks, goes to prison or falls into drunkenness and drug addiction, they continue to have fun with their senses, and for them there is no longer anything valuable except electronic trinkets. We, full of knowledge, are forced to indulge their desires, inventing new toys for them.

Let's think about the nature of the dispute. Each of the arguing people defends their point of view so fiercely that it seems as if everyone really has knowledge. Then it is not clear why they are arguing! If knowledge corresponds to reality, then it is the same for everyone. We do not live in parallel worlds and a dispute with absolute knowledge is absurd.

Why do people figure out with each other the intricacies of their relationships to each other? Why is economic relations within a country and with other countries so complicated that it is necessary to study hundreds of books to understand anything about them. For some reason, such primitive insects as bees can produce several times more honey than they can consume without any economic theory. Maybe all our knowledge of economics is a prejudice that a person cannot work for free, because bees do it successfully?

Is it possible in our science to find such knowledge, after mastering which our brain would no longer doubt anything, and could answer any question, find an objective explanation for everything and know the truth?

Half of all human knowledge is filled with superstitions, but God is called truth. God supposedly created us all and didn’t think it through a little, but man is now tormented, waiting for death and the eternal kingdom of heaven. Philosophy textbooks are thus fairy tales and epics.

A person does not have absolute knowledge about himself. All there is is guesswork and prejudice. In psychology, ideas about personality are blurred. Such concepts as consciousness, awareness, stereotype, thinking, feeling, desire, will are not precisely defined. The concepts of psyche and soul were invented. There is no real idea of ​​character and temperament. Philosophy does not provide clear knowledge about reason and logic, justice, ethics and ethics. In biology, the concepts of reflex and instinct are confused, and not a single science describes the work of the brain and consciousness, and there is a misconception that thinking is the highest nervous activity of a person, and animals do not think, but are programmed by instincts. In addition, in logic, a person is considered smart if he expresses himself in complex scientific terms. However, it is simply ignorance and arrogance to speak when no one listening understands you! In a rational society, everyone has an objective idea of ​​everything, objective knowledge that is the same for everyone, because it reflects reality.

By the way, in our science, egoism is not prescribed in any subject as the meaning of life. We call all people individuals, without distinguishing this concept from egoism. Apparently scientists have always been suppressed both by government officials, who told them what to write, and by their previous colleagues, who forced them to rely on their works and re-read hundreds of previous books, twisting more and more logical conclusions into their brains.

Thus our sense of knowledge is a deception. Our prejudices are the stereotype of thinking of our ancestors, who were mistaken and passed on their errors to us. Let's give an example. You have been told that your friend is a traitor. You don’t know for sure whether this is true or not. Therefore, everything will depend on the evidence that is presented to you. Initially you doubt it, and this already means that it has been proven to you 50 percent that this is so. In addition, the brain itself, even without you, provides evidence of your friend’s meanness when it gives you memories of those moments when you suspected him of betrayal. This is how prejudice will develop. If they give you solid evidence, then a stereotype will already be formed in which your friend will forever remain a scoundrel. And you will pass off this stereotype as a feeling of knowing people and their tendency to betray. But in reality, you will never know for sure whether he betrayed you or not, even if he himself tells you about it. The brain perceives as reality what the senses provide. We will have complete confidence if our eyes see it. But the eyes can also be deceived. When the brain does not have absolute knowledge, it perceives prejudices as knowledge and itself offers the closest evidence that is built into logical chains. If these chains contradict each other, they raise doubts and fears.”

Isn't this point of view filled with pessimism?

By the way, distrust of knowledge manifests itself in most people. Here are the results of a small survey on the question of why knowledge is needed:

Number of respondents

To get a good job

Just for beauty

To show off

Not needed at all

None of the respondents connect knowledge with such higher ideals as comprehension of the laws of Nature, improvement of human life, etc. Perhaps, of course, the respondents do not belong to academic scientific circles. But these circles constitute precisely such a minority, which, compared to the rest of the population, forms in statistical terms simply noise, a neglected calculation error.

In general, a person’s attitude towards knowledge deteriorates as he grows up. The more knowledge he acquires, the more clearly doubts about their expediency form in his head. When you spend a lot of time studying something, somewhere subconsciously the thought is born that all this is not just like that, but for the sake of some real future things. Since the knowledge of the classics, the geniuses of literature, has been hammered into your head by spending a huge amount of time and effort, then you need to somehow justify these costs in practical terms, otherwise why was all this done? Naturally, this is done in order to, standing on the shoulders of the titans, somehow, in a fit of inspiration, come up with something reasonable, kind, eternal, and, moreover, relevant and modern. Perhaps the teachers (at least some of them) adhered to these beliefs to some extent, but somehow not too persistently and consistently. They worked (and are now working) under the pressure of methods, programs and instructions handed down from above, which say a lot about how and what knowledge needs to be hammered into the heads of students, but little is said about why, in fact, this knowledge is needed, what do with them.

There is also an opposite point of view on knowledge - optimistic. Let us give one of its interpretations.

“To move forward, we need desires and knowledge about the world.

Desires are fuel for our internal “engine”. Without desires, it will be difficult for us to move in order to change the status quo. Any, even the most insignificant test, will fill us with fear and anxiety. The mind will obediently tell us many excuses why this or that action is impossible, undesirable or untimely.

A person who truly wants does not look for excuses. He looks for opportunities - and if he cannot find them, he creates them himself. He does not wait for approval or permission, he writes out permission for himself and confronts the world with the fact: “I want this, and you must take it into account.”

But desires alone are not enough. For potential to become reality, and desires to turn into achievements, a person must make the most effective use of his internal resources and the resources of the surrounding world. To do this, he must objectively evaluate these resources. He should know his own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of those around him. He needs clear and reliable knowledge of how the world works, by what mechanisms it works.

No matter how strong our desire, it can only come true in the context of a system of universal laws. The power of our desire will not override the laws of physics, chemistry, psychology, or human motivation for our sake. Understanding the role of laws and the willingness to cooperate with them distinguishes a truly successful person from an empty dreamer.

The world seems hostile only to people whose knowledge of the world is shallow and fragile. Only the ignorant send curses to the world and want to escape from it into another, ideal world. Reality is more beautiful and richer than we imagine - but only for those who are willing to work to bring its treasures to the surface."

So, two points of view - two polar views on knowledge. Complete rejection of knowledge and inspired reverence for it is the reality in which we live. They say that the truth is always somewhere in the middle. It is difficult to say whether such a middle ground can be found in this case.

Indeed, our knowledge is imperfect, and therefore cannot be absolutely trusted. However, we have no other knowledge, and we have to be content with what we have. However, everything is not so bad. We launch rockets into space, drive cars, live in warm houses, communicate on the Internet. Yes, rockets can explode, cars can break down, houses can collapse, and the Internet can turn into an information dump. But we can successfully combat such phenomena, so, in general, knowledge is beneficial. And the usefulness of knowledge determines its value to us.

The concepts of “value” and “usefulness” are often considered synonymous. However, this is only true in economics. In general, value is a characteristic of objects and phenomena, denoting recognition of its personal and/or socio-cultural significance. Value is the positive or negative significance of objects of the surrounding world for a person, a social group, society as a whole, determined not by their properties in themselves, but by their involvement in the sphere of human life, interests and needs, social relations; criterion and methods for assessing this significance, expressed in moral principles and norms, ideals, attitudes, goals. There are material, socio-political, spiritual, eternal values; positive and negative values.

It can be noted that the same knowledge has different values ​​for different people. It's all about our individual characteristics. For a person with mathematical abilities, the value of higher mathematics will be very high - it brings material benefits and gives intellectual pleasure. For people lacking such abilities, mathematics will be useless. Accordingly, it will not be of any value to them. For a musician, musical notation is valuable - he benefits from it by playing the violin or piano for money. For a mathematician, deprived of an ear for music, musical notation will have no value - it is useless for him.

Of course, these arguments are somewhat simplified. In fact, the picture is much more interesting. Everyone understands that knowledge can be useful indirectly. For example, a theoretical mathematician with his knowledge of higher algebra, group theory, etc. can find a physical pattern that will be useful for everyone else. And it turns out that the knowledge of mathematics, which is useless for the majority, turns into usefulness for them through a theoretical mathematician. This is why people finance basic sciences and support educational institutions. This is how knowledge becomes “eternal values”.

It happens that knowledge that is valuable to a person does not bring him any benefit. This can happen for many reasons. For example, a person ends up on a desert island and his knowledge of ancient philosophy becomes useless to him. Or, as a result of a political coup, an ideology that is valuable to a large part of the population collapses.

The opposite can also happen, when certain events make knowledge valuable to many people that was previously of no value to them. So, in a market economy, former engineers become realtors, financial brokers, etc. And who knows what knowledge may be useful to us in the future!?

Of course, knowledge is needed in order to benefit a person. But this is only part of the picture. In general, our judgment of knowledge is shaped by individual characteristics, value systems and the current situation in society. Knowledge that is useful at the moment is usually of high value. But what is valuable today may lose its value tomorrow, and vice versa. For the average person, the value of this or that knowledge is purely utilitarian. For a talented person, knowledge that contributes to the development of his talent will be valuable. There are creative people for whom knowledge is valuable simply in itself, etc. and so on. Therefore, to the question of why knowledge and education are needed, each person answers in his own way. And there is no universal answer!

Now a few words about the difference between knowledge and information.

See how easy it is to get missing information, such as what knowledge is! You clicked on the hyperlink and the information was in front of your eyes. Not in my head, but on the screen. You don't know what knowledge is, but you know how to find out. Why then open a book or a note? Why bother yourself? If I need it, I’ll read it right away!

So it seems that the whole difference between an educated and an uneducated person, in fact, is only that the first has knowledge “in his head”, and the second has it “on the screen”. It remains to be seen whether there are any advantages to “knowledge in the head” over “information on the screen.”

Try to use the new information to your advantage. It will take you a long time before you achieve your first success. And a knowledgeable person will do it very quickly. In his head, everything is already “sorted out” according to optimal application scenarios.

Pick up any unfamiliar scientific or technical book. You'll have to work hard to understand what's written there. To do this, you may have to pick up a number of more books that explain what is written in the first book. Information does not immediately turn into knowledge. Knowledge involves understanding information. And understanding comes only as a result of a successful learning process.

For the learning process to be effective, a number of conditions must be met. Firstly, the information must be intelligible. Secondly, it must be properly structured. Third, always have additional information on hand that may be needed to clarify unclear terms, concepts, and methods. Fourthly, the information being studied must be associated with what has already been studied. Fifth, the information must be searchable. To ensure that all these conditions are met, backmology was created.

Backmology helps turn information into knowledge. Those who want to save a lot of time on studying economics, management, psychology, and business organization can rely on backmology - it can significantly reduce the process of self-education.

Every person wants to be educated, to know more, to be able to do more. But the path to knowledge is not easy; it requires perseverance and perseverance. And every labor is rewarded. So why does a person need knowledge?

First of all, knowledge is needed to get a profession and do what you love - because without knowledge you cannot be a good specialist and will not be useful to society. It is very pleasant to communicate with a person who is comprehensively developed. It's interesting to have conversations with people who read a lot. Such people have well-developed speech; it is not without reason that A.S. Pushkin noted that reading is the best learning. Knowledge adorns a person; it is a huge creative force.

However, knowledge in the hands of immoral people is a terrible weapon. After all, the most educated engineers created the death machine at Buchenwald, the most erudite, knowledgeable chemists and biologists invented biological weapons.

There are examples in history of how people with deep and comprehensive (and sometimes encyclopedic) knowledge achieved great heights. The biblical king Solomon asked God for the only good - knowledge. For this he was awarded everything: wealth, wisdom, love, longevity.

Highly educated, erudite people were the artist, architect, scientist and engineer Leonardo da Vinci, commander Suvorov, scientist and poet Lomonosov, the great Pushkin and many others. They are precisely the shining examples of the great role of knowledge - what it can give to a person and how it can influence his life.

Why do we need knowledge?

In our age of computerization, the age of scientific and technological progress, knowledge is necessary for each of us. Back in the seventeenth century, the English philosopher F. Bacon argued: “Knowledge is power.” Why does a person need knowledge?

The desire for knowledge is one of the main human traits. Even in ancient times, people sought to understand the surrounding nature. At first it was a practical necessity: it was necessary to get food for ourselves and protect ourselves from wild animals. And people began to study the world in which they lived. The first knowledge was very important for humanity: the invention of fire, the calendar, smelting metals, and cooking.

So, first of all, natural sciences developed, which had practical significance for human life - geography, physics, biology. In addition, people have always been interested in knowing about themselves. The laws of relationships between people are described by the humanities: literature, social science, law. People have always sought to know about their past - this is how history appeared. This knowledge is often very useful: the experience of our ancestors helps in modern life. It is worth mentioningmathematics. This science is one of the most important achievements of culture and civilization. Without it, the development of technology and knowledge of nature would be unthinkable things!

It is necessary to know not just to know, but in order to learn how to do something, to get a profession and do what you love. Knowledge must necessarily find a field of application, otherwise it will not bring any benefit. He who acquires knowledge but does not use it is like one who plows but does not sow. “The wise is not the one who knows, but the one whose knowledge is useful,” said the ancient philosopher Aeschylus. A I.V. On this occasion, Goethe thought that ... “it is not enough just to gain knowledge; I need to find an app for them. It is not enough to just wish; need to do".

In the modern world there are many sources of knowledge. This includes the Internet, television, radio, and magazines. Thomas Aquinas wrote that knowledge is such a precious thing that there is no shame in obtaining it from any source. But the book still remains one of the most important sources of knowledge. It's interesting to communicate with people who read a lot. If a person does not like to read, he cannot reach the heights of spiritual perfection. After all, reading is not only about learning about some facts and information. Reading is to develop your taste, to comprehend the beautiful.

In the history of mankind there were people who showed us what heights can be achieved thanks to knowledge. Highly educated, erudite people were the artist, architect, scientist and engineer Leonardo da Vinci, commander Suvorov, scientist and poet Lomonosov, the great Pushkin and many others.

No one can know everything. But a person is designed in such a way that all his life he strives to learn something, to expand his knowledge. You can never stop there. And we are confident that our knowledge will benefit the country, because, as M.V. Lomonosov believed, “Russian land can give birth to its own Platos and quick minds of Newtons.”

Knowledge is not easy to achieve. You need to try very hard, make every effort. Sometimes obstacles arise: it’s difficult to solve a problem, learn something, find the right book, there’s simply no desire to learn... But all these difficulties can be overcome. The main thing is to get together and work a little, because in the end you will reap valuable fruits. Our knowledge is the path to success.

He who has achieved knowledge will achieve power;

An old man's soul becomes younger from knowledge.

Only the first knowledge will shine upon you,

You will find out: there is no limit to knowledge. (Firdousi)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Suppose you are quite healthy, but the “granite of science” still defies your teeth?

Figure out what's stopping you. Maybe first of all you should ask yourself: why do you need the knowledge that you get at school? Let's try to answer this question.

When you were little, your mother or grandmother, showing you some object, for example a ball, would ask: “What is this?” And you joyfully named the word that you were taught. It is no coincidence that the famous Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus said: “If you don’t know the names, the knowledge of things is lost.” That is, if you don’t know the names and don’t understand what the word means, then you won’t be able to learn anything about the objects themselves. At school you learn to read and write those words whose meaning and pronunciation you learned when you were a baby. And with each school year you learn more and more about new objects and words, unprecedented secrets are revealed to you. And there are even more of them ahead, it seems impossible to exhaust them!

In addition to words denoting individual specific objects (“pen”, “ball”, “doll”), at school you will get acquainted with general - not only concrete, but also abstract - concepts (“kindness”, “peace”, “nature”) . You will learn to understand the meaning of words that are new to you. You will have to learn and remember a lot of information about subjects that are new to you - such as, for example, “society”, “state”, “people”. Why do you need all this knowledge?

The world in which we all have to live, grow, and mature is huge, complex, contradictory, and sometimes even dangerous. Agree that you will have to learn a lot and be able to do a lot to find your place in this world.

In a few years you will have to choose a profession, and you will not be able to do this if you are not well prepared in the basic school subjects. Without mastering knowledge, you will not be able to open up, which means you will lose as an individual. But if you take your studies seriously, then in the future you will be able to achieve no less fame than, say, Sofya Kovalevskaya or Anna Akhmatova.

You have to learn how to communicate with people in a variety of situations. Surely you are already having problems in relationships with your peers, but they can be avoided. To do this, you need to be able to understand the motives of other people’s behavior and understand them. Pay attention in literature and history lessons. Perhaps the heroes of works of fiction, as well as real-life heroes, will tell you by their example how to get out of difficult troubles with honor.

By the way, the famous ancient Greek orator Cicero said about history that it is a teacher of life. History will tell you about the laws and rules by which various states were built. Like Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, you will learn “how the state grows rich and why it does not need gold.”

Studying your native and foreign languages ​​will help you better control your speech and not get confused when meeting foreigners. Excellent knowledge of the language allows people to expand their horizons and teaches them to express their thoughts clearly, accurately and wittily. It will be easier for you to communicate with your peers and build relationships with adults.

Botany, biology, chemistry, geography will reveal to you the secrets of nature and its laws.

Everything you see around you can be understood, explained and predicted. As soon as you come out of diapers, the first thing your baby's gaze falls on are moving objects. Movement is a phenomenon that we encounter all the time: animals run, planes fly, cars drive, rivers flow, stones fall from mountains. What makes objects move? To describe and explain the process of movement, a person had to learn to observe and measure. Or, for example, another interesting phenomenon - heat. You know the ice is cold. And iron becomes hot in the sun. When water boils, it turns into steam. And so, when a person learned that in winter he only needs to heat water to drink tea and warm up, his life became easier. What would you do now (just imagine!) if you didn’t have such a familiar refrigerator at home, and in the summer there wasn’t your favorite ice cream in it?..

Or here are some other questions (there are so many of them!): If you rub a comb on your hair, it will begin to attract pieces of paper. And in the sky before the rain, thunder rumbles and lightning flashes. These phenomena are related to electricity. Why, for example, is the sky blue under the rays of the sun, but the sunset is red? If you want to know, study physics. It paints a picture of the world around us in time and space.

But physics cannot do without mathematics. Mathematics, like physics, develops spatial imagination - that is, the ability to understand and mentally imagine the location of objects in space. Having mastered physical and mathematical knowledge, you will become more resourceful and smart.

Avoid gaps in your knowledge of mathematics. Don’t be shy about appearing unclear and asking questions.

However, this applies to any subject, remember that even the smartest people are not able to understand everything the first time. If you feel that you haven’t fully understood the topic, it’s better to immediately raise your hand and ask the teacher than to frantically rummage through your textbook later, looking for the answer to your question.

So, the more knowledge you accumulate, the smarter you become and the better your brain develops. The knowledge you receive at school makes your life interesting and rich, and no one needs uneducated fools today.

I understand that I have stopped writing fewer articles. But I think you understand me, I want to share information, technologies and tools with those who really need it, who are ready to study this information, put it into practice and give feedback. That is, to see the results of your work.

Today we will talk about why a person needs new knowledge and tools if he does not plan to translate them into practice.

Judging by the huge number of sites on spiritual and personal development, this topic is in demand and each of us periodically reads such information. Acquaintance with new information implies the development of consciousness. But is it?

Basically, new information is chewing gum for the mind to keep the mind occupied. You can disagree with this and be absolutely sure that after reading something, you already have new knowledge to the extent that you are able to apply it in practice.

But when practice begins, it turns out that this is not at all the case.

“...how is chewing gum harmful to the mind?”

Why is an alcoholic worse than me? At the very least, he has a physical dependence, a dependence at the body level on a chemical substance. For me, my Mind gets a thrill from that feeling of know-it-all that it gets only when learning new information - and this is not treated at the dispensary))). In short, again mind games, again it’s not me who controls my life.


But that's not so bad. We don't notice the main thing: the more we develop our mind, the more dissatisfied we become. We become addicted to information like a drug, and our goal is not change, but knowledge.

We read something new, gained new knowledge, satisfied our mind, our consciousness, but the problems remained as they were. Knowledge gives us an explanation of how it should be and how it is correct. With this knowledge, we dive into reality and see that the world does not correspond to this new knowledge, does not correspond to how it should be, not to what is correct. As a result, problems are not solved, and dissatisfaction begins to grow more and more.

Dissatisfaction grows and we have a desire to get away from it. And we again move away from it in the way that is familiar to us - by filling ourselves with new knowledge.

When you have a problem, what do you do? You start looking for a solution on the Internet, right? We found the answer to our question and temporarily calmed down. But did this solve the problem?

And the more knowledge we gain, the more intelligent and knowledgeable we consider ourselves, and note - the more intolerant of other people’s opinions we become. And so on in a circle. New information provides only temporary relief and only at the moment when we absorb it.

As a result, knowledge becomes a source of energy for consciousness, for the mind, but it is also a source of dissatisfaction, as we have found out. “Many knowledge - many troubles” or “woe from mind.”

In general there are two types of people:

  • the first are those who accumulate knowledge and delve into this knowledge;
  • the second are those who direct their knowledge to life processes through practice, experience, and consolidation of what has penetrated into consciousness.

Let's see what those who accumulate knowledge do.

First, they increase their awareness and improve their intelligence. They know a lot and start teaching others without having life experience, but in the end they complicate everything. By telling others what and how to do correctly, they deprive themselves of their own lives and prevent others from living. At the same time, they know everything and can justify everything.

Have you noticed that from a person who knows a lot, we expect the manifestation of the best human qualities. But what do we end up with? With intolerance, with demands, sometimes even with aggression and cynicism. People have no simple warmth of mind, since they have little interest in other people, as such. The main thing for them is to express and impose their point of view.

From the outside it seems that these people really know and are able to do a lot, but in fact the information entered them without effort or mental work and remained there only in the form of attitudes: how it is right and how it should be.

Such people cannot give a simple and sincere answer to a simple question. There will definitely be an attitude, advice, rule, morality.

Tatyana: Look, you have a lot of nettles (knowledge) and you go around and offer this nettle to everyone. Now turn it over. They offer you nettles, they say that it will help with all diseases. What will be your first reaction?

O.: My reaction is rejection, “don’t teach me how to live.”))

K.: This is what Tatyana is talking about, in my opinion. When you act automatically “people will need my information” without feeling the situation and the person you are talking to, the person will have a reaction like “why is she bothering with her advice” (maybe he didn’t need advice) and he may not wants to communicate with you. There may also be a perception of you as constantly “pouring water.”

I personally have neither one nor the other impression of you. This, in my opinion, is because I also sin by “pouring water”))) How well you and I quoted to each other here, remember, until Tatyana brought us back to earth. They would have quoted it that way and nothing would have changed in our lives.


People of the second type do not acquire knowledge in the form of information, but make any knowledge their internal knowledge through awareness, through experience, through experience. And when knowledge enters through experience, then any knowledge is creative, then there is no desire to impose it on someone as an attitude. This is already a way of life, when words and actions do not diverge, when an internal structure appears and a person understands what, why and how he is doing.

Let's now see what happens to us when we read the texts of truly outstanding authors such as I. Kalinauskas, Osho, Ch. Trungpa, N.D. Walsh, Liz Burbo and others.

When we are in the space of a book, in the space of the author, we have the illusion of participation, the illusion of understanding, and we try to evoke experiences through the words that we perceive. But at this moment we turn to our fantasy, believing that these are experiences.

But is this really so?

Look, as soon as we put the book down, the information with which we became familiar, with which we identified, begins to narrow. We no longer remember half of what we read. We find ourselves in our own space, the one we were in before reading the book. Yes, knowledge or understanding has increased, but real changes have not occurred, even though it seems to us that we have become different.

From the notes of the Workshop participants:

Tatyana, I want to thank you for directing my attention in the right direction (once again).

Yesterday I sat, looked and listened to the INC (I.N. Kalinauskas), recorded that “everything is clear,” that’s good. Then I turned it off and after about three minutes I already observed a change in my “everything is clear” - I directly felt HOW my space was different from his space. And I immediately remembered your words that while we are in the lecturer’s space, everything is clear to us. Then about ten minutes later, when I was still thinking about what INK said, I registered slight irritation and dissatisfaction (!) because “everything is clear” began to disappear gradually, and I wanted to listen to INK again. I also felt it directly. This is how when you don’t change your space with internal work, after some time dissatisfaction sets in and again you want to listen to INK or someone else. I wanted. Truly a drug for the mind. But in life, nothing changes because of this! And this leads to even more dissatisfaction - and again “forward for knowledge.” I realized this.

So we go back and forth, fantasizing to ourselves, imagining ourselves in some role or in the place of the author of a book, believing that we are already almost whole and enlightened, we can do everything and know how to do everything.

This is the most terrible moment of deceiving ourselves, it is at this moment that we leave ourselves, we stop hearing our own impulses, our own needs. And if we don’t hear ourselves, then we can’t get rid of the feeling of dissatisfaction.

Anyone who often attends psychological trainings or personal growth courses has also encountered this phenomenon. While you are in the trainer’s space, everything seems clear and simple to you, you have a lot of energy and you are confident that after the training you will cope with everything. But after the training, the ardor begins to fade, there are a lot of restrictions, why you cannot do what you learned in the training, and in the end you return to the starting point and go to the training again. I call this phenomenon “spiritual addiction,” withdrawal from oneself.

How can we see that we are moving away from ourselves and entering into our fantasies?

We will immediately become dissatisfied. Explicitly or in the background, but it will appear. There will come a feeling that we are missing something, something is lacking, something is wrong with us or in the world, we do not correspond to something or the world does not correspond to something.

Only a living person in some specific situation for us can provoke us to awareness and experience. Sometimes just one question. Because there are things we can only learn through experience that are not meant to be understood.

The book will not help you survive, it is addressed to many, it contains logical chains for consciousness. And that means everything for understanding. Trainings that are not aimed at individual situations will also not help you gain experience.

Only live individual interaction, practice in your specific situation with the help of a mentor, through his space, then you can have these experiences. Not experiences of the mind, fantasies, as in books, but real experiences, when you not only understand something, but your life begins to change.

True, deep knowledge is acquired through mental tension, awareness, experience and practical actions.

My experience shows another interesting feature: when a person comes to a course, his behavior in studies is a consequence of his behavior in life. If a person is responsible and organized in life, then he treats his studies the same way.

If he doesn’t work on the course, he doesn’t work only because his head is in a complete state of chaos, which he doesn’t want to deal with. But at the same time he has an exact idea of ​​how everything should be. And instead of understanding himself, he begins to demand that others conform to his ideas, and begins to teach others.

In general, it is very difficult for a person to refrain from teaching. Everyone loves to teach, and you can observe this for yourself. But taking the position of a student is the most difficult thing, much more difficult than teaching. And not everyone has the courage to do this.

Conduct this test: when loading yourself with information, ask yourself the question “what do I want to do with this information?” And give yourself a sincere answer: increase your awareness; or confirm your knowledge, your guesses; or apply this knowledge in practice. What?

Sincerely, Tatyana Ushakova.


other articles by the author in the group:
  • Self improvement. Correct what the Creator created or learn to use what is given?
  • I don't know what I want or where our personal desires disappear
  • Slave or leader? Or what is important for us: to speak out or to hear?
  • “I can’t find a common language with him” or how to enter into dialogue
  • Three reasons why we turn to specialists, Teachers and Masters
  • The power of evaluations or the nature of a sense of self-worth and importance - 2
  • The power of evaluations or the nature of self-importance - 1
  • Life for goals and life without goals. Combine incompatible things - 2
  • Life for goals and life without goals. Combine incompatible things - 1