Labor veteran and military pensioners. What utility benefits are available to military veterans? A complete list of benefits for military pensioners and combat veterans

IN Russian Federation benefits are provided to various groups of the population. To receive them, you need to document your status and obtain the appropriate certificate. This is due to former soldiers who fall under the criteria of Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 and are recognized as veterans of military service.

Let’s look at who has the right to the above status, how to get “Military Service Veteran”, where to apply for registration. The last point is regulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 501 of May 19, 1995.

Legal standards

Issues of conferring the title of veteran of military service are regulated by the following regulations:

  • Article 5 of Law No. 5-FZ provides an exhaustive list of persons who can apply for it;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 50 provides the procedure for determining status and conferring an honorary title.
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The legislator transferred the authority to work with former military personnel to government bodies at the federal level. This means the following:

  • Only the central authority can make a corresponding decision;
  • applications of applicants are accepted by structures operating in the regions;
  • packages are sent to the all-Russian department for analysis and preparation of an administrative document.
Attention: you must contact the structure in which your military service took place. Social security authorities do not assign military veteran ranks. They only work with civilians.

Who is eligible for preferential military veteran status?

The fifth article of Law No. 5-FZ lists the following groups of military personnel who are entitled to a discount book:

  • served in different periods time in the ranks of the Armed Forces:
    • THE USSR;
    • United Forces of the Union of Independent States;
    • CIS member countries;
  • served in units in which, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, military service is provided;
  • awarded:
    • orders and medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
    • diplomas and thanks from the President of the Russian Federation;
    • departmental signs.

The above persons must meet the following fundamental criteria (one of):

  • have at least twenty years of total military service;
  • receive disability due to:
    • injuries;
    • contusions;
    • illness caused by performance of official duties.
Clue! The honorary title is given to employees of federal authorities who are equivalent to military personnel. For example, law enforcement officers, intelligence officers, military personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and counter-terrorism units, and others.

Algorithm for obtaining the status “Veteran of Military Service”

The algorithm for interaction with government agencies for awarding an honorary title consists of several stages. The rules are:

  1. The initiative belongs to the applicant who meets the legal criteria. Such a person should:
    • collect a package of supporting documents;
    • write a statement in the prescribed form;
    • submit to the government agency for a decision.
  2. Civil servants do the following:
    • I accept the application;
    • register the appeal in the manner established by the department;
    • check the correctness of the application and the completeness of the documents provided;
    • send the package to the federal body for a decision.
  3. The central authority does the following:
    • accept the package;
    • check the accuracy of the information provided;
    • decide on awarding the title;
    • prepare a draft order of the head of the Ministry;
    • issue a certificate of the appropriate form;
    • transferred to the regional unit:
      • prepared veteran's book;
      • reasoned refusal to the applicant.
Hint: the department has a total of two months to work with documents.

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Where to contact a potential veteran

The President of the Russian Federation, by Decree No. 501, approved the procedure for government agencies to assign veteran status to retirees. In the first paragraph of this, powers are transferred to federal authorities that provide for military service. Therefore, the applicant should:

  • determine the Ministry or department corresponding to the one in which the service took place;
  • contact:
    • to the regional office (if there is one);
    • to the central authority.

Hint: the application and package of confirmations are sent to one of these units designated in Decree 501:

  • personnel;
  • pension.

For example, retired military personnel write appeals to the military commissariat, former police officers - to the pension department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, firefighters should contact the relevant department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and so on. If you have any doubts, you should consult with the government agency that carries out the relevant activities in the subject of the federation.

Important: the application with confirmation must be sent to the appropriate institution within three weeks, counted from the date of transfer to the reserve.

List of documents

The applicant is required to document compliance with all the criteria specified in the fifth article of Law No. 5-FZ. For this purpose, originals and copies of the following documents are collected:

  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • confirmation of length of service in one of the military formations (issued by the corresponding personnel department of the unit or government agency);
  • work book (relevant for retirees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • certificate of disability;
  • confirmation from a medical and social examination of the causes of disability;
  • application in the form established by the department (issued by the personnel department);
  • award documents of the established form.

Military service, as a rule, is carefully recorded in the personal file. But if you have any questions, you must contact the archives department of the relevant federal agency.

Hint: 20 years of service includes periods of service in all formations classified as military by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Some nuances of working with documents

The applicant is required to bring a complete package of first copies of papers to the relevant government agency. If there are awards, they should also be attached to the documents. Just an order book will not be enough.

The receiving party is obliged to carry out the following activities:

  • verify the authenticity of the data provided;
  • make copies of papers;
  • reassure them;
  • return the originals to the applicant.
Hint: it is better to fill out the application in the presence of an employee of the relevant department. Each structure has its own nuances. It is better to rely on the support of a specialist so as not to receive a refusal due to incorrect completion of the application.

Is preferential length of service taken into account?

In military formations, under certain conditions, length of service is accrued on a preferential basis. For example, for fulfilling a duty under conditions Far North. Thus, the formal length of service of a retiree is not equal to the actual one. However the law directly indicates the actual length of service in performing military duty. It must be more than 20 years old.

Please note: Grace periods are not taken into account when determining eligibility for veteran status.

Service in which formations makes it possible to apply for a veteran’s certificate?

The law talks about federal authorities providing for military service. These, in addition to the Armed Forces, include:

  • units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • FSB and foreign intelligence;
  • railway military formations;
  • border guards;
  • special construction;
  • Federal services:
    • security;
    • government communications.
Attention: now officers and privates of the Russian Guard will be able to apply for veteran status.

Procedure for issuing a certificate

The document confirming preferential status includes the following information:

  • full name of the federal government structure that made the relevant decision;
  • veteran's personal information:
    • Full name in the genitive case;
    • owner's signature;
    • photo;
  • category;
  • date of issue;
  • signature of the responsible person.
Attention: the completed form bears two stamps of the government agency’s seal. These should be on each of the internal pages.

The certificate is issued according to the following procedure:

  1. The applicant is summoned to the authority that accepted the appeal.
  2. With it, a record of the issuance of the document is made in the veteran's record book.
  3. The veteran is asked to sign:
    • in the certificate;
    • in the journal opposite the entry made.
  4. The person is given a fully completed form. In addition, the employee explains the preferential privileges to which the citizen is entitled.
For information: a form filled out with errors must be destroyed. There is no need to accept one from the employee. It is necessary to point out errors and ask to fill out another sample.

Case Study

Police Major V. Fefelov retired to the reserve on 02/12/18, having twenty-five calendar years of service. At the prompting of the personnel officer, he prepared a package of documents for conferring veteran status. But I didn’t have time to send the papers to the Pension Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 02/24/18 Fefelov was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of “heart attack”. The treatment took twenty-one days. Almost the entire time, the retiree was in the intensive care unit. I was unable to leave to resolve my issues for natural reasons.

After being discharged from the hospital, the former major turned to the personnel department at his previous place of work. The staff advised him not to give up what he had started. Missed deadlines can be restored if you prove to the Office pension provision Ministry of Internal Affairs presence of a valid reason.

Fefelov V. sent the prepared package. The following documents were attached to it:

  • an application for restoration of the deadline indicating the reason for missing it;
  • sick leave and medical history from the hospital.

The application of retiree V. Fefelov for assignment of the status of “Veteran of Military Service” was granted. He was given the certificate two months later.

Hint: persons who retired to the reserve before May 19, 1995 and meet the legal criteria can submit an application for assignment of status without observing the three-week period.

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A number of social guarantees are provided for veterans of military service in the Russian Federation. They include payments and various benefits. Which of them will veterans be able to receive in 2016?

Armed Forces Veteran Status

According to current legislation, veterans of the Armed Forces are persons who have served in any military force of the Russian Federation and a number of government agencies. In addition, they include citizens who served in the Allied Military Forces of the CIS member countries.

The status of an Armed Forces veteran is received by citizens marked with the following insignia:

  • Medal;
  • Order;
  • Honorary title of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
  • Intradepartmental signs.

Those who received an injury or professional injury in the service are also entitled to be awarded the status of an Armed Forces veteran. illness leading to disability. There is also a limitation on the duration of service. Its term must exceed 20 years.

After receiving the certificate, the citizen acquires all the rights and benefits that apply to military veterans. This document is unlimited and does not require confirmation or renewal.

The procedure for acquiring the title of an Armed Forces veteran

Acquiring the status of an Armed Forces veteran occurs at the place of military service. Along with the application, the applicant must provide a number of documents confirming his right to be awarded this title. The collected package of documents is submitted to the local pension department, as well as to the personnel department at the place of service.

After documents are accepted, they are reviewed by an authorized person within a period not exceeding 1 month. After this, a decision is made on conferring or refusing to confer the title of Armed Forces veteran.

If a positive decision is made, the applicant is given a certificate. This document has an approved form that is valid throughout the country. This document, among other things, indicates a list of the rights of a citizen that he acquired along with the status of an Armed Forces veteran. The citizen must sign, thereby confirming receipt of the certificate. This fact is also noted in a special registration book. The document itself is signed by the authorized person who issued it, and the seal of this government agency is affixed twice.

In case of refusal to assign a title, the authorized body is obliged to set out in writing in detail the reasons for such a decision and indicate on the basis of what norms it was made.

Social guarantees for military veterans

The Government of the Russian Federation has established a list of social measures. support that a person receiving this title can count on:

  • Pension payments and benefits;
  • Benefits in various areas;
  • Free honey services and emergency appointments with doctors;
  • Funeral services.

Attention! Free funeral services mean compensation for the costs of transporting, burying the body of the deceased and making a tombstone.

Citizens who have been awarded the title of Armed Forces Veteran, among other things, are exempt from paying state taxes. fees when going to court if the amount of the claim is less than 1 million rubles. They also do not pay federal fees when handling property disputes.

Types of benefits

Various benefits are provided for military veterans, including tax benefits. According to current legislation, they are compensated for land and property tax expenses. To receive these funds, the veteran must contact the appropriate authority with an application, tax notice and receipt.

Veterans also have the opportunity to purchase medications at discounted prices. This standard applies only to a number of products determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. This list includes essential drugs.

Benefits for military veterans also include regional social measures. support determined in each individual entity independently. Let's look at them using the example of Moscow, which has the widest list of additional social services. guarantees:

  1. Free travel to the public. transport and suburban railways.
  2. Compensation of 50% of the cost of payment for living space, its rental and repairs.
  3. Possibility of obtaining living space at the expense of budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, if this person in the prescribed manner recognized as needing it.
  4. Discount on utility bills;
  5. Free visit to the denture office.
  6. Advantage when joining country houses, gardening housing and other cooperatives.
  7. Reimbursement for telephone costs.

Let’s take a closer look at the procedure for compensating military veterans’ expenses for living quarters. First of all, it should be noted that only one dwelling is subject to this rule. When calculating the amount of compensation, those tariffs and rates that apply to servicing the veteran’s living space are taken into account.

At 50% discount on public utilities it also implies compensation for half the costs of water supply and disposal, heating, hot water supply, gas and electricity consumption. The calculation takes into account consumption standards, the number of people living in the room and its living area.

Attention! Previously, veterans received receipts for utility bills already taking into account a 50% discount. Now the veteran must pay the bills in full and only after that he will receive compensation for half of his expenses through the authorized social protection authorities.

To receive housing benefits, a veteran should contact local authority social security and submit Required documents to confirm your identity and status. In addition, you will need a certificate stating that the veteran pays for utilities in a specific residential premises in full.

All citizens who have received the status of military veterans have the right to receive support from the state. However, to implement most of them, you must apply to the social welfare office. Please note that some of the mentioned regional benefits may not be valid in your federal subject. More complete information about social networks operating in your region. Guarantees can be checked with your local social security office.

In order to be able to reward military personnel who served in the Russian Armed Forces for a long time, the public medal “Veteran of the Russian Armed Forces” was established. This award is an excellent option for honoring veterans on February 23, other holidays. Manufacturer of the medal: Chelznak Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Description of the award

The public medal “Veteran of the Russian Armed Forces” is made in the form of a circle of nickel silver. The cross section is template - 3.2 centimeters. On the front side of the award badge, in the upper part there is the emblem of the RF Armed Forces. This is a 2-headed eagle. On the bird's chest there is a shield with the figure of St. George the Victorious.

Under this heraldic sign the words “RUSSIA” are engraved. Even lower is a laurel branch. At the bottom there is a ribbon around the perimeter. The name of the award is written on it: “VETERAN OF THE ARMED FORCES.”

On the back, in the middle, there is an image of a map of Russia. Above it is the inscription: “IN MEMORY”, below it: “ABOUT SERVICE”. The block from which the medallion is suspended is wrapped with moire ribbon. It has longitudinal stripes on it. On the left is a strip of St. George's flowers, on the left is red. The background of the tape is gray. The color of the ribbon is identical to that used in the “Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR” award. The difference is that the stripes are mirrored.

The medal “Veteran of the Armed Forces of Russia” is issued with a certificate form in which the details of the recipient are entered.

Who is an Armed Forces Veteran

A person can be awarded the title of veteran of military service if the conditions meet the 5th Art. the law “On Veterans” adopted in 1995. To become a veteran, you must meet certain requirements. The holder of the title can be a serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union, or other departmental structures where there is military service.

Military personnel from other countries that are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States also have the right to become veterans. Condition - the person had to be the owner of orders or medals, or have honorary titles of the Russian Federation or the Soviet Union, or be rewarded with any insignia of departments. The rank is awarded if the soldier has served for at least 20 years.

A military person who has become disabled as a result of injury or illness can become a veteran if this happened while he was performing his official duties. All of the above also applies to those military personnel who were transferred to the reserve. The rules for obtaining this title are established by the Russian President.

Rules for assigning a title

05/19/1995 Presidential Decree No. 501 was approved, regulating the procedure for conferring the veteran rank. According to this document, it is determined following rules awarding the title:

  • The assignment of the rank is within the competence of the executive federal authorities where military service is available.
  • A person who is an applicant for the title must draw up a corresponding application. In addition, the person is required to provide papers indicating that he has the rights to do so. He must submit the documentation to the personnel or pension department.
  • Within three weeks, the application, along with the necessary papers, is submitted to the federal executive authority, which is competent to make the appropriate decision.
  • The competent federal authority must decide within a month whether the person is worthy of the title of veteran.
  • If the competent federal authority accepts negative decision, he is obliged to explain to the applicant why this was done.
  • If the competent federal body accepts a positive conclusion, along with the title “Veteran of Military Service,” the person receives the corresponding certificate.

During the existence of the Soviet Union there was a similar award. The award badge “Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR” appeared on May 20, 1976. This happened after the release of the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. The design of the sign was developed by the artist R. Pylnev.

Military personnel serving in the SA had the right to apply for the medal. Navy. It was also awarded to personnel of border and internal troops. The condition for the award is that the person must have served in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union for at least 25 years and not have any penalties.

According to the then existing order of wearing the medal, it was supposed to be placed on the left. Its place is after the Veteran of Labor medal. In total, approximately 800 thousand people received the “Veteran of the USSR Armed Forces” medal.

The metal from which this award badge is distinguished is tombac. The surface of the medal is silvered. The sign is round, its cross section is 32 mm.

At the top of the obverse of the sign there is a 5-pointed small star. It is covered with ruby ​​enamel. Behind her are a hammer and sickle. Below the star is the inscription: “USSR”. Along it is a branch of laurel, which has long symbolized glory and valor. At the very bottom there is a ribbon running around the perimeter. The phrase “VETERAN OF THE ARMED FORCES” is embossed on it. The surface of the obverse is oxidized, its edges have a border. Backside awards matte.

The medal is suspended in a pentagonal block. The surface of the latter is wrapped in moire ribbon. It has a gray color. There are 4 stripes on its right edge orange color and 3 black. This coloring is called St. George's. On the left - 2 scarlet longitudinal stripes. Orange and black stripes are 1 mm. One scarlet has a width of 1 mm, the second - 3.

Members of the Soviet armed forces called this award “coffin” among themselves. The reason is that it was awarded after 3 medals “For Impeccable Service”. In essence, this meant the end of a military career and retirement.

Privileges, due to veterans Sun

Often the situation develops in such a way that a person who has the title of veteran of the Armed Forces, at the same time, has a disability and participated in the Second World War. In a situation where benefits can be provided on several grounds, they can only be received on one basis. State preferences cannot be summed up.

It is not uncommon to see that statuses overlap. Many people are interested in the question of how the statuses of a labor veteran and the Armed Forces relate to each other. Relatively recently, a provision was in effect according to which veterans of the Armed Forces who had reached retirement age were provided with the benefits of labor veterans.

Today, military pensioners, in accordance with the law, have the right to claim the following privileges:

  • Receive pensions and benefits.
  • Additional payments paid every month.
  • Receive residential property for use.
  • Discounts on the maintenance of residential real estate.
  • The right to receive medical care.

Law No. 5 of early 1995 does not determine the amount of additional payment to military veterans. It is, as a rule, provided to people who at the same time have the status of a disabled person, a participant in the Second World War or combat operations.

But in some regions additional payments are provided. For example, in the Belgorod region, military veterans have received just over 700 rubles since last year. In addition, although a crisis is raging in the country, the surcharge has been indexed.

Today, regional authorities are obliged to provide housing for military pensioners. Apartments are provided at the rate of 18 m2 per person. Residential real estate can be leased or owned. Often a person is provided with one-time financial assistance for these purposes. Federal beneficiaries are considered to be people who registered before the end of 2004.

The law provides assistance to military veterans and for funeral services after death. Relatives are compensated for the amounts they spent on burial.

veteran of labour

Today, the title of labor veteran in our country is awarded to persons who have worked conscientiously for many years. The title appeared after the release of Law No. 5-FZ in early 1995.

In the Soviet Union, such a title did not exist. There was a medal with that name. Its owner did not receive any benefits; the encouragement was exclusively moral in nature. However, since 1995, holders of this medal have received corresponding preferences.

Although such a title was not provided for at the state level in the Soviet Union, it was often awarded by some enterprises. It was given to employees who had worked at the enterprise for 10-15 years. If the experience was 25 years or more, as a rule, the person became a deserved or honorary veteran of labor.

Today, people with this title can count on benefits and social support from budget funds. Many Russian regions have established their own veteran titles.