How to wash your hair in African braids. How to wash African braids. Curly's large curls

African braids are one of the most gentle types of hair extensions, because artificial materials are woven into your own hair, regardless of its length. African braids have limitless possibilities in experimenting with design and color, while the hair does not need to be dyed or processed with anything. Interesting color effects are achieved through the use of Kanekalon (weaving material) of various shades.

By combining a color one or two shades above your own hair, you can achieve an excellent highlighting effect. This hairstyle will last for three months. This time will directly depend on the speed of hair growth.

When your braids grow from 1.5 cm to 2 cm, it is recommended to carry out a correction, which consists of re-braiding several rows. Caring for African braids is very simple; washing your hair once a week is enough. In this case, it is better to dilute the shampoo with water to make it easier to wash off. The use of balms, conditioners or masks is not recommended. In addition, the braids should not be dried with a hot hairdryer due to the fact that the kanekalon may lose its shape and color.

I bring to your attention a variety of different fashion models hairstyles based on African braids. If the client wishes, the braids can be woven wavy, with a curl and a curl at the end or with the effect of “live ends”, as well as create a small or large wave. It all depends only on your imagination.

You need to wash your hair with your usual shampoo. After rinsing off the shampoo, pat your hair dry with a towel and then air dry it without using a hair dryer. It is recommended to wash your hair once a week, since the material of the braids is from frequent washing loses its shine and appearance. Do not use hair pomades/heavy fats as this will make your hair dirty faster, causing itching and blocking the pores on the scalp. The period of wearing afro braids should not be longer than 8-10 weeks. Longer wear will result in hair breakage due to knots formed by dust and dirt. For this reason, the afro braids were in perfect condition, a correction needs to be made.

Correction is necessary because hair grows by about 1-1.5 cm per month, while about 50-100 of them fall out. per day and new ones grow accordingly. Therefore, on a pigtail, the knot moves further and further from the root, and white bulbs of already fallen hair and regrown hairs may be visible. The simplest type of correction is when the master or you yourself trim the stray hair from the braids. A more labor-intensive correction involves a hairdresser braiding new braids on the parietal area of ​​your head, which extends the period of wearing your hairstyle by about 2-2.5 months.

If necessary, the hair roots can be dyed, and the dyeing process itself will not affect the braids in any way.
You can create all kinds of hairstyles from Afro braids: tie knots and ponytails, braid braids.

Unbraiding Afro Braids
It is best to have your Afro braids unbraided by a master braider, but if you still decide to do it yourself, then in order to save effort and time, and achieve the best results, it is better to ask outsiders to help you. Cut the braid at the end of your own hair. Unravel it a little with a needle, knitting needle or awl, start undoing the afro braids, then pull the braid closer to the roots, and it will simply slide off your hair.

Use your fingers or a needle to unravel the tangle. It is worth considering that the longer you have had your braided hairstyle, the denser the tangle will be. And don’t be alarmed by what seems like an excessive amount of hair loss. This all happens because hair falls out every day, because this is a natural process, and due to the fact that while wearing braids they could not separate from your head, it will be normal that they will separate during undoing the afro braids.

With proper unbraiding, after braiding hair extensions, your own hair will look well-groomed and rested.

Don't have enough time to style your hair? Do you need to manipulate a hair dryer, straightener and other hair care products every day? There is a solution that will help you save a lot of time! Try a hairstyle like afro braids. They will help you not only change your look, but also protect your hair from the effects of straight hair. sun rays, hair dryer, curling iron and straightener, because high temperatures destroy the hair structure, making it brittle and lifeless.

Hairstyle features

African braids are suitable for girls with both long hair (the most popular hairstyle) and short hair. In this case, the master adds synthetic material - Kanekalon - to each of the braids. This way your hair visually appears thicker and longer, and you don’t have to add additional extensions.

It is also worth noting here that if at your workplace it is customary to wear business clothes and you must adhere to a strict dress code, then this hairstyle option will not suit you. Also, this hairstyle is not suitable for people with allergies to synthetic materials, with skin diseases (for example, dermatitis), or people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Before you figure out how to care for African braids, it’s worth discussing the hairstyle itself in detail.

What are they?

There are many types of weaving:

  1. Classic African braids are the most common and popular. With this weaving, the ends of the strands do not curl and remain straight, and the styling itself is strong and durable.
  2. “Pony tail” - the tip of the braid remains curled for about 10–20 cm. The name of the style justifies its appearance: the curl will resemble a pony tail.
  3. Senegalese braids are twisted strands that have been woven from two small strands. However, the long-term option of wearing this hairstyle is excluded here. It doesn't last long.
  4. "Zizi" - suitable for girls with short hair. When braiding, Kanekalon is added to the strands to make the hair look thicker. Braids in this style can be either curled or perfectly straight.
  5. Dreadlocks - distinguished by large braids, since quite voluminous woolen threads are woven into the strands themselves.
  6. Curley braids - in this case, the braids are woven at the base of the roots, the rest of the hair is mixed with Kanekalon and resembles a curl.

How to care for African braids?

Afro braids are the most unpretentious hairstyle option that does not require any special care. In theory, braids last quite a long time, but in practice it all depends on the speed of hair growth, which is different for each person. Some people's hair grows extremely slowly, and then afro braids will remain in their original state for quite a long time. And some people have very fast (to the envy of many) hair speed. In this case, you will have to use correction services, which we will discuss below.

Hair grows by an average of 1-2 cm per month, so wearing afro braids for more than 3 months will look sloppy and not aesthetically pleasing. In addition to this, the hair that grows at the base begins to get tangled, turning into tangles, which can subsequently cause problems with combing. Therefore, it is important to know what care should be taken for a hairstyle such as African braids.

Also, during the first two weeks, girls with more sensitive skin heads, or girls who devote their free time to fitness and sports, train hard, irritation may appear between the rows of braids and in the border zone (at the base of the forehead and hair area). However, this reaction should not be confused with an allergy. It will be enough to treat the reddened skin with any cleanser (for example, “Clerasil” or “Zinerit”). Women's aftershave cream is also suitable.

How to wash African braids?

You can wash your hair with African braids no more than once every 7-8 days. Any shampoo for normal hair without conditioner or balm is suitable for washing. You need to lather it well and rinse your hair with massaging movements, moving from the scalp to the end of the braids. For convenience, use a sponge to thoroughly wash the rows between the braids. Please note that you should not rub African braids, otherwise they will lose their attractive appearance.

Rinse the shampoo with warm water, removing any remaining shampoo. Otherwise, your hair will immediately look dirty and unkempt, your head will itch, and you will have to wash it again. Many people think that , how to wash your hair with African braids is somewhat different from how to carry out regular washing procedures, but it is not. However, some features still exist and it is better to adhere to them.

We figured out how to wash hair with African braids, now we need to figure out how to dry braided hair.

After bath procedures hair needs to be dried. The braids can be lightly squeezed to remove excess water and wrapped in a terry towel. You can dry your hair naturally with room temperature. However, you should not go to bed with wet braids, as this leads to the growth of bacteria and can cause discomfort and itching.

You can also resort to using a hair dryer. In this case, you need to dry your hair with warm air vapor at a distance of 10-15 cm from the head. Never in hot air! This deteriorates the structure of the hair, making it dry and lifeless. And if it’s woven into your braids artificial material, then it will easily melt and stick to natural hair. It is not recommended to be under the scorching sun or visit saunas or baths without a hat.

Correction of African braids

Caring for African braids also involves their correction. Those with short and unruly hair may complain that strands are falling out of their braids. It is important to remember that this is a natural process and, most importantly, correctable. You can avoid hair straying from your braid by cutting off unruly hairs or, as a last resort, contact a stylist to have your braids re-braided.

Timely correction is very important. If your hair grows very quickly, a specialist will easily weave the braids, giving your hairstyle its original fresh look. This way, you can wear your African braids without much worry for a few more months.

Also, some girls leave negative reviews about wearing African braids, claiming that they lost a lot of hair after undoing their braids. Let's figure out why this happens. The thing is that a person loses approximately 80 to 100 hairs per day. Let's multiply this number by the number of days in a month and get a pretty impressive amount. Naturally, within a month we do not notice a change in hairline, but if the hair remains in a fixed state all this time (in our case, in afro braids), then it is quite clear that there is nowhere for the hair to “fall out”, it simply remains in the braid. That is why, after the Afro braids are unbraided, you are left with an impressive clump of hair in your hands, which simply was not destined to leave the hairstyle. So no need to worry, African braids are completely safe.

African braids are especially popular in the summer, but there are hair lovers who wear braids almost all the time. By following simple rules for caring for this hairstyle, you can easily extend its service life and enjoy its neat appearance for a long time.

Hair is one of the main tools for self-expression and reflection of a person’s inner world. Bright, extraordinary, bold and creative people can create their own unique look with the help of such a variety of African braids. In addition, Afro braids are an excellent option for those who want to radically change their appearance and add a sheaf of bright colors to their drab everyday life. And also for those who want to become the happy owner of thick and long hair, but it is almost impossible to achieve this with their own hair for a number of reasons.

Pros and cons of afro braids

African braids, like everything in this world, have their advantages and disadvantages.


  • A huge variety of weaving varieties to choose from.
  • They make your appearance bright, unique and memorable.
  • They can lengthen short hair as much as you like and make your hair visually thicker and fuller.
  • Allows you to change hair color without using chemical dyes.
  • Suitable even for super short hair (about 3 centimeters).
  • With their help you can create a sea of ​​amazing and original hairstyles.
  • They do not require special care, that is, you need to wash your hair much less frequently than your own hair and do not need to comb it.


  • A feeling of discomfort and heaviness that you get used to after a while.
  • It’s hard to turn over in your sleep, since you have to move your hair with your hands.
  • The hair is difficult to wash, even when using a special shampoo, and takes a long time to dry.
  • Due to the heavy load on the hair follicles, your own hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out. But if you don’t wear afro-braids longer than hairdressers advise and have them removed by a specialist, you can significantly reduce their negative impact on your natural hair.

How to weave African braids at home


To work you need:

  • Kanekalon strands (an artificial fiber similar to real hair). Kanekalon can be replaced with yarn (more acrylic than wool) or ribbons, but they need to be gutted into threads.
  • A comb with sparse teeth and a sharp tail for precise separation of strands and a massager.
  • Clips and small hairpins for securing strands.
  • Means for fixing braids - transparent rubber bands, threads, special glue, boiling water or a soldering iron.
  • Attributes that are not mandatory, but greatly facilitate the braiding process are mousse, gel, and a braiding machine.

  • It is best to braid afro-braids on unwashed hair, so it will become less frizzy while working.
  • To make your hair more manageable, you can first lubricate it with mousse, gel or moisten it with water.
  • To ensure that the braid is the same along the entire length, after the end of the natural hair, you can add more Kanekalon.
  • To increase the speed and quality of braiding, you can use a special machine.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Comb the hair carefully combed with a massager from the neck upward towards the back of the head and pin it with clips.
  • At the same time, leave a small row of hair free, separated from the main mass by a horizontal parting.
  • Divide the remaining hair into strands with even vertical partings.
  • Twist all the strands except one with flagella and pin them separately for a while.
  • Add Kanekalon to the remaining strands so that their connection is in the middle of the entire length of the Kanekolon.
  • Braid a regular braid, using the ends of the kanekolon as two components of the braid, and a strand of your own hair as the third.
  • Lower each pinned strand one by one and braid a new braid.
  • When the hair in the first row runs out, separate another row of hair with a new horizontal parting and do the same actions with it.
  • Do this all over your head, lastly braiding the braids near your forehead.

Types of African braids


The classic type of afro braids is the weaving of ordinary braids from three strands, two of which are the ends of kanekalon, and the third is a strand of native hair. There can be from 100 to 500 braids on the head. Color, length, shape (straight or curled) and method of fastening the ends (knots, glue, soldering, elastic bands, etc.) as desired. It takes 3 to 6 hours to create. Wearing period is no more than 3 months.

Zizi's afro braids are ready-made kanekalon braids, their length is 80 centimeters and thickness is 3 millimeters. They are woven into your own hair, which will take from 2 to 4 hours. You can wear this hairstyle for no more than 4 months. Zizi can be straight or corrugated, twisted or spiral.

These braids resemble spirals in appearance and are braided using braiding technology, that is, two strands are twisted together. They can be any length and any color. Weaving takes about 5 hours. Wearing period is 1.5 – 3 months.

They are woven exclusively from native hair, so their creation is possible only for ladies with strong hair, of sufficient length and thickness. The ends are traditionally held together with brightly colored threads, elastic bands or beads. This hairstyle contains on average from 100 to 300 braids and is braided from 3 to 5 hours. Due to its naturalness, it will last only 2-3 weeks.

Real dreadlocks kill your own hair, as they are created by felting native strands, which can then only be cut off at the roots. It is preferable to use safe pseudo dreadlocks (de-dreadlocks) created using Kanekalon. Such afrolocks will last up to 3.5 months.

French braids are especially popular among people leading an active lifestyle - athletes, dancers, and so on, as they look stylish, are quick to make, practical and comfortable to wear. They can be braided either purely from natural hair or with the addition of artificial fiber. Making this hairstyle will take only 40 minutes, and it will last from 1.5 weeks to 1.5 months. main feature consists in the fact that 10 - 20 braids are braided along the head and fit tightly to it. They can be located in different directions - geometrically, zigzag, in a circle, in the form of a pattern, and so on.

Super curls, afro curls and curl curls are gorgeous thick curls that can be created from your own hair or using ready-made synthetic fiber curls (woven into your own hair). The difference between them is that super curls curl in the form of a vertical zigzag, afro curls have round curls, and curl curls curl only at the ends and are straight at the roots. The service life of this afro hairstyle is about 2 months.

Ketrin Twist or Ketrin Twist de Lux is a hairstyle made of thin afro braids twisted into round curls. The size of the curls, the length of the braids and the shade can be any. These braids stay well on the head and practically do not fall off when worn, and therefore can last up to 4 months.

Ponytail (pony tail) is a type of classic afro braids. The only difference is that the ends of the braids have a straight or curled ponytail. Creation will take at least 5 hours. It is recommended to wear it for no more than 3 months.


Corrugated afro braids are ready-made corrugated braids made from kanekalon. They are woven into your natural hair, which will take no more than 4 hours. This weaving is best suited for creating short and very short hair. It is recommended to wear for a maximum of 3 months.

For whom afro braids are contraindicated

How to care for African braids

Although African braids do not require special care, you still need to know some nuances so that they last longer and do not lose their neatness.

Care Tips:

  1. African braids should not be exposed to influences. high temperatures, you should exclude hair dryers, curling irons, straightening irons, as well as baths and saunas. Synthetic fiber can simply melt.
  2. You should wash your hair no more than once a week, and preferably every 10 days. It is advisable to use a special shampoo, but regular shampoo will do, just dilute it slightly with water. Balms and conditioners are contraindicated.
  3. If hairs start sticking out of your hair, they should be cut off. The scissors should be placed along the braid.
  4. You can intertwine individual braids.
  5. If one of the braids begins to unravel, then it needs to be braided and the tip re-fixed (soldered, sealed or tied with a new elastic band).
  6. Under no circumstances should you go to bed with wet or damp hair, as this will have a very detrimental effect on the appearance of your African braids.

How to wash afro braids

How to undo afro braids

It is best to use the services of a professional, which will significantly reduce the damage to your natural hair. You can unravel afro braids yourself like this:

  1. Cut off the braid where your natural hair ends.
  2. Unravel the braid and remove the remaining kanekalon by pulling it down.
  3. Comb the strands from the roots with a comb to remove hair that has fallen out while wearing the afro braids. Be sure to do this with each strand and before washing your hair!
  4. To wash hair.

African braids can not only radically and qualitatively change your appearance, but also radically change your worldview, as well as raise your self-esteem. Only when creating and wearing them you need to remember that everything is good in moderation.

Video on how to weave African braids

African braids are several types of hairstyles that are relevant at any time. A variety of weaving options, the ability to vary the length, thickness and color of the strands allow girls to experiment with their hair.

Main types

Classic - the most common type. Braiding is done by hand using three strands along the entire length of the hair. The smaller the thickness of the strands, the more reliable the hairstyle. On average, about 200-250 braids are braided for this hairstyle, but their number can reach up to 600.

You can diversify your hairstyle and choose classic Afro braids with Kanekalon, then the master will add a special synthetic material to the braiding. You can choose any length of the braids. You can wear hairstyles made from classic Afro braids for up to 4 months.

With classic afro weaving, it is better to also weave bangs, especially if they are dense. Senegals - this type of braids is similar to the classical technique. To perform weaving, two strands are used, a technique called “cording” or “twisting”.

The hairstyle looks impressive. The ends can be left straight or curled. Not suitable for braiding hair that is too thick or heavy. Depending on the number of braids, the wearing period will be from 2 to 4 months. After the first two months, your hairstyle may need to be adjusted.


Thai is an ideal option if your hair is thick and thick. Weaving is made from natural strands without additional inserts. Colored elastic bands secure the ends of the hair. This hairstyle is difficult to wear and requires constant care. Hair can get tangled and get dirty faster, so Thai braids will delight you with their attractive appearance for the first two months.


French afro braids – complex weaving, allowing you to create a variety of patterns on the head. Weaving can be done vertically, horizontally, or in the form of zigzags. Afro braids hairstyles can be made from both natural strands and the addition of artificial ones. Ideal for medium to long hair. French braids (the so-called “French braids”) are chosen by athletes and dancers and busy people who do not have the opportunity to take care of their hair. These braids are worn for no more than one month. The hairstyle is completed in just 2-3 hours. Before braiding again, you need to let your hair rest for a couple of weeks.


Zizi afro braids are ready-made thin braids about 3 mm in diameter that are woven into braids. The weaving technique is simple and takes little time. The hairstyle is different big amount braids (about 500-600 pieces). Despite a large number of braids, zizi are very light and do not cause discomfort when worn. This hairstyle has no restrictions, except for a hair length of at least 15 cm. This type of braids is well suited for medium hair. Zizi can be straight or corrugated. Braids look stylish and attractive, so they are chosen by both schoolgirls and adult girls.

Children also like African weaving, however, before allowing the experiment, evaluate what is more for your child - harm or benefit. Like any impact on hair, afro braids cause some consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages of afro braids

A hairstyle consisting of afro braids has certain pros and cons that you need to know before getting your hair done.



Features of care

Caring for afro braids involves washing your hair rarely. A braided hairstyle allows you to wash your hair once every 7-10 days. The shampoo is applied to the roots of the hair, foamed and the space between the braids is washed. There is no need to care for your hair using balms, conditioners and hair masks. Go to bed with wet hair undesirable, so choose the time of washing your hair so that the braids have time to dry completely.

As new hair grows, the hairstyle will lose its attractiveness, so if you notice visible changes or protruding hairs, contact your hairdresser for correction. You can trim any stray hairs from your braids yourself. The master will correct the root zone and the braids will return to their original appearance. Adjusted braids last for about a month.

Weaving technology

Braiding afro braids at home is a time-consuming and painstaking procedure. The shorter the hair length, the more difficult it is to braid your hair yourself. Preparatory stage includes washing hair with shampoo deep cleaning and the use of additional care - balm, conditioner and mask.

The technique of braiding afro braids begins with dividing the hair into four working zones, approximately equal in hair volume: two front zones and two back zones. While work is going on with one of the zones, the other three are pinned with clamps. When doing your hair, make sure that the partings are smooth and clear.

In order to understand how to properly braid Afro braids at home, pay attention to the video tutorials. Printed text and pictures do not reflect the process informatively enough. Once you see how a braid is created, you will be able to accurately repeat the steps on your hair with your own hands.

Classic weaving is done with 3 strands. If you decide to use artificial inserts, then divide the curl into 3 strands, add two synthetic strands between them, folded in half in the shape of the letter U. You should end up with 5 strands that you will layer on top of each other to form a braid. The ends can be secured using regular threads.


When creating afro braids, craftsmen use additional elements. Classic options with threads - all these braids can include hair extensions from various materials. Let's look at the main types.

  1. Kanekalon - as we have already found out, this material is used when weaving classic afro-braids, as well as dreadlocks and French braids. It is a very light synthetic material that is 8 times lighter than real hair.
  2. Pony – given hair used for braiding braids in the pony tile style
  3. Zizi - are full-fledged thin braids. This material is lighter than kanekalon, so using the material you can make comfortable long hair. Zizi can be reused up to 3 times.

Self-care for complex hairstyles is more than possible and there is no need to regularly visit beauty salons and resort to expensive procedures that are not at all necessary. If you follow the basic rules for washing your hair with pigtails, the appearance of your hair will be neat and it will last a long time.

Braids, dreadlocks and other echoes of the African subculture have long been part of daily life youth. Few people can be surprised by the incredible variety of shades, as well as by long ponytail extensions. Thus, people resort to shocking behavior, and besides, they cannot be called particularly whimsical.

Afro braids

Modern braiding technology frees girls from the need to spend a lot of time on everyday styling and purchasing expensive cosmetics. Such hairstyles are used not only by followers of alternative movements, but also by anyone who likes such a hairstyle. So how to properly care for hair braided in one of the many varieties of African braids?

Experts recommend wash African braids no more than once a week. To do this, you can use any shampoo you like (except those intended for daily care), which does not contain balm or conditioner. The product used should, first of all, foam strongly, and wash your head with light (massaging) movements. Movements should start from the roots of the hair and end at the ends of the braids.

Instructions on how to wash your hair with African braids

For greater convenience, you can use a sponge, which will allow you to better rinse the areas between the rows, or just do it with your fingers. If you rub your braids, they will lose their attractiveness and quickly become disheveled.

The shampoo rinses off well with warm water. If the remaining shampoo is not washed off, your head will begin to itch the very next day. After your hair has been thoroughly washed, it's time to dry it. First of all, the braids are wrung out, and then wrapped in a towel for a while. It is not recommended to go to bed in this state, as excess moisture and heat will allow bacteria to multiply at an accelerated rate. You can speed up the drying process with a hair dryer.

Dry the braids with a hairdryer at a distance of 20 cm from the head. The use of hot air is not recommended, since the hair structure will be irrevocably damaged. Afterwards they may become lifeless and dry. And when using foreign materials (fibers), they can melt under the influence of hot air. It is also better to avoid visiting baths and saunas for a while, as well as long walks on the fresh air without headdress.

For more information on how to wash your hair with afro braids, watch the video:

Some contraindications

This type of braids is contraindicated for those girls who have previously suffered from skin diseases or allergies to certain synthetic materials. If you have receding hairlines or your hair is weak, then it is better to avoid such hairstyles.

This type of hairstyle cannot be classified as whimsical, since no daily styling or additional manipulations are required.

Since African braids are washed less often than any other hairstyle, a specific itching may occur from time to time. There may be several reasons for such reactions:

  • Regular soap can also have a negative effect on the scalp. If as detergent If this is what you used, then you should immediately switch to shampoo.
  • Burdock oil or chamomile decoction will help soothe the scalp. However, if the itching is severe, you will need more effective pharmaceutical products.
  • If the itching has already begun, then wet your head in sea ​​water contraindicated.
  • Do not rub any products into your hair that will remain on your hair (ash or wax).
  • You should wash your hair at regular intervals. This is done so that the hair gets used to a certain rhythm.
  • Remaining shampoo should be rinsed off as thoroughly as possible, since residue can also cause irritation, which will cause terrible itching.

This type of hairstyle is convenient because it does not require special hair care. However, the minimum care they require should be as correct as possible.

Senegalese braids

You can wash your hair once a week or once a month. Wash your hair with one of your favorite shampoos, which is applied to the scalp, and then gradually to the remaining length of the braids. Styling does not require regular use of varnishes, gels and mousses. Balms and masks can be applied, but only for strengthening ones. Otherwise, it will become more difficult to wash your hair properly.

Instructions on how to wash your hair with Senegalese braids

You can use a hairdryer, but the device must be at a certain distance from the head (15-20 cm). If this rule is neglected, then the synthetic material that is woven into the braids will melt. You should use the cold air mode and do not bring any curling irons to your hair.

It is not recommended to dye your braids, as the colored threads can take on a very unexpected shade. These hairstyles are worn for about six months. Every month the hair will grow a centimeter or so, and after six months the hairstyle will lose its attractiveness due to regrown roots. Also, the hair will become tangled, which will make the appearance unsightly. Correction is recommended to be carried out at least once every few months.

Before choosing a hair braiding specialist, you should realize the fact that the beauty will be braided at home. There is nothing unusual in this, because it can take about 20 hours to create one hairstyle, and beauty salons will not work so much for one client. In the first hours, some discomfort may occur, which will result in a headache, and the specialists warn about this in advance. Complete adaptation to the existing discomfort goes away completely after a couple of days. If after two or three days the headaches have not gone away, it means that the hairstyle was done incorrectly and the braids should be untied. Otherwise, your hair will soon begin to fall out.

Braiding Senegalese braids

You can unbraid your hair yourself, but it is better to have helpers, as the process will be long and very tedious. Many people are very worried about the fact that after unbraiding their hair falls out a lot.

This is an erroneous fear, because it is worth paying attention to the fact that no one does daily combing, and within six months a lot of already fallen hair has accumulated. There is nothing scary about this. Without exception, all types of African braids are completely safe, but there are also contraindications:

  • hair loss;
  • skin diseases.

The name comes from the English – braid, which means braid, lace or braid. This type of weaving has been incredibly popular for half a century, and this type of hairstyle is worn by both women and men.

French braids

The advantages of such a choice include many factors, but the main one, in most cases, is the opportunity to stand out from the gray mass. It’s a pleasure to do sports or dance with them, because they don’t get in the way and they add a certain touch to the image. No matter what movements you unlearn, the hair on your head will remain in perfect order, and your hairstyle will look neat.

You should also pay attention to the fact that French braids can be combined with other hairstyles, choosing different weaves and patterns. This hairstyle definitely won’t look boring.

Wash your hair once a week, however, more attention is paid to the roots of the hair rather than the ends. You can use any shampoo, but not one that combines balms and rinses. It is incredibly difficult to completely wash such compounds from your braids, and if this is not done, a characteristic itching will appear. For greater convenience, you can use sponges.

Masks and balms are not recommended for use if they can be avoided. Afterwards the hair is dried with a towel. You should not rub your braids, as they will become disheveled and untidy. If the hair itself is brittle or weak, then this type of hairstyle is not recommended. If you have dandruff or other skin diseases from weaving french braids should be refused.

This technology is especially characterized in a fast way weaving. The braid turns out to be quite thin, it is woven along the entire length of your own hair, and at the roots it is covered with a zi-zi strand. The standard length is about 75 cm. They are made straight, corrugated or wavy. They vaguely resemble ordinary braids, but they are made much thinner.

Zizi's braids

For short hair, such braids are an excellent solution, because they do not require special care. The roots will not bear a large load, since their attachment area is relatively small. The length of the braided braid is considered acceptable, which will be 5-35 cm. Longer hair can also be braided using this technology, but this aspect will significantly affect the price.

Young mothers will like it, since it will take little time to weave it, and the hair will always be well-groomed and hidden from playful hands. Masters can come to your home, so there is no need to go to a beauty salon. The hairstyle will end up being incredibly voluminous, since on average we are talking about five hundred braids gathered into one hairstyle. In this case, the hair will feel quite comfortable and will not cause any unpleasant sensations.

This hairstyle can last up to several months, but after that you will need to contact your hairdresser for correction. In this case, we are talking about unbraiding the braids and braiding them again. If you care for your braids correctly, the material used can be reused, which will significantly affect the cost of the services provided.

This hairstyle should be washed no more than once every few weeks with your usual shampoo, which is pre-diluted in water until a thick foam forms. The resulting mass is applied only to the roots of the head, left there for several minutes, after which it is applied to the hair with massage movements. Rinse off only with warm water.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of braids on the head, the hairstyle turns out incredibly thick, but you should try to wash only the roots and scalp. If your hair gets completely wet, it will become too heavy, which can lead to not only hair loss, but also the braids themselves. After washing your hair, the braids should be blotted with a towel. They should dry naturally. The use of curling irons or hair dryers is contraindicated, as this will affect not only appearance hairstyles, but also on the structure of living hair.

You can watch the video for more information about caring for Zizi’s braids:

Dreadlocks captured the hearts of both women and men around the world at the beginning of the last century. Then they were forgotten for a while, but then Bob Marley appeared and people started talking about them again. At proper care, such a complex hairstyle can be an excellent solution for everyday tasks associated with washing and then styling an unruly mop of hair.

To wash your hair, use one of the following methods:

  1. It may not be strange, but regular detergent can also be used. shower gel. However, there should not be many additives in it.
  2. Combination sea ​​salt and drinking water. It copes excellently with dense and elastic strands, which for a long time have absorbed dust, dirt and oil secreted by the scalp.
  3. You can also purchase special shampoo for dreadlocks, but its cost is not entirely justified. However, this product is the best in the fight against pollution, unpleasant smell and possible itching.
  4. Any anti-dandruff shampoo or oily hair . It is better to avoid conditioner or mixed formulations.
  5. Regular scented soap. However, in its production an exclusively cold method (manual production) must be used. It is not recommended to use tar soap.

Instructions on how to wash your hair with dreadlocks

To learn more about how to wash dreadlocks, watch the following video:


Many people do not even suspect that washing African braids and their main varieties follows technology. If you do everything correctly, you can wash your hair once every few months, not weeks. In order to wash your hair braided in African braids, you should wait the following time:

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