Congratulations to the priest on Angel's Day. Congratulations to the rector on Angel Day! Your Eminence, dear Bishop and Father

One of the small dates in the life of a Christian is his name day, or the so-called Angel Day. In other words, this is the day of remembrance of the Saint - the patron saint of a specific person, in whose honor, in fact, he was named. In this regard, congratulations on Angel Day are becoming increasingly popular. For those who want to congratulate loved ones on this day, we offer a selection of original and beautiful wishes.

You can congratulate a churchgoer on Angel’s Day with an original and succinct statement in prose. Such sayings are filled with deep spiritual meaning, purity, and sincerity. A believing birthday person will certainly be pleased to receive such a blessed wish on such an important day for him.

Advice. It is believed that the most important part of congratulations on the occasion of a name day is prayer. On the day of the angel of the person being congratulated, you should pray for him in the temple.

To do this, you can visit a church and even simply order a prayer service (ideally, to the patron saint of the birthday person). As for gifts, on such a day church-related items - icons, souvenirs from holy places, etc. - will become relevant.

  1. I congratulate you on Angel’s Day and wish that through his prayers all your affairs will be settled, and you will find peace both here and in the future life. May the Lord God himself protect you for many good years. Happy holiday again!
  2. On this joyful day for us - your name day. We want to wish you that your very best friend came to you as rarely as possible, since friends, as you know, are known in trouble. So, we wish you as little troubles and troubles as possible, so that your guardian angel has almost no work. We also wish you joy and happiness, health and success on your journey, may the sun always shine above your head, and may there be a little helper behind you!
  3. On this day you celebrate not your birthday, but the birthday of your angel. I want to congratulate him on this date. I don’t know how old he is, but today he is the most beautiful of the birds. Well, for you, I want to wish that you never part, that your angel will always be behind you, protecting you from all troubles and misfortunes. I wish you a kind and faithful assistant who will protect you from any bad weather with his wing!
  4. I see very good man. I want to wish that there is not a single cloudy day in his life! So that the angel would protect his every move, help in any endeavors, illuminate the path of life and cover him with his wing! And I also want to say that this person deserves to be my best friend. I wish for him that he will find support not only in heaven, but also here among us, his friends! Happy Angel Day to you!

How to briefly congratulate you on your name day

It is no secret that deeply religious people who have made serving God not just a periodic duty, but a part of their lives, are usually as simple as possible, even ascetic in their preferences. A short, laconic, sincere wish is quite suitable for them.

When composing or choosing such congratulations, you should refrain from pomp, pompous phrases and pathos.

For less religious people, you should also not choose voluminous and ornate congratulations - as a rule, for them this holiday is not in the very first place on the list of significant dates. Thus, it is better to save flowery and lengthy congratulations for a more secular occasion, such as a birthday.

Advice. The word “name day” is considered symbolic and indicates the name of the person’s patron saint and, accordingly, the birthday person himself. Soulful small ones Orthodox congratulations On Angel's Day, it is appropriate to make them personalized - this will add originality and effectiveness to the wish. For this purpose, just look at the selection of thematic congratulations and choose suitable for the occasion Name.

  1. Happy Angel Day! Let the wings of happiness

They carry you at full speed

To the bright and beautiful heights,

Where only love and joy await!

  1. Today is your Angel Day!

God bless you good health!

Let only peace lurk in your hearth,

Warmed with happiness, joy, love!

  1. You know how to stand up for yourself,

I know you believe in kindness.

And always full of ideas,

Friendly with a sense of humor!

May everything in life be smooth,

Home, family are always in order,

Great success awaits you

Happiness, joy, peace and laughter!

  1. Together with the sun we will give

This world is big for you,

A person with a kind heart

And with an open soul.

We wish you happiness in life

And love to the hero of the day.

Let on the road of life

The angels are watching over you.

Congratulations in verse

The poetic form of congratulations is always beautiful and impressive. Masterpieces composed by the donor himself are especially successful. But those who lack the gift of versification should not despair. A selection of original poems dedicated to the day of the angel will help to adequately congratulate the birthday person.

Advice. Having decided to express your wishes in poetic form, you should again adhere to the principle of brevity. In all Christian treatises, modesty and meekness are recognized as virtues. It would be useful to follow it in terms of congratulations.

Of course, it is better to refrain from funny and humorous poems on this day - for such congratulations you can choose other holidays, less constrained by conventions.

  1. Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you,

I wish you all earthly blessings,

And so that the Angel flies without falling behind,

So that he protects and that’s the only way!

After all, it is he who saves us from everything,

And he protects us for his relatives,

Only he knows your way,

Only he, the holiest of saints!

  1. Happy Angel Day

I sincerely want

It's an important day, rightfully so.

Like a fairy tale in reality.

May the angel be strong

You always believe him

Along the long road

He will guide you.

He is your friend and protector

And on this important day

You are together, you are one,

Like the sun's light and shadow!

  1. Mark it on your calendar

A magical holiday, an important day,

May your guardian angel always

It will be a support for you.

And in agreement with him, in love

You must live

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

May only happiness await you ahead!

  1. I congratulate you on Angel's Day

I hurry you from the bottom of my heart,

May he always guide you

He's on the right track.

It definitely helps

Will protect you from mistakes

Angelic blessing

It will protect you from misfortune!

Beautiful congratulations on Angel's Day

The very word “angel” seems to evoke thoughts of purity and beauty. It is unlikely that anyone will have any objections to the fact that congratulations on this day should also be beautiful and sublime. Regardless of how significant this day is for the birthday person, he will certainly be pleased to receive evidence that his relatives and friends remember him and his patron angel. Beautiful and sincere congratulations can be written in both prose and poetry.

Each person, of course, puts his own meaning into the concept of “beauty”. However, on church holidays and during periods of remembrance of saints, the main emphasis in congratulations should be on the spiritual, personal qualities of a person, excluding references to external beauty.

In addition, we should not forget that the key figure in the saying should remain the patron saint, who, as is commonly believed, rewards a person with certain qualities at birth.

  1. Live and remember: behind you

You have a Guardian Angel

Invisibly guides with his hand,

And he's always watching you.

Let Angel Day remind you

About this unearthly connection.

Let him be the most careful

And your Angel will be strong!

  1. Today is your holiday, may God grant you good health and long life. May there always be peace in your hearth, warmed by happiness, joy, and love. What could be more beautiful in the world! I wish peace and happiness to your home and the sky with only small clouds above your head.
  2. Divine protection,

And in life - beauty,

The roads are all open

Bon voyage!

Fortune will smile

And he will take your hand!

To the land of a wonderful fairy tale,

He'll bring a friend!

May your hopes come true

And plans and dreams!

Always live wonderfully

And be happy!

  1. I wish to live like Christ in his bosom,

And don’t suffer, and don’t get bored, and don’t get sick!

And life shines with colorful rhinestones,

And there will be so many happy days that you can’t count them!

At all times, the guardian angel was revered as the protector and intercessor of man before God. It is this invisible helper who protects us with his wing from adversity, loss and wrong paths. In honor of the holy great martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith and took on angelic form, church calendar established special dates. On such days, it is customary to congratulate people who share the same name with the saint. These dates are not key in the list of holidays, both secular and church, and therefore wishes dedicated to the day of the angel should be as restrained as possible, but at the same time warm and sincere.

Our dear father, Father Leonid! Happy Angel Day!

We love you very much and thank God. According to his providence, you appeared in our life and the life of our entire parish, in the destinies of all people whose salvation you carry in your heart. We appreciate your active energy, your openness to all useful ideas. We are grateful to God for our temple, for your efforts , for the warmth, comfort and grace that reigns within its walls, for the great gift of God that there is a place in it for each of us. For the fact that with all the joys, sorrows and pains of the soul, we rush under its bright arch in order to warm and “heal” the soul, to bring a piece of peace and grace into our lives. Thanks to you, people become kinder and more tolerant of each other, they try to atone for their sins with good deeds. Thanks to you, the lives and fates of many people have changed. And how many babies and adults entered the church through the baptismal font in our church! How many Orthodox Christians took communion from the Chalice of Salvation at the altar of our church and united with Christ for eternal life! And how much married couples united in the sacrament of wedding at the lectern of our church and created their own small churches! How many tears of repentance were shed at the cross and the Gospel in our church! 20 years ago, through your efforts, our village acquired its own church, a lamp of faith and a candle of prayer were lit within its walls. And this flame of love for the Heavenly Father either quietly glowed from repentant prayers during the days of fasting, or flared up with a bright flame of prayer on the days of great holidays and celebrations. The temple lives life to the fullest Adults and children gather for Sunday school classes. The activities of the church are not limited to the walls of the temple, its voice is heard in many institutions. You help orphanage, poor fellow citizens - you can’t list everything! And we, adults, are not deprived of your attention. Over the years, when we were all together, many pilgrimage trips were organized, where we could venerate and venerate holy relics, and bathe in holy springs. And all this became possible thanks to your fatherly care for us.

God bless you! Good health to you and God's help in your difficult pastoral ministry! Hello to you and your family, have a long and prosperous summer!

May your service to the Church be a ladder to Heaven and eternal bliss in God for you personally.

Parishioners of the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God

On March 3, the Russian Church celebrates the day of remembrance of St. Leo, Pope of Rome, who is the heavenly patron of Metropolitan Leo.

Your Eminence, Dear Lord! Please accept our sincere and most nice words Congratulations on the day of your heavenly patron - St. Leo, Pope of Rome! With the prayers of this saint, may the Merciful Lord fulfill your mental strength, will give spiritual vigor, unfading joy in the Lord and His gracious help in bearing the difficult cross of archpastorship.

On this day, clergy and parishioners especially offer words of prayer for your health and well-being, so that the Lord will continue to strengthen, make wise and give you patience in managing the entirety of the Novgorod diocese for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church.

We are publishing some of the many congratulations from your flock who sent messages to you:

“Your Eminence, dear Metropolitan Leo! Today, the day when Orthodox Church prayerfully remembers St. Leo, the 1st great Pope of Rome, the entire Novgorod Metropolis celebrates the name day of our dear Bishop. The life of every person is spiritually connected with the image of those saints on whose memory day they were born physically or spiritually. In his Epistle to St. Flavius, St. Leo wrote: “May God keep you in health, beloved brother!” Wish you good health, spiritual peace and help from the Lord in your further archpastoral labors, in order to be a burning and shining lamp (John 5:35)"

parishioner of the Church of the Apostle Philip Elena Bogdanova.

“Your Eminence, dear Bishop! I sincerely congratulate you on your Angel’s Day! I wish you good health and God’s help in your difficult labors for the good of the Holy Church. May you be surrounded by kind, faithful and sympathetic people in your life. You deserve it! I wish you to celebrate Easter with joy and love soon with us. Have a long and prosperous summer!”

parishioner of the Yuryev Monastery Lidia Aksyonova.

“Dear Lord! We congratulate you on your name day and wish you God’s help, good health and spiritual joy for many prosperous years to come. We are always happy to welcome you to the Church of Theodore Stratelates to have the opportunity to pray together. We ask for your holy prayers and blessings."

Community of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Church of St. Vmch. Theodore Stratelates on Shchirkov.

“Your Eminence! On the day of your Angel, on the day of God’s bright mercy towards your destiny, connecting the thoughts and spiritual aspirations of the laity with God’s grace, allow me, a Person close to us, to congratulate you! To the Guardian Angel - a golden crown, and to you, dear Bishop, we wish you strength for many good deeds for the sake of the Holy Church, for the sake of us, sinners, who pray for your health on holidays and weekdays! Your wisdom, manifested in rigor and joyful acceptance of life, ease of communication with people, the ability to forgive and guide us on the true path, helps us follow Christ, to Christ! We praise the Lord God! We praise your Guardian Angel! Many years to you!”

parishioner of Trinity Cathedral and teacher at school No. 1 named after. Averina, Valdai Tatyana Potagina.

“Your Eminence, dear Bishop Leo! Congratulations on your namesake! We wish that, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, St. Leo, the Pope and St. Anna of Novgorod, you will always remain in good health, a bright mood, that you will always feel sincere love, care and support from all members of the Church. Low bow to you for personal example sincere love for God and neighbors! Thank you for your holy prayers, attention and participation in works of mercy!”

Novgorod Society of Orthodox Doctors and the Sisterhood of Mercy in the name of the Holy Blessed Princess Anna of Novgorod.

“Your Eminence! I cordially congratulate you on Angel’s Day! Let me express my deep respect and gratitude for your care and compassionate work! You blessed me with the birth of a baby and baptized him eleven years ago in the Resurrection Cathedral in Staraya Russa, thereby giving our family great joy. On this bright day, allow me to wish you mental and physical strength, long life, peace, prosperity and heavenly help in all your deeds and accomplishments.”

parishioner of the Church of St. Vmch. St. George the Victorious, Staraya Russa Zhanna Smirnova.

“Most Reverend Bishop Lev! We cordially congratulate you on your namesake day. Thank you for your attentive and sensitive attitude to the requests and wishes of parishioners. With all our souls we wish you health from the Lord God, may the Almighty strengthen your spiritual and physical strength in the feat of pastoral service in the field of Christ for many years to come.”

parishioners of St. Sophia Cathedral Vasily and Elena Nosachev.

“Most Reverend Bishop Lev! I congratulate you on Angel's Day! I wish you health, goodness and sunny days in your life. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Always glad to be at your services"

altar boy of the Intercession Cathedral Alexey Beloventsev.

“Your Eminence, Lord Leo! Accept my sincere congratulations Happy birthday! On this day we want to wish you God's help in your difficult archpastoral service for the benefit of the Holy Church and the people of God, strength, spiritual and physical strength, good health and spiritual joy! May the Merciful Lord protect you and, with His gracious help, assist you in your further archpastoral labors and care for your flock!”

pupils and teachers Sunday school and the youth activists of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kolmovo.

“Your Eminence, dear Lord Leo! On your namesake day, I wish you to always remain in good health, true Christian joy and feel God’s gracious help. May the Lord bless you for many and prosperous years through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, St. Leo the Great and all the saints.”

parishioner of the Church of the Holy Martyr Clement of Rome Natalia Lastovskaya.

“Your Eminence, Most Reverend Bishop and gracious archpastor! The Volunteer Club at the Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky cordially congratulates you on the day of your heavenly patron! With all our souls we wish you health from the Lord God, may the Lord God strengthen your spiritual and physical strength in the feat of archpastoral service in the field of Christ for many, many years!”

volunteers of the “Faith, Hope, Love” club at the Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky in Veliky Novgorod.

“Dear Lord! Please accept sincere congratulations on the wonderful day of remembrance of your heavenly patron and intercessor. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for your selfless work for the good of the Holy Church! May the Lord generously grant you health and inspiration for new achievements in your difficult ministry! I wish you peace in your soul and life, spiritual joy for many and prosperous years! May you accept our prayers for you!”

parishioner of the Intercession Cathedral Alla Ugolnikova.

“Dear lord! Congratulations on the day of the heavenly patron! I would like to wish you good health, long life and God's help in your archpastoral service. We also express our sincere gratitude for your blessing to host and find time to visit the Iversky Town. Many and blessed summers to you! Executed these despots!

pupils of the PVPK "Druzhina of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky".

“Your Eminence, dear Master Leo! We respectfully ask you to accept our congratulations on the day of your Angel! On this day, dear Bishop, we cordially congratulate you and wish you many, many years of life, strength, spiritual blessed success in serving the Holy Church for the glory of God and for the benefit of our native Fatherland. We offer our heartfelt prayers to the Lord for your prosperity and wish you the help of our Savior in strengthening your strength for many years to come.”

parishioners of the temple in the name of St. Xenophon of Robey in the village of Volyn.

“Your Eminence, venerable Lord! With a feeling of deep respect and spiritual joy, allow me to express my sincere heartfelt congratulations on your namesake day. With your archpastoral service, you make a great contribution to the revival of monasteries and churches, the development of social and educational services, the transformation of the hearts of people who gain new strength in faith to live and create on Novgorod land. On this joyful and significant day, allow me to wish you heavenly help in your difficult but joyful service for the good of the Church and Russia. May God's help accompany you in your difficult service for the good of the Church of Christ, sanctifying and blessing every day and every moment of your life. Many and blessed summers to you!”

employees of the F.M. House Museum Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa.

Orthodox congratulations on Angel's Day in prose

Congratulate the person on Orthodox congratulations on Angel's Day in prose Happy Angel's Day, or, as it is otherwise called, Happy Name Day, because this is the day of remembrance of the saint after whom the Christian is named!

How to congratulate on Angel's Day?

The most important part of congratulations on Angel's Day is prayer. On the day of the Angel, it is better to pray for the birthday person in church - at the Liturgy or prayer service to the heavenly patron (the saint in whose honor the name is given).

Any spiritual useful gifts: a theological book, lives of saints, an icon, a souvenir from a holy place or shrine.

The meal on the day of the Angel must comply with the rules of the day: breaking the fast would be wrong (although relaxing the fast is quite acceptable). Of course, pious conversations appropriate for the day should be conducted at the table, and alcohol abuse should be abstained.

Congratulations on Angel Day in verse

May the Angel protect your life,

Let trouble not know you,

Let grief flee from you,

Let friends not forget

May joy, happiness and success,

Luck, tenderness, good laughter,

Like a radiant star

Always accompanies you!

A heavenly angel protects us in the world.

Everyone has their own guardian angel.

He is responsible for you in this life,

He protects both life and peace.

Maybe he doesn't always succeed

Take away human troubles with your hand.

Know that today your holiday will begin,

So, today should be lucky.

The most tender and beautiful

Today the holiday has arrived:

I want a white-winged angel

Gave you happiness.

I want you to always laugh

The world without your smiles is empty.

So that you never get upset,

I forgot what sadness is!

Thank you! I'm telling you now, my angel!

You didn't leave me and you never forgot.

In difficult moments, sometimes

Your voice warmed my soul.

When the blizzard knocked on the window,

And the cold tore my heart,

Didn't forget me as a friend...

Prayer brought me back to life.

You taught me patience

The fight for life and for love.

All my doubts disappeared

That I won't see you again.

In a dream, walking with you in the meadows,

Suddenly I got my answer...

I woke up completely different

I learned the secret of wisdom.

On Angel's Day I wish

Love from family and friends,

And with my angel

Make friends with all your pure heart,

And believe in miracles with him!

Each of us

There is your guardian angel,

He is called upon to protect

From failures and troubles,

Happy Angel Day to you!

May it be stronger than granite

With you forever

The path of victories is passing!

SMS congratulations on Angel's Day

May your guardian angel

Protects from harm

Your heart is a prayer

And fills you with dreams,

On a bright holiday together

To be with a lovely soul,

Live with boundless love,

Like an angel's wings

What is invisible to people

Let them rise above the world,

Illuminated by faith in miracles!

Be happy on Angel Day,

After all, you are not alone

On the vast Earth.

Always behind you

Let it be for a moment

Will not leave you -

With love today

Bright Angel every hour

Looks intently at you

Foresees everything in advance

Protects from mistakes.

He worked for a whole year -

Didn't let trouble come to you

You are grateful for him

Raise your glass.

Congratulations to the priest on Angel Day

Our beloved Father!

It's your Angel Day

We wish you to be in prayer

In your life every hour,

And every minute

Shepherd Christ's sheep

And praise God

Always in your mouth!

We wish you to live long,

And bring the light of Christ,

Sword of prayer to God

Destroy enemy regiments

Achieve holiness through humility,

Reach the heights in love,

Move forward without backing down

To the very gray hair.

We wish you worthy

They are in spiritual wars

They will resist until death.

According to your example -

May their paths be easy

Come to Christ's measure:

We are all students!

Let your guardian - Angel

Always in a hurry

He glorified the Lord

With all my holiness,

He rejoices with you

On such a happy day,

What can't be said in words

And don’t be lazy to repeat.

These holy words -

The Lord taught us this way -

So that we can be like children

From the shrouds to the graves!

Each of us has a guardian angel, and although none of us have ever seen one in our lives, we are still all sure that they are always somewhere near us. Or maybe this is so, and every day, every minute our guardian angels are on alert to help us and protect us. And even in the calendar year there is a holiday, which, oddly enough, is dedicated to these creatures. So why not thank them at least once a year for their hard work and congratulate them on the day of the angel, but not to them, but to those who are very dear to you. Make Angel Day one of the holidays you celebrate every year. And teach your loved ones to celebrate it too, because this is one of the few celebrations that is filled with some pleasant meaning.

This is one of the holidays that cannot be celebrated with a noisy feast or folk festivities. This is something intimate, just like your mystical relationship with your guardian angel. Therefore, congratulations on the day of the angel should carry an almost mystical sign in order to preserve the pleasant charm of this event. And a wish for Happy Angel’s Day must necessarily contain words of love, since it is for the sake of this warm relationship that we live. Have a nice angel day start with beautiful congratulations Happy Guardian Angel Day.

Congratulations to Hegumen Nikon (Vorobyov)

I congratulate you on Angel’s Day and wish you: health to the body, humility to the soul, patience, restraint of the tongue. I wish that you always have the memory of God. And if there is none of this, then lament in your heart before God, always say, like a publican: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner,” or: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Consider yourself worse than everyone else, and you will be honored by God, have pity... and all people - then the Lord will take pity on you, for it is said: “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Don't judge anyone - you won't be judged by God. Choose what is easier for you to do, then cultivate in your heart until you receive the fruit.

The fruit is spiritual from any right thing There is: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, faith, gentleness And so on.

May the Lord fill you with these fruits for the sake of the prayers of your Angel. God bless you.

I congratulate you on Angel’s Day and wish that through his prayers your affairs will be settled and you will find peace both here and in the future life. Peace is found through humility and meekness, as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself pointed out: Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. And you, if you want to find peace and tranquility for your soul, then act meekly and humbly in deeds, words, and soul, or be sincerely contrite and bring repentance to the Lord if you do the opposite.

May the Lord bless you and comfort you and save you. Amen.

Happy Angel Day! With His holy prayers, may the Lord protect you from all external and internal evil, may He give you spiritual wisdom and zeal for salvation. May Rev. help you. ... go through the earthly path in fulfillment of the commandments of Christ and will accept you into his eternal abode.

We received your letter on 24/III. And you wrote it on the 23rd. We are very glad that the dream was not in your favor, and you managed to deliver a decent sermon. The further you go, the easier it will be for you to speak. The main thing is to have enough material so that when pronouncing you can use what is caused by the course of speech. God bless!

Yes, my gift is already ready for you. Do you remember? We hope that you will come to the Annunciation on the days that I wrote about in my last letter.

At Easter, I will work on my own to get you released to sing, because... the bass continues to be sick and there is no hope for it to get better.

We all congratulate you and wish you all the best. We wait.

..., dear, I congratulate you on Angel Day. May Rev. teach you. Alexy to be a man of God, and not a creature of this world. You must always be very careful not to accept into your soul any suggestions from the prince of the air. Great people fell into his net. Remember the vision of St. Anthony the Great about the placed nets. They are avoided only by humility, that is, complete non-reliance on oneself and complete surrender of oneself to God...

Congratulations from Bishop Veniamin (Milov) (in letters from exile)

I belatedly congratulate Tikhon Tikhonovich on his belated Angel Day. May the Lord strengthen him to serve God under the new abbot.

My first duty is to greet dear T[atiana] B[orisovna] on Angel’s Day and express the same wish that I make to myself: to always be ready to appear before God's face. Life is short, the thread of life is thin, it’s about to break... It is necessary to cleanse through confession all the past, under-confessed, unmourned, and then always to ache contritely, without despondency and melancholy - only to ache for your current infirmities: rapid sensitivity and pain when encountering everything unexpected in life ; about the remnants of earthly things, which you do not like, but which your nature lets you know about. And God will not ignore your contrition; He will put quiet joy and gentle consolation into your contrition itself.

... let me greet you on Angel's Day, although hello is late. I wish you the highest treasure - deepening your ability to pray. With this acquisition, everything holy enters the soul. This is the channel through which the juice of grace moves from the Vine, Christ the Savior, into the branch of the soul. And the grace of God is the power of all that is good in us, and help, and the translation of our good desires into deeds. I bow deeply to dear Father Tikhon Tikhonovich and thank him for his prayers and good memory.

Dear Tatyana Borisovna, I hasten to express my heartfelt thoughts and feelings in connection with the upcoming day of her Angel. To greet the bright greeting on this memorable and spiritually dear day, thoughts about the worries of the dear birthday girl involuntarily come to mind. Your fate around the house is humbly bear the cross of sorrow for children with hope in God. Humanly, we would like the children to immediately become angels. But character their shortcomings in their correction are subject to the fate of God's Providence. It is possible for God to immediately correct them through providential influences. Tatiana Borisovna, like the Canaanite woman, must cry out and cry out to God. The Lord always sees you and hears your prayers. You just need to humbly and unwaveringly continue to pray, carry out the feat of compassionate love and courageously stand with faith in intercession before God for your children.

Dear and always warmly remembered father!

On the day of your Angel, through the lips of these lines, let me greet you on your namesake day. May the Lord, through the prayers of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, prolong your earthly life further and further for the benefit of His Church and for the salvation of the souls of your flock children.

May your service to the Church be a ladder to Heaven and eternal bliss in God for you personally. The once flock of Saint Tikhon himself, according to his Life, appeared to him in a dream as helping him ascend to Heaven along a steep staircase. They planted the saint higher and higher - right up to the clouds. So the Provider Lord, in the person of your spiritual children, has given you future prayer books, who will pray for you for your warm love for them and concern for their consolation.

May God grant you health and strength for many years to come!

With sincere respect and brotherly love for you in the Lord, I remain unworthy...

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Name day wishes (for Angel Day)

Name day, Day Angelimportant date for a Christian believer, and an event that is much more significant than a birthday! We celebrate here on earth the memory of our saint, so that, as the holy righteous John of Kronstadt writes, our saints “will remember and intercede for us before God. Birthdays and name days should be primarily weekdays before all other days, turning hearts and eyes to heaven, with grateful feelings to the Creator, Provider and Savior, with the thought that there is our Fatherland and Father, that the earth is not a fatherland, but a place of coming and wandering that clinging to perishable things is reckless and sinful. It is disgusting that one must cleave to God with all one’s heart.”

We offer original, beautiful birthday wishes in poetry and prose. Congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Name day wishes. Wishes for Angel's Day

Wishes for men and women on Angel Day. Wishes in poetry and prose for name days. Here you will find prosaic wishes and good poems for name days, serious texts and humorous texts.

Name day wishes in verse

Congratulations on your name day

We love you with all our hearts!

Many different wishes

We are in a hurry to tell you.

Let them accompany you

Happiness, joy and success,

Let love not leave,

Be the best in life!

May your name sound proud today

On such a joyful name day,

And the star of happiness will shine in the sky,

Fade without seeing any reason.

Let strong name carries through life

In business it will only bring

Career peaks will be easily conquered,

May you be lucky in love!

Wishes for Angel Day in verse

Be happy on Angel Day,

Doubly happy today

Know you are not alone

On the vast Earth.

Always behind you

Let him not for a moment

Will not leave you -

That's it with love

Friends wish today.

May your guardian angel

Protects from harm

Your heart is a prayer

And fills you with dreams,

On a bright holiday today

To be with a wonderful soul,

Live with boundless love,

Like an angel's wings

What is invisible to people

Let them rise above the world,

Illuminated by faith in miracles!

Name day wishes in prose

Dear birthday boy! Accept from us wishes of peace and goodness, sun, warmth and light! Smiles of friends and care of relatives!

Let good health become your companion, let your dreams and cherished desires come true! Let the children only delight with their successes! Happiness to you, family comfort and spiritual comfort!

On this significant day, I would like to wish you that the smile on your lips blooms like a beautiful rose! Let all those whose congratulations you have been waiting for congratulate you today! Let your guardian angel come down to you and tell you that you are the most beautiful, smart and kind in the world, and let a tear of happiness shine in your eyes because your loved ones and friends are next to you and you are truly happy! Happy name day, dear (name)!

We sincerely congratulate you on your name day! We wish that Luck, Success and Inspiration be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and Health, Happiness and Prosperity in your daily life! So that the accumulated life experience and wisdom will help you reach new heights! May your deepest desires and aspirations come true, may all the good things in your life be preserved and may the moments of joy, love and optimism increase. Perseverance and patience in solving everyday problems!

Wishes for Angel Day in prose

Today is a bright holiday for you - Angel Day, the day of your heavenly protector and patron. Let him protect you, protect you and kiss you goodnight, wish you pleasant dreams. In difficult moments of life, let him carry you in his arms and never deny you hope and love. Happy Angel Day, dear (name)!

We would like to wish you that old age does not creep up on you suddenly, and that you remain forever young. May your wisdom and intelligence be inexhaustible and always help you out in difficult times. May your heart know only endless happiness and love. Happy Angel Day to you!

I want to wish that there is not a single cloudy day in your life! So that your Guardian Angel will protect you and bless you in every action, help you in any endeavor, illuminate your path in life and cover you with his wing! I also wish that you find support not only in heaven, but also here among us, your friends! Happy Angel Day to you, (name)!

SMS wishes for name day. SMS wishes for Angel's Day

Short birthday wishes. Short wishes for Angel Day

Happy name day! Let the wings of happiness

Without knowing how tired they carry you

To the bright and beautiful heights,

Where joy and love are just waiting!

I sincerely congratulate you on Angel Day! May this day be the most joyful and filled with God's presence for you!

On Angel Day I wish you

A cherished dream come true,

Love from family and friends,

And with my angel

Make friends with all your pure heart,

And believe in miracles with him!

Dear friend, today you are celebrating your name day, I am very sorry that I am so far from you and will not be able to hug you in person and congratulate you. But I am with you in my thoughts and wish you a bright path and endless happiness.

Voice wishes for name day

We suggest choosing and sending original name day voice cards to the person you want to congratulate on this significant day. It's relative new way congratulations that will delight your family and friends, surprise them, and lift their spirits.

To send SMS on name day, you don’t have to type anything yourself. All texts are already ready, all you have to do is select the most suitable one, write the phone number of the message recipient in a special form, and click SEND.

Your Reverence, dear father, Father Alexander!

We sincerely congratulate you on the day of your Heavenly patron - the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky!

Today the community of the church in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Mammal” congratulates you in chorus. Its sound may not be entirely harmonious yet, it may be timid at times, awkward at times, but with one mouth speaking from the fullness of our hearts, we turn to you with congratulations and wishes. Our congratulations are assembled like a mosaic canvas, in which each small piece of glass glows with its own color, but is warmed by the rays of God’s grace and your pastoral care.

Congratulations to our dear father on Angel Day! May the Lord grant you His mercy, health and joy of serving Him, sincere and responsive parishioners, those who love the Lord and those who strive to live according to His commandments, success in good endeavors!

Father, Father Alexander, our bright joy. We thank you, warmed by love. Help of the Heavenly patron in all your works, so that your godly ideas and desires come true.

Dear Father Alexander! We sincerely congratulate you on your namesake day. We sincerely wish that through the intercession of your Heavenly patron, the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, the Lord strengthens you in carrying out your pastoral service and protects you from all evil. You bear your cross with dignity, zealously fulfilling the obedience assigned by the Holy Church. You have earned the love and respect of your flock. May the Lord strengthen you with His grace in your daily labors, done for the glory of God, granting good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones for many prosperous years.

Dear father, I sincerely congratulate you on Angel’s Day! How good it is that the Lord, through His providence, gave me such a wise, generous in love and patient mentor, who became my spiritual father. You take care of me like a real father and even more. Because your care is the salvation of my sinful soul. May the Lord strengthen you and grant you the good health you need in your hard work and good endeavors.

I wish you, father, an increase in the parishioners of our church and those who are saved by your instructions and prayers.

May the Lord give you strength for sincere prayer, and may you always have like-minded people nearby!
The hardest job is working with people. And working with such a delicate substance as the soul requires jewelry precision. We sincerely wish you to see you as often as possible positive result of their works.

Father and father
Two addresses to the sacred priesthood.
The father may be strict,
And father will hear and forgive,
The father is demanding
And the priest will understand and console you.
The Father will teach, reprove,
And the priest will enlighten you with prayer.
So may God give you strength
And further unite in one person
And severity with the wisdom of the father,
And the warmth that is hidden in the word “father”.

“Spiritual shepherds suffer for us, although we often do not see their suffering. And the greater the shepherd’s love, the greater his suffering. Brethren, let us remain in obedience to our shepherds, and then there will be common peace, and the Lord with the Holy Spirit will be with us all” (St. Silouan of Athos).
May the Lord enlighten your path!

God has many mansions,
There are countless churches on earth,
But the road leads me
Where the heart is warmest.
My lips whisper with Peter,
A small island among lies,
Here is the father and we are his children,
“It’s good for us to be here with you.”

Our dear Father!
With your care, easing the burdens of others,
You teach him what seems to be a well-known, simple thing.
There is a lot to love about you.
May God grant us to live by your word,
Hear, accept with all your heart, do not forget.
And we wish you all the best and much,
So that you always feel God nearby!

Happy Angel Day, Father Alexander!

Many and blessed summers to you!!!

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