Organized educational activity for cognitive development (femp) in the second junior group. Synopsis of the famp lesson in the second junior group on the topic: “how much ... so much, equally Didactic visual material

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Osinsky Kindergarten No. 3"

Open lesson on FEMP in 2 junior group

Topic: « Many, equally, as many - how many "


Petrov. P.A.

Wasp 2018



  • expand children's vocabulary.

Form of organization: group

Demo material:


Lesson plan:

I.Organizing time

surprise moment

II. Main part.

1. Comparison of two groups of objects: by many, equally, so much - how much.

2. Physical education minute "A little white hare is sitting."

3. Work with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

4. Didactic game "Find your house."



2. A gift from a bunny.

Lesson progress:

I.Organizing time.

They sit in a semicircle. Guys, guests have come to us, let's say hello to them, show how good we are.

2. Surprise moment

Q: Guys, look who came to us? The bunny came to us. But why is he sad? Let's find out why he is so sad?

Q: The bunny says that guests will come to him today. And he doesn't know How many Do I need to put plates and cups on the table for guests?

B: Guys, but we can cheer up our bunny. Let's help the bunny set the table.

II.Main part.

1. Comparison of two groups of objects (by many, equally, so much - how many)

Q: Let's start arranging the dishes for the guests. Guys, how many plates and cups do we have?

The teacher draws attention to the plates and cups standing on the tray.

D: a lot

Q: Guys, let's first place the plates on the table. (Children take turns coming to the table and arranging the plates)

How many plates did we put in? (Many)

Now let's put a cup on each plate. (Children take turns coming to the table and placing cups on plates)

How many cups? (Many) What about the number of plates and cups? (Equally.) Is there a cup on each plate? (Children's answers.) Are there equal number of plates and cups? (children's answers)

Guys, look again at the table. There are as many cups on the table as there are plates.

Q: How many plates and how many cups do we have?

D: There are as many plates as there are cups.

Q: So they are equal?

D: Yes?

Q: Guys, the bunny is very cheerful, he thanks you for your help and invites you to the game.

2. Physical education "White Bunny sits"

(The game helps create good mood, promotes the development of coordinated movements).

3. Working with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

The bunny brought something. ( geometric figures)

Guys, what is this figure? (Square). What color is the square? What does a square have? (sides, corners). How many sides (corners)? (Many).

What is this figure? (Triangle). What color is the triangle? What does a triangle have? (sides, corners). How many sides (corners)? (Many).

How are a square and a triangle similar? (There are sides and corners). How are these figures different?

The teacher imposes a triangle on the square. It draws attention to which corners of the square and the triangle have pairs (“friends”), which corners of the square do not have “friends”. (shows).

Similar questions are asked by the teacher about the sides of the figures.

Generalization: A square has more sides and corners.

4. Didactic game "Find your home."

On the table are a triangle, a circle and a square. Children take one geometric figure, name them and begin to move to the music. At the end of the melody, they must find their houses: those who have a square in their hands run to the square, those who have a triangle run to the triangle, those who have a circle run to the circle. When the children take their places, the teacher asks them to justify their choice.


1. Summary

What did we do in today's math class? (We helped the bunny set the table, correctly placed cups and plates on the table, compared the number of cups and plates, they were equal, a lot, played with the bunny, compared a triangle with a square, etc.) The bunny liked our lesson! You all did a good job today, you were great fellows.

2. Bunny hotel.

The bunny has prepared a gift for you.

The teacher shows a plate of sweets.

Q: Look at the basket, how many sweets are there?

D: a lot

B: Right! Let's see how many there are. Take one candy. How many candies do we have?

D: As many as the guys (children).

B: That's right guys. Let's say thank you and say goodbye to the bunny.

D: Thank you, bye!

B: It's time for the Bunny to meet his guests.


Age of children: 3-4 years. There are 13 children: 6 girls and 7 boys. Preliminary work was not carried out, since the lesson according to forward planning where the capabilities and characteristics of children were taken into account. The material used corresponds to the program and the age of the children.

Topic: Much, equally, so much - how much


  • to learn to compare two equal groups of objects by the method of application, to indicate the results of the comparison with the words many, equally, as many - how many;
  • continue to form elementary mathematical representations of children;
  • continue to introduce the triangle, learn to name and compare it with a square.


  • to form the ability to compare objects by quantity, by decomposition one by one.
  • clarify the use of words in speech: as much - how much, equally, a lot.
  • to consolidate the ability to understand the addressed speech and answer the questions of an adult.
  • expand children's vocabulary.
  • develop logical thinking in children, observation, the ability to compare, compare.
  • cultivate curiosity, cognitive interest.
  • cultivate friendly relationships between children, the habit of working together.

Form of organization: group

Integration educational areas: FTsKM, FEMP, Physical Culture, speech development.

Demo material: box, toy, tables, plates, cups, candy plate, circle (diameter 10 cm), square (side length 10 cm), triangle (side length 10 cm)

Handout: circles, squares, triangles (one for each child).

Lesson progress:

I.Organizing time

1. Attracting attention, the mood for joint activities.

Methods Used: Introductory Talk

2.Surprise moment

Methods used: visual - demonstration (bunny), verbal - conversation, means - a toy.

II. Main part.

5. Comparison of two groups of objects: by many, equally, so much - how many.

Methods used: verbal - conversation, questions, clarifications, encouragement;

Practical - arrange plates, cups equally. Means - dishes.

6. Physical education minute "A little white hare is sitting."

Motor form of activity, creating a good mood.

7. Work with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

Method: verbal - conversation, reception - questions, generalization (the square has more sides and corners); observation, reception - display,

8. Didactic game "Find your house."

Methods: observation, verbal - conversation, game - didactic game (performing game actions).



Verbal method - questions, generalizing conversation.

2. A gift from a bunny.

Game method: reception - the sudden appearance of objects. Promotion (candy).

Types of children's activities in the classroom:

Communication with an adult (communicative);

Physical activity;

Game activity

Throughout the period, the structure classes were kept, there were smooth transitions between stages.

Atmosphere on lesson: all the children were fascinated, positive emotions were present, the kids were interested due to the surprise moment, involvement in activities, motor activity.

The material was presented in a language accessible to children, contact was established and was maintained throughout the lesson.

Goals and objectives have been achieved.

Alfiya Nurieva

caregiver: Nurieva Alfiya Agnafovna.

Target: - improve the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use the expression equally, as much as, more, less;

To consolidate the ability to compare objects in height, to indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.


Teach the restoration of equality by adding or subtracting;

Consolidate concepts « as much as» , « equally» , « more» , « less»

To consolidate the ability to compare objects by properties, use concepts "one", "many";

Train mental operations, comparison and classification, develop attention, memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination.

Materials for the lesson:

Demo: magnetic board, math card, countable material, chamomile flowers (3 each, bells (2 each), cardboard balls-4 pcs. (3 red, 1 blue, 3 baskets (a geometric figure is attached to each - a circle, a triangle, a square, toys (according to the number of children)

Dispensing: daisies, bluebells (countable material for each child at the rate of 3 daisies and 2 bells, mathematical cards with two stripes for the number of children.

Course progress.

I Introduction to the game situation.

The children gather around the teacher.

The teacher tells:

Lived in the same forest:

I wear a fluffy coat

I live in a dense forest.

In the forest on an old oak

I chew nuts.


Once I met Belchenok ...

long ear,

A ball of fluff

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots. (Bunny)

Bunny and asks little squirrel:

Hare: -Squirrel, do you know what season it is?

little squirrel: I know, but I forgot the name of the season.

caregiver: Guys, let's tell the squirrel, help him remember the name of the season.

Children: Spring!

little squirrel: Remembered! Thanks guys. You are so great!

Hare: "Here comes the long-awaited spring holiday mom- March 8? What will you give your mom?

The little squirrel thought - it's true. I would give mushrooms, nuts, but we ate them all winter.

caregiver: -What should a little squirrel do?

Hare: Guys, I came up with, I have flowers in my basket, but I don’t know what kind of flowers they are, how many of them, what more, which less, and how to separate them equally.

caregiver: Guys, can we help the hare and the squirrel?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: -White flowers are daisies, and blue are bells. Let's repeat together the names of the colors.

caregiver: Guys, how many flowers are in the basket?

Children: -Many!

caregiver: What color are the flowers in the basket?

Children: White, blue. (repeat flower names - daisies, bells)

II Game activity.

A GAME "Spread the flowers into pockets"

Invite the children to sit down tables. Each child has two strips with pockets, a countable material - flowers(daisies 3 pcs., bells 2 pcs.)

caregiver: -The hare gave him bells and daisies.

How many flowers did the hare give to the squirrel?

Children: - Many.

caregiver: -Guys, Squirrel asks him to help, learn from him, bells so many- How many daisies?

How can we know?

Children: - You need to put the bells on the card first, and then the daisies and compare.

caregiver: -How are we going to spread?

Children: -On the stripes.

caregiver: - That's right, you so many the same number of bells and daisies as Belchonok has, let's first put all the bells on the top strip (2 each). We work from the red stripe from left to right.

Now lay out under each bell - a camomile. We will spread it on the bottom strip, place the daisies under the bells

caregiver: -Equally Do Belchonok have bluebells and daisies?

Children: -Not.

caregiver: -What more?

Children: - Chamomile more.

caregiver: - Why do you think that daisies more?

Children: -One chamomile without a bell.

caregiver: -How to make daisies and bluebells become equally?

Children: -1way: Need to add another bell.

caregiver: -But the Hare does not have more bells.

2way: You need to remove one chamomile.

Children remove one chamomile from their cards. All actions are duplicated by the teacher on a magnetic board.

The little squirrel thanks the guys and invites them to play.

A GAME "Find the Extra"

Hare: -Guys, but I have air balloons, but I hid them behind a tall tree.

caregiver: -Where can we find this tree?

Hare: -And the tree grows in the room where the guys sleep.

caregiver: -Where is this room guys?

Children: -Bedroom.

caregiver: -Let's check.

little squirrel: -What good fellows you are, how quickly you found this tree!

caregiver: -Look, there are two trees growing here. Which one is tall? (We put two trees next to each other and determine which tree is higher). And here are the balls.

Children come to the magnetic board on which we attach "air balloons"(3 yellow and one red of the same shape and size)

Which ball is missing? (Red)

Why do you think so?

Children: -Because everyone else is yellow.

caregiver: - Tell me, how many red balls?

Children: -One.

caregiver: -And the yellow ones?

Children: -Many.

caregiver: -And the green ones?

Children: -No one.

caregiver: - Well done!

A GAME "Clean Up"

caregiver: -Oh, guys, we have such a mess in group. The little squirrel says that we do not know how to collect toys in their places. Will we show what good fellows we are and how we can leave order behind ourselves?

Children: -Yes.

Children stand in a semicircle near the teacher. On the there are 3 baskets on the table, with attached geometric shapes. (Triangle, circle, square)

The teacher offers to take one toy from the floor for each child.

Our baskets are unusual, tell me what is attached to them?

Children: - Geometric figures (circle, square, triangle – tugerek, shakmak, echpochmak)

caregiver: -And now carefully look at your toy, think about what geometric shape your toy looks like and put it in the right basket.

Children complete this task on their own. Then together we check the correctness of the task.

caregiver: -Guys, did you like to help Squirrel and Hare, and play with them?

Children: -Answers.

caregiver: -What do you more did you enjoy doing everything?

Children: -Answers.

caregiver Q: What was the most difficult task?

Children: -Answers.

caregiver Q: What is the easiest task?

Children: -Answers.

The little squirrel and the hare say thank you to the guys, praise them and say goodbye.

Subject: Many, Equal, So Much - How Much

Educator: Maksimova Nadezhda Gennadievna


    to learn to compare two equal groups of objects by the method of application, to indicate the results of the comparison with the words many, equally, as many - how many;

    continue to introduce the triangle, learn to name and compare it with a square.


    to form the ability to compare objects by quantity, by decomposition one by one.

    clarify the use of words in speech: as much - how much, equally, a lot.

    to consolidate the ability to understand the addressed speech and answer the questions of an adult.

    develop logical thinking in children, observation, the ability to compare, compare.

    to cultivate curiosity, cognitive interest, friendly relations between children.

Material: table, plates, cups, pan,felt carrots, bunny, owl, letter, circle, square, triangle, massage track, hoop, chef's hats, laptop.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

Children enter the groupgreet with the guests present.

2. Surprise moment.
Educator: Guys, what kind of sounds do we hear? (musical accompaniment) (Owl)

Educator: The owl brought us a letter from the bunny!The bunny writes that guests will come to him today, and asks us to help him, you need to put plates and cups for the guests on the table and prepare a salad. Guys, help the bunny? (Yes)

Main part.

1. Work with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

Educator: Then the guys it's time to get ready for the road! Let's go to the bunny on a steam locomotive? (Yes)

Steam locomotive buzzed

And he drove wagons

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo,

I'll go far!

Educator: (A song sounds) Guys, get tickets for a steam locomotive. To get into the wagons, you need to name the geometric figure of your ticket and find a wagon with the same geometric figure.

Children: (Guys take turns calling a geometric figure and sit on a chair with the same designation)

Educator: Guys, what is this figure? (Square). What color is the square? What does a square have? (sides, corners). How many sides (corners)? (Many).

What is this figure? (Triangle). What color is the triangle? What does a triangle have? (sides, corners). How many sides (corners)? (Many).

How are a square and a triangle similar? (There are sides and corners). How are these figures different?

The teacher imposes on a square, a triangle. It draws attention to which corners of the square and the triangle have pairs ("friends"), which corners of the square do not have "friends". (shows).

Similar questions are asked by the teacher about the sides of the figures.

Generalization: A square has more sides and corners (different).

To get to the bunny, you have to cross the river.(Children walk along the bridge over the river)

Educator: There are thick bushes in front of us.

Guys don't get through here

Here you have to crawl.

(Crawl through the hoop)

Oh! Brook frozen here

Jump over, friend!

(Children do the task).

Educator: Guys, look, whose house is this?

long ears,
Quick paws.
Gray but not a mouse
Who is it? ... (Bunny)

Educator: And here is the bunny, something the bunny is not funny. Guys, let's dance with you and cheer the bunny? (Yes)

Physical education: "Bunny".(musical accompaniment)

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this and like this

He moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit,

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this and like this

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand,

Necessarybunny jump,

Like this and like this

Necessarybunny jump.

2. Comparison of two groups of objects (by many, equally, so much - how much)

Educator: And now the guys get to work! Who will be our cook? (Answers) Let the guys put on caps, come to the table and startarrange dishes for guests.

Educator: Guys, How many do we have plates and cups? (A lot). Guys, let's first place the plates on table . (arranging one plate at a time) How many plates did we put? (A lot) And now put a cup on each plate. (Children arrange cups on plates, "One plate - one cup") How many cups? (Many) What about the number of plates and cups? (Equally.) Is there a cup on each plate? (Children's answers.) Are there equal number of plates and cups? (children's answers)

Teacher: How much do we have plates and how many cups? (platesas many as cups.) So they are equal? ​​(Yes?)

Teacher: Guys, what is it? (pot), look how many cabbage and carrots the bunny has in the pan? (a lot)Guys, let's cook cabbage salad with you. ( Yes)

Physical education: "Cabbage".

We chop cabbage, chop,

We three carrots, three

We salt cabbage, salt,

We are mashing cabbage, mashing.

Educator: Well done guys ! What a wonderful you got a meal ! Bunny will be very happy!

It's time for the bunny to meet his guests. And it's time for us to return to the group, let's say goodbye to the bunny. (Goodbye!) Guys, let's get on the steam locomotive and go to the garden.


1.Result. What did we do in class today? What obstacles did we have on the way? (Answers) Bunny liked our lesson! You all did a good job today, you were little chefs! Bunny, very glad that we came and helped him!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Arsk Kindergarten No. 11 of a general developmental type"

Arsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan

Much, equally

as much as

(Organized educational activities according to FEMP in the second junior group)


Sitdikova Mileusha Askhadullovna

Topic: Much, equally, so much - how much


to learn to compare two equal groups of objects by the method of application, to indicate the results of the comparison with the words many, equally, as many - how many;

continue to form elementary mathematical representations of children;

continue to introduce the triangle, learn to name and compare it with a square.


to form the ability to compare objects by quantity, by decomposition one by one.

clarify the use of words in speech: as much - how much, equally, a lot.

to consolidate the ability to understand the addressed speech and answer the questions of an adult.

expand children's vocabulary.

develop logical thinking in children, observation, the ability to compare, compare.

cultivate curiosity, cognitive interest.

cultivate friendly relationships between children, the habit of working together.

Form of organization: group

Integration of educational areas: FTsKM, FEMP, physical culture, speech development.

Demo material: table, plates, cups, candy plate, circle (diameter 10 cm), square (side length 10 cm), triangle (side length 10 cm)

Handout: cards for didactic game"One - many", circles, squares, triangles (one for each child).

Lesson plan:

Organizing time

« Good morning to everyone who is awake!

surprise moment

II. Main part.

Comparison of two groups of objects: by many, equally, as much - how much.

Fizkultminutka. Round dance game "Bunny walked."

Working with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

Didactic game "Find your house".

Didactic game "Many - one".


Bunny hotel.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

They sit in a semicircle.

Exercise "Good morning everyone!"

2. Surprise moment

Q: Guys, look who came to us? The bunny came to us. But why is he sad? Let's find out why he is so sad?

Q: The bunny says that guests will come to him today. And he doesn't know How many Do I need to put plates and cups on the table for guests?

B: Guys, but we can cheer up our bunny. Let's help the bunny set the table.

Main part.

Comparison of two groups of objects (by many, equally, so much - how many)

Q: Let's start arranging the dishes for the guests. Guys, how many plates and cups do we have?

The teacher draws attention to the plates and cups standing on the tray.

Q: Guys, let's first place the plates on the table. (Children take turns approaching the table and arranging the plates, accompanying their actions with the words “Another plate”)

How many plates did we put in? (Many)

Now let's put a cup on each plate. (Children take turns approaching the table and placing cups on plates, accompanying their actions with the words “One plate - one cup”)

How many cups? (Many) What about the number of plates and cups? (Equally.) Is there a cup on each plate? (Children's answers.) Are there equal number of plates and cups? (children's answers)

Guys look at the table again. There are as many cups on the table as there are plates.

Q: How many plates and how many cups do we have?

D: There are as many plates as there are cups.

Q: So they are equal?

Fizkultminutka. Round dance game "Bunny walked"

(The game helps to create a good mood, promotes the development of well-coordinated movements).

Q: Guys, the bunny is very cheerful, he thanks you for your help and invites you to the game.

Children hold hands, form a circle, walk in a circle.

Educator. What good fellows our guys! Bunny liked to play with you. He had a lot of fun.

Working with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

Guys, what is this figure? (Square). What color is the square? What does a square have? (sides, corners). How many sides (corners)? (Many).

What is this figure? (Triangle). What color is the triangle? What does a triangle have? (sides, corners). How many sides (corners)? (Many).

How are a square and a triangle similar? (There are sides and corners). How are these figures different?

The teacher imposes a triangle on the square. It draws attention to which corners of the square and the triangle have pairs (“friends”), which corners of the square do not have “friends”. (shows).

Similar questions are asked by the teacher about the sides of the figures.

Generalization: A square has more sides and corners.

Didactic game"Find your home."

A triangle and a square lie on the carpet. Children take one geometric figure from the table, name them and begin to move to the music. At the end of the melody, they must find their houses: those who have a square in their hands run to the square, those who have a triangle run to the triangle. When the children take their places, the teacher asks them to justify their choice.

Didactic game "Many - one".

Children have two cards with geometric shapes. The teacher says: “A lot”, the guys show a card on which three squares are drawn and answer: “a lot”. Then he says "One". Children show cards with one triangle.

Guys, let's play with geometric shapes. How many squares do we have? (Three) How many triangles do we have? (One) Listen carefully: We will sit down as many times as we have a square. Let's stand on our toes as many times as we have triangles. (Well done boys)


1. Summary

What did we do in today's math class? (We helped the bunny set the table, correctly placed cups and plates on the table, compared the number of cups and plates, they were equal, a lot, played with the bunny, compared a triangle with a square, etc.) In the next lesson, we will continue to compare two equal groups objects, distinguish and name geometric shapes familiar to us (circle, square, triangle). Bunny liked our lesson! You all did a good job today, you were great fellows.

Bunny hotel.

The bunny has prepared a gift for you.

The teacher shows a plate of sweets.

Q: Look at the basket, how many sweets are there?

B: Right! Let's see how many there are. Take one candy. How many candies do we have?

D: As many as the guys (children).

B: That's right guys. Let's say thank you and say goodbye to the bunny.

D: Thank you, bye!

B: It's time for the Bunny to meet his guests.

Current page: 1 (total book has 6 pages) [accessible reading passage: 2 pages]


100% +

Irina Pomoraeva, Vera Pozina

Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group of kindergarten

Lesson plans

3rd edition, corrected and enlarged

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten» under the general editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova

Pomoraeva Irina Alexandrovnamethodologist of the Educational and Methodological Center for Vocational Education in Moscow, teacher of the methods of mathematical development of the Pedagogical College No. 15, Honored Teacher of Russia.

Pozina Vera Arnoldovnamethodologist, teacher of methods of mathematical development of the Pedagogical College No. 4, excellent student of public education.


This manual is addressed to educators working under the "Kindergarten Education and Training Program" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, to organize mathematics classes in the second junior group.

The manual discusses the organization of work on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3–4 years old, taking into account the patterns of formation and development of their cognitive activity and age options.

The book presents an approximate planning of classes in mathematics for the year. The proposed system of classes includes a set of game tasks and exercises, visual and practical methods and techniques of work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations; helps children master the methods and techniques of cognition, apply the acquired knowledge and skills in independent activities. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of a correct worldview, which, in turn, allows for a general developmental orientation of learning, connection with the mental, speech development And various kinds activities.

The plot of classes and specially selected tasks contribute to the development mental processes(attention, memory, thinking), motivate the child's activity and direct his mental activity to find ways to solve the tasks. The method of conducting classes does not imply direct teaching, but involves the creation of situations of community, cooperation, which increases the child's activity in understanding and self-fulfillment math assignments. The knowledge acquired by children in the classroom should be consolidated in Everyday life. To this end, in working with children, both in preschool, and at home, you can use the workbook for the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” “Mathematics for Kids” (M .: Mozaika-Sintez).

The manual includes additional material compiled in accordance with the recommendations of modern psychologists and teachers, which allows expanding the content of work with children of the fourth year of life and increasing their interest in tasks with mathematical content.

Approximate distribution of program material for the year

Taking into account the adaptation period of children, classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group are held from the second half of September once a week (32–34 lessons per year).

I quarter


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

big small.

Lesson 1

one, many, few.

Lesson 2

many, one, none.

Lesson 3

one, many, none.

Lesson 4

Improve the ability to make a group of separate objects and select one object from a group, designate aggregates with words one, many, none.

big small.

Lesson 1

Learn to compare two objects in length and indicate the result of the comparison with words

Improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and select one object from a group; label aggregates with words one, many, none.

Lesson 2

Learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question "how much?" Using words one, many.

Continue to learn how to compare two objects in length using overlapping and application methods, designate the results of the comparison with words long - short, longer - shorter.

Lesson 3

Continue to teach to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, designate aggregates with words one, many.

Introduce the square, learn to distinguish between a circle and a square.

Lesson 4

To consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, designate aggregates with words one, many.

Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle and a square.

II quarter

Lesson 1

Improve the ability to compare two objects in length, indicate the results of the comparison in words long - short, longer - shorter, equal in length.

Exercise in the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.

Lesson 2

Continue to improve the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.

To improve the ability to compare two objects in length by methods of imposition and application; indicate the results of the comparison with the words long - short, longer - shorter.

Lesson 3

Learn to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, understand the meaning of words much, equally.

Exercise in orientation on your own body, distinguish between right and left hands.

Lesson 4

Continue to learn to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, activate expressions in speech

Improve the ability to compare two objects in length using overlay techniques and applications and words long - short, longer - shorter.

Lesson 1

To learn to compare two objects that are contrasting in width, using overlay and application techniques, to indicate the results of the comparison with words wide - narrow, wider - narrower.

Continue to learn to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, indicate the results of the comparison with words many, equally, so much - how many.

Lesson 2

Continue to learn how to compare two objects in width using overlapping and application methods, determine the results of the comparison in words wide - narrow, wider - narrower.

Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects in an overlay way; ability to express comparison results in words many, equally, so much - how many.

To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square.

Lesson 3

Introduce the triangle: learn to distinguish and name the figure.

To improve the ability to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, to indicate the results of the comparison with words many, equally, so much - how many.

Strengthen the skills of comparing two objects in width, learn to use words wide - narrow, wider - narrower, equal in width.

Lesson 4

Learn to compare two equal groups of objects using the method of application, designate the results of the comparison with words many, equally, so much - how many.

Continue to introduce the triangle, learn to name and compare it with a square.

Lesson 1

Continue to learn to compare two equal groups of objects using the application method, designate the results of the comparison with words many, equally, so much - how many.

Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).

Exercise in determining spatial directions from oneself and designate them with words top - bottom.

Lesson 2

To acquaint with the methods of comparing two objects in height, to learn to understand words

Exercise in determining spatial directions from yourself.

Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects using the application method and use words many, equally, so much - how many.

Lesson 3

Continue to learn how to compare two objects in height using overlay and application methods, indicate the results of the comparison with words high - low, higher - lower.

Continue to improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, designate the results of the comparison with words equally, as much as.

Lesson 4

Learn to compare two unequal groups of objects in an overlay way, designate the results of the comparison with words more - less, as much - how much.

Improve the ability to compare two contrasting objects in familiar ways, indicate the results of the comparison with words high - low, higher - lower.

III quarter

Lesson 1

Continue to learn how to compare two unequal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, designate the results of the comparison with words more - less, as much - how much, equally.

Improve the ability to distinguish and name a circle, square, triangle.

Lesson 2

Improve the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use expressions equally,

Fix ways to compare two objects in length and height, indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

Lesson 3

Exercise in comparing two groups of objects by means of superposition and application and use words so much - how much, more - less.

day Night.

Lesson 4

Fix ways to compare two objects in length and width, designate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one).

Exercise in distinguishing and naming geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Lesson 1

Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model (without counting and naming a number).

Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Lesson 2

To consolidate the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model (without counting and naming a number).

Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in size, indicate the result of the comparison with words big small.

Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions from oneself and designate them with words: front - back, left - right.

Lesson 3

Learn to distinguish between one and many movements and designate their number with words one, many.

Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions relative to oneself and designate them with words front - back, top - bottom, left - right.

Improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and select one object from a group.

Lesson 4

Exercise in the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them words many And one.

To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: morning evening.

Lesson 1

To consolidate the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, use expressions so much - how much, more - less.

Exercise in comparing two objects in size, indicate the results of the comparison with words big small.

Learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects using prepositions on, under, in etc.

Lesson 2

Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, ball, cube.

Lessons 3-4

Free planning of work, taking into account the assimilation of program material and the characteristics of a particular age group.

Lesson plans


Lesson 1

Program content

To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube), regardless of the color and size of the figures.

Demo material. Large and small red balls, large and small green cubes; 2 boxes of red and green colors; toys: bear, truck.

Handout. Little red balls, little green cubes.


I part. The teacher brings a truck into the group, in the back of which there are a bear, balls and cubes, and asks: “Who came to us? (Children look at the bear.) What did the bear bring in the truck?

The teacher offers the children to find the ball (gives the concept ball): What did you find? What color is the ball?

The teacher asks to show what can be done with the ball. (Ride.)

Children perform similar tasks with a cube. (Actions with a cube are denoted by the word put.)

II part. Game exercise "Hide the cube (ball)".

The teacher invites one of the children to take a ball in one hand and a cube in the other and hide one of the figures behind their backs. The rest of the children must guess what the child hid and what was left in his hand.

III part. The teacher asks the children to help the bear put balls and cubes into boxes: balls should be put in a red box, and cubes in a green one.

In the process of completing the task, the teacher clarifies with the children: “What did you put in the box? How many balls (cubes)? Are they the same color? How else are balls and cubes different? (Large and small.)

The bear thanks the children for their help and says goodbye to them.

Lesson 2

Program content

To consolidate the ability to distinguish contrasting objects in size, using words big small.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Big and small dolls, 2 beds different size; 3-4 large cubes.

Handout. Small cubes (3-4 pieces for each child).


I part. Two dolls come to visit the children. The guys, together with the teacher, examine them, find out that one doll is big and the other is small, give them names.

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the beds: “The beds are the same size? Show me the big bed. And now the little one. Where is the bed for the big doll, and where for the little one? Put the dolls to sleep. Let's sing them a lullaby "Tired toys are sleeping."

II part. Game exercise "Let's build towers."

The teacher places large and small cubes on the table, invites the children to compare them in size, and then build turrets. The teacher builds a tower of large cubes on the carpet, and the children build towers of small cubes. At the end of the work, they all look at the buildings together, show a large (small) tower.

Lesson 1

Program content

Strengthen the ability to distinguish the number of objects using words one, many, few.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Doll.

Handout. Nesting dolls (two more than children).


caregiver. Matryoshkas came to visit the Katya doll, and together we will dance around her. Look how many nesting dolls came to visit? (Many.) Take one nesting doll and put them in a round dance around Katya's doll.

Children arrange nesting dolls.

caregiver. How many dolls? How many nesting dolls are in a round dance? All matryoshkas got into a round dance? How many nesting dolls do not dance? (Few.)

In conclusion, the children dance around the dolls and matryoshkas to the music.

Lesson 2

Program content

To acquaint with the compilation of a group of objects from separate objects and the selection of one object from it; learn to understand words many, one, none.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Parsley, basket.

Handout. Balls of the same color and size (one for each child).


I part. Parsley brings the children a basket of balls.

caregiver. What did Petrushka bring? What color are the balls? How many balls did Petrushka bring?

Parsley drops the balls on the floor. At his request, the children take one ball each.

caregiver(turns to the children in turn). How many balls did you take? How many balls are in the basket? (The concept is introduced no one.) What should be done so that Petrushka has a lot of balls in his basket?

The children put the balls in the basket.

caregiver. How many balls did you put in? How many balls are in the basket? How many balls do you have in your hands?

II part. Mobile game "My cheerful, sonorous ball."

The teacher reads a poem by S.Ya. Marshak:

My cheerful, sonorous ball,
Where did you jump,
Yellow, red, blue,
Don't chase after you.

I clapped your hand
You jumped and stomped loudly
You fifteen times in a row
Jumped to the corner and back.

And then you rolled
And never returned
Rolled into the garden
Ran up to the gate.

Here he rolled under the gate,
Ran to the turn
Got hit by a wheel
Popped, popped, that's all.

Children jump to the beat of the poem. At the end of the poem, they run away.

The game is repeated several times.

Lesson 3

Program content

Continue to form the ability to make a group of objects from individual objects and select one object from it, learn to answer the question "how much?" and define aggregates with words one, many, none.

Get to know the circle to learn to examine its form by tactile-motor way.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Doll, basket, circle, cardboard train without wheels, tray, napkin, basin of water.

Handout. Circles of the same size and color, ducks.


Game situation "Gifts from Masha's doll".

I part. From the basket of Masha's doll, the teacher takes out a circle and tells the children: "This is a circle (circles his hand)". Then he clarifies the name of the item: “What is this?” He invites several children to circle around with his hand.

II part. The teacher invites the children to take one circle from Masha's basket and asks: “What is the shape of the figure? What color are they?" Children, at the request of the teacher, circle the outline of the circle with their hands and find out that the circle can be rolled.

The teacher shows the train to the children: “Can I ride this train? (Not.) Why? (No wheels.)" The teacher asks the children to prepare the train for the trip. The guys attach wheels (circles) to the train and “go” to the park to feed the ducks to the music.

III part. The teacher takes a napkin from the tray and asks: “Who is this? (Ducks.) How many ducks? (Many.)

The children take one toy, and the teacher finds out: “How many ducks did each of you take? How many ducks are left on the tray?

The teacher invites the children to play with the ducks. To the music of the "ducks" run, peck grains.

The teacher puts a bowl of water on the table and asks the children to make sure that there are a lot of ducks in the bowl. Children let their ducks into the bowl. The teacher finds out: “How many ducks did each of you let in? (One.) How many ducks are in the basin? (Many.) How many ducks are left in your hands? (None.)"

Doll Masha says goodbye to the guys. The kids are going home.

Lesson 4

Program content

Improve the ability to make a group of objects from individual objects and select one object from a group, designate aggregates with words one, many, none.

Continue to learn to distinguish and name the circle, examine it in a tactile-motor way and compare the circles in size: big small.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Machine, bag, large and small circles of the same color.

Handout. Vegetables (according to the number of children), clay (plasticine), modeling boards, napkins.


I part. Game situation "We harvest vegetables."

On the floor is an imitation of a vegetable garden. The teacher invites the children to see what grows in the garden. The children list the vegetables. The teacher summarizes their answers (“these are vegetables”), then finds out: “How many vegetables have grown in the garden?”

The teacher offers to collect vegetables in the car (imports the car). Children take one vegetable at a time, and the teacher clarifies: “Which vegetable did you take? How many vegetables did you take?

Children take turns putting vegetables in the car and commenting: “I put one carrot (beets, potatoes ...).” The teacher accompanies the actions of the children with the words: “There are more vegetables in the car.” When the guys fill the car, the teacher finds out: “How many vegetables are in the car?”

II part. The game "Wonderful bag".

In the car with vegetables, the children find a wonderful bag. They take out a circle from it, tell the name of the figure and what color it is.

The teacher attaches the circle to the flannelograph and invites one of the children to circle the figure with his hand.

Similar actions are performed with another circle.

Then the children find out how the figures are similar and how they differ.

III part. Game exercise "Bake pancakes."

Children sculpt large and small pancakes from clay (plasticine). Then the teacher suggests putting large pancakes on a large circle, small ones on a small one.