M-shaped hairline. Attention to detail: stars who changed their hairline. How to straighten or make your hairline higher

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Changing your hairline

The forehead covers a very large part of the face. And since a man’s forehead is so different from a woman’s, then modifying it is one of the most important conditions high-quality feminization of transsexuals.

A man's forehead differs from a woman's in both height and shape.

Changes in forehead height in transsexuals

Anthropological studies show that men have higher forehead heights than women. This is true even in cases where there is no hair loss (baldness) characteristic of male hair. Based on anthropological measurements, the height of a woman’s forehead is on average 5 centimeters, while a man’s is 7-8 cm.

A high forehead is acceptable for men, but not for women. Women with a high forehead usually try to hide it with bangs and avoid hairstyles that reveal the forehead, do not put their hair in a bun or pull it into a ponytail. And this is not because they know about the anthropometric proportions of the forehead, they just feel that this way they look more attractive, and an open forehead “does not suit them.”

And although the hairline of women is lower than that of men, this does not in any way mean that “the lower, the better.” The forehead should be in proportion to the shape of the face, and the surgeon altering the hairline for feminization purposes or as part of a course of anti-aging surgeries must have the aesthetic sense to determine the optimal height and shape of the forehead based on the facial proportions and anatomical features of the patient.

Hairline Shape

In addition to height, a man's forehead differs from a woman's in shape. If the hairline is male type resembles a letter M, then the hair line in women is more rounded and has arch view. The traditional pattern of baldness for many men reinforces this difference.

Surgical hairline correction

If you place your hand on the top of your head and pull your hair forward, you will notice that the elasticity of the skin allows you to move your hairline several centimeters - forward, backward, right and left.

Taking advantage of this property of the scalp, the surgeon moves the hairline forward to a more rounded shape by excising a portion of the skin just below the hairline in the form of a strip, the width of which is determined by the mobility of the scalp and aesthetic considerations. To avoid stretching the skin and returning it to its previous position, soft fabrics The scalp is fixed to the bone with two absorbable Endotain implants, after which the incision is sutured.

If you have a receding hairline, you may need to make a few additional incisions along the edges in a triangle shape to reduce it.

If you are prone to baldness, the patient is warned that changing the shape of the hair does not stop the process of alopecia. In such cases, additional hair treatment by a trichologist, as well as transplantation of your own hair, is recommended.

Hair transplantation is also indicated in cases of sparse hair growth to help reliably hide the scar. Hair transplantation is possible a week after surgical correction of the forehead.


  • If the forehead is very high or there is significant baldness, it is possible to re-correct the hairline after 5-6 months, when the elasticity of the skin is restored.
  • An incision to correct the hairline is used to lift the forehead and eyebrows and correct the shape of the frontal bone, so these operations are often combined.

Recovery period

  • After the operation, a compression bandage is applied around the forehead, which is removed the next day.
  • During the first 24 hours, patients may experience minor pain, which is easily suppressed with analgesics.
  • Stitches are removed after 7 days

What will the scar look like?

  • When blending the hairline to feminize the appearance, the scar will be located at the top of the forehead, just below the hairline. During the first 6 months, the scar will be pale pink, but gradually, usually by the end of the first year, will take on the color of the skin and will hardly be noticeable.
  • With hair transplantation, the scar is completely hidden by hair.


  • In the first days after surgery - swelling that spreads around the eyes, forehead and scalp
  • Numbness of the forehead - up to several months
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Nerve damage
  • Hypertrophic scarring of the scar
  • Infections are extremely rare. Follow your doctor's instructions and take antibiotics to avoid potential infections

During the first week, you should avoid physical activity that causes sweating or increased blood pressure.

When studying the features of their face in the mirror, not many people think about their hairline. However, if this very line, or frame in other words, somehow stands out and even spoils a person’s appearance, then it becomes difficult not to notice it. Today we’ll try to figure out what hair growth lines exist and how you can correct them at home.

What types of lines are there?

First of all, you should determine what lines actually exist and how to understand which line you own? Everything is very simple. Lightly dampen your hair and comb it to the back of your head using a comb. The forehead and temples should be as open as possible. Now look in the mirror and determine what type of hairline you have. If you can’t do this yourself, take an eyeliner and carefully outline the hairline at the top of your forehead. Look in the mirror again and evaluate the result.

So, there are 5 types of face framing in total:

  • M. M-shaped line scalp hair growth is quite common in both men and women. It consists of fairly high bald patches, separated by an “island” of hair right in the center.
  • V. A rarer line shape, reminiscent of the letter V, due to a pronounced triangle with an acute angle.
  • Rectangular. A smooth stripe without “islands” with slightly pointed corners on the sides of the face. This line occurs in men much more often than in women.
  • Arch. It is this form that is considered ideal among all types. According to legend, women with such a hairline are the happiest in their personal lives. The arch is a soft semicircle with a slightly narrowed top.

  • 3 arches. An unusual and extremely rare form that occurs in a small percentage of people.

Character along the growth line

It is also interesting that by the hairline one can determine a person’s character, his characteristics and inclinations. People involved in this issue argue that, for example, women with an M-shaped line are prone to romance and creativity. While the shape of the arch usually speaks of the makings of a leader. Having studied what the line says, you can barely look at a person and guess his character.

Hair growth shape correction

As we said earlier, not everyone is happy with their own hairline on their head. And most often, women are unhappy with her. Therefore, we invite you to consider correction options that will help correct this defect in your appearance.

Hair correction on the forehead is divided into two types: radical and simple.

Simple correction

This type includes options such as bangs, special styling, hair gel, plucking, shaving and lightening.

If you are the owner of very large bald spots, then the easiest way to hide them is styling. To do this, choose hairstyles such that the hair on the sides of your face is loose. In this case, you will not have to resort to radical measures. Avoid high slicked back hairstyles such as high ponytail or a bun.

For women with pronounced triangles, it is recommended to have a haircut with bangs. If the problem with the line is very obvious, then it is best to keep the bangs straight. Its length doesn't matter.

Another way to remove a triangle from your hair is to comb it. However, the hairs themselves are unlikely to be held in an unnatural position. To make your comb last, use hair gel or mousse. Apply a small amount to your hands and rub into your hair. Next, use a comb to comb them back.

For those whose hair grows in a small triangle or “island” in the center of their forehead, we suggest trying to lighten it with hydrogen peroxide.

Apply a little liquid to a cotton pad and hold it on the problem area for a minute or a little more. By doing the procedure daily, you will see that your hair becomes lighter every day. However, this method is only suitable if the hairs are not hard and long.

Hair plucking

The next very popular method of combating unsightly hairlines in women is plucking with tweezers. Having identified the most problematic area, wipe it with a piece of ice to avoid or at least reduce subsequent pain. Now take tweezers and pluck out one hair at a time, thereby adjusting the shape. Of course, this process is not quick, but it is quite effective.

After all, when a hair follicle is removed, hair most likely will not grow in this place. And if it grows back, it will be softer and less noticeable, which, in general, is also not bad. This method is good because it does not require financial costs or any equipment, since tweezers can be found in the arsenal of any woman.

Shaving hair

Another way to get rid of unsightly hairs along the growth line, which is used by many women. This method differs from plucking in that after shaving, the hairs will grow with renewed vigor. Moreover, it is darker and thicker. If you need to trim your hairline once or twice, then perhaps a razor has its place. But if you want to get rid of an ugly growth line for a long time, then you should look for another way out.

To shave the hated area, it is best to use a small Shaver for delicate areas and shaving foam. To avoid shaving off excess hair, divide your hair into two parts: necessary and unnecessary. Using any convenient method, remove the hair that should remain intact. And try to comb the rest onto your forehead. Apply foam to this area and shave with gentle movements.

How to hide bald spots using folk remedies

If you are not satisfied with the marginal hairline due to bald patches on the sides, then we recommend increasing the hairline in this area using folk remedies.

Pepper tincture. One of the most effective means to enhance hair growth. Apply to a cotton pad and wipe through hair roots and scalp. As soon as the product starts working, you will feel a burning sensation.

Burr oil. Lightly heat the oil in a metal container in a water bath. Apply to slightly damp hair, rubbing into problem areas. Next, put the bag on your head and wrap it with a towel to create a thermal effect. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo. Do an oil mask 2 times a week to achieve hair growth.

A nicotinic acid. Another universal and inexpensive remedy, which will help cope with bald spots. Acid should be rubbed onto the scalp in those places where there is insufficient hair growth.

Radical measures

If you have tried all of the above and did not see the desired result, then laser correction remains. It is suitable only for those who want to get rid of unnecessary hair along the hairline. Before the procedure, the patient undergoes an examination and a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Today, laser surgery gives excellent results. It passes quickly and painlessly for the patient.

Using special equipment with a laser, the doctor directs the device to the desired area and literally makes a flash in a second. After several such procedures, the hairs completely disappear. And what’s remarkable is that new ones don’t grow. However, the price of this method of hair removal is quite high. But what won’t you do for the sake of beauty!

Use any option convenient for you to correct your forehead hairline to get closer to your ideal and become a more confident woman.

A beautiful hairstyle is always thought out to the smallest detail. Often the attractiveness of a hairstyle is determined by the hairline. This is the name of the contour that outlines the hair on the forehead. Each person's boundaries are individual, but there is a classification of growth lines depending on the shape. If a man or woman does not like the natural frame of the forehead with hair, correction can be made. This article will help you determine your growth line and learn how to correct your contour.

Varieties and their descriptions

When a person holds a serious position, his appearance must be impeccable. The same applies to important events, celebrations, holidays. Hairs on the forehead can spoil a carefully created image. Often the strands grow small, thin, and difficult to style.

It is not difficult to determine which option the edge line belongs to. It is enough to comb your hair back from your forehead and look in the mirror. There are 5 types of circuit in total:

  1. Letter M. It looks like a small “island” (center of the forehead) with small bald patches (side parts). Hairs often grow along the contour.
  2. Letter V The line becomes sharper towards the center of the forehead. It’s as if there are 2 arcs extending from the middle. The shape is reminiscent of the headdress of women of the Middle Ages.
  3. A rectangle is a clear, even horizontal line. Practically perfect contour is more common in men.
  4. Arch. It is considered the most beautiful, very feminine. The smooth arc narrows slightly towards the top.
  5. Three arches. The rarest variety. Looks like 3 arches arranged in series.

This is interesting! The shape of the forehead and hair growth make it possible to determine human character. An M-shaped line is characteristic of creative people, while an arched line is often found among managers.

Growth line correction

Let's consider the most simple ways correct the boundaries of the hairline on the forehead.

Using hair

  • cut off the bangs - hide the outline;
  • do styling that adds volume;
  • constantly let your hair down: mask areas you don’t like (cover side bald patches);
  • use gel or varnish to smooth the hairs and give them the desired shape;
  • unwanted hairs can be lightened with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, and ammonia.

Shaving or plucking

If you have patience and tweezers, excess hair can be plucked. During the procedure, it is sometimes possible to remove the bulb. The regrown hair will be thin, weak, and may not appear at all. The process is troublesome and requires perseverance and meticulousness. More suitable for small areas. One of the most accessible, cheapest correction methods.

According to these criteria, shaving is comparable to plucking. If you constantly remove hair with a razor, it will grow coarser and darker. When you need to get rid of unruly strands, this feature can be a disadvantage.

Advice. Hair after shaving appearance got closer to the main curls - it’s better to leave them and grow them out. Additional strands will make your hair thicker and more voluminous.

Root stimulation

This method will allow you to leave the smallest hairs intact. Stimulating root growth will make the hairline contour clearer. Several means will do:

  1. Pepper tincture. Sold in pharmacies and inexpensive. Rub the product onto the roots or scalp. It burns slightly – the drug is working. The unpleasant sensation intensifies - rinse the tincture with warm water.
  2. Mustard masks. They act similarly to hot pepper tincture. To prepare the mask, take: 2 tablespoons of dry mustard, hot water, burdock oil; 2 teaspoons granulated sugar; 2 yolks. After the mustard has completely dissolved in the water, add the other ingredients. Leave on for a few minutes and apply. The mask is done weekly. Duration of the procedure - minimum 15 minutes, maximum - 1 hour(depending on the sensitivity of the scalp).
  3. Burdock and castor oils. Rub the problem area with any of the products. Another option is to apply it all over your head. You should not be zealous: a passion for oils can bring the opposite effect.
  4. Minoxidil. The medicine is sold in pharmacies and is not cheap. A 5% solution of the drug is suitable for men, 2% for women (established by laboratory tests). Minoxidil is rubbed into the area where you want to increase hair growth.
  5. A nicotinic acid . Sold in a pharmacy. To activate the hair follicles, rub the product on the scalp.

Laser surgery

The procedure is expensive, but it clearly corrects the hairline. The boundaries of areas of excess vegetation are discussed with a specialist. The operation goes quickly. Due to the cooling system, pain is minimized.

The laser correction process goes like this: The hair heats up in less than 1 second. The possibility of burns is eliminated. Under the influence of radiation, excess hairs completely die. The probability of their recovery tends to zero.

Think carefully when planning to undergo surgery. Big variety other methods allows you to adjust the growth line yourself. When “temporary” methods have proven themselves poorly, you should resort to laser hair removal.

Useful videos

How to correct the hairline.

Leo tells how to properly trim the hairline.

The hair growth boundary is determined by the shape of the forehead, its size, and facial proportions. And if they are not perfect, there are ways to correct the flaw. The most win-win is surgery. You can also use a laser; there are also less radical methods.

Read in this article

What is a line, its types

Basic types of hairline:

  • Shaped like the letter M. There is one lowest point in the central part of the line. To the right and left of it, the hair growth boundary diverges into triangles.
  • Rectangular. This form is more common in men. The central segment of the border is straight, the side segments are also straight, but they are shorter. All components have clear contours.
  • In the form of a semicircular arch. This shape is more suitable for women, as it makes the face softer.
  • In the form of the letter V. In the central part of the line is the lowest point. From there, the hair growth line goes to the temples.
  • In the form of three arches. The line of the beginning of the scalp consists of semicircles. Central has larger size than the side ones. This form is the rarest.

There are also asymmetrical variants and disturbances in the shape of the line after skin injuries.

Marginal hairline: diagram

Schematic image marginal hairline shown in the figure. It passes through the protrusions and grooves on the forehead, temples, and descends behind ears to the cervical notch.

Is it possible to change the direction of hair growth?

The direction of hair growth is determined at the genetic level, but with the help of styling products and constant combing in the right direction, you can gradually change it a little. It will not be possible to completely correct it, since the hair follicle has an innate angle at which it is located in relation to the skin.

How to change the direction of hair growth on your head

Styling products can help change the direction of hair growth:

  • mousses,
  • foams,
  • gel,
  • wax,
  • retainer,
  • special lipstick,
  • modeling clay.

Every day you need to comb your hair in the desired direction, fix it with the chosen product and pin it with clips. The more often and diligently you do this, the better results you can achieve, but the first effect should be expected after about 1 month.

How to straighten the hairline on your forehead

To straighten the hairline on the forehead, use:

  • hair removal with tweezers;
  • laser correction (spot destruction);
  • electrocoagulation (an electrode is inserted into the hair follicle);
  • shaving;
  • discoloration with hydrogen peroxide or by special means for lightening;
  • stimulation in areas where growth is insufficient - laser, treatment with nicotinic acid, pepper tincture, minoxidil-based preparations (Regaine, Alerana, Generolon), castor or burdock oil.

Visually help line alignment:

  • applying shadows with a wide brush to match the hair color, but 2 shades lighter;
  • overlap with bangs and side strands when styling;
  • the use of fixing agents (varnishes, foams) so that the vellus hair along the edge does not get out of the hairstyle.

How to get rid of forehead hair

To get rid of forehead hair, temporary and radical methods are used. The first include shaving, plucking with tweezers or an electric epilator, wax strips or depilatory for facial skin. Daily wiping can help make them less noticeable. cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide, to which 5 drops of ammonia and 2 drops of liquid soap are added (per 5 ml).

For the second, that is, for a lasting effect, laser removal is used. If the skin is light, then photoepilation is recommended. There is a method of removal by electric current - electrolysis. This salon procedure, there are also home portable devices, but the results from their use may be weaker.

Topical application of Minoxidil solution is recommended. nicotinic acid. In some cases, the endocrinologist prescribes hormonal drugs, since this form of hair growth is often accompanied by an excess of male sex hormones. IN cosmetology clinics The following procedures are recommended:

  • manual or hardware massage of the scalp;
  • – exposure to an electrode in the form of a scallop with alternating current discharges;
  • – local subcutaneous injections of vitamins, hormones, caffeine and other hair growth stimulants;
  • oxygen and ozone therapy – a mixture of ozone and oxygen is injected under the skin to restore metabolic processes and activate blood flow;
  • laser shower on the scalp;
  • microionization – medicinal substances injected into the skin using microcurrents;
  • galvanic peeling – serums with a peeling effect are applied to an electrode in the form of a comb; it is often used before applying hair growth stimulants for deeper penetration;
  • ultrasound exposure and administration of medications (phonophoresis);
  • electrical stimulation – carried out by electric pulse currents;
  • cryotherapy - massage with an applicator soaked in liquid nitrogen.

If medications and physical therapy have no effect, then a hair transplant is prescribed.

Indications for hairline correction

The desire to make the face harmonious forces people to change the upper border of the forehead. But it should be adjusted according to indications, otherwise there is a risk of getting the opposite of the expected result. Changes are made in the following cases:

  • the hair growth boundary is unevenly outlined, there is asymmetry;
  • it is necessary to make the forehead more feminine (indication applies to representatives of the fairer sex and for feminized transvestites);
  • harmonization of facial proportions requires a different shape of the hairline;
  • forehead too high;
  • bald patches have formed on it;
  • the forehead is too low, which gives the face a gloomy appearance;
  • there is a lot of vellus hair on it, disrupting the regular outline.

In the case where the shape of the forehead has deteriorated due to alopecia, correction will be only one of the stages in improving the area. After all, it will not stop further baldness. And the patient will have to combine it with hair transplantation, treatment by a trichologist, endocrinologist.

Surgical method to correct the line

The forehead can be made lower in accordance with other facial proportions through surgery. The tissues of the scalp are mobile, so they are moved down or up, left and right. In most cases, the operation is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. The intervention consists of several stages:

  • after the patient receives painkillers and antiseptic skin treatment, an incision is made along the hairline;
  • a section of skin on the forehead is removed;
  • the upper border moves down;
  • tissues are fixed in a new position with the help of endotins;
  • A suture is placed on the incision, a plaster and a bandage are placed on top.

The operation lasts up to 2 hours. With its help, it is possible to move the problem line by 5 cm or more.

Laser for forehead correction

Thermal radiation will help improve the hairline for both high and low foreheads:

  • If it is narrow, laser hair removal is performed. Radiation in several sessions will get rid of excess hair, weakening its follicles. The laser procedure is done in 15 - 20 minutes; it will help to even out the upper border of the forehead, hiding bald spots, eliminating the unsightly little toe in the center. With its help, the shape of the hairline is changed to a more suitable one. To achieve the effect, 4 - 8 sessions are needed with pauses of 3 - 4 weeks.
  • When excessive high forehead You can use a low-intensity, “cold” laser. Radiation stimulates the growth of vellus hair at its upper border. It awakens “dormant” follicles, increases blood circulation in this area, supplying the bulbs with oxygen, and promotes cell development. This stimulates hair growth, increases its density, allows you to correct the shape of the forehead and reduce its height.

The procedures are done twice a week for 3 - 6 months. They are absolutely painless.

ABOUT laser hair removal Forehead zones, watch this video:

How to stimulate roots

Convert short hair on the forehead to full extent can be done using home methods. They improve the nutrition of the bulbs, stimulating growth. For this use:

  • "Minoxidil". This is a drug used for focal baldness. The composition is rubbed into the skin at the hair growth border twice a day. Course of use – from 3 months to a year. The main disadvantage of the drug is its high price. But its effectiveness is very high.
  • Nicotinic acid. The vitamin product is sold in ampoules. The liquid is also rubbed into the skin several times a day. It is odorless and does not get dirty, so you can use it at any time of the day.
  • Mustard mask(2 - 3 times a week). To prepare it you need 2 tbsp. l. powder, the same amount of hot water and burdock oil. Add to them 2 raw yolks and 2 tsp. Sahara. The mixture is applied to the skin and left for 20 minutes. If the burning sensation is severe, you should wash it off earlier with warm water. Mustard increases blood supply to hair follicles, which stimulates growth.
  • Pepper tincture. It works similarly to mustard, but it is bought at the pharmacy. Apply to the skin with a cotton pad and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Burdock and castor oil. They can be used alternately, every other day. Or carry out a course of treatment first with one remedy, then with another. Oils are not just applied on top, but rubbed into the skin of the forehead for several minutes. You should be careful with castor oil. If there is too much of it, hair, on the contrary, will begin to fall out.

Hair transplant on a woman's forehead

Hair transplantation in women to the forehead along the growth line is prescribed for:

  • individual characteristics (high level, receding hairline, asymmetry);
  • injuries, scars;
  • loss (baldness).

Before the procedure, an examination is carried out by a trichologist, and, if necessary, a gynecologist or endocrinologist. Then you need a consultation with a transplant specialist to determine:

  • the volume of hair follicles that will be transplanted;
  • the border of the new growth line;
  • method - flap (cut from the skin of the occipital part) or seamless.

The procedure does not require hospitalization and is performed in outpatient setting. Its duration is on average 3-4 hours, local anesthesia. After the transplant, it is important to protect the new hair from any external influence in the first weeks until it is fixed.

Laser hair growth stimulation

To activate dormant hair follicles, laser stimulation of hair growth is prescribed. On the forehead line it is shown at a high level, receding hairline, asymmetry. It takes the form of irradiation with special devices (low power is needed). The session lasts about 30 minutes. The course requires from 5 to 10 procedures.

Laser comb for hair growth

How to lower your hairline

You can lower your hairline (up to 5 cm) through surgery. It includes the following steps:

  1. incision along the growth border;
  2. excision of part of the skin;
  3. fixation in the desired position;
  4. cosmetic stitch.

For pain relief, general anesthesia or, less commonly, local anesthesia is used.

Watch this video about methods for stimulating hair growth:

Hairline correction price

Depending on the method of hairline correction, the price of treatment varies, but the average levels are as follows:

  • surgery (lowering or raising the border of the scalp) – from 70,000 rubles, 19,000 hryvnia;
  • laser hair removal – 500 rubles per 1 session, 200 hryvnia;
  • laser stimulation – 5000 rubles, 1500 hryvnia for 1 procedure;
  • hair transplant for 1 pc. – from 70 rubles, 20 hryvnia.

It should be taken into account that the cost of procedures is significantly influenced by the category of the clinic.

We hide flaws without intervention

An unaesthetic hairline on the forehead can not be eliminated, but simply hidden using:

  • Bangs. It can be made oblique or straight, short or up to the eyebrows. In any case, the defect will not be visible.
  • Loose voluminous curls. This method is suitable for those who have thick hair.
  • Hair fixation products. Foam or varnish will help style the strands so that the unsightly forehead line will be hidden.

The hairline is not the most visible part of the face, but its lack of aesthetics can cause problems. Fortunately, they can be solved; if necessary, you should use one of the methods for correcting the upper forehead line. And it won't necessarily be an operation.

Useful video

To learn about correcting your hairline using cosmetics, watch this video:

Hair grows, a strand of hair on the forehead.

Here you go…. Morning came, you looked in the mirror and hated your reflection. Reason: you discovered that you have hair grows on forehead. Is such a little thing worth the hate? No! Your problem can be solved and it is not so serious as to throw yourself into the pool of extreme feelings and measures.

Hair on forehead– are not as noticeable to others as you think. In addition, they can be covered with hair (bangs) and that’s it. I don't think the hair on my forehead will grow very thick.

Hair growth on the forehead. If you are confused by just the memory that they have “settled” in the frontal part of your body, then do the following:

In general, I believe that you have no good reason to worry. There is a striking example that you are still very lucky. A friend of mine told me about a woman who had hair growing all over her face, just “a strand of hair.” And not in sparse rows, but thickly, can you imagine?! In addition, all this was “accompanied” by the growth of antennae above upper lip and intense hair growth in the ears.

Yes, a terrible sight, Maybe. B one woman. She really was very unlucky. Doctors were able to easily identify the cause of this phenomenon, but curing all this “hairiness” turned out to be a very difficult task. Reason: hormonal imbalances in the body. Doctors and cosmetologists have tried everything: ointments, creams, depilation, and a wide variety of procedures. Nothing helped. Even the most severe diets and the most effective injections. So your problem is " drop in the sea", no more. I hope you are not offended by my words. And why be offended, looking at the example I gave?

By the way, you can also contact a cosmetologist. He will definitely advise you something. And your mission is only to experience all the tips and recommendations for yourself. And don’t be alarmed: you are unlikely to experience hair growth like that of that unfortunate woman. The main thing is not to let yourself go and in case of failures do not give up.

N Recently, a friend approached me with a very unusual request. She asked to know how to make the hairline on the forehead lower. To be honest, I was very surprised. It turns out that she is not satisfied with her own forehead, she says that it is too high. So here it is. As far as I know, the hair growth system can be fixed using double-sided adhesive tape, glue and all sorts of other things. Means intended for this purpose.

Hairline on the forehead. Did you know that the hairline in the forehead area can tell a lot? about your character?

The forehead, in the shape of a rectangle (standing), belongs to a person who is devoted to scientific work. The shape of the forehead, resembling a rectangle in the “lying” position, belongs to someone who, by nature, “ clean water " pragmatist. And people who have a high and wide forehead are very intelligent and erudite (associations associated with the expression “seven spans in the forehead” involuntarily arise).

Returning to the issue of hair growth on the forehead, I would like to add that there is no need to feel complex about this. You don’t need to think endlessly about your own problem either. There is a sea of ​​funds and ways, there are cosmetology centers and cosmetologists, there is hair on your head that you can use to hide not only the hair on your forehead, but also all sorts of other “unpleasant little things.”

If you agree to visit a cosmetologist– go to someone whom good acquaintances or friends can recommend to you. Under no circumstances agree to have any procedure related to your problem performed at home. This is not nail extensions: with extensions everything is much simpler and safer. Don't give in to persuasion and for “attractive” price categories: it is better to pay more and have any procedure done with high quality, than to pay “ridiculous” money, and then blame yourself and those around you for the rest of your life, because something suddenly “went” wrong .

Anyway, the small hairs you notice on your forehead will not spoil you. Remember: you are one hundred percent a woman. Don’t lose confidence in yourself, otherwise you will think that you are the ugliest woman in the whole world. But this is not so! You are beautiful. Remember how in the morning you were afraid to approach the mirror because of your reflection. Well, isn't it funny? You need to love yourself. Both yourself and your reflection. Maybe you should change your mirror? Ask your husband or young man so that he would give you such a modest, but such an irreplaceable gift. I'm sure he won't refuse you. It’s great if you choose a mirror and you eat together. Otherwise, if something happens, the man will get “cool” from you: he will very often hear that he chose a “completely wrong and strange” mirror.

My friendly advice to you: if your boyfriend didn’t notice these hairs that bother you so much, then don’t tell him about their existence. Otherwise he might just laugh at you. And this, you see, is not very pleasant. His laughter will not be caused by the fact that something is wrong with you, but by the fact that he considers this problem to be a mere trifle: men simply do not know how to pay attention to such “small” trifles. They are known to be structured differently. It is very important for them how you dress, how you smell, how you behave with him…. In general, a man values ​​“globalism” and does not waste time on trifles. For him, a “disaster” could be that he missed his favorite football match, which he had been waiting for for more than a month. And “extra hair” is not football, after all.

TO what kind of skin is on your forehead? - Switch: