Habits that negatively affect skin condition. Alcohol, dry air and long conversations. What habits are bad for your skin? What harms your facial skin the most?

“Warning, dangerous for skin!” - such signs can be provided with some products present in our daily diet. Acne, sagging, loss of healthy color, wrinkles, swelling, dark circles under the eyes - these and other problems serve as signals that the diet contains food that is dangerous to the skin. What foods are the enemies of the epidermis, how do they affect the skin? We will help you figure out what exactly needs to be removed from the refrigerator to preserve youthful and beautiful skin.

Tea, coffee, and some types of carbonated drinks can not only give you energy, but also cause dehydration of the skin. Due to increased dryness of the epidermis, caffeine can cause loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin. As a result, a healthy complexion is lost and early wrinkles appear.

Reduce your tea and coffee consumption to 5 cups a day, and also take care of additional hydration of the epidermis.


It's hard to believe, but calcium-rich cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir and regular milk can cause acne. Recent studies have shown that dairy products can worsen skin conditions. And a negative effect is observed not only with lactose intolerance, but also as a reaction to the content of hormones and biologically active components in milk. Hormones and various stimulating chemical additives are actively used in feeding cows.

To keep your skin health under control, consume dairy products from trusted manufacturers that are environmentally friendly.


Too sweet foods cause disruption of skin cell nutrition. Excessive consumption of sweets and chocolate bars causes an imbalance in lymphatic drainage. As a result, the skin suffers from fluid retention, bruises under the eyes and swelling appear. And various sweets increase the glucose content in the body, which can provoke the proliferation of staphylococcal infections on the surface of the epidermis. The result is inflammation on the skin.

Expert commentary

Remember the popular saying that sugar is white poison? It turns out that this statement is not far from the truth. Excessive consumption of sweets not only harms your figure, but also accelerates the aging process of the skin.

Sugar causes a process called glycation, where excess glucose molecules attach to collagen and make the collagen fibers stiff and inflexible. Whereas normally these fibers are elastic and resilient. But that's not all! Glycation also destroys hyaluronic acid, responsible for maintaining skin moisture levels. As a result, the skin becomes less elastic, loses tone, becomes dry, and numerous wrinkles appear - especially under the eyes, where the skin is thinnest.

What to do? Give up sweets completely? Of course not. Dessert lovers need to stick to following rules to preserve the beauty of the skin:

1. Try not to add sugar at all to tea, coffee and other drinks or minimize the amount.

2. Refuse carbonated drinks, packaged juices, and ready-made breakfasts. They contain a lot of sugar.

3. Consume B vitamins - they stop the process of protein damage.

4. Limit your consumption of store-bought sweets. If you treat yourself to sweets or cakes once every 2-3 days, then sugar will not become “death” for your youth.

5. Give preference to fresh fruits as an alternative to sweets. And remember: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine; it’s the dose that makes it one way or another.”

Although in small doses alcoholic drinks, for example, red wine, are not capable of causing serious harm to health; to preserve the beauty of the skin, it is better to avoid consuming them. Alcohol leads to skin dehydration. The result of consuming any alcohol-containing drinks will be visible on the face in the form of dry epidermis and swelling under the eyes.

To reduce the negative impact of alcohol on the skin, compensate for the consumption of drinks with a degree of alcohol by drinking a large number of plain water.

Simple carbohydrates

White bread, pastries, pasta and other sources of simple carbohydrates have a negative impact on skin condition. Their excessive presence in the diet leads to increased oxidative processes in the body, destruction of elastin and collagen, which are necessary for the elasticity of the epidermis. Foods rich in simple carbohydrates increase insulin levels, which accelerates aging and leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Reduce your bun consumption by replacing simple carbohydrates complex. For example, whole grain products, brown rice, oatmeal.

Despite the fact that salt helps to bring out the taste of dishes, this food additive aggravates the condition of skin prone to acne and other rashes. “White death” leads to vasodilation and a decrease in the amount of collagen in the body. Therefore, salt causes sagging skin. Also, various marinades, saltiness, and sausages with a high salt content cause swelling under the eyes.

To maintain skin elasticity, reduce salt intake, diversify your diet with natural spices and herbs.

Fried meat, fast food

Fried pieces of meat dripping with fat, hamburgers and other “fast food” with fried meat cutlets are a threat to slim figure And clear skin. During intense heat treatment, oils and fats oxidize, which triggers pathological processes in the body. Various fried foods can cause cancer, atherosclerosis, and skin diseases. Also, fatty meats often cause contamination of pores and the formation of wrinkles.

To reduce the harm of such dishes to the skin, prepare fast food yourself, and always use fresh oil for frying.

Sometimes it is enough to change your attitude towards tanning and nutrition to delay aging.

Cosmetologist Anzhelika Uzhva will talk about how we can protect our skin and what seemingly harmless habits harm it.

1. “Pale doesn’t suit me”

As you know, the sun is the source of life for all living things. Sunlight lifts your mood and is an anti-stress factor. However, we must not forget that UVR has a destructive effect on the skin, causing so-called photoaging. Excess UV rays contribute to skin dehydration, reduce its tone and turgor, cause hyperpigmentation, rosacea and increase the risk of cancer.

123RF/ Konstantin Labunskiy

It is a big misconception to believe that tanning helps eliminate rashes on the face. After exposure to active sun, the condition of problematic skin only worsens: the skin thickens due to the active synthesis of keratin cells, the sebaceous ducts become clogged, and the outflow of sebum is disrupted, which leads to a greater appearance of inflammatory elements.

Excessive sun exposure on the skin can also lead to an exacerbation of demodicosis, an inflammatory disease caused by mites (the iron mite normally lives on the skin of every person).

IN Lately An allergic reaction to solar radiation is not uncommon. It may be accompanied by itching, rashes and skin discomfort.

A good beauty habit is to apply sunscreen to exposed areas of the body before leaving the house. hot weather to protect your skin from dangerous ultraviolet rays.

2. “A healthy lifestyle is not for me”

Smokers, including passive smokers, subject their skin to a real test: tobacco smoke severely dehydrates the skin and, due to tars, over time gives an unhealthy yellow-brown tint. Smoking triggers the synthesis of an enzyme that destroys collagen, causing the skin to lose elasticity, firmness and become sagging. Dark circles under the eyes, deep wrinkles around the lips, crow's feet, and signs of premature aging are just some of what cigarettes bring to the life of a typical smoker.

The same can be said about lovers of strong drinks - alcohol has a negative effect not only on the skin, but also on all body systems.

123RF/ Joana Lopes

3. “I drink when I’m thirsty.”

Thirst is a sign of moisture deficiency, so you need to drink liquid before this feeling appears.

With age, the water balance in the body is disturbed, and the skin becomes drier, dull and flabby. Lack of moisture slows down the process of removing toxins, which can cause inflammatory elements to appear.

The first thing we can do to help our skin on our own is to drink more water. Daily norm consumption of pure still water is about 2 liters (at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight).


It is better to keep coffee and tea to a minimum - due to their high caffeine content, they lead to dehydration.

4. “I eat what I want!”

In the modern rhythm of life, it is not so easy to normalize the diet and balance the diet: we are often in a hurry, forgetting about breakfast, snacking on the run and abusing fast food, and during dinner we try to compensate for the lack of calories for the whole day and inevitably overeat.

Fatty, salty, sweet, spicy, dairy, gluten-containing and refined foods do not give the skin a fresh and radiant look.

In particular, when problem skin with the infectious agent staphylococcus or streptococcus, sweets provoke the appearance of inflammation on the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and back.

Even diets do not always have a positive effect on your appearance. After rapid weight loss, many expect enthusiastic compliments from others, but instead they receive only comments about their exhausted and tired appearance.

123RF/ katiafonti

The reason is simple: after losing weight, the subcutaneous fatty tissue that supports the tissue becomes thinner, which can lead to dehydration, loss of skin tone and visible signs of early aging.

In recent years, the theme “PP” ( proper nutrition) gained incredible popularity. Today, recipes for “healthy” dishes have become available to everyone - they can be easily found in cookbooks, on the Internet and in fashion magazines. If you eat 4-6 times a day in small portions and exclude junk food, the result will be noticeable within a couple of months. The most effective nutrition program, taking into account individual characteristics A dietician or nutritionist will help you create a nutritional plan for your body.

5. “I am my own doctor”

Some people do not believe in medicine and prefer self-medication, some have avoided doctors since childhood, and others are afraid to hear bad news from the doctor. Unfortunately, people often find dozens of excuses not to undergo regular examinations and tests.

By ignoring the problem, we are not solving it. Body signals such as poor health, constant pain, mood changes, skin defects, etc. should be taken as a reason to seek help from a specialist.

123RF/ akkamulator

Also, don’t wait for imperfections on your face to disappear on their own - correct the imperfections of the problem and oily skin, pick up proper care Only an experienced cosmetologist can treat sensitive and dry skin, eliminate wrinkles and create clearer facial contours.

6. “Laundry soap is the best means for washing”

Improper or insufficient care is one of the main factors in the deterioration of skin condition, along with unfavorable environmental conditions and temperature changes. At night, the skin actively “absorbs” what is on its surface, which is why it is so important to wash off your makeup before bed. Dirty brushes and sponges are a source of harmful bacteria. Abuse decorative cosmetics entails clogging of pores, active production of sebum and the appearance of inflammation. Alcohol-containing lotions that cleanse the face “to the point of squeaking” dry out the skin greatly. Frequent use of rough scrubs is a too traumatic method of cleansing dead cells, which is contraindicated for problem skin, since abrasive particles spread germs and pus into open wounds.

Cosmetologists often have to deal with the consequences of self-medication with “folk” recipes.

In order not to endanger your beauty and health, you should give preference to professional cosmetology procedures and high-quality care products, which a qualified specialist will help you choose.

7. “I can’t control myself when I’m nervous.”

Touching your face with your hands, squinting, wrinkling your forehead, biting your lips, wiping your body with a towel until it turns red, getting rid of blackheads “manually” - these are just some of the actions that are often performed unconsciously. In order not to cause mechanical damage to the skin and not to introduce infection into open wounds, you need to carefully control yourself.

123RF/ Roman Samborskyi

Sometimes for bad habits there is a deep problem psychological nature. If the obsessive desire to cause microdamage to oneself - biting nails, biting lips until they bleed, scratching damaged areas of skin, pulling out hair - is characteristic of a person for a long time, then there is reason to talk about dermatomania, which, as a rule, is caused by stress, aggression, neurosis or psychopathology . In this case, a consultation with a psychotherapist is required.

Maintaining a daily routine and nutrition healthy products, regular skin care, management healthy image life, hygiene, protecting the skin from excessive sun exposure - these are simple but useful steps that will help maintain a beautiful, young and well-groomed appearance of the skin for a long time.

Anzhelika Viktorovna Uzhva - cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist at the Clinic of German Medical Technologies GMTClinic.

Products harmful to the skin
Many years ago, dermatologist Nigma Talib identified four main types of aging in women. Having analyzed their diets, she did a lot of work and came to important conclusions: the same foods have completely different effects on different organisms. And it's not about metabolism or overweight, we are talking about harm to the skin.

Nigma Talib found out that almost every woman has a “skin” intolerance to one of the products: wine, gluten, sugar or milk. If you exclude the “enemy” from the diet, the skin literally transforms in a month, becomes younger, more elastic and fresh - without any significant changes in its care, without cosmetologists and strong drugs.

Simply by changing your diet.

“Many people have no idea that the habit of drinking a glass of wine at dinner led to the formation of wrinkles around the eyes, oatmeal for breakfast caused swelling, and an addiction to kefir or yoghurt caused the appearance of bags under the eyes!” says Dr. Talib.

How to find out what exactly is harming you and why your skin ages? Just take a good look in the mirror and answer the questions below honestly.

So, looking in the mirror, you noticed...

Option No. 1

  • wrinkles in the corners of the eyes
  • redness, spider veins
  • enlarged pores
  • peeling
    developing nasolabial fold
  • folds in the corners of the mouth

If you agree with four or more points, your enemy is alcohol.

Perhaps a glass of wine at dinner does not harm someone, and friendly parties with copious libations do not leave indelible marks on the face, but this is not you.

Take a break for two weeks. Avoid any alcohol at all. And then follow the rule?: For 1 serving of alcohol there should be 4 servings of a soft drink (preferably plain water).

Option No.2

  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  • drooping upper eyelids
  • general haggard appearance
  • "sunken eyes
  • acne
  • dark spots

If you agree with four or more points, your enemy is sugar.

Getting hooked on sweets is the easiest thing to do, and this type is more common than others. The mechanism is simple: the more sugar you consume, the worse it is absorbed. And the body requires maintaining blood sugar levels and demands more and more sweets. It's time to stop this and deal with this cause of skin aging!

Gradually reduce your sugar intake. Put one spoon in your coffee instead of two, eat half a cake instead of a whole one. Your task is to halve the sweets in your diet in two weeks, and quadruple in a month, and maintain this level for the rest of your life. Your skin will thank you!

Option No.3

  • swelling
  • bags under the eyes
  • comedones, acne
  • uneven skin texture
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • uneven complexion

If you agree with four or more points, your enemy is milk.

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus, but are increasingly inclined to believe that dairy products are normally digested only by children. Adults, due to the habit of eating improperly, “break” this mechanism, and in the future it cannot be restored. The good news is that we can live without dairy products without harming our health. Sources of calcium and protein in modern world plenty.

Just eliminate all dairy from your diet for three weeks. Make sure you look better, and from now on, allow yourself dairy products exclusively as an indulgence.

Option No.4

  • many pigment spots, sallow skin tone
  • acne and comedones in the chin area
  • overhanging, as if “sliding down” cheeks
  • puffiness
  • Rosacea (large redness of the skin)
  • double chin formation

If you agree with four or more points, your enemy is gluten.

Many of us are sensitive to gluten, a special protein found in wheat, rye and barley. In case of intolerance the immune system is constantly under stress, but the cells responsible for pigmentation are especially affected. With gluten intolerance, the skin darkens, age spots form, and disruptions in the hormonal system lead to swelling and aging of the facial skin in women.

Many products are now labeled "Gluten Free" so... serious problems You won’t have any problems with pasta and bread substitutes. At first you will have to read the labels more often, but you will get used to it very quickly.

Helped us:

Tatyana Bityutskaya
Cosmetologist and esthetician at Tevoli beauty studios

Sports activities affect all organs, and the skin is no exception in this regard. Moreover, its condition can directly signal how successful you are in your chosen discipline. Here are 5 “something went wrong” scenarios and tips on how to fix it.

1. Got too caught up in cardio and dieting.

It is known that cardio has the best effect on the body: shapes are tightened, fat goes away. If you combine this with proper nutrition, you can achieve even more dazzling results. But if you run/swim/dance while on a “celery wrapped in lettuce” diet, then a pretty face can transform into a wrinkled mask. The weight goes off quickly, the skin does not have time to adapt (tighten up) - and we see a slender girl with the face of a cheerful old lady. Remember, everything is good in moderation. Don't reinvent the wheel - train and eat properly and fully.

What to do?

“Facial massage is a useful and pleasant entertainment that keeps muscles toned,” hints our expert Tatyana Bityutskaya. – You are losing weight, the fat layer will gradually disappear, and muscle will take its place, and the balance will be maintained. Try different techniques, such as sculptural and buccal massage, which deeply work the facial muscles: after the session they will ache, just like after going to the gym.”

2. Overtrained

You decided to burn off all the stress hormones for a couple of years in advance - for this you took up Krav Maga, within six months you became the champion of a sports club and are preparing for international competitions. If you're 15 years old, it's nothing. But if you are over 25 and your body is not accustomed to high stress, a sudden jump in activity will negatively affect the condition of your skin.

In order to somehow survive, fulfilling your requirements, the body will save on everything - in particular, on maintaining normal appearance. There’s no time to think about collagen production, I’d have to wait until the evening... Result: First of all, the skin condition will worsen (dryness, wrinkles, ptosis), then your nails will begin to crumble and your hair will fall out. And this is also good, because a weaker body will immediately begin to activate chronic diseases. In general, give your body rest and recovery, feed it with vitamins and don’t force it to endure pain.

What to do?

“Be sure to combine sports with relaxation activities,” recommends Tatyana. “We all know about the recovery period after a workout; at least once a week or two, supplement it with a trip to the spa: face masks, body wraps - and beauty will bloom.”

3. I studied makeup

There are ladies who, among other things, are looking for admiring glances in the audience, and therefore lift free weights in full makeup. We are all for flirting, but makeup is unforgivable. Loads accelerate the activity of the sweat glands: the more you do, the faster and more productive they are involved in work. And this is good: the body cools, the resource grows, the skin is cleansed from the inside (better than any cosmetics), metabolic processes are activated, and cells are renewed 100%. But as soon as you apply foundation, everything described begins to work against you. Pores become clogged and the cleansing process is blocked., excellent conditions are created for blackheads and a wide variety of rashes. If you repeat this experiment regularly, your skin will become thick, rough, oily - in general, it’s better not to try it.

What to do?

“Before going to the gym, you need to wash off your makeup, that’s a fact,” says Tatyana. – Plus, after training you need to take a shower and wash your face with a cleanser. During exercise, spritz your face with a moisturizing mist after drying it with a towel to prevent your skin from drying out. And use exfoliating agents once a week: playing sports activates metabolic processes and promotes cell regeneration, so it is important to remove dead skin particles.”

4. Practiced outdoors in the cold

In our latitudes, street training cannot always be called comfortable, and if you are ready to go for a run or warm up on a bike in any weather, we are delighted (here’s a little imaginary monument for you!).

What to do?

"WITH sunscreens everything is clear: apply 10 minutes before going outside,” says the cosmetologist. – As for the greasy cream in case of cold weather, don’t forget to wash it off when you return. At home, in the warmth, it can have a negative effect - clog pores and cause rashes.”

5. Swimmed

Exercising in the pool is great and healthy fun, but for the skin, I must admit, it’s pure evil. All because of bleach: it mercilessly dries, resulting in flaking and a feeling of tightness. can become your constant companions. What to do? Stay hydrated - and don't forget to wash off the bleach.

What to do?

“Take cleansers with a moisturizing effect to the pool,” says Tatyana. – Be sure to clean yourself after the swim. To take care of your skin, a quick-absorbing, loose moisturizer is suitable. And be sure to treat yourself to moisturizing masks once or twice a week.” By the way, the skin of the body will also not be happy with chlorinated water. So after bathing, use a moisturizing lotion or dry oil"(a special product that is instantly absorbed).

  • Anti-glycation cosmetics

Top 3 most harmful products for skin

The skin is a real fan of PP, that is, proper nutrition. Once you go on a strict starvation diet, it loses its radiance, freshness and beautiful hue. And if you get carried away with unhealthy food, then premature signs aging is not far away. What products does your skin especially dislike?

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1. Sugar

Sugar heads a whole group of products that are broken down into glucose molecules in the body. This group includes all foods with a high glycemic index, including bread, rice, and dried fruits. Glucose is one of the main participants in the process of glycation - damage and gluing of collagen and elastin threads in the dermis.

“As a result, the protein supporting “mattress” seems to cake and bunch up into lumps that are unable to provide elasticity,” says Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva

What to do? By an effort of will, eliminate sweets from your diet and limit your consumption of simple carbohydrates.

“First of all, you should give up sweet carbonated drinks (the negative effects of sugar are enhanced by carbon dioxide) and all kinds of snacks (bread and other snacks that seem healthy),” advises Elena Eliseeva.

As for cosmetics, introduce products with antioxidants that block free radicals and special creams, preventing glycation - gluing of collagen fibers.

2. Excess animal fats

No, we do not encourage anyone to become vegetarian. On the contrary, we remind you that animal fats are necessary. “They are a substrate for the synthesis of sex hormones,” Elena Eliseeva clarifies. A complete refusal of red meat threatens iron deficiency anemia and painful pallor.

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It's all about balance and quality of products. It is optimal to consume 2-3 servings of red meat per week, while strictly limiting the amount of sausages and other processed proteins.

The greatest danger is posed by fatty meat cooked over an open fire: the ruddy, appetizing crust formed as a result of burning fat is a source of free radicals and carcinogens.

Do you need them? Of course not. So kebab is a dish that you can afford only occasionally. Better yet, blacklist him.

3. Salt

It is not as unconditionally harmful as sugar, but we ourselves are to blame for the fact that this product is on the list of “pests”. We eat too much salty food. Chips, crackers, marinades, and pickles lead to an excess of salt in the body. What does this threaten us with? That's right, fluid retention in the subcutaneous fat and, as a result, swelling.

To cope with swelling:

    lymphatic drainage massage;

    cold, such as cold compresses;

    time - the body itself will remove excess fluid.

But these are all short-term solutions. If you are prone to swelling, you will have to avoid salty foods.

What can replace “forbidden fruits”

1. Fruit

The question of the benefits of sugar alternatives such as stevia remains open. In addition, the release of glucose is caused not only by sugar, but also by the entire carbohydrate group.

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Of course, it is not easy to give up carbohydrates, but taste preferences change quite quickly. Refined sugar, white flour products, processed rice, etc. can be replaced with fruit. And not with bananas and grapes, which contain a lot of fructose, but with apples - this way you will provide the body with vitamins and fiber.

2. Fish and vegetable oils

Unlike red meat, these foods are rich in healthy fats - Omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids. Their lack in the diet negatively affects health, and therefore beauty, leading to such consequences as:

    dry and dull skin;

    hair loss and fragility.

Don’t forget to regularly eat fish, preferably fatty varieties, and dress salads vegetable oils. Just not refined, but first cold pressed.

Anti-glycation cosmetics

If you are not yet able to give up desserts that provoke “sugarification” of collagen fibers, then at least support your skin with anti-glycation cosmetics.

© SkinCeuticals

Targetedly combats the formation of advanced glycation end products, stimulates collagen synthesis to restore skin elasticity and prevent the formation of wrinkles. Contains blueberry extract, anti-aging molecule proxylan and phytosphingosine, which restores the protective barrier.

    Antioxidant youth concentrate LiftActiv, Vichy, promises to revitalize tired, dull skin in 10 days. The guarantee is a carefully verified set of antioxidants: vitamins E and C (15%), neohesperidin and maritime pine polyphenol. All this is supported by hyaluronic acid.

    Double-action youth concentrate Advanced Génifique Sensitive, Lancôme- a new version of the legendary product is enriched with an antioxidant complex with ferulic acid and vitamin E, which increase the skin's resistance to negative external influences.

    Antioxidant protection against aggressive environmental factors Skin Best Day Cream, SPF 15, Biotherm, contains an antioxidant of marine origin that prevents the negative effects of free radicals and helps the skin painlessly survive the stress caused by UV radiation. Helps prevent skin aging.