Holidays for teenagers. What to do in summer as a teenager? Work, leisure, travel What to do on summer holidays

Vacations are time to be spent wisely. Sometimes it feels like you still have whole weeks or months ahead of you. But they are known to fly very fast. You can't waste precious time. You definitely need to come up with something. Let's think together about what we can do during the holidays. So:

What to do on vacation?

The most important thing in any vacation is that it allows you to change the environment and some moments of our daily life. There is a certain freedom during the holidays, unless, of course, you are going to work. But work on holidays is also a vacation. Rest from educational activities. It has long been proven that the best way to relax is to completely change your usual layout of life. Therefore, psychologists advise to go somewhere on vacation.

The further you go, the better. We do not mean places where the air temperature exceeds the temperature in your area. It is not necessary to go to sea. You can go to some big city and devote your time to sightseeing and shopping.

The choice is yours, dear reader. Most importantly, remember to rest. It is impossible not to rest.

Children's leisure in the summer is a headache for parents. I want the warm days not to be in vain, the guys have a good rest, gain strength and health. There are many options for how to spend time. For those who do not know what to choose, we will offer what a schoolboy can do in the summer, where to go or go, what can be done at home.

1. Travel by bike, roller skates, scooter

Develop new interesting routes, install an application that will allow you to measure speed, get directions, share photos and go.

2. Read interesting books

On weekdays, sometimes there is not enough time for this, and in the summer you can devote yourself to reading for pleasure.

3. Sign up for a children's camp

This is a great idea for summer. Today you can choose a camp for your child according to interests: sports, military, art, language, computer. The price category is very different, almost every parent will find a feasible option.

4. Attend various workshops

Their choice is huge, additional ones are held in the parks, in the open air. It can be wood carving classes, culinary fights, clay modeling.

5. Sign up for a pool

Do not be discouraged if there is no opportunity to go to nature, you can sign up for a pool and work out with a trainer. It is both useful and interesting for the child.

6. Visit your grandmother in the countryside

Outdoor recreation is the best option. This will help to truly escape from the bustle of the city, relax and gain health before the upcoming winter.

7. Join the sports section

During study, there is often not enough time to do what you love. Vacations are the right time to try your hand and understand what you like. Perhaps you will like the karate or judo section, there may be group cycling classes (riding a special exercise bike with slopes) or sections of football, volleyball, basketball.

Pilates, aqua aerobics or mix dance are often attractive for girls.

8. Ride the rides

You can outline for yourself the parks that you have long wanted to visit and come to them for fun.

9. Take up photography

If you have a camera at home, you can learn how to create real masterpieces with it. Then friends and relatives will be happy to look at them. Walk, travel and keep your camera with you - no one knows where a good shot will appear.

10. Work on school subjects

Of course, during the holidays you don't really want to study. But if there are subjects in which the child is far behind, you need to work out extra. This should be done at ease, on the street: in the park, on a swing, in the country. Thus it will succeed.

11. Ride horses

Communication with horses has always had a good effect on children. Join an equestrian club, learning to ride is fun.

12. Chat with friends

While studying, it is not always possible to enjoy the company of friends. If they haven't left, help the children organize activities with their classmates.

13. Go on excursions

It can be trips both in your city and in other cities. Parents are sure to get a lot of pleasure from traveling. Plus, traveling together is great.

14. Have fun at home

So that the children do not get bored, spend time with them in an interesting way at home on weekends or in the evening. Make homemade ice cream, make edible plasticine and sculpt from it.

15. Build your own playground

If you live in the country, put together a playground from improvised materials. You can take and saw the fallen trees. From stumps and sticks you get an excellent complex.

16. Build a constructor out of wood

The apartment is not possible to build a large playground. But it is realistic to make a set for building a fortress or other products from the same sticks and stumps. The main thing here is working with your hands and spending time together.

17. Water procedures

Children of all ages love to splash in the water. Build a shower, fountains in the courtyard of the house and the guys will be happy to play under them in the heat.

18. Young naturalists

Tell the children how wonderful this world is. Offer to collect plants and flowers, study them and dry them. You can issue a special album in which all samples will be signed. Then your child can bring it to school, show it to friends, and possibly get grades for their work.

19. Lesson for girls

Make houses with them from the same twigs and stumps, decorate with dried flowers, make furniture for dolls. You can also learn to sew or embroider.

20. Spend time at the computer

Many parents will be outraged, but it is necessary to teach use correctly computer technology. Teach your child to draw, print, make cartoons.

24. Learn to use the map

Combine business with pleasure while traveling, or arrange special walks for your family using a regular map. This skill will come in handy in the future.

25. Personal diary

Start with your child, in which he will write down the most interesting. Then, when he comes to school, it will be easier for him to write an essay about his holidays.

26. Plant a vegetable garden

Usually this idea is exciting. The children are happy to plant flowers and vegetables, take care of them, and then harvest. This does not need a lot of space, it is possible to equip a small garden even at home.

27. Build an ice rink

This is great fun and easy to make. Spread the film on a flat piece of land, pour some water and shampoo on it. It turns out a very slippery surface, no worse than a real ice rink.

This video will talk about the TOP 10 interesting activities that a student can do:

28. Living house

Invite the children to grow a house, for this, plant sunflowers in the desired form. The plant grows taller than human height and, if planted often, it will serve as a living arbor.

29. Fair for friends

Organize your own fair. Come up with a theme and invite friends, neighbors. Let them get ready, dress properly and prepare food, crafts, souvenirs. They can be exchanged or sold for little money. And the collected amount can be spent together on a trip to the cinema.

30. Go hiking

Go camping with the whole family, not necessarily far, but with an overnight stay in a tent, dinner by the fire and songs with a guitar.

31. Cleaning and rearranging

Involve children in the arrangement of a room, apartment, house. Interest them in rearranging, repairing, this is both help and they are interested, they will be able to equip their space.

32. Write a story

Invite your child to write their own book over the summer. Help choose a plot, come up with names for the characters. When the work is ready, help arrange it beautifully, for this you can contact the framing workshop.

33. Listen to (compose) music

Perhaps you will discover a new direction in music. There are many interesting Internet resources for listening to music of different styles and genres.

Perhaps it will inspire you so much that you will start composing music yourself! There are many programs for this. The easiest to learn yet powerful multifunctional tool for musicians is FL Studio.

34. Learn to cook

Bake a pie, make a salad, or choose together what your student would like to cook during the holidays. Take pictures of it all and put together your cookbook.

35. Do charity work

This is a great activity, you will teach your child to help and be generous, keep him busy. To do this, you can participate in various subbotniks and other similar events. There are also special volunteer sites that contain information about ongoing promotions.

36. Sign up for a city camp

This is a good alternative for those who cannot leave the city. Such camps are organized at schools and other children's institutions. The guys in them get acquainted, spend time together, attend excursions.

37. Summer job

If the student is already a high school student, he can get a job. This can be done through the labor exchange, special sites and groups. If desired, everyone will find a job to their liking, with the right schedule and mode.

In this video, Oleg Filimonov will talk about 7 interesting ways to earn money for a student, which he personally tried:

38. Help the animals

If a child loves animals, but it is not possible to have a home, arrange a volunteer for him in a shelter. There he will learn to be responsible, perhaps he will think about his future profession.

39. Get involved in art

Send your child to painting classes if he is interested, or ceramics. In extreme cases, you can draw at home, for this there are detailed video tutorials and manuals. Or buy a paint-by-numbers kit, such crafts turn out beautiful and interest children.

40. Show what you do at work

If possible, take your child to work with you. This will give him the opportunity to find out what you are doing, perhaps prompting thoughts about a future profession.

41. Go to the forest for berries

A great event, let them pick the berries themselves, get some fresh air, and cook jam together at home.

42. Ride on water modes of transport

Find out what opportunities and routes exist and master everything slowly. If there is a lake or pond nearby, buy a small rubber boat and ride it yourself.

Thus, answering the question of what to do in the summer for a schoolboy, we found out that you can come up with many interesting and exciting things to do. And it doesn’t matter if you are in the city or in nature, you won’t be bored anywhere if you apply a little imagination and desire. Such events bring family and friends together, help to relax and gain strength.

Video: ideas for schoolchildren for the summer holidays

In this video, Anna Lopatina will tell you how to spend your summer holidays in an interesting and useful way:

What to do in summer

The long-awaited summer has finally arrived! You can not think about school, lessons, exams ... All these terribly important and difficult things are left behind. Ahead of the heat and a lot of free time. During your studies, you complained that you constantly do not have enough time, and here it is, happiness! Everything would be fine, but all your friends have gone somewhere, and it turned out that you don’t know what to do with this free time.

Are you already climbing the wall because you have nothing to do? Do you pester your parents and household with your constant whining and walking up and down the house? Stop! Stop whining and complaining about fate! Summer is not playing with sunbeams with you so that you walk around with a displeased look. Here are some tips that will save you from dying of boredom and make this summer unforgettable! So that friends who have gone to the sea will envy.

Who is on the web?

Don't you know that one of the most effective methods to make up for the lack of communication is the Internet.

- If you are used to ICQ or hang on some sites, start with them! Chat online with friends who have gone on vacation.

- You can make a lot of new acquaintances on forums and chats. After all, all forums are divided by interests! Find something that would captivate you and communicate! There you will definitely find many like-minded people and just interesting people.

— You don't have LiveJournal yet? So what are you waiting for?! Not only will you learn how to express your thoughts clearly and clearly with its help, but you will also share your ideas with friends, talk about problems or about a book you read. Surely stories and stories like yours will appear right there in the comments. You and your new friends will definitely find something to talk about!

Deal - time!

You've dreamed of doing some things all year, but kept putting them off until later. Imagine: this “later” has come! This summer, when the school year ended! Don't put things off for a new "later". It's so great to go to school on September 1 with a calm and clear conscience!

- To visit relatives whom I have not visited for a long time, it does not matter, close or distant. They will be happy to see you! At the same time, you will find out news about the family. When the days are littered with lessons, time is sorely lacking. But now you have it!

- Go for a morning run! Remember: on New Year's Eve you decided that you would seriously start playing sports. In winter, of course, there was a lot of snow - it’s not like running through snowdrifts! Therefore, on January 1, you safely forgot everything. So it's time to remember! When, if not now? Put some more energetic music in your playlist, put on your favorite sneakers and go! Yes, by the way, not only you are fond of jogging, but also a lot of handsome guys!

- Get to work! It won't hurt you to earn some money, at least for pocket money. And the easiest way to do it right now, in the summer! After all, many employees of companies go on vacation, and temporary staff is oh so needed. And you benefit, and not only material. After running around with trays or working as a secretary for several weeks, you will begin to relate to money differently. And you will not beg them from your parents for a new blouse, because for this you have a salary.

Way to talents!

The days are long in summer, and you will have plenty of time. And you can take it with any exciting business! Think about what you would like to do and what you never had enough time for?

Sign up for dancing! Now there is a huge selection of different circles where they teach all kinds of dances. Oriental, Latin American, modern, historical... Take your pick! You will learn more about dances a little later. In the meantime, remember: dancing will help you make good friends! After all, you will be united by a common hobby!

- Time for creativity - in the summer there is plenty of it. Have you always dreamed of drawing? So what are you waiting for?! It makes you want to paint a landscape outside the window or go to the open air in the park ... Choose what you like, take an album, pencil or paints, and go! Just look how beautiful it is outside: city gardens, abundance of flowers, sun glare on the pavement... Just don't say that you can't draw. The main desire! You can't judge your work objectively. In addition, it is always useful to throw out your emotions. Even if you feel sad and bad, do not dump your bad mood on others! It is better to trust paper - it, as they say, will endure everything.

- Martial arts master - this is not about you? Then summer is the time for change!

Why don't you enroll in a martial arts school? Do not be afraid that there will be more boys, because this is not a minus, but quite the opposite! Think how your girlfriends will envy you if they see that you not only know how to stand up for yourself, but you are surrounded by such brave and courageous fans!

So, are you still sitting in your room and dejectedly contemplating the joyful landscape outside the window? Or are you in a hurry to find new friends and hobbies? Still, the second option, agree, much more interesting! Enjoy life - that's what summer is for! It is so short - it will fly by, and you will not notice ... Therefore, do not get lost! Blow bubbles, wallow in the grass in the meadow, cook exotic dishes, splash in the river...

Lots of things to do, you're sure to find something that suits you! Write a book, draw a comic book, make a guide to the sights of your city... In general, good luck to you!

Every time it seems that the summer holidays are so long! But before you even blink an eye, they are already flying by. Therefore, it is worth thinking now about how to fill them with fresh impressions that will be remembered for a long time.

Take a break from studying

play games

Finally, no need to go to school, and you can play plenty of games on your phone or tablet - upload something new on vipsmart and just relax! After a difficult school year, it doesn’t hurt to be a little lazy, but don’t spend all the time with a tablet - it’s such a wonderful summer out there!

Chat with friends

Maybe because of the constant business, you never had the opportunity to meet a good person? It's time to fix it! Work up, talk too much, take pictures, set up plans for the summer ... And most importantly - just enjoy the moment.

Arrange family get-togethers

Holidays are a wonderful opportunity to communicate more with your own parents! Offer them vacation ideas and help organize everything. Perhaps it will be an evening viewing of a family movie with fresh lemonade and? Maybe arrange picnic in nature or sunbathe by the lake? Choose together!

Get vivid impressions

Go on a trip

Summer was created to discover new magical places that you have not been to before! Hope, on these holidays you will have the opportunity go somewhere on vacation or on interesting excursions to other cities. If not, you can always play tourist and look for something unknown even in your hometown (or in a neighboring one).

Attend cultural events


You have three whole months of freedom - you can come off to the fullest! Try waking up in a different way than usual, walking in different places than usual, and doing things that are not normal. Even if you want to do some extravagant hair or change the style of clothes - it's time to take a chance right now to get used to your new look!


Read what you want

Have time to enjoy the time when you can read those books that you choose yourself, and not those that the school curriculum has determined for you. Pick up for summer list of works dive into which will be a real pleasure for you.


In the summer, you have plenty of time to finally start running in the morning or cycling every day. And even better - discover some new sport, and in the fall surprise your classmates with your new hobby and excellent physical fitness!

learn something new

Have you long dreamed of learning how to cook delicious cakes or dance a waltz? Do you want to become a real artist or stylist? This takes a lot of practice. So summer is your best chance to learn a new activity.

The first days of June make you think how to organize children's leisure and what to do with a child during the summer holidays? Children who are looking for entertainment on their own, as a rule, do not find exactly what their parents would like. And to make the summer fun and useful at the same time, we have collected 21 an interesting idea of ​​how a student can spend their summer holidays.

  1. Go to the sea. It is unnecessary to talk about the benefits of the sea climate for children. The best option if the rest by the sea lasts from 2 weeks. This will enable the child's body to adapt and really improve. One of the options - .
  2. Sign up for the pool. If for some reason you won’t be able to see the sea this summer, enroll your child in the pool. For water sports, summer is the time.
  3. Do you have a house in the country with a grandmother to boot? Fine! Plain trip to the village for the summer it turns into an adventure and even a test, if it comes with duties to help your grandmother in the garden or garden ... But here the student will really give up the computer for a while, replacing sitting at the monitor with trips to the river or the forest.
  4. Ride bikes or roller skates. Choose the right route - and go for new experiences! If suddenly you don’t have your own bike or skates, you can rent a bike or go to the rollerdrome.
  5. Read an interesting book. A few are better.
  6. Go to summer camp. Among the best ideas on how to spend the summer, because everything is taken into account in the camp - development, training, and leisure. Parents don't have to worry what to do with a student in the summer, since modern camp programs provide for an integrated approach. It is always possible according to interests (language, sports, computer, etc.) or thematic shift (scout, historical, etc.), which will be to the liking of the child.
  7. Attend a cooking class. Who knows, perhaps after such a master class, the child will reveal new culinary talents, and a new chef will appear in your house?
  8. Learn a foreign language. A worthy idea for a student who wants to be successful. In the summer, you can enroll in a foreign language course or go to one of. A change in a children's language camp is an immersion in the language environment, an opportunity to improve conversational skills.
  9. Remodel or refurbish a child's room. Let a childish interior design idea come true. Such a joint business as repair will surely unite you.
  10. Sign up for the sports section that you have long dreamed of.
  11. Go to an open air festival. To make your summer holidays unforgettable, you should get it in your city and be sure to visit at least one! Themed festivals are a super idea, what to do with a teenager on summer vacation.
  12. Have fun in the amusement park. What is a vacation without enthusiastic children's cries and cotton candy? But remember that amusement parks are an entertainment format with the obligatory adult accompaniment.
  13. Arrange shopping. Summer is here, which means it's time to update your wardrobe and buy accessories.
  14. Update hairstyle. During the holidays, you can safely experiment, for example, change your image more radically - make a new haircut. To help .
  15. Arrange a summer photoshoot. Of course, you can turn to a professional photographer who will help you make a high-quality photoshoot - family or personal. Or you can get a camera and let the children try to take pictures themselves, and then even create a photo album.
  16. "Pull up" school subjects. For schoolchildren aged 10-14, teachers already give a lot of tasks for the summer, you just need to control their implementation and properly organize the time for summer study and entertainment. But for children 6, 7, 8 years old, it is worthwhile to specifically select educational games and interesting tasks. For example, if a child has poor handwriting, then he needs to draw and sculpt more; does not read well - collect words from cards, etc.
  17. Ride horses. Horseback riding is more than just a way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is impossible not to fall in love with these graceful proud animals.
  18. Go to the rope park. For outdoor enthusiasts, another idea is rope parks and climbing frames. Young climbers without experience should walk a tightrope at least once - and this will become a real hobby!
  19. Have a picnic with friends. Choose a suitable place for a picnic in nature, take a delicious snack and suitable games for the company to have fun this day.
  20. Arrange a concert or performance. If your child has no equal in terms of singing, dancing or theatrical performance, why not prepare a concert performance? Organize a small theater group with his friends or a production where everyone can show their talents.
  21. Go on a trip to another city. Vacationing in another city is much more interesting than sitting at home on vacation. And help organize summer activities for children in an unknown area, a mobile application will help