Stripes on the head for boys zipper. Lightning: an original haircut for boys. Algorithm for performing men's haircuts with patterns

Head designs for boys - fashion trend Recently, they look bright, creative and stylish. This haircut will always emphasize individuality its owner and will become one of the ways of self-expression. How to cut a boy's hair by choosing beautiful drawing and what points need to be taken into account, we will analyze in more detail.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a haircut with a pattern?

First you need to decide on a basic hairstyle., onto which a pattern can later be applied. There are several types of such haircuts that are fashionable this year. You can choose the one you like from them.

How to choose a basic haircut

When choosing a haircut with patterns, you need to take into account a number of points simultaneously. Only then will it be possible to choose perfect hairstyle with pattern.

  1. Face shape.
  2. Hair structure.
  3. Hairdresser's advice.
  4. Personal preferences.

What basic children's haircuts to choose taking into account age and hair type?

At a very young age (2 years) the hair is soft in texture. On such hair, a complex haircut that requires styling and a certain shape cannot be done. It's better to choose simple haircut, onto which a pattern can be applied.

  • Cap. The essence of the hairstyle is simple - the top is long and the bottom is short.
  • A hairstyle in which the top is cut short and the bottom remains slightly elongated.
  • Short "Bob" ("Pot") also suitable for soft hair.

Preschool age

By the age of 6 years, the hair structure becomes completely clear. For children with coarse hair It’s better to choose the “Hedgehog” hairstyle or a variation of this haircut – “Beaver”.

Child with thick hair you can choose a hairstyle called “Caesar”. This haircut option looks stylish on the head and offers various styling options.

But the owner of curls It’s better to opt for a haircut in the “Gradient” style. It involves a gradual transition in length.

School and adolescence

Primary and secondary school students can pick up different kinds haircuts, on which you can apply a drawing. You can also choose these hairstyles for boys.

This video shows how to give a fashionable haircut to a boy.

Face type

Another important parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a haircut is face type.

Important! At an early age, it is better not to choose a hairstyle using a clipper (to zero). Hairdressers say that after such a haircut, the hair may become coarse in the future.

All the basic haircuts listed above, on which a pattern can later be applied, are in principle universal and will suit any face type. It all depends on personal preferences and desires.

Clipper or scissors. What's better?

Patterns can be made both scissors and machine. A masterful drawing can be done with both tools, it all depends on the experience of the hairdresser.

The main thing when choosing a machine or scissors is to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Child's age.
  2. For very early age using scissors can be dangerous. Little children are all fidgety. It's hard to keep them in one place. Constant movements of the baby can lead to injury. But if you still decide to cut your child’s hair with scissors, you will need to distract the child.
  3. Not all actions can be performed with only one machine or scissors and vice versa. In some drawings you need to use two tools at once.

Advice! Use a distraction. This could be watching a cartoon or dad's engaging conversations. There are special children's hairdressing salons that use a variety of products so that the baby can sit quietly until the end of the procedure.

What you need to know about patterned hairstyles

Creating a drawing is a multi-level job and requires the hands of a professional. For drawing with a machine you will need such tools:

  • straight razor;
  • hair clipper;
  • scissors.

Basic rules for shaving a pattern

  1. To apply a pattern usually the back of the head is selected. Drawings on the temples are also done.
  2. There should be hair at the place where the drawing is applied. minimum length – 6-9 mm.
  3. The drawing is applied for a period of no more than 10 days. Further adjustments are required as the hair grows.

Drawing ideas for boys and guys

You can choose a variety of patterns. Here some ideas for head art, which are presented in order of increasing complexity.

You can use the catalog when you come to the hairdresser. You should also take into account the advice of a professional technician. Don't forget about the possibilities of the Internet..

Technique for making patterns using a machine

  1. Preparing the area for applying the pattern. Removal main hairline using a typewriter.
  2. Before working with the main tools, the design is first drawn on the head using a marker.
  3. To apply the design, you can use scissors, a trimmer, or a straight razor. Or you can use all tools simultaneously. It all depends on the professionalism and complexity of the drawing.

This video shows in detail how a professional draws on a teenager’s head.

Is it possible to make a pattern at home?

You can make a simple pattern at home. The drawing is complex in execution technique It's better to trust the hands of a master A. This is especially true for young guys, when hairstyle is one of key points expressions of one's "I". Therefore, it must be flawless.

Cutting a boy's hair with a clipper at home, step-by-step instructions

The question of how to cut hair with a clipper at home is asked by many parents. Actually in this there's nothing complicated.

Haircut with a pattern using one attachment

Attention! The clipper should be pressed tightly to the head and placed against hair growth. All clippers can let hair through, so you may want to go over your head twice.

  1. During the cutting process, use comb as an auxiliary tool, gradually moving her hair away.
  2. After the main haircut, remove the attachment, turn the clipper over and carefully draw two parallel lines at the temples.
  3. If necessary, modify certain areas with scissors.

This video shows how to cut and draw a boy's head at home.

There are a lot of patterns that can be reproduced on the head. It all depends on imagination and personal wishes.

For adult men, getting a haircut is a routine, no more than a monthly procedure. But for boys, going to the hairdresser or even creating a fashionable hairstyle at home is always an important event. Especially now, when the times of monotonous haircuts are over - the image of the baby depends only on the imagination of the master or the wishes of the little client.

Haircut according to boy's age

When choosing a boy's hairstyle, it is important to remember that it matches his age. So, for children under three years old, simple and neat options are preferable. The main requirements are the absence of long bangs that will get into the eyes and neatness. It’s better to hold off on the frills: Thin hair Small children are difficult to style (and the use of styling products for them is strictly prohibited).

But starting from 4-5 years old, you can choose more complex models, giving your child the opportunity for self-expression. A haircut with a pattern will help your child express himself and attract the attention of his peers. By the way, this year such hairstyles are at the peak of popularity.

Rules for creating a drawing

Usually an experienced hairdresser can create such a haircut using just one clipper. But less to an experienced master(or the drawing is very complex) you will need scissors and a cosmetic pencil. Typically, the following requirements are put forward for a haircut with patterns:

  • Despite the fact that the design can be applied all over the head, it is worth practicing with the back of the head or temples first. A too eccentric haircut can complicate relationships with teachers at school or even cause ridicule from peers.
  • If you decide on a similar hairstyle, you need to grow your hair at least 6-7 mm. On shorter curls, even the most skilled craftsman will not be able to guarantee the clarity of the pattern.
  • Correction will need to be carried out at least once every ten days, otherwise restoring the pattern will be quite problematic. Most likely, you will have to grow your hair out for a month to create a new hairstyle.

A haircut with patterns takes at least one hour, so prepare the boy for the procedure in advance (for example, come up with an interesting activity for him).

Haircut stages

The formation of a pattern involves several stages, some of which even require preliminary preparation:

  1. Selecting the drawing area. The hairdresser checks with the boy or his parents exactly where the ornament will be located.
  2. Selection of pattern. Although craftsmen usually have multiple options in stock, you can always bring a photo or sketch of the desired design with you.
  3. Directly creating a hairstyle. If the design is intricate, the master will apply it using a cosmetic pencil. Then the excess is cut off with scissors, and the machine completes the processing.
  4. The pencil is washed off the skin with tonic.

The pattern in such a haircut can be intersecting lines, stripes, stars. If the master agrees, you can depict his favorite cartoon characters on the boy’s head.

Remember, your boy wants to be fashionable and creative no less than you. Don't be afraid to experiment - let your child enjoy an extraordinary hairstyle. And your task is to help him show his individuality.

Read more about fashionable haircuts 2016 for boys you can in this.

What patterns can your baby boast of on his head? Share in the comments.

Nowadays, various shaved patterns and designs on the head have become quite popular. Men's haircuts with a pattern can be done all over the head, but most men prefer to limit themselves to a pattern at the temples or at the back of the head.

Sporty-style haircuts are practical and easy to care for. When doing this hairstyle, it is important to be careful in the edging area. After all, it is she who is able to hide imperfections in the shape of the head, which is quite important for short haircuts with a pattern.

For a men's haircut with a pattern, it is enough to allocate a hair length of about 6 mm. If you are the owner blonde hair or not very thick, then such patterns should be shaved at a length of 9 mm. On average, this pattern lasts only 7 days, then disappears after 3-4 weeks. In this case, it is necessary to constantly refresh it or wait a month until the hair grows back. If you try to update the pattern after two weeks, the result will not be very beautiful, since it will be quite difficult to follow the old pattern. But it’s too early to make a new pattern in place of the old one, since the hair has not reached the appropriate length.

To make a men's haircut with a pattern on the head, an experienced hairdresser will need about an hour, and maybe a little more.

Lately, men's haircuts with patterns have become very popular. As a rule, they are shaved using a machine, although in the hands of a skilled specialist any tool will do.

Instructions for shaving the pattern on the head

To get a patterned or striped haircut, you must follow these steps:

  • select a section of the head and mark on it cosmetic pencil desired drawing.
  • then the main haircut is trimmed with scissors, after which it is adjusted with a hair clipper.
  • pencil marks are removed with tonic, and a beautiful, even pattern is obtained. It is recommended that such hairstyles be done not with a simple machine, but with a professional one.

Men's haircuts with stripes can be combined with a variety of hairstyle elements. This year, many experts recommend creating hairstyles with original shaved patterns so that a men's haircut with a pattern on the head will look bright and stylish. In addition, they allow you to emphasize your individual image.

If you consider yourself an extraordinary person and want to emphasize the creativity and unusualness of your image, then a haircut with shaved designs, patterns or stripes is created for you!

Simple and therefore boring haircuts for growing men have long since become a thing of the past. Today, many stylists are actively involved in creating completely new and unique haircuts for kids and teenagers.

Various types of cut designs on the heads of boys are in particular demand - this new fashion trend has become a peak in recent years, because such drawings look bright, original and stylish. This haircut will help to emphasize without any problems individual style his master and will become one of the best types male self-expression.


New hairstyles initially received the special name of an art haircut. At first, they differed only in their slightly shaved temples and slightly elongated hair on the back of their heads. But the creative process did not stop there, and the craftsmen began to shave all sorts of stripes and catchy ornaments on the clients’ temples.

Short children's haircuts are considered the most comfortable to wear. A masterful curly haircut can make their simplified appearance more diverse. As a result, a pattern appears on the head, created not by using paint, but by shaving or cutting off the outline of the desired image.

First you need to choose a basic hairstyle; a little later you can apply the selected pattern to it. There are several suitable types of such popular haircuts. Of these, you should choose the most suitable one - boxing or half-boxing, the favorite of many, a hedgehog or undercut, a pompadour or a stylish mohawk, perhaps even a Canadian.

Unusual haircuts for boys, patterns and images should not cause them discomfort. They should be as comfortable as possible to go about your business or play with.

Ideally, the child himself should choose the haircut he likes - then the hairdresser will work much more calmly.

The pinnacle of hairdressing is fancy patterns and images applied to the temples or directly to the back of the head. Patterns can be made either with special scissors or with a regular clipper. A masterly drawing can be made using two tools at once; here everything will depend on the experience of the master you choose.

When choosing tools, you need to pay attention to a number of important points.

  • For children, using scissors can be dangerous, as children at this age are very restless. It's hard to keep them in one place. An unexpected movement of a child can lead to accidental injury. And if you want to cut your baby's hair with scissors, you will need to constantly distract him.
  • Not all actions are performed with just one machine or just scissors. To create certain images, sometimes you have to use 2 tools at once.
  • To apply the pattern, the client’s choice most often stops at the back of the head. But temple ornaments are also popular.
  • At the site where the image is applied, the hairline should be at least 6-9 mm.
  • The image remains visible for no more than 10 days. Minor adjustments will be required as the hair grows out.

Advantages and disadvantages

The enormous popularity of haircuts with images is explained by their significant advantages:

  • such haircuts will harmoniously combine with casual and sporty styles;
  • attractive, stylish look;
  • the ability to hide imperfections in the face or head shape;
  • creativity of the wearer, even if it is a child;
  • no need for constant styling;
  • such shaving will create a striking contrast between the shortest and long strands.

A significant disadvantage of this haircut is the fact that within 2 weeks it almost completely disappears as the hair grows back. And the duration of the haircut procedure itself, which can last at least an hour, is something few boys like. You also won’t be able to shave the designs on your head on your own, so you’ll have to visit your hairdresser often.

How to choose?

Hairstyles with shaved hair designs are usually the most popular among teenagers. The patterns on their hair can most often be seen at the temples or the back of the head.

In this case, you can choose the most unimaginable patterns - from lightning to especially difficult to execute ornaments.

The most common patterns on children's haircuts:

  • parallel lines on the sides;
  • web;
  • diamonds;
  • stars;
  • image of your favorite cartoon character (or comic book hero, movie).

You can ask for a catalog when you come to the salon. And you should also take into account the advice of an experienced master.

To choose the right hairstyle, you need to rely not so much on fashion trends, but on the character of a particular boy, as well as his age. Certain criteria must be taken into account.

  • Hair structure. The thing is that too thin hair usually does not look good in haircuts with long locks - in this case they will not look very neat.
  • Don't overdo it on your child long bangs like anime characters. It will always disturb your child and affect the quality of vision, and for the worse.
  • If your child is actively involved in sports, then it is best to choose a short haircut for him, which will not require special care.
  • A haircut that requires long-term styling, quite suitable for boys of the older age group.
  • The boy's own opinion. Before the final choice of a haircut, you need to show him photographs with various options and give him the opportunity to make his own, quite possibly, his first informed choice.
  • The shape of a child's face and head. A professional in his field will always tell you which haircut will best highlight everything positive sides appearance of a small client.

Boys under 10 years old can shave various zigzags into their hair, cut double ticks and single ones, and they often choose cobwebs from ear to ear.

From the age of 12, the choice often stops at ovals and rhombuses, checkmarks, cascading or triangular figures with lower figures having larger parameters than the upper figures.

Teenagers aged 14-15 choose simplified drawings or figures of complex geometry, exclusive options. Hairstyles for teenagers in this case are one of the most difficult to perform and care for.

How to care and style?

To choose the right hairstyle for puberty boys, you need to meet certain conditions:

  • it's better to have strands of hair new haircut did not fall into his eyes and did not interfere with his usual activities;
  • when selecting, you need to take into account the structure of the child’s hair, face type, and other appearance features;
  • the choice should be made taking into account certain disadvantages of a particular type of appearance.

Children's hairstyles usually do not involve styling every day, so choose options in which the hair in the haircut itself would easily fall into place after drying.

Beautiful examples

Any appearance will be brightened by some original detail. The look of the clipped symbols on a boy’s head can be absolutely creative - they can be interesting figures, modest waves, a regular ornament, a coat of arms or an image of a favorite animal.


Looks best stylish haircuts for boys with a wide stripe on the sides. In this case, the stripes can be of all kinds - designed in certain styles, with different widths and lengths, made at different angles. Often they can even intertwine with each other, go to the sides, creating an even more intricate pattern. For a strict face type, a haircut design is perfect when 2 stripes go from both sides at the temples and go down the back of the neck.

Stripe haircuts are usually considered rebellious and can be created in just 10-15 minutes. Many teenagers who once decide to give themselves this kind of haircut never refuse it again.


These fashionable lines, breaking at different angles, are very popular when cutting patterns on the temples. At the same time, they are perfect for both children and teenagers, and even men. Making a zigzag does not take much time and can be done by a stylist using a trimmer or a regular razor. The zigzag looks great on a slightly asymmetrical haircut, and is also often used to create a haircut with an original pattern on the sides.

A new fashion trend is gaining momentum in popularity - shaved temples and the back of the head. Moreover. It spreads not only among men, but also among women. Girls do short haircuts, decorating the head with intricate designs and flirty patterns. It looks quite unusual and impressive!

There are girls who are not afraid of what others will think of them. They challenge society and have crazy hairstyles. Here is a striking example of a haircut that is just right for such an independent and daring person. Geometric lines make the image dynamic and indicate the active lifestyle of the owner of such a hairstyle.

But not everyone is ready to take such a risk, especially those who long hair. In this case, stylists suggest shaving the hair only on the back of the head, so that the pattern can be hidden if necessary. This option is perfect for those who like to wear high ponytail or works in an office where such a haircut simply won’t be understood.

Another option for those who don’t want to go with shaved temples every day. In this case, you can cut only part of your temple short and make a flirtatious predatory print on it, which is very popular today. Such temples are always easy to cover with long strands.

A bob combined with shaved temples looks quite exotic. Especially if you spice up your haircut with a flirty star pattern, and dye your hair in an ash-lilac shade, which is also rising to the fashion pedestal today.

When you don’t want to hide your shaved temples, you can experiment not only with the pattern, but also with the color of the temple itself. As an option, you should try to shave stylish flowers and paint them in a bright shade. This haircut is ideal for the summer season.

A shaved head suits not only informal ladies, but also girls who play sports or dance. Haircuts with laconic patterns - stripes or zigzags - look very stylish.

Some girls don't stop at shaving their temples; they make mohawks, cutting their hair short to the middle of the head. This is an option for the most daring and daring; it will undoubtedly make the image bright and unforgettable.

Large designs on the temples and back of the head look very impressive. It could be some kind of ethnic pattern, an image of the sun or a sunflower. This pattern looks attractive and feminine.
For lovers of the minimalist style, stylists recommend paying attention to extremely laconic haircuts. For example, choose options where there is an emphasis on only one temple.