What to give for a sapphire anniversary (45 wedding years). What to give to parents for a sapphire wedding anniversary (45 years) What is the name of a 45 year wedding

45 years life together It is also called a sapphire wedding. This is quite a long period of time spent together. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale, among relatives and friends.

Sapphire symbolizes wisdom, and the couple who live to see this anniversary are at such an age that they have seen and know a lot.

Sapphire wedding allows once again the whole family to enjoy an amazing couple. Therefore, in order for everything to correspond to the celebration, it is necessary not only to make the right gifts, but to decorate the room according to the theme of the holiday.

The meaning of sapphire wedding

Each wedding anniversary plays an important role for the spouses and has its own meaning. The longer a couple is in a relationship, the more meaning is attached to the anniversary. The 45th anniversary of marriage is an event that has been tested and seasoned over the years. That is why this date is called the sapphire wedding.

The anniversary indicates that the spouses have already established strong and trusting relationship. Husband and wife understand the desires of the other partner from a glance and from a word of mouth. That's why 45th anniversary and is compared to sapphire, because it is a crystal clear and transparent stone.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding with family.

  • friends;
  • colleagues;
  • relatives.

Work employees can be called in the only case if both spouses work at the same enterprise. The celebration is best held in a restaurant or outdoors. After all, the 45th anniversary will be celebrated in a large circle and it is not a fact that your house will be able to accommodate so many guests.

On this day, husband and wife must exchange new wedding rings, decorated with sapphire. The overall gift will not only please the eye, but also improve your health, because sapphire is credited with a lot of healing properties.

A gift for your beloved woman for a sapphire wedding

What to give your wife for a sapphire anniversary? Absolutely every man, based on the name of the wedding, will acquire jewelry with sapphire inserts. Such, but why limit yourself to obvious gifts. Giving a gift for 45 years of marriage to your wife can be traditional and at the same time non-standard.

Today there are many decorative items and not only using sapphire. For example, a box decorated with stones on top can truly surprise your soulmate.

A 45th anniversary gift doesn't have to be traditional. These include items that your significant other has dreamed of for a long time. To make it appropriate for the anniversary, you can pack the gift in a beautiful blue package. Be sure to complement the gift with a bouquet of your wife’s favorite flowers.

Gifts for your beloved man for 45 years of marriage

There are a number of factors to consider. The main ones are the date, in our case the sapphire wedding, and the age of the stronger sex. Just like a woman, you can give your spouse jewelry with ruby ​​inserts. But this gift will most likely be primitive. Men love objects that are practical and desirable.

If your spouse is an avid fisherman, then a fishing rod or spinning rod decorated with blue inserts would be a good gift for him. A man will not only like such a gift, but will also be remembered for a long time.

For connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages, expensive cognac in a beautiful blue bottle will be a good present. Such a gift will be both traditional and desirable for a representative of the stronger sex.

How to please parents

The organization of the 45th anniversary is most often entrusted to children or close friends. Therefore, the holiday itself would be a good present, but every child wants something that will be remembered for many years. Well, what could it be? There are a lot of options here, especially if children know their parents’ preferences.

good and a useful gift will become household appliances. After all, every day something new and necessary for the economy appears. Also, textiles would be an excellent gift for a married couple on their 45th anniversary. New bed linen or a set of bath towels will complement the hostess's collection.

To simplify the process of choosing a gift, you can talk to your parents and find out what they would like to receive on such a significant day. Perhaps they would like to travel to Europe or another continent. It is also recommended to pamper your parents with spa passes for two or a romantic dinner in some reputable restaurant.

In general, the greatest gift for every parent will be healthy and happy children.

What should not be given for a sapphire wedding?

Any date, including a sapphire wedding, has its own signs. The same applies to gifts that spouses and guests give to each other. There are a number of gifts that are not worth a wedding.

These include primarily antiques. These objects accumulate a wide variety of energy, which can then be transferred to the relationship of the spouses. This will ultimately lead to disagreements and divorce.

Items that are very fragile and can easily break are also not recommended as gifts. After all, it is believed that the relationship between spouses will be just as fragile in the future. Mirrors are among those items that should not be given not only for a wedding, but also for its anniversaries.

A mirror is a window to another world, and, as you know, you shouldn’t expect anything good from it. Therefore, in order not to harm your loved ones, spouses, friends, try not to give the above items.

Useful video

Wedding anniversary - 45 years.

Sapphire wedding.


A sapphire wedding is a great achievement for absolutely any couple. Not everyone manages to live together for 45 years. Therefore, on this day you need to thank your soulmate for the years we have passed together. After all, it’s difficult for one person to go through life, but together you can move mountains.

Now 45 years have passed, what wedding should be celebrated? This anniversary is considered to be the sapphire wedding. The name of this anniversary is largely due to the fact that over the years they lived together, the spouses were able to maintain their tenderness and love, which made their relationship so precious. Special attention It should be noted that the name of the sapphire wedding was not invented without reason, but in order to emphasize the value of the years lived together.

So, forty years is a very significant date, 45 years is even more significant, as evidenced by the selected precious material. Relationships begin to be associated with the purity of heaven, which is like sapphire. Sincere relationships attract admiring glances from others, just like a flawless gemstone.

Sapphire wedding traditions

The main wedding tradition that should be followed when celebrating this anniversary is rings that should be decorated with sapphire. As you know, sapphire is considered a stone with which you can get rid of negative consequences stress. Naturally, such a purchase would be very appropriate for older people. And importantly, star sapphire helps to attract good luck in any endeavor.

In the old days, people believed that sapphire helped save a person in captivity by opening the gates of prisons. Most likely, this was due to the presence huge amount positive energy in this stone. On this day, the spouses must undergo a cleansing procedure. The celebrants can figure out how this will happen themselves. For example, you can go to a bathhouse, if your health allows: Finnish, Turkish or Russian. Until this day, you can cleanse your body by going on a diet or fasting.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

To celebrate such a significant event, it is best to invite your closest and dearest people and relatives. This is due to the fact that most often, after living together for such a long period of time, a married couple manages to have children and even grandchildren.

You can invite really real friends who have been able to prove their friendship over the years. In their company, the celebrants will feel most comfortable and will be able to feel the real atmosphere of the holiday.

If possible, you can invite witnesses who were near you at the time of marriage. As congratulations, it is necessary to choose words of admiration for such a long-term union.

Of course, the list of invitees can be expanded. If the heroes of the day are especially important people, then very important people will come to congratulate them and the celebration will be very magnificent. If the celebrants are still working, they can expand the list of invited guests and invite their work colleagues.

What to gift?

As gifts on this significant day, spouses should present each other with items containing sapphires. The owners of the house should definitely greet their guests in blue clothes.

Guests should be given gifts related to water or gifts in blue shades. Alternatively, you can donate blue decorations, blue linen, dishes of blue color and other useful things.

Celebrating this wedding anniversary should leave pleasant memories in your memory. After all, after 45 years, what wedding will take place without a memorable and bright celebration!

Not all couples celebrate every anniversary. But if we are talking about some significant date, then most spouses arrange a holiday. This is especially worth noting when a husband and wife have been together for 45 years. And, of course, you can’t do without gifts on this day.


Gifts for a particular anniversary largely depend on what it is called. The couple, who have lived side by side for four and a half decades, are celebrating their sapphire wedding.

Sapphire is a gemstone of intense, usually dark blue. In nature, you can find other shades of this mineral, but still it is associated primarily with blue. Therefore, any indigo-colored items can be considered traditional gifts:

  • set of tableware;
  • bed linen (silk is best);
  • blankets and bedspreads;
  • chandeliers, lamps, lampshades for table lamps;
  • furniture and household appliances, etc.

In addition to the blue color, sapphire is also associated with water. That is why any item somehow related to this simple liquid will be considered a traditional 45th anniversary gift. Such items include:

  • aquarium with fish;
  • painting with a seascape;
  • watering system for the dacha (if the spouses are avid);
  • any items for a bath or sauna;
  • interior fountain, etc.

If you focus on the anniversary symbol - sapphire, you can easily find other ideas of what to give for your 45th wedding anniversary. But you shouldn’t get hung up on traditional gifts associated with a precious stone. Many married couples expect something completely different.


What's happened original gift? This is a thing (or not even a thing) that was chosen specifically for the occasion, only for these people, or even made to order. For the 45th anniversary of marriage, you can prepare these unusual gifts:

  1. Large, beautifully designed photo album. The cover must be exclusive - such that it is immediately clear whose album it is. Perhaps there will be the initials of the “newlyweds” or the family coat of arms, if there is one. Since this is a surprise for a sapphire wedding anniversary, the album should be decorated with blue rhinestones, velvet and satin - these are the materials that are most suitable for a significant celebration.

  2. A painting painted by an artist from a photograph. For a joint portrait, you must take the photo that both husband and wife like. The couple needs to be depicted against the backdrop of a waterfall, sea or river, because... Blue, the color of sapphire, primarily symbolizes water.
  3. Blue flowers. This gift is suitable for a couple who enjoys gardening. It is best to find something exotic that does not grow in every yard. Such a gift will at the same time be associated with the stone-symbol of the date and will emphasize the uniqueness of the married couple. After all, not all people can live in marriage for so many years.
  4. And the people closest to a married couple can make a real feature film. The script, of course, should be based on the story of how the future husband and wife met. In the film, you should try to recreate the atmosphere of that time, use the spouses’ favorite music, or even visit some places that are significant to them. It is necessary that the film be somehow connected with the number “45”. Perhaps it will be the footage of the picture, or it will consist of so many small episodes. Or it won’t be a feature film at all, but a video made from so many photographs.

    From children, friends and relatives

    As a rule, all relatives and close friends gather at a big celebration. What will children, distant relatives and everyone else give for a sapphire wedding? Most likely, these will be completely different gifts.

    For those who registered their marriage almost half a century ago, the children are most likely already adults. They probably already have their own family. This means that people work and can afford to give mom and dad something significant for their anniversary. For example, a trip to the sea or to a sanatorium near the water, because the symbol of the 45th wedding anniversary is not only sapphire, but also water. Therefore, the latest household appliances that are connected to water would be an excellent option: washing machine, air conditioner, washing vacuum cleaner, etc. But if children want to give a gift that is not so practical as a memorable one, then you can order personalized jewelry with sapphires.

    Relatives invited to celebrate the sapphire wedding anniversary will also think about the gift. Why not find some useful thing? For example, blue curtains, carpets, panels decorated with blue rhinestones, etc. Only the chosen color should fit into the interior. If it does not fit, then it is better to refer to the list traditional gifts and choose something from there.

    Friends with whom the “young” have known for a very long time are probably going to come to the holiday. They should take care of a present that reminds them of a warm, long-term relationship. Such a symbolic surprise can be a couple wristwatch with sapphire crystal.

    One way or another, the donated items or arranged surprises should be aimed at both spouses. You can't give something that only one of them will like.

    Each other

    When a husband and wife have lived together for 45 years, what kind of wedding will be celebrated does not really matter. Their relationship is time-tested, and the date symbol is no longer important. Nevertheless, spouses may well give themselves a common gift:

  • dinner in a restaurant;
  • boat trip;
  • weekends outside the city;
  • photoshoot;
  • attending a master class together (if they have the same hobbies), etc.

If a husband and wife want to surprise each other, then it makes sense to give jewelry. It is best to give rings decorated with sapphires or just blue stones. And put an inscription on the inside of the ring, ordering the service from an engraver. Let the inscription be very personal and remind you of the feelings that a man and a woman keep for so many years.

When the day of celebrating the sapphire wedding comes, during the gifting you must not forget to tell the heroes of the occasion a few nice words. Not the usual wish for health and longevity, but something that will make the elderly couple remember not only the gift itself, but also the moment of receiving it.

Greetings, my dear friends! A wedding is an important, fateful day in the life of every person. The bride and groom are waiting for him with trepidation, joy, and excitement. And so the days and years went by married life. So, it seems imperceptibly, a big anniversary has arrived. Today I will tell you what to give for your 45th wedding anniversary and more.

You ask, what is this anniversary called? Oh, friends, 45 years of marriage has a very romantic name. This is a sapphire wedding. Before her there were such romantic names as, and weddings.

Sapphire is a deep blue colored gemstone, a type of corundum. Its mesmerizing shade resembles the endless depths of the sea. Since ancient times, it has been believed that sapphire helps to find a purpose in life and achieve spiritual comfort. It has been noted that this gemstone brings people happiness in love. Endows them with wisdom, loyalty, prudence, protects them from betrayal and fear, while cooling excessive passion.

Our spouses, having achieved a sapphire wedding, show by their example that such properties are not attributed to the stone in vain. Having found their haven, the couple have remained faithful to Her Majesty of love for 45 years now. There was a lot in their life together - both joy and sadness, but, possessing prudence and wisdom, the spouses were able to cope with all life situations.

Congratulations for celebrants on their wedding anniversary

Today's holiday is not just an anniversary, but a big anniversary, a “dress rehearsal” before the golden wedding. It must be carried out on a special scale, with all honors. Solemnly. Bright. So that he would remain in memory for many years.

I think that children, grandchildren, relatives and friends should take charge of organizing the holiday. And here married couple Today it is better to protect yourself from the organizational fuss - although it is pleasant, it is very tiring. And our couple will need strength this evening.

Venue of the holiday. Choose a cozy establishment with good cuisine and a pleasant atmosphere. It’s good if the interior matches the tone of the theme evening, that is, includes shades of blue. If not, decorate the hall with blue balloons to create a festive atmosphere.

Appearance. Be prepared for the fact that today you will have to comply with a certain dress code. The uniform, of course, can be arbitrary, but the color should be blue or one of the shades of blue. It would be acceptable to have some element of this tone in your clothes.

Celebration script. This evening, invite the host and discuss the event scenario with him. Select competitions and tasks in accordance with the age of the heroes of the day and those invited. You can prepare prizes for guests, and medals, certificates and souvenirs for the heroes of the occasion.

Today all toasts and congratulations will be heard in honor of the newlyweds. But be sure to give the floor to the spouses - let them express their emotions and feelings towards each other, which have accumulated over 45 years family life. On this day you are allowed to shout loudly: “Bitter!”

Music. Well, what would a wedding be without fun, music and dancing? Discuss the repertoire in advance with the institution’s team of musicians. Select compositions from the youth of the spouses. Let the songs sound with which they fell in love, met and those that accompanied them during their 45 years of marriage. If you know what their first one was a wedding dance, then start the music department with it.

Cake. The perfect end to the celebration will be a wedding cake. Today confectioners, masters of their craft, create real masterpieces. This could be a cake in several tiers with sapphire-colored fondant or a cake with photo printing. And, of course, you can’t do without candles.

What to give friends on their wedding anniversary

Today is a wonderful holiday for your friends. Family birthday. And if you are among those invited, then you are dear and close person for this family. Perhaps your presence at the holiday is already a gift for the spouses, but you can’t do without presents on this day.

  1. Water gifts. Since the color of sapphire resembles the endless sea, on this day you can give gifts, one way or another, related to water. Water clock, indoor fountain, aquarium. By the way, you can give a couple of goldfish along with the aquarium, hinting that the golden anniversary is just around the corner.
  2. Bathroom accessories. Illuminated shower head, set of blue towels, waterproof candles, original toothbrush holders, stylish soap dispensers, etc.
  3. Painting. On your sapphire wedding day, you can give a painting depicting the beautiful element – ​​water. But I think the sea, river, ocean should be in a calm, peaceful state. Paintings depicting ships, water lilies, waterfalls, and quiet harbors are allowed.

What to give your wife on a wonderful holiday

On this day you tied your destinies together, on this day you swore love and fidelity, held hands and walked the long road of life. 45 years have passed since that moment and green wedding, as if in one day, turned into sapphire.

  1. Jewelry. On this day, newlyweds traditionally exchange sapphire jewelry. A necklace, brooch, pendant, earrings or ring with a beautiful stone will definitely please your spouse.
  2. Dishes. You can give a gentle gift - blue wine glasses, glasses, sky blue tea set. Gzhel dishes will fill your home with special comfort and beauty. Her unusual patterns will delight both you and your wife.
  3. Flowers. Now I’m not talking about a bouquet, which, I think, you will give to your wife without prompting. In this case we are talking about indoors or, if you have a plot, garden plants. Among the indoor flowers you can give lisianthus, succulentum, synpaulia, uzambar violet, streptocarpus. For the garden, choose lobelia, morning glory, clematis, ageratum, lupine, hydrangea or forget-me-nots.

What to give your husband on his family birthday

When choosing gifts for your husband for your wedding anniversary, you need to remember that the color of your wedding is sapphire. Gifts must be either blue or related to water in some way.

  1. Products with precious stones. For a man who wears suits, cufflinks or a tie clip with sapphire would be an excellent gift. A pendant, ring or bracelet with such a stone will be a symbolic gift on this day.
  2. Fishing gear. New spinning rod, reels, wobblers, hooks, weights, spoons, bite indicators, etc. With such a gift you will kill two birds with one stone - both the marine theme is observed, and the long-awaited gift for your husband (if he likes fishing) is ready.
  3. Perfume. Today, many famous brands (Lacoste, Antonio Banderas, Calvin Klein, Kenzo, Dior) there are perfumes that come in a blue bottle, or the liquid itself has a blue tint. This perfume will be a suitable gift for this holiday.

What to give parents on a wonderful anniversary

You, children, are for parents the most valuable, most expensive gift given to them by fate. How much love, how much effort has been invested in you! It's time to return everything a hundredfold. Your care for them, your guardianship, your love, your attention is what your parents expect from you. But today, you can also give large gifts without hesitation.

Appliances. Dishwasher, multicooker, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, or maybe a new refrigerator. You know your parents’ needs better, the main thing is that the gift makes their life easier.

Two tickets. Everything here, of course, depends on your capabilities. Ideally, two cruise tickets would be ideal. You decide whether it will be a round the world cruise or a cruise along the Mediterranean, or maybe a cruise along the Volga or another nearby body of water in your area.

Although you can give tickets to a movie, theater, ballet, exhibition, or dolphinarium. The main thing is that the spouses spend time together. No fuss, no hassle, enjoying a mini honeymoon.

Video gift. On the eve of the celebration, contact all friends and relatives who for some reason cannot attend wedding celebration(thanks to the Internet, this became possible). Ask them to record a video message with wishes and congratulations for dear spouses. Using simple technologies, combine video messages into a single whole. I declare with confidence that such a gift will be remembered for a long time and will evoke a lot of positive emotions among the heroes of the day.

I wish happiness and health to the celebrants! Subscribe to my blog, share tips with friends on social networks, leave your comments and suggestions. Until next time.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The higher the divorce statistics in modern society, the more respect there is for people who managed to maintain a marriage for 45 years. But on the 9th fifth anniversary of marriage today, few people know what kind of wedding it is and what they give to acquaintances, friends or parents for it.

History of names and common traditions

Each date, denoting a specific milestone on the path traveled together, has its own name, fraught with deep symbolism. Some of them, due to the age of the name and the changed structure of life and everyday realities, have become incomprehensible to modern people.

Round anniversary dates, denoting several decades of marriage, are usually named after precious stones or metals - they have special properties of reliability and durability, mesmerizing beauty, and very high cost. A quarter of a century and half a century - silver and gold, 40 and 45 years - ruby ​​and sapphire weddings.

Both gemstones are hypogene minerals found in igneous rocks. Both are classified as metacrystals found in waste igneous rock deposits. A transparent red ruby ​​can be more expensive than diamonds. Only bright blue sapphire is highly valued, and dark or too light blue is cheaper than ruby.

Stones from the corundum category have been cut and used since ancient times. Perhaps it is in their price, quality and rarity that the secret of the names of weddings lies: whichever one with the symbol is more valuable is on the crest of the round date.

Moreover, what is given is determined by symbolism. The sapphire, after which it is named, is a unique stone, a symbol of royal power, from which, according to legend, the seal of the wisest of kings, Solomon, was made. Most likely, it was chosen for its physical qualities - after all, it is known that after the diamond, the blue gemstone is the most durable and hardest.

It is not surprising that for 45 years of marriage, celebrants exchange rings with sapphire, and gifts are given to them by analogy or association with this mineral. Therefore, to choose them, you need to know what date is celebrated.

Holiday decoration and symbols

Traditionally, a sapphire wedding is decorated in blue: in this way, a tribute is paid gemstone, the firmness and beauty of which symbolize the relationship of the spouses who have lived together for 45 years. Once upon a time it was believed. that the Earth stands on a sapphire, and the sky gets its blue color from the reflection from the stone.

Hence the etymology of the symbol of honesty, devotion and reliability, and the tradition of giving precious jewelry with inexpensive, but sapphires, and decorating the hall where the celebration takes place in shades of blue on this date of marriage.

    Have you already celebrated your 45th wedding anniversary?

You can decide what to give without getting hung up on stereotypes, but simply sticking to the blue color scheme. Everything that has to do with blue sky and the blue sea, the stability of marital relationships and well-functioning everyday life, lasting love and unbreakable fidelity - all this deserves the honor of being presented on a solemn day to two people who carried their love through adversity and joy.

The main thing is not the price of the gift, the main purpose of the choice is to show the celebrants that the guests remember very well what date is being celebrated and what kind of wedding it is.

The decoration of the hall and the festive table is dominated by blue shades, diluted for beauty and variety:

For bouquets, choose blue flowers - cornflowers, forget-me-nots, hyacinths, roses. Cornflower blue, ultramarine or blue colors are also present in the traditionally elegant clothes of newlyweds.

If we are talking about parents, an appropriate and dear gift would be jewel- accessory-addition to festive outfit. It can be:

  • bracelet or earrings;
  • tie-pin;
  • nice watch with a blue dial.

At this age, almost all parents are already retired and do not have significant funds. It would be appropriate to buy elegant dress for mother and a nice shirt for father, pay for hairdressing services for mother - manicure, pedicure and hairstyle, take care of beautiful shoes, accessories and wedding bouquet.

A classic gift option for loved ones is jewelry with sapphire or luxury jewelry with good imitation of precious stone.

But such gifts are presented only to relatives or very old friends, because you need to know the size of the ring, and in other cases - to understand the demand. Tie pin fits the follower classic style in clothes, but for those who prefer a sporty style, they don’t need them.

A good watch costs no less than a ring, but the hero of the day may not like it because of the frame, dial or strap. It is better to give earrings in pairs with a ring, and it is also not easy to guess with them. Therefore, jewelry and costume jewelry are given only in cases where one can confidently say that the gift is suitable and will be liked. Rings exchanged between newlyweds of 45 years are traditionally supposed to be purchased by the happy spouse, just as was the case with engagement rings four and a half decades ago.

Gifts for couples

A wedding anniversary, especially when a marriage with such experience, implies a holiday for two, and a gift is also chosen that is pleasant to both.

You can give two gifts, but of equal value:

  • paired figurines for the fireplace with touching overtones or a beautiful figurine on the theme of love and fidelity;
  • two beautiful woolen blankets for joint winter evenings, similar, but not the same, and certainly with blue splashes;
  • an album with early photographs, where a lot of space is left for further anniversaries, lovingly decorated with your own hands - it can be decorated with macrame, dried flowers, beaded baubles - so that it can be seen that more than one day was spent on it;
  • beautiful kitchen utensils for two - a tea set, dinner plates, a teapot and other necessary things - especially if people always do everything together, this will be very appropriate;
  • It is often advised to give an aquarium with fish or a plant for the home with bluish leaves, by all means big size- this is an object for care and maintenance and at the same time - a decoration and addition to the interior, to which a habit and attachment is developed over time;
  • It is always appropriate to give a painting depicting the celebrants of the day, even if it is just a watercolor painted by a street artist from a photograph;
  • a good gift for 45 years of married life, a vase or a large ceramic dish is considered, and certainly blue - if it is an expensive thing - great, and if it is modest, but chosen lovingly, complemented by flowers or a personally baked cake, - This is even better.

But the main gift for anniversaries will always be festive table, close and dear ones, the most dear friends and relatives, a cheerful and festive atmosphere, love, a sea of ​​congratulations, sincere feelings and smiles.

You should never forget that love and wonderful relationships in the family are precisely the conditions that made it possible to come hand in hand to the sapphire wedding.