Scenario for the holiday "Children's Day" material on the topic. Children Protection Day. Scenarios of entertainment, holidays An unusual holiday for Children's Day

(Cheerful children's music is playing. Children gather in the yard.
Phonogram "I, you, she, she...")
Presenter 1: Hello, friends! Hello to all those who have a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different directions, everyone with curly forelocks and cute bangs.
Presenter 2: Hello, smart, cheerful, happy. Today we can congratulate you all - it’s time for vacation, and vacation is great!
Presenter 1: Dear friends, the long-awaited sun holiday has come for us, the longest holiday - the Sunny Summer Holiday! Every day summer calendar red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, fun! And the most important thing is the peaceful sky above us!
Presenter 2:
Peace in every home, in every Country!
Peace is May on the planet! Peace is the sun on our earth. Adults and children need peace. Presenter 1: The sun will go out again in the evening, But the sun of friendship will never go out! Let humanity walk along the path of peace and labor.
Presenter 2: Let's hold hands and cherish friendship Under the flag of a multi-colored rainbow, Our memory must live forever!
Presenter 2: Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated International Day protecting children and maintaining peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear guys. And here is the first congratulations. The group of Seregina Yulia and Suvorova Anastasia performs for you with the song “Summer Time Has Come.”
Presenter 1: We are glad to see you in our summer camps. The floor for greetings is given to the director of the DPC and the head of the camp, Antonova Yu.A.
(director's speech)
Presenter 2:
Guys! When we met, I remember
First things first, you need to get to know each other!
Presenter 1:
And now you guys need your help:
Say your names in unison! (children call)
Presenter 2: Well, we met each other! We have prepared for you an interesting holiday program called “Let's join hands!” Now, in order to become completely friends, we need to start some kind of common cause. Well, for example, I’ll tell you riddles, and you solve them all together. Do you agree? (Yes)
1. What baby is born with a mustache? (kitten) 2. Where are cities without houses, rivers without water, forests without trees? (on the map) 3. They beat him, but he doesn’t cry, he just jumps up and down? (ball) 4. It’s meowing, not the cat, who is it? (cat) 5. From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but only look at it? (constellation Ursa Major) 6. Why do cats eat raw meat with pleasure? (they don't know how to cook)
Presenter 1: Now be especially careful. I read, and you must finish correctly. It's clear? Over the forest the sun's ray has gone out - The king of animals is sneaking... (lion) Here's a riddle for kids: Who is the cat afraid of? He loves to eat brooms. He is powerful and full of strength - Insatiable... (elephant) Sing songs under the moon Sat on a branch... (nightingale) Who loves to rush through the branches? Of course, raging... (squirrel) He beats like a drum. Sitting on a pine tree... (woodpecker) He understands raspberries, the owner of the forest, terrible... (bear) Found beauty in the tail A proud bird... (peacock) He is a big and large bird. He has a nest in the mountains. Among the birds he is the strongest. This is a bird... (eagle) Look at your friend - How many eyes does a friend have... (two)
He tucked his tail and went into the forest. Not a lamb, but... (a wolf) He was a thundercloud. I went to fight with Piglet! He loved honey most of all. Little baby... (Winnie the Pooh) I was able to find a friend Who watched “Well, wait a minute!” He knows a lot about tricks, good friend our gray... (hare) Everyone should know this: A cat has exactly the same paws... (four) If your head is full of knowledge, That means at school you will get... (five)
You can't count and write,
So, at school you will get... (two)
Presenter 1: We did great! We solved all the riddles! Now we are real friends! There is nothing better than a holiday with friends! Really, guys! But now I suggest you break up into teams. And for this we have prepared tokens of three colors. Everyone will draw their own, and, according to the color received, 3 teams are formed.
(break into teams to cheerful music)
Presenter 2: Now your task is to come up with a name for yourself. 1 minute to complete.
Presenter 1: Loudly, in unison, you need to voice it one by one in chorus. So let's begin!
(Teams performing)
Presenter 2: Today you will have to take part in various competitions, where interesting tests await you, and the fulfillment of tasks will be assessed by a respected jury consisting of: Director of the DPTs Antonova Yu.A., Deputy for water management N.V. Yanova.
Presenter 1: Attention, let's begin. The first competition to test your physical fitness is the Kangaroo relay race. All teams play. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player. Whichever team completes the task in full the fastest is the winner.
KANGAROO (happy music)
Presenter 2: The next competition is called “Tricky Quiz”. Each team in turn is asked a question, and for the correct answer the team receives 1 point.
Tricky Quiz Questions
1. How long should you cook a hard-boiled egg: two, three or five minutes? (Not at all, it’s already cooked.)
2. How should you read the word “humor” correctly? (From left to right.)
3. The staircase of the house consists of five flights, each of which consists of twenty steps. How many steps do you need to climb to get to the top floor? (All.)
4. When it is needed, they give it away, and when it is not needed, they raise it. What is this? (Anchor.)
5. How many “g”s does it take to make a big pile of hay? (One hundred - g.)
6. How does it all end? (The letter “e”.)
7. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have behind? (Letter "b".)
8. The grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom (one) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (No one.)
9. Why, when you want to sleep, do you go to bed? (By gender)
10. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (On wet)
11. Which month is shorter than others? (May is only three letters.)
12. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can’t speak.)
13. What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (Zheleznodorozhny.)
14. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
Presenter 1: Well done to all participants! We completed the task. And we continue! I want to know if you watch cartoons? Remember the blind and lame woman from the Russian cartoon! (Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat from “The Adventure of Pinocchio”)
Right! And now you have to play the role of Alice the fox and Basilio the cat. This is the next task.
Presenter 2: Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded and puts his hand on his partner’s shoulder,
who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this position (one is blind, the other is lame), they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair. Whichever team does it faster will win.
Speaker 1: Now let's have some fun! Do you guys know this game - aram-zam-zam? For those who don’t know, we’ll teach them now. The rules are simple: now the music will play, and you all repeat the movements after me. I suggest you play it.
ARAM-ZAM-ZAM (music)
Presenter 2: And now we will test your intelligence in the “Shifters” competition. We give each team a piece of paper with “reversals” of lines from the poems. Try to remember and unravel the lines of the poems. Execution time 3 minutes.
1. You hate my cow (I love my horse..)
2. Your Danya laughs quietly (Our Tanya cries loudly..)
3. One granny was weaving above the doors early in the morning (Three girls were weaving under the window late in the evening..)
4. Black poplar above your door (White birch under my window...)
Shifters (cheerful music)
Presenter 1: You need to warm up a little and the next task for you will again be the sports “Pass the ball over the top.” Teams line up in three columns, at a short distance from each other. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball reaches the last person standing, the task changes. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.
PASS THE BALL OVER (happy music)
Presenter 2: But, now take a little break! Julia Seregina has prepared a gift for you. Solo gymnastic performance. Let's meet!
Presenter 1: And now a competition called “Night Driver”. Teams are divided into two people. The first two participants: the driver and the navigator. The driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player
blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to a freeway made from sports pins. Handing the steering wheel to the driver, the presenter offers to practice and drive so that not a single post is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and brought to the steering wheel. The participant - navigator gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about dangers. When the path has been completed, the driver's eyes are untied. And the participants return to the start. Then the next 2 team members “ride”. The first team to complete the task is the winner.
Presenter 2: And now a very difficult test awaits you - there is a river in front of you, and you need to get across it. To do this, you have a ferry (a hoop that lies at a distance from the teams). The first participant runs to it, takes it and puts it on himself, then runs to the team, takes one participant with this hoop, and they run to the finish line, return, take the next participant and so on until the whole team is at the finish line.
CROSSING (cheerful music)
Presenter 1: What wonderful boys and girls we have! Everyone knows, everyone can do it. I have a proposal: while the jury members are summing up the results, let’s all sing together the old well-known song “They teach at school,” but in new way. Children are invited to sing along only to the chorus, which consists of one phrase: “You can in the summer!”
Song “It’s possible in summer!”
(Song to the melody of “They teach at school”)
Do not wear a warm scarf
And walk until dark!

Gather all your friends in the morning
And rush out of the yard!
Children: It’s possible in the summer, it’s possible in the summer, it’s possible in the summer!
Everyone wander around the city!
Well, don't go to school!

Send e-mails,
Play on the computer!
Children: Yes, in the summer! Possible in the summer! Possible in the summer!
Open a good book,
So as not to forget the letters!
Children: Yes, in the summer! Possible in the summer! Possible in the summer!
Meet classmates
And miss school!
Children: Yes, in the summer! Possible in the summer! Possible in the summer!
Presenter 2: And our program has come to an end. Radiant smiles to everyone and Have a good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day! We wish you a good time at camp and a wonderful summer rest, guys! And now the word to the jury members.
Completion of the event summing up the awards

Scenario “Summer has come, bringing a holiday to the children”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: I offer you a holiday scenario for older children preschool age. The material may be of interest to educators and teachers additional education.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere and a joyful atmosphere for children.
Tasks:- Develop the ability to behave at a holiday, enjoy yourself and bring joy to others.
- Instill skills healthy image life.
- Develop cognitive interest.

To Shainsky's song “It's Fun to Walk Together,” children walk in a circle on the playground.
Educator: Hello guys!
Children answer and stop in place.
Educator: Guys, today we have gathered for a reason.
Today is not an easy holiday,
Well, tell me, which one?
Educator: That's right, guys, today is Children's Day (that means you). But today we also celebrate the beginning of summer. When does summer come?
Answers children.
Educator: Well done, right.
Here, friends, summer has come!
An hour of relaxation and entertainment awaits you.
Today we will hold a program,
We prepared it - for you.
Summer runs onto the site...

Summer: Hello my friends,
I brought you the sun.
Lots of light and warmth
May you frolic in the morning.
To play, sunbathe,
And they collected flowers.
Guys, do you like riddles?

Summer: I will tell you not simple riddles, but flower ones. Listen carefully, answer diligently.
- Everyone knows us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
- Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa,
And there is a beauty in thorns... (rose)
- We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alyonka, two Natashas.
All wreaths are made from... (daisies)
- The one who is already seven years old,
He will say: “School, hello!
I have a bouquet in my hands -
Festive... (asters) "
- It grows everywhere in the summer -
In the field and near the hummocks.
He is graceful, purple,
This is... (bell)
- Decorate in the summer
Flower beds, parks, flower beds
We are our carrot color,
And we're called... (marigolds)
Summer: Oh, how great you are! Can you name me some medicinal flowers?

Summer: They guessed the riddles and told you the names of the colors, but do you know how to play?
Summer: My flowers' petals scattered in the wind. And the flowers are my favorite, do you want to know what they are called?
Summer: But in order to find out the name, you need to collect the flowers.
I invite two boys and two girls. The game is a competition “Collect a flower”. But you need to take one petal at a time.
Educator: Did you like our flowers - Summer?
Summer answers.
Educator: We have learned a song for you and invite you to listen.
Children sing a song:
Warm summer song
Warmed by the June sun,
She wanders through flower meadows,
Little fairy-tale countries.
Warm summer song
Walking around the world somewhere,
The song goes around in circles like the sun,
Children are happy to see her as a friend.
Chorus: Miracle - miracles, heaven - heaven.
Rainbows - an arc through the meadows.
Warm summer song
Stars are ignited by comets.
In it, miracles come to life from a fairy tale,
And colorful paints.
Warm summer song
Birds sing at dawn
So he’ll give himself away every verse,
Warm summer song.

Summer: Guys, tell me, who are your friends this summer?
Answers: Sun, air and water.

Summer: And why?
Summer: I invite you to a summer workout. Is everyone ready?

Hey lazybones, come on, get up and run out to exercise,
You stretched well, and finally you woke up.
We start, everyone is ready, we answer: “everyone is ready,”
We start off all healthy, I don’t hear, “everyone is healthy.”
Get in order for some fun exercise.
Let's get ready, let's begin
And let's all sing along.

One two three four,
One two three four,
One two three four five.
We're all working out our hands,
There is no more room for boredom.
We are all working out our shoulders to make it easier on hikes,
We are all working out our legs so as not to get tired on the road,
We are all working out our necks to make singing more fun.
The radiant sun loves to jump,

One two three four,
One two three four,
One two three four five.
So, get ready, this moment, the most difficult element,
You have to bend in half and touch the ground with your hands,
Well, don’t bend your legs, one, two, three, four, five.
Well done, everyone tried their best, straightened up, caught their breath.
The radiant sun loves to jump,
Fly from cloud to cloud.
One two three four,
One two three four.
One two three four five.
They jump, gallop, everything in the world, even hares and bears,
And giraffes and elephants jump straight to the moon.
Cats, squirrels, lupkas, pigs, all in the morning warm-up,
Everyone was in a better mood from such an awakening.
The radiant sun loves to jump,
Fly from cloud to cloud,
One two three four,
One two three four,
One two three four five.
With a feeling of complete satisfaction, at the end of the exercise,
We stood quietly on our tiptoes, stretching our arms as hard as we could,
Reach straight to the sky, exhale... hands down.
Congratulations, everything is fine
Well done, end of charging.
The radiant sun loves to jump,
Fly from cloud to cloud,
One two three four,
One two three four,
One two three four five.
Educator: did you like the exercise?
Educator: I invite you to visit this summer,
And I offer you the game.
Here the jump rope beckons the girls,
And he tells them to jump.
I invite eight girls, competition "Jumping rope" I announce.
Whoever jumps the longest without getting lost wins.

And the boys are called balls, play "Kicking the ball". Whoever hits the ball off the ground the longest without losing it wins.

Summer: Guys, do you know poems about summer?
Child: So much sun! How much light!
So much greenery all around!
What is this? This summer
Finally he hurries to our house.
Songbirds are discordant!
The fresh smell of juicy herbs,
There are ripe ears of corn in the field,
And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.
So many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!
So I'll eat for a year,
Stock up on vitamins!
I swim to my heart's content in the river,
I'll sunbathe to my heart's content.
And on grandma's stove,
I'll sleep as long as you want!
So much sun! How much light!
How wonderful the summer heat is!
I wish I could make it so summer
It was with me for a whole year!
What is summer?
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are thousands of miracles
There are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights
There are a hundred roads in the world
For baby feet.
Child: Summer, summer has come to us,
It became dry and warm!
Straight along the path
The feet walk barefoot.
Educator: How good it is, you read poetry.
Now stand in columns one after another,
Create four columns for me.
And most importantly remember,
Who is behind whom?
While the music is playing, you all, holding each other, walk in small steps, the music ends, you walk around the entire site on your own, as soon as you hear the music, we immediately form a centipede, standing one after another, as in the beginning. The first team to line up wins.
Competition - let's start the game. The next game is "Centipede".
Summer: Guys, look, I have an umbrella in my hands, but the sun is shining outside, why do I need an umbrella?
Summer: Of course, for the game. When I say the words “rain” you all run, hide under the umbrella, and when you hear the words “sun” you walk around the site. Whoever did not have time to hide under the umbrella is eliminated from the game.
Educator: Let's play the trickle game together with Summer. The players break into pairs and, holding hands, form a “living corridor - a trickle.” The player left without a pair walks inside the corridor, choosing a pair for himself. Usually, according to the rules, a boy chooses a girl, and a girl chooses a boy. The new pair, having passed through the corridor, stands in front, and the player left without a pair again looks for a pair.
I suggest starting the game with Leta. Game "Stream".

Summer: I want to invite you to dance. Everybody dance. Listen to the words and repeat the movements.
Dance "Squat".
/Estonian folk melody/
Words by Yu. Entin
Arranged by A.Roomere
1. Start dancing
And bow to my friend. 2 times
2. We will all squat:
Sit down together! Stand up together! 2 times
3. The guys are waving their hands -
These are birds flying. 2 times
4. Foot top, foot top,
Once again: top yes top. 2 times
5. Handles - clap, handles - clap.
Once again: clap and clap. 2 times
6. So the dance is over,
Bow down again. 2 times

Educator: The sun is shining, and the asphalt is inviting us to come.
I have crayons, I suggest you draw on the asphalt, drawings on the theme “Summer”.
Summer is late today.
Maybe summer is wandering somewhere,
Behind the high mountains?..
Let's draw summer ourselves.
Sun - Sasha,
Grass - Tolya,
Yellow dandelion - Olya.
Birds in the blue sky,
I will color Artem too.
And while we were all working,
The sun was hot.
"How so? - we were surprised. -
This summer has come to us.”
E. Sokolova

Let's look at the drawings.
The group prepared a treat for the children.

Poems about Easter

Happy Easter greetings in verse

Poems for May 1 - Spring and Labor Day

Poems, sayings and signs for Trinity

Poems, riddles, proverbs, quiz for Honey Savior

Poems, riddles, proverbs, quiz for Apple Savior

Poems, riddles, proverbs, quiz for Nut Spas

Children Protection Day

Every year it becomes clearer
We forgot about this!
Children Protection Day -
Day of Defense of Russia.

So that the light doesn't go out,
Protect those entering,
Hundreds of tender eyes
Looking into the world with hope.

Protect from harm
From adversity and bad weather,
Protect from war
Give peace and happiness.

We are responsible, believe me,
If only there was enough strength!
Protect the children
Protect Russia!

(T. Frolova)

World Children's Day

There are many holidays in the world,
Can't count them all!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!
But today is Children's Day
Celebrating the whole world,
From Paris to Hong Kong
The news is broadcast:
Congratulations! We love you! We believe!
We will save the world for you!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!
(N. Maidanik)

Children's Day

Autumn day in November -
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?

Extend your hand with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
Englishman, Estonian -
Let the sun shine brighter!

So that we can live peacefully
People in joy, love,
Adults all over the planet
And our own children.
(N. Maidanik)

You can't upset children!

You can't upset children
After all, children can cry!
Then you won't see clear days,
And it will be cloudy and slushy!

Tears will flow in streams,
And the sea will become saltier,
Laughter and smiles will disappear!
And everyone will be at odds with each other!

Suddenly he gets sick from the rains
And the planet will stop!!!
You can't upset children!
Please remember this!!

(T. Efimova)

Children Protection Day

Children Protection Day.
- From whom?
- From people.
This sounds crazy in the new
After all, actions and thoughts
and clusters of ideas
Must be beautiful
in a person!
It should be serene
go through our childhood
In constant love and
taking care of us
So that we only have good things
Relay of goodness
accepting from you.
relay race
warmth, mercy,
Friendship, brotherhood,
sympathy for fate
So that the people of the Earth

lived in complete harmony,
So that the world is not divided
On our own and on others!
So that the horror of war does not
knocked on our doors,
To bring the bitterness of loss to us
I didn’t break my heart!
So that everyone becomes cleaner,
More worthy, kinder,
To be a mother for everyone
I found the crumbs!
To feud forever
were forgotten
For peace among the peoples
lived next door!
So that the day is called
not a day of protection, but a day

(N. Vedenyapina)

Street of Joy

Children live on Joy Street,
They jump and dance and sing for joy!
People don’t walk slowly along the Street of Joy -
They're running! And into the clouds - the soul flies, flies!

Street of Joy - ringing laughter!
Street of Joy is waiting for us all!
Let me into your heart
Street of Joy!

Don't be foolish, don't be foolish - learn to win!
Happiness to you, my friend, is just around the corner!
A smile and ringing laughter are living water,
Cheerful success awaits you everywhere and always!
(N. Pikuleva )


In Miracle you will open the windows -
Happy is knocking on the path,
Veselyutik blooms by the river,
And the Solovechki sing loudly,
And somewhere along distant roads
Nosomot and Begerog are wandering...
We will sooner enter Wonderland with them -
Toropinka hurries under every window,
Calls us to look and take a look:
What's behind the window?
Chu!.. Childhood!

(M. Yasnov)

To our children

Dear children,
Happy flowers!
Our boys
And girls-daughters!

We cherish you,
We grow, we love,
How do you grow up -
We do not notice!

You are our joy
And our difficulties,
So you become
Smarter and more beautiful!

You are our pride
And luck in life,
You are grateful
Us continuation!
(N. Maidanik)

Let your childhood happen!..

Let your childhood play
Enough, to the full, not in short,
Let me wash myself with the rain,
Let it open like a flower.

Don't poison your childhood with an argument,
Don't bore me with conversation
Don't be crushed by evil and fear,
Don't throw words around.

Spare the child's soul,
Take care of your eyes,
Don’t reproach yourself for pranks in vain -
Neither a parent nor a teacher.

Developing children's minds
Don't get into the weeds right away.
Don’t rush your childhood days,
Give your childhood sunshine.

Let your childhood play
Laugh, jump up
Let me wake up joyfully
Let me plunge into affection.

Let your childhood hold on
Let me breathe faith
Let him rise to his height,
Let your childhood happen!
(Z. Baeva)

Be like children
(The poem is read in rap style)

We are still small
Lived in the world
We are still children!
Of course, children!
Adults ask us
Don't disturb them
Think, work,
Solve problems!

We didn't interfere
We didn't bother them
Adults long
Problems solved:
Everything is bought!
Everything is for sale!
Schools are exploding!
What's left?

Who is responsible for everything?
What is happening -
In response?
Adults? Adults?

Teach us to live
Honest and simple!
Lies and self-interest
The scab will leave behind!
And will recover
Peace on the planet!
Be like children!
Be like children!

Clean. Honest.
And - romantic.
Modest. Lovely ones.
And - cute.
Soft. Kind ones.
And – gentle.

Together we will
(N. Pikuleva )

Sun from palms

Children from palms
the sun was folded,
To be sure

people were all friends
To this sun
shone for people
In every window
came to visit.

To have a lot
children have toys,
So as not to shoot
adults from guns,
To stop
Wars are all in the world,
To make you smile
and no children died.

So, what does it cost us?
melt down the guns,
Stop all wars
and buy toys?
Sun from palms

the best in the world!!!
Look people

that's it
(O. Maslova)

What is most important to mothers?

What's most important in spring?
So that the green leaves
When the sun warms up,
We got out of every bud.

What is most important to birds?
To the yellow-throated chick
Was able to take off and not crash,
So that he sings loudly, like a bell.

What is most important to mothers?
So that children laugh loudly,
So that we grow up without wars on our own
Kind, gentle planet.
(I. Aseeva)

Children's Day!

Local courtyards are in puddles,
The rain hits the roof.
Children's Day
At neighbor Misha's!

I took off my sandals secretly,
Wrapped up my pants
And through puddles barefoot!
It will hit Mishka!

He gives us instructions
The neighbor's tomboy:
“If today is our day,
So it's raining childish!”
(M. Kladnichkina)


Spend time with your children, even just five minutes.
Don't run away, but sit quietly next to...
Hold your hair and breathe in the love...
The beating of a mother’s heart, what else do they need?

Don't run away, don't rush, turn away
From the kids the gaze of the heart and attention.
They want to tell you so much
And receive recognition for your merits.

Don't run away, sit down... just like that...
Children's heart radar is configured
In order to very sensitively catch
Love and tenderness, even tiny waves.

And maybe... all hour, and day, all night
In the soul of a child he will sing like a bird,
That feeling that will forever illuminate his whole life.
He is a piece of my mother...

( Monica Masgedi)

Our children

At first we wait like a miracle
And the first tooth, and the first words,
And the first step... Then we don’t notice
How the millstones of life turned.

And now: “Where have you gone, wretch?”
"Do not argue with me!" and “It’s time to shut up!”...
How quickly we forget that “TODAY” is
Dear, matured “YESTERDAY”!

(Frida Polak )

Take care of your children

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for their pranks.
The evil of your bad days
Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them
Even if they did something wrong,
There is nothing more expensive than tears
That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

If you feel tired,
I can’t cope with her,
Well, my son will come to you
Or my daughter will stretch out her hands,

Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection.
This is happiness a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
These golden days will flash by,
And they will leave their native hearth
Your children have grown up.

Flipping through the album
With childhood photographs
Remember with sadness the past,
About those days when we were together.

How will you want
At this time to return again,
To sing a song to them little ones,
Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.

And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There's no escape from toys
You are the happiest person in the world,
Please take care of your childhood!

(E. Asadov)

The lights went out in the house...

The lights went out in the house
And everything became quiet within him;
Children in their cribs
We fell asleep in a sweet dream.
From the distant skies meekly
The moon is looking at them;
The whole room is shining
She is illuminated.
Branches looking out from the garden
Birches and poplars
And they whisper: “We protect
We are the quiet sleep of children;
Let them dream joyfully
The little ones dream all night,
Wonderful visions
From a fairyland.
When will the silent night
The day will come,
Their dreams are the song of a bird
Merry will interrupt...
Flowers, like dear brothers,
Send them your greetings,
Nodding their heads,
Shining with dew..."
(A. Pleshcheev)

What is childhood?

Childhood this is dad, this is mom,

Wider than the river, higher than the sky,

Time to be stubborn

And when you are desperately lucky!

Childhood this is all and better at once!

Only this way, and not the other way around!

This is a world of illusions and fantasies,

Believe in a fairy tale and dreams fly!

It lives, seethes and happens here!

And lunch is unthinkable without sweets!

Day after day comes and goes,

It's been a long time since Saturday!

Childhood is balls, jump ropes,

Race with friends

Knees with bruises, slide, sled!

And, of course, a stick and skates!

Childhood is Carlson and jam,

This is change and friends!

It's a lot of games and fun!

Childhood it's you and it's me!
(T. Efimova)

In the smiles of children...

All theorems have been proven,
But in a world of vanities and passions,
The main topic, after all, is
Health and happiness of children...

This kind of motivation is better
Never find anywhere...
Sorrows go away like clouds,
And children are forever!

When hopelessness is a wall
And will turn his back best friend,
Warmth warms the sacred
From children's and sunny hands...

The tears in my eyes are drying...
The rest is equal to zero,
As soon as my son, hugging,
Whispers: “I love mom!”

What do we know about happiness? A little…
But in a world of vanities and passions,
I know that children are from God,
And happiness lies in the smiles of children...

(I. Samarina )

The world of my sunny childhood

The world of my sunny childhood...
He is full of happiness, kindness and light.
It is so huge, colorful, like summer,
The world of my sunny childhood!

Everything here is like in a fairy tale, like in a wonderland:
Seas and mountains, rivers, waterfalls...
Here is everything we are very happy about in life:
Gardens in spring, fields, meadows and forest.

It contains mom, dad, grandma and grandpa,
Dog, cat, brothers and sisters.
Wonderful world: magical, clean, sonorous
Dressed in a palette of rainbow colors.

It contains all dreams, hopes and friends,
whom I love, whom I believe,
I will measure out a piece of my heart and soul.
And I am very happy in that world!

(T. Lavrova )

The main thing is that the children are healthy...

Something's wrong again
Only the soul understands:
The main thing is that the children are healthy,
Eyes shining with happiness...

For any person
In Minsk, Samara, Poltava,
The main thing is that the children are healthy,
And we'll fix the rest...

No other miracle is needed
Fame, influence, power...
The main thing is that the children are healthy!
This is truly happiness...

Life family basis
Faith, love, understanding...
The main thing is that the children are healthy.
So, let's pass the test...

Someone is spoiled by fate...
He realizes later...
The main thing is that the children are healthy...
This is more valuable than a lifetime...

The world is not so harsh
If there is a lot of light in the soul.
The main thing is that the children are healthy!
Thank heavens for this...

(I. Samarina )

Let's Child's world protect...

Quietly, quietly, an Angel enters every home...
If he sees that love rejoices in him,
Then, magical nine months later,
A child appears in this house...

First cry and joy loving hearts
This is how my father prepares for this meeting...
And for a mother there is no more important day in life,
Than a baby being born into the world.

This is happiness that is given to us from heaven.
The first tooth is the most wonderful of all miracles!
And the smile, the one that was the first,
I drove all my relatives crazy at one point!

The first step is such pride and success...
He goes and fascinates everyone!
And when he says "Mom" for the first time,
Then mom’s tears of happiness will flow from her eyes...

Our children will grow up very quickly...
Kindergarten, school, graduation and college,
Just looking into their eyes will flash for a moment
In our memory that very first cry...

Childhood is a fairy tale, and should not be forgotten
Be in it with your child every day.
Laugh and build a house out of cookies,
Greet the summer rain with a smile, barefoot...

A sunny childhood cannot be neglected!
So let's protect the children's world.
For children, the love of their parents is nectar!
For parents, a child is God's gift...

(I. Samarina )


Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
You can't earn them, it's not a reward,
By grace, God gives them to adults.

Children, oddly enough, are also a challenge.
Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.

Children are a miracle, a message of kindness,
Rays of sunrise, droplets of love.
Children are every girl's desire
(Even careerists, at heart).

Children mean getting up frequently at night,
Children mean nipples, colic, potties.
Children are disputes in education issues,
Mom's prayers, dad's posts.

Children are affection, sincerity and friendship.
They argue for fun, but they love so seriously.
We don’t need to be cunning with him, we don’t need to hide -
Children's eyes can see right through us.

Children are dads who are often not at home,
Children are a mother at home all day long.
Children are often a small circle of acquaintances,
Own plans are moving into the shadows.

Children are like life started all over again:
First smiles first steps,
First successes, first failures.
Children are experience, children are us.
(I. Orlova)

Let our children always laugh!

Let our children always laugh!
Let their eyes sparkle!
Let them give smiles at dawn!
Let the children sleep peacefully at night!

May they have more happiness
And fewer difficulties and problems.
So that they taste the beauty of life
Without worries and life dilemmas.

Let their hearts always beat smoothly,
Only with Love, accelerating the run.
May their happiness be unconditional
So that it will last them forever.
(V. Tunnikov )

Children draw

Children draw on glass
Children draw on the asphalt
They build a city on the sand, -
This is not on the map yet.

Crayons, pencils in hands...
Children are little magicians.
But so much soul has been invested
Their world is beautiful on paper!

Children draw on glass
And on the asphalt... Let them draw!
And the joy of childhood on Earth
May he triumph forever!
(T. Shcherbacheva )


We are walking: I am in eternal problems,
Once again misunderstood by people;
There is a little man nearby,
There is a new and bright world nearby.
Jumps quickly, chirps loudly,
A ball of mercury, a gust, fire...
And a trusting little hand
Warms my palm.
Through a heap of anxious thoughts
I hear a list of important things to do:
That the wolf's legs have turned sour,
Because I was sitting in the water,
The dog's children have eaten too much,
And pussy has a bruise on her forehead...
Among these cute absurdities
Suddenly it flashed: “I love you!”
And the warmth flooded my soul,
Like a wave, all adversity is washed away.
Trouble away! I will listen,
And, holding my breath,
Absorb this babble with your heart,
Realizing that everything is more valuable
Warm fingers, gentle trembling,
A ray of sunshine in my hand!
(I. Shabalina)

As a child I wanted to become an adult

Childhood wanted to become an adult,
Let them fly faster than the year.
School, desk... tired,
I'll become an adult, then...
I will decide what to study myself,
Don't get up early in the morning
It's too late to come back at night
And the mother will not scold.
No painful injections
I'll immediately pour out the fish oil.
Hit the ball into the goal,
I will only eat ice cream.

I didn’t have time to look back,
Childhood suddenly became adults.
Mature, gray
And a pair of wrinkled hands.
I wish I could come back again
In these young years.
Touch him for a day,
Shout to childhood: “I then...
I didn’t know that everyday life, routine,
A full heap of different things to do.
Life is so mean sometimes...
I wanted to become an adult early."

Don't rush from childhood,
Running quickly along the path.
I don't need a kingdom
I wish I could get my childhood back!


What is it like to be an adult?!

Parents say:
"Now you will become an adult
And you will find the answers
To many questions."

What is it like to be an adult?!
I don't understand!
I keep sitting and thinking
I'm racking my brains.

Maybe like dad
Should I tie a tie?
Lying on the couch
Read a book?

Maybe like mom
Make a marathon?
And drink green
Tea without sweets?

Maybe like grandma
Go on a diet?
After six pm
Should I eat some pies?

Maybe like grandpa
Shall I smoke a pipe?
With a TV friend
Should I talk?

I tried everything -
So boring!
It's better for you yourself
Return to childhood!

(T. Rzhavina)

Holiday toasts

Our toast is clear to any nation,

The number of its repetitions is uncountable:

We drink to the children successors of the family,

May the tree of life bloom forever!

I offer with respect

Toast to children and grandchildren:

This our continuation,

This bridge to the future!

I offer without any fuss

My main toast for the children!

Children our continuation,

Our flesh and our blood.

Toast for them, for their growing up,

Their success and love.

(I. Yavorovskaya)

War and children

Poems about peace

Poems about happiness for children

Celebration script for Children's Day.

Children's performance to the song "Little Country"

Presenter: Hello, dear guys and dear adults!

Everything in the world has its own order

We recently celebrated Spring,

She was a great housewife -

The fields and oak groves turned green.

Nature seems to be dressed for the holiday!

Now spring has come to replace summer!

The first day of the coming summer is called Children's Day. This is what the International Democratic Federation of Women decided in November 1949. First celebration children's day was scheduled for June 1, 1950. On the first of June, all humanity on Earth demonstrates its ardent desire to protect children. To protect from hunger and disease, from ignorance, from fear and resentment, to protect from the horrors of war.

Presenter: Our long-awaited holiday has arrived - International Children's Day. And we dedicate this holiday to the most beautiful thing on earth - children.

Today is your holiday, guys!
All the children of the vast Earth
They rush to each other with congratulations,
Wishing you health and love!
And we, dear ones, wish you, -
Grow and make us happy,
May your wishes come true
And the world will be kind to you!
We are adults, we promise you,
Help in everything, protect,
And in our hearts we hope and dream
Raise you happy!


First day of summer!

Become even brighter!

Celebrate the first of June everywhere!

After all, this is All Children's Day.

It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

child: The sun warmed us with its rays,

Summer has given us flowers.

We will celebrate the holiday,

Sing, play and dance.

Child: Today is a holiday for all children!

Today is joyful, brighter,

It's bright and warm today,

Cozy, very good.

It's time for candy today

Cars, dolls and rockets.

It's time to play today

Today it's all for the kids!

Presenter: Now we'll play

To make it more fun.

I suggest you all come out,

Build a circle quickly.

Song "The sun is rising"

Game “How are you living?”
Host: How do you live?
Children: That's it! (Show thumb.)

Host: How are you going?
Children: That's it! (They walk in place.)

Host: How are you swimming?
Children: That's it! (They imitate a swimming person with their hands.)

Host: What if, like hares, we want to gallop?

Children: That's it! (Children jump on two legs)

Host: How can you show it if you have to remain silent?

Children: That's it! (Put index finger to lips)

Host: How do you sleep at night?
Children: That's it! (They fold their palms into a house and place them under their heads, imitating those sleeping.)

Host: How do you collect water with your palms?

Children: That's it! (Two palms together)

Host: And how will you and I knock on doors?
Children: That's it! (Imitate knocking.)

Host: How strictly are we going to shake our fingers?

Children: That's it! (they shake their fingers at each other)

Host: How can you praise yourself with your palm?
Well done!

It's a fun game, guys!

Presenter: Here's another game,

You'll like her.

I want to ask a question.

Your job is to answer.

1. It grows in our melon patch,

when you cut it, the juice flows,

it tastes fresh and sweet,

called... Watermelon

2. Don’t touch this word:

it burns painfully like fire,

inconspicuous, ugly,

called..... nettle

3. Will the cat color our album?

Well, of course …. Pencil

4. Underground, in a closet

she lives in a hole.

Gray baby

Who is this? …. Mouse

5. She keeps buzzing, buzzing,

It circles and circles above the flower.

She sat down and took the juice from the flower,

Honey is prepared for us... by a bee

6. I catch bugs all day

I eat worms.

I don’t fly to warm regions,

I live here under the roof.

Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!

I'm experienced... Sparrow

7.And we are in the forest, and in the swamp,

You will always find us everywhere:

In a clearing, at the edge of the forest.

We are green...frogs

8. A passenger (airplane) takes off on a flight

9. We are funny guys, we love to run and (play)

10. In the morning (the sun) looked in at our window

Girls dance.

Children recite poems.

Presenter: And here are the girls - girlfriends,

Laughter - fun!

Now they will come to us for the holiday

And they will sing ditties.

The girls sing ditties:

1. We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be shy.

2. I’ll go out, I’ll go out and dance
In new shoes,
All the boys say
That I'm like a picture!

3. Oh, the ditties are good!

We sing them with all our hearts.

But don't yawn either,

And feel free to sing along!

4. We can sing all day long.

We don't need rubles.

If only it was fun

To our dear audience.

5. We want to go on tour

Go to the Bahamas.

They just don’t let me go

Us dads and moms.

6. We love to sing ditties

Russian national.

Every day we sing them

We are hungry without them!

7. We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

May you clap for us!

Song “Big Round Dance” (With parents)

Leading: There are many games in the world,
But I can’t tell you everything.
Loved by adults and children
Play different games.

Relay races

1. Climb through hoops.

All players are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one at a time. At a distance of 3 and 5 m opposite each column there are two hoops one after the other, and at a distance of 7 m there is a ball. Following the leader’s signal, the first players of each team run to the first hoop, stop in front of it, take it with both hands, lift it above their heads, put the hoop on themselves, squat down, put the hoop on the floor, run to the second hoop, stand in the center of it, take it with their hands , raised above your head and lowered to the floor. After this, the players run around the turntable and return to their place. The next child continues the game. The team that completes the task first wins.

2. Magic hat.

Carry the peg on your head to the landmark and back without holding it with your hands, pass it to the next player. The team that completes the task wins.

3. Don't hit the object

Children line up in two columns at the starting line. Opposite each column, objects are placed in a row at a distance of 0.5 m. At the teacher’s signal, the children, one after another, jump on two legs between the objects (snake) and return to their place. The winner is the column that quickly and correctly completes the task.

"Ball on a Racket". The participant places the ball on the racket and tries to carry it to the landmark and back. (For parents and children)

Relay race “Cancer is moving backwards”.

Teams are formed, and the column is one at a time. A flag is placed 10–15 m in front of each team. At the signal, the first players turn around and go to the flags with their backs forward, going around them to the right, and in the same way - with their backs forward - they return to their place. As soon as they cross the starting line, the second players set off, then the third players, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

While driving, you are not allowed to look back. ( Parents)

Relay race “Capricious burden”.

Two players from one team join hands and a ball is placed on their shoulders big size so that everyone can hold it with their head. In this form, they must go to the flag and return back. (Parents)

Relay race "Don't drop the ball"

You need to run around the pin with the ball on your back without dropping it. ( Parents)

Children and adults take their seats.

Multimedia presentation to the song “Don’t take the sun away from children.”


Our holiday has come to an end.

In parting, I have one wish.

I advise you all to be friends.

Don't you dare quarrel!

Because without friends

Can't survive in this world!

Long live friendship! Hooray!

Long live summer! Hooray!

Long live the children! Hooray!

Once again, happy holiday to you, kids!


Dear children, dear flowers

You are loved to us like sons and daughters

May your family appreciate you and may your home give you happiness

Both father and mother, you are welcomed in it!

Don’t get sick, dear ones, giving us joy!

Always be happy in this life!

Presentation of gifts. The song “Welcome to Childhood” is played.

We invite everyone to a tea party!

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