"Mermaid". Craft made from natural materials. Do-it-yourself soft toy little mermaid master class How to make a garden mermaid doll

Sometimes you want it so much daily life add a little fairy tale.

If you and your daughter like a fairy-tale-sea theme, then we suggest making a little mermaid costume in which you can take interesting photographs and also amaze everyone on the beach or in the pool. And of course, mermaid tails can also be used for swimming, both for adults and children - the meaning is the same as for flippers.

How to sew a real mermaid tail with your own hands?

Everyone knows what a mermaid's tail looks like - these are legs covered in tight-fitting scales, with one large fin at the end.

You will need:

  • elastic, good stretch fabric for a mermaid tail, the color depends only on your imagination. If you want everything to look as realistic as possible, then choose an iridescent blue-green fabric;
  • threads of the same shade as the material;
  • linen elastic;
  • pattern paper;
  • waterproof glue;
  • slates suitable in size for the future little mermaid;
  • thin flexible plastic for the fin (can be bought in construction departments), or a ready-made fin (if you look hard enough, you can find it in children's or sports departments).

Let's get started:

  1. Making a mermaid tail pattern. To do this, simply place the person for whom this tail is being sewn on paper. Have your model spread her legs out to the side a little, just a little. This is done so that there is an opportunity to then move the legs in the tail. Now trace the outline, from the waist to the feet. Before cutting, add a little extra for seam allowances. That's it, the pattern is ready.
  2. Place the pattern on the fabric and cut out your little mermaid tail.
  3. In order for the ponytail to fit well on the figure, we will sew rings of underwear elastic inside. To do this, we measure the hips, knees and calves brought together. Using these measurements, we cut the elastic and carefully, so that it is not noticeable, we sew it with a slight stretch inside the tail. You can try another option. Instead of elastic bands, sew elastic tights inside the tail. Choose what you like best.
  4. Let's move on to the fin. You also need to make a pattern for it. Just now you don’t have to bother with paper, you can immediately draw on plastic.
  5. Glue slippers to one side of the cut out fin.
  6. The resulting fin (or a ready-made one purchased) must be sheathed with fabric. Don't forget to leave the foot connector. For convenience, you can sew a zipper in the place where the fin will connect to the tail. If you are ready to experiment, then try choosing the fabric for the fin several shades darker than the tail itself.
  7. Well, that's basically it. The fake mermaid tail is almost ready. Now all that remains is to decorate it. You can use anything for decoration: beads, sequins, rhinestones, ribbons, lace - the list is huge.

Example for decorating a tail

You will need:

  • wire;
  • good durable glue;
  • pieces of tulle;
  • Polish for hair;
  • sparkles, beads and other beautiful little things.

Let's get started:

  1. On a file or transparent cellophane bag we draw our scales with a marker, it is not necessary to take the usual standard shape, use your imagination.
  2. Using these blanks we cut out the wire. We give it the shape of the intended scales, gluing it with glue, or simply twisting it.
  3. Apply glue to the wire and put tulle on it to make it more interesting, do it on both sides.
  4. Using a soldering iron, or a hot knitting needle or a nail, we make holes in the tulle.
  5. Cover the edges of the tulle with a thick layer of glue.
  6. To make the contours more colorful, you can outline them with acrylic or gouache.
  7. After spraying the workpiece with hairspray, sprinkle it with glitter.
  8. Now all that remains is to add some beads and rhinestones. That's it, the tail decorations are ready.

Based on the described method, you can try to make unusual and beautiful scales for the tail, just keep in mind that this decoration method will be more of a decorative option, well suited for sushi. In water, everything can disintegrate and flow.

For girl.

An incredible new heroine of your child's games, a DIY mermaid doll! And also a great gift for other little "princesses" living in the neighborhood.

To make a little mermaid doll with your own hands you will need:

    little mermaid stencil

    cotton fabric (any skin tone)

  • shiny sequin fabric
  • yarn for creating hair and acrylic paint matching the color of the yarn
  • fabric glue
  • filler
  • buttons
  • sequins for decoration

Step-by-step instructions on how to sew a little mermaid doll for a child with your own hands

We cut out the contours along the dotted lines and get patterns.

We glue and pin the head to the body and the fin to the tail along the dotted lines so that we get only two stencils - one for the body, the second for the tail. We fold the cotton and sequin fabric in half (right sides inward) and use stencils to cut out the mermaid details.

We sew along the contours and leave small gaps at the top of the tail and at the bottom of the body so that you can turn the parts out later.

Before you do this, take some thin object (pen, pencil) and with it, try to carefully turn the product right side out.

Now fill the toy with stuffing (again using a pencil or pen) and insert the body part into the tail. Holding, sew one to the other.

Use acrylic (or fabric) paint to cover your doll's head (this will help her get rid of the "bald spots" from not being fully covered with yarn hair, otherwise it will take forever). When you apply paint, try to apply it in a very thin layer. The more paint, the more difficult it is to sew.

It is not necessary to place dots, but they are useful for calculating distance. The picture shows the minimum number of hair follicles. If you look at the photos of both dolls, the purple mermaid has about twice the amount of hair.

Sew the yarn hair to the marked points, tying tightly.

When you get to your bangs, you can leave a small gap and then cover it with a braid at the end. Sew on the bangs and then trim off the excess. Add a little fabric glue to the forehead and keep it straight while the glue dries (if the "hair" is still a little crazy like in the photo below, just keep combing and smoothing it until it gives way).

Make the little mermaid’s eyes with your own hands - either just with buttons, or the option as in the photo - she’s a little tired.

Don't forget sea pebbles/shells on the chest and some necklaces for the mermaid doll.

Handmade mermaid dolls are ready for a child!

We hope the article was interesting and useful for you and you can make a colorful mermaid doll with your own hands. The child will be happy with the new toy.

Oksana Telikova

Fish tail instead of legs

In shiny scales.

And in the crown is the radiance of stars

The most real ones -

Not heavenly, but sea.

I caught them myself!

Who's ready for diving?

Play with Little Mermaid?

O. Emelyanova

According to your mood I made this folk doll, The Little Mermaid.

Its purpose was to relieve illnesses and ailments of the one who made. They say that it was made on the eve of Ivan Kupala Day. And when they did Little Mermaid, silently listed the diseases they wanted to get rid of. Craftswoman, as if complaining doll for your ailments. It was believed that Mermaid It will help you get rid of both physical illnesses and emotional distress.

I will be happy to share with you how mine came to be Mermaid.

I twisted the body and head in the usual way.

I made the handles using the method described earlier when making Ryabinka.

Attached to the body Little Mermaids.

I took green nylon tape to make a bodice.

I wrapped two small holofiber balls in it and tied a knot between them.

She applied it to her chest and tied it at the back.

I sewed the petticoat.

Another skirt in a suitable color.

Crocheted leaves, old beads and shells will serve as decoration for the Sea Maiden.

Almost a beauty!

Bald for now! Funny!

I created a hairstyle using wool for felting in suitable colors using a special needle.

I wove a braid from woolen threads and tied a headband.

Little Mermaid they were carried to a pond and lowered into the water. It was believed that in this way she takes away all the illnesses and adversities of her masters.

I'm mine Little Mermaid I brought it to the city exhibition, where it, so dim, attracted the attention of my pupil Yulechka.

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If you want to briefly turn your doll into a little mermaid and try on a mermaid tail on it, then this master class will definitely come in handy. At the beginning there is a video with instructions. Below we have added stills from the video from detailed description in Russian, since the explanations in the video are given in English.
Video master class: how to make a mermaid tail for a doll

To create a mermaid tail for your doll you will need:
- Sheets of white paper;
- Simple pencil;
- Decorative porous rubber (if you can’t get it anywhere, use cardboard, just remember not to wet your doll’s tail with water);
- Very stretchy fabric in mermaid colors;
- A piece of chalk or a dried piece of soap;
- Thread and needle;
- Thin elastic;
- Sewing machine (optional and depending on availability, if you don’t have one, you can sew everything by hand.
1. Place the doll on a sheet of white paper, as shown in the example.

2. Trace the outside of the doll's legs.

3. Make a mark where the waistband is and add a few millimeters.

4. Add a few more millimeters to the seam allowance.

5. Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and sketch out the outline of the tail fin.

6. Cut out the fin and attach it to the pattern for the top of the tail, trace and complete the pattern.

7. Around the tail, also add a few millimeters at the edges.

8. Cut out the mermaid tail pattern.

9. Take the fabric and determine in which direction it stretches better. Place the fabric so that it stretches better in the horizontal direction.

10. Attach the pattern to the fabric and trace with chalk or a dried bar of soap.

11. Cut along the marked contours. You can add a few millimeters at the top, which can later be used for a beautifully gathered fabric at the top of the mermaid tail.

12. Cut out another one exactly the same.

13. Place the two pieces together with the good side facing in.

14. Start sewing the pieces together using sewing machine or thread and needle.
15. Stop at the point where the tip of the tail fin ends.

15. Place the doll on the workpiece. Turn the fabric over so that the tail starts at the doll's waist.

16. Now sew the pieces together on the other side and also stop at the other end of the top of the ponytail.
17. Try the tail on the doll (without turning it inside out). Mark where to sew the tail in additional places to make it fit better.

18. Sew in the right places, cut off excess fabric everywhere except the end of the tail, where we have not sewn it yet.
19. Turn the tail inside out.
20. At the top of the tail, you can make a few stitches and tighten the thread, you will get a beautifully pulled fabric.

21. Take your mermaid tail fin pattern, take decorative foam rubber (or a piece of thick cardboard if you don’t plan to play with the doll in the water), trace the pattern on a piece of decorative foam rubber.

22. Cut out this fin blank too, leaving a few millimeters around the edges at the top.

23. If you wish, you can cut out three small pieces of elastic. Glue a semicircle from one at the top of the fin, the other two diagonally on top. This design will help keep the fin on the doll.

24. Place the fin on the doll's legs. Place the remaining fabric over the fin. This will give you a mermaid tail with a replaceable fin.
If you plan to sew up the bottom of the fin, it is better not to use elastic bands at all.

25. You can also make a beautiful top for your doll from the same fabric. Take a small rectangle of fabric and fold it in half.

Fairy-tale character "The Little Mermaid". Master class with step by step photos.

Fedoseeva Arina, student of class 1 “A” of MBOU gymnasium No. 69 in the city of Krasnodar.
Supervisor: Goncharova Anna Anatolyevna, teacher primary classes MBOU gymnasium No. 69 of the city of Krasnodar.

Description: The master class is intended for joint activities of preschool and junior children school age and teachers and parents.

Purpose: toy, souvenir, gift, decorative element of the interior.

Target: make a fairy-tale character - a little mermaid with your own hands.

- teach how to make a little mermaid with your own hands;
- teach how to use a needle and thread and master sewing techniques;
- introduce safety precautions when working with a needle and scissors;
- develop fine motor skills hands;
- cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste, interest in work;
- develop the child’s imagination and imagination;
- cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

The fairy tale “The Little Mermaid” by H.H. Andersen is an example of a story about true love. This is a very sad story - and a very beautiful one! This is a story about love that knows no barriers, about courage and kindness. This master class is inspired by this wonderful fairy tale.

T. Davydova
Mermaid (based on the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen)
There lived a mermaid in the blue sea,
She frolicked with the wind in the open space.
She was happy, serene,
Cheerful, affectionate, sinless...
Once upon a time during an evil storm,
Seeing the prince in sight -
Without a ship, sinking at sea,
I saved him, on my own grief...
And my heart fell in love tenderly,
It called and beckoned.
Only the song trusted the pain,
The seas were overcome by salt.
I was languishing with passion and bored,
I thought and dreamed about the prince.

And she went into captivity to the evil witch, -
I gave her my vote as a pledge.
(The little mermaid wanted to walk,
The witch has a voice).
Now the little mermaid must
To become happy...But alone again,
After all, the prince doesn’t need her...
The little mermaid cannot say
And it’s not her fault...
Now no one will help here -
Should become foam in the morning...
The fairy tale cannot end like that!..
My hand, slightly worried,
Diligently obeying goodness,
Suddenly she changed this ending:
Father helped the little mermaid
Defeated the sorceress at once
And my daughter returned her voice.
Those evil spells have dissipated.
And he immediately helped the prince,
He understood everything and... fell ill,
But not by illness, but by love.
Carrying the crown to the head:
"Little mermaid, I need you,
You are the princess and the wife!

Materials required for work: a skein of yarn, cotton wool, a flesh-colored nylon golf course, a stretch hair band, scissors, threads, a needle, beads for the eyes, various decorative elements (beads, colored braid, shiny leaves).


First of all, we take a flesh-colored nylon golf course and begin to fill it with cotton wool, distributing it in such a way that we will have a head at the sock, then a torso, and then a tail.

This is what a golf ball filled with cotton looks like.

Now we will form the head: on back side For our future mermaid, we begin to pull the golf fabric at the toe part so that we get a head. We fasten with a needle and thread.

This is what the head looks like front side.

Next we form the neck: there should not be a lot of cotton wool in this place, in addition, we stretch the fabric more tightly and also sew it up.

Then we form the mermaid tail: we gradually pull it together and sew it up at the beginning of the tail, gradually taking more and more golf fabric towards the end of the tail.

Now we dress our mermaid: we took a stretch elastic band for hair - it stretches well and looks a little like scales. We needed 2 of these elastic bands: one was used to put on the upper part of the mermaid, the second was divided into two parts - and onto the tail. This is how we secured the upper part with threads on the back.

Then we continued to trim the tail.

Now we will make a tail for the mermaid: we wound yarn around a small book.

They tied one side of the skein tightly with a knot, and cut it on the other.

We attached the tail to the end of the mermaid's tail.

Then we covered the end of the tail with fabric.

In order for our little mermaid to sit, the body was bent in half at a wide point and secured with a needle and thread.

The mermaid's hair was made in the same way as the tail, only it was wound around a large book.

Now they sewed the head of hair to the head. You can braid your hair.

Then they sewed on the beady eyes and embroidered the mouth with red thread.

All that remains is to decorate our mermaid - this is how we decorated the neckline.

We used beads and colored leaves to put together several decorations on a thread, which we used to decorate the hair and tail, sewing them on.

A.S. Pushkin
There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale.
There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,
A mermaid sits on the branches...