Folders for moving children's adaptation. "We're with you, baby!" From experience working with children during the adaptation period. Text from consultation

When a baby discovers the magical world of drawing, his happiness knows no bounds! How funny and amazing it is to leave your marks on a blank sheet of paper. Training fine motor skills, memory, attention, replenishment vocabulary, education of aesthetic perception, development of creative thinking, ability to think and analyze.
Today we’ll talk about situations when the baby doesn’t really want to draw. Or he liked it, and then suddenly stopped being interested. This happens often, especially in the first 3 years of a baby’s life.
To understand the reasons that could lead to this, let’s study the principles and rules that are very important for maintaining a child’s love for drawing. They must be followed from the first steps in creative development crumbs. In addition, they will help cope with existing problems.

Summer is coming very soon. Warm days will give your baby a lot of joy and new impressions. The main thing is not to forget about the features of caring for your baby’s skin during this period.
The baby's skin is very delicate. Its protective barrier, the so-called hydrolipid mantle, is formed during the first years of a baby’s life and is 30% thinner than that of an adult. In the warm season, the baby's skin is very vulnerable and sensitive to external influences, especially to harmful ultraviolet radiation, since it still contains little melanin, a natural protector against UVA and UVB rays. Therefore, it is important to protect your baby’s skin from their exposure.

The first stage of adaptation is preparatory.
It should begin 1-2 months before the child is admitted to kindergarten. During this time, it is necessary to form such stereotypes in the child’s behavior that will help him painlessly join new conditions.

Living in a family in certain, relatively stable conditions, the child gradually adapts to
environmental conditions. Between the organism and this environment the correct
relationships, the body adapts to environmental influences. Child's body
gradually adapts to a certain room temperature, to the surrounding
microclimate, the nature of food, etc. Under the influence of systematic
influences from the adults around the child, he develops various habits:
he gets used to the regime, the method of feeding, putting him to bed, he develops certain
relationships with parents, attachment to them.

Almost all children have bad dreams from time to time, just like us adults. It’s worth talking about this because the guys’ reaction to these dreams is completely different from ours. We all understand that dreams have no relation to reality, and although we sometimes experience fear when we see them, when we wake up, we again find calm and confidence. At first, young children do not know how to distinguish dreams from reality and therefore worry more than adults, especially if they have bad dreams. This sometimes gives them a fear of the dark and even a reluctance to go to bed. There are two ways to prevent such consequences...

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Adaptation of children taking into account temperament. Educators will be able to display this material in parent corner.
The information will allow parents to better navigate the difficult stage of adaptation.

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Consultation for parents of children early age (junior group) . How to make it easier for your child to adapt to kindergarten.

Text from the consultation:

What can and should parents do to help their child get through the adaptation period as quickly and painlessly as possible?

Simple socialization

The more a child communicates not only with his family, but also with other children and adults - on a walk, on the playground, at a party - in a word, in different environments, the faster and more confidently he will transfer the acquired experience of this communication into the setting of a kindergarten group.

Informal visit to kindergarten

It is very useful to walk near the kindergarten, and then on its territory, watching children play as they walk and describing to the child how good they feel together here. At the initial stage, you need to leave the child in the group for no more than 2-3 hours - only for walks and games.

Mandatory prevention

When entering kindergarten, it is imperative to begin in advance the whole range of preventive measures against... (end of excerpt)

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Adaptation is a kind of emotional stress for a child. Our main task is to help the child get used to the new situation as quickly and painlessly as possible, to feel more confident, and, if possible, to become the master of this situation.

Work on preparing and carrying out adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions is built in several areas: conducting the pre-adaptation period, which includes work with parents and educators. And the actual adaptation period.


Working with parents

1. Educating parents on adaptation issues begins with their first arrival at kindergarten. In the foyer of the preschool educational institution, they can get acquainted with the exhibition, which contains material for both parents and children: (Figure 1)

- “We are preparing the baby for kindergarten. How to ensure that a child gets used to new conditions” is a mobile folder with practical recommendations for parents whose children are entering kindergarten for the first time;

- “I’m going to kindergarten. Problems of Adaptation” is a colorful book with illustrations, made in the form of a mobile folder; by reading it, the parent and the child get acquainted with the peculiarities of the life of children in kindergarten;

- “We are waiting for you” - an album with photographs from the life of the kindergarten. At the beginning of the album, parents and children meet fairy tale hero, on whose behalf there is an acquaintance and journey through the pages of the album. This fairy-tale hero introduces children to the locker room and the locker that awaits the baby; a group room and toys to look forward to; with children who are already in kindergarten and with the interesting and varied life they spend there. (Figure 2)

Information sheets with brief material “Adaptation. What it is?" and “Recommendations for preparing a child for kindergarten.” Parents can take these sheets with them.

The exhibition material is very popular among parents.

2. As soon as the child is registered in kindergarten, parents are invited together with the child for an individual consultation with a preschool educational psychologist.

The consultation has three purposes:

During the conversation and filling out a card for the child, collect information about the family, identify the parents’ attitude towards entering kindergarten, and establish partnerships and friendly relations.

During the conversation and filling out the questionnaire, collect information about the child: find out the child’s individual personal habits, habituation to a routine, nutrition, characteristics of falling asleep and staying asleep, playing skills, the ability to make contact with unfamiliar adults and peers.

Based on these data, the degree of subjective readiness for the child to enter kindergarten is determined, and on the basis of this, parents are given recommendations on how to prepare the child for joining the kindergarten group.

A mini-consultation is also held on the question of what adaptation is and the factors on which its course depends.

Another important goal of the meeting is to form in the child positive associations associated with the kindergarten (while the conversation with the mother is taking place, the child has the opportunity to play with bright, colorful, varied toys that are available in the office); observing how the child comes into contact and, in agreement with the parents, conducting diagnostics of neuropsychic development.

Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, parents are given recommendations on what to pay attention to in the baby’s development and what games, exercises and literature can be used at home.

Experience has shown that studying a child before entering kindergarten can significantly soften the course of the adaptation period.

After the consultation, the educational psychologist conducts a short excursion for the parent and child, showing the main premises of the kindergarten and the group that the child will attend. This demonstration helps parents and children satisfy their curiosity and feel more confident.

3. At a group meeting, which is held by the head of the preschool educational institution before the opening of the group, we once again explain to the parents that it is easier for the child to get used to everything gradually, therefore we recommend:

In advance, before entering the preschool educational institution, come to the territory of the kindergarten and your site to make a preliminary acquaintance;

Agree on a time when you can come to the group so that there are no other children there: the teacher could get to know the baby, and the child could learn about an adult who is new to him;

Take an evening excursion to the kindergarten and show the child that all the children are taken home by their mothers and fathers in the evening; no one stays in the kindergarten forever. This will help the child avoid the feeling of being “abandoned” when he first begins to stay in the kindergarten without his mother.

Working with teachers

Senior preschool teacher and the educational psychologist jointly build work with teachers of early age groups who will recruit children:

1. Draw up work plans for adaptation, taking into account the age of the children, on the basis of which work is built during the pre-adaptation and adaptation period ( see Appendix 1).

2. Conduct a debate on adaptation issues.

The purpose of the debate: to identify the existing knowledge of teachers on organizing the adaptation period with children of the second and third year of life, to promote the best experience and new approaches to the adaptation of children.

During the discussion with teachers, the following questions are discussed:

Adaptation, what is this?

Types of adaptation;

Techniques that facilitate adaptation;

Signs that the child has adapted.

This form of work shows that educators are very active in preparing and discussing these issues. When modeling by teachers different situations, game moments, etc. teachers actively use existing knowledge and practical skills.

At the end of the debate, educators are given reminders on “Organizing a gentle regime during the adaptation period” ( see Appendix 2).

3. The senior teacher, psychologist and educators jointly review the design of the groups and prepare to accept new children.

Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, a kindergarten begins with a locker room, so much attention is paid to the design of the locker room. There they prepare for children:

- “Shelf for favorite toys”, where (at the child’s request) things brought from home are located (Figure 3);

Funny, children's panels (Figure 4);

A mini-game area where bright, beautiful toys are displayed so that the child wants to stay, touch, and look at them; (Figure 5)

Pendants that help to visually “lower” the ceiling and make the child feel more comfortable and calm (Figure 6).

In the group room, all areas are also being refurbished, and the main goal is to make the room more comfortable, homely and attractive for children (Figure 7).

We are thinking over a place for the child to have privacy if he wants to take a break from the group and be alone.

A selection of special games is being prepared that will help children cope with tense, stressful situations during the adjustment period:

Gives a good effect various games with sand and water, dry pool;

Negative emotions are inhibited by monotonous hand movements or squeezing of the hands, so games such as stringing balls on a cord, rubber toys - squeakers, large Lego parts, etc. are prepared for children.

The best cure for stress is laughter. In order to create situations in which the child will laugh, a selection of amusing toys and bi-ba-bo dolls is being prepared.

Teachers prepare a music library with calm music and cheerful children's songs, card files of literary words for all routine moments in order to create a cheerful, joyful mood in children throughout the day, to avoid the routine of the situation.


In our work with children, we consider the main thing to be acceptance of the child as he is and close cooperation with the family.

The day before the child arrives at kindergarten, the teacher-psychologist transmits to the teachers all the information about the child that was obtained from the conversation with the parents. This helps to build work with a newly arrived child based on personal characteristics, experience and habits.

All the child’s habits are preserved during the adaptation period.

Also, for better acquaintance and obtaining as diverse information as possible about the admitted child, educators invite parents to write an essay about their child “My child. What is he like? ( see Appendix 3).

In the first days (1-2), the mother is present in kindergarten with the child. This helps the child feel more confident and reduces the mother’s anxiety about her child’s stay in kindergarten.

Arriving at kindergarten, the child chooses the locker he likes and a picture tag for it, this helps the child quickly get used to the idea that the locker is “his” - a corner of his private life.

A child's first days lead not to breakfast, but to a walk. And it is recommended to leave a child without a mother during a walk, since children feel more comfortable on the street and there are many opportunities to distract them.

We recommend bringing small photo albums with family photos. If he feels sad, having such an album, the child always has the opportunity to open it and see mom or dad, take a toy phone and, looking at the photo, talk to his family.

In a psychologically tense, stressful situation, switching to an ancient, strong food reaction helps, so educators try to offer children something to drink and eat crackers more often.

Every newly admitted child is the center of attention. The teachers calmly, affectionately and in detail explain to the child everything that is happening, preparing him for each regime process, since the incomprehensible and unknown frightens him.

An individual regime is established for each child. The stay time increases gradually depending on the child’s adaptation. This question is decided jointly by the doctor, educators and psychologist.

One of the most difficult moments during the adaptation period is putting the child to sleep, so educators use techniques such as:

Getting ready for sleep with lullabies

They caress the child: they stroke the arms, legs, back (children usually like this)

A good effect of falling asleep is achieved by stroking the baby's head and eyebrows (the hand should only touch the ends of the hair).

The emotional state of the child and his addiction are monitored using the “Adaptation Sheet”, where the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 32nd and, if necessary, 64 are noted on control days -th (according to K. Pechora’s method) the child’s emotional state, appetite, sleep, relationships with adults and peers, the type of activity that the child prefers.

In order to dispel parents' worries and worries about their child, educators talk to them daily, instilling confidence in them and observing the main rule - do not judge the child's experience, do not complain to parents about it. All the child’s problems become professional problems for teachers.

Such multifaceted and painstaking work of the teaching staff of the kindergarten during the period of children’s adaptation to the preschool institution produces lasting positive results.

At the end of the adaptation period, a medical-psychological-pedagogical council with an expanded composition meets in the preschool institution. This includes the head, senior teachers, educational psychologist, speech therapist, doctor, senior nurses, early childhood group teachers and teachers of other groups (by invitation). It discusses the results of the work carried out during the adaptation period, positive aspects, analyzes the results, adjusts plans for organizing adaptation and outlines further work.

Analysis of work over several years shows that the process of habituation of children is very successful. The degree of adaptation is generally easy and moderate. In recent years, there has not been a single child with a severe degree of adaptation. Another positive thing is that young children, and especially the second year of life, get used to kindergarten painlessly. These data allow us to judge the correctly structured work of the teaching staff in organizing and carrying out the adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Used Books.

  1. Alyamovskaya V.G. Nursery is serious business. – M.: LINKA-PRESS, 1999.
  2. Vatutina N.D. A child enters kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden / Ed. L.I. Kaplan. – M.: Education, 1983.