Features of the second pregnancy. Features of the second pregnancy: the first signs, the woman's well-being and the timing of childbirth Signs of pregnancy

Will the second pregnancy have features or not? This question is visited by every mother who already has a baby, but again saw two eloquent stripes on the test. Someone hopes that it will be better, someone is afraid of new difficulties. But in any case, the desire to know what you have to face is quite natural and reasonable.

It is worth realizing that just as the second child will not necessarily be similar to the first, the second pregnancy may differ from the first, or may completely repeat it. Two pregnancies are two children, and each of them has its own story of birth. Nevertheless, certain patterns that are characteristic of the second pregnancy exist, and we will try to systematize this knowledge into a single system.

Insidious lottery: factors that cannot be predicted

Do you want to know if the second pregnancy and childbirth carries the features that exhausted you during the first pregnancy? But this is just almost unpredictable. Only a lottery of luck will determine whether you will have changes in character, taste preferences, toxicosis and swelling.

  • Toxicosis is a thing, as it turned out, unpredictable. He may never visit you for both pregnancies, or he may completely exhaust you again in both. Or maybe the first time, but not the second, or vice versa. Although in fairness, we note that the second time the chances of avoiding it are higher, especially if a boy has settled in the stomach. No wonder they say that toxicosis and the sex of the child have a correlation.
  • Taste preferences. If you remember how in your first pregnancy you enthusiastically ate salami ice cream, this does not mean at all that all this will happen again in your second pregnancy. Perhaps what you will be drawn to the second time will be radically different from both your everyday addictions and the preferences of the first pregnancy. And taking into account the intake of complex vitamins, “strange” addictions in women come to naught, since all the necessary substances are supplied in the required amount.
  • Edema and gestosis. It is difficult to judge whether the features of the second pregnancy for a woman depend on the presence of similar problems in the first. If for the first time the entire pregnancy was accompanied by edema, not associated with diseases of the kidneys and heart, then this was a manifestation of the peculiarity of this particular pregnancy. And the second time gestosis can bypass you. Or vice versa, gaining excess weight, or having matured for seven years, you can increase the likelihood of problems with gestational manifestations of diabetes and simply with gestosis. But the chances of getting swelling in the second pregnancy are higher.
  • Mood swings, drowsiness, fatigue- also very individual characteristics that depend on too many factors to predict their onset during pregnancy.

Features of the second pregnancy that you will feel

But in addition to these unpredictable factors, there are such features of the second pregnancy that are undeniable and even spelled out in medical encyclopedias.

  • Early belly. Due to the fact that the uterus of a woman giving birth will never shrink to its previous size, but will forever remain almost twice as large, the appearance of a visually fixed belly will occur long before the middle of pregnancy. If for the first time the piquant position could be hidden until the fifth month, then in the second pregnancy the tummy will begin to grow already at the beginning of the second trimester.
  • A multiparous woman feels the movements of the baby a month earlier, starting from the 16th week. Most often this is due to the fact that the pregnant woman already knows what these sensations are like and will not confuse them with anything.
  • The second pregnancy, the features of which are worth noting separately, is accompanied by a lower position of the uterus. From a sensory perspective, the baby will put more pressure on the bladder, but less on the stomach. As a result, you can avoid heartburn, but you will have to run to the toilet quite often.
  • Varicose veins and chronic diseases will not get better, but worse - easily. Therefore, the second time, it is necessary to monitor your health much more carefully, taking into account the weaknesses found during the first pregnancy.
  • Labor, which marks the last stage of pregnancy, is often easier and, pleasantly, faster the second time. An organism that remembers the first birth is easier to adapt to this situation again, and the woman already knows what to expect from the process of the birth of a child.

Features of the second pregnancy after a short period of time

The second pregnancy and childbirth, the peculiarities of which are not only that this happens for the second time, but also that too little time has passed from the first time, deserve a separate explanation. The weather is a great option for brave moms: to quickly "shoot back" by providing each of their children with a friend of the same age, a wonderful plan.

However, the second pregnancy in a row is fraught with many difficulties. The woman's body has not yet fully recovered, especially if she is actively breastfeeding. Therefore, a vitamin and mineral supplement is necessary to maintain the balance and health of the mother and both children. With such a pregnancy, toxicosis occurs more often and it is much more difficult to predict the sex of the child, because according to one of the theories, the weather is most often born same-sex.

Another difficulty of the second pregnancy in a row is not only the depletion of the woman's body with nutrients, but also the physical condition of the reproductive organs. Therefore, careful monitoring by doctors is necessary to avoid premature birth.

The fatigue of pregnancy and the load of the first years of a baby's life merge into one continuous fatigue, and the first baby constantly strives to climb into his arms, which is categorically not recommended. However, all this is overcome and requires only a little more effort on the part of both parents.

Psychological features of the second pregnancy

In addition to physiological features during the second pregnancy, there are also features of her perception both by the woman herself and by her close circle. The fact that the second pregnancy pushes psychological features into the background does not mean at all that they do not exist.

  • Most often, the second pregnancy is much calmer, as the woman already knows what and when to expect from this process. However, the attention of the woman herself and her relatives is too much concentrated on the problems of the older child and everyday aspects of life. And in the aggregate, the woman’s calmness and the family’s distraction to external problems create the illusion of indifference to the appearance of a second baby. But this is far from true.
  • Another aspect of the second pregnancy is the desire of parents this time to predict the gender of the unborn baby, because they have a child of the same sex. Why not? There are many methods for this, and you can choose the one that suits you.
  • The burden on the shoulders of the family lies the delicate preparation of the eldest child for the appearance of a brother or sister. This is a very responsible action that is worth considering and implementing for the further well-being of your family.

No matter how the second pregnancy develops for you, the main thing is that you already have the experience of going through all its stages. Consider all the omissions of the first time, so that the second pregnancy will please you with ease, and we sincerely wish you good luck!

The first pregnancy is a time of uncertainty. With her, all sensations are new, joyful or disturbing. Having become pregnant for the first time, a woman acutely feels all the changes that are happening to her.

What happens during the second pregnancy? Does it have any features and differences from the first?

Second pregnancy

Usually the second pregnancy is psychologically different from the first. Expecting a second child is, first of all, conscious motherhood. Although the second children are often unplanned - contraception failed, they hoped that it was too early for the body. But having become pregnant for the second time, the woman understands perfectly well what awaits her.

She knows about the difficulties and joys, is ready for problems and consciously approaches them.

There are other psychological differences as well. Often, having become pregnant for the first time, especially at a young age, a woman unconsciously seeks to designate her new position. Hence the expectation of belly growth, and clothes for pregnant women in the second month, and lamenting that they did not give up their seat on the bus in the first trimester. The second pregnancy is more often perceived as a natural process and the attitude towards it is calmer.

Physical differences

There is a widespread belief that the second pregnancy is easier, childbirth occurs faster, and the birth process itself is much more pleasant. But this is far from true.

In the second pregnancy, the features of its course are difficult to predict. This is an individual process that can proceed in completely different ways - easier or much harder. Sometimes both pregnancies are the same. No doctor can say for sure what awaits the expectant mother for the second time. But there are patterns that are observed in most women:

  • body changes;
  • features of well-being;
  • deviations in the state of health;
  • sensation of baby moving;
  • the onset of the first contractions;
  • generic process;
  • postpartum changes.

Body changes

More often during the second pregnancy, body changes are more obvious. If there was a tendency to gain weight, fullness will become noticeable faster. The same applies to the growing belly. Usually it becomes visible already at the end of the fourth month, while the first pregnancy is not always noticed on the fifth or sixth.

The chest usually does not increase so dramatically, but the changes in the bust are still visible to the naked eye.

Stretch marks appear most intensely during the first pregnancy. Then they may be added little by little or not at all. But there are also reverse situations when stretch marks are formed during the second pregnancy and in large numbers.

During the second pregnancy, diastasis often occurs - a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. Because of this, a small belly can persist for a long period after childbirth. Regular physical exercises will help to achieve a beautiful figure, and in case of a significant discrepancy, plastic surgery of the abdominal wall.


Most often, toxicosis in its manifestations is similar to the previous one. It may be weaker or stronger, but the differences are not too significant. Repeated toxicosis is tolerated, as a rule, easier. After all, a woman already knows what helps her the most and what smells and tastes should be avoided.

Well facilitates the state and the realization that toxicosis is not eternal.

back problems

Back pain is a frequent companion of an interesting position. In subsequent pregnancies, they occur more often and are felt more strongly. If there were pains in the lower back before, and after childbirth the woman was not engaged in treatment, then in the future they are inevitable.

Joint pain

This unpleasant phenomenon can occur in any trimester, especially if there is swelling. Usually, women who are aware of their peculiarities try to observe the drinking regimen, monitor their weight, and consult a doctor in time.

Sometimes with a second pregnancy, restless legs syndrome joins. This is a condition in which a woman cannot sleep due to excruciating pain in her legs and is forced to constantly move them, which leads to temporary relief.

Carrying a baby is one of the main causes of this unpleasant syndrome; about 20% of expectant mothers are affected by it. After childbirth, pain in the legs most often disappears, but in rare cases it can persist for a long time.


This unpleasant disease often appears after the first birth. The reasons for it are usually:

  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • wrong actions of a woman in the pressing period.

During the second pregnancy, hemorrhoids appear in many women and are accompanied by painful sensations. Exacerbations of this disease can be avoided if you follow the doctor's recommendations, do not abuse spicy and sweet foods, and move more.

Changes in the level of iron in the blood

After the first birth, many women experience a decrease in the level of iron in the blood. This is due to its increased consumption during childbearing and blood loss during childbirth. If a woman has not undergone a rehabilitation course of treatment, then she develops iron deficiency anemia.

This disease is manifested by such symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • low pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • prone to frequent illnesses;
  • change in taste and smell;
  • fragility of nails and hair, dry skin.

Especially often, iron deficiency anemia develops if little time has passed after the first birth, and the body has not had time to recover. With a lack of iron in the body, not only the woman suffers, but also the growing child. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of anemia increases.

calcium metabolism

As in the case of iron, when carrying a child, calcium stores in the body decrease. If you do not take vitamins and calcium preparations, during the second pregnancy, its deficiency develops. This is manifested by problems with teeth and hair, brittle nails, increased fragility of bones and pain in them.

Fractures can occur even with minor injuries. In addition, calcium is necessary for the proper formation of the child's skeletal system.

baby movements

During the second pregnancy, a woman feels the baby's movements 2-3 weeks earlier. This usually happens at 16-18 weeks. Often, mothers expecting a second baby claim that they feel his movements even at 14-15 weeks.

Start of labor

The onset of labor is an individual process, there is no single pattern. Gynecologists say that in the case of a second pregnancy, childbirth may begin 1-2 weeks later due to greater uterine compliance. But usually they are expected in the same period as the first.

The duration of the birth process

Unlike the first birth, which can last up to 12 hours, the second in most cases pass faster - in 5-8 hours. Although sometimes the opposite happens.

With a second pregnancy, you need to be ready for a faster delivery and go to the hospital on time.

postpartum period

Usually the postpartum period in multiparous women is easier. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Fewer complications due to first birth experience.
  2. Understanding how to deal with emerging challenges.
  3. The ability to establish lactation and avoid lactostasis.

In addition, caring for an older child also helps a woman cope with postpartum difficulties and distracts from unpleasant moments.

It is important to understand that the course of any pregnancy depends very much on the psychological mood of the expectant mother. With self-confidence and the expectation of a healthy child, both the first and second pregnancies will bring a woman only pleasant memories, despite their differences.

The experience of the first pregnancy and childbirth will certainly help to bear the second baby. But there will still be differences between them, however, this is all very individual and depends on many factors.

It would be nice to plan a second pregnancy, taking into account the state of health of the mother, the age of the first baby - this matters for how the pregnancy with the second child will proceed. Even the financial situation of the family, the willingness of the mother to continue sleepless nights and the presence of assistants during the second pregnancy become more important than the first time.

Psychology of the second pregnancy

No matter how much literature is read, no matter how friends share their own experiences, the first pregnancy is a unique experience that never happened before in life. The first movement of a child, strange eating habits, morning sickness - when you experience it all yourself, it seems to be a unique phenomenon. Many of the symptoms cause anxiety, something you do not notice. But now, the long-awaited baby has appeared and the woman becomes a mother - this is a completely new social role for her, which completely changes her attitude to life.

Psychologically, the second pregnancy is both easier and more difficult. On the one hand, you already know what to expect, the morning will not be a surprise, the changes in the body are already familiar and are more calmly tolerated. And on the other hand, a feeling of guilt before the first-born may come flooding in - how is it, because he is the most beloved person in the world, is it possible to deprive him of at least a part of his mother's love? These emotions can be quite strong, especially if the first child is still small, and even more so, is breastfed. The reason is mainly in the changed hormonal background, which has not yet had time to return to its original state. Do not worry, mother's love is enough for two and three and even more children, a lot depends on the cultural level of a woman and self-control. Of course, in order to avoid complexes in a child, it is worth gradually preparing him for the appearance of a brother or sister, and taking into account his age.

Mother's physical condition

The differences between the first and second pregnancies will largely depend on how the first proceeded, how the birth went, how much time has passed since the birth of the first child. If the difference between the birth of a child and the beginning of a second pregnancy is no more than 4-5 years, as a rule, everything happens a little earlier than the first time

  • The stomach will begin to grow faster and may be larger than the first time. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the abdominals and uterus were already very stretched and not as elastic as before pregnancy.
  • Perhaps you will feel fetal movements earlier - because you already know what they are and will be able to identify them faster.
  • As a rule, early toxicosis during the second pregnancy is easier, perhaps this is due to the fact that you have already learned how to cope with it from your own experience.
  • If during the first pregnancy there were problems, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and others, there is a risk of recurrence, however, this is not at all necessary. The risk group includes women who gave birth for the first time more than ten years ago and are over the age of forty.
  • The second time you will feel the approach earlier, they usually start a little earlier and can be swift. The second time childbirth itself usually goes faster and easier if the difference between births is no more than 5-6 years. If more, childbirth proceed almost always as for the first time.

The first pregnancy for any woman is a period of the unknown. She has nothing to compare this state with, she lacks any experience. During my first pregnancy...

Second pregnancy: features of gestation, difference from the first

By Masterweb

30.05.2018 22:01

The first pregnancy for any woman is a period of the unknown. She has nothing to compare this state with, she lacks any experience. During the first pregnancy, a woman especially clearly feels all the processes taking place in her body. At this time, all feelings are new and unknown. The course of the second pregnancy basically does not differ from the first. The article will discuss the state of health of women during this period.

Second pregnancy

Waiting for the birth of a baby for the second time is psychologically different. The decision to have another child is made by a woman consciously. Sometimes second babies are born unexpectedly (contraceptives failed, as well as other reasons). Having become pregnant again, the expectant mother is aware of all that awaits her. She knows about all the difficult and joyful moments and approaches this, weighing all the pros and cons.

However, repeated pregnancy carries psychological differences. Expecting a child at a young age, the girl wants to quickly show her new position to others. She is waiting for the growth of her tummy, she buys clothes for expectant mothers, and sometimes she is upset that she was not given a seat in transport at the 3rd month.

During the period of expectation of a second child, a woman calmly treats pregnancy as a natural process.

Signs of pregnancy

A woman during the period of bearing a second child does not have any new sensations. The onset of pregnancy is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • constant urge to urinate.

The woman notices spotting. The second pregnancy, as studies show, is not at all different from what a woman felt when carrying her first baby.

Physical features

There is a common belief that it is the second pregnancy that is easier. The second child is born earlier. Sometimes this is not true at all.

It is difficult to determine how the process of bearing and giving birth to a second child will take place. After all, this is an individual process that cannot be predicted. It can go both positively and negatively. Sometimes both pregnancies are identical, with no striking differences. No specialist will say that she is expecting her mother for the second time. There are features that can be noted during the second pregnancy in most women:

  • body change;
  • special feelings of a woman;
  • well-being and changes in health status;
  • the first movements of the baby;
  • the onset of the first contractions;
  • childbirth process;
  • postpartum changes.

All these signs can be completely similar to the sensations that a woman had during her first pregnancy. In some situations, there are individual differences.

Body change

At the beginning of the second pregnancy, the changes that occur in a woman's body become more obvious. If there was excess weight, then the increase in body volume will become more noticeable. The same can be attributed to the growing belly during the second pregnancy. At this time, it can be seen at the fourth month, and during the first pregnancy at the 5-6th month. This is due to the fact that the abdominal muscles and ligaments stretch after the first pregnancy. The woman's well-being is changing. She rarely feels heartburn and shortness of breath. The uterus does not press on the organs of the digestive tract and the diaphragm, and the urge to urinate may become more frequent, because the pressure of the fetus on the bladder is felt.

The mammary glands do not increase so rapidly, but these changes are also noticeable.

Stretch marks appear most actively in the first pregnancy, and in the second they may be added or not appear at all. In some women, such skin defects most intensively occur precisely during the period of expectation of the second child.

Pregnancy with a second child is sometimes characterized by diastasis, in which there is a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. In this regard, a small belly may remain for several months after childbirth. To get rid of such a defect, a woman needs to engage in special physical exercises; in case of a significant discrepancy, abdominal wall plastic surgery is done.


At the beginning of the second pregnancy, a woman may experience toxicosis. Most often, the condition is similar to the sensations that she experienced with her first child. It may have slight deviations up or down. Toxicosis is tolerated during the second pregnancy much easier, because the woman consumes what she likes best and avoids foods and smells that she perceives negatively.

The notion that toxicosis is not eternal and lasts only a few months helps a lot.


During the period of bearing a second child, his first movements are felt earlier. With the first pregnancy, they can be seen at 5 months, and with the second at 4-4.5 months. This is because the sensation of fetal movement is familiar to the woman and therefore recognized earlier.

When carrying a second child, movements may appear 2-3 weeks earlier.

Back and joint pain

Back pain occurs with any pregnancy. They are most observed when expecting the 2nd or 3rd child. Pain during the second pregnancy is inevitable and will occur again if they were observed during the bearing of the first baby.

Pain in the joints can occur in a woman in any trimester, especially if there is swelling. Usually, expectant mothers who know about the characteristics of their body drink more fluids, monitor their weight and turn to a specialist in a timely manner.

Some women experience restless legs syndrome during their second pregnancy. It is characterized by a special condition in which a woman is troubled by pain in the limbs and she moves them to bring about temporary relief.

Carrying a baby is the main cause of the pathology; about 20% of women suffer from it. After the birth of the baby, the pain disappears, but in some cases it persists for 2-3 months.


Pathology occurs during the first birth. The main factors of its occurrence include:

  • redundant everything;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • incorrect behavior of a woman during the laborious period of childbirth.

During the second pregnancy, hemorrhoids also appear and are characterized by discomfort. Exacerbations of this disease can be avoided if you follow the right advice of a specialist, walk more and eat right.

Changes in the level of iron and calcium in the blood

Sometimes during the first pregnancy in the body of a woman, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood is noted. This is due to the increased need for iron during childbearing and blood loss during childbirth. If a woman has not undergone appropriate therapy, then she develops iron deficiency anemia.

Pathology is manifested by such signs:

  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • reduced pressure;
  • susceptibility to various diseases;
  • fainting and dizziness;
  • changes in taste and smell;
  • deterioration in the condition of hair, nails and skin.

The disease develops again if very little time has passed since the birth of the first child. With a lack of iron in the body, not only the expectant mother suffers, but also the fetus. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of anemia increases.

Calcium stores, like iron, may decrease during childbearing. If you do not drink vitamins and special preparations, then its deficiency develops. This can manifest itself as problems with teeth and hair and increased fragility of bones. Calcium deficiency affects the proper formation of the skeletal system of the fetus.

With calcium deficiency, fractures can occur, even with minor injuries.

Birth and postpartum period

The time of the onset of labor activity is an individual process, and cannot be compared with anything. Experts say that the birth of a second child may occur 1-2 weeks later, due to the large distensibility of the uterus. But usually subsequent births take place at the same time as the first.

Their duration may vary. The first birth lasts 12 or more hours, and the second - 5-8 hours. Although there is another development of the situation.

At the birth of a second child, a woman should be ready for a faster delivery, so she needs to go to the maternity hospital on time. Therefore, these features are best taken into account in advance.

The postpartum period in multiparous women is much easier, which is associated with the following:

  1. Reducing complications that occur after the first birth.
  2. The concept of how to cope with the difficulties that have arisen.
  3. The ability to independently establish the process of lactation.

A woman's concern for children allows her to quickly cope with the difficulties that arise after childbirth.

The course of any pregnancy is affected by the emotional mood of the expectant mother. Full self-confidence and the expectation of a healthy baby will bring only pleasant memories.

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is an important event in a woman's life. Preparing to become a mother not for the first time, she already knows what changes her body will undergo, and does not experience fears and excitement. But a second pregnancy has a number of differences from the first, and mother and all members of her family should be prepared for it with all seriousness.

What is the difference between the second birth and the first

Physiologically, these processes do not differ: the second birth is characterized by the same three periods as the first:

  • disclosure;
  • expulsion of the fetus;
  • follow-up period.

But in the time of occurrence and in the nature of these periods there are differences between the first and repeated births.

The second birth is an important event in the life of a woman and all members of her family.

The onset of labor activity is accompanied by the appearance of regular contractions. In the first period, the cervix dilates and the amniotic fluid flows out. For the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, the cervix must open up to 10–12 cm. The duration of this period during the first birth is from 9 to 12 hours. And with repeated it is reduced to 5-6 hours. It happens that delivery is fast and the baby appears two hours after the onset of labor.

This feature is associated with the elasticity of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, which appeared after the first birth. Now the opening of the internal and external cervical os occurs simultaneously, which means faster.

In primiparas, normal labor lasts between 9-12 hours. In multiparous, this time is reduced to 6-8 hours. Women note that repeated births are easier and faster than the first ones.

The period of expulsion of the fetus also passes faster. It is characterized by the attachment to contractions of attempts - arbitrary contractions of the diaphragm and the anterior abdominal wall of a woman. After the first birth, she already knows how to breathe and push properly, which means she does it more efficiently and the baby is born faster.

The birth of the placenta and membranes passes, on average, within 30 minutes after the birth of the child. With the end of this process, childbirth is considered completed.

If, after the first pregnancy, the child was born by caesarean section, and the second one ends with a natural delivery, then the birth canal will not be prepared and the birth will take place like the first time.

Features of the second pregnancy

Despite the general physiology and biomechanism, each pregnancy and childbirth proceed individually. Even if there is a positive experience of the first pregnancy, it cannot be concluded that the second one will follow a similar scenario. There are features that a woman should be aware of when preparing to become a mother for the second time:

  • The term of repeated births. Some mothers believe that the second pregnancy should last less time than the first. This is an erroneous assumption. The optimal gestation time is 40 weeks for any pregnancy. The time of the birth of a child may shift by 1-2 weeks due to an incorrectly set date. Also, the presence of pathological factors can provoke prematurity or overmaturity of the fetus. This is all individual, but a woman in labor should set herself up for pregnancy for a period of 9 months.
  • Belly size. After the first birth, the figure of a woman changes: the pelvis becomes wider, and the abdominal muscles are stretched. This leads to the fact that during the second pregnancy, the belly begins to grow faster and becomes noticeable already in the early stages. The exception is mothers who are actively involved in sports. If after the first pregnancy and childbirth they managed to restore the previous tone to their muscles, then their stomach may appear much later.
  • The weight of the unborn child. The female body during the second pregnancy no longer experiences such stress as during the first. He tries to create the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, often the second children are born larger than the first, on average, by 250–500 g.

The duration of the second birth, on average, is 4-6 hours less than the first

By the 39th to 40th week of pregnancy, the baby is approximately 50 cm long and 2.7 to 4.1 kg in weight. He has fully developed hearing, and the lungs are ready for independent breathing.

How to prepare for a second pregnancy and childbirth

Preparing for the birth of a second child is a responsible matter that requires the participation of not only the woman, but also her partner. The main thing is that this event should be desired and planned. If the couple decided to have a second child, then the second pregnancy should be planned taking into account the age of the mother and the interval between pregnancies.

The optimal childbearing period for a woman is from 20 to 35 years. This does not mean that it is impossible to give birth after this age, but in this case, childbirth can be complicated by the following factors:

  • chronic diseases;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • history of abortion;
  • venereal and gynecological diseases;
  • general decrease in physical activity.

These factors can negatively affect not only the health, but also the life of the fetus. The interval between pregnancies should also be taken into account. The body of a woman must fully recover from the previous birth - this requires at least two years. But it’s also not worth delaying with a second pregnancy: a break of 10 or more years is considered a bad prognostic sign.

A normal interval between births is considered to be three to five years - it will allow a woman to gain strength before bearing and the appearance of a second baby, and also provide a slight difference in the age of children.

Before conceiving a child, a woman should undergo a complete medical examination for the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Exacerbation of chronic diseases can significantly complicate future pregnancy and childbirth, so a gynecologist's consultation is mandatory before a second pregnancy.

A woman should pay special attention to her diet and lifestyle. To stay active, devote enough time to the eldest child, husband and other members of her family, she will need a lot of strength and energy. To do this, she must eat properly and balanced and maintain her physical activity.

Psychological preparation of the expectant mother

Features of the psychological mood are reflected in the course of pregnancy and childbirth

It is believed that multiparous women should not experience a sense of fear and anxiety before the upcoming birth. But childbirth is a painful process, and it doesn’t matter what they are in a row. In addition, there is always a risk of complications regardless of previous experience. All this makes the psychological aspect of readiness for the birth of a second child extremely important. In order for him to be born without complications, a woman should:

  • Realize that each birth is individual and not similar to each other. If the birth of the first child was difficult, this does not mean that the second pregnancy will end with complications.
  • Set yourself and your loved ones in a positive way and a happy outcome of the event.
  • Prepare the older child for the fact that he will soon have a younger brother or sister.

Support from close people, especially the husband, is very important. A woman should be sure that she will be helped to cope with any difficulties. For many, a powerful factor in giving confidence and combating fears is the presence of a husband at childbirth - the so-called partner childbirth.

It is equally important that the room, children's things and toys be prepared for the appearance of the child. This will have a positive effect on the mood of the mother, and she will calmly and joyfully wait for the baby to appear. The desire to see the baby soon will give her confidence during childbirth.

Possible complications of second birth

The experience of a woman after the first birth can negatively affect the second. She remembers that she was in labor for several hours and that it took a long time from the onset of labor to the birth of the child. Therefore, it may not rush to the maternity ward, risking giving birth without the help of doctors. The cervix opens much faster with repeated births, which means that in order to avoid serious complications, when regular contractions appear, you need to go to the hospital. Even if something does not go according to plan, qualified doctors will be able to help the woman in labor and the baby.

Complications after the second birth can be as follows:

  1. Perineal tears. They occur if there were no gaps during the first birth and if the scar tissue has not yet fully formed: childbirth takes place at intervals of 1.5–2 years. In other cases, there are almost no gaps.
  2. Rhesus conflict. It can occur if the mother has an Rh-negative blood factor, and the father of the child has an Rh-positive. In this case, for the birth of a healthy child, it is necessary to control immunoglobulins.
  3. Bleeding. A fairly common complication in multiparous. The reason for this is poor contraction of the uterus.

The birth of a second child is a joyful event for the whole family. Most often, a woman is better prepared for it mentally and physically, so the next birth is easier than the first. But excessive self-confidence can lead to adverse consequences, so the entire pregnancy should take place under the strict supervision of specialists.