Lesson using ICT in a preparatory group. Summary of a lesson on Lego construction in kindergarten for the preparatory group using ICT “Roaring Lion. Dance with autumn leaves

Date of publication: 01/21/18

An open lesson-trip through mathematics in a preparatory group using ICT.

Topic: "Adding and subtracting the first ten numbers."

Purpose: to test children's knowledge and skills in accordance with program requirements in mathematics.

Develop logical, imaginative, creative thinking; imagination, auditory, visual memory, attention and speech of children

Strengthen knowledge about the number series and skills in adding and subtracting the first ten numbers

To stimulate interest in the subject of mathematics through connection with oral folk art

Cultivate cognitive interest in mathematics

Material: el. board, number cards, counting sticks, task cards, slide show.

Progress of the lesson.

Organization of the start of the lesson.

Hello kids!

Girls and boys! (Children answer)

Our occupation is unusual,

Even very symbolic.

Do you guys like to travel? (Children's answers).

Then let's go.

V.: In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, there lived Ivan the Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. One day Vasilisa disappeared. Ivan the Tsarevich grieved, grieved and went in search. But where to go, where to look? Who kidnapped Vasilisa? You and I will help Ivan the Tsarevich. Let's lay out a path of numbers from 0 to 9. Take plates with numbers and place them at the tables. Well done!

V.: He walked for a long time and came to a crossroads. There is an inscription on a roadside stone. Let us help you choose the path Ivan Tsarevich. (Slide 1).

Go left, right or straight. What do you think? Why? (Children's answers)

V.: Ivan the prince walked for a long time along the path you had chosen and finally came out into a forest clearing, and there stood a hut on chicken legs, the home of Baba Yaga. What should Ivanushka say to make the hut turn to him? (Children's answers).

Take 10 sticks and build a house according to the model. (Children do).

You built the house. Baba Yaga was angry with Ivan, the prince, for disturbing her and bewitched the house. Only you can help by moving two sticks to open the hut. Well done! (Slides 2, 3, 4).

She agreed to help only if Ivanushka guessed her assignments.

1) There are two ducks on the water.

There are two chickens in the yard

Two geese in a pond

Yes, there's a turkey in the garden.

How many birds are there in total?

Count it!

Yes, tell me the answer. (Seven).

2) The hedgehog went mushroom picking

Found 5 saffron milk caps

3 added to cart

The rest are on the back.

How many saffron milk caps are you carrying?

On your needles, hedgehog? (Two).

3) Six funny bear cubs

They rush into the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired,

I fell behind my comrades,

Now find the answer:

How many bears are there ahead? (Five).(Slides 5, 6, 7)

V.: Baba Yaga gave Ivanushka a magic ball. But Ivan the Tsarevich was tired. Let's help him.

Physical education lesson “Baba Yaga”.
There is a hut in the dark forest. (Children walk.)
It's standing backwards. (Children turn.)
There is an old woman in that hut. (They shake a finger.)
Grandmother Yaga lives. (They shake the finger of the other hand.)
Hooked nose (Point with finger.)
The eyes are big, (Show.)
Like coals burning. (Shakes head.)
Wow, how angry! (Running in place.)
My hair stands on end. (Hands up.)

V.: A magic ball led Ivan the Tsarevich to the cave of the Serpent Gorynych. But the entrance is blocked with stones, in order to get into the cave, you need to dismantle the stones. (Silhouettes of stones). Take a stone with a number indicating the number after 5; with a number indicating the number before the number 4, with a figure indicating the number between the numbers 7 and 9, a figure greater than 4 by 1, with a figure indicating the number between 3 and 5, a figure indicating the number after 6, before the number 3, after 8. We removed the stones. Well done boys!

V.: Tsarevich Ivan took out a magic sword from the chest and went to the castle of Koshchei the Immortal. And that castle stands on a high, steep mountain. This mountain is magical. (Slide).

V.: Well, we got to Koshchei. He met Ivan the Tsarevich with these words:

“Since you were able to get to me, complete my task, and Vasilisa is yours! If you don’t do it, it’s your head off your shoulders!”

Koschei Castle has four towers. In one of them is Vasilisa. Which one, if we know that the first tower is empty? This number is greater than two but less than four. Where is she?

(In the third tower).

But we helped Ivan the Tsarevich find Vasilisa the Beautiful.

V.: Let’s add “beads” for Vasilisa. (Work in pairs).

Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

V.: Well done, everyone was able to complete the tasks. Which was the easiest? Which task was the most interesting? (Children's answers).

Completed by: Gareeva L.A.

Summary of the final integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Surprise from Luntik”

Target: Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils preparatory group.
1. Educational:
Strengthen the ability to navigate in the surrounding space and on a plane (the ability to use a map).
Improve children's counting skills within 10, consolidate ordinal and quantitative counting; continue to teach children to name the next and previous number to the named one, to name the neighbors of the number.
Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis and reading skills simple words, continue work on speech development.
2. Developmental:
Develop logical thinking, the ability to solve simple math problems, ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, develop fine motor skills fingers
3. Educators:
Develop the ability to negotiate and help each other.
Cultivate curiosity, love of nature, and a desire to learn.
Equipment and materials:
Laptop, projector.
Map in the form of an alphabet.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, didactic games: “name your neighbors”, “count how many”, “find the answer”. Prepare demonstration material.
Methodical techniques: visual, verbal (reminders, instructions, questions), game (surprise moment), encouragement, differentiated analysis of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson

1. Greeting.
Educator:- Guys, I’m very glad to see you. Please stand in a circle.
All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other
Educator:- Guys, what a wonderful day it is today! The sun is shining and giving us its smile! Hold hands in pairs and give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, give them a smile. Great!
(A paper kite with a letter flies into the group.)
Educator: Guys, what is this? Kite and he with a letter. And from whom you will find out, if you make up the letters according to the color of the rainbow and read the word, then you will find out who it is from. Children read from Luntik
Want to know what it says?
Reads: “Dear guys! I flew off to conquer outer space. And I have prepared a surprise for you. Sending you air balloons they contain tasks for you, complete them, and you too will have an amazing journey. Good luck! Your friend Luntik."
Educator: Well, let's hit the road.
(There are balls in front of the children, letters are highlighted on them - “stops”. Children name the letters of the alphabet and complete tasks).
The first stop is the letter “B” - “Fun Mathematical Dictation”.
Let's remember counting to 10 forward and backward. Now take your notebooks and a simple pencil for “ Graphic dictation» Place the pencil on the red dot. Begin.
2 cells - right
5 cells - down
3 cells – up diagonally to the right
2 cells – up
2 cells - right
9 cells - down
2 cells - left
5 cells – up
3 cells – down diagonally to the left
2 cells - down
2 cells - left
9 cells - up
What happened guys? The letter "I" is correct. What color should we paint it?
Correctly red, paint it over.
Phys. just a minute.
"The mice went out for a walk"
Children go to the next balls and find a new task.
Second stop- the letter “I” - “Correct the mistake.”
1. The worm pecked the starling.
2. The song was sung by the nightingale.
3. The furry caterpillar ate the tit.
4. There was a vase in the flower.
5. The children collected the mushrooms in a basket.
6. The fluffy mouse caught the cat.
The third stop is the letter “L” - “Logic problems”.
1. Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok, and a daughter Lida. How many children does mom have? (1).
2. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole? (crocodiles don't live there).
3. Who moos louder: a rooster or a cow? (the rooster cannot moo).
4. What color is the bun's hair? (the bun has no hair).
5. There are two oranges and four bananas on the table. How many vegetables are on the table? (no one).
6. How many stars are there in the sky during the day? (0)
7. How many angles does a circle have? (No)
8. What kind of glassware should you not drink from? (from empty).
The fourth stop is the letter “O” - “Determine which letter should be inserted in the word.” Pictures and words on the projector. For example: d m, house, m k, poppy, s r, cheese, k t, whale, z b r, fence...
The fifth stop is the letter “P” - “Cognitive”.
1. What month does the year end? (December)
2. What month does the year begin? (January)
3. How many days are there in a week? (name them)
4. What is the name of the state in which we live? (RUSSIA)
5. What river flows through our city? (Miass)
6. What is the name of the model of the globe? (Globe)
Sixth stop - letter “U” - “Find out what word it will be”
Children complete tasks in notebooks.

The seventh stop – the letter “C” - “The numbers got lost”
Find the neighbors of the numbers: 3, 6, 9. Check
The eighth stop is the letter “I” - “Apple Tree”.
Pictures from a fairy tale appear on the projector.
Educator: Tell me, from which fairy tale?
Children: “Fear has big eyes” Russian folk tale.
Educator: Tell us what kind of fear you had.
Children's answers.
Educator: Well done boys. You have completed all the tasks.
-Which task did you like best?
- Which task seemed the most difficult?
- Are you glad that Luntik has prepared a surprise for you?
Let's ask our guests if we completed Luntik's tasks. (The senior teacher gives the children a book from the “My First Encyclopedia” series)

Presentation on the topic: Surprise from Luntik

Target: Creation of a moving structure "Lion".

Integration of educational areas:

  1. Educational field: “Cognitive development”.
  2. Educational field: “Speech development”.
  3. Educational field: “Artistic and aesthetic development.”
  4. Educational field: “Social and communicative development.”
  5. Educational field: “Physical development”.


"Cognitive Development"

  1. Assign the names of parts of the LEGO Education WeDo constructor.
  2. Develop logical thinking and memory.
  3. Develop constructive skills.
  4. Form an elementary research activities and experimentation.

"Speech development"

  1. Clarify children’s statements, help them characterize the object more accurately.
  2. Encourage children to answer in complete sentences.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Cultivate empathy and a desire to help the characters in the story.

"Social and communicative development"

Develop teamwork skills.

"Physical development"

Develop fine motor skills using health-saving technologies.

Materials and equipment:

  • slide presentation with zoo animals;
  • LEGO Education WeDo construction sets for 4 children, one at a time;
  • laptops for every four children with a program for creating the Roaring Lion design;
  • USB connectors connecting the building to a computer.

I. Organizational moment

The teacher plays a video presentation. A zoo employee asks the kids riddles. The animals that are in cages come up with the correct answers: giraffe, crocodile, zebra, monkeys, elephant. But when the guys guess the riddle about the lion, an empty cage appears. What's happened? The lion has escaped!

A zoo employee asks the guys to find the lion.

II. Organizing time

The teacher talks and invites the children to find a lion. Let’s build a lion from a construction set, the teacher suggests.

Before construction, the guys go over the safety precautions for working with the constructor: do not put it in your mouth, do not hide it in your pockets, do not lick it, do not put it in your ears, do not take it away from the children, they work and create a moving structure on the lid of the construction set, the USB cord is connected only by the teacher.

The guys sit down at tables of four and take construction sets. Two of the guys will be designers, and the other two guys will be programmers.

But before we start, let's warm up our fingers:
Finger gymnastics “Merry Family”

The guys start building a moving structure "Roaring Lion"

An operation diagram appears on the screen. The guys pronounce the names of the parts and connect them together. When it comes to programming a lion, the guys change places, and the programmers become designers, and the designers become programmers. When the building is ready, the teacher connects the USB cable and the lion begins to growl and snore.

III. Reflection

At the slide presentation, a zoo employee appears and thanks the guys for the lions. The teacher asks the children: What materials can animals be made from, why did the lion run away? Did they like building with construction kits?

Elena Buzmakova
Summary of a lesson using ICT technologies in the preparatory group “Travel with Vitaminka”

Target: creating positive emotional comfort in children in the process of communicating with each other; increasing the level of knowledge on issues of proper nutrition.

Program tasks:

Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge about vitamins, their designation and benefits for the human body.

Developmental: Cultivate children's ability to be creative use knowledge and skills on healthy lifestyle issues in practical situations. Develop skill use

Educational: Cultivate participation, compassion, responsiveness and cooperation. To promote the desire and desire of every child to restore and maintain health. Instill interest in everything new and interesting.

Preliminary work with children:

Conversation with children about health, useful and vitamin-containing products.

Reading and learning with children sayings, poems, fairy tales related to a healthy lifestyle, about the benefits of plants, vegetables, fruits and berries, designing an exhibition of photographs of children about healthy way life, looking at pictures with types of transport. Board games "Ascorbinka and her friends". Conversation with children about health, useful and vitamin-containing products.

Materials and equipment: interactive whiteboard and table, computer, multi-colored markers, cutting boards, knives, fruits, nuts, sour cream, salad container.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative.

Educational technologies: ICT technology, gaming technology.

Preparation for class: ventilation groups, organizing work stations for preparing salad for groups of children.


Main part:

It sounds like a funny song: "The sun is shining for everyone"

Educator: Guys, I’m so glad to see you all healthy and happy! Let's stand in a circle and say hello to each other. Turn left and right and smile at your neighbor! Guys, tell me, do you know why people greet each other? What do they wish for each other?

Sound signal No. 1.

Guys, are you listening? It seems we've received a message. Let's read it and find out who it's from.

Slide No. 1 (with character image Vitamins)

-"Hello, my name is Vitamin. I'm from a magical land Vitamins. I'm very sad because I can't find my friends. Help me please!"


Guys, do you want to help? Vitaminka?

How can we help her?

Who do you think her friends are and where to look for them?

What should you do to avoid getting sick?

You're right guys, you need to drink vitamins, as they strengthen our body.

Guys, I'm so sorry Vitamin and I really want to help her. And you?

Then we need together with Go on a trip with vitamins and help her find her friends in magical land entitled « Vitamin» . Do you agree?

What type of transport would you like to travel to? journey? Let's play and choose a mode of transport.


(45 sec.)

Slide No. 2 (depicting the city, heroes from a fairy tale "Three Fat Men" Yu. Olesha)


This country is very large and there are many cities in it, but I think you and I have the strength to do this journey.

So we arrived in a city called "Obzhorkino". Look what kind of residents live at this station.

What can you tell us about them?

Why are the residents of this city so well-fed?

What do they eat?

Do you think we will find friends in this city? Vitamins?

Let's go together Vitamin Let's tell the heroes of this station how to eat properly and what foods contain benefits for us vitamins.

Slide number 3

A game "Find and Circle"


Look at the magic boards that lie in front of you, what do you see there? Circle all healthy foods

Why didn't you circle the cakes, pastries, sweets? Listen proverb: “Whether you want it or not, you have to eat”.

Why do you think the proverb says this?

Why does a person need food?

It’s right not to know about diseases,

you need to eat right.

Educator: Let us wish health to the people of the country "Obzhorkino" and tell them goodbye what the difference is between tasty and healthy food.


To eat right, you remember advice:

Eat fruit, porridge with butter, fish, honey and vinaigrette.

There are no healthier products - delicious vegetables and fruits!

Both Seryozha and Irina are useful to everyone vitamins!

If you want to be healthy, eat right!

Eat more vitamins, don’t know about diseases!


Guys, where do friends live? Vitamins?


Guys, where do you think he is calling us? Vitamin?

Want to play a game? Maybe in this game we will find a clue.


(43 sec.)

Slide number 5 (depicting fruits, vegetables and berries)


Guys, did you find a clue in the game what friends look like? Vitamins?

Do you want to know where they live?

Now I invite everyone to sit on the pillows and watch a movie "Where live vitamins» .

Video presentation "Where live vitamins»

Educator: So you and I found out where they live vitamins.

Look guys how much we have vitamins collected in one basket? You can find out which product is hiding which vitamin? Okay, now we'll check it.

The game is being played "Guess vitamin»

Educator: please bring it to this cart vitamin"A".

(children run one by one and choose a food product that contains this vitamin, next vitamin"WITH", "IN", "D")

Educator: Look how much we collected vitamins, and where else, besides products, is it contained? vitamin"D"?

That's right, this one vitamin we get from the sun, during games, songs, and of course exercises! This is the most fun vitamin!

Slide number 6

Musical warm-up "Radiant Sun"


Now you and I have become not only strong, agile, energetic, healthy, but also the most fun! Guys, what can you cook from vegetables and fruits? Now I suggest you prepare a salad, and in order to find out what we will prepare it from, I suggest you play. Do you agree?

Slideshow with an algorithm of actions for preparing a salad.

(Preparing the salad)

Which one then vitamin lives in orange and kiwi?

What fruits protect us from harmful microbes?

What are the benefits of nuts?

What should we season our salad with?

Why do you think sour cream is useful?

Look how beautiful and colorful our salad turned out! Guys, what should we call him?

Let's combine all our names and call our salad "Holiday vitamins» .

Educator: Guys, you are so great, you helped find Give your friends a vitamin, completed all tasks! Do you think you learned something new and interesting from our travel to the country of vitaminia? Which vitamins live in Vitaminia? What do they contain? Is it useful to eat? vitamins and why? Did you like our journey? And what of our trips did you like it the most? Thank you, friends!

Children list names vitamins, offer different variants answers

Children express their opinions, impressions, and share their acquired knowledge.

The desire to participate in dialogue, emotional response to the conversation

Desire to help, empathy for one’s comrades

Reinforce knowledge about harm overuse flour and confectionery products.

Consolidate knowledge about vitamins contained in vegetables, fruits and berries.

Skill use speech for expressing thoughts, feelings and desires, constructing a speech utterance in a communication situation.

Strengthen knowledge about food products that contain vitamins A, B, C, D.

Develop memory and attention.

Relieve tension caused by overload of muscles and nervous system.

Develop attention, memory, expand vocabulary.

Strengthen your knowledge of names vitamins contained in various products.

Arouse positive emotions from joint activities. Consolidation of knowledge about disease prevention measures, memory development, logical thinking, observation skills.

Guys, today we received a letter.

"Hello guys! I invite you to my birthday. I found out that in kindergarten There live very friendly, cheerful and brave guys. They know numbers, can count well, and solve problems. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then I will be waiting for you. Malvina."

Guys, Malvina invited us to her birthday. Shall we go to her?

She lives in her little house, to get to Malvina, you need to complete the task: “If you walk 7 steps along the right path, you will get to Malvina, if you go along the left path, you will not get anywhere.” One two Three! Go!

So we came to Malvina.

Slide No. 1, Slide No. 2

Malvina: Look, guys, Malvina has prepared riddles and tasks for you! Listen carefully and respond.

1.Five fingers deftly tear the grass

With my other hand I also tear

I'll feed the horse some grass

How many fingers do I have?

2. A rooster flew up onto the fence

Met two more there

How many roosters are there?

Who has the answer?

3. A peacock was walking in the garden

Another one came up

2 peacocks behind the bushes

How many are there? Do the math for yourself.

4. On a large sofa in a row

Tanina's dolls are sitting

2 nesting dolls, Pinocchio,

And cheerful Chipolino

Educator: Well done boys! Everyone is so attentive and knows how to solve riddles. Let's play the game "Digital Stream".

Guys, at my signal: “1,2,3 take” - you take the numbers and stand in pairs so as to form a total of 8 (for example: 1 and 7; 2 and 6; 3 and 5; 5 and 3; 4 and 4). The “stream” must pass through the “gate”. Children forming a “gate” let through those who not only correctly composed the given number, but also said how it was composed. For example, 9 is 7 and 2. And we go through the gate. Well done boys!

Educator: Guys, you're tired, sit down on the chairs. Malvina invited more guests to her holiday. Who do you think?

(Pinocchio.) (Slide No. 3)

Game "Mending the Bedspread". “Guys, Pinocchio wanted to give Malvina a blanket for her birthday, but the rat Shushara gnawed holes in the blanket. Help Pinocchio fix the bedspread: take the pieces and put patches on the holes. Count how many holes the rat made? Name geometric figures. Guys, name all the flat geometric shapes, count how many there are? Name them all volumetric figures, count how many there are?

Physical exercise "Pinocchio" Let's relax and do a little gymnastics with Pinocchio.

Pinocchio stretched

Bent over once, bend over twice,

He spread his arms to the sides

Apparently I didn’t find the key,

To get us the key

You have to stand on your toes

And wave your arms!

Educator: guys in the fairy tale there was an eccentric - Duremar, he also prepared a gift for Malvina. (Slide No. 4)

He caught leeches and fish. What do you think Duremar gave to Malvina? And here are two buckets of fish.

Let's see how many fish Duremar caught. How beautiful they are. We need to count the fish.

How many fish are in one bucket? (5 count in unison), mark this number with a number (1 child puts a number at the board)

In the other - how much? (3) Conclusion: Now let’s compare in which bucket - “less”, “more”. (put a sign)

Now we will solve the problem. Guys, let’s remember what parts the task consists of? (Problem conditions, question, solution and answer). That’s right, well done. Now listen carefully: “Duremar had 2 buckets of fish, 1 bucket had 5 fish, the other 3. How many fish were in 2 buckets at once?” Guys, repeat the conditions of the problem (Duremar had 2 buckets of fish, 1 bucket had 5 fish, the other 3). Repeat the question (How many fish were in 2 buckets at once?), and you will post the solution using numbers on the number track independently, and then we’ll check (1 at the board) 5 + 3 = 8), and the answer? (8 fish were in 2 buckets). Well done, you completed this task.

Educator Guys, it’s customary to come with gifts for birthdays. I suggest making a gift for Malvina - a bunny or a fish based on the model. But first, let's prepare our fingers for work, let's stretch them.

Finger gymnastics(Here are my assistants (we look at the open palms with the arms turned), turn them the way you want and this way and that way - they won’t be offended in any way (rotating the hands in one direction, then the other). 1,2,3,4,5( we bend our fingers) - they don’t sit well again (we squeeze, unclench), they knocked (claps), turned (rotating their hands), and they wanted to work. (we clench our fingers into fists)

D/Game “Columbus Egg”.

Educator: Well done guys, Malvina really liked your gifts. (Slide No. 5)

Thank you very much

girls, boys

For your gifts,

For being smart

you guys.

Until we meet again, goodbye.