How to tie a newborn's navel: an effective tying technique. Natural birth: placenta and cutting the umbilical cord Why do they immediately cut the umbilical cord in the maternity hospital?

The baby is born. And in our practice we use lotus birth.

What it is?

This is when we do not touch (do not pinch or cut the umbilical cord) while it is pulsating, i.e. pumps blood back and forth (from the placenta to the baby and from the baby to the placenta). Next, we do not touch the umbilical cord and then wait for the birth of the placenta. As a result: the baby is connected to the placenta through the umbilical cord, and the mother is separated. After this, I recommend not cutting the umbilical cord for AT LEAST a day, i.e. 24 hours after the baby is born.

Why leave the baby connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord for some time after birth?

In practice, I can say that on average the umbilical cord falls off within 4-7 days. Rarely - on the 3rd day. There are rare cases that it does not disappear until 14 days. During this time, the placenta in the form of a “space antenna” continues to accumulate cosmic energy, passing it on to the baby if the baby is still connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord. From the point of view astrology:

— all 12 signs of the zodiac pass across the celestial horizon in 24 hours, i.e. 1 zodiac sign is present in the sky 2 hours a day - for example, Aries reigns over the Earth from 12 am to 2 am;
- if we conditionally agree that during these two hours the astrological sign fills the child’s body with astral (stellar) energy through the placenta by one unit, then
- in 24 hours (in one day) the newborn will receive 12 units of stellar energy through the placenta, and
- it will include the ENTIRE range of possible vibrations - from the emanations of Aries to the emanations of Pisces.

Every next day, if the umbilical cord is not cut, this number of stellar energy will increase TWO times.

On the second day – 24, and on the third – 48.

On the 8th day, the amount of the astral body will be filled to 1536 units.
And on the 14th day – up to 98 thousand 304 units. During these 14 days, the signs of the zodiac, or rather their qualitative component, will scroll 8 thousand 192 times, increasing the “resolving power of the energy egg” of the newborn. The most powerful bio-energy potential!

This is probably why it is believed (this is secret information!) that if a baby’s umbilical cord falls off from the navel later, then he is more “advanced” (potentially, of course). But I guess it doesn't matter when the umbilical cord fell off, as long as it was cut and separated from the placenta before that. We can only say that:

- Yes... The umbilical cord fell off on the 14th day. This child had every chance to become enlightened (Buddha, Savior, Lama, Sage, Healer...) in this incarnation... But we cut the umbilical cord much earlier. And now he is what we made of him...

I don’t know if I’ve made it clear here...

And another question may arise: how then to preserve the placenta until the umbilical cord dries out? It's possible. Even in hot weather. But that's another story.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Do you know how a newborn's belly button is tied? Indeed, in some maternity hospitals this method is still preserved. Do they really twist the knots on the umbilical cord itself? It’s not without reason that they say that your belly button will come undone if you cry or scream too much. In general, I decided to sort out these confusing knots. And this is what I managed to dig up.

I heard that now in maternity hospitals they cut off the umbilical cord not immediately, but after 2-3 minutes. Why do they do this? They allow the newborn to receive the last useful material, including oxygen. So what then? Cutting off. By the way, I always wondered if the baby experienced pain? How do you think? Look, the toddler's nutrition passed through the umbilical cord. There are veins and arteries there. But, most importantly, there are no nerve endings.

Of course, you need to wait until the pulsation stops. But the newborn does not experience pain from the cutting itself. So, I know several ways:

  • Using a clothespin.
  • Tying method.
  • Surgical cutting with a blade.

In principle, the first two methods are similar to each other. A little later I’ll tell you what their essence is. But cutting off with a blade is rarely practiced. Its meaning is that the baby is completely deprived of the umbilical cord; after cutting, only a wound remains.

Cutting off occurs on the second day after birth. There is a medical opinion that this way the wound heals much faster. Although, most doctors are skeptical about this. In addition, this causes the child to experience stress again. I myself believe that it is better to let everything happen by itself. After cutting, the umbilical cord remains and after a couple of days it falls off on its own.

How to tie the umbilical cord

In general, the tying method was used before. No, of course, he still remains in some maternity hospitals. But this happens less and less often. More often today a clothespin is used. Here the circumcision technique is similar. But there are some differences.

By the way, I'll tell you a secret. The umbilical cord is not tied, but tied with linen or silk thread. So, here is the tying technique itself:

  1. After the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating, 2 threads are put on it. One is tied at a distance of 1.5 - 2 centimeters from the newborn’s tummy. The second is 15 centimeters higher than the first.
  2. Using treated scissors between the threads, the umbilical cord is cut off. This happens closer to the first thread (near the tummy).

Doing this is more difficult than putting on a clothespin. Because it is necessary to calculate the force.

There is also a statement that the shape of the navel in the future depends on the manner of tying. For example, now there are many children with bulging belly buttons. And this is due to medical clamps. Is it true?

Doctors say no. The same protruding navel has other reasons. Most often, this is a hernia. But, don't worry. By the age of 3 - 5 it goes away. But the child still needs to be shown to the surgeon. Let better specialist will make a diagnosis. How do you think?

It turns out that putting on the clamp and cutting is easier. But it is a little more difficult to care for. There is no need to remove anything with the thread. Process it, it’s all here. It will fall off on its own.

Mom will have to tinker with the clothespin. However, tying does have its risks.

Can a belly button come undone?

So is it true that even an adult’s belly button can come undone from a strong scream? Not really. The child has this risk while the thread is still attached. For an adult, there is nothing to untie there. The scars don't unravel.

What does an untied belly button pose to a baby? Bleeding. Therefore, if you choose this method, you need to be confident in the professionalism of the doctor. As a rule, a sea knot is made with a strong silk thread. And in a few days. The same as with a clothespin. And, of course, the speed of healing will depend on the efforts of the mother herself.

How to speed up healing?

For speedy healing it is necessary. How to do it?

  1. After birth, the umbilical cord section itself is treated first with peroxide and then with potassium permanganate. Maybe iodine. This removes all blood clots and disinfects them. Although it is believed that if the cutting occurs after the pulsation has stopped, infection is unlikely. However, it is necessary to watch and process.
  2. Until the stump falls off, carry out the treatment once or twice a day. How? Yes, the same peroxide, and antiseptics include brilliant green, potassium permanganate (weak solution), chlorophyllipt, etc.
  3. Don't wrap up the baby! Provide air access to the umbilical remnant. There is an opinion that only air can heal a wound. No more processing. I do not share this position. I think that in such a case you need to insure yourself. After all, if anything happens, there is no one to blame except the parent. So disinfect, but don’t forget about air baths.
  4. Don't rub the umbilical cord. Use diapers with a special cutout. Or roll up the edges.
  5. Bathe (if you dare to do so) the first days after discharge only in boiled water.

As you can see, the main rule is careful attitude. The main thing is not to overdo it. After all, everything is good in moderation!

Tell us, how did your baby’s umbilical cord get cut? Or are you just studying this issue? If so, what are you leaning towards? Leave comments and become blog subscribers. Bye. See you again!

I will write lyrical explanations with which I would like to begin presenting this information later. Now I will limit myself only to the technique of tying the umbilical cord.

This procedure is simple and does not require special medical education, much less higher education. Any person, even a child, can tie the umbilical cord if he knows how to tighten the laces on the shirts.

Technique for tying and cutting the umbilical cord

1 photo:

You can see here that when the umbilical cord is tightly tied with a thread, it does not cause any concern to the newborn baby. The umbilical cord has already pulsated. And it looks like a white dense vein. Two arteries and one vein that pass through the umbilical cord are not visible, because they are not filled with blood.

Photo 1. You can see the umbilical cord, which is still pulsating.

and the placenta has not yet been born.

Photo 2. You can see the umbilical cord, which has already pulsated

and the placenta has not yet been born.

At this stage, you can already ligate and cut the umbilical cord if you do not want or cannot wait for the birth of the placenta.

If the umbilical cord is tied and cut after the birth of the placenta, this is calledLotus birth.

The Lotus Birth is a metaphor: the placenta is the lotus roots, the umbilical cord is the lotus stem, and the baby is the lotus flower. I talk about the metaphysical benefits of lotus birth in my Video course of lectures on preparing for natural childbirth.

Photo 3. The umbilical cord has completely pulsated and the placenta has already been born. "Lotus Birth"

Tying and cutting the umbilical cord is painless for the baby

There are no nerve endings in the umbilical cord that belong to the baby. The umbilical cord belongs to the Baby Place, which consists of the placenta, amniotic sac, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord. And as a result, the process of cutting the umbilical cord itself does not bring painful sensations to the child.

Photo 4.

The umbilical ring is clearly visible here - it is bright red. This is the border where the umbilical cord ends and the child’s body, or rather the baby’s navel itself, begins. After the remaining piece of the umbilical cord (after cutting) dries and falls off, this navel skin will be retracted into the depths of the tummy.

You can tie, or rather, tie the umbilical cord anywhere up to the umbilical ring (!), because it (the umbilical cord - that white vein) will still fall off in the area of ​​the umbilical ring. But if there is no rush, then we tighten the umbilical cord with a rope or thick silk thread at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the umbilical ring. We tie the rope into a marine knot (this is the simplest knot in macrame). Let me draw your attention once again, the umbilical cord is tied with a string! There is no need to weave macrame from the umbilical cord itself.

Photo 5.

Then we cut the umbilical cord with scissors at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the tie. Scissors can be pre-wiped with alcohol or boiled. But, if the umbilical cord has long stopped pulsating, then the probability of infection of the baby is zero. But since we are not cavemen, the scissors must be clean.

Photo 6.

As you can see, in both the 4th and 5th photographs, during the cutting of the umbilical cord and after, the baby behaves quite calmly.

Photo 7.

This is what a freshly cut umbilical cord looks like. It's OK. Two arteries and one vein passed through the umbilical cord. When the umbilical cord stopped pulsating, there was practically no blood left in it. This process is quite aesthetic.

Photo 8.

Now I’ll show you an example of myself, Watson, that I, too, cannot completely unzombify, although I know about the general situation in the Looking Glass and am trying to unzombify, but we are programmed by the Iveroaliens from childhood and programmed by all “education”, so it takes decades of conscious efforts to unzombify. Here’s a colleague, a doctor, who is aware of alternative obstetrics, writing. And here I am, also educated within the framework of a medical official, and could not imagine that There is no need to cut the umbilical cord during childbirth! You know, how everything is supposed to be and is supposed to be... but why is it supposed to be and by whom is it supposed to be? “There was no time to think about such simple questions.” But in vain! Read:

“Dear Holmes! I already wrote to you once on the topic breast milk and some other topics. Here I would like to add a little information to your information on the topic of childbirth and newborns (since I have been working in this field for several years now, not on the medical side, of course. By the way, when I studied at the medical institute, everything was fine, I liked it until we started studying pharmacology. I had a culture shock. Why did we study anatomy, physiology, where everything is so well organized, and then give a person this nonsense, which for 1 POSSIBLE therapeutic effect will cause a bunch of side effects. So I could not fit into the medical system any further and over time she took up, one might say, naturopathy: the study of health conditions, natural methods of healing). It is absolutely clear that “helping” the way it happens in maternity hospitals is unnecessary and harmful. The transfer to the maternity hospital itself, enemas, examinations, etc. cause stress in a woman. Stress hormones compete with internal natural oxytocin for receptors on the uterus, etc. block contractions (especially if the woman arrived at the maternity hospital early - during the period of irregular labor activity, which usually happens - everyone sets women up this way). Labor stops for a while. They would start again if the woman was allowed to relax, retire, and behave the way she wants. But who will give it? They wait a little and give, probably, oxytocin. This is the case if a woman gives birth herself. What if labor is completely stimulated?(This is what I noted, Watson, that in the USA, births are oxytocinated to everyone - this is a standard protocol) There is a deep inhibition of the production of one’s own oxytocin according to the feedback principle. What does this give later?

1) suppression of its oxytocin then leads to poor contractility of the uterus (postpartum hemorrhage, lochia retention, endometritis)

2) Oxytocin is also responsible for allowing milk to flow out of the breast - which means: breast engorgement, lactostasis, lack of milk (not because there is none, but because it cannot flow out)

3) Oxytocin, in combination with endorphins in the postpartum period, is responsible for the formation of family ties between mother and child (in fact, the ability to love) - the so-called. “imprinting” - imprinting: “this is my mother” and “this is my child” - for this, mother and baby must be together for the first hours after birth (0-2-6) and maintain eye contact. This happens instinctively in a home birth, but in a maternity hospital - who will?

This is well written in the books of (a French military surgeon, who later became an obstetrician-gynecologist and came to home obstetrics. In England, he now has a center for the study of primary health: he collects scientific research from all over the world and conducts research himself on the topic : how the events of childbirth and the postpartum period affect a person’s future health.

The umbilical cord does not need to be tied right away. In principle, you don’t have to bandage it at all!

(That's right, Watson, Nobody ties the umbilical cord of animals! Animals instinctively wait until the placenta leaves and then bite off the umbilical cord themselves when it begins to dry out on its own. That is, Mother Nature provided complete automation here too. That's right, mammals have been giving birth for millions of years, but obstetricians appeared only recently, and then only for people. No need to think about this simple fact!) ....

... I saw a video of home birth where yogi parents did not cut the umbilical cord at all - they just carried the baby with the placenta in a plate next to it. During childbirth, the baby's body is strongly compressed and, like a sponge, some of the blood is squeezed out of it and stored in the placenta. When the baby is born, it is cyanotic, but quickly turns pink; the blood from the placenta quickly returns and is poured back into the child."

(Watson, that is, if you cut the umbilical cord immediately, before its natural contraction, without waiting for the blood to return to the newborn, then a lot of the baby’s blood will remain in the placenta ......

Almost swore! What fools we are, Watson! -

So maybe this is why someone around the world collects placentas from all births, hiding behind the fact that it is supposedly for “cosmetic needs”? But the blood of newborns is of the highest degree of freshness - it’s fresh, it doesn’t get any fresher - all the immunity comes from the mother - all the colostrum! Red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukocytes, antibodies, immunoglobulins - new! Elixir of youth! And by the way, the blood in the placenta does not clot!

This assembly is too obligatory and organized in all countries, even the USSR donated placentas to someone in the West! What if, Watson, we check? Maybe they are collecting placentas again? These are the “sarco-phages”:

Watson, I even know how to check! It is necessary to inject radioactive isotopes (labeled red blood cells) into the placenta and then trace their path. And if we then register these isotopes inside the organisms of some anthropoids, you understand who I’m talking about, and among whom to look, then we will definitely get proof of the existence of “KAN and BAALs” and even their names!

Interesting development, Watson! Let’s take note, but for now let’s return to the reader’s letter: ....You can calmly wait until the placenta is connected to the uterus - the baby “breathes” through the placenta “the old fashioned way.” When the placenta begins to separate from the walls of the uterus (due to a series of strong contractions such as contractions), gas exchange through the placenta will stop and the baby will reflexively take a breath. That is, there is no need to rush for the baby to breathe immediately after birth. Just while it is connected to the placenta, you need to lay it on your tummy, face to the side, and stroke it, you can pat it a little on the back so that the mucus flows out of the respiratory tract. Even if the child has swallowed amniotic fluid, it will flow out and some will be absorbed by the lungs (this is safe). When the umbilical cord stops pulsating, you can bandage it if you don’t want to carry the placenta in a plate with an antiseptic until the umbilical cord falls off (About 5-7 days). The umbilical cord falls off when the navel has healed, that is, without forming a wound. In maternity hospitals, the umbilical cord is unscrewed ahead of time with the formation of a wound surface, so it ( umbilical wound) still have to be processed at home for a long time.

Regarding the placenta - of course, if desired. But most of our women who give birth at home keep it in the freezer (so as not to spoil) until the 40th day (this is like an energetic connection with the child, " children's place"- it’s not called for nothing) and then they bury them under a tree on some of their own land. Is this what our Slavic ancestors did? I wasn’t specifically interested in this, because I already gave birth to my 2 children in the maternity hospital, if I give birth again - I’ll take a closer look at this issue. Next - breastfeed only and always be with the child until the age of 6-8 months. We can say that the period of intrauterine gestation has ended and the period of extrauterine gestation begins. Like a kangaroo. You need to sleep with the child together ( especially if this is 1-2 children). Then you’ll figure it out. There are good American authors on the topic of motherhood and childhood, William and Martha Sears. You can read a lot from them. In general, you can’t tell everything. Everything is really very simple, but there are nuances and there are many myths on this topic. If questions and problems arise, you can contact breast consultants, home midwives, etc. There are in Ukraine, and in Russia, and in America, and here, in Belarus. Best regards I will be glad if I helped someone. If there is additional information. You can send questions, I will answer. The topic is actually large and very important. Tatiana".

Thank you very much. You see, Watson, Holmes is also something of a zombie. This always concerns things in which you are not an expert. - They tell you what you’re supposed to do, and you perceive it as the law. But to figure it out, it’s the other way around. Chekhov put it that when you start squeezing a slave out of yourself, what happens is a slow and painful squeezing. Not everyone goes for it. Minority! Most wander along the “cattle drive lane” towards the cattle depot.

Now everything is clear, Watson, what needs to be done during childbirth

1). When the placenta begins to separate from the walls of the uterus (due to a series of strong contractions such as contractions), gas exchange through the placenta will stop and the baby will reflexively take a breath. That is, there is no need to rush for the baby to breathe immediately after birth.”- That is, the placenta after the baby is delivered - the placenta begins to separate from the walls of the uterus. Right! Then the child begins to breathe, even if his umbilical cord is not tied! That is, within 5-10-15 minutes from the child’s exit.

But this stimulus to start breathing - the separation of the placenta - is natural, and not artificial from the ligation of the umbilical cord.

2). When the umbilical cord stops pulsating, you can bandage it if you don’t want to carry the placenta in a plate with an antiseptic until the umbilical cord falls off (About 5-7 days). The umbilical cord falls off when the navel has healed, that is, without forming a wound. In maternity hospitals, the umbilical cord is unscrewed ahead of time with the formation of a wound surface, so it (the umbilical wound) has to be treated at home for a long time.

That is, Watson, on practice:

when the child begins to breathe without tying the umbilical cord, you must wait until the placenta contracts, squeezes out, and transfers its blood to the newborn, and only then cut the umbilical cord.

Let's see how nervous the "Kan and Baals" will be when they start receiving placentas without blood!

That is, in formal medicine the whole process, as it should be in Through the Looking Glass, goes in the opposite direction and in the direction of satisfying the needs of the “kans and baals”. Instead of waiting for the natural resolution of childbirth, they “tear their claws” and do the opposite: first they cut the umbilical cord, leaving half of the child’s blood in it and abandoning him, in total blue; and newborns in maternity hospitals all cyanotic after such an instant cutting of the umbilical cord. Now it is clear, Watson, that the entire process of childbirth is indoctrinated by cryptoaliens into medical institutes, based on the satisfaction of their Kan-i-Baal selfish needs. And what? Now billions of people are giving birth." Think about how many are born every day and how many placentas are produced! The same number as children!

And in the placentas, when the umbilical cord is cut early, half of the baby’s blood remains!

Why does half the blood remain? Because the placenta weighs exactly the same as the baby itself. And since blood circulates evenly between the placenta and the baby, then when the umbilical cord is cut early - even before the placenta contracts and squeezes out the blood itself - half of the circulating blood remains in the placenta, that is, the newborn loses half of the blood in the circulation, which is taken away in an unknown direction! In an adult, if half of the blood is taken out of the circulation, he will die! And the newborn experiences premature interruption of blood circulation and the loss of half the volume of circulating blood! Half of the BCC! So, Watson, multiply half the blood of each newborn, which, by the way, does not clot and can be delivered fresh to the consumer; multiply by the daily number of births in the world, and the mandatory delivery of placentas, and the clear organization of placenta collection, and take, Watson, validol! That's it! We need to sit down and rethink this!

Here's what a reader has already sent me:

"Hello, Doc! Quote: "...Why does half the blood remain? Because the placenta weighs exactly the same as the child itself... And since blood circulates evenly between the placenta and the child, then when the umbilical cord is cut early, even before the placenta contracts, half of the blood remains in the placenta..." end of quote. Doc, but this thing is familiar to me from the example of plants! I have long noticed, as an amateur vegetable grower, that if in the fall you dig up garlic from the garden, but do not immediately cut off the leaves from it, as some vegetable growers do, but lay it out somewhere in a warm, dry, ventilated attic, then the garlic continues to grow! You can even hang it on a clothesline under the ceiling of the attic, preferably with the roots down. And so, as the green leaves dry, the head (bulb) of the garlic continues to grow and fill up. Nutrients from the leaves gradually pass into the bulb. The bulb grows on a rope, it really grows! Nature, she’s not stupid to throw away her reserves so wastefully. And so, when the leaves are completely dry (what’s not the umbilical cord?), then you can cut them off, and even then not too short, but just like that, so you can braid the garlic. And the root cannot be cut right to the bottom - the head of garlic will quickly dry out during storage, but we need it?

And I just received confirmation information:

A very interesting show.

He talks about how he managed to isolate elements from umbilical cord blood that make it possible to reconfigure aging organs to new way. Here it is. They don't even hide too much." - Yes, Watson, "Garyaev" is a crypto-Hebrew surname "HA-Ryaev" (HA-Hebrew article). Here, by the way, he talks about the negative effects of ultrasound on the fetus: .

But let's move on to another aspect. Last time I informed you that at least 30% of births in the United States are cesareans, that is, the belly of the woman in labor is cut. Do you think this is how it was done in the USSR due to difficulties in childbirth? - In the USA 90% caesarean sections are made due to difficulties in the doctor’s personal life. Let me explain: since this is private medicine, the maternity hospital is a type of paid dog-walking area, where owners walk their dogs for a fee to the owner of the area. Women in labor belong to private doctors, and for the use of a public maternity hospital, the owners of women in labor pay money to the maternity hospital. Therefore, the obstetrician appears in the maternity hospital only to deliver birth to his personal mother in labor. Other doctors don’t care about women in labor. And look at the daily situation in American maternity hospitals, which leads to a 30% percentage of caesareans for all women in labor in the USA!

Let's say a doctor was called to attend a birth. A woman in labor is having contractions. Normally, this process continues indefinitely. One can give birth in 4 hours and another in 24 hours. I personally walked, my mother said, 48 hours. In the Soviet hospital, no one forced the normal process of childbirth, because the obstetrician was on duty, he was on duty for 24 hours, and he didn’t care if the woman gave birth within 24 hours. There were no oxytocins. Even better, if the birth drags on for another day, he should not take it.

It’s not at all like that in an American maternity hospital. Suppose an American doctor was called to the maternity hospital to see his woman in labor at 10 pm. While he is on his way to the maternity hospital, he has already said on the phone to stimulate her labor and give her the hormone oxytocin intravenously, so that when he arrives at the maternity hospital, the baby will already be in labor. He arrives at the maternity hospital, but she does not give birth. Oxytocin doesn't help. Then he increases the dose. It still doesn’t help and the labor begins to drag on into the night. Sleep is lost. And suddenly the American doctor finds out that he has another woman in labor due to give birth by 5 am and a third due to give birth at 3 pm the next day. That is, he has to hang around like hell in this fucking maternity hospital with these fucking women in labor for a whole day straight. Found a fool! There are many of them and I am alone. They give birth once in a lifetime, maybe twice, and I’m sitting here at home for days, why don’t I have anything else to do? So, at 12 o’clock in the morning, our American doctor, a whiner, and they are all like that, swearing loudly, occupies the operating room for the whole night and performs a Caesarean on all three women in labor in a row: the one who is the first, and the one who should give birth by 5 am, and the one who is supposed to give birth only during the day. But by 5 am he delivered the babies of all three of his women in labor, and calmly goes home to sleep, knowing that no one will disturb him for at least a day, since he has already “killed” all his closest women in labor in the literal sense of the word. And the fact that he cut up three healthy women for no reason is the least of his worries. The American obstetrician also deliberately lies, putting in the history of childbirth some formal reason for a cesarean section - you can come up with a lot of them. That is, lies and deception on the assembly line. And I’ll tell you, and in our hospital there was a maternity hospital, that in every American maternity hospital there are many obstetricians - dozens, and almost every night some doctor has such an emergency. Almost every night! 6 thousand births per year - that’s 20 births a day!

And what, Watson, is this normal medicine in a normal human society? Medicine puts the welfare of the patient first and not the doctor’s personal time! And what's interesting is that no one in America knows this and therefore does not bring this issue to public consciousness. They are all accustomed to the fact that this is a normal system and is not subject to discussion. American means the best! As a result, the Americans themselves don’t know what’s going on with them! To do this, you need to be an outsider to see their nightmare, to which they are simply accustomed and do not know that everything can be organized normally, putting the woman in labor at the center of care, and not the doctor’s personal business. But here's what a reader from Chelyabinsk reports: "

“Hello! I’ve been reading your site since last summer - quite recently. In general, the idea is correct. I came to it myself while studying at the Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy. I completed only one course there. I couldn’t continue it. Everything was too disgusting. A lot what. Including the professors themselves said in the first year - you work for the prosecutor's office. That is, the main goal of a doctor is not a cure. But the right way to "get rid of" the prosecutor's office. And this is what they teach. You write that in the USA 30% of Caesareans are performed... in a small town in the Chelyabinsk region, and in Chelyabinsk itself more than 70% of caesareans are performed. Gynecologists are simply “filling in” their hand. For what - there are certain considerations.. But I’m even afraid to voice them - it’s too scary. Regarding Vikasol.. I communicate with many people. . and most people don’t even know that this is injected into children. And jaundice happens to quite a lot of newborns, unfortunately.. Medicine is the main weapon of the Jews. It has always been that way. It’s not for nothing that there were persecutions of witches. And who are witches? It’s simple witches - healed people natural means..and through the Judeo-Christian Middle Eastern religion they were destroyed. And quite successful. True healers are still afraid to show themselves to the public - at best they will condemn them for pseudoscience... Jews are no longer afraid of anything in Russia. at all. They are the rulers. And they won’t just give it away.”

New message from the feed: “A small child (a 2-year-old girl) died 12 hours after receiving a flu vaccination.” - B Lately There was such a phenomenon, Watson, "Sudden Infant Death". It was even included in a separate “nosology”, that is, it was defined as an independent disease. Here she is. It is defined as:" SIDS is the sudden and unexplained death of an infant who is younger than 1 year old". - "Sudden, unexplained death of children under 1 year of age" - "SIDS". As you can see, such a case as the one just cited is not included in it, because the deceased is 2 years old. It is not included in the statistics. This phenomenon did not exist before in nature. However, over the past decades, the number of vaccinations has increased from 3 to about 20!

these two phenomena: the increase in the number of vaccinations in infancy and the emergence of “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” are ignored.

Doctors are not allowed to associate it with vaccination. This is also in the Wiki: it states that you couldn’t even think about it! Yes, okay, they say to you from above, these are simple coincidences.

And another very important question was raised by a colleague. This

3). “impressing: “this is my mother” and “this is my child” - for this, the mother and baby must be together for the first hours after birth (0-2-6) and maintain eye contact. This happens in a home birth instinctively, but in maternity hospital - who will give it?

This is called bonding. Here is the Wiki article: " The maternal bond between a human female and her biological child usually begins to develop during pregnancy". - "Development of the bond between mother and child occurs throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy."

Now I'll tell you something important, Watson, because no one has ever expressed the philosophical worldview of the intrauterine fetus.

From the point of view of the fetus - the Universe is the womb -

this is his whole world, to which he gets used to in 9 months. And suddenly he must teleport to another world. For a fetus, it’s like flying to another planet, a transition to another dimension. If you asked the fetus' opinion, it would never come out; He's doing very well there too. But as in the case later, such a phenomenon as “the death of a person,” no one asks the fetus whether it wants or does not want to be born. Therefore - attention!

This is for people outside - this process is the so-called “BIRTH”. And for the fetus it is DEATH.

The fetus dies, the newborn appears.

You know, like the cycle of a butterfly: butterfly, cocoon, caterpillar.

Perhaps the phenomenon that is called “human death” is not actually death, but is a discard of the old form and a transition to new uniform existence in another world, the existence of which we, people, do not know, just as the human fetus does not know about the existence of the outside world, and the butterfly does not know.

Let me draw your attention, Watson, that one of the forms of a butterfly is precisely the “snake form” - the “caterpillar” - scientifically “larva”; on the contrary, it is read as pure Hebrew: “AVRAL” (ABRAL).

Another quote from Wiki about oxytocin and breastfeeding: “The production of oxytocin during milk production by the mother promotes bonding, reducing the child’s nervousness,” as a result of which, it is clear that pumping oxytocin into a woman in labor suppresses the production of her own oxytocin, and inhibits lactation in the immediate postpartum period with all the ensuing consequences, as my colleague noted above.

Here I will tell you a specific life: In the USSR, like everywhere else, the same system came from the West, mothers after childbirth were separated from their newborns for several days. That is, for a newborn, as you now understand, it was a disaster - DEATH. And so, in Moscow in 1982, an experimental maternity hospital was built, in which the child could be in the same ward with the mother. Previously, before this maternity hospital: mothers scream good obscenities separately - children shout good obscenities separately. And everyone considers this to be the norm, and the architecture did not provide for keeping newborns in the same room with their mothers. And so I had to talk to mothers from the new maternity hospital. They say that the child even screams when he lies next to his mother! He is not happy with this! And as soon as you put him on his mother’s stomach, he immediately calms down, calms down, feels the mother he was with for 9 months “in a past life”! BONDING! Can you imagine how newborns scream when kept separately! And also, the supporters of the “time immemorial theory” will say that “from time immemorial” they were kept separately! That’s why, Watson, outsiders are not allowed into maternity hospitals under other pretexts.

A fellow doctor from Belarus adds:

“Dear Holmes! I’m glad that the letter was “on topic”. And, indeed, how useful it is to think through the issues together. It never occurred to me that the centralized collection of placentas could have such a “bloody” meaning... And it’s true. Yes, that’s what blood is like: a newborn’s, and it doesn’t clot, by the way.

So, this trick was successful for 1.5 mothers out of all (several hundred). I explain this to myself by the fact that, as you said, doctors work for the prosecutor. While the child is connected by the umbilical cord, he is still under the jurisdiction of the obstetrician; as soon as the umbilical cord is cut, he is rather given to the pediatrician - that’s it, he is already “pediatric”. Well, they strive to do this quickly.

In general, there is an understanding among doctors (and I had this too) that a child cannot be born on his own - he needs to be magically “twisted” - made turns with his head, and when he is born, he strives to “throw back his flippers” as quickly as possible. Although, as we see, children survive not thanks to, but in spite of medical care.

By the way, one of breast consultants from Ukraine told me that when she showed a video of home birth to one obstetrician professor (they have a joint project was with the maternity hospital) - he was so shocked, the whole world turned upside down, because... he saw that the child was coming out of his mother on his own, without any obstetric techniques. Before this, he had no idea about it. Well, this is about how close to reality what is taught in medical institutes is.

Therefore, if we want to implement OUR “plan” for childbirth, we either need to have a responsible relative in the maternity hospital who shares your views and is ready to stand up for you in front of everyone, or consider the issue of home birth.

As one of your readers said, the one who adopted 2 children at home from his wife, children born at home (and their mothers, by the way, too) are fundamentally different from other babies. They seem to be from another planet (or rather, this is how real goyim earthlings should look?): calm, looking attentively from the first moments of life (nobody put any nasty stuff in their eyes and children see IMMEDIATELY, and not after 2 weeks, like us the “professors” say), very conscious.

Relationships with parents are then built completely differently and the upbringing itself is natural, not forced. Mom understands her child very sensitively and adequately...

As a rule, none of them are vaccinated. In general, this is all one continuous process: if the parents did not drink, did not smoke, ate normally and behaved, they will have good pregnancy, which will normally go into correct birth and happy conscious parenting.

Erroneous actions and decisions at any stage - even out of ignorance - are in any way a SIN and will have to answer to the ESSENCE (as you said in your book “How to Return to Life”).

For example, I can easily distinguish a child and a woman who gave birth at home from those in the maternity hospital even after several years. But here, of course, the woman must be given a choice. And so that she would not make such a decision out of fear of the maternity hospital, but because she knows that she can give birth herself, she wants it and feels that everything will be fine.

Well, you need to prepare for this process, read the necessary books, take good classes, because, indeed, you have to painfully and drop by drop squeeze the slave out of yourself. Sincerely, your gay reader."


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Such a natural moment: the baby was born, he is shown to his mother, everyone is smiling, and the concentrated nurse immediately places two pairs of forceps on the umbilical cord, after which he cuts it and presses it on the baby’s side with a clothespin.

Voila - the process is over. All that remains is to wait until the third stage of labor until the placenta is “born” - and you can say “thank you all.”

But we will still play this “video” and return to the shot of the umbilical cord being cut. If earlier (in Soviet time) it was cut in the first seconds after the birth of the baby, but today it is customary (and according to protocols) to clamp the umbilical cord when it completely pulsates and “quiets”.

Why and who needs this? We will analyze from the baby's point of view.

What happens to the baby?

You probably didn’t know: moving through the narrow birth canal, the newborn baby “loses” up to 20% of its blood through the reverse blood flow through the umbilical cord. Simply put, this blood seems to be “squeezed out” from him.

Nature has come up with an optimal mechanism when, after birth, a child restores blood loss - he receives the necessary blood from his mother through the umbilical cord.

While the umbilical cord is pulsating - and by nature it allots about 5-10 minutes for this, blood flows to the baby.

Why wait for a “stop”?

The time allotted for pulsation is a period of a kind of insurance for the baby. If there were complications during childbirth or the baby’s lungs did not open in time and the child did not begin to breathe normally, then the incoming blood from the umbilical cord will provide the baby’s brain with oxygen - the nerve cells will not suffer from hypoxia, which, as a rule, can negatively affect the development of the child.

What about today?

Today, according to the obstetric protocol, the umbilical cord of newborn babies is clamped after its pulsation has stopped.

It would seem - bingo! — the work on the bugs is done. But everything is not as rosy as we would like.

According to the same obstetric protocol, women at the moment of the birth of the baby (that is, when neither the mother herself nor the partner in childbirth can control the activities of doctors) are injected with 2 cubes of oxytocin, which leads to rapid inhibition of uteroplacental circulation.

Simply put, here we treat, but here... You can continue.

We hope that this conflict during childbirth will soon be resolved in favor of mother and baby.

What to do now? Discuss the details of the injection with the doctor and ask your labor partner to be extremely careful at the “X” moment.