How to organize work with parents in the first junior group of kindergarten. Collection of "advice for parents" of the second junior group Consultation for parents September 2 junior group

This week's theme : « FRUITS. GARDEN"

In the program of the week:


Organized educational activities"Introduction to Fruit"


Didactic game "Where are the fruits?"


Compilation of a descriptive story "What grew in the garden"


Artistic creativity (modelling) "Plums on a plate"


Artistic creativity (application) "Apple with a leaf"

Final event

Exhibition children's work;

    Tell the child that fruits grow in the garden on trees, them harvested in autumn ;

    Consider with your child pictures of fruits or natural fruits: apple, pear, plum, lemon, orange. Let the kid show and name the fruits that he learned. Pay attention to the color and shape of each fruit

    Offer to learn a couplet that will help you quickly introduce the concept into active speech fruits : .

Fruit grows on trees in the garden

Bright fruits for all to see.

    Repeat finger gymnastics "Compote" daily;

We will cook compote

You need a lot of fruits, here.

(fold the left palm with a “ladle”, and “stir in it” with the index finger of the right hand)

Let's chop apples

We will chop pears

Squeeze lemon juice

Drain put and sand

(bend fingers, starting with the thumb, on both hands)

We cook, we cook compote.

Let's treat honest people

(again “cook” and “stir”)

    Draw your favorite fruit with your child. Use any visual materials.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : « MY FAVORITE KINDERGARTEN»

In the program of the week:


Excursion around the group and the premises of the kindergarten "This is our kind of kindergarten"


Didactic game "What are we doing in the garden"


Drawing up a story based on the painting "Children play"


Artistic creativity (drawing) "Our cheerful ringing ball»


Artistic creativity (modeling from salt dough) "Cookies for afternoon tea"

Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works;

        1. Discuss with your child what he does in kindergarten; remember the names of his teachers and nanny, tell us who else works in kindergarten.

          Let the child tell you what the names of the children of his group are and with which of them he likes to play most of all, what toys are in the group

          Repeat with the child the name of the kindergarten

          Play the game “What am I doing in the garden” with the baby - you name part of the day, and the child remembers what to do in kindergarten at this time

          Together with the baby, make an application "Gift to my friend." Prepare forms for the child, and let him stick them on the background. For example: it could be balloon. You cut out a circle or an oval, and the child sticks it on the background, and at the end draws a thread with a felt-tip pen. Bring the finished application to kindergarten.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : « HOUSEPLANTS"

In the program of the week:


OOD « What is growing on the window?

Experimental activity "Why did the flower wilted"


Didactic games "Where did the flower hide?"

"Collect a Flower"


Reading a poem by E. Blaginina "Spark"


Artistic creativity (sculpting) "My little cactus"


Labor activity "How flowers made friends with a watering can"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works;

    Observe with your child indoor plants in your home. Pay attention to the leaves, stems, flowers. Ask questions: “What color are the leaves, flowers? What are they? (large, small). How many? Tell us that the plants are alive, they need to be looked after (watered, wiped the leaves.) They need a lot of light. Under these conditions, they feel good, do not get sick (their leaves do not dry or wither).

    Offer to help you water the flowers with water from a watering can. Show how to wipe the large leaves of houseplants using a cloth.

    Read the poem:

I love helping my mom.

I love watering flowers.

Flowers need to drink water.

After all, they cannot live without water.

Can't live without water

No animals, no bugs, no birds.

4. Play a didactic game Remember and repeat »

You and your baby memorize 2-3 names of indoor plants in your home. Then you name the plant, and the child finds where this plant stands and shows it (the plant can be moved to different places in the house). You can also change the rules of the game a little: you show the plant, and the child says what it is called. At the same time, let him show and name its parts (flower, leaf, stem).

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : "HOUSE. FURNITURE"

In the program of the week:


Thematic conversation "What surrounds us at home", guessing riddles about furniture

Constructive activity "Houses"


OOD (FEMP) "A girl and a boy choose furniture"


Didactic game "Where the kids hid"

Reading the fairy tale by S. Marshak "Cat's House"


Artistic creativity (drawing) "Beautiful striped rug for a doll's room"

Friday Constructive activity "Dollhouse Furniture"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

    Consider all the furniture in your home; call her; note which room it is in and what material it is made of.

    Learn a poem that will help reinforce the names of furniture in your child's speech.

In our dining room

There is an excellent oak table

There is a crib in the children's room.

Children sleep sweetly in bed.

And in the living room there is an armchair,

Watch TV here.

    Help your child answer the following questions:

Where are clothes stored?

What can you sit on?

What can you lie on?

    Play the didactic game "Call it affectionately."

You toss a ball to a child and name a piece of furniture. The child returns the ball to you and calls this piece of furniture in a diminutive form. If the child finds it difficult, help him, say: “a large table, but a small one ...?” Use the following words: table - table, bed - crib, wardrobe - locker, chair - high chair, sofa - sofa

    On a half-album card, write some furniture riddles and stick or draw the clues on the back of the band furniture scrapbook.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's topic: "WINTER BIRDS"

In the program of the week:


Thematic conversation "Birds in winter";

bird watching



Knowledge "How many birds are in our feeder"


Examination of the painting "Children feed the birds"

Memorizing the poem by E. Blaginina "Fly in"


Artistic creativity (modeling) "Sparrows"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works,


1. Observe the birds that are found in the city in winter. Say it clearly yourself, and then have the child repeat their names: magpie, crow, sparrow, bullfinch, titmouse.

2. Look at the pictures of birds. Point and name each bird. Then let the kid himself calls and shows them.

3. Invite the child to listen to the poem "Feeder". Try to learn it with your baby.

Near the forest, on the edge

We hung a feeder

For goldfinches and titmouses,

And for all the hungry birds.

Don't eat from the palm of your hand

Grains, seeds and crumbs -

Fly to the edge

A treat awaits in the feeder .

    Make a bird feeder with your baby. Pour grain into the feeder. Watch the birds. After the walk, ask your child the following questions:

    What birds did you see while walking?

    What they were doing? (They pecked at grains and crumbs)

    What did you feed the titmouse? (I treated the titmouse with lard)

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's topic: "Toys" .

In the program of the week:


Conversation "What are the toys."


Drawing "My cheerful, sonorous ball."


Knowledge of "Toy Store".


The game "Wonderful bag".


Modeling: "Tumbler".

Final event:

Exhibition of children's works

1. Raise your child to care for toys. Explain to the baby why toys should be protected, not only their own, but also common ones.

2. Make up a short descriptive story with your child about your favorite toy on the following questions:

    What is it?

    What is she?

    What does she have?

    How can you play with her?

3. Play the game "What's wrong?". Put 4-5 toys in a row, invite the child to close his eyes and at this time remove one toy.

4. Learn poems about toys with your child.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : « MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS"

In the program of the week:


Thematic talk "The Miracle Sounds of Music"


Artistic creativity (drawing) "Sounding rattles"


Role-playing game "Music store"


"My favorite musical instrument" - making up stories.


Artistic creativity (application) "Drum"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works;

exhibition of noise instruments

    Shop for musical instruments. Play them yourself and with your children. For younger children, it is recommended: a bell, spoons, a tambourine, a rattle, a drum, a metallophone.

    Look at the instruments, learn their names, listen to how they sound.

    Play the Guess What Sounds Game. The child closes his eyes, and you play a musical instrument. The child must name the instrument and play it.

    Make a musical instrument out of waste material with your child and bring it to kindergarten.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : « Folk culture and traditions»

In the program of the week:


Artistic creativity (drawing) "Russian matryoshka"


Cognition "Acquaintance with the Russian hut"


Theme: "Come, spring, with joy"

Learning the spring call;

Acquaintance with invocations, riddles, signs


Artistic creativity (decorative relief molding based on folk plastic arts) "Filimonov's whistle toy"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

    Visit exhibitions (look at illustrations, information on websites) of folk crafts: folk arts and crafts;

    Read Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, jokes, discuss the character of the characters, their actions, relationships with each other;

    For children 3-4 years old, Russian folk tales "The Fox and the Crane", "The Sly Fox", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Zayushkina's Hut" and others are recommended for reading at home; compilation T.I. Tarabarina, N.V. Elkina

"Proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters"; about folk omens, holidays, folk cuisine

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's topic: "CLOTHES, SHOES, HEADWEAR"

In the program of the week:

Monday: GCD on the topic "What lives in our closet?"

Tuesday: Artistic creativity (application) on the theme "Dress with polka dots"; Didactic game "Dress the doll for a walk"

Wednesday: Name and description of clothing

Thursday : Artistic creation ( modeling ) on this topic " Button »

Friday: Viewing illustrations, accompanied by the teacher's story "Who sews clothes"; Didactic game "Who is wearing what?"

Final event: Exhibition of children's works

    We invite you to read to children at home stories, poems, fairy tales on the topic , including "Our Masha is small..."; "Shoemaker", Polish., Arr. B, Zakhoder; "News", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak. Give children the opportunity to finish words, phrases when you read familiar poems.

    Play Games:

Didactic game "Tracks". Put a few scarves on the floor - these are tracks. Find a short - long path, wide - narrow.

Didactic game "Home clothes". Take clothes out of your closet. Lay it out in front of your child. Introduce your child to the names of clothes. Look at the designs on the clothes. Name its parts.

Didactic game "Costumes".

Draw separately the details of the costume: blouses and skirts, T-shirts and shorts, jacket and trousers.

The main thing is that the details of the costume should be of the same color, pattern, etc. Mix all the details. Ask your child to choose the right costumes.

Didactic game "Find a couple." Get out the different shoes that you have in your house. Spread it out on the floor

invite your child to find a mate.

You can also play with socks and gloves.

    Practice with the kids on the dressing sequence.

    Play finger exercises with your child "Clothing".

I put on clothes

And I call it to you:

(Alternately connect the thumb with the rest of the fingers.)

T-shirt, pants, and more

Sweater, scarf and coat.

(Alternately connect the fingers of the right and left hands.)

    Draw a mitten together. Have the child circle their hand. Get a mitten. Show how you can decorate it - draw straight horizontal lines with a brush different color. What color are the stripes, you ask? How many?

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : « AUTUMN. TREES. BUSHES»

In the program of the week:


OOD « Here is autumn in the yard"

Reading a poem by V. Mirovich "Falling Leaves"


OOD "Different leaves" - we distinguish leaves by size, color, quantity (one, many, none)


Memorizing the poem by V. Mirovich "Falling Leaves" Thursday

Artistic creativity (drawing) "Falling, falling leaves."


Didactic games "From which tree is the leaf?"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works;

    Tell your child what season it is. Pay attention to changing weather (It's getting colder, the wind is blowing, it's raining)

    Explain to the child why a person changes clothes depending on the season. While walking, pay your child's attention to how people are dressed in autumn.

    Look at the pictures depicting early and late autumn. Pay special attention to appearance and the condition of the trees: in early autumn they are covered with multi-colored foliage, and in late autumn they stand bare. Draw a tree with your child in early and late autumn

    Tell your child where and why the birds fly away

    Go for a walk in the nearest park. During the walk, collect colorful leaves from various trees and dry them for a herbarium

    Play educational games: "One is many"

One scarf - many ... scarves

One hat - many ... hats

One leaf - many ... leaves

One tree - many ... trees, etc.

"Pick up the signs"

Autumn (what?) - rainy, cold ...

Jacket (what?) - autumn, warm ...

Trees (what?) - tall, mighty ...

Leaf (what?) - yellow, maple ... etc.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : "MIGRATORY BIRDS"

In the program of the week:


Cognition "We meet migratory birds";

Constructive building "Bird"


Artistic creativity (drawing)


Knowledge "How many birds are in the nests"


“Memorizing the poem by M. Klokova “Winter has passed”


Artistic creativity (sculpting) "Birds in nests"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

    Look at the pictures of the rook, starling and swallow with your child. Let the kid show and name the birds.

    Explain to the child that the arrival of birds from warm lands is one of the signs of spring.

    Learn the poem "The Birdhouse"

We didn't eat or drink,

We made a birdhouse.

We are waiting for starlings to visit,

Let them bring out the chicks .

    Remind your child of the names of baby birds. Check if he can form the name of the chicks: rook,

squawk, swallow.

    Make an application together.

Cut out shapes from paper (the head and body of the bird are large and small circles; the wings are semicircles; the tail and beak are a large and small triangle) Put the bird together on the background, and let the child stick it on.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : « City. Building"

In the program of the week:


Thematic conversation "The city in which I live";

Constructive activity "My house"


Artistic creativity (drawing)


Cognition "Different houses"


Looking at photos of the city.

Compilation of stories about familiar places with photos.


Artistic creativity (application) "House"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

    Repeat with the child the name of our city, the name of the street on which the child lives, the name of the street on which the kindergarten is located and what it is called;

    Take a tour of our city. Visit its sights: Victory Park, children's park, the monument of Loyalty, the Museum of Local Lore, the Technical Museum, AvtoVAZ, etc. Go to the Volga.

    During the walk, look at the buildings of the city, compare them. Tell the child who builds different houses and from what.

    Take a picture of the city. Bring the photo to the kindergarten to create the album "The city where I live"

    Read the story of S. Baruznin "Who built this house" with the child.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : « PETS


In the program of the week:


Thematic conversation "Pets";

Constructive activity "Pet Shed"


Artistic creativity (drawing)


Cognition "At Grandma's Farm"


Drawing up descriptive stories from the picture

The game "Who lives in the house?"


Artistic creativity (modeling) "Pig"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

    Find out which pet names the child knows. Explain that these animals are domestic because they live with a person and benefit him, and the person takes care of him. Tell us what a person feeds pets, how he cares for them, what benefits animals bring to a person.

    Look at the pictures of pets and ask your child to show and name them.

    Looking at the pictures with animals, tell the rhymes:

"Meow! Meow!" - Red-headed cat.

He lives with his grandmother.

"Woof! Woof! Woof! - Shaggy dog.

Ringed tail and black nose.

"Whoa!" - That's a horse!

Tail and mane like fire!

Learn them with your child. Show your child that poetry can be expressed expressively. Check if the child remembers how the cat, dog, horse give their voice.

    Play the game "Mothers and Babies". You name an animal, and a child its cub. You can switch roles. Then you need to name the cub, and the adult animal to the child.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's topic: "PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEMS"

In the program of the week:


Thematic conversation "Gifts of Moidodyr";

Didactic game "Wash the doll Katya"


Cognition "Spread the soap into baskets" (work with Gyenesh blocks)


Artistic creativity (drawing)


Examining the picture "Mom bathes the child"

Learning the nursery rhyme "Grow a braid to the waist"


Artistic creativity (application) "Beautiful handkerchiefs"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

    Talk to your child about personal hygiene items. Explain that they are so called because a person uses them to clean his body. During the hygiene procedures, clearly pronounce yourself, and then let the child repeat their names: soap, washcloth, towel, toothbrush, comb, handkerchief.

    Take your child to a hardware store, see what variety of soaps there are, compare adult and children's toothbrushes. Let the child choose for himself toothpaste and brush, comb.

    Read the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr";

verse by A. Barto "Girl grimy".
Consider illustrations.

    Play with the child in the story games "We bathe the doll Tanya";

“Doll Masha is getting ready to visit”;

To maintain interest in a child, you can take any other hero.

Dear parents, pay attention!

This week's theme is "FAMILY"

In the program of the week:

Monday: OOD on the topic “Dad, Mom, I am a family”;

Tuesday: Memorizing a poem by Y. Akim "Mom"

Application "House for the family"

Wednesday: The plot-didactic game "This is how I wash, I help my mother"

Thursday: Artistic and aesthetic activity ( drawing) "Beautiful scarf for grandmother"

Friday: Children's stories about family members

Final event :

exhibition of children's works; production of a photo album "My family".

    Talk with your child about your family, explain who is in your family, that everyone has a first and middle name, last name, and their duties.

    Prepare with your child a short story (3-4 sentences) about your family

    Tell your child about the traditions that your family observes and honors.

    Read the story of D. Grabe "Mom" with your child.

    Pick up and bring to the kindergarten 2-3 photos of your family to compile the photo album "My Family"

Dear parents, pay attention!!!


In the program of the week:


Experimentation "Properties of materials";

Didactic game "What is made of what"


Artistic creativity (drawing)

Observation of the behavior of paper on the water "Funny boats"


Cognition "Toy Store"


Didactic game "Wonderful bag"


Artistic creativity (application-experiment with paper) "Spring on the river"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

    Consider at home objects made of paper, wood, glass. Discuss with the child how these objects are similar or different. Tell us what they are made of and what they are intended for. (On the same day, consider objects from the same material)

    In a practical way, determine the qualities and properties of the material: wood - solid, opaque, warm; does not break, does not bend, does not tear, does not cut, does not wrinkle, can burn;

Paper - opaque, smooth, warm; torn, wrinkled, cut, wet and burning;

Glass - transparent, smooth, cold, fragile; does not wrinkle, does not tear, does not cut, does not burn, beats

    Play with your child in the didactic game "Put it on the shelves": let the child put on the shelves (put it in boxes) the objects you presented from different materials.

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's topic: « HUMAN. THE HUMAN BODY"

In the program of the week:


GCD (knowledge) "I am a man"


Observation on the walk "Different passers-by";

Role-playing game "Guests came to us"


Didactic game "Giants and dwarfs";

reuploading from geometric shapes"Different People"

Thursday Artistic creativity (application) "Boys and girls"

Friday Didactic game "Tell me about yourself"

Game-experiment "Why do I need arms (legs)"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

    Look at yourself in the mirror with your child. Name together the parts of the body (torso, head, arms, legs)

    Look at the photos in the photo album together (how I grew up, parents in childhood, older children). Note with your child that a person changes with age

    Play with your child the game "Show me what I will call." You name the parts of the body, and the child shows them

    Consider, together with the children, the palms of mom, dad, child, draw a work with the children on the topic “The palms of our family”.

    Read the works of S. Marshak "The Giant", "The Human Body", "Hands", "My Hands", "Feet"; V. Kataeva "Flower-seven-flower"; L. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and granddaughters"; E. Permyak "How Masha became big";

Dear parents, pay attention!!!

This week's theme : « SUMMER"

In the program of the week:


Thematic conversation “Here it is, our summer ...”;

Project activity "Golden ray"


Artistic creativity (drawing) "Green bushes"

Role-playing game "We're going to the beach"


Cognition "We went to the meadow"


Examination of the painting "Summer".

Game "When does it happen?"


Artistic creativity (application) "Chickens walk on the grass"

Final event

Exhibition of children's works

We recommend to parents:

    Tell us about the time of the year that is approaching. Pay attention to the weather in summer (hot, sunny, warm rain, etc.), people's clothes.

    Consider pictures of berries, flowers that will appear in the summer. Repeat the main parts of the plant. In due time, show your child real berries and flowers. Watch how the berry appears and grows.

    Teach your child how to deal with insects (wasps, bees) to avoid being bitten.

    During walks in the summer, collect plants to create a herbarium

    Read with children:

A. Brodsky "Sunny Bunnies";
A. Tolstoy "My bells ...";
N. Kurochkina "Elegant dresses, yellow brooches";
V. Zhukovsky "The Riddle";
D. Novikov "Dog Mongrel";
L. Voronkova "Trouble Chicken";
F. Sammber "In the circle of friends."

Advice for parents

on the topic:

"Routes of health and hardening".

First of all, we will make a reservation that by walking we will mean not just walking, being outdoors for children in the yard, in the garden or on the playground, but going out with the children outside their yard, district, city with special pedagogical purposes.

Who does not know the great inclination of the child to travel, tourism? How many requests to go somewhere for a walk you constantly hear from children! With what pleasure your son or daughter is going on a hike. A lot of joy brings children walks, held together with parents and elders in the family!

The desire of children to travel should be encouraged in every possible way. The health-improving, educational, educational value of family walks can be enormous, if only they are properly organized and carried out. In this case, walks can promote health, physical development, hardening of children, teach children the most expedient and economical use of skills in walking, running, jumping in various conditions; to cultivate dexterity, endurance, quick orientation, self-confidence, etc.

On walks, children get acquainted with the life of their city, with the sights of the region, monuments. Children learn to see and appreciate the beauty of their native nature, observe the phenomena occurring in it.

It is useful to associate walks within the city with a visit to the nearest park or stadium where children can watch sport competitions athletes.

During walks and trips outside the city, it is advisable to conduct games and exercises with children on the ground. Such exercises include tasks for observation, hearing, attention, endurance.

Short walks with children do not require special preparations and do not need special explanations for their implementation. Longer and more complex ones require some knowledge about parents, compliance with certain rules.

Walks can only be carried out with healthy, well-feeling children. Malaise, headache, severe runny nose are contraindications to taking such a child for a walk.

"Snow Experience"

Experimental activities help to enrich and expand children's understanding of snow, expand their knowledge about it, the children will learn to notice the beauty of the winter landscape through the artistic word, as well as develop sensuality, observation, curiosity, speech, thinking.

"Different legs stomp on a snowy path"

Teach Children How to Make Clear Tracks in the Snow The teacher teaches children how to make clear tracks in the snow. Taking the child by the hands, he makes an imprint of his figure on even snow. Shows how to get different shapes out of snow.

"Ice Hill"

Show the children how to make a slide for the doll With the help of children's shovels, the teacher and the children make a slide for the doll out of snow, then pour water over it and watch what happens to the slide until the end of the walk. Then they roll the doll down the ice slide.

"Snow City"

To teach children how to make koloboks and a big house out of snow The teacher makes a bun out of snow and invites children to make the same. Then he shows how you can build a big house from small koloboks, which is called a snow fortress.

"Multicolored Figures"

Teach children to paint snow figures On a walk, the teacher makes snow figures with the children: snowmen, turtles, pies, a snowy town of small snowballs. The teacher's assistant takes out warm multi-colored water in spray bottles, and the children paint figures from the snow with water.



for parents on:

"Organization of children's experimentation

At home."

In the life of every child, there comes a time when, like peas from a bag, endless, sometimes very annoying adults, “why”, “why”, “how” pour out of it. Some parents are in a hurry to get rid of excuses as old as the world - “because "- because" or "grow up - you will know", not suspecting what harm they do to the child, his natural curiosity.

Of course, it is impossible to embrace the immensity and answer all one hundred thousand "why", and this is not necessary. The task of parents is to develop the curiosity of the children, to captivate them with the very process of cognition. In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They take apart toys, watch objects falling into the water (sinking - not sinking), trying metal objects with their tongues in severe frost, etc. At an older age, many children think about such physical phenomena as the freezing of water in winter, the propagation of sound in air and water, and pay attention to the different colors of objects in the surrounding reality. But the danger of such “amateur activity” lies in the fact that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances, elementary safety rules.

Simple experiments and experiments can be organized at home. This does not require much effort, only desire, a little imagination and, of course, some scientific knowledge. Parents interested in the development of their child can organize a small laboratory at home, where they will conduct experiments together with their children. After all, experimentation is, along with the game, the leading activity of a preschooler. There are no costs for the purchase of the necessary equipment.

To do this, you must follow some rules:

1. Set the purpose of the experiment (what we are doing the experiment for)

2. Pick up materials (a list of everything you need for the experiment)

3. Discuss the process (step-by-step instructions for running the experiment)

4. Summarize (an accurate description of the expected result)

5. Explain why? Words accessible to the child


Experiment examples:

Can cold water "boil"?

To conduct the experiment, you will need: a thick handkerchief, a glass of water, pharmaceutical gum.

1. Wet and wring out a handkerchief.

2. Pour a full glass of cold water.

3. Cover the glass with a handkerchief and fix it on the glass with a rubber band.

4. Push the middle of the scarf with your finger so that it is 2-3 cm immersed in water.

5. Turn the glass over the sink upside down.

6. With one hand we hold a glass, with the other we lightly hit its bottom. The water in the glass starts bubbling ("boiling").

A wet handkerchief does not let water through. When we hit the glass, a vacuum is formed in it, and air through the handkerchief begins to flow into the water, sucked in by the vacuum. It is these air bubbles that give the impression that the water is "boiling".

Straw pipette

For the experiment you will need: a straw for a cocktail, 2 glasses.

1. Put 2 glasses side by side: one with water, the other empty.

2. Dip the straw into the water.

3. Hold the straw on top with your index finger and transfer it to an empty glass.

4. Remove your finger from the straw - water will flow into an empty glass. By doing the same several times, we can transfer all the water from one glass to another.

The pipette, which is probably in your home first aid kit, works on the same principle.

straw flute

For the experiment you will need: a wide straw for a cocktail and scissors.

1. Flatten the end of a straw about 15 mm long and cut its edges with scissors.

2. From the other end of the straw, cut 3 small holes at the same distance from each other.

This is how the "flute" came about. If you lightly blow into the straw, slightly squeezing it with your teeth, the "flute" will start to sound. If you close one or the other hole of the "flute" with your fingers, the sound will change. And now let's try to pick up some melody.

Rapier Straw

For the experiment, you will need: a raw potato and 2 thin straws for a cocktail.

1. Put the potatoes on the table. Clamp the straw in your fist and with a sharp movement try to stick the straw into the potato. The straw will bend, but it will not pierce the potato.

2. Take the second straw. Close the hole at the top with your thumb.

3. Drop the straw sharply. She will easily enter the potato and pierce it.

The air that we squeezed with our thumb inside the straw makes it elastic and does not allow it to bend, so it easily pierces the potato.

bird in a cage

To conduct the experiment, you will need: a piece of thick cardboard, compasses, scissors, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, thick threads, a needle and a ruler.

1. Cut out a circle of any diameter from cardboard.

2. We pierce two holes on the circle with a needle.

3. Through the holes on each side we will draw a thread about 50 cm long.

4. On front side circle we will draw a cage for birds, and on the back - a small bird.

5. We rotate the cardboard circle, holding it by the ends of the threads. The threads will twist. Now let's pull their ends in different directions. The threads will unwind and rotate the circle in the opposite direction. It looks like the bird is in a cage. An animation effect is created, the rotation of the circle becomes invisible, and the bird "turns out" in a cage.

Mighty Breath

To conduct the experiment, you will need: a clothes hanger, strong threads, a book.

1. Tie a book with thread to a clothes hanger.

2. Hang the hanger on a clothesline.

3. We will stand near the book at a distance of approximately 30 cm. We will blow on the book with all our might. It will deviate slightly from its original position.

4. Now let's blow on the book again, but lightly. As soon as the book deviates a little, we blow after it. And so several times.

It turns out that such repeated light blows can move the book much further than once strongly blowing on it.

Interesting experiments can be organized with plants. In the spring, try to involve children in planting vegetables and flowers. We advise you to prepare an album for drawing, colored pencils or felt-tip pens so that the child can make sketches of experiments and observations.

At the same time, it is advisable not to captivate the little researcher if, for example, he has other plans for today. Give him a choice. But your presence during research activities child is absolutely necessary: ​​it should warn the child against mistakes and related failures, and in some cases protect him from possible troubles.



for parents on:

« Physical culture of your baby.

Nature in the child has a huge potential of strength, energy, opportunities for growth and development. The proportions of a child's body differ from an adult's: small children, like cubs of animals, evoke tenderness and tenderness - this is how nature increases the chances of survival: a sweet and pretty creature is more likely to be taken care of, cared for, caressed.

In early childhood, the child masters upright posture, develops large (gait, muscle load) and fine motor skills (muscles of the hand).

Children are very mobile. Insatiable in their desire to run, jump, jump, arrange obstacles for themselves. And they get muscle pleasure from all this. Adults have time to forget about this joy, they are less mobile and less cheerful, and children do not allow naughty, frolic (“Behave yourself!”, “Do not rush!”, Etc.), laying the installation on a sedentary lifestyle.

It would be nice to put children's energy in a useful direction: to introduce the child to what exercises, sleds, skis, a pool, exercise equipment, balls, and so on are.

A common mistake is in an effort to provide the child with everything “the very best”. Sometimes in the baby's room he himself is not visible because of toys, development kits and sports equipment, but the child learns through imitation and joint actions with adults! In games, he copies what he saw at home, on TV on the street. Acts “like mom”, “like dad”. Copies gait, gestures, habits, expression of emotions, intonation, words. The repeat accuracy is amazing! Children do not judge, they observe and repeat. They study hard. And if parents do exercises in the morning, attentive to their health, then for children this will become the norm, the content of every day. But children accept not only good things, but also what adults would call "bad." Often, adults behave as if education is a prohibition to children of what is permissible for themselves, or a requirement from children that they are too lazy to do it themselves.

Imitation in childhood accumulates experience of interaction with the world and oneself, and this is the foundation for the next age period - adolescence, therefore, both the child and his educators will have something to rely on. The child knows how to make efforts, occupy himself, he has formed interests and skills to satisfy his needs, the ability to engage in self-development and much more, good physical development and well-being is the basis of interest in life.

And if the child "stubbornly ignores" the requirements of the parents to comply with certain rules? Sometimes it happens. The rules should be the rule for all family members, not just the younger ones.

The child through the game learns to master the world around him, understand it, come to terms with the requirements, creatively approach problem solving. Skills are best learned through play.



for parents on:

"Children's routine"

A little about the mode

You have probably paid attention to how some people behave incorrectly: they are always in a hurry, they don’t go to bed on time, they don’t even have time to do morning exercises - in a word, they don’t follow the simplest daily routine at all. This lifestyle can cause many troubles and early diseases.

N. S. Vedensky wrote that the unplanned, disorderly life quickly tire the nervous system and lead to wear and tear of the body. He noted that they get tired and exhausted not so much from the fact that they work a lot, but from the fact that they organize their work incorrectly. It is necessary to cultivate a conscious attitude to work and rest, discipline and the ability to properly allocate one's time from childhood. One of the main conditions of education healthy child- a rational hygienic regime, that is, a clear daily routine, rich in recreational activities: physical education, outdoor games, sports. All physiological processes take place in the human body in a certain rhythm, so it is very important to accustom the child to a strictly alternating mode of wakefulness, sleep, games, rest, and eating. This is how useful habits and parenting skills are formed from childhood, which are of great value for improving health and increasing efficiency.

If children are not accustomed to order and a strict regime, then they grow up irritable, capricious with a very unbalanced nervous system. With their endless whims, they inflate themselves and unbalance their parents. Inexperienced parents go to the doctor, believing that their child needs treatment and sedatives. And they do not understand that the best medicine for their baby will be the observance of the daily routine, without which he cannot develop properly. The child must get up at a certain time and go to bed, have breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the daily routine, it is necessary to provide time for walks and games. Noisy outdoor games should be replaced by quieter ones.

When planning a child’s daily routine, you can follow this approximate regimen recommended by pediatricians: you need to feed preschool children four times a day after 3-4 hours. Children under 3-4 years old usually sleep 2 hours during the day, 12 hours at night, 5-6 year old children sleep 1.5 hours during the day and 11 hours at night. Walking with children is necessary at any time of the year and in any weather. This will harden them well and make them more resistant to colds. It is desirable that in winter and autumn they be in the air for at least 4-5 hours a day: 2-3 hours before lunch and 2 hours after daytime sleep, and in spring and summer, almost all their free time from sleep.

Physical exercises that satisfy the natural needs of children for movement must be included in the daily routine. With properly organized physical education classes, the child masters motor skills and abilities in a timely manner. The opportunity to introduce joint classes with parents into the daily routine almost always exists. Try to figure out the best times of the day for your family's routine and then stick to it.

Every day you need to perform morning exercises, 5-10 minutes are allotted for it. Physical education classes are held two to three times a week. For younger preschoolers, class time should not exceed 35 minutes, and for older preschoolers, 45 minutes. The child needs outdoor games during walks for 10-20 minutes and at least twice a day. Motor activity is assessed by its volume, intensity and duration in the daily routine. Experts believe that a child should be in motion for at least 50% of wakefulness, meanwhile, a study of the daily routine in kindergartens showed that no more than 25-30% of the time is allocated to physical exercises and outdoor games. Physical education in the family helps to fill the lack of movement.

The volume of movements can be determined by the number of steps per day (or for another period of time). For children 3 years old, the number of steps per day should be 9.9.5; 4 years - 10-10.5; 5 years - 11-12 and 6 years 13-13.5 thousand. Get a pedometer to count your steps. If, during the control, you find that the child is moving less than he should be for his age, then urgent measures must be taken. Persistently seek more mobility, especially if the child is weak or prefers to sit rather than run.


For the modern and proper development of the baby, a balanced, nutritious diet is necessary. The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

Food for children is not only a source of energy to restore energy costs for the body, but also a plastic material necessary for the growth and formation of organisms and tissues. Therefore, the diet should contain proteins of both plant origin and animal origin (meat, poultry, dairy products, fish, etc.) in an amount of at least 60-70% of the total food volume. It is necessary to teach the child to eat whole foods, it is advisable not to encourage selectivity in food. During meals, instill in your child the skills of hygiene and culture of behavior, teach him to eat on his own, chewing food thoroughly, use a spoon, napkin, and be neat. Parents should be reminded of one simple rule: you can’t feed your child “on the go”: in transport, while walking. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to have to watch how adults treat the baby with fruits, sweets, water on the street and in other places. The harm to health from this is obvious - a decrease in appetite, gastrointestinal infections, hepatitis and other diseases of "dirty hands"


Daily exposure of the child to the air is a means of hardening and makes it possible to satisfy the physiological need for movement. From the point of view of hardening, walks in the morning are most useful. In the cold season, a healthy child can walk at air temperatures up to -15C (with 4-5 layers of clothing). On warm days, it is necessary to ensure that the baby is not exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. The best place for games - a strip of chiaroscuro, or a "lace" shadow of trees.

During the summer, children should spend as much time outside as possible and even (if possible) sleep and eat outdoors.

Consultation for parents in the younger group of kindergarten Topic: The role of adults in the life of a child 2-3 years old

In the world of a child of the third year of life main figure is an adult. It depends on the appearance of the baby's feeling of security or anxiety, warmth or abandonment, joy or despondency. Children are largely dependent, and therefore it is important for them to be sure that adults are people who will come to the rescue at any moment, support, comfort and find a way to overcome any problem.

Without the help of an adult, a child cannot cope with many everyday problems. For example, he is already able to undress on his own, but dressing is not possible for everyone and not always. Many people can already eat with a spoon on their own, but they still don’t know how to divide the cutlet into parts. Just as difficult are some moments of the toilet. Help your child solve everyday problems. Thus, you will create a sense of security in him - the basis of psychological comfort.

In his little deeds, the child often finds himself in difficult and unpleasant situations: either his knee hurts, the ball rolled up - he couldn’t get it, then his peer took the spatula and didn’t give it back, or an angry dog ​​runs towards him. In all cases, the child seeks from an adult not only help and protection, but also sympathy.

A child, like any person, needs support and approval of his little undertakings and accomplishments. Psychologists have shown that the need for attention and benevolence of an adult that already arises in an infant does not disappear with age.

If adults really treat children with respect and express it clearly and consistently, toddlers quickly learn the boundaries of desirable and undesirable behavior. Be clear about what you want from your child. Don't go into explanations, give clear instructions about the desired behavior.

The role of adults in

child's speech development

A child acquires speech only thanks to the efforts of adults and in the course of communication with them. At the same time, the baby perceives the speech of an adult if it is addressed personally to him and the adult looks at him at the moment of speech. Talk more face to face with your child.

Small children cannot cognize the world if adults do not explain to them the meaning of what they see, hear, etc. It is necessary to accompany everything that happens with clear verbal comments that explain to the child the meaning of events. Name objects, describe events, sensations to help your child learn new words.

Encourage the child to use speech, wait for an answer, even if his speech is still limited. The voice of an adult should not dominate. At the same time, remember that the child's speech is just being formed and he does not yet understand much of what you say. Use simpler constructions and short sentences.

In the world of culture - songs, fairy tales, stories, paintings - the child is also introduced by adults. Read and tell your child as much as possible, do not spare time for this.

Children love repetition: they listen to the same fairy tale many times with pleasure, like to sing familiar songs, repeat familiar actions. This gives them the opportunity to master the material well and feel confident. Repeat poems and nursery rhymes, fairy tales and stories many times.

Lisping and using "children's" words (bibika, yum-yum) in communication with children 2-3 years old is already superfluous.

The role of adults in the knowledge of the world around the child 2-3 years old

The thinking of a child of this age is visual and effective in nature, the knowledge of the surrounding world occurs in the process of subject manipulations. Adults should provide the child with a diverse subject environment that allows them to actively explore not only the external properties of various objects, but also their internal structure.

The kid carefully examines with the help of all his senses, including taste and smell, the outer shell of each object. Now comes the time of interest in what this object has inside. The most attractive are objects that have holes and cavities in which you can put something in and then take it out. For a long time, a thing that he can disassemble into parts will capture the attention of the baby. And of great interest are the details from which you can design something yourself. So, the child uses three types of actions: take apart, construct something, fill and empty the cavity in the object.

A child of two or three years old may not understand the difference between living and non-living and “take apart” a living butterfly, just as he does with a plastic machine. At this age, such behavior is not a manifestation of cruelty. The child learns the difference between the living and the inanimate from observations of the attitude of an adult to various objects. Respond adequately to such behavior of the child, not blaming him, but explaining that the butterfly is alive and cannot be “taken apart” - it will not be able to live, it will die, and it hurts. Systematically show patterns of different behavior towards living and non-living objects.

Provide your child with a variety of containers that can be filled and emptied: jars, boxes, purses and purses, empty bottles. Make sounding toys with your child - “noise makers” and “rattlers” from empty bottles, filling them with various seeds, metal objects, sand, etc.

Toys for 2-3 year old child

Children are interested in all toys and objects that move. Therefore, they need moving rolling toys on a stick, with a rope, clockwork, with a remote control, battery-powered, as well as mechanical toys such as "Bogorodsky" cubs-smiths and pecking chickens.

Voiced toys give an idea of different ways obtaining sound effects: the child tries to press the keys, pull the strings, blow the whistle, hit the drum with his palm or a special stick.

It is desirable that through toys the child can get acquainted with a wide variety of materials: fabrics of different textures (silk, plush, corduroy, wool, linen), wood, clay, metal, plastic, rubber.

Also provide children with a variety of visual materials (paints, crayons, felt-tip pens, plasticine, paper of various textures, brushes, stamps, etc.).

By the age of three, the child masters the operation of seriation at the level of practical action - ordering by size. Provide children with enough cone-based pyramids, nesting dolls, liners.

The formation of ideas about the color, shape, size of objects requires the use of special didactic games ears (inserts, mosaics), which can give children the so-called reference representations.

In the first junior group of the kindergarten, the child learns the world of social relations in which he grows up. The baby lays the norms and foundations of communication skills, speech develops at a rapid pace. There is a difficult process of adaptation to kindergarten. Properly structured work with the parent community allows the educator to get to know their wards better, get feedback from moms and dads, and, in general, organize the educational process more effectively in the younger group of the preschool educational institution.

Important aspects of the theory

The main features of children attending the first junior group (aged 1.5–3 years) are increased sensitivity to separation from their mother and fear of the new. Often, the adaptation of kids to the preschool educational institution is painful, both children and parents experience stress. In addition, parents often lack high-quality information about the life of a preschool institution, the optimal conditions for the development of babies.

Goals and objectives of working with parents in the first junior group

The main goal of working with parents of children under 3 years old is to combine the efforts of the family and the kindergarten for the successful adaptation of preschoolers to the preschool educational institution, their upbringing and development.

In the first junior group, work with parents is aimed at providing the child with education and the most comfortable conditions for staying in kindergarten.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

  • increase the pedagogical competence of parents by disseminating up-to-date information;
  • provide practical assistance in the upbringing and development of children;
  • to promote a trusting attitude of parents to the group educators: take into account the recommendations of specialists, be open to dialogue.

Parenting activities for the first junior group kindergarten have their own characteristics, but are generally similar to meetings in any kindergarten group. The purpose of a particular event for parents can be anything, but in general it will lead to the achievement of the main goal. An increase in the number of goals leads to an automatic increase in the number of tasks with which the goals will be achieved. To avoid negativity and wasted time and effort, it should be remembered that there is one goal, and there are several tasks that implement it (it is advisable not to set more than 10 tasks).

The following factors influence the setting of goals and objectives:

  • The time when the event is held (before the school year, beginning of the school year, middle or end).
  • The actual situation in the group (successes and achievements of children, difficulties encountered).
  • The needs of parents for information about the characteristics of the age of children and the process of adapting the child to the preschool educational institution (designing a stand, a story with examples, issuing leaflets and memos, etc.).

At the beginning of the school year, the following goals will be relevant:

  • Ensuring the successful adaptation of children and parents to the preschool educational institution.
  • Establishing psychological contact with the family.

Mid year:

  • The development of speech abilities of a young child in the family and in preschool.
  • Building a system for raising a healthy child.
  • Consolidation and development of new skills and abilities of the child.

Trust and active interaction between the parents of the child and the kindergarten form a morally and mentally healthy person

At the end of the year:

  • Focusing on the achievements of children during the school year, give recommendations for the summer on further development.
  • Using the joint experience gained over the past year, help parents prepare and prepare the baby for the next year of study (it is important to focus on the psychological crisis of a 3-year-old child).

Forms of work

All forms of work with parents in the first junior group can be divided into 3 groups:

Separately, one should consider such a form of work as leisure time with parents. It may consist of holding a holiday in a kindergarten or a joint walk in the forest. It is important to remember that this form of work with the parent community requires long and competent planning, as well as painstaking preparation. Indeed, for children, such events are not a vacation at all, but a non-standard form of education, an opportunity to gain new knowledge and emotions. Therefore, it is better to discuss all possible details and nuances with parents even at the stage of preparing the event.

Table: topics and forms of activities for parents in the first junior group

Datesparent meeting themeConduct formExplanations
SeptemberLet's get acquainted!interview, surveyAcquaintance with parents, informing about the norms and rules adopted by the preschool educational institution.
OctoberBaby emotionsConversation
  • Adaptation of children to the preschool educational institution.
  • Establishment of the psychological situation in the group.
DecemberGood healthOutdoor exercise with parentsA visual demonstration of the correct useful exercises to improve the health of babies.
FebruaryI am myself!tea drinkingLaying the foundations of self-service and education of independence.
MarchLearn numbersRound tableFormation of elementary mathematical representations.
AprilTransport is a friend! Transport is the enemy!business gameBefore summer holidays children need to be taught the rules traffic.
May JuneFarewell, junior group!Conversation, didactic game, tea drinkingPresentation of the results of work in the group for the year, recommendations on the development of the child's abilities and on preparation for the next academic year.

Parent meeting in the first junior group

Parent meetings for children in the first junior group are the beginning of the interaction between parents and an educational institution. Even if the child is far from the first in the family, his path in kindergarten will be different from what his brothers and sisters have done. Therefore, for the parents of the baby, not everything will be repeated, something will be the first time. It is important that the very first year of being in kindergarten is successful, joyful and educational for the child. For this, both parents and educators will have to make a lot of effort. Parent meeting - key moment when it is checked how effective the interaction is, and tasks are set for the near future. At least 3 meetings are held during the year - at the beginning of the school year, in the middle and at the end.

Establishing contact with the family

When working with parents, it is important to consider individual characteristics each individual family. Therefore, the educator needs to establish friendly and trusting relationship with the parent community. To achieve such cooperation, the following plan should be followed:

  1. Conduct a preliminary survey of parents to identify their needs and needs.
  2. Based on the data obtained during the survey, select the topic and form of the upcoming parent meeting. Create a summary for yourself, in which to paint the main points of the meeting.

    It is important. Be sure to check with parents for contact information.

  3. Timely inform parents about the peculiarities of the child's behavior and his achievements. This will allow moms and dads to form the most complete image of the child.
  4. Conduct correct individual conversations with parents in order to understand the situation in the family. Find out the difficulties and problems in raising a child.

Non-traditional forms of work help to establish contact with parents

The information received is necessary for the educator to find an individual approach to each child and to plan the direction of group classes.

Requirements for organizing a parent meeting

The theme of the parent meeting is a combination of the needs of parents and the goal set by the teacher. Therefore, the topic for the most part is selected by the educator, taking into account the characteristics of the parent community. The form of holding a parent meeting should most fully disclose the topic, and the principles and ways of life adopted in the families of pupils should also be taken into account.

The educator has a great responsibility for preparing the parent meeting. It is better to start preparing for the event in advance and adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Everything that is planned should be aimed at realizing a specific goal and correspond to the chosen topic.
  2. Items to be considered at the meeting (agenda) are written in detail. To do this, they check with the parent committee whether they need to give the floor, how long it will take. It happens that parents offer to consider an issue that is already included in the topic of the meeting. Then you need to discuss which part, how and who will report.
  3. The agenda and the general time of the meeting are regulated in advance. Parents are people who have limited time and hope to make the most of it. If the meeting drags on and starts to exceed 1.5 hours, then you can forget about a positive attitude.
  4. Items are put on the agenda according to their importance and the way they are presented. So, at the tea party, you can submit a video report on the holiday, but you should not organize the tea party itself before the announcement of official information or the resolution of topical issues of the parent committee.
  5. Carefully check how the form of presentation of information corresponds to the selected material. It would be a big mistake to provide official information on the internal regulations of the preschool educational institution in the form of a conversation.
  6. In the total time allotted for the parent meeting, only those issues that relate to the entire group as a whole are discussed. You should not discuss one particular child in front of everyone. For these purposes, the time of individual consultations is planned.
  7. The meeting plan must include an item - a message about achievements or important events in the group. It is not necessary to make a detailed report on this topic. Here you can use other forms: create a short video with photos or arrange a stand with works, or use other forms.
  8. Each parent meeting is an event that should be remembered. There is a place for creativity and creativity. The main thing is to remember the golden mean rule. There needs to be a balance between formal and informal content, quantity and the real need for variety and additional material. For example, if a didactic game is planned, then the role-playing game is no longer held.
  9. It is important to complete the accompanying documentation in a timely manner. Filling out the documents, the educator not only prescribes all the above points, but also helps himself in further activities. The better the agenda of the meeting is thought out, the more successful it will be. In addition, six months later it is difficult to remember what really happened at the parent meeting. This is where developments, agenda, protocol, and additional materials come in handy. Preferably to total number documents, add personal notes about the meeting.
  10. Specialists - speech therapist, psychologist, teacher of music or physical education, swimming coach - assistants. They are invited as needed. The speech of a specialist should be organically included in the parent meeting or taken out of it in individual consultations.

When preparing a parent-teacher meeting, it is important to adhere to a clear scheme.

How to hold the first parent meeting in the younger group

The purpose of the first parent meeting in the younger group is to establish contact with the parents of the pupils, to jointly create plans for the upcoming school year.

  • Conduct a short survey of the parent community to find out contact details and basic family priorities.
  • Tell your parents about educational institution in which their children will study. About the rules and requirements adopted in the preschool educational institution.
  • Outline the prospects for further joint work on the education and upbringing of children.

Work with parents should be built, adhering to the following steps:

Tips for parents to help them build trust with their child

Table: an example summary of the meeting in the younger group

AuthorGerasimova Ya.E., educator MBDOU CRR No. 25, pos. Sibirtsevo, Primorsky Krai
Name"Let's get acquainted"
  • Meet the parents, introduce the parents to each other.
  • Choice of parent committee.
  • Tell parents about the adaptation of children in kindergarten.
Proceedings of the meetingV: Good evening. We are glad to see you at our first meeting. Today we have the first parent meeting, where we will get to know each other, get to know each other better, I will tell you about what our children have already learned during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what they still have to learn.
Pens and pieces of paper are in front of you, you can write down questions that arose during the meeting.
I want to start our meeting today with a comic poem "They took the butuz to the garden." (The teacher reads the poem.)
So, you brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.
During the child's stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) form a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? (Falls) That's right, it's going to fall! Remember Krylov’s fable “The Swan, Cancer and Pike”, which says: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not work out, it will not work out for him, only flour!”. Therefore, you and I need to join forces to ensure that children are interested and comfortable in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. You and I will live as one, I hope, friendly family. And first you need to get to know each other better.
Children love to play Magic Wand. Now we will try to plunge into childhood and also play. Rules of the game: The one who has a magic wand in his hands calls himself the way he would like to be called by others.
My name is Yana Evgenievna. I am the teacher of the first junior group.
(Each parent introduces himself.)
That's where we met. Thank you!
Now I will tell you what we have already learned. And we have learned a lot. Our group has 10 classes per week. This is drawing, modeling, musical, physical education, familiarization with the outside world, artistic reading, the development of speech - in this area we see particularly striking achievements. All classes take place in game form. Every day there are 2 classes of 10 minutes each. During the day, various outdoor games are held, finger games and nursery rhymes, individual conversations with children are held.
During the adaptation period, children:
  • become more sociable;
  • begin to learn to play together, share toys;
  • all children know where their locker, towel, potty, crib are;
  • learned some rules of behavior in the group;
  • they know that after washing their hands, they need to squeeze out some water and only then go to their towel;
  • almost all children eat on their own, with a little help from adults;
  • undress;
  • learn to dress;
  • learned to perform elementary errands, clean up toys.

As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we still have to learn more, and most importantly, to teach children self-care. And in this process you must take an active part. It often happens that a child in the garden eats on his own, undresses and partially dresses, but after some stay at home he comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, dress, etc. And when communicating with parents, it turns out that you did everything at home for him, because it's faster, more convenient, more accurate, etc.
Give children the opportunity to be independent, of course, according to their age.
Summary of the meeting.
In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation for friendly relations in kindergarten and in parent groups. It is necessary to make sure that the child in kindergarten is fun, good, interesting, so that he is happy to go to kindergarten, make friends with the guys and return home happy.
We have done a good job.
Choose a parent committee consisting of:

Chairman of the parent committee:
Thank you! See you soon!

Meeting minutes

Minutes are a written document detailing the course of the meeting. It is necessary to record all the decisions made, which then must be implemented in practice. The minutes of parent meetings should be accompanied by texts of speeches, consultations of group educators and other specialists who spoke at the event. Unfortunately, not all teachers consider it mandatory to maintain, design and store such documentation.

It is important. The protocol is a kind of insurance for the educator, confirming the legitimacy of his actions and the administration of the preschool educational institution if troubles or controversial issues arise.

Correct and timely completion of the protocol helps in resolving contentious issues and preparing for the next parent meeting

Most often, the minutes of parent meetings are internal documents, therefore, when creating them, they do not use a form and do not indicate the full name of the institution. It is important to draw up protocols in a timely manner, within 3 working days. The sample below shows the most commonly used form of the protocol (abbreviated).

Protocol No. ____

Group Parent Meeting No. ______ Subject: _________________________________________________________

from "" _____________ 201 _______.
In attendance: ______ people.
Absent: _______ people.

Each group of participants in an open session has different goals.

You can not violate the requirements for open classes in kindergarten:

It is important. The duration of continuous GCD in the first junior group does not exceed 10 minutes.

Usually, open classes are held without a rehearsal, so they require long and painstaking preparation. There may be a rehearsal of only individual elements, such as poems, songs, that is, what children must learn (prepare) in advance. But it is possible with children middle group. In the younger group, only psychological, moral preparation of children for the event is possible.

Theoretical part of preparation for an open lesson

The teacher must clearly articulate the purpose of the open lesson, as well as the skills and knowledge of the children that it will have to consolidate. Once the goal is defined, the topic can be formulated. It is important to make sure that the open lesson fits into the curriculum and has a connection with subsequent classes. When you already have a goal and a topic, you need to make a list of tasks to be implemented in an open lesson.

Then you can proceed to the selection of literature, which should most quickly and simply solve the tasks. You need to choose tasks for children (best of all from the selected literature), which will:

Using the standard scheme, the teacher draws up his plan for an open lesson

After the tasks are selected, a clear lesson plan should be drawn up. To do this, you need to work out a sequence of actions and think over moments of activity and calmness. Young children cannot sit in one place for a long time, they definitely need to switch from one type of activity to another.

If some new technique or technology is used, it is advisable to try it out in other classes. And the last thing that needs to be considered is the control and safety of children's activities.

The practical part of preparing for an open lesson

Any event is first registered in scheduling the entire institution, as it requires the involvement of other employees (for example, a psychologist, speech therapist, etc.). Then an order is prepared throughout the institution. You will need a list of all visual aids and devices that will be needed for conducting an open lesson. If you need to do some visual aids with your own hands, then you need to prepare everything in advance. Each item should be prepared and checked, preferably more than once.

Not less than 2 weeks, and preferably a month, you must invite the parents. Parents are warned that they are only observers, so do not prompt or help the child. You can not interfere in the lesson, prompt, jump out with a camera or a camera. It is very important to convey to everyone invited the fact that no matter what happens, you should not interfere. In children aged 1.5-3 years, the concentration of attention is very small, and they quickly react to changes in the situation and are distracted.

The correct behavior of parents in an open lesson will help children

Working with parents in kindergarten is of great importance for the formation of a healthy personality for each child. Each event with the parent community requires preparation and step-by-step planning. Activities with parents of toddlers of the first younger group are designed to facilitate the process of adaptation of children to educational institution and promote successful socialization.

Kostanay kalasy әkіmdіgіninіn "Kostanay қalasy әkimdіgіninің bіlіm bolіminіn №3 bөbekzhai-baқshasy" Memlekettik kommunaldyқ қazynalyқ kasiporny.

State utility e state-owned enterprise "Nursery-garden No. 3 of the Akimat of the city of Kostanay of the department of education of the Akimat of the city of Kostanay"

Advice for parents

Educator: Akmaganbetova K.Zh.

Kostanay 2016

Consultation for parents on the topic: Labor education in the family

Target: the formation of the competence of parents in the issue of labor education.
Tasks: To draw the attention of parents to the awareness of the importance of labor education in the life of a child.
Arouse parental interest in joint labor activity with a child at home.
Stroke: Labor education is an important tool for the comprehensive development of the personality of the child. Diligence is not given by nature, but must be brought up from early childhood. The main purpose of labor is its influence on the personality of the child. Reasonably organized work strengthens the physical strength and health of the child. Movements become more confident and precise. Acting, the baby is better oriented in space.
Labor has a significant impact on the mental development of the child. It develops intelligence, curiosity, initiative, active perception, observation, attention, concentration, trains memory. And also work develops thinking - the child has to compare, contrast the objects and phenomena with which he is dealing.
Emphasizing the invaluable importance of labor for the comprehensive development of the child's personality, I bring to your attention some recommendations on labor education in the family.
The work of children in the family should be feasible for them. It is not at all necessary to lay the cleaning of the entire apartment on the shoulders of the baby, but it is quite possible to ask him to wipe the dust from the windowsill. Use the opportunity - interest. Any child is interested in working as a vacuum cleaner. Of course, he won’t gain a lot, but he will get some skills.

At the first stages, labor activity is not very stable, it is closely connected with children's games. The connection between work and play is important at preschool age - play images help children to do work with great interest. It is easier to teach a child to work while playing. For example, your house is spaceship, and it needs to be cleaned before departure. Young children easily humanize inanimate objects - this quality can be effectively used. Tell the child on behalf of the toy that she is cold to lie on the floor, or let the bear ask to be put on the shelf.

Never force a child to help you. Coercion turns away. Moreover, the work done under duress is not of high quality. Help must come from a pure heart. It is clear that the child may not notice that you are having a hard time and that you would not mind accepting help from him. Here you can cheat a little: groan and groan: “Oh, how tired I am,” “Oh, my back hurts.” A rare child does not realize that his help would be in place.
What household help can preschool children provide? The range is wide enough. In addition to cleaning his room, the baby can help his mother in preparing for dinner, for example, in setting the table. The child is quite capable of watering houseplants, feed pets.

Remember, when giving instructions to a child, it is necessary to explain in an accessible way what, for what, and why is being done. The child needs to know why he should perform certain tasks and what result should be achieved. Only in this way will preschoolers form an idea of ​​the need for these actions. Therefore, it is always necessary to explain what we are working for. For example, if the flowers are not watered, they may die; if we don't wash the dishes, we'll have to eat from dirty ones.
The work of a child should not go unnoticed by adults. Any work should be encouraged: thank the child, praise, appreciate his efforts. Even if the child did something wrong. And if he breaks something, breaks, do not try to scold him, because the child wanted to help. Work and its result should be accompanied by positive emotions. [ Gradually, the child develops a positive attitude not only to those types of labor that are associated with the game, but also to those that are not so interesting, but necessary, that is, there is an awareness of the importance of labor activity. Adult activities serve as role models for children. If adults themselves work with enthusiasm, then the child will strive for this. When a child sees that work for adults is a heavy burden, then he himself will be treated the same way. Therefore, parents themselves should undertake any work with desire, diligence and responsibility, being a good example for children.
Teach your child to complete the work he has started, do not rush and do not push the baby, be able to wait until he completes the work himself.

In parallel with labor education, it is necessary to cultivate respect for the work of adults, for a careful attitude to its results. Notation words are known to be unconvincing methods for a child. He should see a good example of adults.
Only the systematic fulfillment of labor duties will help to educate preschoolers in organization, responsibility, and the habit of labor effort, which is so important for preparing a child for school.

Advice for parents

Parents - how to teach your child traffic rules After analyzing traffic accidents in which children were injured, it was

found that 80% of them occurred within a radius of one kilometer from their home. That is, in those places where the guys should have a good knowledge of the traffic conditions, the places of pedestrian crossings, the installation of traffic lights, obviously dangerous areas. And although in preschool institutions teachers conduct classes with children on the rules of the road, involving traffic police officers, special thematic programs are broadcast on radio and television, brochures, posters, leaflets are being prepared in various publishing houses that promote traffic rules, but the situation does not change for the better.

Most parents, concerned about their children, resort to scolding, verbose warnings, and even punishment. This method does not work, because a child of 3-5 years old (and often older) cannot realize the danger. He does not present the car as a danger that can cause injury or take life, on the contrary, he has pleasant impressions associated with the car. Nothing attracts a baby like a car, whether it be a toy or a real one. A child can be taught to comply with all safety requirements without resorting to intimidation. The child must be taught that the roadway is intended exclusively for vehicles, and not for games. Even before they go to school, children can be taught the ability to navigate in a transport environment, predict different situations, correctly determine the place where you can cross the road, and before crossing, be patient enough and always look around before getting off the sidewalk.

The speed of movement, the density of traffic flows on the streets and roads of our country are rapidly increasing and will continue to progress. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety is becoming an increasingly important state task. Of particular importance in solving this problem is the advance and correct preparation of our smallest pedestrians - children who are already facing serious difficulties and dangers outside the gates of the house, and who will have to live with an incomparably greater intensity of car traffic.

Serious dangers can be avoided only through appropriate upbringing and education of the child. It is important to know what children themselves can:

STARTING from 3-4 years: the child can distinguish a moving car from a stationary one. He still has no idea about the braking distance. He is sure that the car can stop instantly.

STARTING from the age of 6

The child still has a rather limited visual field: with peripheral vision, he sees about two-thirds of what adults see;

- most children will not be able to determine what is moving faster: a bicycle or a sports car;

They still do not know how to properly distribute attention and separate the essential from the insignificant. A ball rolling down the road can take all of their attention.

ONLY STARTING from the age of 7

- children can more confidently distinguish the right side of the road from the left.

STARTING from the age of 8

- children can already react instantly, that is, immediately stop at a call;

- they are already half-experienced pedestrians;

They develop basic cycling skills. Now they gradually learn to go around obstacles, make sharp turns;

- they can determine where the noise is coming from;

They learn to understand the relationship between the size of an object, its distance and time. They learn that a car seems bigger the closer it is;

- they can refuse the initiated action, that is, having stepped on the roadway, return to the sidewalk again;

- but they still fail to recognize dangerous situations.

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road.

- Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace.

When you go out onto the roadway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

- Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light.

- Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Involve your child in your observation of the situation on the road: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with a child from behind a car, bushes, without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

- Do not allow children to play near roads and on the roadway.


Here you have a wide field of activity, since approximately every third child who has become a victim of a traffic accident was as a passenger in a car. This proves how important it is to observe the following rules:

· Wearing seat belts is a must for everyone! Including in someone else's car, and when driving short distances. If this rule is automatically followed by adults, then it will easily become a permanent habit in a child.

· If possible, children should occupy the safest places in the car: the middle or the right side of the rear seat, as it can safely exit directly onto the sidewalk.

· As a driver or passenger, you are also a constant role model. Do not be aggressive towards other road users, do not bring down a stream of curses on them. Instead, explain specifically what their mistake is. Use different situations to explain the rules of the road, calmly admit your own mistakes.

Stop often during long trips. Children need to move. Therefore, they will try to free themselves from the belts or wear out all your nerves.

Use alternative means of transportation: bus, Railway, biking or walking.

Three pedestrian friends at any time of the year.

Red light is your first friend -

Busily strict.

If he suddenly ignited -

There is no road way.

Yellow light is your second friend

Gives good advice:

Stop! Attention morning!

Wait for new signals!

The third friend blinked at you

With your green light

Come on! There is no threat!

I'm the guarantor of this!

When crossing areas

Avenues, streets and roads

Tips from these three friends

Accept and complete them on time.

The red light came on -

There is no way for a pedestrian!


Stop, car!

Stop, engine!

Brake quickly


Red eye

Looking straight ahead -

It's strict

Traffic lights.

He looks menacing

Lets in

Doesn't let...

The driver was waiting

a little bit

Looked out again

Into the window

Traffic lights

This time


green eye,


And says:

"You can go

The path is open!"


Road, crossroads on the way
The traffic light will help to pass
With a red man - Stop!
Move with green in a straight line.

"Traffic lights".

The traffic light is waiting for us.
Illuminates the transition.

Red eye lit up
He wants to stop us.
If red - there is no way.
Red light - can't go.

Yellow light - not very strict:
Wait, we have no way yet.
The bright yellow eye burns:
All traffic is worth it!

Finally a green eye
Opens the way for us.
striped transition
Young pedestrians are waiting!

"Naughty Pedestrian".

The road runs through the forest
The traffic light is flashing.
Everyone is in a hurry to cross over.
From moose to mice.

Sometimes across the road
Too many pedestrians
Jumps, walks, flies,

Runs, crawls.

Mom taught a hedgehog
Mom threatened with her finger:
- Remember the rules, baby!
If the light is red - stop!

If it's yellow, just wait
On the green - come on!
Naughty pedestrian
Did the opposite!

The hedgehog was in a hurry
And rolled in a ball
Straight to the red light!
Is it possible so? Of course not!

The brakes screeched
And he closed his eyes.
Old fat dump truck
Beeping, growling:

- I just stopped
Almost fell off the road!
What, you don't know the rules?!
Come on, quickly march into the bushes!

I'll give you a hedgehog advice:
Don't run red lights!
The hedgehog puffed softly:
- Sorry, I didn't mean to.

The traffic light told us:
The hedgehog has improved since then.
Knows the order best
Doesn't break anything!







Advice for parents

"The role of educational games for children 3 - 4 years old"

What does it take for a child to grow up inquisitive, intelligent, quick-witted? Try to listen to the baby, understand the peculiarities of his age, evaluate his own, individual capabilities.

Three years is the milestone at which early childhood ends and preschool age. The child begins to separate himself from the world of surrounding adults, he enters into a more independent life. The kid already understands a lot, knows and knows how and strives to learn even more. Your task is to help him in this. In the mental development of a preschooler, the main thing is acquaintance with the objects around him. Their shape, size, color, location in space, movement - this is what attracts the child.

Games-activities that are offered to children of this age are based mainly on the actions of the child with a variety of objects. For the development of perception, games are useful in which the child will need to compare objects by color, shape, size and find the same among them. Sometimes this requires not paying attention to other important features of objects, for example, their purpose. If this causes difficulty for the baby, help him.

Games aimed at developing attention will require careful consideration and comparison of objects, identifying their similarities and differences. It is recommended to develop verbal memory in a role-playing game, where memorizing words will become necessary condition fulfillment of the child's role. Other games are aimed at training visual memory. A large group of didactic games is aimed at developing the child's thinking. For a three-year-old child, it is most expedient to solve mental problems that require disclosure of the structure of objects and their relative spatial arrangement. The next group of games is focused on development creativity child, stimulating his imagination. The baby will strive to notice at the same time different qualities objects, look for a variety of options for seeing the same thing or picture. And finally, mathematical task games will help teach the child to identify quantitative relationships between objects.

When organizing games with a child, take a closer look at him, evaluate his individual characteristics. If he quickly and easily copes with tasks, you can offer him more complex ones and, conversely, in case of difficulties, it is better to stay longer on simple ones. In no case should you force the completion of tasks, reproach the baby for not being able to do something, even if his peers easily do it.

It is important not only to teach the child something, but also to instill self-confidence in him, to form the ability to defend his idea, his decision. This is especially true for the performance of creative tasks, which usually have several solutions and which do not require a strict assessment: “true - false”. It is necessary to teach the child to accept criticism without offense and put forward new ideas.

And again, the individual traits of the child are important here. If he is bold and confident, you can begin to teach him to critically evaluate his answers. If he is shy, indecisive, it is better to first cheer him up and support any initiative. If the kid tends to quickly change tasks, getting off with the first answer that comes across, then it would be good to interest him in the task, teach him to find new details in it, saturating the familiar with new content. And vice versa, if, while performing a game task, the child “gets bogged down” in endless details, which prevents him from moving forward, it is better to help him choose one option, leaving everything superfluous aside, to practice the ability to move from one idea to another, which is especially important when performing creative tasks.

When working with a child, remember that his actions are only just beginning to become purposeful. It is still very difficult for the kid to follow the intended goal, he is easily distracted and moves from one activity to another. Fatigue sets in quickly. A child's attention can only be focused on a small number of objects at the same time. Interest easily arises(especially when the child sees new and bright objects) but also disappears easily. Therefore, if you want to organize educational games, classes, remember three rules:

Rule one: do not give the baby toys for constant use with which you will play games so that he does not lose interest in them.

Rule two: during the game, the child should not be distracted by foreign objects. Everything superfluous must be removed from the field of view of the baby.

Rule three: keep the games simple and short enough. Even 5 minutes is enough! But always strive for the child to finish what he started. And after that, change the game to a new one - and you will see that the child's attention will come to life again.

Each game is a communication of a child with an adult, with other children; it is a school of cooperation in which he learns and rejoices in the success of his peers, and endures his failures. Goodwill, support, joyful atmosphere of fiction and fantasy - only in this case our games will be useful for the development of the child.

Each game can be played with one baby, or with several. And it’s even better to play with the whole family, at least for a few minutes postponing your business. The joy that you bring to your child will also become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together will help you make your life together kinder and more fun.So play along with the baby

Advice for parents

"Crisis of three years"

By the age of three, parents begin to notice serious changes in their child, he becomes stubborn, capricious, absurd. The smile of emotion on the faces of the parents is replaced by an expression of concern, confusion and some irritation. Many do not know that at this time a very important thing for the child is happening. mental process: this is the first vivid expression of his "I", this is his attempt to independently move away from his mother, lengthen the psychological umbilical cord, learn to do a lot on his own and somehow solve his problems. Without psychological separation from parents, it will be difficult for a child to find himself in this life, to develop mechanisms for psychological adaptation and flexible behavior in various situations.

Crises of development are relatively short (from several months to a year or two) period in life, during which a person noticeably changes, rises to a new life stage. Crises happen not only in childhood (1 year, 3 years, 7 years, 13 years), as a person's personality develops continuously. In this case, there is always a change of periods: relatively long and calm - stable and shorter, stormy - critical, that is, crises are transitions between stable periods.

Adults are able to understand what is happening to them, knowing the patterns of personal development. Parents should not be afraid of the severity of the course of crises, this is not at all a negative indicator. On the contrary, a bright manifestation of a child in self-affirmation in a new age quality indicates that all age-related neoplasms have formed in his psyche for the further development of his personality and adaptive abilities. And, conversely, the external “crisis-free” that creates the illusion of well-being can be deceptive, indicating that no corresponding changes have occurred in the development of the child.

Thus, one should not be afraid of crisis manifestations, the problems of misunderstanding that arise at this moment among parents and teachers are dangerous. Is it possible, acting competently, to mitigate the manifestation of the crisis? How to help a child get out of it without introducing negative qualities into the soul: after all, stubbornness is an extreme degree of manifestation of the will, a quality necessary for a child; capriciousness - a demonstration of one's own significance for others, a sense of one's "I", selfishness - a healthy sense of "independence", one's own dignity; aggressiveness is an extreme form of self-defense; isolation is an inadequate form of manifestation of healthy caution, that is, qualities necessary for survival in society. The child must come out of the crisis with a set of positive qualities, the main task of parents and teachers is to prevent the consolidation of their extreme manifestations.

What educators and parents need to know about children's stubbornness and capriciousness:

    The period of stubbornness and capriciousness begins at about 18 months;

    As a rule, this phase ends by 3.5 - 4 years (occasional bouts of stubbornness at an older age are also quite normal);

    The peak of stubbornness falls on 2.5 - 3 years of life;

    Boys are more stubborn than girls.

    Girls are naughty more often than boys.

    During the crisis period, attacks of stubbornness and capriciousness occur in children 5 times a day (for some, up to 19 times);

    If children, upon reaching 4 years old, still often continue to be stubborn and capricious, then most likely we are talking about “fixed” stubbornness, hysteria, as convenient ways to manipulate a child with their parents. Most often this is the result of conciliatory behavior of parents who succumbed to pressure from the child, often for the sake of their peace of mind.

What parents can do:

    Do not attach great importance to stubbornness and capriciousness. Accept it as a necessity.

    During an attack of stubbornness, stay close, let the child feel that you understand him.

    Do not try to inspire something to the child during an attack. It's useless. Swearing does not make sense, spanking excites even more.

    Hysteria and capriciousness require the audience, do not resort to the help of strangers: “Look, what a bad girl, ah-ah-ah!”. This is all the child needs.

    Don't give up even when your child has a seizure in a public place. Most often, only one thing helps - to take him by the hand and lead him away.

    Try to cheat: "Oh, what I have interesting toy, book, little thing! ”,“ And what is this crow doing outside the window? - such maneuvers will interest and distract.

    Be persistent with your child. If you said "No", stay with this opinion.

I myself!

I'm negative and stubborn

Stubborn and self-willed

The environment of the social self

Terribly dissatisfied.

You don't let me step

Always ready to help.

Oh my God! How heavy

Heart chains.

The system "I" boils in me,

I want to scream everywhere

I am selfhood, brothers, I live,

Want! I can! And will!

(Buldakova L. A.)