Patterns for the head. Fashionable haircuts for boys. Photos and names: boxing, half-boxing, baby dragon, tennis, mohawk, cap. Model haircuts and teenagers. Technique for making ornaments using a machine

For adult men, getting a haircut is a routine, no more than a monthly procedure. But for boys, going to the hairdresser or even creating a fashionable hairstyle at home is always an important event. Especially now, when the times of monotonous haircuts are over - the image of the baby depends only on the imagination of the master or the wishes of the little client.

Haircut according to boy's age

When choosing a boy's hairstyle, it is important to remember that it matches his age. So, for children under three years old, simple and neat options are preferable. The main requirements are the absence of long bangs that will get into the eyes and neatness. It’s better to hold off on the frills: Thin hair Small children are difficult to style (and the use of styling products for them is strictly prohibited).

But starting from 4-5 years old, you can choose more complex models, giving your child the opportunity for self-expression. A haircut with a pattern will help your child express himself and attract the attention of his peers. By the way, this year such hairstyles are at the peak of popularity.

Rules for creating a drawing

Usually an experienced hairdresser can create such a haircut using just one clipper. But a less experienced artist (or the drawing is very complex) will need scissors and a cosmetic pencil. Typically, the following requirements are put forward for a haircut with patterns:

  • Despite the fact that the design can be applied all over the head, it is worth practicing with the back of the head or temples first. A too eccentric haircut can complicate relationships with teachers at school or even cause ridicule from peers.
  • If you decide on a similar hairstyle, you need to grow your hair at least 6-7 mm. On shorter curls, even the most skilled craftsman will not be able to guarantee the clarity of the pattern.
  • Correction will need to be carried out at least once every ten days, otherwise restoring the pattern will be quite problematic. Most likely, you will have to grow your hair out for a month to create a new hairstyle.

A haircut with patterns takes at least one hour, so prepare the boy for the procedure in advance (for example, come up with an interesting activity for him).

Haircut stages

The formation of a pattern involves several stages, some of which even require preliminary preparation:

  1. Selecting the drawing area. The hairdresser checks with the boy or his parents exactly where the ornament will be located.
  2. Selection of pattern. Although craftsmen usually have multiple options in stock, you can always bring a photo or sketch of the desired design with you.
  3. Directly creating a hairstyle. If the design is intricate, the artist will apply it using cosmetic pencil. Then the excess is cut off with scissors, and the machine completes the processing.
  4. The pencil is washed off the skin with tonic.

The pattern in such a haircut can be intersecting lines, stripes, stars. If the master agrees, you can depict his favorite cartoon characters on the boy’s head.

Remember, your boy wants to be fashionable and creative no less than you. Don't be afraid to experiment - let your child enjoy an extraordinary hairstyle. And your task is to help him show his individuality.

You can also get acquainted with fashionable haircuts of 2016 for boys in this.

What patterns can your baby boast of on his head? Share in the comments.

Carrying intricate patterns on the head creates a creative and unusual style. Over time, the options for choosing men's haircuts are expanding. Many men like the new skills of stylists and hairdressers, since the design emphasizes individuality. For some, simple crossed lines on the head are enough, for others, more complex contours are drawn, sometimes entire cities are depicted.

To complete the design, the hair length must be 6 mm. The pattern is updated every 10 days. If you are late, the process of restoring circuits becomes significantly more complicated. A drawing of average complexity can be created within an hour.

Who is suitable for men's hairstyles with patterns on the head and shaved temples - photo of haircuts

Most of the public who want to try an exclusive haircut with a pattern on the side are young men who prefer creative or sports activities. No wonder, virtually all young people want to look unique. Original style evokes both the surprise of others and sympathy. But it’s suitable for guys with an ideal skull structure.

Business men prefer insignificant images - one or two lines will suit them perfectly, at the same time add creativity and will not shock their colleagues.

If you want less original haircut, then it will be an excellent choice.

lizard pattern - the choice of brave young people

The creative public tends to express themselves in this way. Musicians from all over the world enjoy wearing hairstyles with various patterns on their heads.

As for the sports world, such haircuts are welcomed by football and basketball players. Many champions can boast of being creative.

Most unexpected Ordinary youth are surprised by these fantasies. Guys manage to translate their fantasies into a realistically created image that attracts attention with its uniqueness. The desire to stand out among the crowd only adds to the popularity of any image.

A creative haircut is performed with a trimmer, scissors, and comb.

hairstyle with original pattern

Only a hairdresser can make a drawing; it is impossible to do it yourself. The sequence is followed:

  1. The excess hair is cut off.
  2. Creating the outline of the desired figure is done with scissors.

In order for the hairdresser to clearly understand the task, you need to provide him with a photo of the selected design.

Video: step-by-step process of creating a hairstyle with a pattern

IN last years hairstyle with pattern fashion trend among young people. On our video you can watch step by step process creating a pattern.

Choosing a clipper haircut – what designs can be cut on your hair

hairstyle with a pattern all over the head

High practicality is the main advantage of this hairstyle, which will be an ideal addition to sports and casual clothing. Carefully executed edging will help hide the imperfections of the skull.

For dark-haired owners, the design is performed on 6 mm of hair length, and for fair-haired owners, 9 mm is left. The clarity of the lines is clearly visible within a week, disappearing without a trace after 1-1.5 months. To maintain the shape, straight and even hair is shaved with a machine. beautiful lines every month. Mostly the pattern is made on. Stripes add personality to your hairstyle.

the strict design is suitable for both athletes and businessmen

The master masterfully performs a haircut, favorably emphasizing the oval of the face, in the following sequence:

  1. A suitable area of ​​the head is selected.
  2. The desired contours are outlined. A non-standard pattern is drawn with a cosmetic pencil.
  3. The main haircut is done. If necessary, trim the edges with a machine.
  4. A professional machine is used to carefully remove traces of cosmetic pencil.

Adding an original design will help give a fresh, stylish look to a man’s hairstyle.

hairstyle with shaved pattern on the head and sideburns

Active guys achieve a stylish look by wearing such a hairstyle. A well-chosen haircut helps complete the look harmoniously. Fashion trends are amazing; it’s quite difficult to choose your option. It is advisable to call for help from someone who has experience creating creative variations of hairstyles. However, the pattern is best done on.
The determination of young guys pushes them to make an original choice.

The latest trend in fashionable haircuts is neat stripes at the temples. Stylish and unusual haircut with stripes in a boy arouses genuine interest among females.

With its originality and creativity, the haircut emphasizes the uniqueness of the image. The pattern is chosen by both the master and the client. To come up with a pattern yourself means to be proud of the author’s work. The drawing looks original men's hairstyle semi-box You can read more about the half-box haircut.

short haircut with a pattern on the back of the head

Hairdressers shave the strips parallel, or they can intertwine them to create a stylish design. The master knows all the variations of haircuts with stripes. IN Lately with a pattern are relevant.

This option looks beautiful: it is left in the crown of the head. long hair, and the temporal and occipital areas are decorated by shaving symmetrical stripes, after cutting off the excess. If desired, leave the bangs or remove them altogether. This hairstyle has a bright, unusual and attractive look.

Instructions for creating a pattern on the side and back of the head for men

Mohawk with shaved temple pattern

To perform such a difficult task at home, you should have at least some hairdressing skills. are performed in the following sequence:

  1. A specific area of ​​the head is selected, onto which the desired image is applied using a cosmetic pencil.
  2. The main haircut is performed with scissors, after which the necessary areas for drawing the pattern are shaved and adjusted with a clipper, for example, done.
  3. Removing pencil marks with toner.
  4. Obtaining a beautiful, even pattern.

A professional machine is more appropriate for such hairstyles than a regular one.

A variety of men's with a pattern allows you to create a unique image for everyone. Shaved stripes combine beautifully with various hairstyle elements. Professionally selected patterns will complement men's style in an original way.

Haircuts for boys with patterns have recently become fashion trend. With this style, boys look stylish and creative. The boy will feel confident, realizing that he is individual and different from the rest.
Previously, those with shaved patterns called negative reviews. Today it is absolutely normal look haircuts, which are often chosen not only by children, but also by adults.

You can see such images in many athletes and artists. Looking at them, children choose such a haircut for themselves, and very often cartoon characters are used in their hairstyles.

The main pros and cons of haircuts

It’s worth noting right away that there are many more advantages to a hairstyle with a pattern, these include:

1. the child feels different and individual;
2. not required frequent washing head and hair styling;
3. Stylishness is always maintained no matter what clothes are chosen;
4. You can experiment with your hairstyle, and if you don’t like it, the design will quickly disappear.

The downside is that the haircut needs to be adjusted approximately twice a month. It’s good if parents can do this themselves at home, otherwise the correction will require additional costs.

It’s not at all difficult to give a boy a haircut with a pattern; the main thing is to take into account some of the nuances that arise in this work.

Initially, you need to decide on the haircut for which the pattern will be created.
To do this, you need to take into account not only the attractiveness of the hairstyle itself, but also individual characteristics child, that is, the type of his face and hair.

It is also worth considering the fact that such haircuts are best for preschoolers; when a child goes to school, it is better to consult with teachers about such a hairstyle, whether it will be appropriate for attending classes.

In general, there are several types of patterned haircuts that boys get. Let's look at them a little.

Types of children's hairstyles with patterns

Boxing. This is a classic men's haircut, which contains the shortest possible length and is suitable for almost any guy.

If for most men a haircut is a necessary procedure for personal care, then for a boy it is always an event. It is not so important whether you bring your child to a children's hairdresser or to a regular salon. Both boys and girls often perceive a haircut as a transformation from one state to another. It is important to support this children's interest so that later visits to the master do not turn into a tedious and boring task.

Boy's age and haircut choice

Haircuts for children under three years old should be simple and neat. Well maintained appearance and the absence of long bangs that disturb the child are, perhaps, the main requirements. Parents should forget about sophisticated hairstyles and the desire to follow fashion for a while: children’s thin hair is difficult to model. In addition, any styling products are contraindicated for them.

However, already in the early adolescence(10–12 years old) many boys strive for self-expression, including through changes in their appearance. In this case, a haircut with a pattern will be an excellent way to declare yourself as an extraordinary person and win the attention of your peers. In addition, in 2016, such haircuts are popular among teenagers.

Rules for shaving a pattern

When performing a haircut with a pattern, the hairdresser usually uses only a clipper. However, to create a clear and high-quality pattern on the head, scissors and a cosmetic pencil can also be useful.

There are certain requirements for performing a shaved haircut.

  • The design can be done all over the head, but for a boy this is a rather eccentric choice. Surely the school he attends has strict views on the appearance of students, which means you risk complicating your child’s relationship with teachers. Most often, the pattern in this haircut is done on the back of the head or on the sides of the head.
  • The master will not be able to guarantee the clarity of the pattern if the hair length is less than 6 mm.
  • The pattern remains on the head for about ten days, then it is worth correcting it. If you bring your boy to the hairdresser later than this time, the haircut will most likely be difficult to restore. Perhaps the hairdresser will refuse to deal with the pattern that has lost its outline and will invite you in a month, when the hair has gained sufficient length.

A patterned haircut takes quite a long time (an hour minimum), so you have to evaluate your boy's ability to sit in a chair for that long. If you have hyperactive child, it’s better to forget about such a haircut.

Haircut stages

Shaving the pattern involves several stages. Some of them should be prepared for before visiting the salon.

  • The master agrees with the parents and the boy himself on the area on the head where the drawing will be located (on the back of the head or on the temples).
  • The drawing itself is selected. You can bring sketches or photos of the desired pattern to the hairdresser.
  • The master applies the design using a cosmetic pencil and carefully cuts it out with scissors, and then completes the processing with a machine.
  • After cutting, the pencil is washed off with tonic.

For drawings, you can use both traditional options (crossing lines, stars, stripes) and images of the child’s favorite characters (provided that they do not cause difficulties when doing a haircut).

To make sure your boy really wants to show off his stylish and creative look to his friends, turn to the services of a professional.

Modern children differ from the previous generation in their desire to early years express your individuality. This can be seen in various areas - in clothing, in hobbies and in the desire to be beautiful.

And what can help you show your originality even more than children's haircuts for boys with a pattern. Even such a question is important in the formation of a full-fledged personality of a future man.

Such hairstyles are also called art haircuts. Initially, this haircut consisted of shaved temples and elongated hair on the top of the head. However, the process did not stop there and stylists mastered a new skill - shaving various stripes on the temples, and subsequently patterns.

When choosing a hairstyle, you need to be guided not only by fashion trends, but also by the character of the boy, as well as his age. You should pay attention to the following factors:

  • hair structure: thin and weakened hair does not include hairstyles with elongated strands. They will look untidy;
  • you shouldn't leave the child too long bangs. Such a nuance will constantly disturb the child, cause him to strain his eyes and subsequently lead to vision problems;
  • hobbies – children who are actively involved in sports are impressed by short haircuts that do not require special care;
  • age. A hairstyle that suits a child may not suit schoolchildren or teenagers. But a haircut that will require labor-intensive styling is suitable for older people;
  • child's opinion. Before making a choice, you need to show the boy photos of different hairstyles and give him the opportunity to express his own opinion. Thus, encourage him to make decisions;
  • shape of the face and head. Experienced master She will always be able to suggest which haircut will best highlight all the client’s features.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Haircuts with unique patterns that are shaved at the back of the head or temples are incredibly popular among teenagers. Comfortable and original hairstyles of this type provide an opportunity for everyone to stand out from the crowd of their peers.

Hairstyles with various shaved elements are preferred:

  • musicians;
  • models;
  • athletes;
  • the youth.

As a basic hairstyle for placing a pattern, it is allowed to use any haircut that has a transition from short hair to long ones. The following options are allowed:

  • “boxing” and “half-boxing”, at the client’s request they can be supplemented with bangs;
  • "undercut". This hairstyle involves shaving the hair on the back of the head and abruptly moving to long strands on top of the head. Drawings on this basis look very impressive;
  • “voyage” is characterized by a clear distinction between long and voluminous strands on the crown of the head and a cropped nape;
  • often haircuts with patterns are performed on a “Canadian” hairstyle;
  • a suitable platform for designing a pattern can be “British”, with the only difference that for it it is worth choosing a minimalist pattern in the classical genre.

How is the design shaved?

To create patterned hairstyles for boys, you need a minimum hair length of 6 mm for dark-haired guys and at least 9 mm for fair-haired guys.

For reference! You must initially understand that the pattern is updated once every 10 days, otherwise the pattern will become invisible and it will be more difficult to restore it.

To create such masterpieces, craftsmen use the following set of tools:

  • comb;
  • scissors;
  • edging trimmer;
  • clipper.

The haircut will consist of performing alternate actions:

  • shaving the temples and back of the head;
  • working with scissors;
  • creating a drawing;
  • hair straightening.

When the process comes to the execution of the pattern itself, the hairdresser divides the work into the following sequential steps:

  • agrees with the parents and the boy himself on the area in which the drawing will be located (temple or back of the head);
  • the pattern itself is selected, or you can bring your own version of a haircut for boys with the pattern in the photo;
  • a drawing is made with a cosmetic pencil at a certain place on the head;
  • the pattern is shaved with a trimmer or machine;
  • scissors are used to straighten the haircut as a whole;
  • Remnants of pencil marks are removed with tonic or simply shampoo for washing your hair.

Types of patterns on the head

An original detail will make any appearance memorable. Design patterns can be different - geometric figures, waves, intricate patterns in the form of coats of arms, symbols or images of animals.

Do you often give your child a patterned haircut?



Hairstyles for boys with shaved stripes on the sides look no less creative. Such stripes can be different - in different directions, different thicknesses, lengths, at different angles. They can also intertwine with each other, creating a new intricate pattern. For a square face type, a hairstyle design is very suitable when three stripes run on both sides of the temples and fall to the back of the neck.

Striped haircuts create a rebellious look that can be created in just a few minutes. Of course, such a haircut cannot be classified as a universal hairstyle. However, many young men who once allow themselves such a haircut no longer agree to other types of hairstyles.


These stylish broken lines are popular when cut at the temples. They are suitable for both little boys and older guys. Performing a zigzag does not take much time and can be done by a stylist using a trimmer or a simple razor. The zigzag looks good on an asymmetrical haircut, and can also be used to create a hairstyle with a pattern on the sides.


This pattern will be created with a trimmer with a narrow blade or using a comb for short hair and a razor. Among older guys, drawings like spider webs and labyrinths are the most popular. This option is most often placed on the back of the head. The stylist will draw the design in advance using a pencil, which will allow you to evaluate the effect even before the haircut. This procedure will take about an hour.


Very young connoisseurs of this hairstyle choose fashionable designs in the form of stars, trying to imitate their idols. In order to create a star with clear contours, the master will first trim the contour with scissors, and then make a final shave with a hair clipper.

Original patterns

Short haircuts are undoubtedly convenient and beneficial for hair growth. A curly haircut can diversify their bland look. As a result of its implementation, a pattern is created on the head, not with the help of paint, but by cutting out the outline of the pattern. The only disadvantage of this hairstyle is that literally after 2 weeks it disappears as the hair grows back.