Original beautiful congratulations on the baptism of the Lord. Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord Congratulations on the baptism of Christ

The Epiphany of the Lord is one of the great Christian events, which takes place on January 19th. The beginning of this event dates back to the life of Jesus, and the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River. This event is considered very important, since it was after this that Christ began to conduct services to fulfill his direct purpose. Today, many people often ask about the history of this holiday, and are also interested in how to congratulate on Epiphany?

History of the holiday?

One of the great prophets, John the Baptist, traveled a lot to different places, constantly praying to God and observing fasting. After finishing his fast, John approached the Jordan, a river that is a traditional religious site for the Jews. John began to call on people to repent of their sins and wash away their sins in clean waters huge river. He baptized anyone who wanted to repent in the Jordan River, thus absolving them of their sins. This Christian ritual is not at all as honorable and traditional as it is now, but is considered the ancestor of modern baptism in water.
At that time, the Savior also approached Jordan, asking the prophet for baptism. John was greatly surprised and began to forgive about his own baptism by Christ. However, Christ at the age of 30 was baptized, and this was seen by many people. Following the example of Jesus, the disciples of Christ, as well as the apostles, were also baptized in the river. As the Scripture says, when Christ entered the river, everyone around heard a voice from heaven, which called Christ the beloved Son. That is why this holiday is also often called Epiphany.
The tradition of organizing a holiday on this day arose during the lifetime of his disciples, this is proven by almost all the Holy Scriptures. But in the beginning, Epiphany and Christmas were celebrated together, and the holiday itself was called Epiphany. Only from the 5th century did these events begin to be celebrated separately, but in both cases these celebrations are preceded by strict fasting and Christmas Eve.

What can you give for Epiphany?

Most people try to choose some kind of Epiphany gift for their family and friends. At least for this celebration you need to baptize water, which is simply not customary to give as a gift. Elderly people can be given an icon of John, made to order by professional craftsmen. They also often organize joint trips to church or cathedral, in which grandparents can read prayers and light candles for the health of their relatives.
They most often give their parents Holy Scriptures or a samovar, which is painted with drawings on the theme of Epiphany. Also great option The gift could be a tub for storing sacred water. In order not to give an empty container as a gift, the tub can be filled with sacred church water. This container can be purchased either from the church or made independently.
When choosing gifts for friends and relatives, it is advisable to pay attention to various items that would remind you of winter cold and frost, which are an indispensable attribute of any Epiphany celebration. You can choose calendars with various winter designs, weekly planners with frosty images and other similar things.

How is Epiphany celebrated?

Epiphany begins on the 18th. This date is also called Hungry Kutya or Christmas Eve. Just like on Christmas Eve, you need to fast the day before the start of the Epiphany holiday. Also, on the eve of the celebration of Epiphany, Christians made kutya. The supper on the feast of Epiphany is also called “hungry kutia”. An indispensable attribute of this dinner was oatmeal jelly, pancakes, and kutia.
Kanun is a funeral Orthodox dish Slavic peoples, a porridge made from whole wheat grains, drizzled with honey or sugar, with various additives, usually raisins, poppy seeds, jam, milk or nuts.
An important event in the celebration of Epiphany and Epiphany is the blessing of water. On any body of water, a cross-shaped hole is first made in the ice, which is called Jordan. When midnight arrives, priests bless the water in the ice hole, and Christians bathe in holy water. Believers are not afraid of frost, since swimming on this holiday is a symbolic cleansing of all sins, as well as spiritual rebirth. Orthodox Christians look forward to the celebration of Epiphany, and when Epiphany comes, believers certainly visit the temple to remember the miraculous moment that completely changed people’s worldview.
How should you bathe during Baptism?
For Orthodox Christians, swimming on this holiday means communion with the Lord's grace, with which God illuminates the water on this day. Also, many believe that illuminated water gives health, both spiritual and physical. At the same time, the church does not allow people to indulge in some kind of magical ritual to this tradition.

How to swim properly?

Jordan or polynyas, where bathing takes place for the holiday, are consecrated. There are no clear rules for people who want to plunge into the ice hole on Epiphany. But it is customary to quickly plunge completely into the ice hole three times. According to tradition, it is believed that on this holiday one should take a dip in shirts, and not in bathing suits, so as not to demonstratively show off one’s body.
Healing and wonderful properties of water
In every consecrated reservoir for this holiday, the water becomes sacred and healing. There is an opinion, and there is a lot of evidence for this, that blessed water at Epiphany has healing and miraculous properties.
With blessed water at Epiphany, you can sanctify your home in order to get rid of demons and bring the grace of the Lord into it.
Holy water is consumed throughout the entire time on an empty stomach, it is carefully stored as a sacred object and is treated various diseases both physical and mental.
People take holy water with them - consecrated water has unique properties of being stored for a long time.
Where can I get illuminated water?
If you decide to take blessed water after ablution, then it is absolutely not necessary to go to the ice hole with canisters. A small bottle is enough. According to Orthodox laws, any water can be sanctified by adding a little Epiphany water to it - from a church or from an ice hole. Divine services in honor of the holiday will be held in all Christian churches on January 18-19. But going to the temple at this particular time is completely optional. As the clergy themselves say, water is sanctified only after a special water-blessing prayer. Access to tanks with sacred water is open in all temples for several days. At the same time, directly at Epiphany, which is quite logical, there will be long queues for blessed water, and it is almost impossible to drive a car to the church. Due to safety precautions, during major church celebrations, parking near churches at a distance of 50 m is prohibited.

When is water collected?

The rite of blessing of water is held on Epiphany Christmas Eve (18th) after the Great Prayer and on the 19th - directly on the feast of Epiphany. During these days, you can take blessed water from every church. All two times the water is blessed in the same way, therefore there is absolutely no difference in what time the water should be collected - on Christmas Eve or directly on Epiphany.
When you want to draw holy water from a regular tap, you need to know what time this can be done. It is necessary to collect water on the 18th between 00-15 and 01-40. But you can collect water later - until 24:00 on the 19th.
What do you need to know before pouring holy water?
It is necessary to collect holy water in an unmarked container - preferably in a special flask purchased at a church store (but never in a beer bottle).
Water should be poured at Epiphany for a reason, but only after participating in a church service (in church) or a prayer service (at home).
There is a belief that consecrated water has healing qualities. This water can be consumed when you are sick on an empty stomach, and can also be used as a wash to maintain your health. You need to drink holy water only with prayer, asking the Lord for health. And it is absolutely not necessary to draw a large supply of water.

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

Epiphany or Epiphany - Christian holiday, which was mentioned back in the third century. It was originally celebrated together with Christmas, but by the fourth century they were separated and have since been celebrated in different days. In Rus', this is a beloved event when the Slavs plunge into an ice hole; this tradition is widely used today. But we must not forget about other customs, for example, congratulating our loved ones on the Epiphany of the Lord. Everyone is pleased to receive good words, is not it? And if your imagination fails you, then you can find congratulations on the Epiphany on our website. Warm and kind poems will appeal to all relatives, friends, comrades and acquaintances.

Congratulations on the holiday of Epiphany in verse

Let the blizzard blow
And it will whiten everything around,
And with the January winter cold
Cleanliness will enter your home.
Your body will be clean
And especially the soul,
If you boldly jump into the hole.
The saint is good!
Take a dip, shake off the ailments,
Wash away mistakes from your soul.
In the lake, in the river and in the sea
Adults and kids
Willpower is demonstrated
Overshadowed by the cross,
They boldly dive naked,
Rejoicing wildly at that!
Enemies prefer
So that the people become weak-willed -
Let them not dream
They don't interfere with our garden!
They will never be able
To understand and conquer us -
The Russian people are pleasing to God!
Happy holiday! And we will live!

Beautiful congratulations on Epiphany in verse

Holy water is the secret of the universe,
Contains a wise power
Let her help give the answer
In matters that are inexplicable.

And let the light of hope, shining in the soul,
Dreams guide you to goodness
And let them not be anymore
Unnecessary suffering for the heart!

Good mood
May it last all year long
Today is Baptism,
Let all sadness go away!

And let it appear in your soul
It's warm from the holiday,
And it will remain warm
Now it's for you!

Short congratulations on Epiphany

Today, discover the joy in yourself,
Baptism has come, don’t be sad!
Wash your face quickly with holy water
And let go of all sorrows in peace!

Let your heart become light,
And thoughts will always be good,
And my soul is pleasant and warm,
Epiphany water will help with this!

Reveals the best feelings of the soul
The holiday of Baptism in people is always
Helps to accomplish such a miracle
Holy water has special powers!

May your soul feel warmer too,
The spirit will become stronger and the will will become stronger,
The song will warm your heart with joy,
To make life look more fun!

SMS congratulations on Epiphany

Feeling happy again
Born in the soul
Joy again for everyone! Baptism!
And the holiday is already here!

It will be washed away with holy water
Unnecessary melancholy
Let everything in fate become controversial,
Let life become easy!

The water today, having become holy,
Grants God's Grace,
You, having washed yourself with that water,
I want to feel it!

And may there be joy again at Epiphany
Sadness will be banished without difficulty,
The soul will feel the longing
Always do good around!

By its own power, the holiday of Epiphany
Love wisely infuses souls,
And a good feeling comes
Banishing sorrows all over again!

I wish you warm joy,
May she continue to live in my heart,
May fate protect you from danger
And confidence in happiness will return!

Holy water, like a miracle,
Capable of healing the soul!
Happy Baptism! Let the heart be
The essence of life is to understand correctly!

Let the power of sadness disappear
Let joy inspire you again,
May sadness leave you with goodness,
Love dreams will come alive!

Simple congratulations on Epiphany

Every time the water is holy
On this day it becomes
Simple congratulations
It comes to you from the heart!

Warmth mental strength
Let it warm you,
And an unquenchable dream
Life guides you!

The world around has changed
As if in an instant,
And joy suddenly shone,
It's Epiphany again!

And let the water become holy
Your sorrows will be washed away,
And let hope again soul
He will open his arms!

Wishes for the holiday of Epiphany

Happy Baptism! Let it be
My heart is instantly light,
Let the soul radiate
Giving others warmth!

Wash yourself with holy water,
All sorrows will pass,
Don't be afraid to go forward,
Your dreams are waiting for you there!

Dream about the future today,
May there be a lot of happiness ahead,
Never be discouraged in life,
And let go of all bad thoughts!

At Epiphany it is possible to consider
All the light that is around in the world,
To accomplish something important in life,
Breaking the circle of unnecessary fuss!

Congratulations on Epiphany for a friend

Poems for you with Epiphany
I hasten to give
So that the joy of the moment
Fasten it to your heart!

Don't let difficulties scare you,
Originated in fate,
May the holiday give opportunities
You can overcome everything!

Epiphany has come again,
Which means for the soul
Possibility of cleansing
The day of giving is in a hurry!

And don't let them touch you
Sadness and vanity
And let it come back to you
A wonderful dream!

Illnesses disappear
Hurry, let it go without a trace,
May joy return
Epiphany water!

And this January day
Let it be remembered
And the answers you need
Absorb from fate!

We are happy at Epiphany,
With love, from the heart
This is congratulations
We are in a hurry to betray you!

Let your heart heal
Trying to see goodness,
Let happiness appear
Let him be warm!

Today we celebrate Epiphany,
A special day that brings goodness,
And the giver soul healing,
And giving warmth to the heart!

Let the light of Love open for you,
Let the meaning of life appear
And your dreams come true to your joy,
Eliminating sorrow and sadness!

Today in my soul
Let love shine
And let the sadness already
Doesn't visit you

Let joy come alive
Changing the mood
Let the holiday come to the house,
Meet Epiphany soon!

The best and beautiful congratulations, wishes, cards, video of the Epiphany

Musical congratulations on baptism

Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Let the baptism water
Will wash away all sorrows forever!
May your cherished wishes always come true
And everything you really want happens sooner!

Peace, kindness, love, prosperity!

Happy Baptism of the Lord greeting cards

Let the Epiphany frosts
Sanctify your dreams.
Let the angel breathe
Drives away your sadness.
Let the baptism water
Will give you health for years!

Congratulations on the upcoming baptism

The Epiphany holiday is coming to us,
May good luck always await you,
Don't you ever be sad
And always be cheerful!

Free congratulations on baptism

Be happy on Epiphany -
Everything wonderful will happen!
And forget about the sad things -
We need to strive for joy!

Free congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Congratulations on your Baptism,
I wish you the best in life,
So that you achieve everything,
May your dreams come true!

Video congratulations on baptism

Video congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Video congratulations on the baptism of the Lord download free

Video congratulations on baptism free download

Video congratulations on the baptism of the Lord for free

Beautiful congratulations on your baptism

Baptism today is not an easy day
All people go to temples for water
May grace descend on this day
And faith will warm you in the cold!

Epiphany 2021 congratulations

I wish you on Epiphany
Never know grief
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May trouble go your way!

Epiphany congratulations short

You pray for Epiphany -
The Lord makes dreams come true!
So that all your plans come true,
I wish you this holiday!

Baptism pictures congratulations

This day is mysterious and winter
I congratulate you
And on the Epiphany of the Lord
I wish you happiness!

Congratulations on baptism in prose

Today Epiphany is one of the brightest holidays of the year. Love each other, support each other in any situation and be happy.

Congratulations on your baptism on January 19

What should I wish for you on Epiphany?
So that you are always healthy,
And let the mood be good,
Blessed water will give it to you!

Congratulations on baptism funny short

What should I wish for you on Epiphany?
May you always be healthy
And let the good mood
Blessed water will give you!

Congratulations on baptism SMS short

Today is the Epiphany of the Lord.
May the holy day take you away
Sadness, failure, adversity
Love and purification will bring into life.

Congratulations on your baptism

I congratulate you on your Baptism
Today with all my heart,
And I wish you the best!
May God be with you!

Congratulations on baptism in verse

Jordan water, Epiphany water -
They contain the holy spirit and universal power!
May the Epiphany water fill you with happiness
And soul, and heart, and home - forever!

Congratulations on baptism in beautiful verses

Let the church chime
Bring happiness to your home!
Sprinkle you on Epiphany
Home with native holy water!
When will you meet your love?

Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Forget all the bad things
Wash your thoughts
Happy Epiphany
Raise your aspirations!

Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord in prose

I congratulate you on the greatest Orthodox holidays - Epiphany and Epiphany! I wish that God’s holy grace would descend on you. So that the body and soul, washing with consecrated water, are filled with health, lightness, and joy. So that pain, annoyance, disappointment, hatred and vices go away, and in their place peace, tranquility and harmony reign in the soul!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord and I sincerely wish you to overcome your fears and doubts, firmly believe in success and truly feel happiness in life. Let the fire of love burn in your heart, let joy and hope lurk in your soul.

Happy Baptism of the Lord! May the Lord God show you his mercy and condescension on this day and forgive you for all your sins. I wish you to renew, rejuvenate and find happiness, peace and comfort.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord. I wish that the wind of good and happy changes blows from four sides in life, that your path is marked by God’s grace and luck, that your health grows stronger every day, like Epiphany frosts, that joy and a bright smile are present in your every moment.

Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord in verse

Every year in Epiphany frosts
Sacred water appears!
Sprinkle it on your loved ones
And all troubles will disappear forever!

Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord in beautiful verses

A miraculous power came down from heaven.
Holy water gave healing.
The Baptism of the Lord is grace to the soul.
Give the love of the whole world to people.

Beautiful congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Happy Epiphany.
I congratulate you with all my heart!
The bright holiday has come today,
I wish you goodness and peace!

Cool congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

I hasten to congratulate you on your Epiphany
And wish you purity
All thoughts and all aspirations,
Health, happiness and love!

Short congratulations on baptism

May the Angels protect you
And guard your sound sleep
Let loved ones not know grief
And the Lord will be nearby!

Free baptism greeting cards

For light, kindness, warmth and happiness
They ruled both in the heart and in fate.
I smiled so that luck would happen more often, -
I wish you sincerely.

Congratulations on baptism free download

May the unquenchable candle of faith
It will not fade away, it will give warmth,
And Holy Epiphany
The path of goodness and love will illuminate.

Congratulations on the holiday of baptism

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
A glorious holiday of peace and happiness!
And I want to wish you today
So that there is no bad weather in life!
Pray at the old icons.

Download video congratulations on baptism

The long-awaited day of Epiphany!
We look forward to forgiveness!
Your sins will be taken away
Just ask hard!

It is important to pray very much
And wash yourself with holy water!
This is how the soul is cleansed.
Life will become easy and good!

May faith help you in everything
May the divine, generous fire
Your heart warms with warmth!

Download video congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord,
A wonderful holiday of a pure soul.
Let's wish to be forever free
From sins, evil deeds, and lies.

Download congratulations on baptism

With a pure soul, as after Epiphany,
I wish you to live this whole year.
Then you will be happy, without a doubt,
And every day will bring good luck!

On this day die your pride,
Be an equal among equals
Just before bathing,
Don't forget to pray.

Download congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

May all your sins be forgiven,
What they did willy-nilly,
And may my baptismal verses
They will find a reflection in your share.

May God accept your prayers,
Will give cleansing,
On the day of the Baptism of Christ
He will bless you for good.

Everyone is rewarded according to their faith,
And don't forget this:
May the holiday be a success on Epiphany
Start a new life with a clean slate!

Download congratulations on the baptism of the Lord for free

Finally we are here today
Let's celebrate the Epiphany with joy!
We wish you happiness and purity!
Hope, peace, beauty!
Let's forget about grievances and sadness!
Let it be a wonderful holiday!

Funny congratulations on baptism

Everyone knows the Epiphany frosts,
City cold and country cold,
But no one is afraid of them
Everyone needs healing Epiphany water.

Happy Baptism of the Lord to you, friends,
Get ready quickly, it's time for prayer.
May the Lord protect you every day,
He will generously reward you for pure thoughts.

SMS congratulations on baptism

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord!
And don’t let the frosts scare you!
This day is famous for its consecration,
We are clean, and it’s easier for everyone to breathe!

SMS congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Happy wonderful day, sacred day
Happy Holy Epiphany!
Light water can help!

Happy Epiphany Day!
And with some holy water!
Happiness and health to loved ones
And my deepest bow!

Holiday Epiphany- one of the most ancient holidays of the Christian Church. Epiphany celebrates the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. During baptism, according to the Gospels, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven declared: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

The word “baptize”, “baptize”, means in Greek “immerse in water.” It is impossible to understand the meaning and importance of baptism without first understanding the symbolic and real meaning of water in the Old Testament. Water is the beginning of life. It is from water fertilized by the life-giving Spirit that all living beings will come into being. Where there is no water, there is a desert. But water can both destroy and destroy - just as God filled sins with the water of the great flood and destroyed human evil. John's baptism was symbolic and meant that just as the body is washed and cleansed with water, so the soul of a person who repents and believes in the Savior will be cleansed from all sins by Christ.

According to the Gospel story, after his baptism, Jesus Christ, led by the Spirit, withdrew into the desert in order to prepare in solitude, prayer and fasting to fulfill the mission with which he came to earth. Jesus “was tempted by the devil for forty days and did not eat anything during these days, but after they were over, he was finally hungry.” Then the devil approached him and, with three seductions, tried to tempt him to sin, like any other person.

After the Baptism of Christ, baptism for people is no longer just a symbol of cleansing. Here Jesus revealed Himself to the world as the Christ, the Son of God. “I have seen, I testify: He is God’s Chosen One,” confirms John the Baptist. Epiphany revealed to us the great Divine mystery of the Holy Trinity. Now everyone who is baptized participates in this mystery.

In Russia, on the night of Epiphany, it is customary to bless water. The clergy wear white robes for this holiday. There is also a custom of fortune telling at Epiphany, unacceptable by the church, associated with ancient pagan traditions. The Russian folk calendar identifies the holiday of Epiphany with frosts, the so-called. "Epiphany frosts."

More detailed information about the holiday: when it is celebrated, the history of the holiday, traditions of celebration and Interesting Facts look in the calendar →

Today is Epiphany Christmas Eve - the evening of January 18th. There are many traditions and signs associated with it, in particular, all people collect holy water. Epiphany water is considered healing.

This is the final holiday in a series of New Year's holidays, so it should be celebrated properly. We have prepared for you best congratulations Happy Epiphany in prose and verse so that you can congratulate as many people as possible.

Best congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

So he came to every sacred house and magical holiday Epiphany. On this wonderful and divine day, I would like to wish everyone peace, kindness, honesty and justice. May a miracle live in your hearts and give you bright hope for a wonderful future. I wish you good health, inner warmth that warms your soul and heart, success in all your endeavors. I wish that on this bright day you will be surrounded by family, loved ones and close people. May your homes be filled with joy, laughter and positivity.

May this holiday wash away all sorrows and bring the best to life. Let him give good health, endless happiness and desired success, and most importantly, will be a reason for joyful events in the coming year.

I congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord and sincerely wish that drops of holy water will give vigor, strength and health to the body, that on this day a new bright and good path will open before your eyes, that there will be no moments of sadness in life, but only love and hope will warm your heart.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord and I want to wish that your health is as strong as Epiphany frosts, that clean water will wash away all sadness and sadness, that life will have a happy and prosperous continuation, that the bright light of hope and love will illuminate the soul and heart.

Congratulations in verse

Let the Epiphany frosts
Along with holy water
Threats will keep you away.
And illness aside
They will definitely bypass you,
There is no doubt about it,
After all, Epiphany water is a miracle
Protects you from all troubles!

They say that on this night the sky opens.
You can even wish for whatever you want.
On the day of the Epiphany the bells will ring,
Everyone will be blessed, from great to small!
Let the water cleanse the soul, resurrect faith in the heart,
And the Lord will hear us all and forgive us our mistakes.

I congratulate you on the greatest Orthodox holidays of Epiphany and Epiphany! I wish that God’s holy grace descends on you, that your body and soul, washing with consecrated water, are filled with health, lightness, and joy, that pain, annoyance, disappointment, hatred and vices go away, and that peace, tranquility and harmony reign in your soul in their place !

On the bright day of the Lord's Baptism
I wish you all earthly bounties.
May souls and bodies be cleansed
On this day it will come down to you from heaven.

The blessings of earthly and God's grace
I want to wish you now.
Let everything be on time and by the way,
May the Lord protect you.

May everything in life be easy for you.
And may the Epiphany water
What is pouring from everywhere today,
Will wash away all the bad forever!

On the bright day of Epiphany
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you
Happiness, joy, goodness, health,
May grace descend upon you!

Pure thoughts, warmth and understanding,
Peace and harmony around,
Warmth, love and compassion.
And you will know neither troubles nor separations.

Let faith warm your soul,
Let hope not leave you,
Don’t let your mind stop your heart from listening,
Let sadness not touch your eyes.

On the Epiphany of the Lord,
Holy water,
Sorrows and adversity,
Wash it away from your soul and heart!
On the Epiphany of the Lord,
I want to wish
You love, health,
May God's grace
It will help you with everything,
Will guide, protect,
It will increase faith
Strengthens hope!

On the great day of the Baptism of the Lord, I wish to be cleansed with holy water and remain pure in soul, healthy in spirit and strong in faith. Be happy and loved.

On this special day filled with holiness, I would like to wish you harmony, peace of mind, tranquility and idyll. May heaven protect your soul, and may the angels protect your home from evil and troubles. Happy Baptism of the Lord to you, do not lose faith in good things, and it will certainly help in difficult times.

Congratulations on Orthodox holiday- Epiphany! May the Almighty sanctify your heart with peace, happiness and health. Beautiful spirit, wisdom and patience to your home!

The bright holiday is coming,
Brings us joy and forgiveness.
We forget about problems
I congratulate you on your Baptism!

Let the house be filled with warmth,
The soul will be humble and pure.
Let all adversity be a dream,
And life is happy and radiant!

Be healthy and congratulate all your loved ones! Don't forget to give it a thumbs up!)