Help for women's diseases. Conspiracy for fibroids: a folk remedy successfully relieves the disease

Conspiracy rules

Not a single word should be deleted from the conspiracy. Nothing can be added, not a word, not half a word, not a letter. Each word has its own meaning, and if for some reason the conspirator misses it or says an extra word, then the conspiracy will not work.

If you make a conspiracy for yourself, then you need to be in good health, with a calm head, so that you don’t quarrel with anyone ahead of time, so that your stomach doesn’t swell. And three days before that, do not drink intoxicating drinks. On the night before the conspiracy, do not make love with anyone - do not have mercy. If a woman, then there should be no menstruation on the day when the conspiracy is made. The day before, read “Our Father” nine times, “Virgin Mary” nine times and “Angel of God” five times.

If you do a conspiracy yourself, then only for the good. You can’t make someone get sick, or die, or cause someone to suffer a loss.

If you are making a conspiracy yourself, whether for yourself or for someone else, at the end of the day read “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary”, “Angel of God” three times. And then read this conspiracy for yourself: “I, the many-sinful servant of God (name), who have now sinned, took my will, not given by our God Jesus Christ, not asked by the Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Mary, not extended by my Angel of God: my life has been changed, threads have been torn. , others with ties, a wonder to the world with displays. Having spread out my accursed body before His life-giving Cross, I humbly ask for mercy and condescension for me, the sinful servant of God (name), and for my children and household members, and for their children and household members, for those present, for those who will come, and for again to the departed. For those who have departed - peaceful rest, for those who come again - a difficult road, and for me, the many-sinful servant of God (name), forgiveness and oblivion of my many sins. Have mercy on me, Lord (3 times).”

If you address a conspirator, then the conspirator must have good health, moral life, abstinence from wine and other excesses.

If a conspirator does this to you, then you definitely have to pay off or give back. The price is not directly asked. Either find out from outsiders, or give yourself what you don’t mind for your efforts.

If the conspirator asks for something, give it without bargaining.

If you asked a conspirator to do something bad to another person, then you yourself must fast for three days on bread and water, in a nearby church, put nine candles in front of each icon for three days, and distribute fifty rubles in small change to the poor on the porch three times. But this is only if the conspirator was ordered to do it not to death. And if you do it to death, you must remember that it will fly back to you, not to you, but to your children. So think first before you start something like this.

A man makes a spell with his head uncovered, a woman with bare hair. Both of them take off all rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry. Only the pectoral cross is left.

Conspiracies are not read in front of strangers.

When making a conspiracy, you need to close all the doors and curtains so that no one accidentally sees or overhears.

You cannot tell anyone about your conspiracy. If you go to church, don’t mention it at confession.

To have a better effect, conspiracies must be read in the morning, at dawn, or before sunrise, and always on an empty stomach, sometimes before sunset, and most often on light days.

They don’t make conspiracies on Monday because they have no power on that day.

Bath rules

Traditional healers treat many ailments with bath water: relieving damage and induced melancholy, treating infertility, both female and male, treating obesity, articular rheumatism, weak bronchi, urinary incontinence, blood stagnation, inflammation of the spinal cord, dropsy, gout, liver diseases and spleen, heart and digestive diseases. So my grandmother, Fedosia Antonovna, has a whole separate notebook dedicated to treatment in the bathhouse. But many of the conspiracies that I give you today are carried out in a bathhouse. That's why I'll tell you the bath conspiracy rules.
Remember: the most powerful day for working in the bathhouse is Thursday; Pure, or Great, Thursday on the eve of Easter, the Nativity of Christ, and also the Trinity has special power; in addition, the bathhouse on July 6 (Agrafena Bathing Suit) is very effective.
In the bathhouse you must follow these rules:

Find out who was the last to wash in this bathhouse. If you are a man and you are going to talk to a woman, then treatment will have to be postponed, and vice versa.

You need to take a bath on the day you cast the spell, wash it and pour boiling water over it.

Then you need to burn a church candle in each corner of the bathhouse, cross each corner nine times and read, standing in the middle, three times “Our Father,” “Theotokos,” and “Angel of God.”

Before conspiracies and treatment in the bathhouse, neither the conspirator nor the person being charmed should eat heavily.

The conspirator enters the bathhouse first, and then, with his permission, the person he will help.

The pectoral cross is not removed in the bathhouse.

If the problem is great, then before entering the bathhouse, both the person being charmed and the conspirator must draw a cross on their foreheads with church oil.

There should be no mirrors in the bathhouse.

The person being charmed can talk in the bathhouse, but only with the permission of the conspirator.

You cannot remember the unclean in the bathhouse.

Speak the disease in the female breast

As far as experience has shown, this conspiracy helps with almost all diseases of the female breast, including even cancer.

A whole head of cabbage is placed on the table (without the stalk). With one blow, split it into two halves. You can cut with whatever is more convenient for you. Carefully remove the top sheet and place it on your chest. You will not experience any inconvenience, since half the sheet resembles the shape of a bra cup. By the way, you can take a head of cabbage of such a size that its leaf comfortably covers the chest. Change sheets every fifteen minutes. To prevent the chopped head from drying out, cover it with a damp towel. Before cutting a head of cabbage, read a spell on it.

It is very important that the head of cabbage is cut with one blow.

Read like this:

I, the servant of God (name), will stand on the threshold,
I’ll take the aspen pole in my hands,
I'll go beyond the horizon to the east.
I’ll find the sub-eastern side;
There's a barn there
I'll look into that barn
I will count the udders of all cows:
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
Five, four, three and two,
Like my two breasts, on me, God’s servant (name).
Let chiriya and vereds dry up,
They disappear, they die.
Let the tumors not eat me up.
May you, my body, be pure and white.
Get rid of all the tumors on my chest.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For uterine cancer

They take the last rag from menstruation and burn it in the forest near a tree with a hollow. The ashes are buried under the tree, and a piece of clean cloth is placed in the hollow with the words:

Lord, what a pain
let it burn.
What grows
then it will bring me back to life.

If a woman in labor suffers for a long time, walk her three times around the table counterclockwise or through all the thresholds in the house - back and forth.

Infertility (shouting into the wind):

Just as the church is never empty on holidays, so the servant (name) will not be empty. Amen.

From unwillingness to sleep with a man

This is the advice. Go to the river, and early. Your task is to be the first to enter the water, before everyone else. Splash at yourself and say:

The sky is my father
The earth is my mother
Tell the water to give it woman's power.

When leaving, scoop up some water and wash your face again at home with the same words.

Conspiracies of Maria Bazhenova

Women's conspiracy for all diseases

This conspiracy, intended only for women, can treat not only special, female diseases, but also all others. Take a dry twig and draw it around the sore spot nine times in the morning. Read the plot:

As this branch goes out, goes out, dries up, dries up, so if the maiden (name) had all the sorrows and pains in (name the place where it hurts) they would go out, dry up, dry up, and flow, the maiden of God would not have them forever ( name) there would never be any sorrows at (name the place where it hurts), no pain at (name the place where it hurts). A century forever, from now on forever. Amen.

Afterwards, read the special fastening three times:

May, Lord, grant my slander to the benefit of the girl (name) of good health. Amen.

Conspiracy against any female bleeding

You need to fill a bucket with water and place it in front of you, and place two empty buckets to your left and right. Then sit down and pour handfuls of water, then into one bucket, then into another. At the same time, say the following words:

Mother of veins, mother of flesh, take it and go away. This is yours (pour water to the left), this is mine (pour water to the right).

So you need to pour water three times to the left and three times to the right. The remaining water is over the edge to the left.

Conspiracy against toxicosis during pregnancy

You need to take good water - spring water, from a healing or holy spring. But if you couldn’t find such water, prepare melted water. To do this, you need to buy clean drinking water, pour it into a bowl and freeze it. Then direct a stream of boiling water into the center and wash the entire center. Whatever remains needs to be thawed and poured into a clean jar. Speak to this water and then drink it throughout the day.

As the sight and hands are lovely to me, a servant of God, so would food and drink seem to me. Amen.

Plot for an easy pregnancy without complications

Go to the mirror and, looking into the eyes of the reflection, say this spell. Remember that at this moment no one should see or hear you.

Just as the rapids are strong and dense, so I would be dense and strong: neither the lessons nor the prizes would stick. Amen.

Conspiracy on fast recovery after childbirth

After childbirth, lying in bed or standing in the shower, gently rub your stomach in a circular motion (do not press too hard) and read the spell.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I call on the Lord God and the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos for help, and I, the servant of God (name), from the dear man, the servant of God (name), begin the search for the dear spool: “My spool, spool, dear spool, find, dear spool, your dear place and stand, dear spool, in your dear place, so that the servant of God (name), a dear person, from now on and forever, does not hurt and ache, does not go down and does not turn to stone.” A mother could bear and give birth to her child, and I, the servant of God (name), can also dissuade all illnesses. For the Lord God of water and earth has commanded: Know your own affairs; and for Amen, the Lord God is my healing words - forever and ever, Amen.

Conspiracies of Serafima Trapeznikova
Salt spell to get rid of female diseases

Fill your favorite cup with silent water (just as you collect it from a spring or well, and carry it home in silence), throw in a pinch of salt and stir. After the salt has dissolved, say the following spell:

Just as salt doesn’t see the lessons, the lessons wouldn’t stick to (name).

Drink three sips of water and read the words of the conspiracy again. Then take three more sips and read the plot again. So you need to drink all the water.

Conspiracy on full moon from periodic ailments

In order for this conspiracy to work in full force, you need to go to the river during the full moon and draw water. At home, pour it into a wide bowl, look at your reflection, as if in a mirror, and say:

Duma, tributaries, out. Amen.

And after that, without saying a word, go to bed.

Bath spell for female diseases

Prepare yourself a healing bath. While it is filling, read an old conspiracy over the water:

Voditsa-svetlitsa, red maiden, you came from across the sea, bringing health to the sick servant of God (name). You were cleansed by the clear sun, frequent stars, red dawns. Oh, Voditsa-svetlitsa, you walked through dark forests, steep banks, through White stone, every dawn you washed yourself, every dawn you cleansed yourself. Wash away, cleanse every disease from the servant of God (name), the disease of judgment, pepper, negotiation, wind, eye, alluvial. Or who envied the servant of God (name), or who told fortunes, or who said a stupid word, or who swore, or who grinned with anger, with hatred, with rage at a bad hour, in a bad rage let the servant of God (name) die, in bridge, in a violent head, in a zealous heart, in red blood, in a black liver. Some envied, some told fortunes, some said a stupid word - either young women, or beautiful maidens, or old old men, or young men, or women, or old women, or girls, or boys cursed, or grinned, or were envious. And you, Voditsa-svetlitsa, red maiden, you walked through dark forests, steep banks, through white stone. You were cleansed by the clear sun, the bright month, frequent stars, red dawns. Wash away and cleanse every disease from slave (name) at this hour, according to my conspiracy.

Then take a spoonful of honey and drop it into it:
1 drop essential oil lemon;
2 drops of lavender oil;
4 drops of eucalyptus oil.
Dissolve the oils in honey, and the honey in water. Take this bath and go to bed.

Bleeding spell

Remove three of your hairs from the comb and place them on a clean sheet of white paper. Read the conspiracy over them:

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into a pure, distant field, to the blue sea, to the throne of the Lord. I will take the golden keys from the throne, I will pray and worship the Mother of God, I will submit to that Mother of God. With those golden keys I will unlock all the rivers and chalk. I will wash your body white, your heart zealous, your eyes clear, your lips sugary. Flow, O water, from the white body, from the zealous heart, from the clear eyes, from the sugary lips. Just run away, all the prize-winners, all the monobraids, all the chickenpox fractures, commotions and birthmarks. Key, lock, amen.

Then wrap your hair in paper, burn it, and if ashes remain, scatter them in the wind.

Conspiracy and infusion for inflammation

Prepare herbal tea. To do this, take:
1 teaspoon dry raspberries;
1 teaspoon meadowsweet;
1 teaspoon dried black currants;
2 teaspoons of dried oregano.
Pour all this over two glasses of boiling water and read the plot. Cover tightly with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes. And then say about this drink:

Lord Jesus Christ, I, servant of God (name). Just as the true Christ went to the crucible and did not smell any whispers, nor aches, nor blue blood, so the servant of God (name) would not smell any whispers, nor aches, nor blue blood. I forgot some words, so be ahead, I added some words, so be in my favor. These words are the key and the lock, the tongue is in the mouth. From now on and forever. Amen.

Traditional medicine has always healed many sick women, and no matter how much scientists deny the effectiveness of magic, human experience suggests the opposite. A woman is especially vulnerable after childbirth, because she gives up part of her energy to the child, becoming weaker. You can improve your health with a conspiracy against female diseases.

You can cure a female disease with the help of conspiracies for female diseases

You can remove women's disease from the body using a spell on clothes. Perform a ritual according to Women's Day– Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Remove from the sick girl what she has been wearing for the longest time and take her as far as possible into a field or forest. Set the clothes on fire and read the words:

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.

The Lord God walks across the sinful earth, helping people, raising them from the grave.

Lord, raise Your servant (name) from his sick bed,

Death's bed

Save from bodily torment, turn away from death,

Bring me back to life in your name, in my deed,

Extend the life of your earthly servant (name). Amen".

During the ritual, the conspirator must be alone, without the gaze of a stranger. You shouldn't wait for your clothes to burn. Go home immediately after the conspiracy, don’t look back.

For a conspiracy to cure all female diseases, you will need a jar of water

There is an ancient Slavic prayer that has helped women with a variety of diseases at all times. To carry out the ritual, you will need to buy a red cloth or scarf on the second half of Friday, and in the morning collect running water in a jar. A silver cross should be placed at the bottom of the container. The jar should stand on the window for 24 hours.

At dawn the next day, the woman must tie the purchased scarf on her head, cross herself three times, take out the cross and place it on the window. Next, read the preparatory prayers - the Lord's Prayer three times, the prayer to St. Panteleimon once and six times strong conspiracy for healing:

“Women's diseases, go into the damp earth, find yourself a hole there in which you will sleep, whistle and play. And don’t go to God’s servant (name), neither in sleep, nor during the day, nor in honor, nor in jest, do not swim, leave forever. Amen".

You should spray yourself from head to toe with water from the jar and drink three sips of the rest over the next 24 hours.

Conspiracy for chronic diseases

Medicinal infusions help get rid of female illness. For the decoction you will need to prepare a teaspoon of herbs and berries:

  • dried black currants;
  • dry raspberries;
  • dried oregano;
  • meadowsweet

Pour the mixture with two glasses of boiling water, read the prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, I, the servant of God (name). Just as the true Christ went to the crucible and did not smell any whispers, nor aches, nor blue blood, so the servant of God (name) would not smell any whispers, nor aches, nor blue blood. I forgot some words, so be ahead, I added some words, so be in my favor. These words are the key and the lock, the tongue is in the mouth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From now on and forever. Amen".

For female diseases, tea should be well brewed. To do this, cover the broth with a lid and leave for at least 20 minutes. When the herb is well brewed, you need to read the prayer again.

If a woman has a cold, then a cold spell will help

A woman can catch a cold at any time of the year - in winter it is enough to dress lightly, and in the warm season sit in the cold. If this happens, the lady needs to dial clean water from a well or from a spring. At home, pour it into a glass and say the spell:

“Water is a damsel for all living things to live, no matter how you die in the world, so I won’t know the torment of women’s pains and illnesses and walk healthy forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Drink the charmed water, imagining how it spreads throughout the body, renewing and healing it.

Salt spell for female diseases

If a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen or tingling in the ovaries, she should resort to a ritual with salt. First you need to prepare silent water - this is a special magical attribute that is not difficult to make. From an open source, such as a river or sea, draw water and bring it home in complete silence. Already at home, throw a pinch of salt into the water and stir until completely dissolved. After this you need to read the whisper:

“Just as salt doesn’t see the lessons, so (name) the lessons wouldn’t stick.”

After taking three sips of liquid, whisper again. Repeat the action until the water is completely drunk.

Bath spell is contraindicated for pregnant women

A therapeutic bath will help get rid of women's illness. Water will gently cleanse not only the body of negative energy, but will also help to completely heal the body.

The ritual cannot be performed if the child is in the womb of a woman - it is dangerous for the fetus!

To carry out the ritual, you need to release water into the bath and read the plot:

“Voditsa bright, red maiden, you came from across the sea, bringing health to the sick servant of God (name). You were cleansed by the clear sun, frequent stars, red dawns. Oh, bright Voditsa, you walked through dark forests, steep banks, through white stone, every dawn you washed yourself, every dawn you cleansed yourself. Wash away, cleanse every disease from the servant of God (name), the disease of judgment, pepper, negotiation, wind, eye, alluvial. Or who envied the servant of God (name), or who told fortunes, or who said a stupid word, or who cursed, or who grinned with anger, with hatred, with rage at a bad hour, at a bad minute, at a bad second. The servant of God (name) lost her hair, her voice, and her rage into bones, into bones, into a violent head, into a zealous heart, into red blood, into a red liver. Those who were jealous, those who told fortunes, or those who said a stupid word - either young women, or beautiful maidens, or old old men, or young men, or women, or old women. Either the girls or the boys cursed or grinned, or were jealous. And you, Voditsa bright, you walked through dark forests, steep banks, through white stone. You were cleansed by the clear sun, the clear month, frequent stars, red dawns. Wash away, cleanse all disease from slave (name) at this hour, according to my conspiracy.”

  • 1 drop of lemon oil;
  • 4 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil.

After this bath you need to go to bed without talking to anyone until the morning.

Prayer for water will save a person from all troubles

If a woman is sick, but does not know the exact diagnosis, you can use prayer for all female diseases. To do this, take a glass of water and read the words:

“There is a grave in the cemetery, and the ground on the grave is damp. There is a hole in that ground. This hole is a hole. In that hole there are three knives - sharp, dull and the third, like a sliver, dry. The pain is neither sharp nor dull in the servant of God (name), but, like that dull knife and sliver, dry. The sliver dried up and the pain died down. Go away the pain. Let it be so".

Drink the charmed water - it will save a person from all troubles.

Among the miraculous prayers, there is a petition to the Mother of God - even in ancient times, people prayed to her holy face. You can ask her about the health of children, loved ones, as well as your own well-being. The prayer is pronounced like this:

“Oh, Madam Most Holy Lady. Get us, God's servants (names), from the depths of sin and deliver us from sudden death and all dark evil. Give us, our Lady, health and peace and enlighten our eyes and hearts, for bright salvation. Help us, God's servants (names), Great Kingdom of Your Son, Jesus our God: blessed be His power with the Most Holy Spirit and His Father. Amen".

The saints will definitely help in the fight against female illness.

When a woman is worried about a disease for a long time, life ceases to seem wonderful. This state of affairs needs to be urgently changed. Usually, conspiracies for female diseases help with this. However, if the situation is advanced or a person does not have enough energy for magical rituals, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Chapter 4 Conspiracies for female diseases

Any woman wants to be healthy and loved. These two factors are directly related to each other. But illnesses often come unexpectedly and take you by surprise. Doctors are trying to find reasons in the wrong lifestyle, in the fact that you do not take care of yourself and are negligent about your health. You agree with them, remembering the beautiful nylon tights, in which, it would seem, they quickly ran to work in 25-degree frost. Or maybe the reason is the pouring rain that you got caught in quite by accident.

Yes, there can be any number of reasons, some of them are random, and some are not. In any case, the disease, and especially the female one, requires special attention and quick treatment. In general, any illness should not be abandoned and forgotten about as soon as the pain subsides.

Abdominal pain occurs in women for various reasons. This may be periodic pain on certain days, or there may be pain that indicates more serious diseases.

Since ancient times, spells, along with various magical rituals, have been one of the main and widely used means in the treatment of female diseases, since a woman has always wanted to be young, beautiful, healthy, and therefore attractive to the opposite sex.

In many countries of medieval Europe, they resorted to the services of sorcerers and healers in order to get rid of any female ailment, to become younger and more attractive to their husband (or lover). And sorcerers and healers used a wide variety of methods and means, among which in the first row were magic spells, conjured drinks and decoctions of medicinal herbs, and bizarre rituals.

And in Rus', since ancient times, conspiracies against female suffering were in first place, because the woman was revered and considered the founder of the human race.

Therefore, many conspiracies are related to the stomach. And most of them are addressed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, since in her all women saw a direct intercessor in all women’s misfortunes. They believed that it was the Mother of God who could help with women’s diseases, since she was a woman, a mother. And any woman - a future mother, must and must take care of her body, intended for the birth of a new life.

You can drink the charmed water: “I send the tributary to the sea, where the stomach aches with grief, where it twists, from the inside it stirs up the hour and day, and the abdomen. Belly button, no whining, no guts, no howling, no moaning, no twisting. Holy Mother of God, turn away the pain. Forever and ever. Amen".

If you have stomach pain, take a piece of bread, say it, move it clockwise around your stomach with the following words: “The Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, an immaculate person, ate in the new cathedral, dined with appetite, rejoiced and talked. Jesus Christ was baptized in Jordan and thereby got rid of his enemies, washed his white body and wiped it with a thin shroud. And I, the servant of God (name), wash myself, wipe myself with a thin shroud, and drive away all stomach ailments from myself. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The following spell is made on a medicinal herb during its preparation, and then infused and used as a drink and wash. Brew clover, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, plantain, nettle, coltsfoot, elecampane in equal parts (0.5 tbsp of each herb per 1 liter of water), after it has steeped for about an hour, you can read CONSPIRACY: “Mikolin’s father turned so white so that you, the herb potion, would help us in our weakness and from any ailment of women and girls. Hope, grass, with a magical property, turn around, grass, with a beneficial effect. Be for my good, for my benefit, for my health. Amen".

You can read about a decoction of medicinal herbs and next plot: “On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, stands the Mother of God with a robe, with a veil, with the Lord’s beauty. Most Holy Mother of God! Become a help, you grew the potion, you dug for preservation and mercy from all sorrow and all illness. Rise to my aid, and the cruel disease to my weakness. Hallowed be Thy name. Amen".

The following words were also spoken about the grass: “Simon shouts gold, but the Savior sows, let him be accepted! And I’ll pick up a potion, boil it for the good - let it help

Or say grass like this: “The potion is powerful! The Lord Himself planted you, and the bright Savior gave birth to you. The Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos, watered and gave people help and comfort.

Help me, green potion, green-azure, azure and red, from every disease, from nausea and aches, from evil illnesses, drive out ailments from the womb, from the veins, from the half-veins, from the ribs and bones, from the blood and ore. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You can cast a healing potion as follows: “I’m digging a potion, the color is clear, yellow and azure, I’m digging a potion - grass and roots - for the servant of God (name) to help. The Lord is with me, helping me. Amen".

Or read the following plot in front of the illuminated icon on the night of the new moon: “I, servant of God (name), will get up, bless myself, wash myself, cross myself, go from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go under blue sky, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the morning dawn, under the evening dawn. I'll go to the ocean-sea. On the ocean-sea stands a golden throne. On the golden throne sits the Mother of God with angels, with archangels: Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Elijah the man of God, cherubim and seraphim and all the power of heaven! I will pray to them, I will bow to them. Where people lost good health, why they got it. Is it not from Mother’s damp earth, is it not from the queen’s water, is it not from the tract, is it not from the whirlwind, is it not from the wind, is it not from the evil commotion? Nonsense, argument and a place for people to find health! Go and find, calm and console all ailments and pains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

If a healthy young woman suddenly feels a sudden deterioration in her condition, then, most likely, someone’s envy, the evil eye, or an evil slander is taking its toll. There is a known case when a beautiful, strong and healthy girl, having successfully married, began to lose weight in front of everyone, mope, and just like a woman.

Try this: wash your face with holy water, also left on the new moon in front of the window (or in the yard), so that the moon is reflected in it. And the next morning wash your face with it, saying: “Water-queen, you are fleeing from the Kingdom of Heaven, from the Paradise of the Lord, washing away all the sands and roots, wash away from the servant of God (name), the evil eye, the evil slander of the homewrecker, the melancholy, dryness, all the ailments and pains.”

Or you can open the door to the house, take three birch coals, put them in the water and speak into the water three times, spitting over your left shoulder: “Take, black coal, from the servant of God (name) everything bad and evil, feigned damage from the smoke, from the heat, from the wind, take off everything that flew into the chimney and into the crack, go through the open door of the hut. I, the servant of God (name), persecute without cunning, without wisdom, good deeds, yes, by God, with flammable fire and burning fire from my body, from my house. Neither windy winds will damage, nor torrential rains will wet it. With the power of thunder, heaven, I remove, I send away all ailments, all aching pains from all organs, a white body, a hot heart, scarlet running blood. There is no human anger, no animal roar, no evil cry on the servant of God (name). Where did you come from, blackness, go to that! Amen!"

Then close all the doors and windows in the house, walk around it with a lit church candle and, making the sign of the cross, read the following plot: “Holy hut, you stand in a holy place, I close the windows, close the doors and all your cracks with a pure life-giving cross - from every unclean thing, from the envious, from the slanderer, from an evil person and spirit, from illnesses, from illnesses, from human grief. It is not I who dissuade, it is the Mother of God who dissuades with the power of her prayer and the life-giving cross. Amen!"

Any woman knows that, as a rule, one female illness leads to others. There are many conspiracies on this score that are aimed at getting rid of several female diseases at once. You can read this conspiracy at dawn: “Just as the Lord God firmly established the sky and the earth, and the stars, and the raw earth, and firmly strengthened it, and just as in that raw earth there is no disease, no bloody wound, no pinch, no ache, no swelling, so the Lord created me, the servant of God. (Name); just as the Lord created, firmly established and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body, so I, the servant of God (name), would not have any disease, blood or wound on my white body or on my bones. , no pinching, no aches, no swelling. One Archangel key. Amen".

For any woman, it is very important how this truly sacred process of giving birth to a new life - childbirth - goes. Childbirth is directly related to the physical condition of a woman, her health. For troubles in childbirth, there is a conspiracy that you need to start reading at the moment when your waters begin to break: “I trust the Mother of God, I surrender myself into her hands. Take the pain away from me, Mother. Save, preserve and protect, help me during childbirth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Between the ages of 45 and 50 (which may vary for everyone), a woman enters an exciting and challenging transitional period in life called menopause or menopause. For some women, menopause is a no-brainer, but for others, the physical aspects of midlife can be difficult, confusing, and often coincide with emotional upheaval, such as the death of a parent or spouse, divorce, or adult children leaving home. And it may happen that a woman is left completely alone with her problems.

With the help of spells, we will help you alleviate all sorts of manifestations of menopause and suggest the following method: pour water into a jar and place it on the window or in the yard (on the balcony) at night so that there is a lunar reflection in it, and after reading the spell over the water, drink it .

“Brother month, sister moon, how do you like my water? Reflect in it, don’t be stingy and transform yourself. Give your young face and talk to me. Did Mother Virgin Mary look at you? I looked. Did you endure women's torment? I couldn't stand it. I would like to look at you, I can’t endure women’s torment. The stars are frequent, the sky is clear, if the maiden is red in my favor. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Traditional conspiracies with a well-known introduction will help you against female illness and disease: “I, servant of God (name), will stand up, blessing myself, go out, cross myself, and ask our Lord Jesus Christ for protection, for salvation, for help-healing. Save and preserve Your servant (name) and send her back to her former health and youth. Just as I was carefree and cheerful as a girl, I knew neither pain, nor illness, nor aching, nor itching, so I would not know pain and illness to this day and for centuries. Glory to You Lord. Amen".

To cast a spell against any female ailment, you need to bake a loaf of bread and say: “I meet You, Lord, with bread and salt, Easter, with the Lord’s affection. Bless, Lord, Your Lord’s paths are strong, let go of Your servant (name) women’s worries, deliver me from pain, enough is enough for a woman’s lot.”

From book Everyday life sorcerers and healers in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries author Budur Natalia Valentinovna

From the book Miracle Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stefania

Spells for kidney diseases For kidney colic Prepare round bread and coarse salt. Pour running water into a glass and break off a piece of bread. You can't cut it off, because you can't pick up a knife. When you read, put this piece of bread and a pinch of salt into the water: Water, water,

From the book Women's conspiracies for love, health and happiness. 147 strongest women's conspiracies author Bazhenova Maria

Spells for heart disease Spells for knives Take two knives with wooden handles. Holding the blades, they hit the handle against the handle near the patient’s heart and whisper: Just as I knock the handle against the handle and the knife does not hurt, so the heart of God’s servant (name) does not hurt. Damask knives, handles

From the book 7777 best conspiracies from the best healers in Russia author Astapova M.

Spells against male and female diseases From uterine bleeding Spell water, which is drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening, will help stop uterine bleeding. Morning hours, afternoon hours, evening hours. Gather my blood into one stream. Send her through the veins, through

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy against female diseases The conspiracy should be created at dawn. Take the red apple. Divide it into four parts, sprinkle each piece separately with holy water. And so you say: Four sisters, Zachary and Macarius, sister Daria and Marya, and sister Ulyana, so that

From the book We heal with words author Kladnikova Serafima

SPELLS AGAINST DISEASES FOR CHILDREN Spells for health from Maria Bazhenova Spells for health when bathing, dousing a baby When bathing a child normally, say this: Grandmother Solomonyushka of Christ hovered and left us a parka. God bless! Little hands, grow up,

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 22 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Spell against female diseases Go to the bathhouse and there, having undressed, run your hand over your bare stomach, douse yourself with warm water and read the following spell: Arina-Marina went to Kalina, broke Kalina, knocked out the disease from the servant of God (name). Drain, remove, rinse with water Babkins, Dedkins,

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Chapter 3 Conspiracies for diseases of the joints For various diseases, the names of saints are mentioned in conspiracies: Nicholas the Wonderworker, saint; Panteleimon, healer; Barbarian Great Martyrs; Michael the Archangel...For diseases of the joints - martyrs Boris and Gleb, St. Seraphim

From the book How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye by Luzina Lada

Chapter 4 Conspiracies for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract In this chapter we will talk about how to fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract using various types of conspiracies and therapeutic actions. As you know, this type of disease is widespread among

From the book The Big Book of Magic and Witchcraft author Podkolzina Vera Alexandrovna

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Collections for female diseases Under women's diseases This means nagging pain in the lower abdomen, tingling in the ovaries, painful and prolonged menstruation and cramping pain. My grandmother used this mixture for many sick women, and, as far as I know, they always

From the book How to get rid of damage and the evil eye. Signs, amulets, conspiracies, rituals, prayers author Yuzhin Vladimir Ivanovich

Spells for eye diseases Zarya-Zarina, red maiden, take the eyes that are red, and give me clear eyes.* * *Zorka-Zarina, red maiden, take the eyes that are red, give me clear eyes. Go to the river at dawn, speak to the water and wash eyes.* * *Put silver in the washbasin and say:

From the book The Secret of Slanders and Attitudes of Sister Stephanie. Hidden words of light and words of power author Stefania Sister

Chapter 5. Conspiracies for diseases Conspiracies that help to recover from diseases have been used in Rus' since time immemorial. For this purpose, they specifically turned to healers who knew great amount magical techniques and used them quite widely. Most often they

From the author's book

From the author's book

Chapter 14 Conspiracies for various diseases Most diseases can be successfully cured with drops, herbs, gymnastics, in a healthy way life, hygiene, proper nutrition, but if this does not help you, use the following plot. I am a servant of God (name) speaking to a slave

From the author's book

For female diseases I am a wonderful, wonderful woman! I like being a woman. I allow wonderful feminine energies into my body. These energies fill every cell of mine and begin to sing quietly, gently in my chest. This wonderful, gentle vibration fills me with strength

Conspiracies for diseases of the female reproductive system

Conspiracies for irregular periods

Just as day replaces night, and night replaces day, so the servant of God (name) would give way to one another, without any interruptions. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

A day is similar to a day, a week is similar to a week, and a month is similar to a month, so the month of a servant of God (name) would be similar to another month of a servant of God (name), the second - to the third, the third - to the fourth, and so on throughout life. Forever and ever. Amen.

The spell is done on the new moon, in the evening, with the windows widened. The person being spoken to sits facing the window, through which the young moon is visible.

Conspiracies for lack of menstruation

Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Jesus of Christ, order the servant of God (name) to give blood on time, not to know sorrow. From this day and forever and ever. Amen.

I cross with the cross, I open the blood of God’s servant (name). Every month it takes her to expire, every month she gives away blood. Until that day and hour that only cherubim and seraphim know, but they won’t tell us, they won’t show us. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Spells for bleeding between periods

Viburnum-viburnum, give me your juice, tame the flow of blood from the servant of God (name). So that she doesn’t bleed in the future, she doesn’t suffer from bleeding. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed. A bunch of ripe viburnum is placed on the table in front of the woman being charmed. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker takes a bunch, squeezes it in his hand so that the juice splashes into the face of the person being spoken to. You can't wash your face until the morning!

There is a hut on the Okiyan sea, on the island of Buyan. In that hut sits a thin old woman. She closes the blood of the pullets, ties the blood flow in a knot. Stop bleeding from the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon. A red rope is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker ties three knots on a rope, one on top of the other. After the spell is cast, the rope is burned and the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree.

Conspiracies against severe blood loss due to heavy menstruation

Lord Jesus Christ, as You were on the cross and shed Your blood, so command the servant of God (name) not to grieve, not to shed too much blood. The key, the lock in my words. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

The cuckoo is in the forest, the dog is in the kennel, and the strength is in me. With my strength I order the servant of God (name) to stop bleeding and wasting her life. As it is said, so it will be, forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Angels-archangels-cherubim-seraphim, flap your wings, do not order the servant of God (name) to bleed or give up life. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

I burn a candle and say to it: servant of God (name), close the ore, calm yourself down. My word is strong and molding. Amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed. A non-church thick red candle is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to, and matches (a lighter) are placed. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker lights a candle. After the spell, the person being charmed reads “Our Father” seven times, then blows out the candle and immediately goes to sleep. The candle stub should be buried in the yard under a tree.

Spells for painful periods

Just as the birch tree has sap, but the birch tree does not groan or hurt, so the servant of God (name) would not moan or hurt, releasing ore. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done in the spring during the flow of birch sap, at noon. A bowl of freshly collected birch sap is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the person being spoken to throws back her head, and the speaker dips the index finger of his right hand in birch sap and draws crosses on the forehead and cheeks of the person being spoken to. The remaining birch sap is poured in the yard under a tree.

Woman's illness, go away from the servant of God (name) of the yard, go away forever. Just as the river flows easily, so would God’s servant (name) easily be washed with woman’s blood. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Conspiracies against benign tumors in the chest, uterus, ovaries

What grew on the servant of God (name) went into the ground. I won't tell anyone, I won't show anything. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done early in the morning. A lump of dough is stuck to the sore spot of the person being charmed ahead of time. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker tears off this lump and throws it under the table. After the spell, the dough is burned, the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree.

On the sea-okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a hut, in the hut there is firewood, the stove is heated with it, and the keels are dried on it. All the keels and pimples of the servant of God (name), go to that stove, dry there and burn. Do not come back forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon. On the table in front of the person being charmed, they place a bowl with a previously wrinkled and torn newspaper to be charmed, and put matches or a lighter. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker sets fire to the newspaper in a bowl. After the conspiracy, the ashes must be buried in the yard under a tree.

What swelled and grew, deflated and shrunk. The servant of God (name) has had all her illnesses reversed. As soon as I say the word Amen, everything will go away. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done late in the evening. A half-inflated red balloon is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker crumples the ball in his hands and releases air. The deflated ball is thrown under the table. After the spell is cast, this deflated ball is buried in the yard under a tree.

I baptize with the cross and sprinkle with Thursday salt. From this point on, every day the servant of God (name) has all the swellings and bumps and abscesses and sprouts decreasing, shrinking, and cease to exist. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed. A small bowl of Thursday salt is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker takes salt and sprinkles it on the crown and sore spots of the person being spoken to. The remaining salt after the spell is cleaned up. The person being spoken to immediately goes to bed.

Conspiracies for infertility

Lord, bless the womb of Your servant (name) with fruit, let that fruit grow, give that fruit to Your servant (name) to come out and find. It is said - sealed with seven cast-iron seals. Amen.

The conspiracy is made on the fifth day after the last menstruation of the person being charmed in accordance with the practice of carrying out conspiracies.

Jesus Christ, son of God, have pity on the servant of God (name), send her consolation, let her give birth to a child. Be therefore, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Just as a poppy box opens and seeds are born from it, so the womb of God’s servant (name) would not be idle, bear fruit, and give birth on time. Anything will happen. Amen.

The plot is made on Thursday evening. A poppy box is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker opens it over the head of the person being spoken to and sprinkles it with poppy seeds. After the spell, the remains of the poppy pod are burned, and the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree.

The fish swam across the ocean sea to Buyan Island, cried tears, and wailed, as if the fish had no small children. And as soon as she swam, she found the children. If only the servant of God (name) had found children, she would have been in joy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon. The tail of a fresh fish is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker touches the crown of the head, throat, middle of the chest, solar plexus, pubis, and coccyx with the fish tail. After the spell, the fish tail is burned, the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree.

I baptize with the cross, I command the servant of God (name) to conceive a child. In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, how you conceived, how you gave birth, so God’s servant (name) would have conceived and she would have given birth. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Conspiracies for uterine rabies

Servant of God (name), I order you: stay at home, don’t walk on the street, don’t want men. For ever and ever, Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Lust, lust, demonic obsession, wash away, thinness, stacks, shame from the servant of God (name). Every day and hour and forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed. A bowl of water is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker pours all the water onto the crown of the person being spoken to.

Conspiracies against female coldness

I conjure, I conjure the front of the servant of God (name). Be merry and bright, catch it. your heat so that the servant of God (name) is like fire. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a hut, in that hut there is a bedroom, in that bedroom a beautiful young woman sleeps with her husband, screams loudly, and still orders. Likewise, the servant of God (name) would always scream under her husband, receive joy, and desire him every day. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

I light the stove and relieve the cold. The servant of God (name) will be ardent and eager. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The conspiracy is done late in the evening. On the table in front of the person being charmed, they place a bowl with a previously wrinkled and torn newspaper to be charmed, and put matches or a lighter. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker sets fire to the newspaper in a bowl. After the conspiracy, the ashes must be buried in the yard under a tree.

As much as the belly wants to eat, as much as the throat wants to drink, as much as the eyes want to sleep, so would the servant of God (name) want and desire her husband every day and hour. Nikolai, please help! Amen.

The conspiracy is done late in the evening. A photograph of her husband is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker takes a photograph and puts it on the seat of a chair so that the person being charmed sits in this photograph. After the spell, the person being charmed must carry this photograph with her at all times (in her bag).

I baptize with the cross, I ignite the woman’s essence. The servant of God (name) would have a desire for men, would have a desire and disposition towards them. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

The match lights up, and it lights the candle. So God’s servant (name) would light a candle out of desire for her husband. In my words, the key is in the oven, the oven is on fire. Amen.

The conspiracy is done late in the evening. A thick white non-church candle is placed on the table in front of the person being charmed, and matches are placed. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker lights a candle. After finishing the spell, the person being charmed must read “Our Father” three times, then blow out the candle. The cinder is buried in the yard under a tree.

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Specialist in village magic. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Diseases are the cause of discomfort in a person’s life. Mild ailments quickly pass without leaving consequences, but severe ones can cause serious complications and transform into a chronic form, depleting a person physically and mentally. If treatment traditional methods does not lead to recovery, use the power of prayer and magic, thus the disease will disappear under the influence of higher powers. Remember that it is much easier to prevent all illnesses than to waste time, effort and money on its treatment. A spell for health effectively and for a long time supports the vitality of you and your loved ones.

Rituals for pain - features and types

IN modern world According to statistics, many diseases are becoming younger, the number of patients with a variety of diagnoses is increasing. Growing pharmacy chains, an increasing range of medications, and many years of medical knowledge do not reduce the popularity and demand for pain spells. The secret of success is sincere belief in complete and speedy recovery, because the spiritual forces of the body, which are activated under the influence magical ritual, are limitless and, sometimes, turn out to be stronger than medications and traditional procedures.

Several features of pain conspiracies:

  • used to treat the illness of one’s own and a family member or loved one;
  • if there are no special recommendations, a spell for pain must be pronounced on the waning moon, it is during this period that every word of prayer, every ritual is endowed with special power;
  • if the ritual is performed in another lunar phase, it should be repeated at the most appropriate time.

What are the conspiracies that relieve pain and illnesses?

  1. To eliminate any disease. These are universal rituals; they can be performed for any pain and pathology.
  2. Protection from disease. Such a ritual is preventive in nature - it is a shield that protects the body from pain and dangerous consequences.
  3. Rituals for specific ailments. There are a huge number of magical rituals, the effect of which is aimed at treating a certain type of pain.
  4. Ritual for a child's illness. Children's rituals are placed in a separate category, since the baby is not able to perform it on his own. In this case, the necessary actions are performed by the mother or grandmother.

Protection from pain and illness

Create reliable protection The spoken prayer will help:

“Our Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos, protect and preserve the servant of God (the servant of God) “name.” Restore her (him) health and strength, beg Christ for recovery. Amen."

The optimal time to read the prayer is before dawn. The ritual helps to cope with one’s own illness and disease loved one and a child.

Universal rituals

Ritual with the clothes of the sick

You will need the patient's T-shirt, in which he slept at least one night. It needs to be taken to the forest or park. You need to read the prayer when there is no one nearby. The item is then burned. As soon as the shirt is completely on fire, leave without looking back. Try not to talk for a whole day. It is strictly forbidden to perform the ritual on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Words of prayer:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ walks on the sinful earth, heals people, and raises them from the grave. Lord, raise me too, your servant (your servant) “name”, deliver me from pain, turn me away from death and return to me the strength of life, prolong the earthly life of your servant (thy servant) name. Amen."

Conspiracy for all pains

The pain appears suddenly and can disrupt the measured rhythm of life. The ritual effectively and quickly relieves discomfort in the heart, back, joints, throat, legs, stomach, and women's ailments. A prayer said at dawn gains maximum power.

“Our Jesus Christ, bless and protect! You are the creator of the earth's firmament, heaven and water, the creator of me - the servant of God (servant of God) “name”. Strengthen my body and spirit, deliver me from pain, illness, do not leave the bad things in my heart, in my bones and veins that were - let them pass without a trace. Amen!"

You must read the prayer seven times and repeat the ritual throughout the week. This ritual will help heal the child.

Rituals against female diseases

Universal conspiracy for women's health

To achieve a complete recovery, it is important to follow all recommendations and carry out the ceremony as accurately as possible.

Before dawn, fill a half-liter container with purified water and lower the cross made of silver. Leave the container on the window, and a day later, again at dawn, tie your head, cross yourself three times, pull out the cross and leave it on the window. Hold the container of water in your hands and read the prayers “Our Father” and Saint Panteleimon three times, then say:

“Women’s ailments, sink into the damp earth, hide in a deep hole, where you sleep, whistle, and play forever. And don’t come to God’s servant “name” either day or night, either seriously or in jest, leave forever. Amen!"

Repeat the words six times without letting go of the container of water, when finished, cross yourself three times, sprinkle the body with sick water, and drink the rest throughout the day. You need to drink three sips at regular intervals.

Ritual for infertility

The main purpose of a woman is motherhood, unfortunately, an obstacle to this is a common disease - infertility. The ritual, like others, must be carried out during the waning moon for a week. Success is largely determined by faith in the effectiveness of the ritual and strict adherence to its algorithm.

  • The ritual should be performed every day; breaks should not be taken.
  • The optimal time to read the prayer is just after midnight.
  • You need to light two candles purchased in the church and say three times:

“Just as our Most Pure Mother of God was strong in body and spirit and did not know women’s ailments, so I, the servant of God “name,” did not suffer from torment. May it always be so. Amen!"

At the end of the ceremony, the candles are blown out. On the last evening of the ritual, each candle burns out completely.

Spells for skin diseases

Universal spell for skin disease

For the ritual, you will need to purchase a red cloth, for example, a scarf, and for twelve days, while wiping the affected skin, say the words:

“Go the sickness beyond the gates, take the rash beyond the swamps, find your yard, your home, your throne. I remove the illness from myself, in a word I cleanse the body and blood, so that the body and blood are clean, white, and have no ailments. Amen!"

Then, on the last day of reading the plot, you need to go to the gates of the inactive cemetery in the afternoon, stand at the entrance and say the following:

“I came (came) to the city of the dead, where the dead are fast asleep, I remove the disease from my body, and send it to you in the ground. I’m giving away the illness, take it, put it in a coffin, hammer it with a nail, so that the body and blood are clean and white, and have no illnesses. Amen!"

Afterwards, you need to throw the cloth towards the cemetery with your right hand, leave without turning around, and remain silent along the way. At home, wash your hands with running water and only then can you talk.

Skin rash spell

The ritual will help those who suffer from rashes, including herpes. You need to do the following - run the index finger of your right hand over the foggy glass, and then over the affected area of ​​the skin, while you need to say the words:

“Clean and transparent glass found dryness for my illness, let it dry up, go into a tree and give me water. Amen!"

Say the words three times. Positive results appear after a few days.

Spells for the most common pains

Universal conspiracy

The ritual is effective against a wide variety of pain, concentrated in all parts of the body. With your right index finger, draw a circle around the sore area of ​​your body and say:

“I appeal to you (indicate the organ that hurts or part of the body), don’t feel pain, don’t get sick, don’t torment the servant of God (servant of God) “name”. As the Moon wanes in the sky, so does my illness recede. Amen!"

Say the words three times; if the situation does not improve within several days, repeat the ritual twice.