Fashion tips! How to be fashionable, stylish, confident! How to make yourself stylish


Life is filled with numerous events: work, everyday bustle, meetings... Like any a real woman You really want to look fashionable and stylish at all these events. But spending a lot of time and money on shopping is too much of a luxury.

It’s good if finances allow you to follow fashion. But the fact of the matter is that fashion is fickle and capricious, and buying branded clothing will not automatically make you attractive. Let's see how guaranteed

Fashion is a matter of money. Style is a matter of individuality.

If you are thinking about how to become fashionable and stylish, first think about your final result! Think about WHAT do you want to look like? Fashionable or stylish?

Yes, in our materials we have repeatedly emphasized that fashion and style are different concepts.

FASHIONABLE THINGS are a product of the times.

  • They are relevant only for a few seasons; they have a pronounced “trend” coloring.
  • They give you an ultra-modern look (if chosen correctly).
  • Having a really large wardrobe quickly loses its relevance (and these are financial and time expenses)).
  • STYLISH THINGS are beyond time and fashion trends. They are relevant yesterday, today and tomorrow.

  • They will not add the same bright note to your image as fashionable things, but at the same time, if you strictly adhere to the chosen style, you will always be INDIVIDUAL.
  • Understanding how to choose your style and stay true to it is a rather long process. In some cases, finding your style, selecting stylish items and the entire look takes up to a year.

    There are advantages to both, so here are some tips on how to become fashionable and stylish at the same time.


    A competent analysis of your wardrobe is the first thing you should do before becoming stylish and fashionable.

    1. To begin with, select all the things that are physically and morally outdated - things with defects that have lost color and structure, those that you no longer like or have become small. Things that are hopelessly out of fashion (for example, wedge sneakers) will also go here.

    2. Found a couple of things that you completely forgot about? If you haven't worn something for more than a year, you will never wear it again! Give them to charity and never regret anything!


    Have you cleared the shelves? You can start filling them! But only with the right things.
    First of all, ask yourself a few questions:

    1. What things do you need every day (at work and at play)?
    2. What kind of life do you lead? Who are you dating?
    3. What impression do you want to create about yourself with your clothes?

    Now sort the things in your closet based on your needs. Analyze whether you have enough clothing options for office/everyday/holiday occasions. Fill in these gaps.

    Your future stylish wardrobe consists of functional items that create the desired image for you.

    First of all, these should be items from the Basic and Stylish groups. Dilute them with a couple of trendy items (you can also take a closer look at inexpensive analogues presented in stores or master online shopping). Such new items will add an ultra-modern touch to the main ensemble.


  • Color type
  • Body type/composition
  • Age
  • The key to success is an adequate view of yourself from all sides and the ability to present yourself competently. And then you will build a stylish image for any type of appearance and figure.

    According to many, fashion and style are identical concepts, but this refers to one of the misconceptions that are so successfully propagated by world fashion. Even having the financial means to buy new items from world-famous clothing manufacturers, if combined ineptly, turns its owner into a woman who has terrible taste and can in no way lay claim to the image of a glamorous lady. But you can, just by listening to some advice, become stylish by wearing ordinary jeans and a T-shirt.

    To become stylish, first of all, you need to start organizing your wardrobe. It would seem that what is complicated here, if each of us has it, but reality differs from our ideas. To do this, you just need to look into your closet to make sure how many old or unfairly forgotten things have accumulated in it. Having a style presupposes that a woman has her own vision of what things suit her and, accordingly, should be in her wardrobe, regardless of the variability of fashion. So start by cleaning out your own closet. Place all items that have lost their shape, appearance and color, are torn and hopelessly damaged in the trash. Use all your willpower to cope with this really difficult task, but if you want to become stylish, you cannot do without it.

    Now you should collect things that have become too small for you, but still look great. You shouldn’t leave them, because in addition to unnecessary worries about the kilograms you’ve gained, the years that have passed and the inability to buy the exact same thing bigger size, they won't cause anything. If things are well preserved, give them to those who would like them, give them to those in need. Even if it seems that you can wear them with your stomach pulled in, believe me, you can’t go on like this for long. Therefore, you shouldn’t, even if it’s because of your favorite thing, get into an awkward situation when the thing is too small and you no longer have the strength to suck in your stomach.

    Even because you have decided to lose weight, you should not leave them, old things absorb energy associated with events of the past, and they are not always worthy of being remembered. In any case, if you want to bring a fresh spirit into your life, it is better to buy new things with pure energy. To this group you can safely add clothes for which the phrase is reserved that you will wear them when you get married, become happy, and earn a lot of money. Usually they have not been worn for a very long time, so it is better to donate them than to collect clothes in your closet that have not been involved in creating your style for a long time. It is worth saying that when all your dreams begin to come true, you will want to buy completely different clothes. But they are not needed, because they could not help you become fashionable and stylish.

    After a thorough audit, proceed to study your rich inner world. Think about why you are faced with such a problem as creating your own style and wanting to become fashionable. For some reason, there was almost not a single thing in the wardrobe that could help solve this problem earlier; the love for some things played a cruel joke, never allowing me to feel stylish. Maybe it's too much love dark colors, shapeless clothes, sparkles and overly glamorous things that are very difficult to combine with each other and especially to wear in ordinary life. In each specific case, the answer is different, and it is not so difficult to find it, the main thing is that you find the strength to admit that your attitude to clothes until that day was not entirely correct. And, as you know, understanding and awareness of the problem is already 50% of success.

    Before you refill your wardrobe or create stylish combinations things, think and answer the question with whom and where you spend every day of your life, what activities take up most of your personal time, what kind of recreation brings pleasure and joy, with whom you communicate the most and want to do it. Most main question, which requires a clear answer, this is what style is close to you, and what impression you want to make. Having answered them and having understood your lifestyle, start choosing clothes that will allow you to look stylish in the sports club, in the office, and in the theater. When purchasing clothes, focus not on its beauty, but on the fact that it emphasizes your advantages and is appropriate for the place where you are going to wear it. Stylish clothes differs from any other in that it fulfills its function, corresponds to the situation and creates the right image for its owner.

    Also, the choice of clothing depends on the color that suits you and the silhouette that best reflects your figure. When assessing all the advantages and disadvantages of your figure, remember that your task is not to add to your complexes about extra pounds, the presence of cellulite or too wide hips, but to note to yourself those points that are worth paying attention to when choosing clothes. Now your task is to create a wardrobe that will help you correct your figure with the help of the right style of blouse and trousers, length of the skirt and sleeves, and, of course, color combination. The basis of the style is precisely the proportional silhouette, emphasizing all the advantages and skillfully hiding the shortcomings. It is equally important to focus on your own color type. If you follow the recommendations related to each color type, you can, without any problems, choose exactly those shades that will allow you to create a complete image.

    You shouldn’t focus on fashion brands; what designers demonstrate every year on the world’s catwalks is most intended for public people, those who are closely connected with the world of fashion. TO real life Such things are not always suitable, so it is enough to buy a few fashionable items to combine with the main wardrobe items. It is worth taking care of having your own distinctive element, which will be present in each of the created outfits. Think about what you like most about clothes: a combination of shades, colors, the style of trousers, jeans or dresses, the presence of your favorite accessories, a certain type of handbag. If it's hard to choose, look at women recognized as style icons. Choose one element that will always distinguish you and accompany you in any chosen look. It is personal tastes and preferences that help you become not only stylish, but also fashionable.

    How to learn to dress stylishly

    • Refuse to buy things that don't suit you, even if they are at the peak of popularity. If you don't have pumped up abs, avoid tops and short T-shirts; if you have full legs, you don't need to buy leggings. When choosing clothes, try to get a good look at yourself in the mirror, so go to the store when there are not many customers there.
    • Learn to combine things to create outfits. If things look much better together than separately, then the choice was made correctly. It’s especially good when the top and bottom of the future outfit are combined.
    • If the combination of colors causes you certain difficulties, focus on proven color combinations: white with black, gray with white, blue with black, black with black, red with black, brown with gold or yellow. When you learn how to arrange items of clothing using simple combinations, try experimenting with more complex ones. Fashion magazines will help you with this, offering the most current color combinations. Be sure to pay attention that the color of the model’s hair, eyes and skin are similar to yours, otherwise it will suit her perfectly color combination in clothes, it may be unlucky for you.
    • A stylish girl has all her things in great shape, they are clean and ironed. In addition, she looks stylish not only on the street, work and in society, but also at home. Home clothes should be selected with no less diligence than a day off, especially if there is young man. Of course, it is much more convenient than an office one, since at home the body needs to rest, but at the same time it should not be washed out or torn. Even if it is your favorite T-shirt or dress associated with pleasant memories, you will have to give it up. You need to be stylish everywhere so that this feeling becomes an integral part of your nature.

    In order for a woman to always look 100%, she should not follow fashion, but, on the contrary, listen to her intuition and observe a few simple tips that will help her not make mistakes when creating her own style.

    How to become stylish? Any girl sooner or later asks this question. And this is no wonder. The kiosks are filled with glossy magazines with breathtaking covers, the sidewalks are full of expensively dressed “competitors” for men's hearts, and TV and the Internet have long ceased to be a “support group”.

    I want to meet modern requirements and become a stylish woman as soon as possible.

    1. There is no point in buying suitcases of expensive, trendy things if they don’t suit you and you are on a limited budget. It's not about the price, it's not about the brand, it's not about fashion. If this is not your color or style, pass by.

    An item may look great on a mannequin or your favorite Hollywood actress, but it will give a completely different result on your hips and shoulders. Make friends with the mirror and listen only to its objective advice.

    Squeaks from friends “Oh, it suits you, take it!” not always honest. It’s just that everyone enjoys spending money, even other people’s. The motivation “it’s a shame to leave without shopping” is now also not in your arsenal.

    2. The quality of fabric and tailoring are factors more important than the label. Pay attention to seams, edge treatments and material density.

    A woman looks much more stylish in a dress made of silk or linen, with accessories made of genuine leather than in an outfit made of Chinese synthetics with unraveling stitches.

    3. Get used to measuring everything. You can't tell whether this color suits you or not by looking at it.

    You need to put it on, get used to it, twirl around, “look through” possible combinations in your head... Often, after trying it on, the opinion about the item changes to the opposite.

    4. Decide what you are drawn to consciously and subconsciously. It took my friend 10 years to realize that deep down she hated heels.

    She “moved” to ballet shoes and began to fly with happiness and a sense of harmony with her tastes.

    5. There is no need to chase fashion, it is fleeting and transitory. But you need to be aware of trends, designers’ ideas, current new products and fresh combinations.

    Flip through magazines, read articles on the Internet, study fashion blogs... It is important to stay on top of things, get imbued with ideas and be inspired for your own small deeds!

    Remember that professional stylists work on images in magazines and films, and there is a lot to learn from them.

    6. Many women try to hide their age and look younger without knowing the limits. Admit it, a leather miniskirt looks weird on a lady. retirement age(exception if she is a famous designer and wants to shock the public).

    A 30-year-old woman dressing like a teenager, or a young girl in granny robes - all this is very awkward.

    Externally, you need to match your age, profession and lifestyle. And immediately everyone will see: a harmonious personality is coming, who knows the value of every year he lives.

    7. You need to dress not only according to your age, but also the place where you are going, the gentleman with whom you will be walking arm-in-arm, the season and time of day.

    8. Learn your strengths and weaknesses once and for all. Do you know that white blouses make you look fat? Well, why are you trying them on for the tenth time?

    9. A stylish woman is always well-groomed from head to toe. She takes care not only of her face, carefully washing off makeup after a hard day (read our article about), but also of the skin of her hands, feet and neck.

    10. She also takes care of her hair, visiting her favorite hairdresser monthly. Moreover, the hairstyle should not only suit her appearance. The main thing is that she feels comfortable and not embarrassed.

    The stylist may convince her to do a trendy classic bob with side bangs. But she knows for sure that she won’t get used to it short hair and will constantly rub the back of his bare head and nervously tuck his bangs behind his ear.

    11. How to become a stylish woman? Be confident. If complexes and childhood fears live inside you, then they should lead a quiet and inconspicuous life. A visit to to a good psychologist and a bit of irony for everything on this planet.

    12. Make your own basic wardrobe. First mentally, carefully selecting imaginary things by colors and textures. This will be the foundation of your style, and quality outfits are really worth splurging on.

    These items can be worn for years, combining and diluting them with current nuances and bright details.

    13. You need your own style. You can look fashionable and be a repeater by copying magazines page by page. The cities are flooded with girls dressed the same: although they are trendy, they are boring to look at.

    You need to find yourself and have a certain courage to become a little different from everyone else.

    14. Your gait and gaze reveal your doubts about yourself! You can look as expensive and beautiful as you like, but if you slouch, look at the floor or waddle, then people around you are unlikely to notice the Gucci dress you are wearing.

    Practice walking smoothly and proudly at home. It would be a good idea to visit a modeling school and learn the basics of catwalk fashion.

    15. How to become stylish? Know how to be different! Don't get stuck on one image. Do you like sports things? Okay, but your everyday wardrobe should include a cocktail dress, a formal suit, and a lounge cardigan. You wouldn't go to a restaurant in sneakers and a T-shirt, would you?

    16. How to become a stylish woman without spending a lot of money? Choose styles and models on the websites of your favorite designers and run with your tablet to the studio.

    A good craftsman will sew just as well and will accurately fit things to your figure. Better yet, sit down sewing machine yourself and start creating. Then you will definitely be unique until the last line!

    Then you will definitely be stylish!

    « How to become stylish?“This question is asked every day by millions of girls on the planet. How to find yours individual style, how not to turn out to be a black sheep in the eyes of others, how to learn to smile when looking in the mirror, how to be attractive to men? FashionTime offers a dozen simple rules with which you can easily change your life and the perception of yourself in it.

    1. Be confident in your uniqueness The first and most important rule to start with: believe that you are the most beautiful and unique. “I am the most charming and attractive,” remember the mantra from the popular Soviet film classics. We can laugh as much as we want at the heroines who blindly follow a fictitious theory, but there is still some sense in it. If every day, standing in front of the mirror, you repeat to yourself that you are the most beautiful, the confidence necessary to achieve a stylish look will sooner or later come to the rescue. After all, we all know that beauty is a subjective concept and does not have clear definitions. Beauty is first and foremost a state of mind. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror, consider your clear advantages and disadvantages. Fix them in your mind.

    2. Choose an image that suits you. Look through fashion magazines, study photographs of Hollywood stars. Definitely, someone will seem similar to you in appearance or in the way they dress. Try repeating this look in front of the mirror and see how you feel in it. Change several options, compare, settle on the one you like and try to “go out in public” with it.

    3. Educate yourself Take a walk along the main shopping streets of your city and carefully examine the windows with new collections. Designers are working hard for your benefit - respect their work and mentally try on their creations, choosing what seems most suitable to your worldview. Drawing in my head approximate image, feel free to go to boutiques of inexpensive street brands to pick up your intended outfit at an affordable price. After all, while you're just choosing your look, you don't have to spend large sums on clothes.

    4. Conduct a wardrobe audit Completely empty the contents of your closets and arrange things beautifully on the bed or floor. Take a close look at the resulting panel. Immediately get rid of those things about which you can confidently say that they have “outlived their usefulness.” Don’t be sorry and don’t give in, throw it away without thinking about the consequences. From the remaining items, try to collect at least five ready-made looks, focusing on what you saw in store windows and on magazine pages. If it picks up, you're not so hopeless. If not, go tomorrow for new things.

    5. Set boundaries Mindless shopping is like its absence. There will be no benefit from collecting a bunch of multi-colored fashionable clothes that do not match each other at all. Carefully go through the “approved” items in your wardrobe and draw yourself a few winning street and evening looks. Bring to the checkout only what is on your pre-compiled shopping list and what you felt comfortable wearing in the fitting room. The main rule of any shopping is not to buy things that “will look good with that sweater I saw in that store last week” or those that “will need a little tailoring.” No subjunctive moods, no additional conditions, buy only what is 100% right here and now.

    6. Choose your color Try on things in different shades and see which one you feel most comfortable in. This does not apply to universal black, which suits almost all women without exception. Try unusual colors that have never interested you before. You'll be surprised how limitless the style horizons can be.

    7. Don’t overdo it with accessories. Simplicity is the key to individuality. Make sure that your outfit does not contain bulky details or an excessive mix of colors and styles. If you choose a bright clutch, the rest of the accessories should be invisible. If you wear flashy jewelry in greek style, the handbag and shoes should at least match his mood and color.

    8. Watch your gait and don’t slouch. The feeling of self-confidence and the degree of charisma emanating from you largely depends on this. Gait is one of the most important components of a woman’s image. It should be distinguished by ease and grace. Rehearse right steps in front of the mirror, pay attention to this on the street for several days. No matter how much you are in a hurry, this is not a reason to run headlong past passers-by, ruin your hair and forget about your femininity. Watch your posture, don't walk too fast, clubfoot or bend your knees, keep your bag close to your body, and relax your arms.

    9. Pay attention to the hairstyle. Style, as you know, does not end at the shoulder line. Most The best way Quickly and effectively refresh your look - create a fashionable and comfortable hairstyle. On the way home from work, stop by the salon and ask for a trim and style your hair - there is nothing better than feeling your instant renewal and encouraging yourself to keep this feeling for as long as possible.

    10. Get into the habit of express makeup before every time you go out. No excuses about the eternal lack of time or the right mood are accepted. Before going out into the street, even to a nearby bakery for bread, you need to look in the mirror, check your hair, moisturize your face, apply Foundation for freshness, tint your eyes and brighten your lips with shine. You'll see - a five-minute routine will quickly become an integral part of your daily routine.

    The most important thing, when looking in the mirror, always remember: you are the most charming and attractive. And there are no others like them anymore. Take full advantage of this!

    It would seem that the answer to the question stated in the title of the article is simple. To be stylish, you need to look after fashion trends, and to be well-groomed, you must not forget to take care of your appearance. Why doesn't everyone succeed? Probably, the upbringing and attitude of others towards women who spend energy, time and money on caring for themselves interferes. But we need to resist these views and start treating ourselves differently. How to become stylish and well-groomed? Tips on this topic can be found in the article.

    You need to set aside free time for yourself

    In order to start taking care of yourself, you definitely need to set aside time. In most cases, women and girls look bad because they believe that spending precious hours on taking care of their appearance is bad. They are ashamed to take it away from their family, work or study. This is a fundamentally wrong approach.

    No one will argue that a well-groomed appearance can only be achieved by a person who adheres to healthy habits. Would it be bad for the family if the wife and mother kept good health? Isn’t this a help for active work or study? The answer is obvious. Therefore, first of all, you need to go to the fitness room or go for a run in the park.

    Healthy lifestyle

    Self-care means that a person makes sure that his body remains in good condition. Good skin, beautiful hair and nails, straight posture is distinctive features healthy person. There are things that a person cannot change. Of course, a woman’s appearance changes with age and there are diseases that harm beauty. But you should do everything you can to resist these adversities. Those around you will notice and appreciate it.

    Daily regime

    To look great, you need to get a good night's sleep. When a person is young, he may not notice how bad sleep affects him. appearance. But as a result of years spent in the wrong rhythm, earlier aging will occur. This does not mean at all that at the age of twenty you have to adhere to the pensioner regime. You just have to try to give yourself time to recover.

    Proper nutrition

    You should get into the habit of eating healthy as early as possible. The foods we consume can seriously harm our health or, conversely, help maintain it. You need to develop your own diet, listening to the advice of your doctor and your body. A girl devouring a multi-layered hamburger does not look stylish and well-groomed.

    Fitness classes

    To have an attractive figure, be strong and energetic, you should pay attention to sports activities. Now there is great amount suggestions on how you can do fitness. It’s easy to choose the option that will bring you pleasure. And there are offers for every pocket. The main thing is not to look for excuses, but just start practicing.

    Beauty saloon

    Today, to stand out in better side Compared to other women, it is necessary to regularly do certain procedures in a beauty salon. It should be noted right away that many things can be done at home on your own.

    What should you do every certain time?

    1. Visit to a hairdresser-stylist. A modern woman's hairstyle should be in order. Before your next visit to the master, you should study the latest fashion trends in hair cutting and coloring.

    1. Shaping and tinting eyebrows and eyelashes (possibly eyelash extensions). These procedures can be done at home, but they must be done.

    1. Visit to a nail specialist. Manicure is an integral part of the image of a stylish and well-groomed woman. If you don’t want to spend too much time on manicure, you can only do the hygienic version with a transparent coating. But you shouldn’t make your nails too “rich” in design. It won't look stylish.

    1. Cosmetic care that suits individual, for example, age-related characteristics. This refers to procedures such as facial cleansing, masks, hardware care, etc. If it is not possible to visit a beauty salon, then you should do those procedures at home that are easy to perform.
    2. Depilation of certain areas of the body.
    3. Of course, you need to take care of your face and body every day. For the face and body, you need to purchase a set of creams and serums suitable for your skin type. It is necessary to apply the products every morning and every evening.

    Makeup, clothing, shoes and accessories

    Fashion changes every six months, but don’t think that it’s impossible to keep track of it. You should devote at least half an hour to looking at a fashion magazine before the start of a new season. This will be enough to understand what colors, prints, shapes and silhouettes will be worn stylish women in the near future.


    It is important not to overdo it with application. decorative cosmetics on the face. There is no need to confuse evening make-up and daytime. What is appropriate for going out is not suitable for work and Everyday life at all.

    Clothing, shoes and accessories

    A stylish woman always knows what clothes to choose for this or that occasion. You need to understand the difference between a look for business meetings, a date, or a vacation. There are many options for images, but you can sort them out. You need to devote time to studying these details and then you will never have questions about what to wear to this or that event.

    It probably wouldn’t hurt to remind you that a woman’s shoes should be in perfect order. Accessories for an everyday look are chosen not too luxurious. If the outfit was worn noticeably, then the accessories should be discreet.

    In order to develop taste, you need to visit exhibitions more often, leaf through magazines and books about fashion and art. Then there will be no mistakes in choosing your own style.

    Video on the topic of the article: