Does lpg help with cellulite. How to apply LPG massage against cellulite? – description of the procedure, pros and cons, share reviews! Which is better: LPG or handmade anti-cellulite massage

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LPG-massage: cellulite is no longer terrible for us!

Cellulite is a complex problem and in the fight against it, few people become the absolute winner. It is rare that a woman can admit that she does not have the so-called “orange peel” at all and she has not tried many means on herself in an attempt to get rid of cellulite and forever forget about the fear of beach season. Therefore, the news that this "enemy" can be defeated became a sensation that you will not believe until you see the evidence.

On the warpath with cellulite got anti-cellulite LPG massage of the body, which turned out to be a powerful discovery in aesthetic medicine, which no other technology has reached the level of. American scientists, as a result of numerous clinical studies, recognized this technique as the only one on this moment really treating cellulite, no matter at what stage of development it is. No other procedure can compare with LPG massage and does not allow you to achieve such a clear and quick result.

Mechanism of action

Everything ingenious is simple and LPG massage is no exception - it is performed using a special massager, consisting of two rollers, which alternately capture skin areas, kneading them and smoothing them under a constant supply of vacuum. This allows you to work with tissues at different depths of subcutaneous fat.

Massage is absolutely hygienic and, despite the intense effect on tissues and lymph flow, does not bring any pain. Before starting the procedure, the client is given an individual suit, then the specialist selects the right program to work with a specific problem area and solve a specific problem. Almost the entire procedure is controlled by a computer, the effectiveness of the service does not depend on the qualifications of the master.

What is the result?

It would seem such a simple effect! But it is precisely this that leads to an amazing result: the skin “awakens” and begins to actively produce collagen, restore firmness and elasticity, and renew its structure. Blood circulation increases, lymph flow increases, fat layer decreases, skin relief improves, and therefore cellulite disappears. To finally convince those who still doubt the properties of the LPG procedure, it is worth adding that the course of such a massage allows you to lose weight and lose 1-2 sizes! Fat deposits in problem areas are significantly reduced, which, probably, can please a woman even more than getting rid of cellulite.

Massage is so multifunctional that in addition to the main declared properties, it has a general health-improving, immunomodulating effect on the body, and also perfectly relaxes and relieves stress. That is why LPG body massage is used in restorative medicine, rehabilitation therapy and sports.

So, by signing up for the procedure, you will receive:

  1. normalization of lymph and blood circulation
  2. reduction of subcutaneous fat
  3. restoration of the micro and macrostructure of the skin
  4. aging skin tightening
  5. elimination of edema
  6. cellulite treatment
  7. improvement of metabolic processes

LPG body massage does not cause any discomfort, does not leave marks on the skin and pain, it is one of the safest procedures for the client. The service is available even to people with varicose veins, when other types of massage are prohibited to them. The only contraindications to such a procedure can be oncology, pregnancy and diseases in the acute stage.

And, which is especially pleasant, the effect after the LPG course lasts up to six months, and provided that you take care of your body and undergo the procedure at least once a month, the result will delight you all the time.

About price

The price of one session starts from 1500 rubles, but signing up for the procedure only once is completely unprofitable for two reasons. The first - the effect, of course, will be, but minimal and not too durable. In order for LPG massage to really transform you, you need to complete a course of at least 10 procedures (the exact number is selected individually, depending on the condition of the skin), which are carried out 1-2 times a week. And the second - beauty salons offer a significant discount on the course of procedures, which allows you to save almost twice. You will have to enjoy the session from 35 to 50 minutes (as it is embedded in the computer), during which time the massager has time to walk all over the body, giving Special attention problem areas. Please note that too low cost of the procedure should alert you, as professional LPG massage devices are supplied from abroad and are not cheap.

Special equipment

The main equipment for LPG massage is produced by a French company of the same name, these are LPG - Cellu M6 ENDERMOLAB, Cellu M6 INTEGRAL, Cellu M6 KEYMODULE, Cellu M6 KEYMODULE, etc. All of them allow you to achieve excellent results, have several programs and modes of operation, perfectly cope with their task.

Over time, other devices appeared that combine several types of aesthetic services, for example, engineers from the Italian laboratory DEKA created the Triactive device. The Skintonic system, proposed by the French company CFK-Concepts, which, in addition to body massage, offers face lifting, baldness removal and peeling.

Also in salons and medical centers, you can again find the French Le Prus complex, which combines the LPG procedure with ultrasound for a more intense effect.

Thanks to LPG massage, you can say with confidence - your body can be perfect! All salons providing the service "LPG-massage"


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Even those girls and women who do not have problems with being overweight may one day find on their bodies “ orange peel". Doctors agree that it can be more difficult than throwing off a few pounds.

For years, girls have been looking for ways to fight cellulite that could guarantee successful getting rid of it. Of course, you can use different ones, as well as perform certain physical exercises. But the most enjoyable effective method the fight against excess weight was and remains massage. In this article, we will look at the LPG anti-cellulite massage, which has been very popular among the fair sex in recent years.

What is this innovative massage system? Initially, the device, which was invented by L. Gite, was an ordinary maniple. It was a chamber with small rollers inside. With the help of a vacuum, they formed folds of the skin and had an effect on them.

In this form, the invention did not last long. Constant development in the field of innovative technologies has made it possible to improve the massager. Now it is a computerized system. This system is able to independently choose the required intensity of exposure.

Moreover, this intensity is chosen based on what goals need to be achieved, in what condition the skin and adipose tissue are.

Please note that massage is performed only in specialized centers. The apparent simplicity of the procedure makes us believe that such a massage can be performed even at home. However, this is not the case, since only a specialist will be able to choose the correct intensity, as well as the duration of the procedure. Now let's take a closer look at exactly how this massage is performed.

The procedure is not too different in technology from that which is carried out without the use of the apparatus. Therefore, the question arises, is LPG massage really better than manual anti-cellulite? Studies have confirmed that it is indeed more effective, as it allows you to achieve visible results faster.

Anti-cellulite LPG massage is a novelty in cosmetology that allows those who cannot follow a diet or do not like sports to cope with an unpleasant defect. This method of getting rid of cellulite does not require willpower or time. The only obstacle is the high price.

Description of the procedure

The advantage of LPG massage is that it stimulates the patient's body to fight cellulite by triggering its own physiological processes. For the first time, anti-cellulite LPG massage was carried out in the late 80s of the twentieth century. Among doctors, the procedure is known as endermotherapy, endermology or lipomassage.


Abbreviation LPG massage received in honor of the inventor of the device - Louis Paul Gauthier (engineer and France).

LPG massage helps to cope with the consequences of sports injuries (sprains and fractures), eliminate the consequences of postoperative and burn scars. But the most popular service in beauty salons and medical centers is LPG cellulite massage.

A special suit is required for the massage. It protects the skin from injury and allows you to achieve a greater effect. The LPG hardware massage procedure involves exposure to problem areas of vacuum and rollers. During the session, there is an alternation of squeezing and stretching of the skin with cellulite. And the vacuum allows you to influence the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The result of the procedure is a sharp rush of blood to problem areas, an increase in the amount of oxygen supplied with the blood, the breakdown of fat accumulations, an improvement in metabolic processes and the removal of toxins in a natural way. Increased collagen synthesis makes the skin fresher and firmer.

On a note!

The scheme of LPG massage is developed by the doctor for each patient individually, taking into account the condition of the skin, the progression of cellulite, the presence of a history of chronic diseases and the wishes of the client.

Usually, 10 to 15 procedures are enough to obtain a lasting result. But their number may vary. The duration of one session is from half an hour to an hour. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to carry out LPG massage every 2-3 weeks or repeat the course of procedures after 3 months.


Anti-cellulite massage with the LPG device is performed for:

  • stock excess weight and cellulite on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. It is very difficult to eliminate fat deposits in these areas by other methods;
  • Stretch marks and sagging skin after childbirth or sudden weight loss;
  • The need to correct the consequences of unsuccessful liposuction;
  • puffiness;
  • Rehabilitation after plastic surgery.

The order of the procedure

Before the LPG massage procedure, the specialist examines the problem areas, analyzes the degree of cellulite. Then the client puts on a suit, and the doctor marks the problem areas with a marker. This is necessary so that the specialist stays longer in these areas. Depending on the stage of cellulite, rollers for LPG massage are chosen. Their type depends on the direction of the therapeutic effect:

  • Alignment of the skin relief;
  • Increase elasticity;
  • Elimination of fatty deposits and cellulite.

The nature of massage manipulations is also important:

  • Strokes help shape the contours of the body;
  • Twisting gets rid of cellulite;
  • Circular movements increase skin elasticity;
  • Swinging relieves fat accumulations.

On a note!

After the LPG hardware massage procedure for cellulite, it is recommended to follow the drinking regime - drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. You can eat no earlier than 3 hours after the massage.


Despite the complex healing effect on the body, high efficiency in the fight against cellulite LPG massage has a number of absolute and temporary contraindications. Otherwise, the procedure may be harmful to health.

Critical days

If the patient is menstruating, LPG massage should be postponed. This is due to the fact that during the procedure, blood flow in the thighs and pelvis area increases, which can provoke profuse bleeding. It is especially dangerous to carry out LPG massage for menstruating patients with blood clotting disorders. Poor health of the client during menstruation also negatively affects the effectiveness of the procedure. Some cosmetologists advise to refrain from LPG massage only on days 1-3 of the menstrual cycle. But, in order to completely eliminate undesirable consequences, you should consult a gynecologist before the procedure.


Varicose veins are not an absolute contraindication to LPG massage. In the early stages of pathology, hardware procedures for cellulite contribute to the normalization of blood flow and are included in the treatment regimen. However, with advanced varicose veins (2 and 4 degrees), complicated by thrombophlebitis, a preliminary consultation with a phlebologist will be required. The doctor will examine the patient, mark the areas varicose veins veins to be avoided during the session. The procedure itself will be more gentle and short-term.

Other contraindications

It is forbidden to carry out LPG massage in the presence of such pathologies:

  • Open wounds, cuts, abrasions on the skin;
  • Large moles;
  • Neoplasms (including benign);
  • Infectious lesions of the skin;
  • Acute inflammatory process in the veins or lymph nodes;
  • Carrying out liposuction. LPG massage is allowed 7-10 days after liposuction;
  • Hernia or prolapse of internal organs;
  • Diabetes;
  • Unreasonable rise in temperature;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Kidney dysfunction.

Expert opinion!

During pregnancy, you should also refrain from anti-cellulite LPG massage. A sharp rush of blood to the pelvic organs can provoke spontaneous abortion. If uterine fibroids are diagnosed, then the procedure is allowed if the size of the tumor is small. But it is important to prevent an increase in blood circulation in the area of ​​​​the neoplasm, as this can provoke an increase in the size of the fibroids.

The effectiveness of the procedure

Thanks to the course, you can:

  • Eliminate cellulite and improve skin texture;
  • Make the buttocks, chest and abdomen more toned;
  • Remove excess fluid and get rid of edema;
  • Reduce the volume of the hips and waist, due to the breakdown of body fat;
  • Increase muscle tone, improve health, improve well-being.


To increase the effectiveness of LPG procedures in the fight against cellulite, a balanced diet and exercise will help.

To evaluate which is better, LPG or manual anti-cellulite massage, a comparative table will help.


The price of anti-cellulite LPG treatment is not affordable for everyone. It is required to complete a full course of procedures to obtain the desired effect, and this is at least 6-10 sessions. The price of one massage is from one thousand to four thousand rubles. The cost varies depending on the city and salon or medical center. Also, to undergo treatment on the lpg apparatus, you will need to purchase a special suit, which costs about a thousand rubles.

Attention: before using any methods that can affect your health, consult a doctor. The information presented on the site is not intended for self-treatment, but is placed for educational purposes.

Lpg-massage is also called vacuum-roller and endermological. This procedure is completely harmless, but in some cases it is comparable to the degree of effectiveness.

Of course, it must be understood that this technique helps to eliminate only moderate reserves of adipocyte cells. At the fourth stage of cellulite, one thing cannot be corrected by it.

Lpg massage in the salon: execution technology

In order to visualize the procedure, you can watch a video about using the Body Optimizer device.

Devices are used not only such, but by and large they are all similar.

The device is driven over the body, like a computer mouse on a rug. The skin is impulsively captured inside the massage machine, where a vacuum is created. The vacuum pushes the fat further. The result is improved lymph flow and blood circulation.

The capture mode is regulated depending on the degree of neglect of the "fat trap".

The patient does not feel any pain, only pleasant warmth - exactly the same as when intensively kneading the body by hand.

Optimal course

With mild cellulite, the skin becomes a little smoother after the first procedure, but one should not be limited to one visit to a special beauty parlor. For high-quality alignment and skin rejuvenation, you will have to stock up on money and time.

A stable result is achieved only after 8-10 procedures. There is no limit bar. If you wish, you can make lpg-massage a useful life habit for an indefinitely long period.

It is necessary to be on procedures not daily, but twice a week.

To complete the course, you may be offered to purchase an elastic tight-fitting suit. Don't give it up. It is needed not only for hygienic and aesthetic reasons, but also for better heating of the skin.

In order to completely defeat cellulite, it makes sense to combine vacuum-roller procedures with a reasonable diet and periodic home wraps.

Are there any contraindications? Yes, but they are few:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. skin diseases;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. thrombophlebitis.

Summing up, let's say that the method is very worthy. He has only one drawback - the relative high cost.

LPG massage for cellulite

LPG (or endermological) massage is an effective hardware technique for removing cellulite. Its principle of action is comparable to manual techniques: an intense mechanical effect is produced on the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Such a high efficiency of LPG hardware correction from cellulite lies in the combination of the work of rollers of a special design and vacuum:

  • actively massaging skin folds, rollers break the integrity of the membranes of fat cells, they are split and excreted from the body;
  • vacuum stimulates microcirculation in tissues and trophic processes;
  • due to deep massage, lymph outflow is activated, which helps to remove toxins and cellular decay products;
  • restoration of nutrition and lipid metabolism processes provokes the renewal of all structural units of the subcutaneous fat layer: neocollagenesis and the synthesis of elastin fibers increase.


Results of hardware treatment

The possibility of changing the intensity of exposure during LPG-massage from cellulite, as well as the duration of the course, determine the effectiveness of the procedures for eliminating aesthetic defects varying degrees and locations.

Vacuum correction successfully fights various problems:

  • fat deposits on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen - body volumes in problem areas are noticeably reduced, and the contours of the figure become correct and proportional;
  • cellulite and edema on the body - the skin is elastic and smooth, without unaesthetic protruding tubercles and irregularities;
  • sagging skin folds (after pregnancy, sudden weight loss) - due to intensive stimulation of tissue regeneration, lymphatic drainage and blood flow, a pronounced lifting effect is observed.

After hardware treatment, the skin relief is not just leveled - it is noticeably tightened and rejuvenated, and you lose weight without exhausting diets and exercises.

Carrying out LPG-massage from cellulite

At the consultation of a dermacosmetologist, a diagnosis of the skin is carried out. Depending on the area of ​​correction, the severity of the problem and its localization, the depth of impact is determined vacuum massage and the required number of sessions to correct aesthetic defects.

The course of LPG hardware treatment for cellulite usually consists of 6-15 procedures. The duration of each manipulation is up to 50 minutes. Before the session, it is necessary to put on a special suit that ensures the sliding of the rollers and eliminates pain and discomfort.


Despite the atraumaticity and safety of the procedure, its implementation is limited by a number of general medical indications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • dermatological, infectious, inflammatory skin lesions in the treatment area;
  • oncopathology;
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • a number of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • elevated body temperature.

Not all of the listed pathologies and conditions are absolute - the degree of risk of LPG massage is determined during the diagnosis and history taking by a cosmetologist.

How to sign up for hardware treatment in our clinic

We offer an impeccable medical service in everything from the development of effective cosmetology programs to their implementation - safe procedures with minimal discomfort, but maximum aesthetic result.

Care for our clients is manifested even at the stage of organizing a consultation: you can quickly make an appointment with the dermacosmetologists of the clinic at a convenient time by phone or online.

Our advantages