How to wash woolen items in a washing machine. Rules for washing woolen items How to wash items made from sheep wool

Natural wool is very capricious, and sometimes a favorite sweater or jacket turns out to be hopelessly damaged after washing. How to make wool correctly and can it be done at home?

Is it possible to wash wool?

The peculiarity of natural wool compared to cotton or artificial materials is that it does not need frequent washing. Typically, woolen items get dirty a little, and small dirt can be removed from them without washing. It is enough to wait until the dirt dries and then brush it off.

The main disadvantage of such products is that they quickly become saturated with foreign odors. But in this case, you can refresh things by hanging them in the air. But still, you can’t do without washing, and therefore wool is washed, but following certain recommendations. It is important to choose the right cleaning agent, select the water temperature and set the mode on the machine, if not possible.

How to wash woolen items

Before you start washing such a delicate material, you need to study the label on the product and not deviate from the manufacturer’s recommendations.

What means are suitable

Before washing wool, especially capricious white woolen items, you should choose the right powder. It is not recommended to wash products in ordinary powders with phosphates. You can use baby powders or special means for wool. It is best to use gels that are gentle on the fabric and do not damage the fiber structure.
Especially delicate items can be washed in hair shampoo - mild baby shampoo will do just fine. Wash wool washing soap Not recommended.

At what temperature should I wash?

To prevent the fibers from shrinking, it is important to choose the right water temperature. Do not wash at temperatures above +40 degrees. It is advisable to take lukewarm water about +30 degrees.

If you immerse woolen into hot water, it will inevitably shrink.

How to wash wool in a washing machine

If the tag does not say that it is prohibited, the product can be safely loaded into the washing machine. For example, items made from worn camel wool are perfectly machine washable. But, before loading a blanket or blanket into the drum, things need to be soaked for an hour in a weak detergent solution. Before putting it in the machine, you need to rinse the laundry thoroughly and then let the water drain.

The water temperature when washing in the machine is set to +30 degrees.

Soft, very fine wool is best dry cleaned. If the label says that machine washing is allowed, then you need to select the delicate mode and set the water temperature to +30 degrees.

Sheep wool should be turned inside out before loading into the bin. When washing such material, a softener is added to the washing tray. Be sure to turn off the spin cycle so that things don’t stretch, and set the water temperature to +30 degrees.

Important! Do not load more than 2 kg of pure wool laundry into the tank. The problem is that the fiber becomes very heavy and you can overload the machine.

How to wash woolen items by hand

Delicate threads such as cashmere, angora, mohair and alpaca are washed only by hand. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed +30 degrees. It is advisable to use only liquid gels specifically designed for washing woolen materials.

If you want your laundry to smell nice, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water.

When washing by hand, do not soak the laundry for a long time. It is enough to immerse things in water for only 10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the water temperature is the same at all stages of washing, otherwise things will lose their shape.

An excellent alternative to chemical detergents is mustard. 15 g of mustard powder is diluted per liter of water, and the laundry is washed in this solution. The remaining sediment is another load of laundry.

An excellent detergent for clean wool is soapwort rhizomes. The plant extract can be purchased at a herbal pharmacy. The day before washing, the roots are poured with boiling water. Then the infusion is filtered, diluted with cool water and washed in it.

When washing by hand, it is very important not to overuse synthetic detergents, since it is very difficult to rinse them completely out of pure wool fibers.

Washing wool by hand step by step:

  1. Dissolve a capful of detergent gel in a bowl of warm water. The gel can be replaced with regular hair shampoo.
  2. Immerse the product in a soap solution for 10 minutes.
  3. Gently fingering the item, wash it with your fingers in a soapy solution, slightly washing out particularly dirty areas.
  4. Rinse the product in water at the same temperature in the bathroom. It is advisable to rinse in large quantities water.

How to dry woolen items correctly

After rinsing, under no circumstances should the laundry be wrung out, much less twisted. Things need to be placed in an empty basin and wait until the water drains from them. Small items can be wrung out by wrapping them in a terry towel and pressing gently.

Lay out a large terry towel or sheet on a horizontal surface (table or floor). The item is carefully laid out on top of them, smoothing out all the folds and creases. You need to make sure that there are no distortions or folds, otherwise the item will dry out and lose its shape.

Do not dry wool near heating devices, much less use a hair dryer for drying.

How to iron woolen items correctly

If the iron has a “Wool” mode, the ironing process will be as easy as possible. You will also need white cotton fabric.

Iron woolen items only from the inside out and only through slightly damp fabric, otherwise the wool will shrink. During ironing, you must ensure that the material does not stretch, otherwise the jacket or sweater will become deformed.

It is generally not recommended to iron embossed woolen items. You can simply steam a fairly thick sweater using the “Steam” function on the iron.

Terry items can be ironed the old-fashioned way using a terry towel and a rolling pin. To do this, place a towel evenly under the item, cover it with a second towel on top and iron it with a rolling pin, as if rolling out dough.

During the ironing process, it is important not to deform the structure of the fabric or knitwear.

You can refresh woolen items without washing, if the scale of contamination allows this.

For example, a woolen coat is hung on a hanger and sprinkled with washing powder. Then the fabric is wiped with a slightly damp sponge, and the remaining detergent is removed with a clothes brush. All that remains is to dry the coat.

If paint stains appear on the material, it can be removed safely with household gasoline. It is important to buy highly purified household gasoline at a hardware store, since regular car fuel is not suitable for such purposes.

If traces of juice or berries appear on the wool, you can wash them off by first sprinkling with salt and then treating soap solution.

Traces of lipstick on clean wool are wiped off with medical alcohol, and scorch marks are removed well with fresh onion juice.

If your clothes begin to smell unpleasantly from sweat, then it is enough to wipe the sweat-soaked areas with a solution of table vinegar. To prepare the solution, use 1 tsp. Dissolve vinegar in 100 ml of water. Lemon juice also helps get rid of sweat odor.

And finally, if you want your woolen items to smell nice after washing, then rearrange them on the shelves in your closet paper napkins, soaked in a few drops of lavender oil. This will not only give your laundry a pleasant aroma, but will also reliably protect it from moths.

Knitted and woolen items are delicate items that require special treatment. If not properly cared for, they can deteriorate. If you know all the secrets proper care and washing such things, they will delight you with their impeccable appearance for a long time.


In the cold season it is so nice to wear knitted items. They allow you to feel not only warmth, but also incredible coziness and comfort. Like any other clothing, these products also need to be washed periodically. Those who have encountered knitted items not for the first time know for sure that they should not be washed often. It is recommended to wash 1-2 times a year. For example, this can be done after the end of the cold season. Let's take a closer look at what other features these things have:

  • You should not use long-term soaking if you want to rid the product of unpleasant odors and dirt. Prolonged contact with hot water can cause your favorite item to become a couple of sizes smaller or larger.
  • If the item is delicate and there is a risk of spoiling it at home, then it is better to take it to dry cleaning, where professionals will do an excellent job of dealing with the problem, after which they will return the item to you in its original condition.
  • It is worth remembering that woolen products cannot withstand temperature changes. In such conditions they can become deformed. That is why you should never soak such delicate clothes in hot water and then rinse them in cold water. This can cause the fibers to deteriorate and become deformed.

Subtleties of care and cleaning

Wool products do not need frequent washing, but despite this, it often becomes necessary to rid them at home of a persistent and unpleasant odor or any stain. You can restore a clean and fragrant appearance to things without washing.

For example, various stains and dirt can be easily cleaned (especially from felted wool products) if they are allowed to dry completely. You can clean the stain with a regular brush, but not too hard.

The item can be easily removed from the unpleasant odor. It will be enough that you air your sweater, hat, blanket or blanket on fresh air. And if a piece of clothing needs to be washed, then this should be done according to all the rules, taking into account the characteristics of the fabric.

Cobweb, down scarf, beret or shawl especially need careful care and more frequent washing, as they are of the type outerwear. You also have to wash your socks more often. For products made from camel, sheep or angora yarn, ordinary powders cannot be used. It is better to replace them with shampoo. During washing, you should not twist or stretch the item, otherwise it will lose its shape and presentable appearance.

To prevent the wool from shrinking, you must follow all washing rules. Cashmere, for example, should be washed exclusively by hand, otherwise the product can be seriously damaged by machine washing.

Before you begin the washing process, you need to carefully prepare your wardrobe items. First, study the product tag, which usually contains all the necessary information: at what temperature to wash, whether it can be washed this thing in the car and other necessary data.

Be sure to check the products for integrity, otherwise after washing small holes and puffs will become even larger.

If the product is very “fluffy”, for example, made from Angora yarn, then before washing you can pre-comb it using a special brush. This will remove some dirt from the item, which will make the main washing process easier. In addition, this method will help rid clothes of pills and prevent their occurrence.


Many housewives try to remove stains with regular washing powder, which they use during every wash. But you absolutely cannot do this:

  • Firstly, many powders contain bleach particles, which have a detrimental effect on knitted and woolen fabrics. And after washing, the item may change its color - more light spots that will spoil appearance products.
  • Secondly, powder detergent is more difficult to wash out of fabric of this texture and there is a risk that after rinsing, detergent particles will still remain on things.

You can purchase a special gel for washing woolen items or liquid powder. Consult with the seller or carefully study the composition and instructions of the product. Such mixtures will not only thoroughly remove dirt, but will also not damage the fibers, and will also make the product soft and fluffy.

It is quite possible to wash things laundry soap. You can also wash a sweater or hat with shampoo. Why these particular funds? They foam well in cold water (unlike powders that need hot water).

You can try the “grandmother’s” method, which helps in many cases. But it is only suitable for dark things. You will need the most common mustard powder:

  • 100-150 g of dry mustard should be dissolved in a glass of warm water.
  • After an hour, the liquid should be strained to make sure that no powder particles get on your clothes.
  • Then this concentrate should be poured into a basin with warm water and can be washed.

White items can be bleached using pharmaceutical product. We are talking about hydrogen peroxide:

  • It will be enough to add 1 teaspoon of peroxide to a bowl of water.
  • Then you need to immerse a white woolen product there for an hour.
  • After this, it should be washed as usual.

This method will not only help maintain the whiteness of a sweater or hat, but also relieve them from yellow spots that appear over time.


During hand wash remember that the water temperature should not be more than 30°C. You can measure it using a regular baby bathing thermometer. If you are using a powder product, make sure it is completely dissolved in water. Only then immerse things in the cleaning composition.

If you decide to wash the item in washing machine, then you should read the information on the tag. Find out at what temperature in degrees it can be cleaned. It is advisable to wash wool clothes at a temperature of no more than 40°C. In modern washing machines there is a “wool” mode that will help you wash things in the right way temperature conditions(without using strong spin).

If there is no such option, then you can use the “delicate” or “hand wash” programs. You can avoid spinning altogether, so as not to damage the product.

Washing methods

If you wash things by hand, remember not to soak them for longer than 10-15 minutes. When washing, do not twist the product or rub it too aggressively, so as not to damage the delicate fibers. Try to handle clothing with extreme gentleness and care. Keep in mind that such woolen items “drink” water a lot, so you need to soak your clothes in large quantities.

After washing by hand, rinse the items in water of the same temperature (that is, warm). If you do this in cold water, the temperature difference will damage the product. Remember that from If the liquid is too cold, knitted items will stretch greatly, and if the liquid is too hot, they will shrink.

Rinsing should occur in several stages. The final solution should be in barely cool water, which will help to finally get rid of the detergent on the fabric.

You need to wash things in a machine if you have a delicate cycle. You can find out information about this on the machine, near the settings, or in the manual. If your equipment does not have a delicate spin and a mode that will allow you to wash clothes at low temperatures and low speeds, then it is better not to risk it and clean the item by hand.

Before putting the item into the drum, be sure to turn it inside out. wrong side. Once the process is complete, open the door, but do not remove the clothes. Let all excess water drain, and only then you can remove the contents of the drum and begin the drying process.

How to dry it properly?

A lot also depends on proper drying. You can wash things according to all the rules, maintaining their shape and color, but ruin them during drying. To avoid troubles, it is worth remembering all the rules for drying woolen items:

  • Lay out a large towel on a flat surface. It is better to use terry cloth (it absorbs moisture better).
  • Carefully place the washed item on it. Flatten it, but do not stretch or fold it, so that it dries properly.
  • As soon as the towel becomes wet, you can replace it with another one. Repeat these steps until the product is completely free of excess moisture and is completely dry.
  • The thing needs to be periodically turned to the other side.

Under no circumstances should items be hung on a rope or hanger while drying. Because of this, wool clothes are easily deformed and will have to be washed again to return to their original appearance.

Try not to dry things on radiators and radiators. You should not rid them of excess water outside in direct sunlight. Choose a cool but windy day.

In order to properly dry a web or a downy scarf, you will need a wooden frame:

  • First, rid the washed item of excess moisture, as described above.
  • Stretch it on the frame, carefully nailing it.
  • It is better to expose the frame to a draft, and then leave it like that until completely dry.
  • After this, you can iron the item on a low setting.
  • Be sure to iron through gauze.

It is best to dry the hat on some object. Each housewife comes up with something of her own. Some dry it on a vase, some on balls. The main thing is to dry the hat in such a way that it does not lose its shape.

Dry things on the balcony or in another room. Remember that you need to do this away from the kitchen and the street, as the smells of cooking food or tobacco smoke can be strongly absorbed into the product.

And a few more secrets that will help you extend the “life” of your favorite things:

  • To prevent the item from shedding before washing, you can safely add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar (no more than 25%) to the basin with the prepared soap solution.
  • Products made from Angora wool are best washed with shampoo. And don't forget to rinse your clothes more thoroughly. It's better to do this several times.
  • If the item is too dirty, you should change the water several times during hand washing.
  • Dark spots from the product white Regular citric acid will help remove it. Wet the problem area, sprinkle powder on top and leave for an hour. After this, you can begin normal washing.
  • If after washing your favorite item has shrunk, then the right method will help bring it back to its previous condition: moisten the item of clothing with water using a spray bottle, iron it thoroughly, gently stretching it.
  • You can also return shrunken items to their previous appearance using a home steamer.
  • To make sure that a colored item will not fade, just dip the thread of the item in hot water and then wrap it in cotton fabric. After some time, it will either stain the fabric or not.
  • Be sure to use conditioner to soften the fabric and return it to its original appearance.

Wool products always attract the eye, but require proper care, otherwise their appearance will quickly deteriorate. Often clothes lose their properties due to improper cleaning. How to wash woolen items to maximize their service life? How to maintain softness, color, and reduce the appearance of pilling? Read this article and you can always avoid mistakes in caring for woolen clothes.

Basic Rules

There are different types of wool: sheep, camel, Angora goats, etc. In any case, these are natural fibers that require careful handling. Each type has its own recommendations, which are indicated on the product label. Therefore, first of all, we turn to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer.

The main problems faced by owners of woolen clothes:

  • shrinkage,
  • deformation,
  • loss of softness and color,
  • yellowing of white woolen products,
  • pellets.

There are not many rules for washing wool. You just need to follow the recommended water temperature, select good means, gently squeeze and dry:

  1. At what temperature is wool washed? Matter does not like both excessively hot and too cold water, and reacts poorly to temperature changes. Washing and rinsing are done in equally warm water. The optimal range is 25-30 degrees.
  2. Detergents are also important. Wool does not like alkali, so read the composition of the powder. Soap is completely excluded - there are special products on sale. By the way, such products can be washed not only with powders and gels, but also folk remedies(more about them below).
  3. Frequent washing is not required. If there is no obvious dirt, wash them no more than 1-2 times a week. If the product is stored for a long time (for example, winter hat), then it is permissible not to wash it for up to 6 months. Dry cleaning is preferred.
  4. Wash wool in plenty of water, as the fibers absorb moisture well.
  5. Prolonged soaking is not recommended. The washing process itself should not take more than 45-60 minutes. The less time an item is in water, the lower the likelihood of it deforming.

Important! Wool should be washed separately. During the process, the lint separates and sticks to items made from other materials, making them quite difficult to clean.

Preparing for washing

Preliminary steps that will protect clothes from damage:

  • If possible, remove all accessories so that they do not get caught on the threads;
  • the fittings may also oxidize and leave stains;
  • sort things: colored and white are cleaned separately;
  • To prevent the loops on the clothes from stretching, sew them up;
  • turn the product inside out;
  • Determine whether the fabric is fading or not by dipping a piece in hot soapy water, then blotting it with a clean, dry cloth. If the blotter is stained, additional measures will be needed to fix the color of the product;
  • Before washing fluffy items, they are “combed”: this removes surface dirt and pellets.

Before washing, you need to examine the item for stains. They are removed before the product is sent to the machine or basin. The detergent will coat the wool fibers with a protective layer, making stains difficult to remove.

Advice! How do you remove stains from wool? The canvas will not deteriorate under the influence of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.

Hand washing wool products is preferable to machine washing, especially for clothes made of delicate wool: angora, mohair, alpaca.

Wool absorbs moisture, so pour plenty of water into the basin to ensure the item stretches well. The water is warm, but not warmer than 35 degrees. The temperature should not change during the washing process - replace it with a fresh one more often.

Use soft water, preferably filtered. If there is no flow or volumetric filter, soften or acidify the water with vinegar. This will help make the fabric soft and less scratchy, and avoid loss of color of the shedding product. The amount of substance per 10 liters of water is 3 tablespoons.

Choose gentle laundry detergents. Special gels for wool are preferred; they dissolve well in water. Regular shampoo is suitable for washing your hair; it is not as aggressive as powder. Pour a small amount of detergent into a basin and immerse the prepared product. How to properly wash woolen items? There is no need to actively rub or twist them: it is so easy to damage the fabric structure. Simply immerse the item and gently rinse it in the solution.

Machine washable

It is more convenient to wash in a washing machine than by hand, but this method is not suitable for every type of product. First, make sure that the manufacturer allows cleaning in the machine, then set the delicate mode or the special “Wool” program.

Important point: turn off the spin function or set it to no more than 400 rpm. After removing from the drum at the end, remove additional water by gently pressing the product. It is prohibited to twist the wool during spinning!

Advice! After you have removed the wet woolen clothing from the device, place it on a terry towel. It will absorb excess liquid well.

Folk remedies

Mustard powder is used to wash dark clothes. 1 glass of dry matter is dissolved in a small amount of water, filtered and allowed to brew, then added to a basin and washed. An alternative to industrial air conditioners is ammonia. 1 teaspoon of the substance will soften the fabric.

Washing white wool items is a separate issue. When machine washing, bleach may be added. Hydrogen peroxide refreshes yellowed clothes: 1 tablespoon of peroxide per 1 liter of water. Soak the clothes briefly in this solution, then wash and rinse well.

Another effective one folk method- crushed chalk. You will need 1 kg per 3 liters of water. Keep the yellowed one in the solution woolen item, then wash. The canvas will bleach.

Wool items should be rinsed well in plenty of water. Otherwise, the detergent residue will eat away at the fibers, causing holes to appear. Do not forget that the temperature of the water for rinsing should be the same as for washing, otherwise the product will shrink.

How to wash a wool sweater to make it shrink? Sometimes this is necessary, for example, when the clothing size is too big or it has stretched. Here you can break the above rules and wash the wool in hot water.

The material should be dried flat on a horizontal surface. Since wool actively absorbs moisture, it becomes significantly heavier after washing. If you hang it, the fibers will stretch. When drying, clothing should not be exposed to direct Sun rays. Avoid sources of heat and hot air, and be sure to ventilate the room.

Please note: substances such as vinegar, peroxide, bleaches are not applied to wool in pure form. Before use, be sure to dissolve them in water, and only then put your clothes in it.

What to do if the item shrinks after washing? There is no need to wash it again immediately. The following measures will help:

  • lightly sprinkle the item with water and iron it, stretching it slightly;
  • iron through damp gauze;
  • process with a steamer, giving the desired shape.

It is not enough to wash and dry wool properly. These products require more careful care:

  1. Do not hang woolen items on hangers - they will stretch and become ugly. Place wool in piles: bulky and heavy items down, lighter items up.
  2. Store items in closets along with moth repellents. For example, sachets with aromatic herbs or bars of soap repel pests.
  3. If the product can be ironed, use the “wool” mode.
  4. Several times a year, woolen clothes should be taken out into the sun, aired and shaken. This will help avoid dampness and unpleasant odors.

That's all you need to know about washing and caring for wool. Take care of your woolen products and attract admiring glances.

Woolen items are always in fashion; they not only look beautiful and elegant, but also give us warmth and comfort, keeping us warm in cold weather. Over time, the product tends to get dirty and worn, white items turn yellow from frequent washing, so we will give you the answer to the pressing question of how to wash woolen items so that they do not lose their shape and color in this article.

How to wash wool?

To wash woolen items, there are many products that can be purchased at any hardware store. Wool does not like alkali, so before purchasing a powder or liquid product, carefully read the composition on the package.

Depending on the type of washing and type wool fabric Choose from the recommended products that are most suitable for you for washing wool items:

  • special powders for wool “Aistenok”, “Vorsinka”, “Lip”, “Reflect Pure XL”;
  • shampoo;
  • decoction of beans or potatoes;
  • dry mustard;
  • crushed chalk;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide.

How to properly wash woolen items?

Approach this process in several stages. In this case, you will easily solve the problem and the question of how to wash wool will no longer bother you.

Stage 1. Preparation

  1. Sort dark and light items; wash particularly soiled items separately.
  2. Pay attention to products made from delicate wool: angora, mohair, etc., they are washed only by hand.
  3. If there is coarse dirt on the product, remove it carefully with a clothes brush.
  4. To prevent the loops on the clothing from stretching, sew them up.
  5. Unpick or remove any hardware that may oxidize or leave stains.
  6. Make sure that the item does not fade in the following way:
    1. Take a thread from the product and place it in hot soapy water.
    2. Dry with a white cotton cloth.
    3. If the material becomes colored, fix the color: add table vinegar in the proportion of 3 tbsp when washing. on a bucket of water.

Stage 2. Washing

To do everything correctly and get not only a clean item, but also one that has retained its original shape, follow these recommendations:

  1. Washing a woolen item should not exceed 45 minutes: the less time it is left in, the less likely it is to become deformed.
  2. To prevent woolen clothes from shrinking and fading, wash in warm water no higher than 30°.
  3. To avoid shrinkage of the product, use water at the same temperature when washing and rinsing.
  4. Use liquid products or special powders for wool, or which dissolve well in cold water. Avoid soap completely
  5. Wash woolen items inside out.
  6. Before washing, wash problem areas separately.

Step 3: Rinse

How correctly you rinse a woolen item determines its attractiveness when worn and its service life. Residues of soap products can disrupt the structure of the fiber and the clothes will simply tear over time. To avoid this, remember these rules:

  1. Rinse several times with plenty of water - first warm, then cool.
  2. Rinse the item with softening agents to prevent the wool from matting or itching.
  3. To avoid shedding of the material, add a little to the water. ammonia or wine vinegar.

Stage 4. Spin

  1. Do not twist wool products, but simply squeeze out the water.
  2. Remove excess moisture with a terry towel:
  3. Lay down a moisture-wicking fabric.
  4. Place the washed item on it.
  5. Roll everything up.
  6. Squeeze.

Stage 5. Drying

  1. Lay out a dry towel on a flat surface.
  2. Spread a clean item over it.
  3. To avoid deformation during drying, attach the product with clothespins; do not use pins or nails - rust stains will remain.
  4. Do not dry the woolen item with an iron - it will stretch.
  5. If the woolen item has a smooth texture, after drying, iron it through gauze in the “Wool” temperature setting.

Important! Sometimes it happens that after washing the item becomes deformed and changes its size. Most often this happens when washing rules are not followed, but it may also be due to incomplete washing. good quality material. Depending on which direction the changes have taken place, use our advice:

How to properly wash wool by hand?

To avoid unwanted consequences after washing, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Before washing, things should not be soaked unless absolutely necessary.
  2. Wash in cool or slightly warm water with soft detergents.
  3. Do not rub or twist the product too much.
  4. Rinse several times and change as soon as the water gets dirty.
  5. To make the wool soft and fluffy, add a little table vinegar when rinsing.
  6. Remove water using squeezing movements.
  7. Dry horizontally.

Your course of action in this case will be as follows:

  1. Prepare a container for washing.
  2. Pour in slightly warm water.
  3. Dilute the liquid detergent or powder and dissolve it thoroughly so that the grains do not get into the fibers. When washing angora or mohair wool, use shampoo.
  4. Dip the item into the soapy solution.
  5. Wash with a squeezing motion and lightly rub dirty areas.
  6. Rinse until the detergent is completely removed.
  7. To make the product soft, make a solution in a proportion of 0.5 tbsp. glycerin per 5 liters of water, rinse.
  8. Unscrew and dry as described above

Important! If you have a fleecy item, comb the pile in the opposite direction before washing, this will eliminate the appearance of pills.

How to machine wash woolen items?

If the label of the item indicates that machine washable is allowed, be sure to choose the appropriate mode:

  • washing wool.
  1. It is advisable to cut off the buttons so that during washing they do not come off and pull out the material in the places where they are sewn.
  2. Turn the product inside out.
  3. Soak the item for several minutes in warm water to avoid shrinkage, since the water is poured into the drum very cold and only during the washing process does it heat up.
  4. Set the wool mode without spin.
  5. Do not use synthetic products or soap.

Important! Woolen and knitted items are subject to stretching and pilling of threads, which must be dealt with from time to time. It will be much easier for you to do this if you choose one of the methods from our publications on this topic:

How to wash woolen clothes using folk remedies?

For people suffering from allergic reactions to chemicals or simply environmentalists natural remedies, we offer several options for washing woolen items using folk remedies.

Recipe 1

To wash dark woolen items, use dry mustard:

  1. Mix 1 cup of mustard with a small amount of cool water until it becomes a thin paste, add hot water to it.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. Strain through thick cheesecloth into a washing container.
  4. Wet the product in this solution.
  5. Wash without adding soap.
  6. To ensure the softness of woolen items, add 1 tsp when rinsing. ammonia per 10 liters of water.

Recipe 2

You can effectively wash delicate wool items in bean broth:

  1. Boil 1 kg of white beans in 5 liters of water until half cooked.
  2. Let it brew and cool to a slightly warm temperature.
  3. Strain.
  4. Saturate the product with the decoction, soak it a little and squeeze.
  5. Rinse until the water runs completely clear.

Recipe 3

To make your item not only clean, but also smooth and pleasant to the touch, use a potato decoction:

  1. Boil 1 kilogram of potatoes in 10 liters of water.
  2. Strain the water and cool.
  3. The washing process is identical to the option with beans.
  4. To make the product soft and smell nice, rinse with water and conditioner.

How to wash white woolen items?

Frequent washing may cause white clothes to turn yellow, we suggest several effective ways How to wash white woolen items.

Method 1

Chalk will help whiten woolen clothes:

  1. If the product weighs 0.5 kg, dilute 1 kg of chalk in 3 liters of water.
  2. Immerse the item in the solution for 10-20 minutes, stir the water periodically.
  3. Rinse the product.
  4. Squeeze.
  5. Lay out to dry.

Method 2

Peroxide is the first assistant in removing stains:

  1. Make a solution in the proportion of 1 tsp. peroxide per 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak the item for several hours.
  3. Wash with added detergent.

To keep a wool sweater in its original form and protect it from damage and shrinkage, you need to know how to wash wool items. In this article we will talk about hand and machine washing, as well as how to care for woolen items.

To keep your wool dress looking attractive and spotless all the time, you don't need to wash it often. In this case, dry cleaning will help, which will not damage the fabric and shape of the clothing. To keep clothes fresh for as long as possible, ventilate them by hanging them on a hanger on the balcony or outside. The peculiarity of the material is the smell of sweat and others unpleasant odors erode quickly and easily.

The question remains open of how to properly wash woolen items. Let's consider what products to use when washing. How often should you wash wool clothes? It would be optimal to do this no more often than once every 6 months. But if the clothes are very dirty, then cleaning alone is not enough.

What's prohibited

We will tell you what is strictly forbidden to do when washing a woolen product. This will help avoid mistakes.

  1. Do not change the temperature of the washing water - a sudden change will damage the fabric.
  2. Do not wash items at temperatures above 40 degrees, otherwise the sweater will stretch, lose its shape and look awkward when worn.

  1. Under no circumstances rub the item, even if it has a deeply ingrained stain. No rinsing or squeezing. When machine washing, do not set the spin cycle.
  2. The use of washing powders and detergents is prohibited. You can use them only if this is provided for in the instructions.
  3. Wool sweaters or dresses should not be hung to dry - forget about hangers and clotheslines.
  4. Do not dry clothes using a hair dryer - they should dry naturally.
  5. Ironing such material is strictly prohibited.

If you neglect these rules, then after a few washing cycles the woolen jacket will lose its shape, become covered in pellets, become wrinkled and fade.


Whether you have a washing machine or not, it is important to know how to hand wash woolen items. For many of them, machine washing is contraindicated. First you need to prepare the sweater for washing. To prevent pilling, comb the pile, starting at the bottom and moving up. How to hand wash a wool sweater:

  • Fill a basin with water at a temperature of up to 38 degrees, or better yet, up to 30.
  • Load things up.
  • Do not wash clothes in contaminated water. It's better to change it several times.
  • How to wash wool? Liquid products are suitable.
  • To avoid ruining your clothes, do not use soap.

The temperature of the rinse water should be identical to that for washing. This is how you need to wash woolen items to prevent them from shrinking. Recommendation! To protect clothes from staining, you can pour a glass of wine vinegar or a little ammonia while rinsing!

Expert advice will help you effectively wash woolen items in washing machine. You need to remember three main rules. Use them when you plan to wash a woolen jacket:

  • When choosing a powder, check the instructions to see if it is suitable for washing woolen items.

  • When choosing a washing mode, turn on the program for delicate fabrics. Some washing machines have a program for wool.
  • Do not wash woolen items together with items made from other fabrics.

Important! Spinning woolen clothes is prohibited, otherwise they will stretch.

Washing woolen items in a washing machine does not require much time and effort. Knowing how to do it correctly will ensure your items last a long time. Washing instructions:

  1. Select the “Wool” or “Delicate Wash” mode (the main thing is that the mode allows for slow rotation of the drum and no temperature changes).
  2. If the program includes a spin, be sure to turn it off.
  3. Load the cuvette with a suitable detergent.
  4. Launch the program.
  5. At the end of the regime, remove the items and remove any remaining water with soft, stroking movements. A terry towel is suitable for the same purpose.
  6. Dry your clothes.


After you finish washing your woolen items, you need to dry them properly to avoid losing their shape. When drying, use the surface of a table, sofa, bed or chair. Be sure to choose only a flat surface where the wool will not stretch. Place a terry towel or thick paper under the sweater - this will guarantee faster and more harmless drying.

We offer an interesting way that will help soften a woolen blouse. The effectiveness of washing delicate fabrics is guaranteed by potato broth:

  1. Boil 1 kg of potatoes in 10 liters of water.
  2. When the water boils, strain the broth through a colander.
  3. Wait until the water cools down to 40 degrees.
  4. Dip the item into the broth, rinse lightly and squeeze.
  5. Lay out to dry naturally.
  6. After complete drying, comb the product with a comb.

Tips from housewives

Marina, Irkutsk

I wash my favorite jumper only by hand. Once my mother put it in the machine on the “Wool” mode, and then I barely saved it. It is better not to trust such delicate things to a machine.

Olya, Moscow

I NEVER use powder, and I set the temperature to 30 or even 20 degrees. I like the “Laska” product the most; after it the dress seems even brighter and softer. I always dry it on the windowsill, not on a rope. The dress is three years old!

Irina, Chelyabinsk

Here are my washing instructions. I came up with it myself, but things don’t spoil!

  • I select the “Wool” mode and set it to “delicate spin”.
  • I use shampoo instead of powder. Dose – one teaspoon.
  • I control the washing. I’m sitting right there and looking through the hatch to make sure everything is OK and there isn’t a lot of foam. If there is a lot of foam, I react instantly - I turn on the rinse.
  • Washing temperature 30 degrees.
  • Spin – 400 drum revolutions.

Now you know how to wash wool. Caring for the material requires care and caution, and following the rules will help you cope with any difficulties. Follow our recommendations, and woolen items will serve you for a long time.