A pale pink stripe of the dawn goes out behind the mountain. Summer poems for children of senior preschool age. What a sun

/ R. Glier "Evening"

Lyrics - R. Glier "Evening"

(Song lyrics and lyrics)

Pale pink stripe
Dawn goes out behind the mountain.
An ear slumbers, leaning
Above the dewy border.

Day farewell to the earth ....

Translation of the song - R. Glier "Evening"

(Translation of the text of the song High School Choir of the Children's Art School of Khimki - R. Glier "Evening" into English #english version, in English)

Pale pink stripe
Zorka goes out behind the mountain.
Sleeps ear, leaning
Over the dewy boundary.

Day farewell to the earth....

View Popular lyrics and translations High School Choir of the Children's Art School of Khimki:
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Do you know who sings R. Glier's song "Evening"? The answer is simple, this is the Senior School Choir of the Children's Art School in Khimki. Finding words to music, lyrics and sometimes even chords is not difficult here, usually to find a song by words, you need to enter a couple of words from the song in the search and click the search button. You can now use text and the words of this song in karaoke or just sing along with your mp3 player. No need to try to translate the song into Russian or English language, translation of the song Choir of senior classes of Children's Art School of Khimki - R. Glier "Evening" already available on textsong2.ru, and download the lyrics of the song, i.e. lyrics you can select it with the mouse.
Views for all time at the Senior School Choir of the Children's Art School of Khimki - R. Glier "Evening":


Dawn meets dawn

And in the field the rye sways,

And the grass is all in dew -

Dreaming of a braid.

And the sky is a ribbon-rainbow

Rinsing in the Volga, Ladoga.

We ride above the ground

On a cloud of crows

And we see under the birches

Father and mother with braids.

We bring father and mother

Sour cream and pancakes.

M. Sukhorukova


June, June, June came.

Birds are chirping in the garden

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fall apart.

S. Marshak

Beyond the outskirts

Beyond our neighborhood

The sun is warm.

green plantain

The road is covered.

And on the side of the road

Along the river bank

Daisies with cornflowers

They run races.

V. Lisichkin


Work for a small bee

Not at all lazy.

From flower to flower

Flying every day.

For many kilometers

The path goes from home

But smart bee

He will always find his home.

Collects little by little

floral scent,

And the honey will become fragrant,

Which makes me very happy!

N. Migunova


bells, daisies,

Forget-me-nots, cornflowers.

Barefoot and shirtless

We walk, weave wreaths.

V. Berestov

If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you,

If we pick flowers, -

All fields will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

T. Sobakina

On the lawn by the stump

We found a beetle in the grass.

Mustachioed beetle and big,

You sing a song to us.

The beetle took flight

Buzzed like an airplane:

"Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

Goodbye, I'm in a hurry."

E. Trutneva


Morning is clean time.

Cats lick important.

They clean the feathers of the swifts.

Wash muzzles hedgehogs.

And only one pig

Do not wash awake.

A little woke up - immediately eat,

Dive into the trough up to the eyebrows -

Here is the muzzle washed.

Morning in the early hours

Everywhere in the early hours

Sewed summer cottage morning

To all blades of grass from the dew

Dresses are transparent.

I. Demyanov

Why are lakes bored?

In the garden by the bench

The watering cans are bored all day long.

The sky is very cloudy

That's why it's boring.

G. Lagzdyn

Summer evening

You can see everything from my window:

Yard and garden, and pines behind the meadow,

The sun is leaving a little

She waves an orange handkerchief at me.

Dad will say:

Makes the child fall asleep.

What are you, dad, it's not time for me to sleep.

Just evening sat on the windowsill,

And the smell of flowers from the yard.

V. Prikhodko


Clouds were rushing in the sky, bulging beams.

In one - thunder, in the other - hail,

In the third - lightning is burning,

And in the fourth cloud, rainy, mighty,

An accordion is folded, a track in seven colors!

G. Lagzdyn

Thunder with a bucket

There is thunder with a cloud-bucket.

Bears raindrops, streams, dewdrops.

Frame the frogs

Sound circles.

Filled with daisies

porcelain cups.

The herons drank

Last drops...

And on the very bottom -

N. Maznyak

white swans

White swans live in the sky

Swans swim smoothly on it.

White feathers curl slightly,

Hello cloud swans!

L. Kudryavskaya


Oh what a cloud

cloud deep,

White, distant

Right above me.

Oh what a cloud

cloud high,

cloud far away

Do not reach by hand.

Float and hide

In the field outside

Will wash in the lake

Fresh water.

V. Stepanov


On the thaw forest

Strawberry under a pine tree.

Small Strawberry

Bloomed well in spring.

The bees sat on it

Maybug flew over her,

She has a cheerful neighbor -

Spring among stones.

The sun warmed for many days

Lush bush near the stones.

Became a strawberry

Everything is prettier and bigger.

Blushed on every side

Poured with fragrant juice.

E. Trutneva

multicolored earth globe

If in the field blossomed

Only white flowers

I would be tired of loving

They will soon be me and you.

If in the field blossomed

Only yellow flowers

We would miss you

From such beauty.

It's good that there are daisies,

Roses, asters, cornflowers,

Dandelions and cereals

Forget-me-nots and hot!

It's good that they don't look like

People with eye and skin color.

What a beautiful world of color

Multi-colored globe of the earth!

A. Shlygin

Lying, sitting, half-sitting,

Standing and crawling

In crowded but not mad

Friends met:

Moss, walnut, whiney valuy,

Acorn, beetle, knot,

Two dewdrops, an aspen leaf,

Scarlet like a badge

And an orange redhead -

rainy day sign

Burned out a place here

Its redness.

N. Matveeva


Along the field path

I hurry home from the river.

And from a small cloud

It's pouring rain.

Like someone on high

Carries water in a sieve

Rain, pour more fun

Don't feel sorry for the warm drops!

The stronger, rain, pour,

The fatter the rye will be!

A. Yashin

fun rains

How much rain do I know?

Count quickly:

Rain with wind

mushroom rain,

Rain with a rainbow arc

Rain with sun

Rain with hail

Rain with red leaf fall.

A. Taraskin


Whipping, whipping prickly rain,

And when you get tired of pouring -

Let's hang clouds in the yard

Dry on a string.

I. Bruckner

mischievous rain

Top-top-top on the pavement

On umbrellas, on rooftops

Rain jumps mischievous

Stronger, quieter.

In puddles of rainbows shine,

Wet tires rustle

The city smells of cleanliness.

Forest, leaves, grass...

The city smiles, the city washes.

I. Mikhailova


Rain, rain... It's pouring, it's pouring...

Waiting for it to pass.

The cat is crying at the door:

"Meow! Let me into the house soon."

The squirrel jumped into the hollow:

It's dry and warm there.

The ant hurries to his house,

He covered himself with a petal.

Only clouds have fun:

They are not afraid of rain and thunder.

Clouds like to race

One after another day after day.

E. Sokolova


The rain passed down the garden path,

Drops on the branches hang like earrings,

You touch a birch - it will wake up

And laugh, laugh to tears.

The rain rustled over the green meadow,

Even the flowers were surprised at each other:

In cups of leaves, on every blade of grass -

By fire, by silver.

G. Ladonshchikov


As from a thundercloud,

It's raining obliquely, prickly!

For nettles, for raspberries,

To us for berries in a basket,

Herbs, smacking, chews,

Not one step behind!

Rushing with us to the gate!

He will wet us to the skin!

G. Lagzdyn


Striped, barefoot,

It was raining down the road.

Rogue just in case

He was attached to his mother-cloud.


Do you hear? I hear!

Do you hear? I hear!

Drops fall on the roof

Only suddenly the people see -

The roof moved forward:

I ran down the road

And under the roof - someone's legs.

Is it a miracle? No, not a miracle

Luda is holding Mom's umbrella.

I. Mikhailova

Sun in the window

Shines on us in the morning.

take a little walk

The kid came out.

If you ask for rain

It will not drizzle:

"Rain, rain, don't be angry,

Don't hurry to drive us away!"

E. Sokolova

Summer sentences

Sunshine, show yourself!

Red, gear up!

To year after year

gave us the weather

warm flyer,

Mushrooms in birch bark,

Berries in a basket

Green peas.

The sun is red

Burn-horn clear!

Fly into the sky like a bird

Light up our land

So that gardens and orchards

Green, bloom, grow!

The sun is red

Burn-burn clear!

Swim like a fish in the sky

Revive our land.

All the kids in the world

Warm up, heal up!

Vitilek moth,

Bring us the breeze

Turn from the gate

Drive the boat into the stream.

Wei, wei, breeze,

Pull the sailboat

G they shavings

From west to east!

Oh you, rainbow-arc,

You are tall and tight!

Don't let it rain

Give us a bucket!

For the kids to take a walk

For the calves to jump

Need the sun



Fly on the cloud

Bring us rain from the sky

To be with us in the summer

Beans in the garden

In the forest berries, mushrooms,

There is water in the spring,

Wheat in the field!


Fly to the cloud

There are your children

On a birch branch!

Snail, snail,

Get your horns out!

Let's give cakes

pig feet,

porridge pot,

Bread bowl!


July - the crown of summer,

And the sun is the earth

Loosened, warm.

I'm on a sand throne

In a daisy crown

Like a king.

I swim, I sunbathe

And I help my mom

I will weed all the beds -

I don't like to be lazy.

July is a seething sufferer,

Horseman with a wreath of berries.

M. Sukhorukova


Haymaking is in July

Somewhere thunder grumbles at times,

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

S. Marshak


Look into the July forest -

The strawberries ripen.

Each clearing -

Self-assembly tablecloth.

Found in July

Very tasty finds.

All pots know this

Banks, bowls, pans

V. Berestov

Good morning!

Sleepy birches smiled,

Tousled silk braids,

Rustling green earrings,

And silver dews are burning.

The wattle fence has an overgrown nettle

Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl

And, swaying, he whispers playfully:

"Good morning!".

S. Yesenin


Pale pink stripe

Dawn goes out behind the mountain.

An ear slumbers, leaning

Above the dewy border.

The day says goodbye to the earth.

Quietly, quietly the night is coming,

In the sky a month behind you

The stars are clear.

A. Pleshcheev


seven color arc

She stood over the houses.

This, my son, is a rainbow, -

Mom told me. -

If it rains but the sun

Shines brightly from above

Meet the rainbow in the window:

You will recognize the seven colors.

A. Loktev


A rainbow came out

Multi-colored braid.

Ribbons variegated in a braid -

And there are only seven of them.

The beauty gives them -

Take whichever you like.

E. Izmailov


Why is this suddenly

Has the meadow turned white today?

The children all run there.

Did trouble happen?

They flew in a flock of birds.

So I'm running to the meadow...

Very white eyelashes

Daisies in the meadow.

S. Khudyakov


Scattered white daisies

In meadows, among tall grasses.

Like someone scattered papers

Draw the suns on them.

Ringing bell invites

They gather in a field bouquet,

But daisies are tricky girls -

They just smile back.

G. Novitskaya


hay, hay,

The meadow was left without hair!

He is cut with braids,

It is sprinkled with dew.

Haystacks dispersed like a herd,

Just don't feed them.

We all helped adults:

They raked and raked.

And when the haystacks were swept away,

We counted them!

M. Sadovsky


hay, hay,

Hay cart and cart again.

Haystack and new haystack.

Both in the fields and along the roads.

How is this hairstyle

Good for summer!

I. Tokmakova

What a sun

Dawn, dawn...

The village is waking up.

The sun rises early

Calls everyone to recharge.

Woke up the pig

And a foal

Mother duck and ducklings

On a crooked branch - jackdaw,

Under the window - sunflowers.

What a sun!

E. Avdienko

In the garden

Suppresses weed grass

pea bushes,

And the carrots are barely visible.

In general, things are bad.

That's how carrots don't grow

That won't make any sense!

Two sisters today again

Went out for weeding.

Marina has two hands,

And Sveta has two hands,

Work went well

Watch out, weeds!

A. Barto


Don't let your parents get angry

That the builders will be smeared.

Because the one who builds

That one is worth something!

And no matter what for now

This sand house!

Poems about July for older preschoolers and younger students


July - the crown of summer,

And the sun is the earth

Loosened, warm.

I'm on a sand throne

In a daisy crown

Like a king.

I swim, I sunbathe

And I help my mom

I will weed all the beds -

I don't like to be lazy.

July is a seething sufferer,

Horseman with a wreath of berries.

M. Sukhorukova


Haymaking is in July

Somewhere thunder grumbles at times,

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

S. Marshak


Look into the July forest -

The strawberries ripen.

Each clearing -

Self-assembly tablecloth.

Found in July

Very tasty finds.

All pots know this

Banks, bowls, pans

V. Berestov

Good morning!

Sleepy birches smiled,

Tousled silk braids,

Rustling green earrings,

And silver dews are burning.

The wattle fence has an overgrown nettle

Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl

And, swaying, he whispers playfully:

"Good morning!".

S. Yesenin


Pale pink stripe

Dawn goes out behind the mountain.

An ear slumbers, leaning

Above the dewy border.

The day says goodbye to the earth.

Quietly, quietly the night is coming,

In the sky a month behind you

The stars are clear.

A. Pleshcheev


seven color arc

She stood over the houses.

This, my son, is a rainbow, -

Mom told me. -

If it rains but the sun

Shines brightly from above

Meet the rainbow in the window:

You will recognize the seven colors.

A. Loktev


A rainbow came out

Multi-colored braid.

Ribbons variegated in a braid -

And there are only seven of them.

The beauty gives them -

Take whichever you like.

E. Izmailov


Why is this suddenly

Has the meadow turned white today?

The children all run there.

Did trouble happen?

They flew in a flock of birds.

So I'm running to the meadow...

Very white eyelashes

Daisies in the meadow.

S. Khudyakov


Scattered white daisies

In meadows, among tall grasses.

Like someone scattered papers

Draw the suns on them.

Ringing bell invites

They gather in a field bouquet,

But daisies are tricky girls -

They just smile back.

G. Novitskaya


hay, hay,

The meadow was left without hair!

He is cut with braids,

It is sprinkled with dew.

Haystacks dispersed like a herd,

Just don't feed them.

We all helped adults:

They raked and raked.

And when the haystacks were swept away,

We counted them!

M. Sadovsky


hay, hay,

Hay cart and cart again.

Haystack and new haystack.

Both in the fields and along the roads.

How is this hairstyle

Good for summer!

and Tokmakova

What a sun

Dawn, dawn...

The village is waking up.

The sun rises early

Calls everyone to recharge.

Woke up the pig

And a foal

Mother duck and ducklings

On a crooked branch - jackdaw,

Under the window - sunflowers.

What a sun!

E. Avdienko

In the garden

Suppresses weed grass

pea bushes,

And the carrots are barely visible.

In general, things are bad.

That's how carrots don't grow

That won't make any sense!

Two sisters today again

Went out for weeding.

Marina has two hands,

And Sveta has two hands,

Work went well

Watch out, weeds!

A. Barto


Don't let your parents get angry

That the builders will be smeared.

Because the one who builds

That one is worth something!

And no matter what for now

This sand house!

B. Zakhoder

In the woods

We are looking for mushrooms in the forest,

Vigilantly we look at the bumps:

Does the russula stick out -

Snow White, Snow White?

Here is a handsome boletus

To the rotten stump stuck.

Through the aspen

The breast goggles its eyes,

Ginger loves to live under the tree,

Important, strict and prickly,

On a snag of hats a row -

A whole brood again!

Between birch trunks

In pink sundresses

girl friends,

Wave girls.

We go with baskets

We bring mushrooms home.

I. Shmyrova

How do I pick mushrooms?

I went for mushrooms.

Lost the basket.

While looking for her

Lost the scarf.

While looking for her

Lost the tape.

While looking for her

The slipper is gone.

So that my mother does not scold,

I'll go look first!

While looking for a ribbon

I found a scarf in the grass.

While looking for a slipper

I found a basket in the leaves.

And here is the ribbon with the slipper,

And next to two waves,

Two white ones, two redheads

And three big pigs!

And my mother did not scold!

I. Pivovarova

curious butterfly

Cabbage flutters its white wings,

As soon as it goes up, it immediately goes down.

Sit on the edge of a white chamomile:

Honey or tea in this little cup?

G. Glushnev


Bumblebee heavy, striped

I flew in the garden all day.

He didn't just fly

He counted the flowers in the garden.

He grumbled: “Hard work!

After all, the flowers in the garden

No account."

E. Feyerabend



Who helped you grow?

Warm wind, May thunder,

The sun is in the blue sky.

Also human hands

That in labor they do not know boredom.

I can't be like this without them

Strong, tall, golden!

N. Krasilnikov

Where does the sun live

Everyone lives somewhere

Fish in the river

In a mink - a mole,

Hare - in the field,

Mouse - in the straw,

I am in a big brick house.

Dog Volchok - in my yard,

In a wooden kennel;

Murka the cat is on the couch,

Zebras - in Africa, in the savannah.

In the dark jungle - a hippopotamus ...

Well, where does the sun live?

Day and morning, it's clear

It's great to live in the sky

Well, in the evening and at night,

When everything is dark, dark

Where then the sun walks,

Where does it live then?

Per. with Kalm. I. Maznina, L. Mezinova V. Shugraeva

I found myself a beetle

On the forest chamomile.

I don't want to hold

Let it lie in a pocket.

There are six paws and two eyes,

Crack in the back...

That's good grass

Here, psesh blades of grass!

Oh, fell, fell from the hands,

Nose covered with dust.

The green beetle flew away

Flew on wings.

M. Klokova



aerial road

Quickly flash

The arms, then the legs.

It's to dine

The spider is hurrying

From maple to tree

From leaf to branch.

So smart and fast

As if in a world

There is no road more spacious and wider.

I. Maznin


I'm afraid to leave home

I go with him to my friends

And although with great difficulty

But I crawl from house to house.

A. Kondratiev

Terribly indignant Already:

Scared of us?

What nonsense!

Of course I'm a snake

But it's not poisonous at all!

A. Kondratiev


I caught a lizard

Fear stopped me.

And what is there to be afraid of?

The tail can come off!

G. Vieru


KU-KA-RE-KU! - rooster cries

The fishermen's fire went out.

Dew sparkles in the meadow.

The night is over!


B. Protasov

On the lake

It's very important, don't rush

In a lake of reeds

Two ducks came up.

And behind them - wow! -

Brave guys, friendly ducklings.

They swim just as slowly

It is also important to drink water.

Well, exactly

like mothers,

Only small ones.

C. Ivanov

Ducks wandered to the river

Ducks wandered to the river, waddled,

And the dogs from the shores barked:


Quack quack!..

You will drown in vain!

Lame legs answered:

We have plenty of food in the river.

We are ducks for that,

To swim here!

M. Yasnov

go geese

Be careful, one after the other

Along the path through the variegated meadow,


Geese walk barefoot.

E. Avdienko


Rain, rain, what are you pouring?

Don't let us walk!

I am rain water

My land, mine, mine!

My roof and fence

My street and yard.

S. Pogorelovskiy


Rain, rain, drop

water saber,

I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

Cut, cut, did not cut,

And he stopped.

I. Tokmakova

What rain?

The rain dripped, drizzled,

Allowed, knocked, mowed,

It poured downpour, stood like a wall,

Drumming, crushing herbs.

The rain is blind and torrential,

Growing, mushroom,

Covered, hanging, disputed,

Sleepy, slow and fast.

Like a reed standing upright,

Both cold and hot.

Also, thunder

Rainbow, stripe.

Parallels and into the grid,

And with the wind - even in a cage,

That's how much rain there is

For plants and people.

O. Grigoriev


The downpour is pouring! The downpour is pouring!

Dancing drops in a puddle

The raft is floating! The raft is floating!

The raft is spinning in a puddle.

The frog got on the raft

And shouts: "Hurrah, go ahead!"

The waves are splashing! The waves are crashing!

What are the waves to me! The most complete! -

The steering wheel does not give up.

I'll ride the waves!

Through the channel - and to Moscow!

Only the rain is getting stronger

Only the drops are getting bigger

Boastful without regret

They hit harder and harder!

Frog in a puddle -

And on the ground, under the burdock.

V. Suslov


Somewhere a hurricane rumbled above the earth,

The storm has passed through the whole ocean,

The wind on land flew without roads,

A breeze came to our house.

He blew a draft from under the door,

I got scared and sneezed loudly.

So I sneezed that draft over the threshold

He blew, raising a small breeze.

The wind picked up strength over the land,

I woke up a storm on sleepy waves,

The storm has passed through the whole ocean,

And a hurricane roared over the earth!

M. Yasnov


Is it good, is it bad -

Thunder rumbled in the sky.

Bad or good?

It rained, it rained...

He was in no hurry at first.

It drizzled with small steps.

And then he ran

Let it go that was the strength!

Circles run along the river -

These are rain steps.

Summer holiday for children of middle and senior preschool age in kindergarten "Red summer has come, brought joy to people"

(The play "Song of the Lark" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds on a recording.)

1st preschooler:

Hello summer,

Hello summer,

Dressed in a bright sundress!

2nd preschooler:

You went somewhere in the winter.

And our summer was sad.

And now it's come to our house

And kept us warm.

3rd preschooler:

Smells like flowers in the air

Fragrant gardens.

The singing of birds amuses us

And we won't be bored!

Presenter: Do you guys know why summer is called red?

1st preschooler: Because everything is in bloom, a lot of sun, butterflies fly.

Presenter: You are right, well done!

2nd preschooler: Birds sing loudly, rejoicing in their native nature and the sun.

Presenter: In summer, the sun rises very early, and native nature wakes up. Our feathered bird friends are waking up, followed by ants, butterflies and bees. Each of them has their own job.

3rd preschooler: Do birds and bees have jobs?

presenter: Very important and necessary. Birds are the orderlies of our forests. They need to be protected, to help them in the winter cold. make winter feeders.

2nd preschooler: And the bees? They only hurt!

Presenter: Bees give us honey! It is not only tasty, but also very useful!

1st preschooler: My mother always gives me honey when I have the flu.

3rd preschooler: Me too!

2nd preschooler: I also eat honey when I'm sick.

Presenter: You see, guys, a natural pharmacy treats

you all. Herbs bloom in summer, which cure us of colds and flu in winter. And in order to have enough of these wonderful medicinal herbs for everyone, we need to protect our forests and fields!

4th preschooler:

The bee buzzes all day

“I have things to do, things to do!”

5th preschooler:

The fly flew up to the bee:

- Aren't you tired of buzzing?

Fly over the flowers

And collect nectar?

6th preschooler:

The bee looked sternly:

- I have a big deal!

I collect nectar

I have a bee gift!

4th preschooler:

Day-to-day the bee buzzes:

“I have things to do, things to do!”

(Preschool girls perform the dance “Bee and Fly” to the music of polka. Harmonization of movements: the fly and the bee run to the music, holding hands. Polka step. The bee has a camomile in its hands. The fly tries to pick up the camomile, the bee does not give it back. The bee is spinning with it, admiring the daisy. At the end of the dance, the bee raises the daisy high, the fly tries to get it, but cannot. The children are wearing costume elements - paper caps "flies" and "bees".)

presenter: A wonderful time of the year is summer! Guys, do you know poems about summer?

(Children read their favorite poems about summer.)

Presenter: Summer is beautiful at any time of the day. But a quiet summer evening is especially good. Remarkable poems were written about the summer evening by the famous poet A. Pleshcheev:

Pale pink stripe

Dawn goes out behind the mountain.

An ear slumbers, leaning

Above the dewy border,

The day says goodbye to the earth

Quietly, the night goes on

In the sky a month behind you

The stars are clear.

1st preschooler:

And how great it is to relax on the river and the sea in the summer, swim and sunbathe!

2nd preschooler:

The field turns green

Everyone go for a walk!

They call us to freedom

Sun and water.

2nd preschooler:

Sparrows are chirping

In the morning.

Let's run to the river

It's time to sunbathe!

3rd preschooler:

Need to wake up

In the summer at dawn

And charging together

Do it in the yard.

2nd preschooler:

The field turns green

Everyone go for a walk!

They call us to freedom

Sun and water.

(Words by I. Nekhoda, translation by T. Volgina)

Preschooler: And what extraordinary adventures can happen in the summer forest if you dream up a little.

A bunny jumped out of a bush!

Under the bush is a porcini mushroom.

And I'm chasing the bunny

I pick the white mushroom myself.

Alive mushroom - in a box,

And herself - on the barrel,

And under the high ash

I fell asleep inadvertently.

The stalk rustled

Someone grab the box.

I woke up quickly

Right, turned left.

Look there, look here

No fungus, that's the trouble!

Know, smarter than me bunny,

White mushroom took away, rascal!

(Poems by N. Granovskaya, translation by T. Volgina)

Presenter: I suggest that all the children stand in a round dance, the red summer is coming!

(Children lead a round dance to the "Song of Summer." Words by Y. Entin, music by E. Krylatov.)


Hurry, try so hard

But it was a little delayed.

Presenter: Hello, red summer!

Summer: I welcome children and adults! (Summer bows.)

I listened to the birds singing in the forest, admired the beauty of the birch, I barely had time to come to you for the holiday.

Presenter: Come on, summer is red and guys, let's get up in a friendly round dance and sing a beautiful song "Ay yes birch."

(Performed in the round dance "Ah yes birch".

Words by Zh. Agadzhanov, music by T. Popatenko.)

We are around the birch

Let's get into a round dance.

(The guys, holding hands, walk in a circle in one direction, then in the other.)

Happy and loud

Everyone sings.


Oh yes birch,

White stem!

Greener, greener

You are leaves.

(Children narrow the circle, wave their handkerchiefs, expand the circle. Repeat movements 2 times.

They bow with a Russian bow.)

Summer: You guys sing and dance well! Can you solve my riddles?

I work, I work, I work.

I mess around with flowers!

I love pollen from a flower

I don't look like a moth.

Preschoolers: Bee.

Summer: That's right, and here's another riddle:

red fungus,

Don't get in the box.

Of course you are famous

But it's very poisonous!

preschoolers: Fly agaric.

Summer: What good fellows, guessed!

Well you are visiting, but I have to go. There is a lot of work in the summer forest. Goodbye guys!

live together,

Come to my forest

native nature

You take care!

(Summer says goodbye to preschoolers and leaves.)


Well, dear child,

It's time for us to say goodbye.

Do not forget our holiday

Smile, don't be bored!

(Sounds in the recording “Song of Summer”. Words by Y. Entin, music by E. Krylatov.)

Jamilya Fattakhovna Tukhvatullina
Scenario of the concert "Summer" for children senior group

First educator. Why is summer called red? Because there is a lot of sun in summer! and also, probably, because this is a beautiful, rich time of the year. The sun wakes up very early in the summer, and with it the sonorous feathered folk awakens.

Listen to the "Song of the Lark", music. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Following the birds, ants, butterflies, and bees wake up and begin their working day. For them, in the green thick grass there are many flowers: blue, purple, red, yellow. Listen, guys, how poets talk about summer.

Second teacher.

Happy summer,

You are dear to everyone.

In the rays of fragrant

Flowers bloom.

Their songs of praise

They fly to the sky.

shiny midges

Circling in a crowd

And the sun sends them

Your ray is golden.

First educator. The air in summer is filled with the smell of flowers. There are many of them everywhere: in the forest. and in the field. both in the meadow and in the flower beds in the garden. Everyone loves flowers flowers, admire them, collect bouquets, weave wreaths. Do you know flowers?

The teacher makes riddles about flowers. The answer will be fresh flowers that are here in vases. Then the children, together with the teachers, sing the song of E. Tilicheeva "Summer Flowers".

Second teacher.

I love Russian birch

Either bright or sad

In a bleached sarafan,

With handkerchiefs in pockets

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings.

I love Russian birch.

She is always with her friends

Spring dances,

Bends under the wind

And bends, but does not break.

Adults and children sing the song "Ay yes birch", music. T. Popatenko. Children in colored scarves lead a round dance to this song.

First educator. Summer is loved by both adults and children.

Children take the stage.

First child.

Hello summer! Hello summer!

Everything is warmed by the bright sun!

Let's run into the green forest

Let's lie down in the meadow!

Second child.

Hello blue river!

Third child.

Hello, hello, thick rye!

Fourth child.

Us a cheerful steam locomotive

Brought to you from the city.

Fifth child.

Hello white daisy!

Sixth child.

Hello pink porridge!

Seventh child.

We need a lot of flowers For bouquets and wreaths!

Eighth child.

Hello wild berry!

Ninth child.

Hello, mischievous squirrel!

Tenth child.

Summer has come to us again.

All. This is very good!

Second teacher. And what quiet evenings in the summer!

Listen to how well the poet A. Pleshcheev wrote about this.

Pale pink stripe

Dawn goes out behind the mountain.

An ear slumbers, leaning

Above the dewy border,

The day says goodbye to the earth

Quietly, quietly the night is coming,

In the sky a month behind you

The stars are clear.

First educator. And the composer S. Prokofiev wrote music, which he called "A month walks over the meadows."

Everyone listens to music.

First educator. How many new, interesting things you saw in the summer. At the end of the summer we will meet again, and then you yourself will tell us about the summer. And now it's evening. Time to sleep.

Educators sing the song "It's time to sleep", music. S. Razorenova.

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