Scenario of the celebration of local self-government. To the day of local self-government. About the profession of an employee of local governments and the stages of strengthening

Teacher's. Two teachers and a teacher are sitting shivering in a corner. Another teacher enters.

Teacher. Hello colleagues! Why are you all so scared? Again, the commission from the department granted?
2 teacher. What's the commission! Worse!
1 teacher. God! What could be worse?
3 teacher. Oh, Alevtina Valerianovna, it seems to me that you have forgotten what day it is today! Today is April 1st!
1 teacher. Yes, I remember, I remember! Holiday of humor, jokes, practical jokes!
Teacher. That's it! You will now have both jokes and pranks!
1 teacher. Something I you, colleagues, not understand!
2 teacher. What, Alevtina Valerianovna, weren't you at the last planning meeting?.. So, you don't know anything? Well, listen! Today is self-government day at our school!
1 teacher. Of course… what?
All (in chorus). CONTROLS!!!
1 teacher. How?! Did the director really decide to do this? Is he completely out of his mind?
3 teacher. And what is he! He ran away to a meeting of directors in the morning. And we are here for him to take the rap!
1 teacher. Yes, it really is more terrible than any commission!.. Well, where are our… uh… heroes of the occasion?
Teacher. Our dear students are now in the director's room, at a meeting.
1 teacher. And what are they doing there?
2 teacher. Don't you guess? Share responsibilities!
3 teacher. I wonder who they will appoint as director?
Teacher. If only not Svistunenko!
2 teacher. And what does Svistunenko have to do with it! What, worse than him or what? And Borzykin? And Razgildyailo?
Teacher. No, you must admit, Svistunenko after all a special case!
3 teacher. Wow! And I gave him a deuce in the last quarter!
1 teacher. And I generally "failed" put. And she said that she would not come to school without her parents!
2 teacher. Oh, I don't envy you!
Teacher. Quiet! It seems they are going...

Pupils enter: Svistunenko, Borzykina, Sopelko, Duryndina and Razgildiailo.

Svistunenko. Well hello, students!
2 teacher. Hello, Fedya!
Svistunenko. I am not Fedya now, but Fedor Nikolaevich Svistunenko, your new director!

The teachers let out a heavy groan.

3 teacher. So I thought! This is the end! (Falls out.)
Svistunenko. No, our dear students, this is not the end, but only the beginning! Now I will introduce you to the new teaching staff. Fekla Egorovna Duryndina, teacher of literature.

1 teacher rolls her eyes.

Duryndin. You seem to be dissatisfied with something, Sofya Terentievna?
1 teacher. No, no, Fyokla Yegorovna, it seemed to you.
Duryndin. Yes? And by the way, I have not forgotten how you made me memorize an excerpt from ... this ... like his ... "Eugene Onegin" in the 9th grade! What, don't you remember? So, today you will retell me this very “Onegin” by heart in full!
1 teacher. But... but that's unthinkable!
Duryndin. Conversations! And if at least once you stumble, you will start all over from the very beginning! Understandably?
Svistunenko. Nadezhda Polikarpovna Borzykina will teach you physics and mathematics.
Borzykin. Yes, yes, today I will conduct a practical lesson on the topic "Archimedes' Law". Well, the one about a body immersed in a liquid.
Teacher. Clever, Nadya! I didn't forget! All the same, it’s not in vain that I put so much effort on you!
Borzykin. By the way, as the body that I will immerse in the liquid, I will use you, Piotr Lukich!
Teacher. God! Why?!
Borzykin. And for this very law, because of which you left me after school!
Teacher. Oh, my grave sins! Tell me, Nadenka, will the water in which you are going to immerse me be not very cold?
Borzykin. But you didn’t guess, student! The water will be very, very cold!
Svistunenko. And now let me introduce Antonina Feoktistovna Sopelko, your geography teacher!
Sopelko. The topic of today's lesson is the mountains of the North Caucasus with all their depressions, ruts and bumps!
2 teacher. And bumps?
Sopelko. That's it! And try not to remember at least one of them! I'll send everyone for my parents right away!
Svistunenko. Frol Danilych Razgildiailo, your physical education teacher!
Sloppy. What didn't you expect? Today you will have a 10 km non-stop race! And then pulling up to 50 times! And push-ups! And ... and ... well, in general, I'll think of something else later!
Svistunenko. And now, students, you can go to class! And God forbid any of you will not reach your class!.. Stop! What are you hiding in your purse?
1 teacher. It's... it's cigarettes.
Svistunenko. Cigarettes?! Don't you know that smoking is strictly prohibited in school?!
1 teacher. But I didn't smoke!
Svistunenko. So we were going! Why did you take them then? I'm confiscating your cigarettes!
3 teacher. Fedor Nikolaevich, this is not fair! Pyotr Lukich smokes too - you don't take anything from him!
Svistunenko. What Piotr Lukich smokes, no self-respecting student will smoke! And in general, do not argue with the director!
Borzykin. Fyodor Nikolayevich, have you noticed how vulgarly these three students are wearing make-up! (Points to the teachers.) After all, this is simply incomprehensible to the mind!
Svistunenko. Really! What a disgrace! Send them to the toilet to wash immediately! And watch how they do it!
Borzykin. With pleasure! (Together with the teachers is removed.)
Duryndin. Well, Fedka, you do them well!
Sloppy. Correctly! That's the way it is with these teachers!
Sopelko. Oh, our tears will shed for them today!
Duryndin. We will make them happy!
Svistunenko. You are just not there! And then, as if nothing happened! Remember last year our French lady fainted?
Sloppy. Don't be afraid, Fedka! We just scare them a little!
Svistunenko. OK then! Let's call and go to our places! .. (Into the hall) Oh, it's a pity that such a holiday happens only once a year!

The initiation can be held after a meeting at which work issues were discussed.

1st. All problems and affairs
Discussed with you.
But one event
We forgot to mark.
2nd. Time does not stand still
Time keeps running forward.
It is necessary for those, friends, to note
Who worked the first year.
3rd. Today we will give orders to them
And we will devote to municipal employees.
1st. After all, there are dedications
In high school students and students ...
Even once every four years
Consecrated to the presidency.
2nd. Here we also decided
Support the relay -
We will be every year, if we can,
Beginners here to dedicate.
3rd. There are three contenders for the dedication!
They go to thunderous applause!

Leave working the first year.

1st. They have already been baptized in work.
And we begin their initiation.
2nd. Proved their professionalism in deeds!
They are one of those who look to the future.
Though they are young, but there is enthusiasm,
Each of them has experience in business.
3rd. In front of my comrades
Listen to our command.
At the solemn hour of dedication
We will read it to you now.
1st. You listen to him carefully
Roll all points carefully
And after every line
"We swear" repeat loudly.
2nd. Respect your colleagues - this is the time.

3rd. Smile more often for bosses
Saying “Hello” to everyone in the morning is two.

Initiates say "We swear"!

1st. Not longer than us to drive teas - that's three.

Initiates say "We swear"!

2nd. Without delay to
You came to work
And it seems to be four.

Initiates say "We swear"!

3rd. Reports on time to hand over - it's five.

Initiates say "We swear"!

1st. Don't leave work early
As long as the bosses are here - and that's six.

Initiates say "We swear"!

2nd. Share more smart ideas with you all!
And that's seven.

Initiates say "We swear"!

3rd. On birthdays and holidays
We will gladly ask you to treat everyone -
And that's eight.

Initiates say "We swear"!

1st. Be a team friendly, strong,
Always be together
It's nine, ten at once.

Initiates say "We swear"!

2nd. Well, we are happy to announce:
You have been accepted into our team.
3rd. We must solemnly say
That the employees are dedicated.
Do not express all feelings in words:
We want to be proud of you!


To the tune of the song "Hope"

We are gathered together today
Legalize the long-awaited holiday.
And the familiar motive sounds
In honor of the great municipal service.
We see that to us from afar
Not always treated with respect
But we'll get it for sure
Good deeds of understanding.

Chorus. Let hope live in everyone
We will justify it with you,
People come to visit us
We help him in everything.

So that the ardor in work does not fade away,
Sometimes we forget about ourselves
We will achieve what is in our ranks,
They were great heroes too.
So let's all be friends,
Let's get together more often
To do good things
May there always be hope in our hearts.

Russians celebrate Local Self-Government Day on April 21. The decree on the establishment of the holiday was signed by the President of the country in 2012. The date of the holiday is timed to coincide with the day of signing by Catherine II of the Charter of Letters to the cities, it is believed that this event was the beginning of Russian legislation on local self-government.

Local self-government received its rebirth at the end of the eighties, and in 1993 it was given not the last place in the new Constitution. In the modern state, no less attention is paid to self-government. The government of the country is expanding the financial independence of municipalities and motivates local authorities to make independent decisions.

On Local Government Day
I wish you success and victories,
It's always right to make decisions
Have for the purposes of the correct budget!

May good luck always accompany you
May joy bring you every day!
Solve complex problems with ease
And always follow your dreams!

Congratulations on the holiday, colleagues.
Wise and courageous strategists,
And I wish you success and good luck,
So that all tasks are easily solved!

To be appreciated, respected,
Well written, accepted,
Your work was successful, not in vain,
To make everything perfect, very cool!

To increase happiness in families,
Joy to reach the sky
And good health and a lot,
To raise a flat road!

Please accept my deepest congratulations
On Local Self-Government Day!
Let things be solved easily
And my heart will always be warm.

May all your dreams come true
More colors in life, beauty,
Love, fun, joy, kindness,
Luck and some magic!

On the day of self-government
I wish you love
great patience,
Soul beauty.

honor, respect
And the right ideas.
So that you never know
Sad, gray days!

Happy Local Government Day!
We wish you inspiration in your work,
And also very strong luck.
Please accept our congratulations!

And listen to all your wishes:
Wealth to you, love and prosperity,
Fate will fulfill your desires
Will be able to justify all expectations.

Things are always easy to be solved,
Let the plan always come true
And the achievements are multiplying.
And let life smile at you more often!

Locally difficult to manage
Take everything into account so that everything is in order,
To develop infrastructure
And finances so that everything is enough,
Congratulations here and there
Strength, health to you, goodness and light!
Let your hard work be noticed
And they will thank you for it!

Accept congratulations
Happy Self-Government Day!
Let him be useful
A whole year ahead.

May the best solutions
get approval,
Affairs, work are arguing,
The area will improve.

May all your aspirations
find embodiment,
Order reigns all around
No bribery or bribery!

To listen to everyone and help everyone - oh, how difficult it is!
But you can do it! And not the first year.
You solve thousands of questions
And help anyone who comes.

Thank you for your work, for your strength and for your time -
All of this is dedicated to your work!
You took on this burden
And steadfastly, without giving up, you carry it.

On Self-Government Day
Accept congratulations,
And also wishes
Further prosperity!

May all your decisions
Fulfillment has been achieved.
More projects, more ideas
For the good of the city, for the good of the people!

To be in the village
Everything is just super, oh and ah,
The government must be honest, open
And noble "on the ground."

I wish you a holiday of self-righteousness
Worthy life, happiness to all,
For managers to help
You avoid big problems.

Let the beloved land grow rich
Let the people be happy
And local government
It only brings improvement.

Congratulations: 72 in verse, 26 in prose.

Local Self-Government Day is a Russian professional holiday for employees of municipalities. The celebration is celebrated by employees of local governments of urban districts, settlements, intracity districts and territories federal significance, municipal districts.

In Russia, in 2020, Local Self-Government Day is celebrated on April 21 and is held at the official level for the 8th time.

Meaning: the holiday is timed to coincide with the publication on April 21, 1785 by Catherine II of the Charter of Letters to the cities.

Concerts are timed to the holiday and festive events, where employees of municipalities are awarded certificates and diplomas, and thanks are entered in personal files. Conduct round tables, exhibitions in the municipal archives.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

Local Self-Government Day was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 10, 2012 No. 805. The holiday was first held in 2013. The date of the celebration is timed to coincide with the publication on April 21 (according to the old style), 1785 by Catherine II of the Charter to the cities. This document became the basis for the development of Russian legislation on local self-government.

Holiday traditions

On this day, the leadership of local self-government bodies presents certificates and diplomas to employees for their work, makes thanks to personal affairs, and gives gifts. Round tables are organized, the participants of which share their achievements and plans. Employees of municipal archives prepare exhibitions of archival documents, arrange excursions. Holiday concerts are held in cultural institutions.

Task for the day

Find out what holidays or sporting events, charity events or clean-up days are planned in your municipality in the near future. Take part in such an event and feel like an activist.


“To all employees of local governments, happy professional holiday! Work hard for the good of the people. Make decisions based on the calculation of the interests and needs of your countrymen. Perform your duties with dignity, honor and justice. I wish you success in everything, well-being in your personal life and good prosperity.

“Happy Local Government Day! Comfort and success in work, bright ideas and the ability to resolve any situation, loyal subordinates and new achievements, all this and more in addition - vivacity, health, faith in the best and love!

“When a person has power in his hands, he passes a test for many qualities, and on Local Government Day, I want to congratulate you on successfully passing this exam from life and say that we are very proud of you! Do not give up your positions and remain the same worthy people's deputies and just good people!


Bouquet of flowers. A bouquet of flowers will be a discreet and official gift for the holiday. Also good option can become a blooming flower in a pot, which will decorate the office.

Sweet present. A cake, a basket of sweets or a chocolate arrangement can be an excellent individual or collective gift.

Tickets. Tickets to the cinema, opera, philharmonic, concert, hippodrome will become original idea a gift that will diversify leisure.

Diary. A stylish diary in a leather cover will be a useful and practical business gift.


Seated dancing
For the competition, you need to put the chairs in a row. The contestants take their places. Famous dance tunes are switched on in turn: waltz, cancan, salsa, sirtaki, lezginka, polka, rock and roll. The contestants, without getting up from the chair, must demonstrate the dance. The most charismatic participant wins.

Money to the budget
Before the start of the competition, the host distributes a pack of printed banknotes to the guests of the holiday. Contest participants are offered to find a way to earn money. For example: sing a song, dance, remove dirty dishes from the table, prepare a cocktail, do a haircut or massage. Guests pay for services provided. At the end of the competition, each participant calculates his budget. The winner is the participant who manages to earn the largest amount.

Eye gauge
Participants of the competition are provided with different products: potatoes, apples, sweets, oranges, etc. Each participant must measure a kilogram by eye. To check, you need to install the scales. The participant who will be the most accurate in their measurements wins the competition. As a prize, you can present a kilogram of the product that the winner happened to measure.

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation recognizes and guarantees local self-government and enshrines its principles.
  • According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2016, there were 1,788 municipal districts and 563 urban districts in Russia.
  • In September 2014, the creation of the Association "Arctic Municipalities" was initiated in order to develop the Arctic zone.
  • As of January 1, 2018, there were 21,945 municipalities in Russia.
  • Any resident who is ready to change the life of his district for the better can become "People's" deputies of local self-government.

About the profession

The powers of municipal employees are determined by the law "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation."

Employees of local self-government bodies manage the budget of the administrative-territorial unit. They order works, goods and services to ensure the activities of the municipality. They take loans for doing business, issue municipal securities.

This holiday in other countries

In Kyrgyzstan, on the last Sunday of October, the Day of Local Communities of the Kyrgyz Republic is celebrated.

April 21 - Local Government Day

Rustem Khamitov congratulated municipal employees and deputies on the Day of Local Self-Government

On April 21, in Ufa, the Head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov spoke at a solemn event dedicated to the Day of Local Self-Government. The head of the republic congratulated municipal employees and deputies on the holiday and presented awards to the winners of the contest "The Best Municipal Formation of the Republic of Bashkortostan".

Transcript of Rustem Khamitov's speech:

Khayerle kon, khörmätle duҫtar! Good afternoon, dear friends! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Day of Local Self-Government!

On this holiday, you deserve words of gratitude for your hard everyday work. Many of you from early morning until late at night are engaged in critical issues of local importance, concerning the improvement of streets, road repair, environmental protection, safety and much more. They are, one might say, at the “front line” of this difficult work. You have to deal with a wide variety of problems that people expect solutions from the authorities.

Big changes start with small things. Out of thousands of small, but significant achievements for people, the successes of Bashkortostan and Russia add up as a whole.

The fact that state authorities and local self-government bodies today have the support and trust of citizens, that, despite any difficulties, the country and its regions hold their positions, great merit belongs to you - municipal employees, deputies of local self-government.

Daily live communication with people, knowledge of the specific problems of the city and village, focus on solving them, involvement in everything that fellow countrymen live in - all these are the main components of your work. Many of you set worthy examples in it.

The head of the rural settlement of the Pervomaisky village council of the Nurimanov district, Nailya Anatolyevna Ablikaeva, the head of the rural settlement of the Oktyabrsky village council of the Sterlitamak district, Gulnafis Yagafarovna Gafieva, the head of the administration of the urban settlement of the city of Dyurtyuli, Shamil Lutfrakhmanovich Islamov, the chairman of the council of the Abzelilovsky district, Ishmurat Khabrakhmanovich Kaldamanov, the head of the village settlements Sayranovsky village council of the Ishimbay district Amina Zakarievna Magadieva, deputy head of the administration of the Soviet district of the city of Ufa Riffan Nabievich Makhiyanov and many others. Thank you all, dear friends, for your responsible position and selfless work.


Dear colleagues!

Today, the authorities, especially at the local level, solve the tasks they face in difficult conditions, with limited resources. You, perhaps like no one else, feel it. Opportunities to turn around in full force - not so much. Our movement forward is hindered to a certain extent by the situation in the global economy, sanctions, low export prices for energy resources, and much more. But pay attention - not a single development program has been curtailed, and deterioration has not been allowed in any area of ​​the social sphere.

In industry, the results of the first two months of this year were disturbing with their "minuses". But already the March data showed that the economic situation in the republic is stabilizing. Production is being restored, inflation risks have decreased. Again, housing commissioning is in the black. The real incomes of the population began to grow, which is perhaps the most important thing in the current situation. In relation to state employees, the state continues to clearly fulfill all social obligations. Salaries and pensions will continue to grow.

From May 1 this year minimum size wages in the extrabudgetary sector will be significantly increased. Yesterday a corresponding tripartite agreement was signed between the government of the republic, trade unions and associations of employers. In turn, the growth of wages and lower inflation should affect the increase in consumer activity of the population. And this will attract additional money to the economy and help revive production, trade and business life.

Dear friends!

Our common task with you is to strengthen local economic and social policies, expand the independence of municipalities, their resource capabilities, and encourage the broad participation of people in the implementation of municipal programs and projects.

As an example, I will cite a program to support local initiatives, which we have been implementing for the past two years in seven districts of the Trans-Urals. People jointly made a decision, launching one or another important project for them. In addition to money from the republican and municipal budgets, they invested their own funds and attracted business resources. In two years, 168 projects were implemented in 88 settlements for the construction of children's and sports grounds, the repair of street lighting, water supply, roads and bridges, the arrangement of solid waste landfills, the purchase of municipal equipment and many other areas. Now this experience will be extended to the entire republic, we will develop new mechanisms for initiative budgeting.

An increasing role in the life of municipalities is played by territorial public self-government, socially oriented non-profit organizations. Today, we need to more actively transfer the appropriate powers to them. Where such work is carried out, people's trust in local authorities is much higher. It is self-government that can strengthen the mechanisms of real democracy, become an effective tool in solving both local and national problems.

It is necessary to support civil initiatives in other areas, those that carry a positive charge, are aimed at combating drunkenness and drug addiction, increase interest in studying the history of the native land, the development of its cultural heritage, and instill in young people a sense of belonging to the fate of the republic and the country.

The desire of people to take responsibility for improving the situation in a city or village, to take part in specific cases - this is the main driving force in strengthening local power.

You and I can see how gradually, step by step, life is improving in our villages and cities. Schools and kindergartens, hospitals and feldsher-obstetric centers, cultural centers and sports and recreation complexes, roads and bridges are being built and repaired. Settlements are improved, open shopping centers and small shops. Farms are being revived, modern agricultural and municipal equipment is appearing.

Unfortunately, while such positive changes do not occur everywhere. A lot has been done, but more remains to be done. It is important that in each locality people had decent living conditions. The houses had gas and water, the streets had lighting and paved roads, and the shops had everything they needed, their own, local and at affordable prices. In order to establish a regular bus service, there was a high-quality health care, there were cellular communications, digital television, the Internet. After all, young people often leave for cities, including because of domestic inconveniences. It must be understood that the requirements of our citizens for the quality of life are constantly growing.

In cities, especially large ones, the situation is, of course, better. But they also have dilapidated and dilapidated houses, broken roads, unkempt yards. There are shortcomings in the work of housing and communal services, transport. There are not enough landscaped parks, places for family recreation and walks. There are problems with ensuring the safety of people, especially in terms of fire protection.

You know that last night in one of the districts of the republic, five people died in a fire - a whole family, including three small children. A month ago, a fire claimed the lives of 12 people at once in a rehabilitation center in Sterlitamak. This year we have already lost 113 people in fires, including six children. In the past three years alone, 50 children have died in fires. This is a terrible statistic.

I address the heads, first of all, you are responsible for fire safety on your territory, you are personally responsible for it. I do not ask, but I demand to deal with this topic every day, to make it the main one for myself. Interact more actively with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, residents, connect activists, the All-Russian People's Front, and social services. Carry out joint raids in homes and institutions, identify and punish violators of fire safety rules, make detours, especially for dysfunctional families.

As a rule, such incidents happen to people who abuse alcohol, who do not work anywhere. Drunkenness, domestic hooliganism, parasitism, domestic violence, a decline in morals - there are many reasons for tragedies that need to be paid attention to, work to prevent accidents. Each such trouble - including on our conscience. We must act with the whole world to prevent them in the future. Once again I will repeat. Fire safety should be your number one topic. This also applies to forest fires. Summer is just around the corner and it can be hot and dry. All these risks must be taken into account.

Dear colleagues!

People evaluate our work based on the simplest things that determine their normal, comfortable life. Much here depends on the effective work of local self-government bodies. But this requires serious resources.

It is important that this part has positive results. Over four years, tax and non-tax revenues of local budgets have grown by almost 40 percent. In 2010, they slightly exceeded 24 billion rubles, and last year they approached 34 billion. municipal districts growth was two or more times. For its part, the republican government, since 2011, also supports local budgets. Since last year, rural settlements have been allocated 500,000 rubles each for the improvement and repair of roads, and 600,000 rubles each for large settlements. In just five years, more than 1.5 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes.

The government redistributed in favor of the municipalities certain taxes received by the budget of the republic, in particular, those levied in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system, for the extraction of minerals. Part of the excises on petroleum products and monetary fines began to be credited to local budgets. In the budgets of urban districts, revenues from rent from lands of non-delimited state property increased. As a result, last year the budgets of municipalities received about 3 billion rubles from all these sources.

The main vector of action is to increase the financial independence of municipalities. It is necessary to constantly look for new sources of replenishment of local budgets, work on expanding their tax base, and promote the creation of jobs, primarily by developing small businesses.

If we talk about new economic instruments, we need to expand public and municipal-private partnerships. For example, in the context of limited budgetary resources in the republic, a budget substitution scheme is being introduced, when the resources of a contractor or investor are used for construction, and payment for the work performed is made using funds from the budgets of future years. We build, as it were, "on loan", paying off later, during future financial periods.

Today in Ufa started pilot project for the construction of two large schools. This practice can be applied to construction and other social facilities. A special role in the growth of local budget revenues, increasing the return on funds invested in the local economy is assigned to investment commissioners in cities and districts.

The Federal Agency for Strategic Initiatives to assist local governments is compiling an atlas of best municipal practices. It includes successful experience in attracting investors, creating conditions for the development of small businesses, and generally strengthening the economic potential of the territory. Of course, such experience should be studied and effectively and creatively used.

Generally speaking, the main thing in the work of each of us is to constantly study, analyze, and look for optimal ways to solve problems. If we act situationally, “on manual control”, relying only on our skills, without science, without the introduction of new technologies, well-calculated financial and organizational mechanisms, then we will not be able to radically improve the situation on the ground.

We have at the same time good examples new management approaches. Today we celebrate our leading municipalities that have achieved notable success. In terms of branding their territories, Birsk and Sterlitamak have advanced in recent years. Oktyabrsky is a well-maintained urban district, and the village of Askarovo in the Abzelilovsky district is a rural settlement.

I will especially note the work of the administrations of the cities of Kumertau and Belebey to create fundamentally new conditions for the implementation of large investment projects. Serious efforts will culminate in these cities receiving the status of a territory of advanced socio-economic development. This status is yet to be obtained. You have to go through a certain training period. The status provides for significant tax incentives and preferences for these territories.

In addition, cooperation has been established with the Fund for the Development of Single-industry Towns. Significant funds will be spent on strengthening the production infrastructure, in particular, the construction of an oil extraction plant in Kumertau, the modernization of food production in Belebey and a number of other enterprises. In these cities, conditions will continue to be created for the implementation of important projects, and the economic and social situation will improve. The heads of administrations of our other single-industry towns need to learn from this experience. Today I met with the head of this federal fund. We agreed that we would still apply for participation in this work. Give money, give loans. We will be able to implement large investment projects. You have to line up to get this status. We need to be more active in all areas. Then, of course, we will have results.

Dear friends!

A friendly, professional team has formed in the local self-government bodies of the republic, capable of responding flexibly to the ongoing changes, competently solving complex issues. However, as I have already said, power should not be limited to itself. It is necessary to ensure its continuity by strengthening it with energetic and competent young managers. The election campaigns show that today there are expectations in society, a “request” for new persons in power, from whom serious changes are expected, including in the management of municipalities.

Elections to the representative bodies of rural settlements were held last year. Almost half of the elected deputies are these new faces. Representatives of eight political parties entered the village councils. This year, in addition to elections to the State Duma, there will also be election campaigns for district and city councils. Already, political parties are beginning active campaigning. I ask you, colleagues, to do everything to ensure that the election procedure, as always, is organized honestly, openly and without conflict. All political forces should be treated equally and unbiased.

It is important that 15 percent of all rural deputies of the republic today are young people. This is one of the best indicators in the country. Young deputies united in the Association, put forward ideas, put them into practice. And that's great. It is necessary to continue to create conditions for the arrival of young qualified specialists in the municipal government.

It is the youth that is the constantly renewable source of energy, the “perpetual motion machine”, the potential on which we must rely, including in our work on the ground.

Dear friends!

The development of local self-government is a complex and multilateral process. Not everything is working out the way you would like. But solving problems and overcoming difficulties together is much easier. We still have a lot of work ahead of us and, I am sure, a lot of success.

I wish everyone good health, perseverance and perseverance in solving the tasks set, success in work for the benefit of our native republic and our country! Happy holiday! Һеҙгә unyshtar, namelek, bakhet teleyem! Bairam menan!

Dear friends!

I want to say again that people expect good, honest work from us, work with dedication. Maybe today is not the best time in terms of development. Therefore, we must work harder. We need to master new management technologies, take a different look at some problems that have not been solved for years and even decades. Some questions need to be rethought. You can't stop. We need to constantly move forward.

We are a powerful republic. We have everything to provide people with a normal, good, quality life. And we have no right to miss such chances. We will work, we will work. We will support our people in every way.

A lot depends on you sitting in the hall. You can listen to the report, applaud, but not draw conclusions. Please consider what I have said, think again about what can be improved at your workplace, in your villages, cities, rural areas.

No need to get involved in the struggle, confrontations. It all takes power. Tune in to the positive, to the normal, Good work. We need all the people who are trying to move the republic forward. We will try to find these people further. We need personnel, young, capable, creative people. Let's work in such a way that we are not ashamed in front of the people of Bashkortostan.

Bairam menan! All the best! Happy holiday!