Live cards for the New Year of the Rooster. It's easy to be attentive! Pictures with animation - animated emotions

This material, as well as the link, contains excellent greeting cards Happy New Year 2017. These are beautiful and bright, themed pictures, as well as good wishes. Moreover, postcards on New Year 2017 does not have to be serious; some cool options for congratulations are also welcome and will make you smile and stir up everyone’s sense of humor in this festive turmoil.

Remember that Happy New Year of the Rooster greetings in postcards modern world You can not only send by mail. For example, selected postcard options, which can be downloaded for free in any quantity directly from this material, can be safely sent by e-mail, and on various social networks. In general, it is important to want to please another person, and finding a way to do this in the world of modern and actively developing technologies will always work out. Excellent.

Postcards with humor

If you want to cheer up a person, and in the pre-New Year bustle, which takes a lot of effort and time, this is always relevant, then you should choose cards with humor. From the link given at the beginning of this material, and even from this article, such postcards can be downloaded from great variety. For example, this version of congratulations is very interesting and relevant for every year: “All your best best regards on the eve of 2016 did not materialize, so this year I am taking fruit, cognac and sweets instead.”

Of course, you should understand the boundaries here and not send humorous postcards to a manager or partner with whom you have exclusive relations. business relationship. However, each situation is individual and it is extremely possible that your manager or part-time partner is also a good friend, then postcards with humor are very welcome.

In the East, the rooster is a bird of the family and hearth and home. Therefore, you can improve your relationships with loved ones and family in the coming year. Various handmade products are welcome as additional gifts. And also remember that on New Year's table on a festive night, in no case should there be poultry dishes or chicken eggs. Because then, despite the best wishes, you won’t have to wait for the cockerel’s favor in 2017.

These are the cards for the 2017 New Year of the Rooster that you definitely need to download in order to have the possibility of congratulations of a wide variety of variations. Remember that today postcards do not need to be printed to be sent. This can be done through email, social media, or even through various computer messaging programs. We hope that in the new year 2017 you will have in your life everything that you wished for other people from the bottom of your heart. We would like to wish that the New Year brings fulfillment of desires, happiness and good luck, that harmony and love reign in life, that only good people on the path of life.

There is a wonderful tradition of celebrating the New Year noisily and cheerfully. This holiday is considered a family holiday, but not all loved ones can be with us on this wonderful day. Their absence should not be a reason to leave something dear to a person’s heart without good and sincere wishes. Because mankind invented great way expressing your feelings and sending congratulations from a distance - Happy New Year 2017 greeting cards.

History of postcards

Good old England is famous for the first greeting cards, where they have been printed and sold in huge quantities since the seventeenth century. Although in the first few years such an idea did not seem too successful - the costs of their production did not pay for themselves, and the demand was small. But not much time passed, and people appreciated the beauty of congratulatory cards. New Year cards, from now on they are printed for any holiday, taste and budget.

Happy New Year 2017 greeting cards

You can congratulate someone who is far from you Rooster with a New Year's card different ways. For example, to this day, even in the era of the flourishing of digital technologies, the tradition of sending Happy New Year cards by mail has not become obsolete. And this is not surprising, because when you receive a letter with a postcard attached inside, a person also receives a piece of your warmth and care, which is often so lacking for those who are far away.

But we cannot discount modern ways of congratulating loved ones. In the age of the Internet, it is easy to choose from the variety of postcards offered the one that will express exactly your feelings and will appeal to the person you are congratulating via email, Skype or mobile phone.

Funny New Year cards with 2017 Year of the Rooster

Postcards with the symbol of 2017 – the Fire Rooster. Such a postcard will be remembered for a long time, because in the host of a huge number of faceless postcards, this one - with the image of 2017 - the fiery Rooster, will become special, will stand out and will leave pleasant memories in the recipient’s memory of precisely this period of life.

Beautiful New Year cards 2017

What other New Year greeting cards exist?

Soviet Happy New Year cards. Such postcards are now worth their weight in gold, because you can only find such a thing in person in the bins of those who cherish the memory of the times of the existence of the USSR. But there is an easier way to congratulate someone with a Soviet-era New Year's card - the Internet. In it you can find any, even the rarest postcard and send it in digital format to any person.

New Year cards with jokes. Great way express yourself and make the recipient smile. As a rule, funny congratulations are used by close people who know well what the recipient might like. That’s why such cards are very common and have a special energy, even in digital form.

DIY postcards - video

There is very little room left for magic in our lives. Time New Year's holidays- a special moment when all adults can try on the role of an almighty good magician and give their loved ones the most precious things in life - love, attention and care. To do this, you don’t have to spend fabulous sums on trips to a fashionable ski resort or buying a super-fashionable gadget. It’s enough to just talk, present a sincere gift that may cost a penny, but be significant in the eyes of the person for whom it is intended. New Year's cards 2017 in the year of the Rooster provide a wonderful opportunity to please your loved ones, evoke a whole storm of positive emotions and be remembered for a long time.

We are talking not only about classic paper cards, which are endowed with their own special charm, but also about virtual cards that can be sent as SMS, to email, a social network page, in a word, to where such a gift will be immediately noticed and read.

It's easy to be attentive!

This has become a good tradition when, in the pre-holiday bustle, minute-by-minute notifications inform you of incoming messages, including colorful congratulations from family, friends and acquaintances. We may not have time for a phone call or video chat, but we can always find a moment to send a sweet card.

Imagine how happy parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, just people dear to their hearts will be at this kind of attention! Unfortunately, life does not always work out in such a way that a person can celebrate a holiday with loved ones, and then it is especially important to support him kind words, a funny picture, cheerful and sincere wishes.

Pictures with animation - animated emotions

Postcards for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 are a celebration of rich colors, brightness and positivity. Among the variety of such pictures, it is difficult to find a boring and uninteresting option - they are all attractive in their own way. The Rooster is a meticulous figure, loving consistency and accuracy. When congratulating your loved ones, do not ignore anyone who is really waiting to hear from you. The owner of 2017 will appreciate your efforts.

Start appeasing the obstinate bird with the newsletter virtual cards. Let it be animated pictures, sparkling, shimmering or even singing - the Rooster will definitely be pleased with this, believe me. And how pleasant it will be for your family!.. Such a gift can become the first surprise in a whole chain of lovely gifts that you have prepared for your loved ones. Send such postcards at least every few hours - the recipient will not get tired of it, on the contrary, it will bring a lot of positive and unforgettable impressions.

Vintage New Year cards

Those we love and those who are far from us especially need our attention. Fortunately, now distance is not a problem. If you have the desire, you will always find an opportunity to please your loved ones. Spend just a little time searching for a suitable postcard, and in one click send good news to your family and loved ones. It's up to you to choose from the huge variety that is available.

Do you like rare New Year of the Rooster 2017 postcards - Soviet ones, with modern animation or with humorous overtones - feel free to choose any one. Such greetings from the past will especially appeal to grandparents, parents and all relatives and friends for whom the past era is not just a page of history. Charming little animals, the impressive Father Frost with the thin Snow Maiden, the wonderful style of Soviet artists are easily recognizable and loved not only by people who visited the Soviet Union. There is some warmth in such cards, good light, which has become more and more attractive over the years.

Cool cards 2017

Fans of funny pranks who can’t imagine life without humor and laughter will love New Year’s cards for the 2017 Year of the Rooster with a special, comic overtone. The main thing, in an effort to make the recipient laugh and amuse, is to take into account the taste of the recipient.

Do not confuse a strict postcard intended for your boss or senior colleagues with a funny picture - those who are too serious about subordination will not understand this. But with your family, don't try to be too formal, let it be fun, have fun sending them cards, full of humor. Such little things lift our spirits, set the tone for the upcoming holidays, allowing us to forget for a while about all the problems that bother us.

For colleagues, friends, partners

Every day the children's favorite holiday is getting closer and closer to us. Why, for many adults, the New Year is a long-awaited day or, more precisely, at night, a kind of outlet when you can have fun to your heart’s content, taste delicacies, make a wish during the chimes and dream about a happy future. New Year is the period when everything bad and unnecessary can be left in the outgoing year, and you can take with you only bright hopes, good mood and self-confidence.

The New Year's bustle is one of the most pleasant worries that can fall on your head. The streets are especially elegant and festive at this time. Here and there, every now and then, windows flash, which are decorated with New Year and Christmas decorations, and somewhere you can see Christmas trees decorated with tinsel and toys, and sparkling LED garlands. At this wonderful time - New Year's Eve - I really want to congratulate friends, relatives, loved ones, colleagues and friends, giving them a little New Year's mood and warmth. Postcards for New Year 2017 will help you cope with this task.

Postcards are not simple cardboard rectangles with pictures and words. No, these are real sparks of the New Year's miracle, some messengers of happiness and goodness. Postcards will never go out of style. Even now, in the age of advanced technology, New Year and Christmas cards are sent to friends and acquaintances not only by mail, but also on social networks, via MMS or by email.

Our site has collected a whole collection of colorful New Year's cards that will help you beautifully congratulate both relatives and friends, employees, loved ones and just acquaintances.

New Year cards with the symbol of 2017

The Year of Red is coming Fire Rooster, which means that the whole next year will “shine” with colorful colors. Do you remember what a cockerel looks like? This is how it will turn out in life. Either everything is fine, then suddenly there is some kind of bad luck. But we need to be patient and purposeful, then the owner of 2017 will be favorable to us. To bribe the domineering Rooster a little, congratulate your loved ones with postcards depicting the symbol of the coming year.

Animated cards

If you are tired of simple pictures on postcards, pay attention to flickering and “dancing” ones with animation. Everyone will be incredibly pleased and interested to receive such a postcard for the New Year.

IN Lately, animated postcards have become incredibly popular among Internet users. Still would! After all, they are much more interesting than ordinary New Year’s cards. Send animated postcards to your friends and you definitely won’t go wrong with New Year’s greetings.

Oddly enough, but it’s the old ones soviet postcards for the New Year and to this day are a kind of standard of real New Year's cards. They magically give everyone who holds them in their hands a feeling of a fairy tale, a return to childhood and a special atmosphere of a New Year's miracle.

Our parents and grandparents probably remember well how in Soviet times not a single New Year was complete without congratulations with wonderful postcards with funny animals, with a strict but kind Grandfather Frost, with a cheerful snowman.

New Year and Christmas holidays always come “unexpectedly”, forcing you to daily life your adjustments. After all, by the last day of the outgoing year there is so much to be done - to complete the projects started, to remember the “old” debts and distribute them, to draw up holiday menu and calculate its cost, purchase products... And many more important matters that require an “urgent” solution. As a rule, these pleasant chores have to be dealt with without interruption from the “work process”, since the traditional New Year's weekend begins only on December 31st. According to established tradition, many organizations hold corporate parties for employees on New Year’s Eve - an excellent reason to have fun with your family! On such entertainment events it is customary to proclaim funny toasts, congratulate each other on the New Year. On our pages are presented best congratulations Happy New Year of the Rooster 2017 to work colleagues. So, for a colleague-boss or director, it is better to choose a beautiful official congratulation in prose and deliver it in the form of a short speech. A friend or good acquaintance will be delighted with the bright greeting card with funny poems New Year theme– it can be sent by email or delivered in person. In general, whatever your imagination tells you! After all, we spend most of our time every day side by side with our colleagues, and with some we simply “have become close” against the backdrop of many years of friendship. On the eve of the New Year 2017, the Rooster can also be congratulated by “former” colleagues from the previous place of work - undoubtedly, they will be pleased with such attention.

Original congratulations for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 to work colleagues

The symbol of the New Year 2017 is the Rooster - an energetic, playful and sociable bird. In addition, the Red Rooster is characterized by remarkable hard work and self-discipline, which is extremely important for work. In order to receive the patronage of the Master of 2017, you will have to make some efforts - constantly “grow above yourself”, develop your abilities and talents. Your efforts will definitely be rewarded! Career growth, bonuses, and extraordinary leave in the New Year 2017 will not keep you waiting.

In the last days of the outgoing year, many organizations and institutions are in a pre-holiday mood. Offices and work rooms take on an elegant and festive look - small Christmas trees, figurines of fairy-tale characters, bright multi-colored garlands. All these New Year's attributes set you in a festive mood and remind you of the upcoming weekend. In the meantime, we need to think about how to congratulate our work colleagues, with whom we share the “harsh” workdays, on the New Year 2017. In our selection you will find the most original congratulations Happy New Year 2017 of the Rooster to work colleagues, which can be said in festive table in the form of toast. Perhaps the management will decide to please the employees and organize a New Year's corporate event or party - in this case, the event scenario can include several cool congratulations in verse and prose on the New Year of the Rooster 2017.

We are a friendly team

Let's enter the New Year!

Let him be happy

And we will all be lucky!

Let's not be upset

For every little thing...

And meet on holidays

Dear Colleagues! As a friendly flock, we fought for the common corporate good, and now the long-awaited time has come to relax and celebrate the New Year 2017! We have worked hard all year and honestly deserve the celebrations! In the coming year of the Fire Rooster, may successes in your work field inexorably compete with victories in your personal life! Let peace, a calm and friendly atmosphere reign in the team.

I wish my colleagues this New Year:
Regular salaries and bonuses,
Inexhaustible reserves,
Iron, strong nerves,
More authentic dinners,
More ideal than clients
Easy annual reports,
Compliance with cost accounting.
Timely assistance,
Corporate party without consequences,
Everyone gets a jump in their career,
Happy New Year to us, colleagues!

Funny and comic congratulations for colleagues for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - in verse

Waiting for the New Year is always a joyful anticipation of a series of happy Holidays and entertainment. IN last weeks December, there is a special spirit of magic in the air that “haunts” even the workplace. Decorated Christmas trees and compositions of fir branches in office rooms, joyful smiles of colleagues, “mass” discussion New Year's outfits and plans for a long weekend - what a job there is! However, the end of the year is considered the “hottest” time for many organizations and businesses. After all, you need to have time to complete everything you started in the outgoing year in order to meet the New Year of the Rooster 2017 with a “clean slate”. However, in the cycle of important affairs, you need to find time to prepare congratulations for your colleagues on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - funny poems or a few lines in prose. So, a funny New Year's greeting in the form of a bright postcard can be sent by e-mail to an employee in a neighboring department or presented in person. What can you wish a work colleague for the New Year 2017? Bringing the bravest people to life creative ideas, promotions career ladder and of course, good health in the coming year of the Rooster. You can dedicate it to a colleague or good friend cool congratulations for the New Year 2017, in which the best wishes for good luck, happiness and prosperity are expressed in a humorous “non-offensive” form. In response, you can receive a virtual picture with a similar congratulation and funny lines new year wishes– undoubtedly, such a humorous “exchange” will provide a good mood and set everyone in the mood for a festive, carefree “wave.”

The holiday is knocking on the door...
The most winter, the most important.
Today we believe in magic.
New Year - beloved, glorious.

Let your dreams come true
In the light of holiday lights.
Have fun while waiting
Many happy days!

Fluffy snow outside the window,
Happy New Year!
With new happiness! Merry Christmas!
We wish you many years to come
Peace, joy bouquet!
And success and good luck,
And better health,
Lots and lots of kindness
Understanding, warmth,
Respect in the team,
And having a perspective
So that bad weather leaves,
In general, we wish you HAPPINESS!

I wish my colleagues a Happy New Year,
With a good, kind call back!
The authorities will immediately descend,
And a lot of money will fall!
Career will suddenly be trampled,
A star will fall from heaven to your feet!
So be it, my friends,
And let your dream come true!

A selection of official congratulations in prose on the New Year - to colleagues at work, to the boss

On the eve of the New Year 2017, it is customary for many organizations to exchange congratulations and good wishes. So, you can dedicate a cool congratulation-verse on the New Year of the Rooster to your “ordinary” colleagues at work and just good acquaintances - such a funny message will make the recipient smile and want to answer you “in kind.” But for management and other higher ranks it would be more appropriate to choose for New Year's greetings more serious words. As a rule, official congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 are perfect for this - colleagues can agree in advance among themselves who will give a fiery speech on behalf of the entire work team. According to established tradition, such an opportunity is presented at the official part New Year's corporate party, when the management team of the company is still fully assembled. It is best to say the words of New Year's congratulations in the form of a toast, while raising a glass of sparkling champagne to the health of your superiors. A good manager will return the greeting with wishes for all the best for the employees in the New Year 2017.

In our selection there are several beautiful and heartfelt official congratulations for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster in prose, which will melt the heart of even the strictest boss. Rules good manners also include Happy New Year greetings business partners for business and clients - send each recipient a few beautiful “official” lines. We are sure that in the coming year of the Rooster, successful and fruitful cooperation is guaranteed to you!

Ladies and Gentlemen! In the coming year, I would like to wish you all the best: financial stability, pleasant discoveries, useful contacts, success in your endeavors, great opportunities and self-confidence, and most importantly, good health, without which nothing else matters. Happy New Year!

Often the ship's course is chosen by the captain without consulting his crew, and it is especially pleasant to realize that our team operates according to different laws. Thank you for being able to see the potential in employees, for being able to praise and point out mistakes in a timely manner.

May our successful ship continue to sail towards new lands, and may the team’s achievements not disappoint you. I am confident that in the future our common boat will not break on the rocks of contradictions, crises and financial problems.

I wish you that your employees always work with maximum dedication, and that their work brings exceptional pleasure. Life is too short to spend it on a job you don’t love, and I wish you that every day you end with a feeling of satisfaction from the results achieved.

A reliable business partner is the secret to the longevity of any business, and in this light, our company will definitely be able to achieve immortal greatness. On the eve of the New Year, when nice words have already been said, and the champagne has been poured into glasses, I would like to congratulate those people who invisibly direct our business in the right direction. With your unlimited support and wise advice, you make the company better, influencing progress in the views and skills of employees.

So let your business continue to prosper, and let your favorite job bring real pleasure. Not always money, even big ones, can bring satisfaction. I wish you to do something truly great in 2017, to promote high-quality ideas and ideas, so that every day ends with a smile on your lips and with the awareness of the correctness of the decisions made.

Greeting cards for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - for colleagues and co-workers

According to the eastern horoscope, the Red Rooster is quite strong sign is a born manager and leader. Moreover, one can only envy the hard work and perseverance of this bird! Therefore, in 2017, you can safely start building a career, and leadership positions await particularly motivated colleagues. On the eve of the New Year, it is appropriate to congratulate colleagues and employees on the upcoming holidays by presenting beautifully designed cards. Ready-made templates for New Year greeting cards can be easily found on thematic websites and printed on a color printer. In the postcard you can write funny poems of congratulations on the New Year 2017 to colleagues and employees, or official lines of prose addressed to the manager. How to give such a greeting for the New Year 2017? It is best to place a gift card in an envelope with the company logo, decorated with decorative elements - a bright bow, a miniature flat Christmas tree. Don’t forget to indicate your colleague’s name on the congratulatory envelope so that there is no confusion when delivering the gift. An envelope with a postcard for a colleague can be signed with only the name, and a congratulation addressed to the director of the enterprise is better indicated by indicating the full name and patronymic. Original surprise gift for the New Year 2017!