GCD for the implementation of the educational area "Communication" in the middle group. The story of N. Kalinina “About a snow bun. Nadezhda Dmitrievna Kalinina about the snow bun N Kalinina about the snow bun read


1. To teach children to purposefully memorize the content of the story, to state the content close to the text, to convey intonation;

2. Develop children's speech skills, exercise in the correct selection of antonyms for given words, activate the children's vocabulary;

3. Contribute to the development of the ability to empathize with the character, to achieve complete answers from children.

Material: musical accompaniment, snow bun, paper snowflakes, sequence diagrams (handout), sequence diagram in parts, portrait of the author, illustration for the story.


1. Game motivation

The slow music of Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" sounds.

What winter in music. Everything is covered in snow. White and gray sky, white and blue trees, white winter. Snow, snow, snow… Fairy tale realm of snow. What an expanse for children!

The teacher looks out the window, draws the attention of the children to the nature outside the window.

Winter riddle:

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking.

When does it happen?

Children guess and answer the teacher's questions

- "Do you like winter?"

- "Why do you love her?"

- “What are the signs of winter in words that have the sound “C”?”

(It is snowing, snowfall, snowdrifts, snow maiden, sledding, snowball fights, making a snowman, etc.)

2. Preparation for the perception of the topic

I propose to get on skis and go to the winter forest. But first you need to say the magic words.

"Turn around yourself

IN fairy forest turn up!"

The teacher draws attention to the snowflakes. What are they? (White, fluffy, light, radiant, sparkling).

The teacher offers to make a snowball out of the snow.

"One two three four

We made snow with you.

Round, strong, very smooth

And very, very unsweetened.

Once - let's throw up,

Two - catch

Three - drop and break.

The teacher has a snowball in his hand.

And what kind of lump do I have? (snow).

And what to the touch (cold). Why?

The teacher offers to find himself in the group again, saying the magic words, and sit on the chairs.

Experimental activity.

3. Post topic

Guys, I know a story about a snow bun, do you want to listen?

You need to listen to the story, remember it, retell it and tell it to your relatives at home in the evening.

The story is called "About the snowball". It was written by Natalia Kalinina.

Listen carefully and then answer questions.

4. Reading the story "About the snow bun"

The boys were playing in the yard. They made a woman out of snow. Alyosha made a snow bun. Found coals - made eyes; found sticks - made a mouth and nose. The guys played, took a walk and went back to Kindergarten. It's a pity for Alyosha to leave a bun in the yard. He took it and put it in his pocket.

He came to the kindergarten, hung his fur coat in a locker, and a snow bun remained in his fur coat pocket. The boys had lunch and went to bed after dinner. And when they woke up, Alyosha remembered his bun. I ran with the guys to the locker, and there was a puddle near the locker. What's happened?

They opened the door, looked, and there from the pocket - drip-drip-drip - water drips.

Alyosha looked into his pocket, but there was no bun.

There are two coals and two sticks in a wet pocket.

Where is the bun?

5. Conversation according to the content, according to the scheme

Before reading the story, you can conduct an introductory conversation that contributes to a certain emotional mood of the children. The question "What do you sculpt from the snow?" revive personal experience each child, will cause a desire to speak out and listen to comrades. After that, the children will show more interest in the story, listen carefully to it.

The teacher's questions focus the child's thought on the sequence of events, on descriptions, expressive phrases and turns. In speech practice - in the form of answers to questions - preschoolers will better master the language material of the work and, having started retelling, will use it more freely. When answering questions, children must remember the appropriate places in the text. “What snow bun did Alyosha blind?” - "... Alyosha found coals - made eyes, found sticks - made a nose and mouth." - "How did the snow bun turn out to be in the pocket of Alyosha's coat?" - "... It's a pity for Alyosha to leave the bun in the yard, he took it and put it in his pocket." - “What did the guys with Alyosha see near the locker and in the locker?” “Near the locker, they saw a puddle, and when they opened the door, they saw: from the pocket - drip, drip, drip - water drips.” So the questions of the teacher activate the process of mastering literary material by children.

The story has a very peculiar ending - the author's direct appeal to the readers: “Where is the bun? How do you think?" When the child reproduces this question at the end of the retelling, the teacher can invite one or two children to answer it. So, due to the specifics of the text, the narrator and listeners are united by joint speech actions.

Analyzing and evaluating the children's retellings, the teacher notes how expressive the interrogative intonation sounded in the speech of the narrators, helps to highlight interrogative words in the end phrase with a logical stress, pause, etc.

Where did the children play? (outside) What were they like? (joyful, cheerful, happy, laughing)

What did Alyosha blind? (kolobok)

What did the boy make eyes, nose, mouth out of? (read out)

Where are the guys back? (sequence diagram)

What did Alyosha do?

Where did the boy put the snowball?

What did Alyosha do when he woke up?

What happened to the snowball? What's left of the snowball? Where did he go?

What did you like the most about the story?

Game "Say the other way around"

To teach to convey a literary text, coherently, consistently, expressively, without the help of a teacher, using schemes.

Learn to select definitions that are appropriate in meaning (activation of adjectives for the word snow), pay attention to the forms of change of the verb want.

Draw attention to the timbre and clarity of pronunciation of words, develop diction.

To form the ability to transmit events using schematic models (subject modeling);


Easel, pencils, sheet of paper, diagrams for the story.

For the game, two sheets of paper.

Preliminary work:

Making schemes for retelling

Examining the illustrations

Portrait of N. Kalinina

Y/N "What's wrong?"



GBOU secondary school No. 2107 (Kindergarten No. 1131)

Lesson summary

for the development of speech

in senior group №2

Topic: "Retelling the story of N. Kalinina


Educator: Zvyagintseva N.V.

Moscow, 2015

Target: develop coherent speech, teach to convey a literary text coherently, consistently, expressively; learn to select definitions that are suitable in meaning (activation of adjectives), consolidate the ability to use difficult forms of the genitive plural of nouns (boots, stockings, socks, slippers, mittens, mittens), pay attention to the forms of change of the verb to want ; to form a sound culture of speech, to draw attention to the volume and clarity of pronunciation of words.

Material: doll clothes - boots, stockings, mittens, slippers, socks, diagrams, handouts, a snowball.

Children and teacher stand in a circle. Winter riddle:

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking.

When does it happen?

Children guess and answer the teacher's questions

- "Do you like winter?"

- "Why do you love her?"

- "What are the signs of winter?"

(It is snowing, ice, hoarfrost, snowfall, blizzard, cold, snowdrifts, frost, blizzard, New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, warm clothes, skating, sledding, skiing, ice skating, snowball fights, making a snowman, etc.)

And I know a very beautiful poem about winter, it was written by I. Surikov. - Do you want to listen to it?

(The teacher offers to listen to an excerpt from I. Surikov's poem "Winter".)


White snow, fluffy in the air is spinning

And quietly falls to the ground, lays down.

And in the morning the field turned white with snow,

Like a veil, everything dressed him.

The dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat

And fell asleep under it soundly, soundly ...

The days have become short, the sun shines little,

Here come the frosts - and winter has come.

Did you like the poem?

What is said about snow, what is it like?

(Children. White, fluffy, silver, sparkling.)

caregiver . You see what beautiful and expressive words you remembered about snow.(Repeats the definitions said by the children)


One two three four

We made snow with you

Round, strong, very smooth

And not at all sweet.

Once - let's throw up,

Two - catch

Three - drop and break.

Children stand in a circle

The teacher makes a riddle about the bun

What can a bun be made of? (children's answers)

The teacher has a lump in his hand

And what kind of lump do I have? (snow).

Let me put it in a saucer, let it lie here for now.

Do you like to play with snow?

How do you play with him? (We make a snowman, play snowballs, build a snow hill).

Guys, I know a story about a snow bun, do you want to listen?

You need to listen to the story and tell it to your relatives at home in the evening.

The story is called "snow ball". It was written by Natalya Kalinina.

Listen carefully and then answer questions.

The teacher reads the story for the first time.

"About the snowball"

The boys were playing in the yard. They made a woman out of snow. Alyosha made a snow bun. Found coals - made eyes; found sticks - made a mouth and nose. The guys played, took a walk and went back to kindergarten. It's a pity for Alyosha to leave a bun in the yard. He took it and put it in his pocket.

He came to the kindergarten, hung his fur coat in a locker, and a snow bun remained in his fur coat pocket. The boys had lunch and went to bed after dinner. And when they woke up, Alyosha remembered his bun. I ran with the guys to the locker, and there was a puddle near the locker. What's happened?

They opened the door, looked, and there from the pocket - drip - drip - drip - water drips.

Alyosha looked into his pocket, but there was no bun.

There are two coals and two sticks in a wet pocket.

Where is the bun?

  1. Where did the children play? (outside) What were they like? (joyful, cheerful, happy, laughing)
  2. What Alyosha blinded (read out)
  3. What did Alyosha's bun look like? (read out)
  4. What did the boy make eyes, nose, mouth out of? (read out)
  5. Where are the guys back? (read out)
  6. What did Alyosha do? (It's a pity…)
  7. Where did the boy put the snowball? (read out)
  8. What did Alyosha do when he woke up? (read out)
  9. What happened to the snowball? One hundred left of the snowball? Where did he go?
  10. What did you like the most about the story?

Phys. minute. Children walk one after another in a circle and say:

White snow,

white chalk,

white hare

Also white. (softer, louder, louder, slower, faster, faster)

After physical minutes the children go to the tables.

The teacher reads the story a second time.

Guys, turn over the pictures that are on your tables.

I have prepared diagrams for you from the story. Listen to the task: I will read the story, and you lay out the diagrams sequentially, from left to right.

We work in pairs. We remember the story, then you will need to retell it.

The teacher reads the story for the third time.

Guys, you posted the diagrams in sequence, let's look at my diagrams. (the teacher shows the diagrams of the story on the blackboard).

Did you do the same? Check.

Tell what parts the stories consist of (beginning, middle, end).

What is the name of the story? Who wrote it?

Who wants to tell the beginning of the story about the snowball? Tell about the snow bun using the diagrams on the board.

Retelling the first part of the story by children.

Now tell me how did it end?

Who wants to tell a story from beginning to end?

Guys, where is my snowball?

Well done boys. You did a good job today.

What is the name of the story?

Now stand in a circle and show me the cards.


Educator. And now we're playing again. Do you want to play snowballs?

Children perform the corresponding movements.

Show how you bent down and picked up the snow.

And now we sculpt a lump and.

Throw with the left hand.

We take snow again, we make a bun.

Throw with the right hand.

Doll clothes are on the table.

Educator. (makes a riddle). Woolen, warm, small - is it a sock or a mitten? Yes, it's a mitten puzzle. Woolen - mitten, and the sock - woolen.

The game "What's wrong?"

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the doll clothes on his table, then closes the items and removes one of them, for example, socks. He asks what is missing? After each correct answer, he confirms: “That's right, there are no socks (scarves, etc.)”

Guys, what did we talk about today?

What are the signs of winter?

What story did you get?

What did the children blind?

(Give out A4 sheets of paper to draw a snowball)

Let's make a snowball with you now.

Children draw a snowball on the leaves on their own.

Elena Simonenko
Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech. Retelling of the story by N. Kalinina "About the snow bun"

Program content:

Connected speech. Teach children transmit the content of the literary text is coherent, consistent, expressive, without leading questions of the teacher.

Dictionary. Develop the ability to select definitions; increase the use of speech adjectives.

Grammar. To consolidate the ability to form forms of the genitive plural of nouns in difficult cases: boots, stockings, socks, slippers, mittens, mittens; teach children how to conjugate the verb want.

Sound culture speeches. Strengthen the ability to pronounce words loudly and clearly.

Doll clothes: boots, stockings, mittens, slippers, socks (it is possible to replace items of clothing with pictures with their image).

Course progress.

Kids, what time of year is it? (Children answer.)

Is it winter right now?

Listen to an excerpt from a poem by Ivan Surikov "Winter", which refers to the main sign of winter.

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

Children, what sign of winter is mentioned in this poem? (About snow.) Did you like how the poet wrote, what different words he chose? (Children answer.)

As it is said about snow, what is it like? (White, fluffy.) What does snow do? What words do you remember? (Whirls, falls, lays down.)

You also know how to choose different words that decorate your story and make it interesting. Can you tell me what kind of snow it is? (White, fluffy, silver, sparkling, etc.)

You see what beautiful and expressive words you remembered about snow. (Repeats the words spoken by the children.)

Children, now I I will tell interesting story and listen to her carefully.

The guys went for a walk, played fun, blinded snowman; the weather was sunny, frosty; children came to kindergarten good mood. How else can you say what they were? (Cheerful, joyful, contented, laughing.)

Then the children had dinner, went to bed, and when they woke up and went to the window, they saw that the weather had deteriorated. What was their mood? (Bad.) What have children become, how can you say differently? (Grieved, confused, dissatisfied, sad.)

Guys, listen story by Natalia Kalinina"Pro snow bun» .

After reading, the teacher asks the children questions.

What does it say story? What did the boys do

yard? What happened to snow ball? What do you especially

liked in story? (Children answer.)

Listen carefully story again, then you will retell.

For paraphrase three children are called. They agree who will start story who will continue, who will finish.

Text recited twice. After retelling the teacher evaluates involving children in the discussion.

And now we'll play. Do you want to play? (Want.) And you, Tanya, want? (Want.) Guys, listen to what an amazing word we said. This is the word want. It changes in different ways. It all depends on whether we are talking about one person or many. About one say: I want, he wants, you want. And about many say A: we want, you want, they want. (Children repeat the forms of the verb after the teacher.)

Do you want to play snowballs? Stand up and imagine that you and I are in a winter forest. Show how you bent down and picked up the snow. And now they blinded a lump. Thrown with the left hand. Again we take snow, we sculpt a lump. Throw with the right hand.

And now I will read you a playful poem by Samuil Marshak about pigs.

I give you my word of honor:

Yesterday at half past six

I saw two pigs

No hats or boots.

I give you my word of honor.

Did you like the poem? Do pigs wear boots? Or maybe pigs wear stockings, socks, slippers, mittens? (Children answer.)

In fact, this cannot be correct - this is a joke that Samuil Marshak composed.

You and I can also compose funny jokes about different birds and animals. I will start, and the one I point to will continue. To help you compose, I will show picture clues.

We give you our word of honor:

Yesterday at half past six

We saw forty

Without. (boot) And. (stocking,

And no puppies. (socks,

And no blueberries. (slippers) And. (mitten).

Have we got any funny jokes?

- Guess the riddle: "Woolen, warm, small - is it a sock or a mitten?" (Mitten.) Woolen - a mitten, and a sock -. (woolen).

On the desk hung out doll clothes.

Let's play a game now "What's gone?". Take a close look at these items. Remember them. (Children close their eyes, and the teacher removes their socks, then the children open their eyes.) What is missing?

Two or three children are called. After each correct answer, comment: "That's right, there were no socks".

The game is repeated two or three times. At the end of the lesson, the teacher encourages children: “Well done, they remembered all the objects, they named them correctly”.

Guys let's remember story by Natalia Kalinina"Pro snow bun» . What was said in this story? What did Alyosha find near his locker, on the floor, after sleeping? Let's draw with you the boy Alyosha, who found a puddle on the floor and was very got upset that its the gingerbread man has melted. (Children draw).

Pro snow bun. N. Kalinina

The boys were playing in the yard. They made a woman out of snow. Alyosha blinded snow bun. Found coals - made eyes; found sticks - made a nose and mouth. The guys played, took a walk and went back to kindergarten. Sorry Alyosha leave a bun in the yard He took it and put it in his pocket.

He came to kindergarten, hung his fur coat in the locker, and remained lying in the pocket of his fur coat snow bun. The guys had dinner, after dinner they went to bed, and when they woke up, Alyosha remembered his bun. I ran with the guys to the locker, and puddle next to the locker. What's happened?

They opened the door, looked, and from the pocket - drip, drip, drip, drip - water drips.

Alyosha looked in his pocket, but it wasn't there. kolobok.

There are two coals and two sticks in a wet pocket.

BUT kolobok where? How do you think?

Related publications:

Purpose: To teach children to retell a story based on pictures. Systematize children's knowledge about growing and sowing seeds in the garden. Activate.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching coherent speech in the correctional (preparatory) group of the ZPR "About the snow bun" Compilation of N. Kalinina's story "About a snow bun" based on plot pictures (with modeling elements). Program content: Introduce.

Topic: N. Kalinina's story "About the snow bun"

Program content:
- Learn to emotionally perceive a work of art, understand the content of the text
-Continue to learn to answer questions, tell, develop coherent speech
- Develop cognitive research, communication activities, memory, imagination
- educate interest in fiction

Preliminary work:
Observation of the properties of snow: white, cold, crumbly, soft;
pouring, spinning, melting, molding
Conversation on the topic: "Snow fun"
Game activity on a walk: "Buildings made of snow - a snowman, a gingerbread man, a slide"

Types of children's activities:
- game
- cognitive research
- communicative
- perception fiction N. Kalinina's story "About the snow bun"

Methods and techniques:
Verbal: reading, storytelling, conversation
Game: physical education
Visual: watching a snowball

GCD progress
Children stand in a circle

Educator: -Children, what season is it now?
Children: - Winter
Q: How did you know it was winter?
D .: - It's snowing outside, it's cold, it's frosty.
V .: - Do you know, guys, that snow can go, spin, fall and melt.
What happens to him when he falls on a warm palm?
D.:- Tait
V .: - Children, look what I have in the bucket.
D.: -Snow
V .: - Sit on the chairs and listen to the story of Natalia Kalinina "About the snow bun"

(Text of the story)
“Guys were playing in the yard. They made a woman out of snow. Alyosha made a snow bun. I found coals - I made eyes, I found sticks - I made a nose and a mouth. The guys played, took a walk and went back to kindergarten. It’s a pity for Alyosha to leave the bun in the yard, he took it and put it in his pocket.
He came to the kindergarten, hung his fur coat in a locker, and a snow bun remained in his fur coat pocket. The guys had lunch, went to bed after dinner, and when they woke up, Alyosha remembered his bun. I ran with the guys to the locker, and there was a puddle near the locker. What's happened? They opened the door, looked, and from the pocket - drip, drip, drip, drip - water drips.
Alyosha looked into his pocket - but there was no bun.
There are two coals and two sticks in a wet pocket.
Alyosha looks at everyone, asks:
- Where is my bun?
Where is the bun? How do you think?"

D .: - Melted
Q: Why did he break up?
D .: - Because the gingerbread man was warm

Physical education minute
Children stand in a circle.
B: Let's play.
We prepared our palms, we will make snowballs.
-One two three four
-we made snowballs with you (they make snowballs with their palms, changing the position of the hands)
- round, strong, very smooth (show the cam of one hand while stroking the other)
- and not at all sweet (threaten with index finger)
- just toss
- two-we'll catch
- and throw it into the basket (imitation of movements)
Children sit on chairs, and the teacher asks questions about the content of the text.

V .: - What did Alyosha do on a walk?
- Why did the bun melt?
Why did Alyosha take the bun to kindergarten?
- Where did he put the bun?
- What happens to the snow in the heat?
V .: - Well done, children, you correctly answered all the questions!
Let's remember what the story is called.
D .: -About the snow bun!
V .: - And now look what we have in the bucket?
D: The snow is starting to melt.
V: -Why?
D .: - Since it is warm in our group!

Attached files


To teach to convey a literary text, coherently, consistently, expressively, without the help of a teacher, using schemes.

Learn to select definitions that are appropriate in meaning (activation of adjectives for the word snow), pay attention to the forms of verb change to want.

Draw attention to the timbre and clarity of pronunciation of words, develop diction.

To form the ability to transmit events using schematic models (subject modeling);


Easel, pencils, sheet of paper, diagrams for the story.

For the game, two sheets of paper.

Preliminary work:

Making schemes for retelling

Examining the illustrations

Portrait of N. Kalinina

D / I "Winter - summer"



State budget educational institution

of the city of Moscow kindergarten of the combined type No. 994

I approve





directly educational activities

educational area Communication

Topic: Retelling of N. Kalinina's story "About the snow bun"

in senior / preparatory group


Teacher Krylova N.V.

Moscow, 2014

Tasks :

To teach to convey a literary text, coherently, consistently, expressively, without the help of a teacher, using schemes.

Learn to select definitions that are appropriate in meaning (activation of adjectives for the word snow), pay attention to the forms of verb change to want .

Draw attention to the timbre and clarity of pronunciation of words, develop diction.

To form the ability to transmit events using schematic models (subject modeling);


Easel, pencils, sheet of paper, diagrams for the story.

For the game, two sheets of paper.

Preliminary work:

Making schemes for retelling

Examining the illustrations

Portrait of N. Kalinina

D / I "Winter - summer"

The course of educational activities:

Educator: Listen to an excerpt from Ivan Surikov's poem "Winter"

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling down, laying down...

What is said about snow, what is it like?

The children answer.

Educator: What does snow do? What words do you remember?

The children answer.

Educator: Listen to this passage again. (Reread).

…………………………………………………… . Can you tell me what kind of snow it is?

Children. White, fluffy, silver, sparkling

Educator. What beautiful and expressive words you remembered about snow. Let's repeat them together. (White, fluffy, silvery, sparkling snow... (what does snow do - lie down, spin, flutter)

One day the children went for a walk. The weather was sunny and cold. They had fun playing, sculpting a snowman. The children returned to kindergarten in a good mood.

Children. Cheerful, joyful, contented, laughing.

Educator. Then the children had dinner, went to bed, and when they woke up and went to the window, they saw that the weather had deteriorated.What was their mood?

Children . Bad.

Educator. What have children become, how can you say differently?

Children. Disappointed, dissatisfied, sad ... (schemes of emotions)

Educator: Listen to the story of Natalya Dmitrievna Kalinina "About a snow bun"

What is this story about?

What were the guys doing in the yard?

What happened to the snowball?

What did you especially like about the story?

Educator. Listen to the story again and then retell it. These pictures will be a hint to you. (I put successive pictures-schemes on the easel)

I call the children to retell. Children using pictures - diagrams retell the story).

I'm calling three children.

Children retell the story.

Educator. Whose story did you like the most?

Educator. And now we'll play. Do you want to play?

What do you want, Katya?

The children answer.

Educator. Guys, listen to what an amazing word we said. This is the word want. It changes in different ways: when we talk about one person and when we talk about many. We will say about one thing: I want, he wants, you want. And about many we will say: we want, you want, they want.

Do you want to play snowballs?

Children perform the corresponding movements.

You bent down and picked up the snow.

And now we sculpt a lump.

Throw with the left hand.

We take snow again, we make a bun.

Throw with the right hand.

Children sit at tables.

Educator. Draw how you walk on a walk in kindergarten.

Children draw.

Educator. Let's take a look at your drawings..

Children describe what they have drawn.