The participation of a speech therapist teacher in the activities of a preschool organization for the education of preschoolers based on patriotic values. Report Topic: "The development of speech of children of a speech therapy group, through patriotic education. Enriching the vocabulary of children

Vasilyeva Tatyana Anatolyevna
Position: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 368", Perm
Locality: Perm
Material name: article
Topic:"If your child does not speak well"
Publication date: 07.09.2016
Chapter: preschool education


EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Kindergarten No. 368", Perm

Spiritual and moral education

preschoolers with speech disorders

logopoint conditions
(Speech at the regional conference on spiritual and moral education on the topic: "Spiritual and moral education of children and their parents. Problems and ways to solve them") Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist MADOU "Kindergarten No. 368", Perm Vasilyeva Tatyana Anatolyevna Perm, June 27, 2016

Spiritual and moral education of preschool children with

speech disorders in the conditions of logopunkt
Dear colleagues, I present to your attention the experience of work on the spiritual and moral education of children with speech impairments in the conditions of the kindergarten speech center Dear colleagues, friends! Today we all understand that without morality and spirituality Who will we educate now? Now danger looms in society: Not the economy is falling apart - no. Aggression, cruelty has penetrated into us - And there is no place for justice, generosity. In order for life to improve in the country - We need to raise morality And revive the spiritual foundations. And, therefore, Christian traditions to return again, And the values ​​of culture as a basis. At the present stage of development of education, spiritual and moral education is one of the most important tasks in the upbringing of the younger generation. In the moral education of modern children, negative trends have appeared: books have faded into the background, their place has been taken by the TV screen and computer. The characters of fairy tales, cartoon characters that modern preschoolers watch are not always distinguished by moral purity and high spirituality. Material values ​​in many families rise above the spiritual, so children have distorted ideas about citizenship and patriotism, justice and kindness, mercy and generosity. In pursuit of the development of the intellect, many parents lose sight of the need to work on the upbringing of the soul of their child, on the development of the moral and spiritual qualities of a little person. Teachers are trying again to understand how to instill spiritual and moral values ​​in modern children. The relevance of this task in modern Russia is also reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for preschool education. Thus, in the General Provisions, it is noted that one of the main principles of DL is to familiarize children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.
preschool age
is the most important stage in a child's development. It is during this period that the child joins the world of social values. That's why
At this age, the child needs to lay the foundations of a system of spiritual and moral values. However, one should not count on the fact that morality develops spontaneously in a child - it requires a system of special pedagogical influences. Spiritual and moral education is one of the most important tasks of both general and special pedagogy. It is equally necessary for children with a norm speech development and children with speech disorders. However, the presence of certain psychophysical features in children with speech disorders in some cases greatly complicates the formation of their moral qualities of personality. To whom, if not them - children with handicapped health, are you familiar with ridicule and humiliation from normally developing peers? Everyone knows that at present there are more and more preschool children with speech disorders, and they experience significant difficulties in speech activity, which are of a multidimensional nature. - this is an unformed sense of language, an inability to build a detailed statement, inertia in the choice of language means due to shortcomings in cognitive speech activity, a painful experience about one's speech defect. difficulty in the formation of the communicative skills and abilities themselves, arbitrary regulation of behavior. This can lead to unwillingness to communicate with peers, inability to ask adults for a request or question, which leads to insufficient communicative orientation of the speech of such children. And the insufficiency of using words of politeness in their speech, they explain by simple ignorance of them. According to the data obtained during the survey of older preschoolers, it turned out that 25% of the subjects among children with speech disorders have inadequate, painful manifestations of emotions, and only 13% of preschoolers with a developmental norm have the same manifestations. Children with speech disorders focus their attention not on positive feelings caused by observing any norm, but on the consequences of the event, that is, the child judges actions by the importance of their consequences, and not by the person’s intentions (“heteronomic morality”). This type of morality is typical for children of earlier preschool age. The main tasks of the moral education of preschoolers with speech disorders are to form children's moral feelings, positive skills and habits of behavior, the foundations of moral qualities, moral ideas and motives for behavior. Spiritual and moral education cannot be reduced from event to event. It must be systematic, continuous and carried out in
unity of direct and indirect educational activities children. Work on the spiritual and moral education of children with speech disorders is not limited to classes. Systematic work is organized with children in various forms: - speech therapy classes; - reading fiction; - short-term educational practices; - conversations; - parent-child events within the framework of the work of the parent-child club MADOU "Kindergarten No. 368" "Family from A to Z". Since children with speech disorders have predominantly visual-figurative thinking, it is necessary to saturate the surrounding reality with objects and aids that allow children to more accurately imagine what they are being told about. A subject-developing environment has been created at the logopoint and in groups, containing material on getting to know the native city (illustrations, sets of postcards, thematic folders "Perm", "Excursion around Perm", a map of the city, symbols of the city, models of the kindergarten and its surroundings), edge (map of the region, coats of arms of the cities of our region, material introducing children to the glory and achievements of the region), country (map of Russia, sets of postcards about the cities of our country, natural areas), state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem, portrait of the President of Russia) , the historical past of Russia (illustrations and thematic folders on topics, objects of folk arts and crafts, Russian toys, dolls in national costumes, fiction and books - coloring books, didactic and role-playing games), as well as material on the spiritual and moral education of children (photographs depicting temples, fiction on folklore - fairy tales, epics, legends). For classes with children with speech disorders, more detailed and extensive visual material is always prepared. The content of the spiritual and moral education of children with speech impediments includes: - education of patriotism; - respect for nature; - collectivism, friendship, partnership; - humane treatment to people; culture of behavior; - conscious discipline; positive attitude to work; - legal education and closely related aesthetic, labor and environmental education. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in its content. This is love for one's native places, and a sense of one's inseparability with the outside world, and
pride in their people, and the desire to increase the wealth of their country. But a sense of patriotism begins to form among preschoolers with love for their immediate environment, with love for their family. It is in the family that the foundations of patriotism, spiritual and moral values, family traditions, and mutual relations in the family are laid. Patriotic education of preschool children with speech disorders is a means of correctional and developmental work: for the formation of vocabulary; teaching the correct use of grammatical categories mother tongue; development of coherent speech skills. The education of patriotism is impossible without acquaintance with history and Russian culture, which is carried out in speech therapy classes in the process of children studying the topics: “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Clothes”, “Shoes”, “Our army”, “Professions”, “My family ”, “My home”, “My hometown”, “My street”. In the course of studying these topics, children expand their vocabulary not only with modern words, but also recognize obsolete words. So, studying the topic "dishes", they get acquainted not only with the meanings of the words "pepper pot", "sauce pot", "samovar", etc., but also "grip", "yoke", "mortar". They will learn what the dishes are made of and what they were made of before. This leads not only to the accumulation of a nominative dictionary, but also a dictionary of features. The feeling of love for the native nature is one of the components of patriotism. It is with the education of love for the native nature that one can and should begin patriotic education preschoolers. Studying in speech therapy classes various lexical topics related to nature "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Seasons", "Wintering Birds", "Migratory Birds", "Animals", "Trees", "Flowers", children get acquainted with nature of our region, learn how rich and interesting it is, learn that it needs to be protected: feed birds and animals in winter, take care of trees and flowers, and also solve purely speech therapy tasks to fix relative and possessive adjectives, singular and plural nouns and adjectives, prepositions, children learn to form diminutive nouns, compose and retell the stories “At the feeder”, “Saving the hedgehog”, “In the spring”, “Grandfather Mazai and the hares”. In classes dedicated to lexical topics, such as "Profession", "My city", "Family", "Bread", discuss, talk with children about their
affection and love for one's family, home, kindergarten, street, city; we talk about the importance and respect for the work of people of different professions. In addition to direct speech therapy classes, we conduct short-term educational practices, during which we introduce children to Russian traditions and customs: the Skazochniki COP, where children listen to, tell Russian folk tales and stories, learn to retell, compose and analyze them. Fairy tales carry deep folk wisdom, permeated with Christian morality. Joint analysis of fairy-tale situations and characters of heroes with children contributes to the formation of skills correct behavior in certain situations (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Wolf and seven kids”, “Mitten”, “How animals helped a man”). Fairy tales teach children to follow the commandments given to man by God, to live in harmony with themselves and the world. Children draw conclusions that good is rewarded to those who live following moral laws: “Do not kill”, “Honor your father and mother”, “Do not lie”, “Do not envy”, and retribution comes to those who violate the commandments . Epic heroes are the embodiment of the moral properties of the Russian people: selflessness, courage, justice, self-esteem, hard work. In the formation of moral ideas, of course, an important role is played by familiarity with the native language. Therefore, an integral part of speech therapy work in kindergarten is


native language, instilling love for native speech.
Samples of the native language are very clearly represented in fiction, especially in the works of oral folk art (fairy tales, poems, songs, proverbs, sayings, etc.). It is folklore that contains all the values ​​of the native language. In oral folk art, special features of the national character and its inherent moral values ​​are preserved. Proverbs and sayings are one of the genres that influence the spiritual and moral development of children. In speech therapy classes, we daily learn proverbs and sayings, tongue twisters and tongue twisters with children. Children at home with their parents repeat learned proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters and learn new ones. Brightness, capacity, emotionality of the image - all this affects the moral and emotional sphere of preschoolers. In proverbs and sayings, in a short form and very aptly, various life moments are evaluated, positive qualities are praised, and human shortcomings are ridiculed.
From the point of view of the formation of patriotic feelings, it is impossible not to note the holidays that are held during the school year: Victory Day, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Shrovetide, Christmas, Seeing Off Winter, etc. In preparation for the holidays, we teach children poems, songs, roles. Holidays in kindergarten are an effective means of aesthetic impact on the younger generation, as they reflect the national values ​​of our region, call for work, kindness, beautiful deeds, moral behavior, they reflect the traditions and customs of the Russian people. An important condition for the moral education of a preschooler with speech pathology is the attitude to this problem of the family. In this regard, the work of a speech therapist with parents is of particular importance, since it is the family that is the basis in which the moral qualities of the child are formed, which are so necessary when correcting speech defects. In order to more actively involve parents in the educational process, we use non-traditional forms of work with parents: master classes, workshops, trainings on the topics: “The struggle for the purity of speech”, “I was born with my mother”, “Visiting a fairy tale”, “ The use of the educational potential of the family in the work on the moral and patriotic education of children in kindergarten”, “The use of poetic works in the education of love for the native land”, group and individual consultations - “The system of interaction between the family and kindergarten in matters of moral education”, “Requirements of modern society to the level of development of the child. Within the framework of the club, children's and parents' speech holidays "The Holiday of the Right Speech", "Meetings with book heroes", intellectual games for each age group"Little Connoisseurs", In Grammarland; consultations for parents: “Speech disorders and their causes”, “Advice for parents with children with speech disorders”, “How to develop auditory perception in children”, “We teach children to tell”, “Raising and teaching a child with speech disorders” . It is encouraging that the number of interested parents participating in club meetings is increasing. As part of the Week of Open
Doors, we introduce parents to the method of familiarizing preschoolers with the flora and fauna of the Urals and central Russia. The result of our systemic work with children with speech disorders is that children independently learned to tell fairy tales, they know many riddles, proverbs, signs, they learn poems about nature with great pleasure, play folk games, and join folk art. Improved relations between children in the game, in work. Children began to work together more, began to be more responsive to each other, rejoice at the success of their comrades, and empathize in case of failure. The children learned how to build detailed statements, became more confident in their communication skills, and as a result, they began to communicate more actively with peers and adults. They began to respect people of other nationalities, the work of adults and their recreation. The system of proper moral education develops and strengthens in children the most valuable psychological traits and moral qualities - patriotism and national pride, which is the main task of our society. The moral upbringing of children takes place throughout their lives, and the environment in which they develop and grow plays a decisive role in the formation of a child's morality. Therefore, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the family in the moral education of preschoolers. The ways of behavior adopted in the family are very quickly absorbed by the child, and are perceived by him, as a rule, as a generally accepted norm. Summarizing the above, we can say that in speech therapy work organized in a certain way there will always be a place for the spiritual enrichment of children, the formation of high moral qualities in them, the formation of a sense of patriotism, pride in their land, homeland.

Patriotic education of preschool children with speech disorders is one of the aspects of a holistic educational process aimed at the formation of patriotism as an integrative quality of the individual and is a means in correctional and developmental work: for the formation of vocabulary; teaching the correct use of grammatical categories of the native language; development of coherent speech skills.

Programs and manuals for the moral and patriotic education of children: V.N. Vishnevskaya "Light of Russia", G.N. Abrosimova "Patriotic education of preschoolers by means of a local historian - tourist activity", E.Yu. Aleksandrova "The system of patriotic education in the preschool educational institution", M.Yu. Novitskaya "Heritage. Patriotic education in kindergarten”, M.D. Makhaneva "Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age", G.A. Kovalev "Raising a Little Citizen" and others. L.A. Kondrykinskaya “What does the Motherland begin with?”, L.A. Kondrykinskaya “How does the Motherland begin?”, V.N. Vishnevskaya "Light of Russia", V.N. Vishnevskaya "Light of Russia", G.N. Abrosimova "Patriotic education of preschoolers by means of local lore-tourist activities", G.N. Abrosimova "Patriotic education of preschoolers by means of local lore-tourist activities", E.Yu. Aleksandrova "The system of patriotic education in the preschool educational institution", E.Yu. Aleksandrova "The system of patriotic education in the preschool educational institution", M.Yu. Novitskaya "Heritage. Patriotic education in kindergarten”, M.Yu. Novitskaya "Heritage. Patriotic education in kindergarten”, M.D. Makhaneva "Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age", M.D. Makhaneva "Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age", G.A. Kovalev "Raising a Little Citizen" and others. G.A. Kovalev "Raising a Little Citizen" and others.

The authors in their works point to the use of: student-centered technology - the organization of the child's learning process, in which classes are held at an individual, characteristic pace, which has the greatest health-saving potential of student-centered technology - the organization of the child's learning process, in which classes are held individually, integration of subject areas of knowledge that contribute to the creation of the main foundation for the development of the child, focused on new models of organizing activities, integration of subject areas of knowledge that contribute to the creation of the main foundation for the development of the child, focused on new models of organizing activities

A specially organized system of educational activities for children with severe speech impairments: A specially organized system of educational activities for children with severe speech impairments: provides them mental development, ensures their mental development, develops mental and speech activity, develops mental and speech activity, contributes to the inclusion of the child in the initial round of the system of new social relations for him to adults, knowledge, the process of acquiring them, to himself, as a subject of activity. contributes to the inclusion of the child in the initial round of the system of new social relations for him to adults, knowledge, the process of acquiring it, to himself, as a subject of activity.

The program "Where does the Motherland begin?" L.A. Kondrykinskaya positive-emotional style of relations between an adult and a child a constant change in activities, methods and techniques of work, forms of organization mandatory use of visibility accounting for age, individual and psychological characteristics

The tasks of the moral and patriotic education of children with mental disorders To acquaint them with the world around them, to help them realize their place in it Develop intellect, speech To form visual-figurative thinking, Creative skills, elements of independence, skills of relationships with adults and peers To educate morally, developing a kind, caring attitude towards nature, people, city, country Contribute physical development Learn to navigate social environments

"positive centrism" continuity and succession pedagogical process differentiated approach, maximum consideration of psychological characteristics, capabilities and interests rational combination different types activities, age-appropriate balance of intellectual, emotional and motor loads active approach developmental nature of education Principles of moral and patriotic education

By organizing the optimal functioning of an integral pedagogical system in preschool, taking into account the individually differentiated approach and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with speech disorders, we can ensure the high efficiency of patriotism education of preschoolers with speech disorders, using patriotic education as a means in correctional and developmental work. By organizing the optimal functioning of a holistic pedagogical system in a preschool institution, taking into account the individually differentiated approach and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with speech disorders, we can ensure the high efficiency of patriotism education in preschoolers with speech disorders, using patriotic education as a means in correctional and developmental work.

Organization: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 328

Location: Samara region, Samara

Raising a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process. Love for close people, for kindergarten, for his native city and native country play a huge role in the development of a child's personality.

In our opinion, it is very important to work with children to get acquainted with their native city in the sense that it has cognitive, spiritual, moral, and environmental functions. A preschool child can be told a lot of interesting things about his “small” Motherland (about a historical and modern city, about picturesque places, about monuments of nature, architecture, and much more).

In our preschool institution, there is currently a large contingent of children with speech disorders, for these children the essential characteristics of the process of forming the foundations of patriotic education have not been identified and not justified from the standpoint of modern scientific achievements, and against the backdrop of the high demands that society places today on patriotic education preschoolers, unfortunately there are no theoretical and methodological developments for the formation of patriotic education in children with speech disorders.

Children with speech disorders experience significant difficulties in speech activity, which are of a multidimensional nature: unformed sense of language; inability to build a detailed statement; inertia in the choice of language means, due to the shortcomings of cognitive-speech activity.

Patriotic education, being an important and integral component of the spiritual and moral development of the personality of a child with speech underdevelopment, can serve as a means in correctional and developmental work with this category of children.

Considering all of the above, gradually a certain system began to take shape in the kindergarten for familiarization with the native land, we developed:

  • comprehensive advanced planning works on patriotic education "Love and know your native land";
  • abstracts correctional - developing classes for the education of patriotic feelings;
  • methodological recommendations for conducting classes.

The teaching staff of the kindergarten in their work uses various forms to introduce children to their hometown and country: targeted walks, excursions, conversations, observations, didactic games, reading fiction, etc. This work is being done in organized activities, joint activities of an adult with a child and independent children's activities.

Acquaintance with their native city and native country evokes positive feelings and emotions in children, as well as the desire and desire of the child to draw what he has just heard about. Therefore, this work continues in the classroom on visual activity. Drawings of children, reflecting a strong and pure feeling of love for their hometown, native nature, allow them to create expressive images based on their own observations, and also make them think about their attitude to the natural world.

A speech therapist teacher conducts a complex of integrated classes with a teacher on thematic plan works of patriotic education and carries out logopedic correction at frontal classes on lexical topics of a patriotic orientation;

At music lessons, children are introduced to Russian culture. It has become a tradition in the kindergarten to hold patriotic holidays: “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Day of Russia”, “May 9 - Victory Day”, “Children's Day”, etc., as well as visits to the museum of military glory by children of older preschool age.

Starting work on patriotic education, the teacher must, first of all, be well aware of the natural, cultural, social and economic features of the Samara region. He must think over what to tell the children about, highlighting the signs that are characteristic only for this area, and show the connection of his native city with the whole country in an accessible way.

Therefore, seminars, round tables, master classes, attendance of advanced training courses, consultations are organized for teachers of our educational institution in order to promote the patriotic education of preschool children with speech impairments, taking into account their current and potential capabilities.

Understanding the importance of the subject-developing environment in shaping the personality of the child, employees pay great attention to the creation, both in groups and in the premises of the preschool educational institution, of “local history corners”, where educational books are exhibited, illustratively - didactic material, illustrations about the nature of the native land, country, photo albums of the historical and modern city, objects of folk arts and crafts), which contribute to the formation of patriotism and citizenship among educators, preschoolers and their parents.

The work of the preschool educational institution on the patriotic education of preschoolers is built in close cooperation with the families of pupils. Conducted in kindergarten parent meetings devoted to the problem of patriotic education, questioning of parents, business games on the theme "Love and know your native land", within the framework of these events, we expand adults' ideas about their native land, encourage them to work with children to study the history and cultural heritage of our land, to cultivate love for culture and historical past of the Samara region, the desire to know and become true connoisseurs and keepers of their Fatherland. Well-established contact with parents, their interest and active participation is the key to the success of all our work.

The family is the first team of the child, and in it he should feel like an equal member, making every day his own, albeit modest, contribution to the family business. Therefore, the subject of a special conversation with parents should be a discussion of possible ways to introduce preschoolers to work (household, manual, labor in nature), to active participation in preparing for joint holidays and recreation. Only by sharing the concerns of an adult, taking on their feasible part, striving to do something for others, children begin to feel like family members.

Gradually, the child realizes that he is a part of a large team - a kindergarten, class, school, and then our entire country. The public orientation of actions gradually becomes the basis for the education of civic feelings and patriotism. But in order to consolidate this foundation, it is necessary to constantly replenish the experience of children's participation in common affairs, to exercise them in moral deeds.

It is necessary for a preschooler to form an idea that the main wealth and value of our country is a HUMAN.


  1. Vinogradova N. F., Zhukovskaya R. I., Kozlova S. A. Native land. - M., Enlightenment, 1990
  2. Borisova E. V., Orlova O. S. The problem of patriotic education of preschool children with speech disorders // Bulletin of the Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin. - 2010. - No. 1 volume 3,
  3. Borisova E.V. Patriotic education in speech therapy work with preschoolers // Logopedia. - 2009.- No. 3 (25).- P. 65-67 (0.2 p. L.)

Department of Education of the Petrovsky District Administration

preschool educational institution nursery-kindergarten №180 in Donetsk

Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic

Creative report of a speech therapist

Topic: "The development of children's speech speech therapy group, through patriotic education "

Prepared by:


Oksana Vladimirovna

"Love for the native land, native culture,

native speech begins with small things - with love for your family,

to your home, to your kindergarten.

Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the native country, for its history, past and present, for all of humanity.”

L.S. Likhachev.

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. Huge changes have taken place in our republic Lately. This concerns moral values, attitudes towards the events of our history. Children have distorted ideas about patriotism, kindness, generosity. The revival of spiritual and moral education is a step towards the revival of the republic.

The feeling of love for the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what causes a response in his soul ...

Attitude to the family, to the closest people - to mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment.

Folk tales that are passed down from generation to generation.

    Tasks for patriotic education:

    educating a child to love his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;

    formation of a careful attitude towards nature and all living things;

    education of respect for work;

    development of interest in traditions and crafts;

    formation of elementary knowledge about human rights;

    expansion of ideas about the native city;

    acquaintance of children with the symbols of the republic (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

    development of a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the republic;

    the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.

Solving the tasks of patriotic education, the teacher must build his work taking into account the following principles:

    continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process;

    a differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of his psychological characteristics, capabilities and interests;

    "positive centrism" (selection of knowledge that is most relevant for a child of a given age);

    a combination of different activities;

    active approach;

        • the developing nature of education based on children's activity.

        The feeling of love for the native land begins through acquaintance:

          with my family;

          with kindergarten;

          with your street

        • with the republic

          with symbols;

          with holidays and traditions;

          with nature

        Idea of ​​hometown

        The city is glorious

          its history;




          the best people;

          folk crafts and craftsmen.

        Raising in children love for their city, it is necessary to bring them to the understanding that their city is a particle of the Motherland

            everywhere people work for everyone (teachers teach children; doctors treat the sick; workers make cars, etc.);

            traditions are observed everywhere;

            people of different nationalities live everywhere, work together and help each other;

            people cherish and protect nature;

            there are common professional and public holidays, etc.

            all people are united by love for their republic.

        The example of adults is of great importance:

          to instill in children such important concepts as duty to the Motherland;

          love for the Fatherland;

          respect for war veterans;

          honor the memory of the fallen soldiers;

          know the heroes of the republic;

          acquaint with labor exploits;

          observe traditions.




          Pedagogical advice


          Refresher courses


        Corners of the native land

          Making layouts

          Educational games

          Attributes for role-playing games

          Photo albums, illustrations

          Fiction and educational literature

          Mini museums


          Target walks and excursions.


          Explanations combined with showing.

          Conversations about the native city and the republic.

          Learning songs and poems, proverbs, sayings, reading fairy tales, listening to music.

          Use of illustrations, filmstrips, children's works.

          Acquaintance with the works of folk art.

          Enrichment and stimulation of children's creativity.

          Attracting children to feasible socially useful work.

          Meetings with veterans, famous people.

        Working with parents


        Most importantly, one should not expect "adult forms" of manifestation of patriotism from children. But if as a result pedagogical work the child will have knowledge about the name of the city, nature, symbolism, professions, if he knows the names of those who glorified our city, the republic, if he shows interest in the acquired knowledge, then we can assume that the task is completed within the limits available preschool age.

        Commandment A.S. Makarenko for teachers and parents

        "A future citizen is growing in your family and under your leadership. Everything that happens in the country, through your soul and your thought, should come to children."