Oily hair: causes, treatment, masks, shampoo, what to do. Caring for oily hair How to properly wash oily hair

Hello dear girls.

Today I want to touch on such a hot topic as oily hair. With the advent of summer, this problem has become more and more urgent, and it seems that there is no escape from it. But that's just how it seems.

Oily hair is not a sentence, but just a type and can be tamed.

Let me tell you a little about my scalp type.

I have oily hair. Really oily, although I know that someone will want to prove to me that my type is normal, because oily hair becomes so by the evening of the first day after washing, and mine lasts a little longer. But, I have something to compare and I know what I'm talking about. Therefore, I will tell you a few details.

I have had oily hair since childhood. Somewhere on the 2nd day, the hair already loses significantly in appearance and the front strands near the face turn into sebaceous icicles. In a good way, at this time you already need to wash your hair, but I always endure until 3 days. Simply because it is simply inconvenient for me to wash my hair more often. Day 3 I can no longer afford to wear loose hair and always do my hair and wash my hair in the evening.

With the problem of fat content, I tried to fight for about 10 years and tried everything that was possible. And I will tell you about this by rating the funds by efficiency.

10th place - clay
This also includes mustard and soda. In many ways, their action is similar.

Clay is a very popular remedy, so it is not surprising that it has also found use as a remedy, which is credited with the properties of removing greasy hair.

The simplest clay mask is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • a couple of tablespoons of clay
  • a couple of tablespoons of water
Everything is mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to the hair before washing for 15-30 minutes.

I conscientiously did a lot of courses with clay. I liked blue the most, but white was just as attractive.

I liked the clay masks for the feeling they left on the scalp after washing off: it seemed to start breathing. Plus, the clay was washed out of the hair to a rather strong squeak and I enjoyed it. At that time, it seemed to me that this creak was nothing more than a guarantee of the quality of cleansing. How wrong I was!

Each time, I looked forward to the next moment of washing my hair to make a clay mask. And when we were relaxing by the sea and there were whole mountains of clay ... In general, then I made masks with clay every day.
I even show rare photographs, where I make a mask in the sea with a jar of clay.

Well, you can imagine how people looked at me. I think that you, my dear hair maniacs, will understand me like no one else.
But I was relentless! What do I care about those sidelong glances, if I was driven by a completely lively interest and I believed in the result!

By the way, about the result. The expected result did not follow. All that clay masks gave me was an amazing feeling at the roots and further dryness of the tips. At that time, I did not seriously care for the length of my hair, so when I wrapped the ends of the hair in a bun and they came into contact with clay, it's clear that they dried out significantly.

So, if you still decide on these masks, I strongly recommend that you apply oil or a mask that suits you to the ends, and even better, to the entire length of the hair.

Instead of solving the problem of oiliness, my hair, on the contrary, began to become oily faster. By the evening of the second day, they urgently need to be washed, and not by the evening of the third.

It's all about the drying effect of clay. Due to deep cleansing, which borders on a drying effect, the glands begin to work more actively, releasing the amount of sebum that is necessary to eliminate the dryness caused from nowhere for the body.

So that clay masks the opposite effect can be achieved.
After stopping using them, my hair began to get greasy as usual.

So I give clay the last place in my top.

9th place - essential oils

I am generalizing this point without highlighting anything specific. Although, the most popular essential oils are lavender and mint.

First of all, I would like to strongly caution anyone who does this. This cannot be done with all shampoos. Shampoo is a chemical product that has a certain pH level and the addition of essential oil changes its formula. In which direction, we do not know, we are not chemists, therefore, in order not to harm, I recommend refraining from such experiments.

exception is adding essential oil to organic shampoo. You can experiment with it.

What did adding essential oils to shampoo give me?

First of all, a pleasant aroma procedure. Lavender essential oil is pleasantly soothing, especially if you wash your hair before going to bed. And peppermint essential oil leaves a pleasant chill on the skin.

Adding any essential oil gave me only one thing: a feeling of toning.

But, unfortunately, it also did not help me solve the problem of oily scalp.

8th place - rinsing with decoctions

I love this business. Especially harvest herbs in summer.
I have tried so many different things.

The most popular are rinsing with nettle, mint, lemon balm and hop cones.

All this has a great effect on the roots, significantly strengthening them. But many herbs are dried, so you should be extremely careful about this procedure. I gather my hair along the length with my hand and lift it above my head, and with the other I pour the decoction on the roots, after which I wring it out on the hair, approximately at shoulder level, so that the decoction does not flow down my damaged length. Then I put on a mask. It can also be applied before, this will completely protect your hair from overdrying if the herbs are drying to you.

As for the effect on fat content - no.
From a strong mint decoction, for example, a slight tonic effect can be noted, but that's all.

The procedure is good, but within the framework of the issue under consideration is useless.

7th place - wash your hair less often

For a very long time I considered this advice meaningless. Somehow throughout all summer holidays, I washed my hair once a week and for half a week I went with terrible greasy hair. Then I could not wait to finally wash my hair and look like a normal person.

I always considered it normal (however, I still think so) to wash my hair as it gets dirty, but this should be done with the most gentle shampoos. I will talk about this in more detail, a little further.

The fact is that I did not succeed in retraining to wash my hair in 3 months and I began to consider this advice as sheer nonsense.

Until I met girls who really managed to retrain to wash their hair. But for this they needed a different amount of time and great fortitude.

We also once talked with the master, who at one time enlightened me on the topic of hair care, and I casually talked about my experience. I thought that he would say that this is nonsense, but not at all. He supported this idea and explained why I couldn’t retrain to wash my hair in 3 months. Apparently, my glands are already very accustomed to the amount of "secret" produced and they needed more time to rebuild. But then I did not have time to repeat the experiment, and by the time I was ready to repeat the feat again, I no longer needed it.

So this position works well, but it needs to be brave and patient.

6th place - salt scrub

In principle, this position could simply be called a scrub, since there are a huge number of scalp scrubs from different manufacturers, but I noticed the greatest effectiveness from home-made salt scrubs.

I think no one needs to explain what a scrub is for. We all enjoy using facial scrubs, but why is the scalp worse? She also needs cleansing, the results of which, at times, are surprising.

There are a lot of cooking recipes and the scrub can be easily adapted to suit yourself.

I'll give you the basic recipe:

  • a couple of tablespoons of salt (it is better to take fine grinding)
  • a couple tablespoons of water
I usually take 50 to 50. Mix everything and rub it into the head with massage movements before washing the hair. You can leave it on your hair for a couple of minutes before rinsing it off.

This is the easiest recipe. But scrub can be enriched. Instead of ordinary water, use a decoction, you can also add a teaspoon of clay and a couple of drops of essential oil to it.
This combination of ingredients will only help improve its properties.

What effect?

The effect is very pleasant. After the procedure, the skin begins to breathe, and basal volume may even appear. Plus, if shampoos containing silicones have been used before, the hair stays clean longer after about 3 treatments.

But the effect is rather short-lived. It only works while you're using the scrub, so I can't recommend it as a panacea. When using the course - yes, good. But it is not suitable for a permanent basis, because if you overdo it, you can get the opposite result.

5th place - henna

It's no secret to anyone that Henna has a drying effect, especially with constant use. Therefore, both the coloring itself and the henna masks can prolong the freshness of the hair, but only during the course.

Definitely, henna masks are not suitable for girls who dye their hair, including blondes, even when using colorless henna. All the same, everything is complicated with herbs, and no one knows how the paint will behave if you get carried away with such masks.

Henna masks are perfect for those who paint with henna, as well as owners natural color hair who do not plan to change it.

Important: the mask should be done after washing the hair and rinsed off with just water. This eliminates the addition of oils to it, so it can really dry out the hair.

The mask is easy to prepare. For her it is necessary:

  • 15-25 gr henna
  • water or decoction
On the eye, henna is mixed with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, applied to washed wet hair It stays on for 30 minutes and washes off with water.

4th place - dry shampoo

I just want to say that dry shampoo is not a way to fight, it does not eliminate the cause, but only temporarily helps to cope with it.

Now there are a huge number of dry shampoos, they can be easily found in any store. Their principle of operation is simple: dry shampoo absorbs the amount of sebum already on the hair, due to which the hair becomes clean again for a while.

Dry shampoo is easy to use. It needs to be shaken and sprayed on the hair, from a certain distance, after which it is good to comb out with a comb.

As the owner of a fairly dark hair color, I was afraid to try them, because I was afraid of a raid on my hair and the fact that I would not be able to comb out the shampoo completely. But after trying it, I realized that my fears were unfounded. Dry shampoo is a really cool thing and I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't gotten to it yet.

Also, if you still do not have the opportunity to purchase dry shampoo, do not worry, there is a completely affordable alternative and this is baby powder or regular cocoa powder.

Of course, they cannot be sprayed and must be carefully applied along the partings. The easiest way to do this is with a slightly damp sponge. She dips into your homemade dry shampoo, picks up the product and then it needs to be parted. Then comb out.

I don’t want the effect at all than from a purchased product, but with a home-made one you will have to get a little confused.

3rd and 2nd place - hair and comb


It is very important to use a clean comb.. Especially if you comb not with a comb, but with a massage or tang teaser or an angel. They very well “gain” “fat” on themselves, which aggravates the situation of fat content.
The more often you wash your comb, the better.

Facial hair

This interesting feature I noticed just recently. I always thought that my facial hair gets oily the fastest because I touch it a lot. I like to wear loose hair and often I remove it from my face by the front strands. By the way, yes, it’s really better to touch your hair less often, but now it’s not about that.

I have oily facial skin. And the front strands get greasy much faster than the rest, because his hair is touching. Such an obvious fact, but it became clear to me quite recently.

Therefore, it is better to pin your hair, minimizing such contact.

By the way, second interesting observation I was overtaken when I started to deliberately remove the hair from the face.

The fat content has really decreased and I was pleasantly pleased with it.

But we can't control our hair while we sleep, and that's when it can get in our face again. This is what prompted me to clean my hair before bed. I'm not a big fan of braiding at night, so I found a solution for myself and this mesh for hair. It is sold in any professional store and looks like a gossamer, but it is easy to put on your head and hide your hair in it. So they do not climb into their face, into someone's mouth, and to everything else, they practically do not get confused during the night.

Perhaps this point will be a pleasant and useful discovery for many. Just like it was for me at the time.

The control of the front strands really has a great effect on the moment of prolonging the purity of the hair for the better.

1st place - switching to sulfate-free shampoos

I would even say that it is better to switch not just to sulfate-free, but to natural and organic shampoos.

For owners of oily hair, shampoos with silicones are a particularly disastrous option. It is after using these that it can be noted that the hair becomes untidy much faster than usual. So first step- This is a rejection of funds with silicones.

Second- switch to sulfate-free shampoos.

This was also suggested to me by the master. If not for him, I would still suffer from the problem of oiliness, but now I was able to shift the feeling of freshness of my hair by a day. Now my hair becomes oily only by the evening of the fourth day after washing, which I consider quite normal.

And it was precisely the transition to sulfate-free shampoos that helped me come to this. After a year of constant use, I got the result I had been looking for for 10 years.

Why sulfate-free shampoos?

It's all about the harmful effects of SLS. I'm not saying that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (sls) is a terrible scourge and should be banned, no. In fact, I think that modern shampoos are just pretty good, because the cosmetic industry does not stand still and constantly creates new recipes. The only thing is that SLS is a fairly aggressive surfactant that cleans after all not delicately and gently.

We have all been using SLS products for a very long time, so our skin is used to a certain “rhythm of life”. SLS has a drying effect, so the skin produces the amount of secretion that neutralizes its effect. There is nothing abnormal about this and if you are satisfied with this, then everything is fine. But I believe that since you are reading this post, you are fed up with fat, and you want to deal with it. Therefore, I share with you my experience and knowledge, as they once shared with me.

It was my master who suggested this method to me and now I am talking about it. I hope that this information will be useful for you and will help as well as it helped me in due time.

Switching to sulfate-free shampoos is a kind of analogue of position 7, but not at all difficult. I didn’t try to go longer with a dirty head, but washed my hair in my usual way, to be honest, without even expecting anything, but when the result appeared, I was incredibly and extremely pleasantly surprised.

My journey and search for the perfect shampoo has been a long one, and I think that I can't do without advice here. I tried a lot of things, but in terms of action and quality I can single out shampoos from the following companies: Grinfarma, Milorada and. I would recommend starting with Greenfarma.

I also cannot but highlight one moment and this is the moment of transition.

Switching to sulfate-free shampoos can be far from painless. For example, when I started trying really organic shampoos, at the beginning I had completely incomprehensible flakes in my head and some kind of itching. I could quit everything, but it wouldn't be me. I continued to use the remedy, because everything was not so catastrophic, if the discomfort were more tangible, I would, of course, quit, but I continued. But by the end of the remedy used, all the symptoms disappeared and never recurred.. The same thing happened to my friends who also switched to organic. Therefore, I consider this moment of transition to be quite normal and, even more than that, I will say - natural.

But, of course, if it scares you, you should not try.

For me, the risk was completely justified and I enjoy my clean hair, which remains so for four days after shampooing. And I am very glad that I found my own way and means that helped me.

Hope others find it just as useful.

Thank you for being with me

Images: omaske.ru, vestnik.space, medicina.ru, kosmetsovet.com, skrabim.ru, offeecard.info, evehealth.ru, shpilki.net, yalo.su, voloslekar.ru.

Unbalanced nutrition, stress and overload, hormonal problems - all these are the causes of increased oily hair. Wearing a hat aggravates the problem even more: normal ventilation is disrupted under the hat, the head easily overheats, sweats, and the skin glands begin to work with a vengeance. Therefore, the hair roots under the cap are very quickly salted. Moreover, hormonal storms in the body of the expectant mother add fuel to the fire.

And why do you need this sebum? In reasonable quantities, it is simply necessary. It is a natural lubricant that protects hair from breakage, adds shine and bounce, and maintains a healthy scalp. But when too much is produced, it becomes a real problem. Let's try to make a list of ways to properly care for greasy hair which will help to cope with this unpleasant feature of our body.

Oily hair: a special approach

1. The "correct" shampoo. It is very important to choose a shampoo that is right for your hair. Try a shampoo for oily hair. But it may very well be that shampoo for normal hair is also suitable for you. The thing is that under the cap, the hair roots are salted pretty quickly. But the tips that are knocked out from under the cap, on the contrary, become dry from frost. And here it is very important to strike a balance between degreasing and moisturizing. Too aggressive a “degreasing” shampoo can dry out the skin and hair, resulting in even more oily scalp. Opt for soft, quality products designed for daily use. For oily hair, shampoos with extracts of medicinal plants are good: horsetail, nettle, calamus, coltsfoot.

2. Regular care. For oily hair, it is important to wash your hair regularly. You can often hear the opinion that frequent washing is undesirable, that it will only increase the oiliness of the skin and hair. In fact, you need to work out your own schedule and wash your hair as needed. Frequent hair washing for the expectant mother is much less harmful than a bad mood from contemplating her not-too-pretty hairstyle. In addition, the secreted sebum is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria to multiply. And from this point of view, it is also better to wash your hair more often than less often.

Another important point- water temperature. Do not wash your hair with too hot water, no matter how much you want to warm yourself in the shower. Hot water stimulates sebaceous glands located in the skin, and they begin to work with even greater intensity. Use warm water and rinse your hair with cool water at the end. Also, rinse your hair thoroughly to remove shampoo residue.

3. Balms? Very careful! If the scalp is prone to increased oiliness, use balms and conditioners with caution, and only those that are recommended for oily hair. Oily hair has enough of its own lubrication, so there is no need to additionally lubricate them. If you do use a balm, apply it only to the ends, avoiding the roots of the hair. And, of course, thoroughly rinse off the products applied to the hair. After all, their remains are additional pollution and weighting of the hair.

4. We wipe hair correctly. Turns out that's important too! If you tend to be oily, do not rub your hair too hard. Such a “massage” additionally stimulates the sebaceous glands to secrete even more fat. Dry your hair with gentle blotting motions using a soft towel.

5. Gels - no! Try not to use gels to style your hair. They make hair heavier and make it look greasy. And this “joy” is enough for us without gel. It is better to use a light styling mousse: beat a small amount of foam in the palms of your hands and apply to the hair, slightly lifting it.

6. Hairdryer? Better without it. Drying your hair with a hair dryer is best avoided if possible. If you still need to do styling, dry your hair partially in the air, and then dry it with a hair dryer. When drying, try to use a cool, not a hot blow and do not direct a hot stream of air at the hair roots.

7. Secrets of combing. Oily hair should not be combed too often. Since they begin to be salted from the roots, running a comb through the hair, we distribute sebum from the hair root along the entire length. As a result, the hair becomes dirty much faster. For the same reason, the habit of constantly touching your hair with your hands, scratching your head, and running your fingers over the skin is harmful.

8. We eat right. The work of the sebaceous glands is influenced not only by external influences, but also by how we eat. It is especially important for expectant mothers to monitor their diet. This will positively affect the condition of the hair. Fatty, fried, sweet and overly spicy foods negatively affect the functioning of the skin glands. Flour products in the diet should also be limited. But fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, eat more. Dried fruits are also useful: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates. After consulting a doctor, you can supplement the diet with a balanced vitamin and mineral complex.

9. Importance of water. It is important to follow not only healthy eating, but also for the drinking regimen. If there are no contraindications, drink more water. Not juices or compotes, but pure drinking water. Water not only cleanses the body and removes toxins from it, but also makes the scalp and hair healthy.

10. Oil masks. To care for oily hair, paradoxical as it may sound, oil masks are good. Base oils are suitable for such masks: from grape seed, coconut, almond, sesame. You can also use essential oils, but be careful with them: some are contraindicated during pregnancy. Of the permitted - oil of lemon, lemon balm, cedar, pine, cypress. Eucalyptus, mint and sage oils are best excluded. For masks, mix a couple of drops of essential oil with any carrier oil. Pure base oils can also be used. Lightly heat the mixture in a water bath and rub the warm oil into the scalp. Put a plastic bag over your hair and leave the mask on for 40-60 minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo. It is recommended to carry out such procedures once a week.

11. Henna. It's not just a dye. It's also one of the best natural remedies to strengthen hair. Henna dries out hair and scalp. Therefore, it suits us perfectly. Mix colorless henna (it does not color hair, but only heals) with a glass of natural yogurt. Apply to hair before washing and leave on for 15-30 minutes. It is useful to do this mask twice a week.

12. Magic aloe. The medicinal plant aloe vera, which is often grown on windowsills, is an excellent remedy for oily hair. If you do not have such a plant at home, you can buy aloe juice at a pharmacy. Take 150 ml of shampoo suitable for you, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of aloe juice (freshly squeezed or from a pharmacy) to it. You can wash your hair with such a useful shampoo daily. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

13. Herbal rinses. After washing your hair, it is useful to rinse your hair with decoctions of herbs. For fatty hair fit rosemary, linden blossom, oak bark, nettle. You can brew herbs individually or make a mixture of several. To prepare a decoction, pour two tablespoons of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and insist in a sealed container for 20 minutes. Rinse your head with a cooled and filtered solution after washing. This is the best natural hair conditioner!

14. Beer rinses. Not only beer, but also other alcohol-containing drinks dry the scalp and add shine to the hair. But beer also contains a lot of useful substances, especially B vitamins. You can rinse your head with beer every time after washing. This method of dealing with oily hair was used by our grandmothers. Mix half a glass of beer with two glasses of warm water and rinse your hair after washing. There is no need to rinse your hair with water afterwards.

15. Medicinal vinegar. Another remedy for combating oily scalp also came to us from grandmothers. (There are products that are many, many years old, but they “work” no worse than the modern supernova developments in the cosmetic industry.) We are talking about the most common vinegar. It is able to dry and heal the scalp. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with a glass of water. Rinse the mixture on wet hair after washing, and then rinse with warm water. No less useful for hair and natural apple cider vinegar. Mix it with water in a ratio of 1:4 and massage the scalp with this mixture. Leave the vinegar on your hair for 5-10 minutes and then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. You can do such procedures in courses of 7-10 days.

16. Wonderful lemon. In its drying effect, lemon juice is similar to vinegar. Only smells much nicer and refreshes much better. Therefore, let's try the miraculous power of lemon on our hair. You can use it in different ways. For example, yes. Squeeze the juice of two lemons, mix it with two glasses of distilled water and store the mixture in the refrigerator. After you have washed your hair and patted it dry with a towel, rub the liquid into your scalp. Wash off after 5 minutes. You can do it differently. Cut a lemon in half and rub it over your scalp before washing. After 10-15 minutes, wash your hair in the usual way. It is useful to do such procedures once a week.

17. Helper tea. Tea leaves contain tannins, which have astringent properties and dry oily skin. For the procedure, you will need black large leaf tea. Brew a tablespoon of tea with a glass of boiling water, let the tea brew properly, cool and apply to the scalp before washing. Wash your hair with shampoo after 10-15 minutes. For greater benefit, oak bark can be added to tea leaves.

18. Egg mask. Egg yolk contains cholesterol, which appears to help reduce sebum production. Therefore, egg masks are very useful for oily hair. Thoroughly mix one egg yolk with a teaspoon of vodka and a teaspoon of water. Rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap your head in a towel and hold for 10-15 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo. You can do this procedure 2-3 times a week.

19. Oatmeal mask. Ordinary oatmeal contains a lot of useful substances: trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants. In addition, oatmeal perfectly absorbs oil and soothes irritated scalp. How to prepare a useful healing mask from it? Very simple. Pour a little warm milk into small oatmeal, letting them swell.

You can add a few drops to the "porridge" vegetable oil and vitamins A and E in the form of oil solutions (sold in a pharmacy). Apply the mask on your head, cover with a film and a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

20. Baking soda. AT recent times began to talk a lot about the benefits baking soda for "alkalization" of the body. It turns out that it can help in the fight against oily hair. But you need to use soda carefully - it is a rather aggressive substance. Dissolve two or three teaspoons of soda in a liter of warm water and rinse your hair and scalp. Wash your hair after 20 minutes. You can use these rinses 2-3 times a week.

21. Mask with starch. Potato starch has long been known as a drying agent. Let's take advantage of these properties. To prepare the mask, dilute 2 tablespoons of starch with warm water, add 1 teaspoon of honey (if you are not allergic to honey). Apply the mixture on the scalp, and then spread it over the entire length of the hair. Hold for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. After such a mask, the hair will look not only drier and healthier. Starch gives hair extra volume and makes it more manageable.

22. Baby powder. It happens that our hair does not look too neat due to the increased fat content and we urgently need to put it in order, but there is no time to fully wash our hair. We use a simple, safe and effective way. Apply a little baby powder to the roots of your hair, leave for a couple of minutes, and then thoroughly comb your hair with a brush, removing any remaining powder. The powder quickly absorbs excess fat, giving the hair additional splendor and volume. Instead of powder, you can use flour or potato starch in the same way. Now there are special dry shampoos that operate on the same principle.

The production of sebum is a natural process of the body. The sebaceous glands, which are microscopic exocrine glands in the scalp, secrete an oily substance that protects the hair from harmful impurities. But if the glands produce too much sebum, the result is increased oiliness of the hair. Hypersecretion is caused by various factors. And only when the cause of the problem is eliminated, it is possible to achieve a positive effect in the treatment. At the same time, a special role is played by proper care for greasy hair.

At the initial stage of the fight against excessive fat curls, it is necessary to clearly understand which methods and means exacerbate and which solve the problem.

What can be done:

  • Wash your hair with mild shampoos combined with alkaline detergents. It is good if the shampoo contains: coal tar, selenium, salicylic acid, citrus and starch actives that slow down the process of cell regeneration.
  • Rinse your head with apple cider vinegar diluted in water (1 tablespoon diluted in 0.5 liters of water). Alternatively, lemon juice.
  • Take care of the scalp and curls using astringent lotions (with juniper or rosemary), disinfectants, scrubs based on plant extracts.
  • To quickly get rid of fat, apply baby talcum powder to the hair at the roots. Rub it in first, then comb it out. For use on dark hair talc is mixed with cocoa.
  • Exercise and make time for daily walks (stress and anxiety have a strong effect on appearance hair).

What not to do:

  • Wash your hair with hot water.
  • Use conditioner (you can use it in small quantities and only at the ends of the hair).
  • When drying, touch the hair dryer to the scalp, close to the hair.
  • Touch your hair with unwashed hands.
  • Use a brush with unclean bristles.
  • Combing hair excessively (this stimulates the overproduction of sebum).

Care rules

In order not to aggravate the problem, washing and styling hair that is prone to oiliness should be done with extreme caution.

How to wash

There is an opinion that the less often you wash your hair, the less the overproduction of fat. Trichologists reject such a statement and recommend doing it whenever the need arises, but with precautions.

Washing method plays a big role. To make your hair less oily, avoid too hot water. Heat causes the risk of skin sweating by acting on the sebaceous glands and stimulating increased sebum production.

The temperature of the water should be moderate, and during the rinse, the last jet is colder. This tones the hair and helps close the scales. For better access to the roots, it is recommended to tilt your head forward.

Before applying the shampoo, do a light scalp massage. Active movements stimulate the secretion of fat. For washing, a small amount of shampoo is enough - about one tablespoon. It is necessary to wash with shampoo only the skin and the basal part of the hair, strands along the length - only with the resulting foam.

The optimal direction is front to back. Do not leave the shampoo for a long time - 1-2 minutes is enough. Since the sebaceous glands are especially active at night, it is better to wash your hair in the morning.

Important! Skip conditioners or apply them only to dry ends by opting for a spray type conditioner. The composition of the product contains silicone - a heavy and oily component that is poorly washed off the hair and accumulates dirt particles from the air.

When drying curls, the hair dryer is adjusted to the lowest temperature regime and keep at a distance of 15–30 centimeters, not lingering in one area for a long time and moving from the top to the ends of the hair.

How to style

When styling hair, use a plastic or bone comb with large teeth or a brush with natural, loosely grouped hairs. Avoid professional products that stimulate sebum production, such as gel or wax. Preference for products that give volume to the hair:

  • foam;
  • bulk spray;
  • oily hairspray.

Some hairstyles help to veil the problem:

  • wet hair effect
  • braids and weaving;
  • pin-up styling;
  • bunch and bagel;
  • nachos.

Choice of funds

With the problem of oily hair, preference is given to shampoos specifically for this type of hair. They contain powerful cleansers (lauryl sulfates or sulfosuccinates) that regulate sebum secretion, and a small dose of restorative ingredients (like lanolin).

All shampoos contain the same basic ingredients(their categories are largely standardized):

  • primary and secondary surfactants (surfactants) as detergents;
  • viscosity constructor;
  • solvent;
  • conditioning agents;
  • acidity regulator (pH);
  • aesthetic components (perfumes, color) serve more for commercial appeal.

Shampoos are considered safe products, but can irritate and cause contact dermatitis due to allergens in their composition:

  • cocamidopropyl betaine;
  • methylchloroisothiazolinone;
  • formaldehyde releasing preservatives;
  • propylene glycol;
  • tocopherol;
  • parabens;
  • benzophenones.

Shampoos for oily hair contain the following surfactants:

  • lauryl sulfates (sodium lauryl sulfate, triethanolamine lauryl sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate);
  • sulfosuccinates (disodium oleamide sulfosuccinate and sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate)

These detergents perfectly remove sebum and dirt, dry the scalp well. Such Shampoos are used once, maximum twice a week. More frequent use will cause hair to become coarse, dull, and prone to tangling. The reason is the electrostatic properties of PVA. Therefore, such shampoos alternate with products for daily use - in which the pH is not higher than 5.5 (pH of the scalp is 5.5, the pH of the hair is 3.67).

Advice. Transparent or translucent products should be chosen, avoiding creamy, formula-rich formulations typical of two-in-one combinations.

Modern shampoos are enriched with such tempting ingredients as vitamins, provitamins, herbal extracts, yeast. However, the time of contact of shampoos with the scalp and hair is too short to expect significant clinical benefits, despite claims to the contrary. Additives serve mainly to differentiate shampoos in terms of marketing requirements.

The only oil that moisturizes hair from the inside is coconut oil. But for it to bring real benefits, you need to leave it on your hair for at least 14 hours.

The definition "sulfate-free" refers to a product without an anionic surfactant and in theory it creates a minimal electrical network. But still, these products contain mild surfactants (sodium cocoamphoacetate, lauryl glucoside, disodium laureth sulfosuccinate , coco glycoside, etc.).

professional tools

Professional shampoos should not be used for daily care behind the hair. They contain ingredients in extremely concentrated forms or special detergents that remove residue chemical substances used for certain hairstyles or when coloring hair.

Available in different forms dry shampoo can be described as a miracle product for oily curls. Dry shampoos contain corn starch, oats or rice, sometimes combined with extracts of nettle, thyme, rosemary. Dry shampoo that evaporates directly on the hairline does not really clean the hair, and neutralize impurities and secretions, regulates excess production of sebum, and has a restorative effect. Therefore, using it on a daily basis would be a mistake, leading to scalp irritation and weakening of the roots.

Pharmacological care:

  • Medicated shampoos that are used for scalp disorders (seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, bacterial or fungal infections), in addition to regular cleansers, contain active agents such as clay, resin derivatives, corticosteroids, salicylic acid, sulfur, selenium sulfide or ketoconazole, iodine complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone, chlorinated phenols or zinc pyrithione.
  • To neutralize excess sebum, finasteride is used (the drug is indicated exclusively for men). It has a therapeutic effect by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase.
  • Drugs for the treatment of oily hair in women include androgen receptor inhibitors (cyproterone acetate, flutamide).

Folk recipes

In addition to shampoos and cleansing treatments at home you can use proven folk remedies. A mask made from products with astringent properties is an excellent tool for detoxifying, disinfecting and clearing excess sebum on the head.

Lemon mask:

  1. Mix natural yogurt, two eggs and two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  2. Apply with gentle massage movements on the scalp.
  3. Leave for fifteen minutes.
  4. Rinse with distilled water, adding a few drops of essential oil (lavender, orange, sage, thyme).

Rosemary rinse:

  1. 4 tablespoons of dried rosemary pour 2 cups of boiled water.
  2. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Rinse hair with cooled composition.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Under the scalp is a network of blood vessels that nourish the hair follicles and bulbs with minerals. The role of a balanced diet is extremely important, since the health of the hair is directly dependent on the diet. Often only thanks to proper nutrition manages to resolve the problem.

The idea is to eat less animal fat and avoid lipids. This is how excess oil in fried foods enters the body through the skin and hair root, triggering the overproduction of sebum. Industrially processed foods increase insulin levels, stimulate the secretion of androgens, which also increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Vitamins and trace elements useful for oily thin curls:

  • B vitamins, especially biotin (vitamin B7). It activates certain enzymes that aid in the metabolism of carbon dioxide, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Lack of biotin intake causes brittleness and hair loss. Sources of vitamin: grain products, liver, egg yolk, soy flour and yeast.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) gives flexibility, strength and shine to hair and helps prevent hair loss. B6 limits the overproduction of sebum, prevents dandruff.
  • Vitamin B12 helps prevent hair loss.
  • Vitamins A and C regulate sebum and provide a natural conditioner for hair. They are found in dark green vegetables.
  • Vitamins C and E (antioxidants) are also important for hair health. The largest number vitamins in vegetables and fruits.
  • Protein, iron, zinc and biotin contribute to the growth of curls and are found in very large quantities in legumes.
  • Selenium found in nuts.

Avoid alcohol, smoked meats, foods rich in animal fats, white sugar. Prefer high fiber foods, light dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about sufficient water intake - at least 1.5 liters per day with a neutral or alkaline acidity level. This is good way get rid of toxins.

Attention! The aggressive nature of sebum, saturated with acidic toxins, provokes inflammatory conditions.

A diet rich in acids and poor in minerals greatly contributes to the atrophy of the roots and the gradual loss of hair follicles. Especially if stress is added to an unbalanced diet. In addition to cosmetic care and proper nutrition, moderate physical activity or fitness is recommended.

Dangerous symptoms

When the above measures are insufficient to restore the acid-hydrolipid balance of the scalp, it is recommended to seek advice from a trichologist. The specialist prescribes complex trichological procedures that can affect the deeper layers of the skin and affect follicular activity. Laser procedures help, improving vascular vascularization, hampered by the pressure of excess sebum at the follicular level.

With seborrheic dermatitis, self-treatment is unsuccessful and specialist help is required. Symptoms of the disease are oily, inflamed, scaly and itchy scalp, with frequent involvement of the face and neck. The cause of the disease is unclear. But it is believed that it is associated with genetic and environmental factors.

A number of drugs prescribed by a doctor control seborrheic dermatitis. These include antifungals, topical corticosteroids and keratolytics, antiandrogens, and antihistamines.

Useful videos

Proven ways to get rid of oily hair.

Oily hair care.

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Oily hair is easier to treat than weak, brittle or dry hair. You just need to know how to handle such hair, take care of it on time, follow simple rules and use special tools.

There are no sebaceous glands on the hair, not the hair is greasy, but the scalp is due to the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. The properties of fat are such that it easily and quickly forms a thin film. Sebum spreads through the hair, flowing around them, and forming a film. You just washed your hair, did beautiful hairstyle, and literally in a day they are already dull, sagging, stuck together, and there can be no talk of volume. The appearance of such hair is very unpleasant, and you don’t want to touch it. For the hair itself, this condition is not so bad: they, like oily skin, are much better protected by sebum from adverse external influences. No wonder cosmetologists consider oily skin less prone to early aging than other types. However, this is not comforting - the appearance and structure of such hair look unattractive, and you have to wash your hair every day in order to communicate with other people without problems, you want your hair to look just like in a shampoo advertisement. If the sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum, then a condition called oily seborrhea occurs. It may seem that frequent washing solves the problem of oily hair, but it is not.

How to wash oily hair

Trichologists- specialists involved in the treatment of the scalp and hair recommend washing your hair not often, but regularly, using only special products. Do not wash oily hair with shampoo intended for other types, since the secretion of the sebaceous glands from this only increases. If you wash your hair too often, hard water and aggressive cleansing components of shampoos disrupt the protective hydrolipidic film of the scalp, as a result, the lack of moisture is compensated by the intensive work of the sebaceous glands, sebum is released even more intensively and the scalp and hair become oily very quickly, the skin is irritated. It is recommended to wash an average of 1 time in 3 days.

Before trying to influence the work of the sebaceous glands, you should find out the reason for their activity. Perhaps it is associated with the work of the endocrine system, and then cosmetics not to do without: you need to bring your health back to normal.

Oily hair care should consist of three main steps:

  1. Soft cleansing- obligatory step
  2. Intensive moisturizing- obligatory step
  3. Additional measures(masks, fluids, peels, etc.) - if necessary.

Wash oily hair properly

The head should be washed twice, each time diluting the shampoo with water and foaming it. Water for oily hair must certainly be warm, perhaps even slightly cool. Hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, and with oily hair, this is already a problem. Try not to wash your hair in too hard water - use distilled, filtered or at least boiled water. If it is not possible to wash your hair in such water, then just rinse with it. Water for rinsing oily hair should be slightly acidified: for dark hair - 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar (apple!) per liter of water, for light - an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers in 500 ml of water with the addition of lemon juice or citric acid. A good effect will be from rinsing the hair with cold water - it narrows the pores and prevents the release of fat. Can rinse hair mineral water(pH less than 7!).

For hair that gets oily very quickly, you can try shampooing only at the roots of the hair until the hair starts to get oily at least a little less so as not to injure the ends. Never rub shampoo into the scalp. When washing your hair, do not rinse off the shampoo immediately after the formation of foam, wait about five minutes, and only then rinse your hair thoroughly.

How to choose a shampoo for oily hair?

It is undesirable to change shampoos often: today for oily hair, and tomorrow for normal ones. This is extra stress for your hair. To be more confident in the effectiveness of funds, it is better to buy them in professional stores. But in any case, you need to choose the one that suits you. Many stores now sell samplers, use them first.

For oily hair the best option These are clear shampoos. The light shade of the shampoo indicates that it does not contain additional additives that can settle on the hair after shampooing, adding oil to it.

Choose shampoos for oily hair, which include extracts of various plants: horsetail, sage, coltsfoot, nettle, calamus, seaweed. Also, the shampoo should contain vitamins, trace elements, proteins. It is advisable to use quality shampoo for daily use on a soft basis.

Basic rule for gentle cleansing: The milder the washing base of the shampoo, the better. Shampoo must be professional.

In the event of a violation of the lipid balance, the sebaceous glands begin to produce fat in reserve. Therefore, replenishing the lack of moisture and overbalance in the other direction is the main task that good professional tools are designed to solve.

Creams, masks, sprays, fluids, serums and other care products must be applied correctly:

  • Before applying to the hair, care must be distributed over the fingers;
  • Care should be applied to well-wrung hair, along the entire length, without applying to the roots and scalp;
  • Rinse-off treatments (including masks) should be kept for a strictly prescribed time, then thoroughly washed off from the hair and scalp.
  • The amount of care depends primarily on the length of the hair. But in any case, it should not be a lot (if you have to apply a lot of funds, you should think about changing the product). Most often, a pea is enough.

In no case do not use shampoos for damaged and colored hair, as your scalp is simply not able to take in so many nutrients!

Before dyeing and bleaching your hair, do not use cleansing masks, creams and peels.

It is better to refuse all kinds of mousses, gels, sprays, foams and other things. This only weighs down the hair more and pollutes it, collecting dust and dirt on itself. But the lotion that regulates the work of the sebaceous glands will not hurt.

Do not use hot air to style your hair - you will earn more brittleness and dullness of your hair in addition to the existing problem. Modern hair dryers have a cold air function.

If you have long hair, then you need to follow the tips: cut regularly, at least a couple of millimeters. Twist the strand into a tight flagellum - split ends will stick out and you can easily trim them yourself. Treat dry tips with special products. An excellent effect can be given by special products for the restoration and protection of split ends that do not need to be washed off. These can be creams, balms, serums, sprays and other products that remain on the hair for a longer time.

Oily hair care does not recommend scalp massage and frequent brushing. During combing, the scalp is massaged, including the sebaceous glands, and this stimulates their work and increases the secretion production. Therefore, it is advisable not to comb oily hair at all. But since this is unlikely for women in our time, try to brush them as little as possible. Choose combs with large wide teeth, combs with natural, soft bristles.

Don't forget about folk remedies oily hair care. There are many different recipes and it is quite possible to choose something for yourself.

Rubbing aloe juice before washing is also effective.

With oily hair type, soap, shampoo and even balm - rinse is recommended to be washed off with infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs: hop cones, nettle, horsetail, coltsfoot, burdock root, calamus root (can be mixed or separately).

2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil, let it brew for 20 minutes and strain, cool. Rinse hair without rinsing.

For care, it’s good to rinse oily hair with mustard (1 tbsp. Dilute in a small amount of water and pour 2 liters of hot water into this mixture). After that, they must be rinsed with acidified water.

Mask for this type of hair with the addition of mustard:

Mix 2 tbsp. l. clay (preferably blue) and apple cider vinegar with 1 tsp. mustard powder. Then add 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. arnica tincture. Apply this mask for 20 minutes, then wash off using shampoo.

Shampoo for oily hair type:

Mix well 2 tsp. mustard with 100 ml of warm water and 150 ml of cognac. The resulting mixture can be used several times. Apply to scalp and hair, massage, leave for 3 minutes and rinse with warm water. Shake before use.

The most popular and effective masks for oily hair:

  • Milk mask

Before washing your hair, oily hair can be smeared with ordinary kefir or yogurt, wrapped. Wash your hair after 15-20 minutes. Regular use of this mask will help solve the problem of oily hair, as well as make hair softer, silkier and healthier.

  • honey mask

Shake two yolks with two tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, massaging the scalp. It is better to leave the mask overnight and wash your hair in the morning.

  • egg mask

Grind the yolk with alcohol (one tablespoon) and water (one tablespoon), rub into the scalp. Keep the mask for 20 minutes.

  • Purifying mask

Prepare a mixture of honey, aloe juice and lemon (1 teaspoon each), egg yolk and garlic clove. The mixture is rubbed 30 minutes before shampooing. After washing, the hair is rinsed with infusion of nettle or sage.

  • Honey Lemon Mask

Mix one teaspoon of honey, aloe juice, lemon juice, one crushed garlic clove and apply to wet clean hair. The head must be insulated with a special hat or plastic bag, then warm scarf or a thick washcloth. Wash off the mask after 30-40 minutes with warm water without shampoo. If after applying the mask the smell of garlic remains, then you can rinse your head with water with the addition of mustard, and then again with clean water.

  • Protein mask

Preparation: take two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, 100 ml of boiling water, pour boiling water over the chamomile and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours, then filter the infusion. We take one protein, beat it and mix it with chamomile infusion. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair and scalp. Leave to dry completely, then wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

The effect of nutrition on the condition of the hair:

Under the hair follicles there are special subcutaneous glands, the secretions of which can be excessive, which makes the hair oily. Food rich in fat stimulates the work of these glands, therefore, in order for your hair to become less greasy, you need to reconsider your diet and reduce the amount of fatty foods consumed, and we also recommend using vitamins B, E. You should not drink sweet, smoked, coffee, alcohol , canned food, pickles, spices and spices. Try to eliminate or at least limit their use.

Oatmeal and lactic acid products will be useful. Eat more fruits and vegetables (especially beets and cabbage).

Food should be freshly prepared, rich in proteins and minerals. Nutrition must certainly be balanced, since one of the reasons for increased greasiness of hair is just a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. Take care of sufficient intake of iron, sulfur, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C - they contribute to the beauty and health of hair.

Do not sit idle and start the problem. Persistently clogged sebaceous glands and dirty head are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. And this can lead to much more serious consequences, up to baldness. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then seek the advice of a specialist - a trichologist. And your hair will shine with health and shine!

People with oily hair, trying to cope with the problem on their own at home, begin to wash them daily. Trichologists say that this should not be done. The solution of the issue must be approached in each case individually - to use medicated shampoos, conditioners, homemade masks.

What to do if only the roots are fatty

A few tips to deal with the problem:

How often to wash your hair

In order not to wash off the protective film from the hair, it is best to wash them no more than once every 3 days. To prevent your hair from getting dirty quickly, you need to use washing products designed for oily hair.

How to wash oily hair

If the hair is oily, they need special care. You can do it at home, the main thing is not to harm.

Care Tips:

What vitamins to take

What shampoo to use for oily hair

The range of products for the care of oily hair is extensive, the main thing is to choose an effective one:

In addition to liquid shampoos, there are dry and solid shampoos that have proven to be effective and reliable.

  • Syoss Anti Grease looks like a spray. It contains vitamins necessary for the hair, thanks to which the hairstyle will look not only fresh, but also healthy. Its frequent use is not recommended, since it also contains not very useful chemical components;
  • Lush Jumping Juniper looks like soap. A series with juniper is designed to care for oily hair. Thanks to the composition of this product, the hair becomes smooth and soft. The problem of rapid pollution of the hair disappears, they acquire a healthy look.

How to treat seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrhea is a disease that most often manifests itself on the scalp. It takes on a shiny appearance, and sometimes it peels off a lot. One of the causes of the disease is hormonal disbalance in the body. Also, deterioration can occur due to problems with digestion or the nervous system.

Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Due to this disease, the hair is constantly oily and dirty.

The condition worsens when the person is nervous or experiencing physical exercise.

It can take a long time to heal, so you need to tune in to this process both psychologically and physically.

Doctors recommend paying attention to hair and scalp care, as well as starting to follow a diet, take vitamins A, D, E, K, group B (1, 2, 6) and ascorbic acid. In addition to vitamins, it makes sense to start doing cryomassage with liquid nitrogen. Thanks to him, the intensity of the sebaceous glands decreases, and the skin becomes less irritated.

A cosmetologist can recommend special shampoos and balms. They do not contain dyes and harmful substances because they are designed for problematic skin. Gastroenterologists prescribe diets that help strengthen the liver and intestines. When there is a problem in nervous system The neurologist prescribes sedatives.

Before self-medicating seborrheic dermatitis, it is important to contact a trichologist and find out the cause of the disease, otherwise there is a risk of remaining with the disease even after trying to treat it.

Pharmacy products for oily hair

Oily hair (experienced pharmacists will tell you what to do at home) is successfully put in order with the help of pharmaceutical products.

For greater effectiveness, the use of drugs should be combined with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. All of the above products contain vitamins A, B, E and zinc, which are useful for the general condition of the hair.

Mask Recipes

To get rid of oily hair at home, masks are made. They will not only help to overcome the tendency to greasy, but also strengthen the hair roots.

Hair is cleansed of fat and becomes softer. They can be used every 5 days.

Recipe 1 - mustard and kefir

Mustard masks have a drying effect.

Mustard and kefir mask:

The ingredients are mixed, the consistency is applied to the hair and wait 40 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Recipe 2 - protein and burdock oil

Chicken egg protein masks reduce the intensity of the sebaceous glands and add volume to the hair.

Mask of egg white and burdock oil:

The components are combined as part of a homogeneous mixture and applied to the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots. Wash off with shampoo.

Recipe 3 - cognac and honey

Masks with cognac can reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat, thanks to tannin.

Cognac and honey mask:

The ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair. Cover the hair with a towel or cling film for 40 minutes, and then wash off the mask with shampoo.

Recipe 4 - coffee

Coffee masks effectively remove fat and dead skin cells.

Coffee mask:

They brew strong coffee, or take the thick left after the morning breakfast, apply the mixture to the roots of dry hair and keep it for half an hour, covered with a towel. Wash off the mask with water.

Recipe 5 - potatoes and kefir

A potato-based mask eliminates excess fat and strengthens hair.

Potato and kefir mask:

  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • kefir - 0.5 tbsp.

Raw potatoes should be grated and squeezed. Kefir is heated in the microwave. Mix potatoes and kefir into a single mixture and apply it to the roots. Wash off the mask with shampoo after 1-2 hours.

Recipe 6 - bread

Bread mask dries and cleanses the skin, so it is well suited for oily hair. It is recommended to apply the mask at least once every 7 days.

Bread mask:

  • bread - 4 pieces;
  • water.

Bread should be poured with hot water for 2 hours or overnight. The resulting mixture should be squeezed through gauze and rubbed into the hair roots. After 40 minutes, wash off the composition with warm water.

Homemade scrubs for oily hair

With the help of hair scrubs, you can eliminate dandruff, get rid of impurities, allow the scalp to breathe, cleanse the surface of the skin from dead cells and improve blood circulation.

Homemade scrubs will help to cope with the problem of oily hair. They use common ingredients found in every home, making them cheap and easy to use at home.

To combat oily hair, a mixture of inexpensive components is excellent:

  • soda;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • coffee;
  • ground bones from fruits or berries.

Before making home scrub, you need to pay attention to the fact that sugar, salt and soda dissolve in water, so they can be washed off easily. Coffee and bones are best used on short and dark hair, so that later there are no problems with combing them out.


Dry substances are diluted with water and distributed over wet roots with massaging movements. The mixture should be kept on the hair for 5-10 minutes, and then washed off with shampoo. Each of the scrubs dries the skin, so you should not apply them more than 1 time in 7 days. After using the mixture, an improvement in the quality of the hair will be noticeable.

Herbal decoctions for rinsing

In the fight against oily hair, herbal decoctions help, which can be easily made at home.

To prepare the infusion, you need to buy the necessary ingredients at the pharmacy to choose from:

The liquid is most often used on clean hair. It eliminates oily hair and skin, improves hair structure and appearance, helps fight hair loss by strengthening hair follicles.

Herbal decoction recipes:

You can mix any decoction yourself, but the main thing is to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to it. In order for the infusion to effectively rid the hair roots of excess fat, you can add 10 drops of lemon juice (1 tsp).

Essential oils for oily hair

To make your hair stop being greasy, you can use essential oils at home. It's easy to do if you buy in advance. natural oils tea tree, lavender, lemon or cypress.

How to apply essential oils:

  • Tea tree is best used in conjunction with shampoo. It is necessary to put a couple of drops on the hair while washing your hair. You can also add 8 drops of oil to a spray bottle and dilute them with plain water, and then spray the resulting liquid on your hair, closer to the roots;
  • Lavender is used in the same way as tea tree. It dries the roots well and gives hair strength.
  • Lemon oil eliminates fat on the hair, but it is better to add it to masks or shampoo.

Compositions for rubbing

There are 2 types of compositions for rubbing into the hair roots in order to combat increased secretion of fat: natural and in ampoules. A natural mixture can be made independently on the basis of essential oils and other plant materials.

Recipes for natural ingredients:

For oily hair care, nicotinic acid ampoules are suitable. To get a full result, you need to buy 30 ampoules. Within 1 month, the contents of one ampoule are applied daily to the wet scalp. Subsequent rinsing is not required.

These options will give positive results, but the principle of regularity must be observed, otherwise there will be no benefit.

How to use flour for oily hair if there is no time to wash

Each type of flour helps to deal with different problems:

  • If you thoroughly beat the pea flour and shampoo, you get a consistency that will have a positive effect on the scalp. The main thing is not to let the mixture dry out, otherwise it will be problematic to comb it out of the hair;
  • If you mix corn and pea flour, as well as add beer there, then the resulting mixture will make your hair bright and moderately moisturized. To achieve the result, you need to distribute the mask on dry and dirty hair and hold for at least 25 minutes.

To combat oily hair at home, pea, corn, and soy flour are well suited. To do special agent, you need to mix essential oils, any flour and shampoo.

If for any reason the hair is prone to oiliness, this problem is solved with the help of masks, scrubs and herbal decoctions, which are effective and not costly in finance.

Video on how to deal with the problem of oily hair at home: what to do, recipes for effective masks

What to do with oily hair roots:

Oily hair masks that are easy to prepare at home: