Permanent lip makeup - reviews, description of technique and consequences. All about lip tattooing: the essence of the method, contraindications and reviews Is it harmful to get lip tattooing, doctors’ opinion

Cons of lip tattoo:

  • a protracted healing period, sometimes complications are possible - swelling that does not go away for a long time, herpetic rashes and others;
  • a crust always appears on the lips, which itches and interferes; over time, the shade begins to fade, you have to make adjustments;
  • the procedure is quite painful.

What a bad lip tattoo looks like:

  • the appearance of a bluish tint;
  • curve and blurry outline.

Read more in our article about the consequences of lip tattooing.

Read in this article

Cons of lip tattoo

Daily makeup often takes a lot of time. Girls and women try to find various ways Make your life easier and spend just a few minutes on it. Tattooing was invented in cosmetology especially for these purposes. It is used for eyes, eyebrows and lips. Women choose the latter in order to visually increase or decrease their volume, correct their shape and simply not wear makeup every day.

How can you fix your lips with tattooing?

In pursuit of bright and perfect lips Girls often don’t think about the fact that micropigmentation has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. One of the consequences of tattooing is a prolonged healing period. Recovery does not always go smoothly. Sometimes a girl is faced with swelling that does not go away for a long time, herpetic rashes and other problems. Also, as a result of the procedure, a crust always appears on the lips, which itches and interferes.

Despite the fact that tattooing suggests forgetting about the use of decorative cosmetics, Over time, the shade applied by pigments begins to fade. In this case, you will have to make adjustments and undergo interventions again.

In addition, this the procedure is quite painful. Lip tattooing is carried out using special apparatus. During micropigmentation, the needle penetrates the epidermis, causing significant discomfort.

We recommend reading the article about. From it you will learn about who should get it, the types of permanent tattooing, the advantages of natural tattooing, contraindications, features of choosing a tattoo artist, application technique, care and correction after a tattoo.

Learn more about permanent lip makeup.


Not every woman can change her image thanks to lip tattooing. There are contraindications, according to which some people are not recommended to do it. They are mainly associated with health problems:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • reduced immunity, including as a result of HIV infection;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy.

Also, pregnant and lactating women should avoid lip tattooing. People with allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases are at risk. It is unknown how their body will perceive filling their lips with pigment.

If there are large moles or papillomas on the skin of the face, you should pay attention to where exactly they are located. If it is in close proximity to the lips, then tattooing can be done, but with extreme caution.

Contraindications for lip tattooing

Of course, a cosmetologist will not refer the client for a full medical examination. But he will definitely ask if he has any of these contraindications. Therefore, all responsibility will fall on the woman who decided to get a tattoo if she doesn’t say anything. In any case, it will definitely not be superfluous to consult your doctor.

Reasons for poor results

Unsuccessful consequences of lip tattooing can occur for a variety of reasons. Some of them directly depend on the level of skill of the cosmetologist, while others are caused by the actions of the girl herself, who decided to Permanent makeup. The reasons why lip tattooing does not look as desired include:

  • Failure to comply with the rules. To make healing faster, the specialist gives a number of recommendations. For example, it is necessary to maintain hygiene, not visit the sauna and bathhouse, beware of getting cosmetics on the lips, and use healing ointments. If a girl or woman does not adhere to these basic rules, Negative consequences will not keep you waiting.
  • Individual characteristics of the body. Women prone to scarring may experience connective tissue growth on their lips.
  • Poor quality or inappropriate pigment shade. It depends on the skill level of the cosmetologist. An inexperienced specialist may mix colors incorrectly or introduce too much pigment, causing the lips to look unnaturally bright. In addition, permanent makeup products can clog pores.

Lip tattoo colors and shades
  • Master's incompetence. If you want to receive good tattoo lips, you should not choose a specialist based on the principle “as long as it’s inexpensive.” Often, home-grown cosmetologists without certificates or diplomas indicating qualifications make very serious mistakes when carrying out the procedure. It is unlikely that you will be able to leave the office of such a specialist with perfect lips.

Possible negative consequences in the future

It is not always possible to be satisfied with the good work of a cosmetologist. How positive the consequences of lip tattooing will be in the future depends on the level of the artist, the client’s health and many other factors. It often happens that various medical and cosmetic problems arise.


One of the most common manifestations of unsuccessful lip tattooing is herpes. But it is unlikely that you will be able to become infected with the virus in a specialist’s office. After all, a good cosmetologist monitors cleanliness: he disinfects the patient’s hands and face, and performs his work exclusively while wearing gloves. Therefore, herpes can make itself known only in those women who are already carriers of the virus. After all, any intervention can cause rashes.

Crooked outline

Therefore, doctors recommend for preventive purposes use ointments and preparations that will help avoid such unpleasant consequences of lip tattooing. The most commonly used are acyclovir and valovir. They must be applied to the skin around the lips before and after the procedure for several days. Also, external agents can be easily replaced with tablets for the same purpose.

If hygiene is not observed during the tattoo procedure, various infections can enter the body. This, in turn, will significantly increase the healing time of the lips. Infections can cause wounds and inflammation. To avoid such consequences, it is important to choose trusted professionals from good clinics. In high-level service establishments, great attention is paid to disinfection.

When a professional works

Another possible reaction of the body to external interference is an allergy. A woman may be found to be intolerant to the substances used to create the shade. But this is also easy to prevent: you need to find out if there is an allergy, and if so, then inform the cosmetologist about it.

Among the unpleasant medical consequences is also the formation of scars after tattooing. To prevent such a problem from arising, it is necessary to apply wound-healing ointments or creams immediately after the procedure. If you don't take care of it in time, there is a risk of ruining it forever. appearance lips with scar tissue, which is then difficult to correct.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

Girls and women who have experienced unsuccessful tattooing for various reasons do not have to worry: in most cases it can be corrected. But for this you will have to attend at least three sessions.


In addition to medical problems, undesirable effects of an aesthetic nature may occur. For example, the wrong color. But this does not always happen due to the fault of the specialist. Even a good and professional hairdresser can encounter such a problem, because it is never possible to predict how the body will react to pigmentation.

Despite the fact that the shade prepared by a specialist from natural and mineral ingredients does not always look identical on the lips, this can be easily adjusted. The master can add missing colors.

Unsuccessful contour after lip tattoo

It happens that tattooing results in an incorrect and unsightly lip contour. Good specialist Before taking up the device for applying permanent makeup, he carefully discusses the desired result with the client. In addition, he can recommend a contour that will look best and maintain harmony on the face.

Unprofessional cosmetologists can significantly worsen the appearance not only with an irregular contour. Sometimes the procedure results in asymmetry or blurred outline. The color begins to “spread”, going beyond the natural contour. Such a defect can only be corrected with cosmetics. And before it disappears completely, you need to wait for the pigment to resolve.

About lip tattooing and its consequences, as well as how to avoid them, watch the video:

What a bad lip tattoo looks like

Looking in the mirror after the recovery process, sometimes a woman discovers that something has gone wrong. To understand what a bad lip tattoo looks like, you need to know what distinctive features he has. Most often, the woman herself understands that she definitely did not get the lips of her dreams. An unsuccessful tattoo is indicated by:

  • too sharp a lip contour that does not match the overall tone;
  • the pigment is present only along the perimeter, due to which it stands out strongly;
  • when the lip contour was enlarged, the color remained only on the skin around them;
  • the appearance of a bluish tint;
  • curve and blurry outline.

Before you decide to tattoo your lips, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the procedure. Often, poor preparation for an upcoming intervention can result in a number of medical and cosmetic problems. Therefore, it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications before going to a beauty salon, and also to prepare your lips for the procedure. And so that the result does not turn out to be disastrous, you must follow all the recommendations given by the cosmetologist.

During image creation Special attention is given to the lips. After all, you want them to look expressive. For this purpose, taking into account reviews, lip tattooing is used. Photos before and after the procedure allow you to see the excellent effect. Details about it are presented in the article.

What it is?

The word "tattoo" may evoke associations with tattoos. In fact, the 2 procedures have few common properties - in both cases, a dye is introduced under the skin, which retains color and saturation for a long time. But if a standard tattoo is presented in the form of a picture, then tattooing allows you to emphasize the natural elements of the face.

There are many types of tattooing. It is performed for eyebrows, when a cosmetologist uses a coloring pigment to create beautiful and clear eyebrow contours on the face. The procedure is also performed for the eyes: the pigment is applied under the skin of the eyelids, thereby creating the effect of permanent makeup. But the most popular, according to reviews, is lip tattooing. Photos before and after the procedure show a noticeable difference. During this event, paint is injected under the skin of the lips, with the help of which their outlines are emphasized.

After tattooing your lips, you don’t need to use lipstick - it should be applied in rare cases. With the help of the procedure, you do not need to pay much attention to the makeup of this part of the face. Lips acquire rich contours and natural color. The result lasts up to several years, although it will have to be updated regularly.

A little bit of history

For the first time, the similarity of modern tattooing was mentioned 2 thousand years ago. In China, when drawing lines on the skin, masters hid girls' eyebrows or eyelashes. For this, a microscopic needle placed in a bamboo stick and vegetable dyes were used. Since that period, people's knowledge and technology have evolved, and modern lip tattooing was introduced at a meeting of cosmetologists in the 1980s in New York. It was then that the procedure became popular throughout the world.

Who needs the procedure?

Lip tattoo contour needed:

  1. Women who have the first signs of fading. After the procedure, lips gain clarity, visibility, and even color. This anti-aging effect will affect the appearance of the face.
  2. Ladies who are dissatisfied with their lip shape. It is better to correct a very thin or full mouth with cosmetics. But this takes a lot of time and effort, and tattooing allows you to get long-lasting results.
  3. For women going on a long trip or engaged in strenuous work. If there is no physical opportunity to maintain makeup, then tattooing will be a suitable procedure. Lips will be attractive at any time, no matter what the conditions.

Of course, the procedure is suitable for those who do not want to constantly use lipstick. After all, makeup will always be in order, so constant adjustments are not required.

Is it worth doing?

IN last years fashionable natural beauty, but permanent makeup has not become less popular. Should I get a lip tattoo? For girls who want to improve their appearance and become more attractive, but do not want to be old-fashioned, this is just right this procedure. A master who knows the rules of tattooing will help you achieve an excellent result:

  1. The event must be performed with the complete absence of contraindications.
  2. The size and shape of the modified lip appearance should be consistent with the appearance.
  3. The tone of the dye should be in harmony with the color of the skin.
  4. The effect should slightly improve the shape of the lips, as well as maintain their natural appearance.
  5. If you have ever had herpes, then 3-4 days before the event you need to undergo an anti-herpes program.

In tattooing, you cannot violate the rules of the procedure so that the result is truly pleasing. It is easier to do the work than to eliminate its result, so this activity should be approached responsibly.


You can evaluate the results of the procedure using before and after photos of lip tattooing. Feedback from women is mostly positive. Many of them note a beneficial effect on the appearance of their face. The advantages of the procedure include the following:

  1. Frequent touch-ups are not required. This saves money and time.
  2. Confidence in your attractiveness remains. Lips will always be beautiful, no matter what the conditions.
  3. With a tattoo, the face looks younger. Age is determined not only by the appearance of wrinkles, but also by the withering of the skin of the lips. And with the procedure, youth can be extended.
  4. This cosmetology event preserves skin health. Injecting pigment underneath will be less harmful than constantly using lipstick.
  5. Using the procedure, you can correct the contours of your mouth without plastic surgery.


But the lip tattoo contour also has its disadvantages:

  1. There is discomfort during and after the procedure. Although the pigment is applied with local anesthesia, tattooing is inconvenient and the lips take a long time to heal.
  2. The color will be visible for several months and years. Therefore, experts advise using natural, light tones - it will be difficult to “lighten” bright red lips.
  3. Removing lip tattoos will be a difficult process if the procedure is initially performed poorly. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose a salon before visiting it.
  4. There are contraindications. This activity should not be performed by people with diabetes mellitus and oncology, as well as with poor blood clotting, during pregnancy and lactation. The procedure is not performed if the patient has an unstable psyche.

Many people also consider it a disadvantage that the pigment must be constantly updated. But we must remember that the result of tattooing lasts for many years, which cannot be compared with any cosmetics. Correction, which needs to be performed once every few months, is one significant drawback.

Types of procedures

Some women love bright and rich makeup, while others prefer natural shades. And some almost do not change the color of the lips, but only emphasize their contours. Therefore, there are several types of this procedure:

  1. Contour tattoo. In this case, the pigment is not applied to all the lips; it is introduced only along the contour to make it clear. Thanks to this event, you don’t have to use a pencil every day; you should only use lipstick.
  2. Lip tattoo with shading. The pigment is applied along the contour, making it expressive. At the same time, shading is performed on the skin, giving a natural color. If lip tattooing is done with shading, then you do not need to regularly adjust your makeup.
  3. Filling tattoo. The coloring component is injected under the skin of the lips, which will resemble lipstick. Many colors can be used for this procedure - from red and burgundy to pink and apricot. When choosing a tone, you must remember that light shades can be made brighter with lipstick, but rich, rich pigment cannot be “lightened.”
  4. Tattoo natural color. In this case, a pigment is selected that is as similar as possible to the natural shade. Visually, the effect looks natural: the lips appear unpainted, but they have an even color and expressiveness.

Each lip tattoo technique allows you to get excellent results only if the work was performed by a real professional. After this, you just need to follow the advice of the master.


During the procedure, it is important to determine the shade of the pigment. The color of the lip tattoo should match your appearance, because it is chosen for many years. The specialist should tell you what tone will suit your face and skin tone. You can choose colors that match your hair.

For fair girls, pink and flesh tones are great, and for dark girls, brown and reddish ones. Choosing the color of a lip tattoo is almost no different from buying lipstick. A suitable tone will look harmonious.

Master's choice

In every city there are at least several beauty salons where they perform similar work. Most of them attract customers with discounts, promotions and great deals. But it is important to choose a professional master who has experience. Such a specialist will not only perform the procedure efficiently, but will also be able to select the type of tattoo that will highlight the beauty of the lips and hide imperfections.

In salons, employees have their own portfolios. A good master will not rush to complete the procedure; first he will explain all the nuances of the event, describe the work process and the rules of care. After all, all this is important to get an excellent result.

It is important to pay attention to the materials that craftsmen use. Not every beauty salon offers quality products. This is due to the savings and difficulty of purchasing quality materials. Only when the procedure is performed by a master with the appropriate equipment can you expect positive results.

How is the procedure performed?

Although the result shows a photo of lip tattoo before and after, reviews of the procedure say that it is important to consult with a specialist about the need for this event. They perform work only in a beauty salon. At the same time, it is important to make sure that tattooing is done by qualified artists with experience. The event is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Decorative cosmetics should be washed off from the lips, and the skin should be cleansed using special products.
  2. Then the master performs anesthesia - the lips are covered with an anesthetic ointment or liquid. As a result, there is a loss of skin sensitivity, so the impact of the needle manifests itself in a slight tingling sensation.
  3. Since lips are very sensitive, during tattooing the pain relief is renewed - the artist applies a spray to the skin.
  4. The event lasts about 3 hours - the exact time depends on the type of procedure. Typically, one area of ​​skin is treated for 30-40 minutes.

It is important that all devices are disposable and sterile. Before performing the procedure, you should make sure that this rule is followed in the salon. After all, a needle can introduce any infection, and this can lead to adverse consequences.


What are the consequences of lip tattooing? This procedure causes trauma to the skin. Therefore, it takes time for lip tattoos to heal - usually about 10 days. At this time, it is necessary to perform some procedures:

  1. Almost immediately after tattooing, the lips become swollen and itchy. To reduce swelling and eliminate discomfort are used special means: "Panthenol", hydrocortisone ointment, "Rescuer" cream, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. On day 2, a crust appears on the lips, from which ichor and a little blood come out. This is considered normal. Lips can be treated with medicinal ointments, but the crust cannot be peeled off.
  3. On days 3 and 4, the crust disappears almost entirely, but itching may remain.
  4. On day 5, the outlines of the lips become uniform - this is when it is necessary to evaluate the results of the event.

On day 5-6, lips regain their normal shape and healthy appearance. But the color will change for some time. The final healing of the lip tattoo occurs after 10 days. If you like the result, then no procedures are required. If there are any defects, you need to visit the salon again.

The main rule during healing is to keep your lips clean. During the first days you should not use cosmetics, smoke or exercise. The healing area should not be exposed to direct sunlight. You need to wash and wet it as little as possible. At this time, you should not consume salty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, citrus juices and alcohol.


What is the price of lip tattoo? In the salon, the procedure costs between 2500-3500 rubles. Very cheap work should alert you: after all, the high-quality services of a true professional cannot cost little.

When choosing a salon, you need to take into account the average price of lip tattooing. Then, probably, everything is done according to the rules, and it will not be dangerous to health.


The procedure should not be performed if:

  1. Presence of injuries, cracks, chapped lips.
  2. Tendencies to allergies.
  3. Inflammation.
  4. Neoplasms.
  5. The menstrual cycle, as well as for 3 days before and after that.
  6. Blood diseases.
  7. Poor blood clotting.
  8. Drinking alcohol the day before.

Duration of result

The duration of the effect is individual. It depends on various factors. This is affected by age and the quality of the dye used. For example, young girls usually have to undergo frequent corrections because their metabolism is fast and their skin recovers faster.

If a high-quality pigment was used, the result lasts up to 3 years, and low-quality paints disappear after a year. A low-quality product will not only “wear off” quickly, but may also leave a blue or green tint. It will be difficult to remove the defect even with a laser. This is an important reason why you should not skimp on a master.

The duration of the effect is affected by care. Constant peeling, tanning, saunas, baths reduce the life of tattoos on the lips. Therefore, in order for the results to last longer, these procedures should not be performed.

Lip tattooing (and permanent makeup in general) has become very popular in recent years. What to expect from this operation?

Well, firstly, you will be able to correct the defects that interfere with your life and constantly spoil your mood. A professionally done lip tattoo will allow you to forget about constantly wearing lipstick for a couple of years (or maybe longer).

The lips will already be juicy, bright and with a clear shape. It is better to get a barely noticeable tattoo so that your lips look natural and without makeup. In order to achieve exactly this effect, it is better not to save money and turn to good master to a salon with a good reputation.

But, unfortunately, everything good has its downside. — Consequences of lip tattoo

Need to know that You will experience swelling immediately after surgery. It's not scary - it will subside in a couple of days. But swelling occurs from microcracks that appear due to the impact of needles that injected a dye. You need to be very careful with your lips, which are vulnerable during this period, to avoid infection. Therefore, strictly follow the advice of the specialist who performed this operation. Apply several times a day special cream on the lips. It will help wounds heal faster and protect against the penetration of viruses, such as herpes.

Sometimes after this cosmetic procedurelip inflammation may occur. To prevent this, try to keep your lips clean, do not visit open bodies of water, and spend less time outdoors. Do not apply any cosmetics to your lips, even chapstick, wash your face warm boiled water to prevent any contamination.

To prevent the healing process from turning into inflammation, you should not make masks, consume hot food and drinks (soups, tea and coffee). Unfortunately, You can't kiss either– otherwise, foreign microbes may penetrate and irritate the wounds. However, in this state, you most likely will not want to kiss, or even date.

Sometimes something much worse can happen. For example, the master will be insufficiently qualified, or his hand will simply tremble . In this case, the shape of the lips will not be symmetrical, or not what you expected. In this case, you will have to make a correction. In general, after a week you should still go to the specialist for the final correction, when the lips have healed a little and the swelling has subsided. But if you are unhappy with the messed-up technician, you can go to another specialist.

It must be said that the consequences of unsuccessful lip micropigmentation are quite difficult to correct.. It happens that the master uses traumatic equipment, or uses low-quality pigments, or introduces them too deeply due to inexperience. And then the lips may turn out to be too bright or with a “floating” blurred outline, and instead of charming lips you will get the mask of a loser clown. To correct it, you will have to use a laser, or by introducing another, light pigment.

Therefore, if you want to quickly solve one problem, think about whether you are ready for unfortunate consequences!

05/11/2012 — Addition, another article on this topic:

Many women today occupy a fairly high position in society, so image issues play a paramount role for them. However, it is no secret that very often a modern business woman simply does not have time not only for regular visits to a beauty salon, but also for flawless makeup. That is why many representatives of the fairer sex are increasingly thinking about replacing their usual cosmetics with a tattoo. For example, apply it to your lips and get rid of the need to constantly tint them with lipstick.

This procedure is quite popular today. However, when going to get a tattoo, not all women imagine its consequences. Of course, they will still be able to achieve the desired effect: just look at the photos of those who dared to replace lipstick with a tattoo to be convinced that the lips of the fairer sex really look amazing without the use of cosmetics. However, what actually lies behind such a procedure?

Side effects lip tattooing, which disappears in 10-15 days

Despite the fact that tattooing is performed today with environmentally friendly paint based on natural ingredients, which is absolutely non-toxic and does not cause allergies, after the procedure the lips noticeably swell and become crusty. These are the consequences of microscopic injections with a tattoo needle, which, although it penetrates to a depth of no more than 1 mm, still damages the epidermis. In addition, even if the operation is performed in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is very easy to introduce infection into numerous wounds. Sometimes it is enough to touch your lips after tattooing with poorly washed hands, and the inflammatory process cannot be avoided.

However, by regularly treating your lips with disinfectants and using antibiotics for several days after surgery, such complications can still be avoided. After the crust comes off, you will be able to appreciate the work of the artist who performed the tattoo.

Another problem that women often face after such an operation is the wrong lip color, which for some reason may not match the type of appearance and image of the fairer sex. In this case, the entire tattooing procedure will have to be repeated immediately after the lips have healed. However, it is worth noting that in this case, lip correction is usually carried out free of charge.

Problems that will be very difficult to get rid of

It should be borne in mind that lip tattooing, with all its delicacy, is still surgical intervention, which provokes a stressful state of the body. Therefore, the most common problem faced by approximately 40% of women who have undergone a similar procedure is the occurrence of herpes on the lips. This disease is very difficult to treat and, most often, will haunt the fairer sex for more than one year, causing a lot of trouble.

In addition, a lot depends on the experience and professional skills of the master. If you turn to a specialist who is not sufficiently qualified, then after tattooing you can become the owner of a zigzag lip contour, the color of which will be far from ideal due to uneven application of paint. In this case, even with the help of adjustments, it will be very problematic to correct the consequences. All you have to do is wait 3-5 years until the paint fades on its own and your lips return to their natural color.

Many women face the problem of losing the natural shape and color of their lips. Previously plump and attractive lips may sag over the years, subsequently losing their outline and shape. In this article we will look at the main correction methods, as well as the resulting effect in perspective.

Lip correction methods

If you are faced with loss of shape and natural color, do not rush to plastic surgeon or start expensive Botox injections. Modern cosmetology offers a cheaper and more reliable option for maintaining natural beauty. Permanent makeup will help you create the effect of beautiful, tightened lips for a long time, like in the photos of Hollywood stars. Expressive shape and also pleasant natural color will allow you to get rid of the complex of dullness and constant use of decorative cosmetics.

Among the many methods of lip correction, including plastic surgery and Botox injections, there is a softer and harmless method of lip correction. We are talking about micropigmentation. The method involves micro-injections of a coloring pigment that penetrates shallowly into the subcutaneous layer and remains there for a long time. This method of maintaining the cosmetic beauty of the lips beneficially hides the disadvantages on the face.


The essence of the method is one or two procedures by a specialist. The master carefully analyzes the client’s skin – structure, porosity, natural color, susceptibility to allergies, rashes. After a preliminary consultation, tattooing is performed on the appointed day. Micro-sized needles inject a pigment of a pre-selected color under the skin, corresponding to the parameters and condition of the patient’s skin. After a short healing period, the beautiful contours of the lips remain for a long period. Naturally, this method also has its pros and cons.

The undeniable clear advantages are:

  • naturalness, visible pleasant outlines, plumpness;
  • no need for constant use of cosmetics or injections;
  • beauty for a long time - for a long time (1-3 years) the pigment does not require correction, maintaining its original appearance.

Disadvantages that can be identified with this option of maintaining beauty:

  • the need to adjust the result every 1-3 years;
  • lip tattooing has consequences - you will have to go through a short healing period;
  • Over time, the pigment inside the skin fades.

An expressive shape, as well as a pleasant natural color, will allow you to get rid of the complex of dullness and constant use of decorative cosmetics.

Reasons for bad effect

On the Internet you can find more than one photo with simply shocking images of lips supposedly after tattooing. In fact, the main reason for the ugly effect may not only be the poor work of the master.

Top 3 reasons for “scary” photos after tattooing:

  • improper care, ignoring personal hygiene after the procedure - the client simply does not comply simple tips specialist As a result of going to the sauna, getting an infection with dirty hands, or not moisturizing with cream (vaseline), the lips crack, spread, swell, and an allergic reaction may occur;
  • poor quality pigment, incorrectly selected consistency and color - an inexperienced master can make the lines too bright or dull, clog pores, and “chop” micro particles of the skin;
  • the inexperience of the master in the technique - without special skills, certificates, or a diploma, an “underground” cosmetologist can simply make gross mistakes - shading, increasing/decreasing volume, allowing asymmetry.

Correct and only the right way To preserve the results obtained after the procedure for a long time - follow simple expert advice. Do not forget to apply ointment or Vaseline and maintain personal hygiene. Do not touch your face with your hands, do not visit the solarium, bathhouse, sauna, or stuffy rooms.

Effect in perspective

Long-term results from tattooing permanently you can name it. However, with every wash, shower, and sweat, the pigment is pushed out by the epidermis. The lines gradually begin to fade, the shape becomes the same. The low cost of the procedure still allows for rare corrections. Visiting a specialist does not require a long time. It is worth considering only the healing time after correction.

During the first weeks, you will not be left with the feeling of the “presence” of the pigment in your skin, reminding you of itself with some slightly unpleasant symptoms. After a short healing time, the skin completely gets used to it and accepts the pigment, allowing you to reveal the beautiful result of well-groomed, tightened lips.

The resulting shape and color lasts quite a long time, especially with proper care and respect for the skin of the face.

Considering the effect in perspective, we can safely say that it will not become something terrible, as in the photo on the Internet. Several years of permanent beauty are guaranteed after the first procedure. In the future, it will not be difficult for you to visit your master again, prolong the beautiful effect and adjust your lips again.


Everybody wants their lips to have beautiful shape and neat condition. Not everyone is born with lips that suit them: either too small or plump. About half of women want to change their shape. And you can maintain their softness and velvety using proper care: peelings, scrubs, masks, lipsticks. But this takes a lot of time. To fulfill your dream and change their shape or size without the use of plastic surgery, cosmetology offers a lip tattoo service. Lips after tattooing can achieve an effect: change their shape and condition for the better.

Features of the procedure

If we talk about what lip tattooing is, it is the introduction of pigment using a device with thin blades under the skin. The pigment lasts for more than a year, it depends on the permanent makeup technique.

Many people are interested in whether lip tattooing is harmful. Permanent lip makeup will be harmless if you have no contraindications to it. There is a list of people who are prohibited from getting tattoos, as this can negatively affect their health; if you do not find yourself on such a list, then it is safe for you.

Allergic reactions are rare, since in laboratory conditions a composition is specially selected that will prevent allergies from occurring in any person. Even if you encounter such a problem, it will pass quickly.

Types of tattooing

To decide what type of tattoo to get, you need to familiarize yourself with all the options. They differ not by the result, but by the type of tattooing, the time of the recovery period, and also by other characteristics.

Watercolor technique

The technique requires the artistic skills of a master, since folds and uneven surfaces of the lips must be worked out in such a way as to hide them or turn them into advantages. To do this, they are worked out with strokes, since the standard method is that dots only emphasize the folds.

The peculiarity of the watercolor method is that pastel, delicate, fresh, powdery shades of color are chosen. This is done so that the result looks natural and reduces the age of its owner.

For a more natural effect, the contours and borders are not drawn, only the inner part is painted over.

The pigment is applied in two or three layers. This is done because its introduction under the skin is not done too deeply. As a result, the lips turn out fresh and glossy, this effect makes them plump.

Contour technique

This type is the easiest to apply and versatile to wear. In it, the master draws only the contour of the lips, use bright colors You can't keep your lips from looking ridiculous. The contour shade is selected according to the natural color.

This tattoo should be done by those who are naturally good form and lip size, but they want to emphasize them. The method saves those whose boundaries blur from birth or age. This reduces the natural size and spoils the shape, so permanent makeup comes to the rescue.

The borders retain the shade for a long time, and you can paint your lips with lipstick or gloss of any color, since the technique does not have any other shade.

The advantage of this method is that it can be combined with other methods. There will be no resonance or change in any of the effects.

Shading technique

The most complex and popular technique, not all masters will provide the service. Suitable for those who want:

  1. Change the shape or size of your lips.
  2. Make the stripes symmetrical, correct some defects.
  3. Make lips voluminous.
  4. Change the natural color to a brighter one. Suitable for those who constantly wear lipstick on their lips.

In this method, the cosmetologist works with all zones: changes the color of the main area, emphasizes the boundaries, creates a shading effect, fulfills the client’s requests (hides imperfections).

To visually increase the volume of the lips, a color is selected, then its dark shade is applied to the outer contours, and a lighter, more natural shade is applied in the middle.

The effect is rich and bright, the lips do not require other decorative cosmetic products to highlight them, since the color applied is strong.

Effect 3 D

3D lip tattoo is suitable for those who want to visually make their lips plumper and more expressive than natural ones. At least three shades of the main color are used, it is desirable that the main color does not differ from the natural one.

The entire internal area is not always painted over, since towards the middle the color always becomes similar to natural. The technique is similar to the previous one: the outline is painted over dark color, which gradually becomes light in the middle one shade at a time. Often the final color is not painted over, but a natural shade is left.

The 3D effect will make the halves symmetrical relative to each other. The result looks fresh, bright, sexy.

There are no age restrictions; anyone can refresh their lips. Even a man can use any technique; the standard contour method suits him best.

How to do permanent lip makeup

Before making your first appointment, you need to explore all possible options for beauty salons that provide this procedure. You should base your choice not on price, but on positive reviews about the quality of the final work.

After deciding to choose a salon, you need to make an initial visit to the specialist. There, the cosmetologist will examine the condition of your lips and, together with your opinion, will select a technique that is suitable for you. At the first appointment, you can tell the cosmetologist about all your preferences and recommendations.

Don't forget to mention which flaws you would like to hide and which advantages you would like to highlight. An experienced professional will be able to do everything according to your wishes.

The next stage is the selection of the main color of the pigment, and, if necessary, its shades. Many cosmetologists make a mock-up of the final work for the client to review and accept.

At the same or second appointment, the main procedure takes place. By using cosmetic products The master applies the rough version to the lips, then asks the client for his fertilizer. If both parties are satisfied, the work area is lubricated with an antiseptic.

If necessary, a painkiller is applied. But many women who have an increased pain threshold or are getting tattooed again may refuse anesthesia. If desired, anesthesia can be doubled during the procedure if the client begins to feel unpleasant pain.

Many people are interested in how long a tattoo lasts. Applying pigment using a device with thin blades can last three hours. It will take no more than an hour to apply a regular contour. Moreover, if the service is of increased complexity (3D technique), its implementation will require two or three sessions, depending on the complexity of the drawing.

After completing the injection of pigment under the skin, the surface of the work is treated with an antiseptic. Then the masters give the rules for caring for the result to the clients.

The color immediately after tattooing may seem too bright; the lips will acquire a normal shade after a recovery period that lasts a month.

Is it painful to do permanent makeup?

The pain of tattooing depends on the pain threshold individual person. This is individual for everyone, so it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question.

If a girl knows that she does not tolerate pain well, she will be given a painkiller. At the same time, she will not feel the tattoo at all.

If during the procedure, with or without anesthesia, the client feels painful sensations, she may ask for more painkillers. Everything is done according to your feelings, so don’t be shy about telling the artist about it so as not to leave negative impressions about the tattoo.


Girls are interested in whether it is possible to get a tattoo during menstruation. Tattooing cannot be done not only during the cycle, but also three days before their onset, and you also need to wait three days after them, because at this time the body is susceptible to diseases, and the risk of negative consequences increases.

This is not the only reason why tattooing should not be done. It is also prohibited for the following problems:

  1. Lip diseases (scars, injuries, peeling). They must be in healthy condition before tattooing.
  2. The presence of alcohol in the blood a day ago.
  3. Poor blood clotting rate.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Infectious diseases accompanied by increased body temperature.

With these indicators, tattooing cannot be done, as this can worsen the health condition.

How to avoid herpes after tattooing

If a woman’s skin is prone to the appearance of herpes, it can become a negative consequence of tattooing. To make it go away faster, you need to smear it with healing ointments, such as Acyclovir.

If you want to play it safe before the procedure to avoid herpes, take a course of pills for it. At the pharmacy you can find out the name of the drug that is suitable.

Rashes such as herpes occur not through the fault of the specialist, but due to the predisposition of the client’s skin.

Care and correction of permanent makeup

After leaving the cosmetologist's office, the color seems very bright; after the recovery period, the color becomes duller.

In the first days, you should not rub the skin, it must heal. After 2-3 days a crust appears, which should fall off by itself. There is no need to touch it, just smear it with healing agents. A couple of days after the crust appears, itching begins, which indicates that the process of falling off the crust has begun.

During the first days you should not wash your lips or use decorative cosmetics, as its components may damage the skin.

By the end of the first week, the crust disappears and the lips begin to heal. Complete healing occurs within a month, but when using simple techniques, the time is reduced to 20 days.

After the recovery period, you need to make a visit to the artist who did the tattooing to find out if there are any negative consequences and whether the work was done well. If any deficiencies are found in the work, the master corrects them.

The first correction is carried out after a year, when the color begins to fade. If the client does not want to continue wearing such a tattoo, she may not make corrections, which is why the color will gradually fade.

Price of the procedure

The price of tattooing can depend on many criteria: salon, artist, equipment used, pigment. Usually the price is no more than 10 thousand rubles. The correction costs two to three times less than the price for the main procedure.

Conclusions: is it worth getting a lip tattoo?

The tattoo procedure allows girls to make their daily makeup work easier. There is nothing harmful in it, and negative consequences are rare. You should expect a good result if the cosmetologist and the specialist were chosen well, and the care was carried out correctly.

Each girl must make the final decision herself, but in order to try whether a tattoo is right for her, she can do a shallow injection of pigment so that the result does not last long.