Congratulations on Tatyana's Day: short, funny, in poetry and prose, for students. Congratulations on Tatyana's Day in prose Congratulations on Tatyana's Day in verse

Tatyana's Day has long been going along with the holiday of all students. Therefore, on January 25, both Tatyana and the students are congratulated. If Tatyana is a student, then congratulations for her should be doubly interesting and pleasant.

However, congratulations on Tatyana’s Day do not necessarily have to be associated with students. Girls named Tatyana, as a rule, are sincere and kind natures. If Tani is in your environment, then be sure to find cool congratulations Happy Tatyana's Day. In particular, this article will help you fulfill this mission and properly congratulate Tatyana.

And if you are secretly in love with Tatyana and want to confess it to her on this special day, invite her on a date. You can read about that on our website.

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day:

On Angel Day, I wish you, Tanya, that you never lose heart. So that life gives fulfillment of desires and prosperity. May a beautiful smile always shine on your lips. You deserve happy years of life! Happy holiday!

This funny sms congratulations on student's day, which can also be used to congratulate Tatiana students. I wish only A's in life, so that only these grades will be in the record book. Let also your first wages there will be five zeros, and a five in the garage. Happy holiday! Happy Student's Day and Tatyana's Day!

On Tatiana's day, I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires. Let your smile always shine, and let there be no disappointments in life. They always want to be so smart, beautiful and passionate. For all Tatiana and, in particular, for you!

Laws of student life as rules traffic. Under no circumstances should you fall asleep on the road, and you have to pay for exams. Tatyana, you have already learned what being a student is and I wish you not to slow down in life. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day on January 25: you should also send cool SMS to your girlfriend. I wish you, my beloved friend Tanechka, that there will be a lot of joy, luck and success in your life. So that you meet that worthy one and only person who will make your every day special. Never be discouraged! Happy Angel Day!

Today is Student's Day and Tatyana's Day. I would like to wish you that celebration accompanies every day. Student life is a time of freedom and conquering heights. I wish you to always be lucky in life and, despite your age, to always achieve any desired peak!

Dear Tanya! I wish you to live and enjoy every day of your life. Let love bring only joy and happiness, let work be to your liking and promise financial well-being. Never make mistakes and always be the same sincere and kind person!

Dear Tanechka, your angel’s day falls on Student’s Day. Perhaps that’s why you’re always a student at heart: responsive and a kind person. Let these qualities help you create miracles in life. Believe in yourself and never give up. I'm sure you deserve to win. Happy Angel Day!

You are Tanechka, and these words are only about you: demanding and awesome, gentle and unique, enchanting and simply angelically beautiful. Happy Angel Day, may luck always be with you, and may your guardian angel protect and help!

When on Student's Day we put the scholarship into a common pot and went to celebrate this holiday. Your student years are behind you, but January 25 is still a holiday for you. After all, you are Tatyana. I wish you to be lucky in life, and that the holiday will always be in your soul. Learn new things and taste life. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day: SMS may not contain all the gentle and kind words, but you have to try.

I immediately congratulate you and wish you happiness and goodness on Tatiana’s day. May good luck always accompany you and may your health be good. You deserve all the best, so let your dreams come true! Hooray!

Wake up, stop sleeping! January 25 has arrived, which means it’s your angel’s day. I wish you to relax today and truly enjoy every minute. Let them wish you a lot of good things, but I just want to wish that all this good stuff will come true. Happy holiday!

Your name means “organizer” and it suits you perfectly. You achieve everything in life yourself. We love you very much for your sociability and relaxedness. Since your student years, you, Tanechka, have been the life of the party. We wish you good friends and only the best in life. Happy Angel Day!

Tanya, you are like that wonderful person that she deserved this holiday. Enjoy your day to the fullest, accept congratulations and gifts. But don’t forget that tomorrow is a new everyday day, get ready for it, and good wishes that you hear today, may they come true and help you make all your desires come true!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day! Let every page of your life be exciting and interesting. Let new acquaintances be good, work pleases you financially, and love never fades away. Happy Angel Day!

To come up with congratulations on Tatyana’s Day in verse, you don’t have to use already well-known and boring templates. We suggest turning to the classics of Russian literature and finding beautiful quatrains in which the author has put all the feelings and emotions that on Tatyana’s Day you want to wish the girl with this delightful name.

And if your girl’s name is Tatyana, then arrange for her, she will be very pleased.

It is very important that you say or write congratulations on Tatyana’s Day from the bottom of your heart. Remember that everything desired by another person will certainly come back to us in one form or another. We also congratulate Tatyana on her holiday, and all past and present students on Student’s Day!

On January 25, Russia celebrates double holiday date- Tatyana's Day and the holiday of Russian students. Historically, both celebrations were initially not related to each other, but later Saint Tatiana the Great Martyr began to be considered the patroness of all students. The roots of the holiday go back to the times of persecution of Christians. At that time, a girl was born into a family of rich people, later nicknamed Tatyana Rimskaya (Kreshchenskaya). Having taken a vow of chastity, she observed it and lived sinlessly. During the intensified repression of Christians by pagans, the girl was captured. She was tortured for a long time, persuading her to renounce Jesus and convert to paganism, but the faith of the fearless Christian was stronger than the fear of death. Realizing that the power of faith cannot be broken by torture, the girl’s head was cut off. The Church (both Orthodox and Catholic) honors the memory of Tatiana the Great Martyr. However, today in Russia congratulations on Tatyana’s Day are associated with another event, this time a cultural one. On January 25, 1755, Moscow University was founded, and two and a half centuries later, in 2005, Student Day was established. Today it is a national holiday, congratulations on which concern not only students and all Tan, but also believers. On January 25, it is customary to exchange cards and congratulate each other in poetry and prose. Students send congratulatory SMS to their classmates.

Short congratulations on Tatyana's Day - Cool quatrains for Student's Day on January 25

The tradition of organizing student celebrations dates back to the time of Nicholas I. Then all university students began their holidays. Naturally, young people threw noisy parties and had fun in the streets until the morning. According to established tradition, even today, having met a drunk student on Tatiana’s day on the street, the police let him go only after making a remark. Of course, on Tatyana’s day it is customary to congratulate all Tatyanas. They are given cards, flowers, sweets. If the student’s name is Tanya, they always congratulate her in a special way - by the whole group, or even by the whole course. On January 25, Student's Day, it is customary to congratulate teachers. There are many beliefs associated with the holiday of Russian students, one of which, they say, works flawlessly. It is believed that a student will get a lucky ticket in an exam or pass all tests perfectly if he performs a certain ritual. Everything is just ridiculous. On Tatyana's day, in the morning, you should go out onto the balcony or lean out of the window, holding an open grade book in your hand. Having shouted: “Freebie, come!”, the student is supposed to wait for a response. If he hears the words “Already on the way,” good luck in exams and tests! Often funny quatrains on Tatiana's Day as a student holiday describe precisely this cheerful tradition.

Let the session pass easily,
And the couple moves quickly.
Let the exam succeed
When a student is waiting for a freebie.

Let the teacher forget
What does it mean to be strict?
Let the student try
Sometimes you should learn something!

Happy Student's Day! Be always
Energetic, young,
Don't lag behind others
Pass the session for “5”
And fall in love many times
So that the fire in your eyes does not go out!

Let the wine flow like a river,
And there is loud laughter,
Youth is given once in a lifetime,
Let's celebrate Student's Day without interruption!

Today is Student's Day!
Which means that in the morning,
Us applicant
It's time to “download”!

We congratulate you on your warmth,
And we wish you great blessings!
Filled glass
We celebrate your holiday!

Sincere congratulations on Tatyana's Day, January 25 - Short congratulatory SMS for Tatyana

In the Christian world, on January 25, all believers are congratulated on Tatiana's Day - a holiday dedicated to Tatiana of Epiphany. Catholics and Orthodox Christians exchange sincere congratulations, kind words. Services are held in churches in honor of the great martyr. Students celebrate their holiday. On January 25, short congratulatory SMS messages are sent to Tanya in poetry and prose. Both future applicants and university graduates receive many congratulations on the student’s holiday. The holiday takes place not only in churches, but also on the streets, in hostels, and in houses. January 25 on TV and radio broadcast official congratulations Happy Russian Student Day, wishing future young specialists success in their studies and easy passing of tests and exams.

Happy Tatiana Day to all Tatianas!
Happy holiday, girls!
May life be successful
Fabulous, rich!

Good grooms to you
And excellent husbands,
Wonderful kids
Cute, cute!

Chic and simple
Astronomically beautiful!

And all this is about you! Happy holiday!

Dear Tanyusha, today is your Angel Day. And therefore, I am ready to fulfill all your desires, obey you unquestioningly, carry you in my arms, give you compliments and gifts... but only for one day. Happy holiday, Tanya and great happiness!

What can I wish for you, Tatyana?
Love, goodness, two oceans,
Happiness was overflowing.
Receive gifts more often.

So that your health does not fail you,
To get everything from life.
So that the tears are only from happiness,
So that you never know bad weather.

Be sincere, always loved,
For everyone's loved ones - unique.
Never be upset
Let spring live in your soul.

Good congratulations on Tatyana's day to Tatyana the birthday girl - Congratulatory poems and cards for the day of January 25

According to tradition, many girls born on January 25 are called Tatyana. In addition to flowers and things useful for the baby (diapers, pacifiers, strollers), the parents of little Tanya are given Greeting Cards with poems in honor of the girl Tanya, who was born on such a significant day. On their birthday, adult Tanya birthday girls are given icons of Tatiana the Great Martyr of Rome, gifts, including congratulatory poems of their own composition. Tanya, born on January 25, especially students, are happy to receive so much attention and so many sincere and good congratulations happy birthday.

Happy Tatiana Day, dear!
Always be yourself!
Good news will come soon
To your cozy home,
Because to all Tatianas,
Happiness is affordable these days!

Happy Tatyana's Day!
Walk proudly through life with your name,
In Tatiana there is beauty and strength and authority,
Tatiana is successful, they are ahead!

Today is the best holiday
Birthday girl - Tanyusha,
Let it be good
You always have a soul
Let your heart be kind
And he doesn’t know about sadness!

Official congratulations on Tatyana's Day - Congratulatory speech in prose for the student's holiday on January 25

Since Tatiana’s Day is a double holiday in Russia (ecclesiastical and secular), compatriots hear congratulations on January 25 from both government officials and clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church. On TV, officials congratulate all students on their holiday in prose; In churches there are services in memory of Tatiana the Great Martyr, among the people people simply sincerely congratulate each other in their own words.
Happy Student's Day! I wish you good luck, energy, inspiration, bright impressions, easy exams, interesting events. Let your student years pass easily, carefree and leave pleasant memories for life. Let today's holiday be super fun and reckless!

Dear student! I congratulate you on your student holiday and wish you not to lose heart, but to valiantly go through the jungle of sessions, exams and tests. I wish you to gnaw on the granite of science with interest and gain knowledge that will be useful to you in the future. I wish you to get the profession you dream of. And, of course, I wish you good luck, without which a student cannot do without.

Probably the most fun and active times in a person’s life are the student years, the years of accomplishments, falling in love, impulses and disappointments. Every day brings something new, unusual, fresh in perception. And it doesn’t matter, even if you are no longer a student at all, the main thing is not to lose the thread inside that binds the student fraternity together. Congratulations to all students: past, present and future, and I wish you to spend this day in such a way that there is something to remember for the whole year, or better yet, for the rest of your life!

Beautiful congratulations in verses for the holiday Tatiana's Day - Congratulatory poems for January 25

Tatyana's day is both sad and fun party simultaneously. Yes, the entire Christian world mourns the death of the Great Martyr, but glorifies her actions worthy of admiration, glorifies the steadfastness of her faith in Christ and the Heavenly Father. Even cheerful students go to churches to light candles for the repose of Tatyana Rimskaya, asking her to give them success in their studies and grant them ease in passing tests and exams. Tanya, students, believers, and those born on January 25, a special day for Russia and the entire Christian world, receive congratulatory poems.

Tatyana's day has already come -
A joker, entertainer and impudent.
Let him help you pass the test,
It will instantly save you from boring lectures,
Will give you many bright days,
Love and loyal friends!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day
To everyone who loves this day,
Who is not afraid of a blizzard?
Who has happiness like a shadow.

Let people respect you
They give joy and warmth,
Let no one offend
Let goodness live in the house.

Happy Tatyana's Day!
I wish you good mood!
So that the holiday is good,
Unlike others!
I wish everyone happiness
Dear friends!

Greeting cards on Tatiana's Day - Congratulations on January 25th in funny pictures and short poems

Today, ready-made postcards for a student’s holiday or Tatiana’s Day, signed with beautiful and funny poems, can be bought at any Soyuzpechat stall, bookstore or souvenir shop. However, think how much more pleasant it will be for the recipient to receive from you your own greeting cards and funny short poems of your own composition. It is not at all necessary to be a good artist or poet - you can compose poems yourself, and draw a picture on a postcard together with your friends!

Happy Tatyana Day to you, ladies!!!
Always be happy and blush with love.
The holiday falls on a winter day in January,
And let lilacs bloom in your souls!

On the wonderful day of St. Tatiana,
The rector and associate professor will congratulate you,
Gnawing the granite of science zealously,
Don't be discouraged, our brother, student.

The cards are in your hands today,
Go out and be a little drunk
On your holiday there is no place for boredom,
And don’t forget, congratulate Tatyana.

Give joy, compliments,
Walk safely until the morning,
I congratulate you, students,
And in your honor - Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Beautiful girls named Tatyana,
Today we congratulate you tirelessly!
And happy holiday to all students!
To bravely reach your diploma!

Student, study diligently and with dignity!
Otherwise you will be an ignoramus who sucks.
And then you won’t see any cool work,
Which means money and something else!

And remember that you only need a diploma,
All the teachers learned theirs a long time ago!
Let there be parties, only in moderation
Well, so that the ancestors don’t pester you in the future!

When preparing congratulations on Tatyana’s Day to family, friends and just good acquaintances, keep in mind that January 25 is a double holiday. It is celebrated both as a Christian and as a secular celebration. If you have friends or relatives who are students, treat January 25th as Student’s Day by presenting greeting cards and short funny poems to the recipients appropriate for the holiday. When you congratulate a believer, be more serious. It is better to present congratulations to Christians discreetly, in prose or in beautiful poetry. If for various reasons you cannot congratulate a person in person, a short telephone message - SMS - will do its job perfectly - it will reach the recipient, and he will understand that he is valued and loved.

SMS congratulations on Tatyana's Day, January 25

Tatyana's Day, January 25, is the main and favorite holiday of all students, celebrated throughout Russia since 1755. This holiday was invented and made so popular by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. Why is Tatyana’s Day, Students’ Day, celebrated on January 25? The fact is that January 25 is the day of the Great Martyr Tatiana. And it was on January 25, 1775 that the Empress signed a decree according to which Moscow University was established.

For more than 200 years of its history, Tatyana’s Day has been loved by all students; it is celebrated in universities across the country: from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg. Tatiana's Day 2013 is celebrated by students not only in their educational institutions(here, most often, the official part of the holiday takes place), but also in clubs and concerts at the largest city venues.

In 2005, with the stroke of a pen, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order according to which Tatyana's Day on January 25 became an official holiday

“I congratulate you on Tatyana’s Day”
Congratulations on Tatyana's Day
Let the best only remain in him,
May your dreams come true soon,
And the bad things in life will be forgotten faster!”

“Well, Tatyana, celebrate!”
Well, Tatyana, celebrate!
Conquer the men closest to you!
Today is your day,
I wish you vigor and strength!

“Congratulations on Tatyana’s Day”
Congratulations on Tatyana's Day,
And I wish you to be successful.
To get wish,
Don't be afraid of anything!

“Set the table for us!”
Tatyana, the holiday is the best
Today I came in your honor!
May you remain a beautiful lady
And set the table for us!

Happy Student's Day, Happy Tatyana's Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Let every day be spicy
Don't let the record book scare you.

Let the exams pass,
And the scholarship is growing
Friends remain close!
Happy Student's Day, people!

We studied, we were not lazy,
We passed the sessions
And now, on Tatyana’s day
The end of the depression has come.

Let's, let's rest,
We'll drink and dance.
Let's finally have some fun
And let's say goodbye to worries.

Only tomorrow is a new day,
We are learning laziness again.
And today, congratulations,
I wish you a lot of joy.

Share one sausage
For twenty eight people
No one can ever
Doesn't go to university.

Tatiana's day is today, which means
You can go for a walk with friends.
Well, at the session I wish
You only get “five” in your record book.

Student's Day beckons
Break away and buzz.
Even teachers sometimes
They get drunk to death!

In the wall newspaper we see a summary:
The dean himself told us to go for a walk!
Get the vodka quickly
We need to pour it faster!

I congratulate you very clearly,
I'm drunk, but I speak lovingly.
I wish you a record
I handed over everything for you!

Blush, cheerful, smart, charming! Congratulations on Tatyana's Day!

Happy you, Tatyana! But still – be even happier! Happy holiday!

To the unique and such any Tanya on her holiday, I send a kiss and congratulations!

May happiness warm you all winter, then until spring and beyond! Happy Tatyana's Day!

Tatyana, you are the decoration of our world, everyone’s favorite! Happy Tatyana's Day to you!

Tanya, when such a holiday warms up the winter, it’s not at all scary! Happy Tatyana's Day!

Be the happiest and remain as beautiful, Tatyana! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day! May your life be sweet as honey!

To dear Tanya, whom I do not hesitate to call princess, my congratulations on this day!

No matter what flowers you compare to, Tatyana, you are much more beautiful than them! Happy holiday!

To the master of baking pies and dancing, our beloved Tatyana, on her holiday - our congratulations!

Happy Tatyana's Day! May you, Tatyana, have a sea of ​​pearls and reasons to smile!

Pretty girls like our Tanechka simply must be happy! Happy Tatyana's Day!

January 25th is always the most beautiful morning for the whole winter! Because today is Tatyana's day! Congratulations!

Happy Tatyana's Day! How I want to give you a lush bouquet and delicious sweets! I'll probably do that...

Which lady will we captivate today on the holiday, whirl around in a dance? Our Tatyana! Congratulations on Tatyana's Day!

All fairy-tale princesses, without a doubt, are inferior in beauty to our Tatiana! Happy holiday!

Dear Tanya! May all sciences be easy for you! Even making meringues is quantum physics!

Tatiana's Day received its name in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome, a deaconess who devoted her entire life to church service and was subjected to persecution and terrible torture before death for her Christian faith. However, even the executioners were shocked by the steadfastness with which she endured these tortures, refused to carry out cruel orders, and asked her for forgiveness.

Starting from January 12 (25), 1755, the day on which Empress Elizabeth signed a decree that was especially significant for the state on the opening of the first university in Moscow, the holiday acquired another status - university. This status was subsequently confirmed by the Decree of Nicholas I, and the date officially began to be celebrated as. Its celebration was solemn, magnificent and, at the same time, very cheerful. It remains just as bright today, and by a special Decree of the President of Russia dated January 25, 2005, the date was designated as the Day of Russian Students.

Dear and sweet Tatyana, I congratulate you on Angel’s Day. May your heart be shrouded in warmth and tenderness on this frosty winter day. I wish that every dream of yours soon becomes a reality, and that there is always room in your soul for new, sweet dreams. Let them only be nearby the best people, always ready to support you, understand and come to your aid.

May your guardian angel never leave you. I wish that his presence creates a feeling of happiness, warmth and security in your soul. I wish you harmony, peace of mind and prosperity in everything. Happy holiday!

Happy Tatyana's Day! I wish you to be a happy Tanya, sweet Tatyana, cheerful Tanya, confident Tanya. May the January blizzards sweep away all your sorrows, may fate give you the opportunity to fulfill all your dreams. Love and be loved, live beautifully and enjoy every day!

T - hardworking,
A - neat,
N - tender,
Yu - humorous,
Sh - chic,
K - beautiful,
A - angelic.
I sincerely congratulate you on Angel's Day! May fate give you all earthly blessings, and may your life’s path be like a heavenly flight: it will be just as easy, smooth and calm. By nature, Tatyana is all a dreamer, so let your dreams fly to the star of wish fulfillment and, having come true, fall with the speed of a meteor shower into your palms. Happy holiday, Tatyana!

Congratulations on St. Tatiana's Day! May your patron saint always protect you and your loved ones from harm, help in difficult times and support you on all paths of life. May your heart shine with heavenly joy and overflow with happiness every moment!

Dear owners of beautiful strong name Tatiana! We cordially congratulate you on your name day, we wish you beauty, harmony in the soul, personal happiness, the joy of meetings, warmth, success in all your endeavors.

Dear Tanechka! Congratulations on your holiday! You deserve all the best and the best, most sincere wishes. Flutter like a bird with happiness and love. Be successful, stylish, fashionable, charming and cool. May every weekday throw you pleasant surprises, bright and unforgettable moments. Let kindness and care warm your soul. Don’t regret anything, and let your life be a fairy tale where all your dreams come true.

Dear Tanya, Tatyana and Tanyusha! Congratulations on your angel day! I wish you, lovely people, health, feminine and maternal happiness, a carefree life, boundless love and great success in all your endeavors. Beautiful Tatyana is the patroness of students, so I would like to congratulate them too! And wish you to appreciate youth, not waste time and do only what you love, find your way in life and self-realization. I wish you health, love and good luck!

Congratulations on Tatyana’s Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a sweet smile and happy laughter, good hopes and cherished desires, sweet dreams and eternal beauty, true happiness and true love, sweet moments of life and a wonderful mood.

I congratulate you Tanya! I wish you only happiness, smiles and goodness. So that your life is radiant and bright, so that it is full of beauty and love. I wish you to strive forward and achieve what you want. I wish you never to be lazy and not to skimp on emotions. May the world always reward you with kindness, for your openness and sincerity with which you walk through life. Happy Tatyana's Day!