The methodology for holding holidays and entertainment in kindergarten educational and methodological material on the topic. A methodology for organizing a children's holiday that contributes to the creative development of children The content of the phased process of organizing a children's holiday

Tatiana Demyanenko
An excursion into the methodology of holding holidays and entertainment in kindergarten

AT preschool an annual plan is drawn up celebrations and entertainment. long term plan makes it possible to systematically, systematically and therefore successfully prepare for these events and at the same time solve the problems of moral and aesthetic education.

Variety of forms and types entertainment allows you to plan them in such a way that the load on preparation and conducting was evenly distributed among the music director, educators and among the children. Need to have a schedule entertainment in each age group and overall for kindergarten. It will help to distribute responsibilities for the organization entertainment taking into account the diversity of forms and types, the availability of content for children of this age group.

lucky conducting matinee is determined primarily by a well-thought-out scenario. It should be moderately saturated with spectacles and performances.

The script action must obey the following requirements:

1. Each episode should be connected to the previous one and the next one.

2. Action develops ascending line. You can’t go from emotionally strong episodes to more weak: This leads to a decrease in attention.

3. Each episode must have an internal construction logic and end before another begins.

4. The action must necessarily be brought to a climax, which reflects the idea of ​​the entire scenario.

5. Final part (the final) is a manifestation of the activity of all participants.

In a well-designed script program, the moments of action and rest of children alternate correctly. So, after the lifting solemn part, the children sit down and listen to poetry, after a cheerful general dance - they watch a dramatization in which only a few children are involved, after moving views there should be no singing. You need to make sure that children do not sit on chairs for a long time.

Long before holiday on the pedagogical council together with the manager kindergarten, educators and music director discuss the script, as well as a number of issues related to the preparation and holidays: plans educational work with children in pre-holiday and after holidays , a program of a matinee, projects for decorating group rooms, a hall, a lobby, a site, sketches of attributes and costumes for a procession, dances, dramatizations, gifts for children, a plan for a new exposition at an exhibition for parents, a plan for cleaning rooms, distribution of responsibilities. In the process of discussion, amendments and changes are made to the program. When discussing the script at the teachers' council, it is necessary to determine the role of each teacher, his duties, appoint those responsible for changing children's clothes, for regulating lighting effects, for the exact exit of individual characters, assistance in carrying out surprise moments, etc.

Selecting musical material for holiday program should take into account the capabilities of children.

The morning program should not be overloaded large quantity speeches. They turn the matinee into a kaleidoscope of successive numbers, sometimes poorly connected with the general idea. holiday. Such a program creates an atmosphere of tension and leads to rapid fatigue of both performers and spectators. A sense of proportion should be observed, guided by artistic taste.

matinee must run at a good pace. lengthy speeches,

too many of them, unjustified pauses - all this tires, discourages the guys, violates a single line of emotional and physiological stress.

The duration of the matinee is 45-50 minutes (in seniors, 35-40 minutes (in junior groups). It does not exceed meaning: at 12-14 minutes, babies and at 25-30 minutes older children begin to show signs of fatigue. The timing of the program shows the sufficiency of the following quantity works:

Junior group:

2 common dances;

1 game total;


2 individual poems.

middle group :

2 songs shared

1 ensemble;

2 common dances

1 dance for girls;


4 verses individual.

3. Senior group:

songs: 1 common at the beginning of the matinee, 1 in the middle common + 1 ensemble or solo;

dancing: 1 round dance + 1 for girls + 1 for boys + 1 individual; musical game;


6 verses individual

4. preparatory for school group:

Songs - songs - 1 common at the beginning + 1 common in the middle + 1 common at the end +1 solo or ensemble;

dances - 1-2 general + 1 for girls + 1 for boys + 1 for gifted or weak;

musical games - 2;

poems individual - 8.

Of course, if the children are capable, then you try to expand the repertoire a little. Do not forget that in every matinee there is also a fairy tale or dramatization with the participation of children. The main thing is that in children, throughout holiday, "THE EYES DID NOT GO OUT". This is what we are all called to do. calculate: repertoire, dressing up.

The program of morning performances in younger groups includes more spectacular moments performed by older children and adults. The actions of babies are still simple, their independence is little manifested. They sing songs together with the teacher, at first only singing along with him. Dances and games are shown. As a surprise performance, a puppet theater character is often introduced, who leads part of the program. holiday(Parsley, Santa Claus).

The smallest preschoolers are pleased, first of all, with the attributes that they have in hands: checkboxes, Balloons, flowers. Festive they do not immediately notice the design of the room, they have to specially attract their attention to this, give them time to examine it. Children are initially very reserved in expressing their feelings. Cheerful music, movements with colored handkerchiefs make them smile, desire to move.

The variety of vivid impressions can sometimes cause retardation in children. Their skills are still unstable, and children can forget the order of movements, building in a familiar dance, so the teacher helps them all the time.

Older children are characterized by greater activity in perception and performance. The colorful decoration of the room, various attributes, costumes of characters - all this attracts the attention of the children. They themselves notice the details of the design, admire the lighting effects.

At matinees, children of older groups largely act independently, without the help of a teacher, confidently playing familiar games, dances, participate in dramatizations. They freely navigate in the team, monitor the correct implementation of the actions of their comrades.

The main requirement for any holiday- active participation in it of each child. All children must participate in performances. This is achieved primarily by the fact that part of the songs, dances, games, round dances are performed collectively. In addition, each child must perform individually or with a small group of children. Collective performances always alternate with individual reading of poems, playing the children's musical instruments. Sometimes a small group of children come together in surprise performances. They perform songs and dances of various characters, play small dramatizations.

Individual performances help shy children overcome shyness, develop self-confidence, overcome stiffness in movements. In individual performances, each child is given the opportunity to show their musical and creative abilities.

To keep children interested in holiday, not worth it conduct several full-scale rehearsals, it is best to polish the matinee program by numbers, and only on the eve of the holiday to hold a general(technical) rehearsal - entry, sequence of numbers, exits of child characters without playing episodes at all. So the children will not feel that everything has already happened.

The work of children, which occupies a worthy place in educational work kindergarten, the day before holiday takes on special significance. Teachers include classes in the plan of educational work, in which, together with children, they make crafts and decorations for games, dances and round dances (stars, flowers, badges, flags, ribbons, twigs, etc.). Handmade, these crafts and decorations are dear to children. With great joy they play and dance with them on holiday, and then cherish them, use them in post-holiday games. manager kindergarten checks daily the course of the preparatory work helps the team. Only such a clear organization makes it possible to prepare in a timely and calm manner for holiday.

For good, joyful children's holiday adult performances are very important. Performances by adults children's holiday always unexpected and surprising. If the parents speak, then the children are extremely proud of them. The authority of parents in the eyes of children is undoubtedly rising.

In a day festive matinee, the clear work of the entire team is especially important; everyone should know his duties well and perform them quickly and calmly. This is important in order to create in the morning and then keep until the very end of the day joyful, festive the mood of each child, in order to prevent nervous overexcitation of children due to unpreparedness, haste, stupid fuss.

Parents are welcome guests holiday. Be sure to warn them about the need to bring a change of shoes. After the matinee, invite parents to write down their impressions in "Book of reviews and wishes"

Matinee in kindergarten- this is a kind of report of teachers to parents about the work done. Holiday in kindergarten clearly demonstrates to parents what their child has learned over the past few months visiting the kindergarten. In addition, this is an opportunity for parents to get an idea of ​​​​what kind of relationship a child has with a team and with other children, compare their child’s skills with those of their peers, and, possibly, highlight some problematic points that should be worked on at home, evaluate behavior child in collective: how sociable he is, whether he is shy, and whether he is disciplined enough.

A holiday in kindergarten is, first of all, the great work done by the entire team, since many employees are involved in this event kindergarten: educators, specialists, housekeepers, cooks, medical workers, administration, etc. Therefore holiday is a common thing! But everyone has their own role, their own responsibilities. And it can be very difficult to separate the responsibilities of a music director and educator, because successful holding a holiday depends on joint organized work teachers.

The activities of the educator festive matinees are very diverse. The most responsible is the role of the leader, his emotionality, liveliness, ability to communicate directly with children, expressive performance of poetic texts largely determine the general mood and pace of conducting holiday. The facilitator must not only know the program well, but also be able to quickly respond to unexpected random changes. The host must know the songs, dances, games of children well and, if necessary, help the children perform a dance or dramatization. Teachers help decorate the hall for holidays and remove all the attributes after their matinee.

Don't ignore and appearance leader. Clothing, shoes and make-up must be festive, but not defiant, therefore, deep necklines, short skirts are excluded, "flip flops".

If you are instructing your parents to sew or decorate a costume, prepare attributes, then make sure that they bring them in advance, and you can check them out, otherwise on holiday can happen that the elastic bands on the hats will tear, the attributes will break, etc.

During holiday do not touch children with your hands, but in order to rebuild them, you just need to tell them about it.

The outcome of the matinee largely depends on the rules of behavior for children at the matinee.

Children need to know some of them:

Don't speak loudly (do not shout);

walk calmly (not to run);

Remember why we are in the hall;

Feel free to show your abilities;

Care about each other (don't offend);

To help each other (don't laugh);

Listen carefully to each other (let everyone say);

Don't get distracted by your parents.

Since 50 percent of the time in music classes is devoted to movement, children need a comfortable shoes: soft, flexible, light - comfortable in every way. The most common option is Czechs and ballet flats. The same shoes are suitable for holidays.

The same can be said about everything festive costume in general. Many parents are addicted to the desire to highlight their child: buy gorgeous long, puffy dresses girls, tailcoats for boys. But it is not always convenient for children to move in them! And "mods" will feel uncomfortable. Very expensive, frilly outfits can confuse other children and their parents.

Results celebration should be discussed with the children. usually with them held a conversation about the past matinee, the ideas and impressions about it are clarified. Baby It is desirable to write down the answers and place them on the stand for parents.

In some children's gardens there is a good tradition of fixing festive impressions in the music class. Children come to the hall where the decoration is left holiday, are details of costumes, attributes for games. The teacher invites the children to remember what they liked at the matinee, exchange impressions and perform songs, poems, games, dances, dramatizations at will.

There is also a discussion of the matinee among teachers.

Was it a well built matinee?

How did the presenter cope with her responsible role: how did holiday(lively, interesting); did you see the children, their mood, did you establish contact with them; what was the speech leading; what was the resourcefulness of the presenter, her understanding of the situation (when skipping or changing the number, etc.). How and in what way did the teachers of the groups help the presenter.

How did the music director cope with his main task - the selection festive music and performance.

How children performed poems, songs, games, dances, round dances, dramatizations.

What is the level of musical, singing and rhythmic abilities of children.

What was creative child development.

How was the health and mood of the children (speakers, listeners). What the children especially liked.

How did they react to the speeches of adults.

Duration holiday. Were there signs of overwork in the children?

Musical entertainment is held 2 times a month. expedient entertainment to spend in the afternoon and it is desirable to choose a specific day of the week. Around this day, mystery and a sense of real surprise should always reign.

Types and forms entertainment

Their types depend on the nature of participation in them. children:

entertainment where children act as listeners or spectators;

where the children themselves are active participants and performers

Both adults and children take part.

Forms entertainment can be extremely diverse, variable, because they depend not only on the goals and objectives set, but also on the genre features of the repertoire used, on its thematic focus and semantic richness.


Musical and literary compositions,

Music games and fun games

The new toy is entertainment for younger groups.

Dramatizations, dramatization games, puppet shows

Theater of toys, puppets and pictures

Dance and opera miniatures

Attractions, competitions


1. Methodology musical education in kindergarten: studies. allowance for uch-shch / N. A. Vetlugina, I. L. Dzerzhinskaya, L. N. Komisarova and others; Ed. N. A. Vetlugina - M .: Education, 1989.

2. Vetlugina N. A. Musical education in kindergarten. - M., 1981

3. Komissarova L. N., Kostina E. P. visual aids in the musical education of preschool children. - M., 1986

4. Shchennikova V. N. The role of manuals and musical didactic games in development creative activity of children // Artistic creativity in kindergarten. - M., 1974

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1. The meaning and role of holidays and entertainment in environmental education preschoolers

2. Requirements for organizing and holding holidays and entertainment with preschool children

3. Preparation and methodology for holding ecological holidays and entertainment

4. Develop a script for an ecological holiday or entertainment in kindergarten for any age group


1. The meaning and role of holidays and entertainment in the environmentPhysical education of preschoolers

The interaction of man with nature is an extremely urgent problem of our time. For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences. It is necessary to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbaric destruction and pollution, to educate people in a caring attitude towards it. And you need to start with the smallest. It is at preschool age that the assimilation of the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature very emotionally, as something alive. The influence of nature on the child is enormous: it meets the baby with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes you stop, look, think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of attachment to the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.

Holidays and entertainment are bright and joyful events in the life of preschool children. Combining different types of art, they have a great influence on the feelings and consciousness of children. P. K. Krupskaya emphasized: “It is necessary to help the child, through art, to become more deeply aware of his thoughts and feelings, to think more clearly and feel more deeply ...”.

The preparation and holding of holidays and entertainment serve the moral education of children: they unite common experiences, they are brought up the foundations of collectivism; works of folklore, songs and poems about the Motherland, about native nature, labor form patriotic feelings; participation in holidays and entertainment forms discipline and a culture of behavior among preschoolers. Learning songs, poems, dances, children learn a lot about their country, nature, people of different nationalities. This broadens their horizons, develops memory, speech, imagination, and promotes mental development. Musical ecological holidays support the child's interest in the wonderful and mysterious world of nature. Communication with music keeps the child interested in the wonderful and mysterious world of nature and the world around him. Music is one of the means of emotional-figurative knowledge of the world around the child, forming his personality. Carefully selected music helps children to “try on” one or another image, to feel like an angry, hungry wolf, or a beautiful, delicate flower, a cowardly hare, a clumsy clumsy bear. Musical movements contribute not only to consolidate knowledge of an ecological nature, but also help children, in combination with music, to show the plasticity of their body emotionally, expressively, consciously own attitude to the depicted character, a phenomenon that will contribute to the emergence of positive feelings in the child - love, sympathy, compassion, admiration, surprise - to create a positive field of possible ideas and actions. A beautifully decorated hall, or playground of a kindergarten, elegant costumes create a special atmosphere conducive to the development of environmental and aesthetic qualities.

The importance in such holidays is not so much the reproduction of familiar musical works, poems, games, guessing riddles on the theme of nature, but the involvement of children in the experience of events, in the consciousness of environmental problems that are accessible to the understanding of children.

Holidays and leisure should be held regularly, ending the season or any content block with them (but not more than once every 1.5 - 2 months). The scenarios for these activities use material that children are familiar with. Ecological holidays can be dedicated to the seasons, harvest, spring revival, in the summer holidays dedicated to water and the sun, flowers, holidays of a health-improving nature are held. One of the most significant is the holiday, dedicated to the day Earth: it creates a scale for the vision of the planet, its significance for people, awakens love for one's Motherland and nature as an important part of it.

2. Requirements for the organization and holding of holidays and entertainmentand with preschool children

Preparation for holidays and entertainment is carried out systematically and systematically, without disturbing the general rhythm of the life of the kindergarten. If the teacher knows the children well, their interests, individual characteristics, he knows how to make every day of the children's stay in kindergarten joyful and meaningful for them.

At the heart of every holiday, entertainment is a certain idea that should be conveyed to every child. For example, the October holiday is the birthday of our Motherland, the May 1 holiday is the day of international solidarity of working people, etc. This idea should go through the entire content of the holiday, songs, poems, music, dances, round dances, dramatizations serve to reveal it. decoration.

The idea of ​​the holiday will be conveyed to each child, if it is revealed on art material accessible to children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. This is achieved, first of all, by careful selection of the repertoire (poems, songs, dances, etc.) for children of each age group. At the same time, the repertoire already available to children, the level of development of their vocal and motor skills, and interests are taken into account. Finally, speaking about the availability of the holiday, one should remember about the time of its holding. In children of younger and middle groups, fatigue occurs much earlier than in older preschoolers. Toddlers are able to perceive a much smaller number of poems, songs, etc. Therefore, the duration of the holiday for them should not exceed 20-30 minutes. For older preschoolers, its duration increases to 45-55 minutes. and the repertoire becomes much richer and more varied.

It is desirable that the holiday program harmoniously combines different types arts, collective and individual performance. Complementing each other in solving one topic, they increase the strength of the emotional impact on children, at the same time, each of them has its own special impact on the child. Given the relatively quick fatigue and excitability of children, it is necessary to correctly alternate their various types of artistic activity.

The holiday brings joy to all children. Therefore, it is important that every child takes part in it to the best of his ability.

Preschool children are characterized by the need to repeatedly repeat well-known songs, round dances, dances, which they do with special pleasure and expressiveness. Therefore, it is imperative to include a significant part of such material in the holiday program, making some changes to it (variants, a different design of the round dance, games, etc.).

But, of course, new numbers are also needed.

3. Preparation and methodology for conducting ecologistscal holidays and entertainment

One of the main directions in the work of preschool teachers is the preparation, organization and holding of environmental holidays and entertainment for preschool children. The purpose of such holidays is to sow and nurture in the child's soul the seeds of love for nature, home, family, history, culture of the country, created by the labor of relatives and friends. At the present stage of the formation of environmental consciousness - one of the main directions in overcoming the environmental problem in which the country and the entire planet is. The solution of this issue in the system of continuous education begins with children of preschool age. Organization, preparation and holding of ecological holidays and entertainment with preschool children is an important pedagogical task.

Preparation for an ecological holiday or entertainment can be divided into several stages:

Stage 1. Development of scenarios, including a variety of methods and techniques, forms of conducting. When writing a scenario on an environmental theme, one must observe general rules: the beginning should be bright and solemn; the plot, which reflects the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday, should develop in such a way that the emotional upsurge goes on increasing; holiday ecological education preschooler

the presentation of gifts must be planned, which always aggravates the emotional state of the child (gifts should be distributed quickly, without fuss); everything must be calculated so that the holiday is not delayed for “technical reasons”; the duration of the holiday is 30 minutes for children of younger groups and 40-45 minutes for older children, no more. Long holidays tire children, which leads to whims and tears.

2. Discussion of scenarios, distribution of roles, where the duties of the team members are clarified, the leader is elected.

3. Individual work with the presenter. This is the most responsible role. The facilitator should have a good literary speech, so that he is emotional and resourceful, able to joke, communicate directly with children and, most importantly, be sincere, cheerful, natural and cheerful. The host thinks in advance about the placement of children (where they will sit, change clothes) and attributes. The leader must not only know the program well, but also be able to quickly respond to unexpected random changes. The holiday should be held at a good pace. Prolongation of speeches, too many of them, unjustified pauses - all this tires the guys, discourages them, violates a single line of emotional and physiological stress.

4. Preparation of attributes. Preparation for holidays and entertainment causes joyful excitement in children and adults, forms an artistic taste, unites all participants.

5. Decoration of the music hall. It should correspond to the content of the holiday, be artistic, i.e. develop artistic and aesthetic taste in children, as well as create a joyful mood for everyone and anticipate an event, i.e. arouse interest in them.

6. Selection of musical works.

7. Rehearsals with characters.

Thus, the meaningful, systematic and well-organized work of the entire teaching staff of the kindergarten in preparing, organizing and holding environmental holidays and entertainment, carried out under the guidance of a senior teacher, helps to enrich the child's life with bright, emotional impressions and provides environmental education, environmental education and environmental culture of preschoolers. .

4. Develop a scenario for an ecological holiday or entertainment in the children'skindergarten for any age group

Our house - Earth

(Environmental entertainment - preparatory group)

Children enter the group, greet the guests.

presenter: Guys, today April 22 is a holiday - Earth Day, and therefore I invite you to the forest, to see how nature wakes up from winter sleep. And we go there on a magic train, close our eyes, let's go (phonogram sounds)

presenter: arrived. Look at what clearing let's sit down and have a little rest (children sit on chairs) (phonogram sounds - the voices of nature)

The Princess of the Forest enters with a globe decorated with flowers and insects.

Queen: Hello, dear guests! I am the Queen of the Forest, I am glad to see you in my kingdom - the state. I did not come to you empty-handed, I brought the globe. The whole planet blooms in spring. Look how beautiful it is around elegantly!! In spring, all insects wake up. What insects do you know? Now guess the riddles (The Queen makes riddles about insects). Well done! Do you know that insects are the most ancient and numerous inhabitants of the planet? Many live not only on the earth and in the earth, but also in the air and in the water.

How do they move? (They can crawl, fly, swim)

What do they eat? (Green leaves, stems, fruits, fallen leaves; beetles - grinders - tree bark; insect predators - other insects; bees, bumblebees, butterflies, flies - nectar of flowers).

presenter: Oh guys! Look! What bird flew to us (a butterfly lies on the carpet).

Children: No, it's a butterfly.

Queen: guys, tell us what you know about the structure of insects? (children's answers using diagrams)

Insect structure:

3 body parts: head, thorax and abdomen covered with chitin, 6 legs, many have 2 pairs of wings

How are they saved from enemies? (protective color - caterpillars, grasshoppers; frightening color - butterflies (peacock eye, dead head); sharp sting - wasps, bees).

What is the benefit or harm?

Insect pests: mosquitoes, flies, etc.

Domesticated insects: bees and silkworms.

What are the benefits of bees? (children's answers).

presenter: And now, guys, let's tell the Princess how butterflies are born. (children's answers)

Queen: Well done, but I mixed up the cards, help me restore the chain, how butterflies are born. (game logic chain)

Caritsa: That's right, guys, well done!

Disturbing music is heard, a kikimora runs in, conjures and clouds appear on the globe instead of flowers.

Queen: Oh, my forest, my wondrous forest! What have you done with the globe? After all, all living things will die! Do you hear Mother Earth moaning?

presenter: Kikimora what have you done! Our children know that nature must be protected.

kikimora: What am I doing? Oh, oh bad! No, I don't want this to happen!

Queen: put away your sorcery then! Help clean the globe from dust and dirt! Clean up trash!

kikimora: I agree, I agree! Only you guys help me! I also want to learn more about insects. Answer my questions. Chip for the correct answer.

1. Who builds anthills in the forest?

2. What is the name of the house for bees?

3. Why is a dragonfly called a predator?

4. Where are the grasshopper's ears?

5. Where do cockroaches live

6. Who does the ladybug prey on?

7. What harm do flies and cockroaches bring?

While the children are answering questions, the Queen is restoring the globe.

kikimora: Now I learned a lot! Witchcraft destroyed. I realized that we need to protect the globe! Thanks for the science! I'll go and tell everyone why the Earth needs to be protected! (leaves)

presenter: And it's time for us guys to return!

Queen: Thanks guys! My forest is again full of fairy tales and miracles, the nightingales sing again, the whole Earth has come to life!

presenter: Thanks! Goodbye, Queen of the Forest! Children, close your eyes, let's go back.


1. Ivanova A.I. Living Ecology M.: TC Sphere, 2007

2. How to introduce preschoolers to nature: A guide for kindergarten teachers / L.A. Kamenev, A.K. Matveeva, L.M. Manevtsova M.: Enlightenment, 1983

3. Nikolaeva S. N. Theory and methods environmental education children. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002.

4. The world of nature and the child. (Methodology of ecological education of preschool children): Tutorial for pedagogical schools in the specialty " Preschool education» / L.A. Kameneva, N.N. Kondratieva, L.M. Manevtsova, E.F. Terentiev; ed. L.M. Manevtsova, P.G. Samorukova. - St. Petersburg: AKCIDENT, 1998

5. Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist: Program and conditions for its implementation in kindergarten. Moscow: Mosaic - Synthesis

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The essence of the holiday

Emotions of school life often remain in memory for life. Their brightness and saturation warms and decorates the human soul for many years. In a single chain of cheerful mood, memorable events, holidays make a special contribution, opening up huge opportunities for comprehensive development personality.


A holiday is a specific form of organizing the activities of a team, which has a grandiose educational value, since it introduces students to the life of their country, enriches them with figurative emotions, brings satisfaction to the life of the team, and allows them to have a cultural rest.

The preparation and holding of the holiday activate the children, have a positive effect on the quality of all educational work.

Getting involved in the preparation of the holiday, children will certainly learn something new, their horizons are expanding, their spiritual life is enriched. The solemnity, sensual richness, colorfulness of theatrical performances and musical arrangement form moral and aesthetic feelings: satisfaction, pride, delight, admiration. The duty of a teacher is to immerse children in the world of spiritual values, teach them to enjoy life, to enjoy communicating with art. At the same time, the wider the range of educational means used by the teacher, the richer and more meaningful the communication between the teacher and students, the more pleasant the atmosphere in the team: children have common chores, worries, they have something to talk about, discuss, have something to learn from others.

In every holiday there are diverse types of art: literature, music, painting, theater, pantomime. Thus, the holiday is considered to be a synthesis of virtually all art forms. Among other things, it is necessary to highlight an additional aspect of the holiday - communication. In a variety of activities, inclinations appear, specific skills and abilities are formed.

The traditional tasks of the holiday are as follows:

  • to promote the unity of the children's team;
  • develop aesthetic taste, creative activity children, communication skills;
  • develop responsible discipline.

The holiday, as a rule, has three parts, each of which contributes its share to the overall content.

The first part includes all the solemn moments: congratulations on the holiday, summing up the results of the work, awarding the winners, etc.

The second part, artistic, presented in unexpected forms if possible, reveals the very idea of ​​the celebration, enriches the students with positive emotions. Often this part is built in the form of an amateur performance, a concert, theatrical performance etc.

The third part may consist of dances, games, contests, lotteries.

The solemn decoration of the room, the sounds of cheerful music create an excellent mood, allow students to feel that they have come directly to the holiday, which is very different from everyday life, and a lot of pleasant and joyful things await them there.

Holiday types

Exist a large number of various holidays, however, in a general sense, they can be divided into 3 types: public, domestic, seasonal.

Public holidays (March 8, February 23, Victory Day, etc.) are held with special solemnity. The hall is decorated accordingly, suitable music is selected, the main performance is prepared, reflecting the theme of the holiday.

Household holidays are connected with the situation, the life of children, and in their artistic design and construction there is more immediacy, but less solemnity. However, a special place here is occupied by the celebration of the New Year, which all children are looking forward to. This is a holiday of fulfillment of desires, gifts, New Year's miracle. In the center of the event is a Christmas tree sparkling with lights and toys and the main characters - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. In addition, the pupils will have a New Year's round dance, festive costumes, contests, riddles, games, and a theatrical performance.

Seasonal holidays reflect the characteristics of a particular period of the year (Bird Day, Harvest Festival, summer holiday). For example, during the summer holiday period, children show how they have grown stronger in the country, how dexterous they have become, how many new songs and poems they have learned. The holiday can take place traditionally on the site or in a forest clearing. The decoration is garlands of greenery, flowers, bordering the site, painted balls, lanterns, figurines of animals, crafts on the theme of nature. The main task of this holiday is to show the happy life of children, the successes they have achieved in development. All holidays that bring satisfaction and fun to children are the main means of their harmonious education. Proper preparation for them and successful implementation depend, first of all, on the personal and creative component of the teacher's personality.

The specifics of organizing and holding holidays

The preparation and holding of the holiday is a long and laborious work that requires the joint efforts and interest of teachers, the music director and the children themselves. To organize this work, you should adhere to the developed project, overcoming all the stages of the holiday in turn.

I stage- preparatory planning;

II stage- work on the script;

Stage III- introducing children to the holiday;

IV stage- rehearsals;

V step- holding a holiday;

VI stage- summarizing.

At the beginning of the academic year, a meeting of the teaching staff is held, at which the project of work for the year is discussed, holidays and the dates for their implementation are indicated.

During the preparation process, the teacher selects necessary material, distributes roles as necessary, prepares equipment, selects musical accompaniment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, the class as a whole. So, a holiday scenario is gradually being created, containing complete and necessary material on the topic.

After that, the children are informed about the celebration, given tasks, distribute words, poems, songs. At this stage, the guys should be aware of their own tasks, imbued with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday. Then concrete work begins on learning poems, songs, staging dances, decorating the hall, preparing costumes and attributes. In the process of this, some adjustments and additions may be made to the script.

After the holiday, the work does not end, it is necessary to take stock. Together with the teacher, the children discuss what they liked, express their emotions from the event, note the difficulties, and plan holiday ideas for the future.

It should be noted that the holiday is considered not only a means of raising children, but also a form of pedagogical propaganda among parents. In this regard, they must be invited to the holidays in advance or even given the opportunity to participate.

The matinee is part of all general educational work carried out in kindergarten. At the matinee, the tasks of moral, mental, physical and aesthetic education are carried out. Therefore, preparation for the holiday, holding it and consolidating the impressions received by children can be considered as links of one single pedagogical process.

The program of the matinee is thought out about a month and a half before it is held. It includes dances, music games, songs that are well known to children and which they will be able to learn well in the number of classes remaining before the holiday.

Preparing and holding a holiday in a kindergarten is a long, painstaking and complex work that requires complex joint activities of educators, a music director and, of course, children. To organize this work, everyone needs to consistently act according to a single plan, overcoming one by one all the stages of preparing the holiday.

Preparation for the holidays, especially socio-political ones, takes place in different classes, in various types artistic activity. They talk with children about the upcoming holiday, read relevant stories, learn poems. They conduct excursions along the colorfully decorated streets; the theme of the holiday is reflected in drawings, applications. At music classes, only a part of the general educational work is carried out in connection with the upcoming festive matinee.

Studying the experience of kindergartens and schools in organizing holidays, we have identified the following stages of work on the holiday. Consider them:

Stage I - preliminary planning.

Stage II - work on the script.

Stage III - a preliminary acquaintance of children with the holiday.

Stage IV - rehearsals.

Stage V - holding a holiday.

Stage VI - summing up.

Stage VII - the aftereffect of the holiday.

I. At the beginning of the academic year, a meeting of the teaching staff is held, at which the work plan for the year is discussed. There is a choice of holidays and the timing of their implementation.

II. At the second stage, direct preparation for the holiday begins. Educators, looking through programs for a given age group, select speech material for children in their group, taking into account their individual characteristics, abilities and knowledge. Musical director selects dances, and the selection is carried out taking into account the capabilities of each individual child and the group of children as a whole. The music director, together with the teacher, chooses songs that children can perform.

At this stage of preparation, a holiday scenario is created, which includes already selected speech and musical material. Moreover, the first holiday in the academic year (usually this is a holiday of autumn) is built on a very simple material. The holiday includes as many spectacles and games as possible, in which the teaching staff play a leading role, and the musical speech activity of children is based on the skills acquired this year. At subsequent holidays, spectacles and games are gradually replaced by children's performances, and teachers are left with only the role of a leader.

Thus, a holiday in kindergarten is used to consolidate the studied material, summing up.

III. When the script is ready, the educators conduct classes in their groups, at which the children are told about the upcoming holiday, what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. If this holiday was already celebrated last year, then everyone remembers what happened on it. The teacher finds out what the children remember and, if necessary, fills in the gaps in the memory of the children.

After the children figured out what kind of holiday it is, they are explained who will be present on it (parents, educators, children from other groups, etc.) and what the children themselves will do. At this stage, children should understand their tasks, realize their role in the process of preparing and holding a holiday, so that in the course of learning poems, staging songs and dances, preparing the hall, they see, understand why they are doing it. It is necessary to set a goal for the child, towards which he will move with the help of teachers.

IV. After defining goals and objectives, direct work begins on learning poems, songs, staging dances, decorating the hall, and making accessories for costumes. At this stage, work is also underway on the script, where changes and adjustments that have appeared during work are being made. Thus, the final version of the script appears just before the start of the holiday.

V. When that very long-awaited day comes, when the transformed and decorated hall is full of spectators and the children are waiting with bated breath for the action to begin ... the holiday begins ... passes ... and ends, but the work on the holiday does not end.

Stage VI is summing up. As we have already noted, the memory of children, and even adults, keeps bright, joyful, vivid impressions that the holiday is rich in for a long time. And the task of teachers at this stage is to "attach" to these memories the skills, abilities and knowledge that children received at the holiday and in the process of preparing it. To do this, conversations are held in which children remember what they liked, with the help of a teacher, the most important and most important thing in the holiday is highlighted, incomprehensible moments are explained.

Stage VII - the aftereffect of the holiday. At this stage, the most meaningful and colorful impressions related to the theme of the holiday are fixed, they are imprinted in drawings and modeling.

At music lessons, children repeat their favorite dances and actions of individual characters. Some performances are repeated several times, changing performers.

All this helps to feel the content of the holiday deeper, keep good memories of it and, which is very important for preschoolers, make the most of this situation for education and upbringing.