What to write in a telegram for newlyweds. Cool telegrams for a wedding. Wedding competition: Dance with a ball

Comic telegrams have always been and remain in fashion. After all, a wedding is a holiday, fun, and no one would mind laughing at one of these telegrams, dedicated to both the newlyweds and the bride or groom separately. Are you unable to attend the wedding of your relatives or friends? Don't be upset, send them a solemn telegram and attach a few humorous ones to it. In advance, ask one of your relatives to read them at the banquet. The newlyweds will definitely like it, and the telegrams themselves will remain as a keepsake.

Telegrams for newlyweds.

We will try to ensure cloudless weather throughout our life, but a lot depends on you.

Hearty congratulations on legal marriage! There are as many stumps in the forest, we wish you as many sons. We wish you as many daughters as there are buds on the tree.
Nature Conservation Society.

Let's clear up the smog over your city. We will clean the water in your water supply. Health to you!

Dear Newlyweds! Congratulations on your start honeymoon!
Beekeeping Society.

Congratulations on your wedding! We don’t mind letting your feelings burn with a bright flame.
Fire brigade.

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!
Distillery team.

So that your life sparkles, and not hisses and gurgles like soda!
Director of a champagne wine factory.

Dear newlyweds! I'm delayed. Make do on your own.

Expect in 9 months. I hug you tightly and kiss you.

May there not be a single bitter day in your life.
Confectionery factory workers.

We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding.
Nursing home.

Dear Newlyweds! I'll arrive with the gift right on time.
Your Stork.

Dear Newlyweds! Jealousy is a great evil! Trust each other!

Young! We cordially congratulate you on your arrival at the port family life! We inform you that from now on, throwing anchors and nets in foreign waters is regarded as poaching and is condemned by law.

On your wedding night, my thoughts are with you.

We believe, we hope, we wait.
Maternity hospital

We reserve 5 places.
Kindergarten "Sun".

Dear spouses! Chew on the dryer, not each other!
Bread factory.

I wish you a sea of ​​happiness, may you live together until you are a hundred years old and may 33 heroes be born.
Uncle Chernomor.

Please learn another language - language family relations.
University of the Foreign languages.

Let your marriage be without marriage!
OTC controller.

Congratulations! We invite you to spend your first wedding night in the Arctic, where the night lasts 6 months.
White bears.

If you got married yourself, figure it out yourself!
Police station.

You feel good today, you are getting married today.
All the same, you won’t get away from me.
Your baby.

Dear newlyweds! It is very important for your health to live without a mother-in-law! To live your life, you need to visit us!
City Polyclinic.
(Names of the young people)! Gosstrakh employees congratulate you on this significant date and ask you to insure yourself against hatred, sadness and boredom.

(Names)! Electricity network employees advise (husband's name), if your wife is not in a good mood, do not touch her, otherwise you will get a short circuit.

(Husband’s name), don’t cut from the shoulder, and you (wife’s name), drink, but know when to stop.

Looking forward to the meeting. We'll be there soon. Meet me.
Family troubles.

Telegrams for the groom.

What a lamp of reason has gone out! What a guy, brothers, we lost!

When you look for your shoe future wife, choose one with a wider heel and a lighter sole!
Experienced husbands.

If children suddenly appear on your way, consider them yours!

If you drink sometimes,
Suddenly the wife gets angry,
There's nothing to worry about,
Come spend the night with us.
Sobering-up station.

Our hearty congratulations on your good catch! From today, the season of hunting for brides and catching mermaids is closed for you forever.
Hunter Society.

Congratulations and we announce unprecedented discounts on the installation of an alarm system that protects your wife from theft.
Car service.

Just go straight! Looking to the left can lead to family disaster!
Traffic police officers.

Congratulations, you have been enrolled in our stroller and bicycle driving courses out of competition.
Traffic police officers.

Dear, dear and beloved! Who did you leave me for? How I loved you! After all, we were happy together. And now it’s all over, but I will forever remember our walks with you under the moon, conversations on quiet evenings, I will remember our crazy and sweet life. I'm left alone, but I won't cry!
Your single life.

Husband don't sleep - the neighbor doesn't sleep.

I found out that you are getting married. I'm really sorry.
Your single life.

If you got married yourself, help someone else.
Your friends are bachelors.

There is no turning back for a traitor!
Society "Confirmed Bachelors".

My dear and beloved (name of the groom), I am sending this telegram to you from the station, it will ring soon last call, and I will leave your life forever. Remember how we had fun together, what it was like happy Days how we loved each other. Remember how you swore that you would be faithful to me until the end of your life, but now she is next to you, young, beautiful, in white elegant dress! So be happy with her, love her, and never leave her like you left me. And I have to come to you last request, never forget me!
Your single life.

Now they will put a collar on you too.

What, were you crowing?
Poultry farm.

Strive to please your mother-in-law; it’s easier to please your wife.
Happy husbands.

To be below the grass,
To be quieter than water,
So that you don’t go without permission
And he told me where he had been.
Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the wedding, try not to blink your eyes, otherwise you will miss your wife.

Telegrams for the bride.

Dear (name of the bride)! We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you much happiness.
Every year we look forward to your visit,
Sincerely, the maternity hospital!

When you go on a visit, don’t forget your husband at home.
Lost and found.

(Bride's name)! Scold your husband in private, but praise him in public!
Vasilisa the Wise.

Urgently tell me the size of your husband's neck. We'll send you a clamp.
Trade Department.

Congratulations and we are sending the saw as a gift for your husband.
The staff of the Household Goods store.

Be not only cake for your husband, but also bread. However, remember that man is not satisfied with bread alone.
Trust of restaurants and cafes.

Love your husband, be happy, but if after 17 years you want to change married life for 17 moments of spring - let me know urgently.
Your fan is Stirlitz.

To have a restful night's sleep, teach your child to say "daddy."

If you find your husband in a ditch with his head towards the house, don’t scold him: he was on the right path.
My husband's friends.

Dear (name of the bride)! Remember, marriage for a man is a life sentence with complete confiscation of property (salary) without severance pay. Therefore, take care of your man like a deposit in a bank; in your old age you will receive a significant percentage.

Your order has been completed and a new clamp has been sent. We'll send the bridle later.
Stud farm.

Dear (bride's name), your order for shoes with a special heel pattern has been completed.
Shoe factory.

We express our condolences to dear (bride's name) on the loss of her maiden name.
Society of old maids.

Charming (bride's name)! Congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you health, happiness, patience, patience, patience. Don't bring your husband to the boil.
Union of Veteran Wives.

On sale new batch ironclad gloves. Due to high demand, I am leaving you one pair. Please come in.
Head base of Podkhalimov.

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  • I can't fly. The weather is bad, I'll be back in about nine months - Stork.
  • Congratulations! We invite you to spend your wedding night with us. Here it lasts six months. - Polar explorers.
  • May there not be a single bitter day in your life. - Confectionery factory workers.
  • We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding. - Nursing home.
  • Dear newlyweds! Jealousy is bad! Trust each other! - Othello.
  • Young! We cordially congratulate you on your arrival in the port of family life! We inform you that from now on, throwing anchors and nets in foreign waters is regarded as poaching and is punishable by law. - Rybnadzor.
  • Newlyweds! Congratulations and remind you that hot hugs on your wedding night and after are allowed at a distance of no closer than one meter from flammable objects. - Fire protection.
  • My dear. I am sending this telegram to you from the station. Soon the last bell will ring and I will leave your life forever. Remember how we had fun together, what great days they were, how we loved each other. Remember how you swore to me that you would be faithful until the end of your life, but now she is next to you, young, beautiful, in a white dress! So be happy with her, love her, and never leave her like you left me. And I have one last request for you, never forget me! - Your single life.
  • Groom! If you want your wife to be an angel, create heaven for her. - Crap.
  • Bride! If you find your husband after a party in a ditch with his head towards the house, do not scold him: he was on the right path. - Friends.
  • Young! If you want to sleep peacefully at night, teach your child to say “Dad.” - Girlfriends.

Comic wedding telegrams

The best way to surprise newlyweds and guests

Please learn another language - the language of family relationships.
University of the Foreign languages

Congratulations! I can’t arrive, I’ll be back in nine months!

We express our sincere condolences to dear (wife’s name) on the loss of her surname.
Passport Office

... (spouse's name)!
Congratulations! Be happy! Please return my photos.
Forgotten bachelor life

... (spouse's name)!
When getting married, give up childishness, so that the children come with a sign of quality.
Technical control department

Congratulations on the launch of the two satellites of the Bride and Groom into orbit. We wish you a successful strat, a safe flight together!

Dear newlyweds! I'm delayed. Make do on your own.

Dear Newlyweds! I'll arrive with the gift right on time.

Dear bride! Remember, marriage for a man is a life sentence with complete confiscation of property (salary) without severance pay. Therefore, take care of your man like a deposit in a bank; in your old age you will receive a significant percentage.

For the bride.
We would like to bring to your attention that your husband is preparing to begin the operation “Who’s the boss?” We suggest that you get ahead of him and begin the counter operation “Where you sit down, you get off.”

To the groom!
A wife is not a mitten. You can’t throw it off your hand, and you can’t throw it over the fence.

If you need kids, no problem!
Winnie the Pooh will always help. Yes Yes Yes!

Kindergarten like a swarm of bees
He sends his cordial greetings,
We all want to wish you, young people,
So that you don’t forget to get in line.

We reserve 10 places.

To future spouses!
So that your life sparkles, and not hisses and gurgles like soda!

Young! Congratulations and remind you that hot hugs on your wedding night and after are allowed at a distance of no closer than one meter from flammable objects.

Prudent wife!
If you want your husband to spend time only with you, then make sure that he does not find such pleasant pleasure and tenderness anywhere else.

* * *
To the groom.
Take care of the dress when new. And my wife from a young age.

* * *
If you find your husband in a ditch with his head towards the house, don’t scold him: he was on the right path.

We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding.

* * *
(Groom's name) and (bride's name)!
We wish you happiness, friends!
From now on you are one together!
So as not to get dizzy
And the mind was always in place!

To the groom. If you got married yourself, help someone else.

We wish you a sea of ​​happiness, may you live together until you are a hundred years old and may 33 heroes be born.

Now they will put a collar on you too!

* * *
(Groom's name)!
Just go straight! Looking to the left can lead to family disaster!

Dear bride and groom! Congratulations and we inform you that a 9-month course for baby stroller drivers is starting on the territory of the Park of Culture. To avoid storming, please register in advance.

Please learn another language - the language of family relationships.

To a young wife.
Blankets, vests,
Dolls, pacifiers and potties,
They've been waiting for their mother for a long time,
Please hurry up!

Your order has been completed and a new clamp has been sent. We'll send the bridle later.

Let your marriage be without marriage!

Let everyone be drunk and cheerful,
Eats and drinks wisely in moderation!
So that you feel crowded at the table,
There was room under the table!

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

To the bride. Tell me your husband's measurements. We'll send you a clamp.

To be below the grass,
To be quieter than water,
So that you don’t go without permission
And he told me where he had been.
Ministry of Internal Affairs

To the groom.
Congratulations to the newlyweds on their legal marriage. We wish you happiness and warn the groom in advance: if the bride is kidnapped, the police are powerless.
Ministry of Internal Affairs

(Groom's name)!
A wife is not a mistress - you can love her when she is an old woman.

To the new groom!
When you look for shoes for your future wife, choose one with a wider heel and a lighter sole!

Three slots are being booked at New York City nurseries for 2005! Don't ruin our plan.

To the groom.
Congratulations! We wish not to find ourselves under the heel of our wife.

Dear..., your order for shoes with a special heel pattern has been completed.

To the groom. To the traitor of the way back!

To the groom. Congratulations on your good haul! We inform you that the bride hunting season is over.

* * *
To the groom. Congratulations on your good haul!

To the bride. Feed your husband well. Don't iron against the grain. Let him run once a week.

To the groom.
Congratulations. We are glad to welcome you into our ranks.

Dear Newlyweds! Congratulations on the start of your honeymoon!

To the bride. Congratulations! We are sorry and very upset.

Dear Newlyweds! Jealousy is a great evil! Trust each other!

To sleep peacefully at night, teach your child to say papa.

Dear groom.
The time is over
You won't come to us anymore.
Maybe at a wedding
Last time Do you drink!

Let the fire of your hearts burn stronger.
We won't stew!

Let the heat of our hearts not go out, but don’t set us on fire!

Brought a million notes.
Congratulations! We invite you to spend your first wedding night in the Arctic, where the night lasts 6 months.

Congratulations on your revolutionary step in life! I wish you successful perestroika, accelerated multiplication of the family with subsequent democratization of family relations. Rather, move on to independence and self-financing, and your parents will be your reliable sponsors.

Dear newlyweds,
I regret that last time I
Having been in your city for a couple of days,
I didn’t have to stay with you!

And now I can’t tear myself away
From serious, responsible matters,
Instead of a "summit meeting" in Okinawa
I would rather sing at a wedding!

Well, there’s a conversation with your mother-in-law,
I drank vodka with the witness,
And mushrooms, under marinade,
I would have cut it down together with the guards!

Discos, table speeches
They are not alien to the President yet,
And I wish the Bride and Groom
Save love forever!

Dear bride and groom,
To help everyone forever and at once,
I publish it on the occasion of a wedding,
The most important decree in (April)!


Happy honeymoon!

To the Ivanov spouses.
Applications for divorce from Lyudmila Ivanova and Mikhail Ivanov are not accepted.

May there not be a single bitter day in your life.

To the bride. Be not only cake for your husband, but also bread. However, remember that man is not satisfied with bread alone.

We congratulate the newlyweds, we wish you happiness and joy.
We are looking forward to welcoming the Bride to our exemplary maternity hospital.

The place is reserved. Looking forward to meeting you.

We believe, we hope, we wait.

Young! We cordially congratulate you on your arrival in the port of family life! We inform you that from now on, throwing anchors and nets in foreign waters is regarded as poaching and is condemned by law.

To the groom!
If children suddenly appear on your way, consider them yours!

On your wedding night, my thoughts are with you.

To the bride and groom and all honest company. Drink, have fun, just don’t come to us!

Strive to please your mother-in-law; it’s easier to please your wife.

My favorite! Yesterday I found out that you are getting married. It's a pity! Well, all the best to you! For many years we lived with you in peace and friendship, enjoying each other. Are you really tired of me and have you cheated on me? It's a pity that you met someone else. She is better, kinder, more beautiful than me! Well, goodbye forever! Happiness to you, love. I will console myself with the fact that I have a lot of your brother left.

Dear bride, we express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your promptness in freeing us from long-boring persecution. With sincere envy.

Dear BRIDE! Congratulations! Your order has been completed - you can receive your ironclad gloves at any time.

* * *
Live happily without quarrels and deceptions. Love each other and caption:

To the groom. If you want your wife to be an angel, create heaven for her.

To the bride. Love your husband, be happy. But if after 17 years you want to change your married life for 17 moments of spring, let me know urgently.

It's a shame that brides aren't warned in advance that they're bound to fall in love again with someone else someday, just like their husbands. But explaining life to young people is difficult, painful, and they still never believe.
Shirley Conran

Comic telegrams for weddings to newlyweds

A wedding telegram for newlyweds in a humorous form is one of the original and always pleasant ways to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day.

After all, a wedding is fun, it’s a celebration of two people becoming one. And at such a holiday, guests will be happy to listen and laugh at such comic telegram mi.

To make the congratulations more interesting, you can play out a small scenario, for this you need to dress someone up in a costume of fairy-tale characters, who will read out these comic wedding telegrams.

For example, you can start with these words:

While everyone here was congratulating you,
you haven't heard anything
and the postman came to us here,
brought a million notes.

After that they leave fairy-tale heroes, with the words: Dear newlyweds! Then he reads out the text of the comic telegram:

(Groom's name), don't cut it off, and you (bride's name), drink, but know when to stop.

Kindergarten "Malyutka" congratulates the newlyweds on their wedding day and reserves 5 places for you.
Director kindergarten

You feel good today, you are getting married today.
All the same, you won’t get away from me.
Your baby

On the first and subsequent nights, mentally with you.
Your neighbors

We believe, we hope, we wait.
Maternity hospital "7th"

Dear (names of the newlyweds)! Chew the dryer, not each other!

Dear newlyweds! I'll arrive with the gift right on time.

Dear (names of the newlyweds)! Congratulations! We wish you 5 admiral sons and 5 general sons-in-law.
Military Commissariat

Newlyweds! We congratulate you on the beginning of your honeymoon and wish you a sweet life!
Beekeeping Society

If you need kids, no problem! Winnie the Pooh will always help. Yes Yes Yes!
Winnie the Pooh

Expect in 9 months. I hug you tightly and fly out soon.
Your Stork

We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding.

I wish you happiness in the sea, may you live together until you are a hundred years old and may thirty-three heroes be born.
Uncle Chernomor

An application for divorce from (names of the newlyweds) is not accepted.
Civil registry office workers

Young! We sincerely congratulate you on the arrival of family life in the port! We warn you that from now on, throwing a net and anchor in foreign waters is equated to poaching and is prosecuted by law.

Congratulations on the launch of two satellites (names of the young ones) into near-family orbit. We wish you a successful start and a safe flight together!
Cosmonauts, astronauts and other "...nauts"

Congratulations! We invite you to spend your first wedding night in the Arctic, where the night lasts 6 months.
Polar explorers

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their legal marriage. We wish you happiness and warn the groom in advance: if the bride is kidnapped, the police are powerless.
Ministry of Internal Affairs

We will try to ensure cloudless weather throughout our life, but a lot depends on you.

May there not be a single sour and bitter day in your life.
Director of a confectionery factory

Let the fire in your hearts burn stronger. We won't stew!

Let the heat of our hearts not go out, but don’t set us on fire!

We warn newlyweds that hot hearts, like a hot stove, should not be left unattended. Be careful!
Firefighters and Emergency Situations Ministry

Please learn another language - the language of family relationships.
University of the Foreign languages

Let's clear up the smog over your city. We will clean the water in your water supply. Health to you newlyweds!

Hearty congratulations on your legal marriage! There are as many stumps in the forest, we wish you as many sons. We wish you as many daughters as there are buds on the tree.
Conservation Society

Electrical network employees advise (groom's name), if (bride's name) is not in a good mood, it is better not to touch it, otherwise you will get a short circuit.

Live happily without quarrels and deceptions. Love each other and signature...

Dear newlyweds! Jealousy is a great evil! Trust each other!

Dear young people! Please do not leave us without work.
With love, Maternity Hospital

Dear newlyweds! I'm delayed! Make do on your own.

So that your life sparkles, and not gurgles and hisses like soda!
Champagne wine factory

Unfinished telegram to newlyweds

Ask guests and relatives to name decent adjectives that need to be written in the spaces (the number of spaces can be increased as desired) in the next telegram.

On this _________, _________, _________ day (names of the newlyweds) we congratulate you on the _________, _________ event. We wish _________ happiness, _________ health, _________ peace and _________ success in _________ family life, _________ daughter, _________ son and _________ more children. With _________ wishes, your _________, _________, friends.

After filling out the text of the telegram, read to all the guests present what happened. Sample text wedding telegram that you might end up with:

On this extraordinary, remarkable, green day, we congratulate Andrey and Daria on a happy, creative event. We wish you explosive happiness, restless health, beautiful world and long-term success in perpendicular family life, a charming daughter, a stubborn son and more incredible children. With best wishes from your friendly wedding friends!

A wedding is a day of happiness, and most often, such a day happens only once in a lifetime, and the happiness it brings lasts a lifetime. Try to make it true!

For this, if you are unable to come to the wedding, then a wedding telegram to the newlyweds is very relevant. You just need to send an official telegram for the newlyweds, and attach a few humorous ones to it, just ask one of the guests to read them at the banquet in advance. The young people will value your attention, even though you are not around, and the telegrams themselves will remain a long memory.

Atmosphere wedding celebration It will help to diversify the reading of congratulations, and if these are comic telegrams, then everyone’s mood will be lifted...

The bride is beautiful, bright and wonderful, and to diversify the festive celebration, read cool telegrams for the bride.

Congratulations on your wedding day with a comic telegram, when everyone around you is smart and smiling, will present an explosion of cheerful laughter. To do this, just take a ready-made telegram template.

1. Dear bride and groom! Congratulations! We wish you five admiral sons and six general sons-in-law. Military Commissariat.

2. Dear guests! Drink to the newlyweds whatever they pour for you. We are ready to receive you all.
Sobering-up station.

3. Dear...! Congratulations on an excellent catch and a warning that your girl hunting season is over.
Hunters' Union.

4. I sincerely congratulate your couple. I promise to eat porridge, attend kindergarten, and learn my lessons by rote.
Hello! Your future son.

5. We sincerely congratulate... and... on your arrival at the port of Family Life. We warn you that from now on and forever, throwing anchors and nets in foreign waters will be regarded as poaching and will be strictly condemned by society.

6. Dear... and...! Wait for me in 9 months, I'm flying out tomorrow.

7. Darling...! We are very sorry that you did not choose us. However, we wish you passionate love...
With love: Vasya, Dima, Kolya, Vitya, Sergey, Denis, Roman, Ivan, Stepan and others.

8. Dear...! When you have children, think that they are yours.

9. Dear mother-in-law! If you want (name of the bride) to always be a paradise in your marriage, give your son-in-law 100 dollars a month.
Experienced mothers-in-law.

10. Congratulations to the loving couple and wish that their love always sparkles and plays like champagne, and never fizzes or gurgles like soda.
Director of a champagne wine factory.

11. Dear newlyweds! Congratulations and wish you to keep your mother-in-law and mother-in-law like a rose: in a dark place, neck-deep in ice water.
Union of Gardeners.

12. The staff of the kindergarten “Solnyshko” congratulates the newlyweds on their family birthday, wishes them happiness, health, love and, as wedding gift, reserves eleven places for the future football team "Dynamo...".

13. Dear... and...! Congratulations on your wedding and we warn you that hot kisses on your wedding night are allowed at a distance of at least 1 meter from... objects that are quickly engaged.
Voluntary Firemen's Union.

14. Dear groom! Congratulations on your successful catch.
Fishermen's Union.

16. We wish the newlyweds that from two birch trees a whole birch grove will grow.

17. Dear newlyweds, we welcome you and inform you that the courses on driving prams are postponed indefinitely due to the lack of passengers.

18. Dear... and...! Congratulations on your upcoming honeymoon. We wish you to have it endlessly.
Beekeeping Department.

19. Dear... and...! Congratulations on your legal marriage. We wish you happiness and warn the groom: if the bride is kidnapped, the police will not help.
State Department of Internal Affairs.

20. My dear and beloved...! I am sending you this telegram from the station, soon my train will be on the way, and I will leave you forever. Remember how we rejoiced together, what unforgettable happy days those were, how we loved each other. Remember how you promised that you would be faithful to me for the rest of your life. But now everything is different. She is next to you, young, very attractive, in a wedding dress. So be happy with her, love her and never leave her like you left me. And the last request - never forget me.
I kiss you warmly, your bachelor freedom.