Proper facial skin care: what you did wrong. Care for combination skin What does facial skin need after 25 years

After twenty years, every girl experiences many changes. There are changes in relationships, in careers, and, of course, in your own body and face. At the age of 25, the skin is no longer so fresh; enlarged pores, dryness, dark circles under the eyes may bother you; some people experience skin sagging and even wrinkles. In most cases, pronounced imperfections on the face at such a young age arise due to an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits and poorly selected cosmetics.

How to maintain youth and beauty

To maintain beauty and a blooming appearance, any girl simply needs to improve her life, get rid of bad habits, eliminate stress and sleepless nights from her life, diversify her diet with vitamin products and engage in active sports. Believe me, this is enough to magically transform your life and look much younger than your age.

Of course, we shouldn’t forget about proper facial care. Decorative cosmetics are only a temporary remedy for permanent problems. Sooner or later, the makeup will need to be washed off, but you need to try to restore natural beauty...

To maintain beauty and youth, you need regular care with natural products. Few people at this age think about how to properly care for their facial skin. But in vain. After all, improper care can cause much more harm than good.

How to care for facial skin at this age? Let's list the most basic points so that facial skin care after 25 years will give truly excellent results. Our tips will help you look much younger, fresher and brighter.

Ten mandatory rules

  • Cleansing. It is important to take care of skin after 25 years, first of all, with a cleansing procedure. Always choose the right product according to your skin type (it can be normal, dry, oily or combination). A good product will effectively cleanse pores and impurities. It can remove oil and makeup residues. It is important to ensure that the cleansing procedure is carried out twice a day, in the morning and before bed. Mixed skin types require special attention, as different areas of the face require individual cleansing.
  • Use tonic. Proper skin care after 25 should always include the use of toner. After the cleansing procedure, a high-quality toner will properly close the pores, tighten and remove excess oil that may still remain on the face. It is especially important to include a toner in the care of oily skin. Among the wide variety of cosmetics, it is best to choose a tonic that is part of one line of care products. Every time you remove your makeup, don't forget about toner.
  • Hydration. Any age requires constant skin hydration. If you feel like your face is tightening and peeling, then this stage of care is urgently needed. It is important that facial care after 25 includes a high-quality moisturizer. When choosing a product, make sure that it contains components that specifically promote hydration. Don't forget to apply the caring cream to your neck and décolleté.
  • Peeling. This procedure cleanses the epidermis of dead cells, leaving the face fresh and smooth. At home, you can use both professional peeling products and natural ones (oatmeal, ground lemon or orange zest, coffee grounds and others). Regular peeling will make the skin softer, give it radiance and improve tone. It is recommended to carry out the peeling procedure no more than once a week.

  • Protection. Adverse weather conditions have a detrimental effect on our skin. The hot sun can cause photoaging of the skin; due to bright sunlight, freckles, pigment spots, and excessive tanning appear. Severe frost dries out the epidermis; frostbite and vasospasm often occur in winter. Therefore, it is very important to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays and burning frost. A wide-brimmed hat, a summer scarf, sunscreen with SPF of at least 15, and rich cream or oil will help with this.
  • Face massage. This procedure is a real gift for the skin. This is one of the most wonderful ways to make skin care before and after 25 complete. It is important to choose a specialist with a good reputation who can do everything to make your skin glow with health. Facial massage will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles and give you a feeling of complete renewal both outside and inside.
  • Masks. The face mask is designed to fill the skin with nutrients and vitamins, revitalize and rejuvenate it. You can make your own mask at home using the five most popular and affordable natural ingredients: eggs, honey, oatmeal, rose water, essential oils. As a rule, face masks are used no more than once a week.
  • Antioxidants. Most products that are designed for anti-aging contain ingredients that help fight the first signs of aging. Twenty-five years is the earliest age limit for starting to use antioxidants. But it would be best to make them part of facial skin care after 30. These medications help prevent wrinkles from appearing. They also promote active collagen production, which improves skin elasticity. Such products contain amino acids, vitamins A, E and C. Use these drugs according to the manufacturer's instructions when caring for your face after 25 years.
  • Skin nutrition. Skin care after 25 necessarily includes good nutrition. Antioxidants, vitamins and other natural ingredients are used for this. Together they are able to fight free radicals, preventing aging. Using a nourishing night cream for your face will bring maximum benefits.
  • Diet. Generally, a well-balanced and nutritious diet is the secret to glowing skin. You need to eat as many fiber-rich fruits and vegetables as possible. All this will rejuvenate and cleanse not only the skin of the face, but also the body as a whole.

The problem is that many girls drink very little water. To keep your skin healthy, you must drink 2-3 liters of water a day. Water helps flush toxins and waste from the body.

It's never too late to start taking care of your face. This should be done at any age. Facial care at 25 years old involves regularly following the above rules. Skin care steps should be your morning and night routines. Sow the right habits now to reap the benefits of life later!

Proper facial skin care is the basis for its freshness and youth. It is unreasonable to neglect this daily ritual, because problems such as wrinkles, ptosis (sagging), and pigmentation can be easily prevented or delayed. What kind of care can be called competent?

    Suitable for skin type.

    Timely, that is, meeting age-related needs (you can start taking care of your facial skin from the age of 14).

Determining your skin type

When choosing the right skin care products, you first need to determine your skin type. It is this parameter that determines which textures, formulas and product categories are right for you.

Choose care products according to your skin type © L"Oreal Paris


Happy (and, according to statistics, rare) owners of normal skin have no problems. Their skin does not flake due to dryness, does not shine due to oiliness, and does not react with redness and irritation to cosmetics and temperature changes. These people do not know such troubles as blackheads and pimples. But only as long as they take care of their skin. Therefore it is necessary:

    thorough cleansing;

    regular exfoliation;

    maintaining moisture balance.


You will recognize dry skin immediately:

  1. 1

    it is thinner;

  2. 2

    the vessels are located quite close to the surface;

  3. 3

    there are no visible pores, the own sebaceous glands do not work intensively enough, so there is a lack of sebum components (lipids, triglycerides).

Dry skin often looks dull and wrinkles form more quickly. Therefore, care should be aimed not only at hydration and nutrition, but also at preventing premature aging and antioxidant protection.

The main thing is not to confuse dryness with dehydration, which is associated with a lack of hydrostatic agents and increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. This phenomenon often occurs in those with oily skin. Unlike a temporary state of dehydration, dry skin is a permanent phenomenon.


Oily skin is characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, its main problems are:

    excessive shine;

    enlarged pores that quickly become dirty;

    unhealthy complexion;

    increased tendency to rashes and inflammation.

Oily skin especially needs cleansing, which should be soft and delicate. Choose alcohol-free products to avoid dehydration. The main needs of this skin type are matting.


Mixed skin is the predominant type. It is characterized by oiliness in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and lack of oiliness in other areas of the face. Care for such skin should also be combined, that is, meet the needs of different areas of the face:

  1. 1

    matting and moisturizing the T-zone;

  2. 2

    moisturizing and nourishing other areas.

You can determine your skin type yourself © L"Oreal Paris


Your skin can be called sensitive if it is highly reactive, that is:

    reacts with redness and irritation to cosmetics;

    does not tolerate temperature changes well;

    it often flakes and itches, and you experience a feeling of tightness and burning.

Those with sensitive skin usually know that they need special products labeled “for sensitive skin” and avoid cosmetics with fragrances, dyes and essential oils.

Stages of proper care

Complete daily facial skin care should consist of at least three mandatory steps:

  1. 1


  2. 2


  3. 3

    applying cream.

    exfoliating products to rid the skin of dead cells;

    masks for targeted care.

In addition, there are several optional products such as serums, essences, oils.”

Proper skin care is a guarantee of its youth © L"Oreal Paris


It is recommended to cleanse the skin twice a day - morning and evening - to remove impurities. The morning ritual involves only washing (depending on the skin type, gel, foam or cream are used). The evening session includes makeup removal using milk or micellar water.


It is very important to promptly rid the skin of dead epidermal cells using exfoliating agents, such as:

    scrub with abrasive particles of natural or synthetic origin;

    peeling based on acids or enzymes;

    gommage, which works on the principle of “rolling off” dead cells.

The exfoliation procedure should be carried out 1–2 times a week for oily and combination skin, once every two weeks using soft, delicate products for dry skin.


Many people are too lazy to use toner, but this product, which completes the cleansing process, restores the pH of the skin and prepares it for the application of subsequent products. So you shouldn't neglect them. You need to choose a toner according to your skin type.

Recently, a fashion for essences has come from Asia to Europe - this is an intermediate product that is applied after tonic and before serum and/or cream to improve the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin. Such an essence is, for example, in the brand’s arsenal Kiehl's.

Three main stages of skin care - cleansing, toning, applying cream © L"Oreal Paris


Experts recommend applying face cream twice a day.

    Morning - daytime

    This cream performs a variety of functions - from moisturizing and nourishing to photoprotection and rejuvenation.

    Before bedtime - nighttime

    Night products have a richer texture. These products, as a rule, perform the functions of renewal and regeneration, because it is at night that skin cells are intensively restored, without being distracted by stress and the fight against negative environmental factors.

From the age of 25, it is worth including eye cream in your beauty routine - at this age the aging process begins in the body, although visually it is still invisible.


Facial serums are targeted products; in their formulas, the active ingredients are concentrated to the maximum. Serums based on water, oil or gel have the lightest texture and are applied before the cream. Modern products solve a variety of skin problems - from matting to fighting free radicals.

Optional skin care products - mask, serum, essence, oil © L"Oreal Paris


Once or twice a week, as well as in situations that are stressful for the skin (for example, after long flights), it is worth using face masks. There are a huge number of them, here are just three main varieties.

    Moisturizing- with hyaluronic acid or aloe extract saturates the skin with moisture and prevents its evaporation.

    Anti-aging- for example, based on collagen, it has a lifting effect and makes the skin more elastic.

    Cleansing- clay-based (kaolin, gassoul) draws out impurities from pores and helps control sebum production, therefore suitable for oily skin.

Masks can be:




The concept of proper skin care includes a healthy lifestyle © L"Oreal Paris

Proper facial skin care is not only about following a beauty routine. No cream will work a miracle if you smoke, eat fast food and regularly break your daily routine.

    Proper nutrition

    Milk, sugar, and gluten-containing foods have been found to be least beneficial for skin health. According to nutritionists, the most suitable diet is fatty fish(trout, halibut, cod); foods rich in fatty acids like vegetable oils, nuts and spinach; vegetables and fruits, which contain vitamins and antioxidants.

    Drinking regime

    Depending on your body weight you need to drink 1.5 or 2 liters of water per day so that the body does not lack moisture. Tea, coffee, juices and broths do not count.

    Protection from negative environmental factors

    Unfavorable environmental conditions lead to skin cells being attacked by free radicals, which damage them and lead to premature aging. Suitable for fighting free radicals antioxidant-based cosmetics: vitamins C and E, green tea extract, resveratrol.

    Sun protection

    Ultraviolet radiation is one of the main culprits in early skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. To prevent photoaging, it is necessary to protect the skin products with SPF 30 and 50 in the summer on the beach and SPF 20- under other circumstances.

    Healthy sleep

    A full 8-hour sleep is one of the guarantees that the skin will remain fresh and healthy. Otherwise, a dull complexion is guaranteed.

    To give up smoking

    Cigarette smoke is another source of harmful free radicals and toxins. In addition, the skin of smokers experiences a lack of oxygen and problems with blood microcirculation, so it becomes rougher, duller and wrinkles much earlier than expected.

You can start skin care at the age of 14 © L"Oreal Paris

Rules for facial skin care at different ages

Care will become more effective if you take into account the age-related characteristics of the skin when choosing products and formulas.

After 25 years

The main care at this age is to take care of hydration for all skin types; plus matting - for oily and combination skin. It is believed that the aging process of the body begins after 25 years, and although the appearance of visible signs is still far away, it would be nice to take care of their prevention:

    use antioxidant-based products;

    Don’t forget about creams with SPF that protect against photoaging.

After 30 years

The thirtieth birthday is a kind of starting point. It is during this period that collagen synthesis in the body begins to slow down. It is worth strengthening antioxidant and sun protection.

After 35 years

Everything that has emerged in the previous period becomes visible to the naked eye: small facial wrinkles around the eyes, the first folds on the forehead and in the nasolabial area. To help you - products based on collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Proper skin care meets its age characteristics © L"Oreal Paris

After 40 years

The time has come to fully combat the signs of age, such as wrinkles, pigmentation, and dull complexion. Pay attention to cosmetics with a rejuvenating and lifting effect, serious anti-aging components:




After 50 years

During menopause, cellular metabolism slows down and hormonal levels change, and therefore, the structure of all layers of the skin changes.

  1. 1

    Due to the reduction in sebum production, dryness is felt.

  2. 2

    The skin becomes thinner and loses density.

  3. 3

    A network of wrinkles appears.

  4. 4

    Moisture reserves in cells decrease.

  5. 5

    The contours of the face lose clarity, and the eyelids begin to sag.

After 50 years, it’s time for powerful hydration, nutrition, enhanced protection from UV rays and correction of age-related signs.

Tools Overview


Name Active components Action
Day cream “Youthful glow 25+”, Garnier
where to find?
plant cells, caffeine Stimulates cell renewal, smoothes out the first wrinkles, moisturizes.

Night care “Age expert 35+”, L’Oréal Paris

collagen biosphere It has a triple effect: smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic, and restores.

Serum for skin during menopause Neovadiol, Vichy

proxilan, hyaluronic acid

Activates collagen synthesis, thereby reducing wrinkles and tightening the oval of the face. Provides powerful hydration.


Name Active components Action

Mask “Magic of clay. Detox and radiance", L"Oréal Paris

black coal, kaolin clay, gassoul, montmorillonite Removes impurities from the skin, removes toxins, evens out the tone and texture of the face.

Sheet mask “Hydration and comfort”, Garnier

chamomile extract, hyaluronic acid, moisturizing serum Well moisturizes and soothes dry and sensitive skin, relieves redness, and gives a feeling of comfort.

Night mask against signs of fatigue énergie de Vie, Lancôme

oils, glycolic and salicylic acids The formula combines the deep cleansing that a gel can provide with the ability of an oil to remove even the most stubborn makeup. Softens the skin and gives it radiance.


Name Active components Action

Facial scrub “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier

absorbent carbon, salicylic acid Reduces skin imperfections, such as blackheads and comedones, and prevents their appearance.

“Soft Scrub”, La Roche-Posay

glycerin, soft polymer abrasive particles, no soap, alcohol, dyes, parabens Gently exfoliates the skin, evens out its color and texture.
thermal plankton extract Softens and moisturizes dry skin, the effect lasts 24 hours.

Alcohol-free toner for normal to oily skin Calendula Herbal Extract Alcohol-Free Toner, Kiehl’s

extracts of calendula and burdock flowers, allantoin Soothes and softens the skin, relieves irritation, normalizes the hydrolipid film.

Perfecting toner Pureté Thermale, Vichy

vitamin E, glycerin, thermal water Removes makeup residue, refreshes and soothes the skin, suitable for all skin types.

Legendary Coco Chanel once said: “Your face at twenty was given to you by nature; what it will be like at fifty depends on you.” Natalia Nikolaeva, a leading expert in the field of application of modern cosmetology techniques, author of the book “Cosmetology without surgery: 10 markers of youth” (Eksmo publishing house), told how exactly to take care of yourself at different ages.

Age: from 20 to 25 years

General information: This is perhaps the only age when there is no need to anxiously read the list of anti-aging procedures and the composition of anti-aging creams. On average, our growth as an organism stops at 21-24 years of age. As you know, the process of destroying a mountain begins only when the mountain is completely formed. Therefore, it makes no sense to condemn a developing organism that has not reached the peak of this process to anti-aging care. But there are exceptions to any rule. We do not consider those with problematic skin prone to inflammation and acne. Here, of course, you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist and cosmetologist; in all other cases, you only need home care.

Home care: Skin needs four basic principles of care. They should accompany us throughout our lives:

1. Cleansing. Milk, foam, and micellar water are perfect for such care. The main principle in using such a product is the mandatory removal of the drug itself, which emulsifies dirt and cosmetics, using not only a cotton sponge, but also running water. There may be options here, depending on your capabilities: thermal, mineral or simply purified water. Only in this case can you be sure that you have not rubbed the remnants of makeup and street dirt into the pores of your skin along with cosmetic milk. I am always a supporter of natural skin cleansing at home, the so-called mechanical one: with a special sponge, perhaps a brush or a light scrub. Cleansers containing fruit acids or other chemical exfoliating active substances should be prescribed by a specialist, taking into account your individual characteristics.

2. The next stage is tonification, which many people like to neglect. But in vain. You need to use a tonic, as it will remove the remnants of the cleanser, and also saturate the skin with moisture and activate blood vessels.

3. Hydration. After cleansing, the skin of the face and neck requires moisturizing. And this also applies to those with oily skin. You should choose a moisturizer that is appropriate for your age and skin type. At a young age, it is good to focus on vitamin and antioxidant formulas of moisturizing preparations.

4. The finishing touch is the use of products with SPF protection.

Age: from 25 to 30 years

General information: During this period, for the first time we are faced with manifestations of age on the face and cosmetic procedures aimed at preserving youth.

Home care: Home care with its 4 basic principles is still relevant. To it should be added nourishing serums and creams that have not only a moisturizing, but also a regenerative effect. Face masks and the use of eye patches and masks are encouraged. Especially during periods of stress for the skin: sleep disturbances, sudden climate change, nervous tension.

Professional care: You can also use salon procedures to maintain your skin in a youthful state. As a rule, they are light and bring additional toning or cleansing as a stimulus for skin renewal.

The leading modern effective restorative methods for young skin are:

  • ultrasonic cleaning,
  • chemical peeling courses (every six months),
  • gas-liquid peeling,
  • mesotherapy with light vitamin cocktails. It provides the skin not only with balanced nutrition, but also with reasonable stimulation.

You need to be prepared for the fact that at this age the first wrinkles may appear. It depends on the anatomy and the innate nature of facial expressions. Attention should be paid to the so-called “dermal creases”. These are wrinkles that remain in a line even if you try to stretch them with your fingers. This picture is a signal and indication for injection cosmetology. Depending on the location, either filler or botulinum toxin is used to correct wrinkles.

What not to do: At this age, it is still undesirable and early to do anti-aging procedures, such as: biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, thread reinforcement, deep laser and chemical resurfacing (if it is not post-acne - skin with pronounced consequences from acne). You should not get carried away with fillers, unless, of course, we are talking about obvious anatomical imperfections (for example, very thin lips, facial disproportions, etc.).

Age: 30 to 40 years old

General information: In this age range, you should visit a cosmetologist regularly, at least 1-2 times a year, at least just to select the right skin care products and receive recommendations on further tactics for using home anti-aging measures.

At this time, a woman’s facial wrinkles become sharper, crow’s feet appear around the eyes and a fine network of wrinkles under the eyes, nasolabial folds, chin wrinkles, wrinkles near the ears appear, and visually the folds of the neck become stronger. In the fight against such manifestations of age, there is one important principle. Injections should begin as soon as you begin to notice that wrinkles have moved from the dynamic phase to the static phase. That is, when you don’t seem to make facial movements, but the wrinkles are still there and remain with a calm face.

Home care: Your home arsenal should include exercises for the face and neck that help maintain muscle tone and prevent the development of gravitational ptosis, the drooping of tissues under the influence of gravity. But it’s better if they are demonstrated to you by a specialist who understands muscle architecture and your anatomical features.

Increased attention should be paid to moisturizing and nourishing the skin. From the age of 35, you can use anti-aging products with retinol in the autumn-winter period. Preferably a course of 2-3 months. This drug rejuvenates the skin from the inside, rebuilding the functioning of cells in a youthful way. Combined home care products that include complexes of retinol, vitamins and coenzymes also give good results.

Professional care: Various types of biorevitalization should be added: based on hyaluronic acid, in combination with peptides and amino acids. This injection procedure will saturate the skin with moisture from the inside, giving it material for restoration and rejuvenation.

Good skin restoration results are demonstrated by:

  • plasmolifting (introduction of the patient’s own plasma, enriched with growth factors, under the skin of the face and neck);
  • thread lifting or thread reinforcement - strengthening or lifting using absorbable threads. The threads received the unspoken name “conservatives of youth.” Installed in a certain way under the skin, they create a natural supporting frame that holds the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles, folds, and disruption of the oval lines of the face;
  • fractional laser photothermolysis is a modern laser resurfacing that significantly tightens and rejuvenates the skin from the inside, but at the same time the rehabilitation period is reduced to zero.

A little cosmetological secret: Contour plastic surgery of the cheeks and cheekbones at the age of 40 returns the sculptural clarity of lines to the face, harmonizes proportions and gives the effect of a natural lifting of the middle third of the face.

What not to do: Representatives of this age group are statistically the most active users of cosmetic services, especially injection techniques. However, you should be very careful with fillers and botulinum toxins, or more precisely, with their quantity. Often women become a kind of “hostages of beauty.” Having received an excellent result from injections once, they strive to repeat it and repeat it. This is where the pitfalls lie. Large amounts of hyaluronic acid look unnatural and cause puffiness and swelling. Disproportionally enlarged lips or overly prominent cheekbones look especially unaesthetic.

Age: from 50 years to 60 years

General information: Thanks to the development of modern aesthetic medicine, this period in global skin care principles is very similar to the previous one.

Home care: In cosmetics for home use, emphasis should be placed on anti-aging products rich in vitamins and nutrients. Regular facial exercises are very effective.

Professional care: In professional care, perhaps, the emphasis is somewhat shifting from procedures that stimulate skin regeneration to procedures for replacement injection therapy and thread lifting. Although biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid and plasma lifting, laser rejuvenation, and mid-peelings are still relevant and effective. However, a little more attention has to be paid to injection techniques. True, the tactics of managing patients at 50-60 years of age are significantly different. To achieve a natural rejuvenation effect, for example, the doses of botulinum toxin in this age period are significantly reduced, since muscles naturally reduce their tone. In many cases, it is preferable to use the mesobotox technique. A similar tactic is used for fillers based on hyaluronic acid: injection sessions have to be carried out a little more often, and, on the contrary, the amount of the injected drug must be reduced. This is how you can achieve a natural and beautiful rejuvenation effect.

For this age category, excellent results are demonstrated by threads with notches or fixation threads, which not only strengthen the tissues, but tighten them and hold them in a new position. With the help of such threads you can tighten the chin area, restore the oval of the face, and tighten the cheeks.

At this age, depending on the condition of the skin and face, they often resort to plastic surgery: lifting the upper and lower eyelids, endoscopic lifting of the forehead and temporal region, surgical facelift and neck lift.

What not to do: Particularly difficult are patients who first contact a cosmetologist at this age. It is important to correctly assess the severity of age-related changes, the future aesthetic effect of possible injection procedures, and the patient’s expectations. This will allow you to choose the right tactics: either continued home care, or therapeutic cosmetology, or plastic surgery.

Great care should be taken with primary patients who come in for facial wrinkles at this age. In most cases, classic doses of botulinum toxin are not used to correct facial wrinkles. They use either the mesobotox technique, or staged injection over several sessions, or fill wrinkles with filler.

At this age, various methods of reinforcing soft tissues are not so relevant, ranging from mesothreads to injection reinforcement, which is aimed at using the regenerative abilities of the skin. This function decreases somewhat at this age, so the effect will be insignificant and short in duration.

The second stop of the women's site site on the path, called "", will be the period after 25 years. In particular, today we will try to be useful to girls from 25 to 30 years old.

Since the advice of cosmetologists on facial skin care at this age is constantly replete with unknown words and terms, a period of detailed research of jars in stores is solemnly announced! Because, unfortunately, it will not be possible to replace these incomprehensible words with something intelligible and understandable.

Therefore, it is better to spend time studying the components of creams and other cosmetics, choose something that is truly suitable, and then simply use the results of your work.

The experimental method, of course, is also good, but it may be a little more expensive. Yes, and we have the same skin, and therefore we don’t want to take too many risks, because all the same cosmetologists unanimously scare us - the time to start the mechanisms of skin withering has begun...

What happens to the skin after 25 (up to 30 years)

So, after 25 years, the skin begins to gradually lose moisture - this is the main thing you need to know when choosing facial skin care after 25 years.

We won’t burden you with complex physiological terms, but in general this happens, in addition to the natural causes of growing up, due to improper care at an earlier age (premature wrinkles appear due to exposure to the sun; due to alcohol lotions, the skin begins to dry out even more). stronger).

However, this does not mean at all that during this age period we all become happy (?) owners of dry skin - not at all! With the loss of moisture in the skin, all possible problem areas begin to appear more strongly: complexion, skin structure, oiliness, poor healing of wounds and acne, etc. Although if you naturally had and still have dry skin, then you will need to take more care to maintain its moisture balance.

In addition, at this age, your skin may still show signs of the unequal struggle with acne that you may have had before the age of 25.

If it wasn’t there, rejoice, it probably won’t happen anymore, because the hormonal levels should have normalized by now. The most that can happen to you is an unexpected pimple before an important event. But you can’t fight the law of meanness with cosmetics. And we all know how to treat these uninvited guests, that’s not what we’re talking about now.

If it was, but passed, then still do not forget about prevention methods. In the hot season, when fat cells are somehow activated, it is better to treat yourself to a diet (reduce sweets, fatty foods, etc.) so as not to provoke them.

And if your struggle with acne ends, unfortunately, in your defeat, and you have crossed the threshold of 25 years, then you should see a doctor, or better yet, see doctors, because you need to look for the cause, but most likely it is not is that you are using the wrong cosmetics. In short, if just lotions and creams didn’t help you before, then they won’t now. The problem will need to be solved at a different level.

All advice given in is still relevant. Let us note what you should especially pay attention to.

  • Yes, you won't be able to sunbathe again. Or it will work, but with super strong sunscreen.
  • In general, make sure that all your creams (except perhaps night creams) contain an SPF filter, because excessive exposure of the skin to sunlight at this age is dangerous and can significantly accelerate the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, this is especially important for those who spend a lot of time on the computer.
  • Those who spend a lot of time at the computer, meet thermal water! It is available in convenient aerosol packages. Tiny droplets of water cover irritated skin, not only healing and soothing it, but also nourishing it with minerals, vitamins and trace elements.
  • When caring for facial skin after 25 years, let’s say “No” to cosmetics labeled “anti-aging”. Early! Despite the fact that everyone talks about wrinkles, about the slow start of skin aging processes and blah blah blah, the skin is still young! Not young, but young; and there are still substances in the cells that help the body cope with negative processes.
  • We still monitor facial expressions. Now that the skin is very vulnerable, spending time with a sullen face can come back to bite us. Cosmetologists also advise “not to smile a lot.” Here everyone decides for themselves :)
  • Avoid a large number of cosmetics that are simultaneously applied to the skin, multi-component products - all this deprives the skin of moisture.
  • Go through all your facial care products very carefully. Perhaps, instead of 5 jars of inexpensive creams, it is better to buy 1, but more expensive, but the most natural and beneficial for the skin? As a rule, it is during this period that our tastes regarding cosmetics are formed and a more or less stable system for facial care is developed.
  • Do the same with the decorative cosmetics that you apply to your face. To look good, you don’t have to have a wagonload of cosmetics, it’s enough to have beautiful skin. And cheap, low-quality shadows, powder, etc. will affect her condition in the very near future.
  • We practice contrast washing. It helps improve blood circulation and also helps normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. The skin becomes more resistant to external influences. Cold water prevents early fading, tones, and tightens pores. You should not use cold water in the evening before going to bed. However, prolonged and frequent exposure to thermal procedures causes a decrease in the elasticity of soft tissues. Therefore, we use medium-temperature water for washing.
  • Drink more water.

Stages of facial skin care system after 25 years


Choose any product that suits you. It seems that by the age of 25, at least your skin cleanser is permanent and good.

At this age, it is better to refuse any “soapy” cleansing, because whatever soap is, no matter how much we are convinced that it does not dry out the skin, is soap. I won’t criticize it too much, but the fact that 100% something better can be found is undeniable.

If you have dry skin, then when caring for it after 25 years, it is best to buy a care product that consists of 100% natural oils and extracts of medicinal herbs.

The only thing you should take as a rule is to never go to bed without washing your face, even if you have absolutely no strength, “well, not at all.”

Remains of cosmetics will completely clog your pores, and in the morning you can even expect an uninvited guest on your nose. You know which one.

For evening cleansing it is possible (and better) to use homemade “solutions” and mixtures.


If during the period of “young skin” there was only a warning not to use alcohol lotions, now this is a strong recommendation. Now, when the skin naturally loses moisture, alcohol lotion will dry out the skin completely and deprive you of an even and beautiful complexion.

And again - good cosmetologists strongly recommend - for skin care for 25 years (in particular), go in search of natural facial tonics! No, this is not a manic desire to make a chemical laboratory at home or a grandmother’s corner with herbs and berries. However, it’s hard to imagine something better than what nature gives us, and if you can make something that’s right for you and much better than store-bought products, why not?

You can even check it yourself: any professional cosmetologist will never advise you to use cosmetics from regular stores. With a 99% probability, he will recommend using exclusively professional cosmetics (and in batches, and they are usually expensive), or send you to the pharmacy for some ointments, or turn your face back to nature.

Good remedies are tonics based on medicinal herbs. They are very simple to prepare, and you can simply wipe your face with cotton swabs or make compresses.


It is especially important when caring for skin after 25 years. I think everyone has already understood this.

Face creams after 25 contain basically the same set of vitamins, but it’s better to check :)

  • Vitamin A is essential for the formation of new cells, it also accelerates the process of exfoliation of dead horn cells, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.
  • Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants and will slow down the process of external skin aging.
  • Vitamin C – improves metabolic processes, protects against adverse environmental influences, removes toxins, promotes collagen synthesis. That is, at this age, collagen can still be delivered to the body through one’s own efforts, so once again, fight against anti-aging cosmetics when caring for facial skin after 25 years.
  • Vitamin P (flavonoid) – promotes the skin’s production of its own antioxidants and neutralizes free radicals.

To prevent the formation of the first wrinkles on the face, when choosing a moisturizer, it is better to add face creams containing fruit and flower acids and vitamin E to the facial skin care system after 25 years. The use of such creams helps to smooth the facial skin and the disappearance of wrinkles.

Eye cream

If it was desirable when caring for young skin after 21, now it is simply mandatory. The skin under the eyes is 3 times thinner than the rest of the skin on your face, so your regular cream is not suitable for caring for it, and without care, the condition of this area of ​​your face will deteriorate faster.

Face Serums

Get used to using them. But don’t forget – they need to be used together with cream. Serums are good because their beneficial substances quickly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. In addition, serums contain a higher concentration of biologically active substances.

But here, too, a sense of proportion is needed. It is better to use potent serums in courses, and they should be carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring. To achieve greater effect, apply the serum under the cream, twice a day - morning and evening.

Night cream

Still in our everyday life, some suitable essential oil can still be added there.

Do not leave the cream on your face overnight, otherwise in the morning the result on your face will be exactly the opposite of what was expected. Keep it on your face for 15-20 minutes, then blot the residue from your face with napkins and go to the kingdom of Morpheus, but not before :)


Now you should have these procedures more often.

Deep peeling, and then deep moisturizing of the skin with your cream, must now be done once a week.

It is advisable to pamper yourself with masks 2-3 times a week; more often you shouldn’t, but less often is also not an option.

There are no longer a million recipes for masks, as I wrote in the last article - now there are even more of them, choose any - warm, cold, with or without a peeling effect, etc. and so on.

There is nothing complicated in the care system for any age, and no one will tell you super-effective and secret secrets, because they simply do not exist. It is important to simply follow the simple recommendations mentioned in this article. And there is only one rule for facial skin care after 25 years - there must be care.

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