Nurse's Day. Congratulations on Nurse's Day What date is World Nurse's Day

World Nurses Day

On May 12, representatives of the most humane profession accept congratulations; on this day nurses celebrate their professional holiday.

The day, by decision of the Red Cross, was not chosen by chance; it is the date of birth of the famous Englishwoman, Florence Nightingale, who became famous during the Crimean War for organizing the first nursing service at that time. Among the sisters of mercy who went to the front were Russian nuns from the Moscow St. Nicholas Convent. Many Russian women worked in hospitals, even the spouses and daughters of Nicholas II. Although female health care in Russia, the wounded and sick in hospitals was organized under the reign of Peter the Great, but after his death, this undertaking was interrupted for 100 years.

In 1860, the first training school for nurses was opened in London. It was during the war years that a stereotype arose that it was the nurse who carried the wounded from the battlefield, stood at the operating table, helping surgeons. In fact, this holiday is more than one hundred and fifty years old, but the official decision to celebrate it on May 12 was made only in January 1974. This year, sisters of mercy from 141 countries united into one professional public organization, called the International Council of Nurses. This holiday is relatively new in Russia; Nurses' Day has been officially recognized and celebrated since 1993. Patience and restraint remain the basis of the medical profession today; this is the basis of medicine.

Profession nurse has always been one of the ten most respected professions. Nursing is a separate branch of medicine, an independent science, an independent profession. But in addition to medical knowledge, skills and abilities, representatives of this profession are distinguished by warmth, kindness, and the ability to sympathize and empathize. It is the nurse who becomes the closest and most trusted person for the patient of the medical institution among all medical personnel. Even the name itself indicates what character should be inherent in this profession. "Sister" - relative, dear person, ready to help in difficult times. Every two years on this day, the Red Cross Committee presents the highest award for nurses - 50 Florence Nightingale medals. Laureates may be registered nurses and volunteers, members of Red Cross societies. 44 nurses in the USSR received this highest award.

Nurses today are the largest category of healthcare workers in Russia. Due to constant modernization in the healthcare sector and the introduction of new technologies, nurses are constantly working to improve their qualifications, knowledge and skills, and the share of services they provide is increasing. According to doctors themselves, nurses account for 80% of patient care. This profession is not replaceable, so it is not surprising that all medical institutions congratulate their workers on this day and say words of gratitude to them for their work.

The history of the Nurses' Day holiday goes back to the beginning of the 19th century; on May 12, the founder of the nursing service, Florence Nightingale, was born. During the Crimean War, this woman was the first to organize a service for caring for wounded soldiers, which contributed to a significant reduction in mortality during combat operations. She also organized a charitable foundation to create the world's first school of nurses. In 1934, the International Foundation was created. F. Nightingale, on whose initiative International Nurses Day became an annual holiday.

It is difficult to imagine our medicine without a nurse. This is one of the most humane professions of our time, since a person’s life and health are the main values ​​for everyone. They are the ones who carry out all the doctor’s orders; their caring word plays a significant role in the patient’s recovery process. According to statistics, nurses account for about 80% of all patient care.

Show congratulations

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Our dear nurses! On this day we are pleased to congratulate you on professional holiday and sincerely thank you for your enormous work, which you carry out with dignity. You are good fairies in white coats, beautiful saviors of human health, real squires of doctors. Without you, the work of medical institutions simply would not be possible. Thank you, charming sisters, for the fact that your fragile shoulders can withstand all the hardships given to you by fate!


Today we congratulate our lovely and caring nurses, beautiful women with a gentle smile and with kind hands who fight for life every day with diseases and illnesses. May your health always be good, may you always have personal happiness.


Today we celebrate a day dedicated to representatives of the most humane profession - nursing. They were the ones who dedicated their lives to selflessly helping other people. We wish them patience, obedient and respectful patients, and simply great human happiness.


Arriving at the hospital, everyone understands that the patient’s recovery depends not only on the doctor’s qualifications. Nurses fight diseases no less, and sometimes many times more, than the doctor himself: they administer IVs, give injections and collect tests, carry out all the necessary procedures and often have considerable treatment experience, allowing them to make independent diagnoses and, in emergency cases, adjust treatment and save lives. So let your work be appreciated, and on International Nurses Day you will receive all possible congratulations from colleagues and patients.


Everyone knows how difficult and troublesome your work is, because you are the ones who are especially affectionate and patient with the sick, no matter how capricious you may be. You try to give injections without hurting, bandages quickly. I wish you excellent health and happiness, may your children never have to use your professional skills.


Let not only on this day, but also always, words of gratitude be addressed to you for helping people in the difficult hours of their lives, when it is painful and scary. I would especially like to wish you health, kindness, optimism, and only positive emotions at work and at home.


We often say thank you to the doctors for ensuring our health, but we often forget those who came into the room at night to check our temperature and our well-being. Let your patients get better and never forget that you were nearby during the days and nights of illness.


Happy Nurse's Day
We must remind you about the profession.
Health is their concern.
Let there be fewer sick people every day.
Once there is a shift, let it go smoothly.
And the bonus is once a month and worthy!
Always keep up with your heart's call,
Forget about the difficulties of working at home.
Good health "excellent"
Joy in business and personal life!
Let luck be reliable and familiar.


We congratulate you on this holiday,
Happy International Nurses Day,
We are simply proud that we exist on the planet,
Our saviors are you.

Night and day you are on guard for your health,
We are confident in your help,
And everyone needs you,
We will trust your hands.

Happiness and joy, the best emotions,
Today we wish you,
May you succeed in everything in your life,
And all problems are resolved.


Nurse like a prima donna
With a kind, gentle smile in her eyes.
Her caress, her sensuality are bottomless,
And cruelty and fear are unknown to her.

Procedures, all tests, dressings -
This won't surprise her for a long time.
But her eyes still shine brightly,
And she is ready to help the sick.

International Nurses Day
Today the whole earth is celebrating with joy.
We wish you good luck, good health,
Lots of happiness and warmth.

May the heavens smile on you today,
And they will give you a lot of joy and love.
May all kindness return to you a hundredfold.
May your angel protect you from sorrow.


There are different moments
In the working day of a nurse:
Injections, enemas, documents -
Movements are precise and fast.

She's the first assistant
Everyone in the country has a doctor.
But sometimes my nerves give way -
How not to lose your temper?

Let all patients wait -
Nurses need to rest
After all, these moments are so rare,
That allows you to sit down and breathe.

Accumulate knowledge, nerves, strength -
It’s absolutely impossible to live without them.
Let them be on this dear holiday
All the troubles are nothing.


May sun in a hospital room
Plays with a beam on the wall.
And the nurse in a short robe
It flutters like a white butterfly.

"Come with me, dear patient,
You have biochemistry. Urgently!"
After you? Great! At any moment I
I'll run headlong, even at night!

“A little patience, my sick friend,
It might hurt a little..."
Believe me, from your divine hands
I will accept all tortures with dignity!

The trembling in my body is not from fear, no.
It's more like she's nervous.
I would like to find support for my hand
On your beautiful knees...

An opponent suddenly appeared at the door -
The toothless grandfather laughs.
Naughty, he didn’t wilt at all from illness:
“Are you jamush or not?”

After all, sometimes just from looking at you
The patient feels better.
And the light that shines from fairy eyes,
It will cure any illness.

Happy Nurse's Day today!
Congratulations on behalf of all patients.
An ocean of kindness given to us
Let it come back to you with interest!

Let's write a recipe for your destiny:
Let happiness be poured into your life!
There - an immense love potion,
Extract from passion! Cito!


Someone bites me or I suddenly cut myself,
I’m going to the hospital with a rainbow dream,
That I will bask in your eyes again,
That I have a date with a nurse.

These white clothes won't hide
No long legs, no cello stan,
And sweet hopes will not perish
Go to a hospital bed healthy.

Well, today is a noble occasion
Raise the test tube to a high degree,
Celebrate this international day,
That the nurse became a family holiday.

For your super sterile gowns,
For your views, they drive you crazy,
For clean hospital rooms,
Which without you is almost a prison.

Live long, happily, richly,
Married, divorced and nobody's,
For now it's a draw, free girls
My beloved nurses!


Wait, little sister,
I really need it!
I will say this word for you
It's your day
Work as a reward
And fatigue sets in again!
Your look is kind
Comes from the heart
How did you do all this have time...
Joy and work go together
It’s your holiday today, you know?


You make the sick sick
Just sensing it a mile away,
Tongues in mouths go numb,
Seeing this beauty...

Dear nurse,
Happy holiday to you again!
Be airy like a bird
Without passing us!

Let injections or enemas
They'll wait at least an hour,
And all our bodies
They will say “bravo” for your work!


How to live without a nurse
In white mourning hospitals?
I'll pinch it out of habit,
So that sparks from the eye sockets.
From the most tender message
The bruise is growing
You are very cute today
They answered me like this.
I won't be offended one bit
Yet your holiday has come,
Pour it, come on, drop by drop,
Until the doctor saw it!

Everyone is happy in the morning these days,
And there are reasons for this:
A nurse celebrates the holiday -
The basis of our medicine!

T It just so happens that with the development of progress, some professions disappear (weaver, secretary-typist), but new ones appear (clip maker, declarant). However, there are those who were, are and will always be. One of them - sister of Mercy. This word was heard especially often during the Great Patriotic War Probably since then, a nurse has been associated with a person who will always come to the rescue and save under any conditions. White robe, kind eyes, patience and golden hands, it’s not for nothing that some call them “angels”. And there is a day when the whole world can express gratitude to them: every year 12 May noted International Nurses Day.

The history of the Nurse's Day holiday

Communities of women who carried out nursing, were created in many cities of Western Europe since the 11th century. They were called differently then:

in Russia there was a Catholic community "Elizabethan", named after Countess Elizabeth of Thuringia, who at her own expense built a hospital and an orphanage for foundlings and orphans;

in France there was a community "ioanitok", who showed themselves especially selflessly during the plague epidemic in 1348.

But then it was not a profession, rather a voluntary manifestation of humanity. The first school to conduct training of nurses and nurses, was discovered in 1617 by Louise de Marillac. And by the middle of the 19th century, there were about 16 thousand sisters of mercy in Western Europe.

The founder of modern nursing And first professional nurse The Englishwoman Florence Nightingall (1820-1910) is considered to be the first to create a nursing service consisting of 38 people who cared for wounded Allied soldiers in Turkey during the Crimean War. In 1860, using donations, Florence opened a school for training nurses. After her death it was decided decision to create a Postgraduate Education Fund, through which nurses from different countries could and can improve their professional skills.

The idea of ​​celebrating Sisters of Mercy Day was first proposed back in 1953, but the first celebration officially took place only in 1964, and then only in the UK. This holiday only became international in 1971 by decision of the Red Cross, when nurses from 141 countries united into one professional public organization - the International Council of Nurses. And in January 1974 they decided on the date of celebration - 12 May, on the birthday of Florence Nightingale.

Traditions of celebrating Nurse's Day

Every year, May 12, The Council of Nurses chooses a holiday motto, which should demonstrate current trends in the development of nursing throughout the world. Thus, in 2005, the theme of the celebration was “Nurses for patient safety - against counterfeitmedicines”, in 2013 – “Bridging the Gap: Millennium Development Goals.” In 2014 The day will be held under the theme: “Nurses: a force for change - a vital resource for health.”

On this day, various lectures are held, according to the chosen topic, master classes on first aid, and health days. Besides, V special events are held about all medical institutions: from seminars, round tables dedicated to the improvement and development of professional, personal and creative potential nursing staff, and ending with entertainment - concerts, competitions, quizzes.

Interesting facts about nurses

1. Profession sisters of mercy was so popular that even the most august persons did not disdain to take possession of it. Thus, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, together with her daughters (princesses Olga and Tatiana), personally made dressings and assisted in operations to remove bullets and amputate limbs.

2. Every two years the International Committee of the Red Cross awards 50 medals named after Florence Nightingale. The first nurse in the USSR The recipient of this medal was Maria Shcherbachenko, who, during the liberation of Kyiv, carried one hundred and sixteen wounded from the battlefield. In 2013, three nurses of the Belarusian Red Cross Society became laureates of this award: Olga Geitseva, Tamara Tereshina and Izolda Semushina.

3. Profession nurse ranks third among all those whom people trust the most.

4. N.I. Pirogov argued that it was not the British, but he who was the first to organize and apply female nursing care in the combat area back in 1854, and he heard about Nightingale only at the beginning of 1855. But so far no one has admitted this.

Although, now it is no longer so important who was the first to organize such a sought-after profession. It is important that they exist - angels of mercy, nurses, compassionate and selfless, and on May 12 you can come and say thank you very much to them for their work and care!

Happy International Nurses Day!

The history of the Nurses' Day holiday goes back to the beginning of the 19th century; on May 12, the founder of the nursing service, Florence Nightingale, was born. During the Crimean War, this woman was the first to organize a service for caring for wounded soldiers, which contributed to a significant reduction in mortality during combat operations. She also organized a charitable foundation to create the world's first school of nurses. In 1934, the International Foundation was created. F. Nightingale, on whose initiative International Nurses Day became an annual holiday.

It is difficult to imagine our medicine without a nurse. This is one of the most humane professions of our time, since a person’s life and health are the main values ​​for everyone. They are the ones who carry out all the doctor’s orders; their caring word plays a significant role in the patient’s recovery process. According to statistics, nurses account for about 80% of all patient care.

Who is a nurse?
Both beautiful and smart!
He clearly knows his business
Does everything skillfully!

I want to wish you with my soul,
So that there is peace in life,
To be paid for duty,
So that hellish work is appreciated.

Let every day be sweets
And gorgeous bouquets.
So that there is no rush,
And the bosses helped.

To give way,
Let people become kinder.
Let no one forget
Who comes running to help?

The nurse is a keeper
Violent brave tamer,
The angel that is at our side,
Help the whole world en masse.

You're soaring like a bird
And light and cheerful,
Obligatory, kind.

You make life easier for the sick
You surround everyone with care.
We all adore you
And on your holiday we wish:

Be healthy and happy,
And always so beautiful
Never be discouraged.
You are loved by us, you know.

Only a truly kind, sympathetic, attentive person, sensitive to the misfortune of others, can choose such a profession. So let you too Everyday life Only people with the same kind heart meet. We wish that your work in our country is appreciated. Happiness, love and all the best to you, dear nurses.

Sometimes a sister is more important
Than any doctors
He will cheer you up and regret it,
And kind and kind.

On your professional holiday
I wish you not to get sick,
To be always, always beautiful,
It's more fun to look at the world.

And it won’t do without you
Even the best doctor.
I wish you many years,
Happiness, joy, good luck!

For your work, care and affection -
Thank you very much and bow.
Let your life be good, like a fairy tale,
Like your most beautiful and brightest dream.

And on Nurse's Day, as always, without a doubt,
We want to congratulate you and wish you well.
And we wish you pleasant moments in life,
Always smile and never know grief.

Congratulations on your day!
So that patience does not end,
Your house was full!

Let work be a joy
And wages are only growing.
Be happy, healthy,
And less worries for you!

On this holiday I wish
Positive and good
To make you happy

So that injections and pills
You handed out with a smile,
So that only good people
I met you on my way.

All the diseases in our world
Let them disappear forever
And the main medicine will be
Let love and kindness.

Good angels in white coats,
Doctors and patients in the wards need you:
Give an injection or measure blood pressure,
Dispel doubts in patients.
You can do everything, you can do everything.
May you be rewarded so that you have everything:
Happiness, health, success and warmth,
May you always be lucky in everything.
Happy Nurse's Day, our dears.
Know that there is no one sweeter and more beautiful than you.

How good doctor Aibolit,
Right from the morning
Everything is boiling in your hands,

Do you know your job?
You can handle everything here,
For your tenderness and care,
I want to say thank you!

Happy Nurse's Day, with all my heart,
I congratulate you
Good health, love,
And I wish you happiness!

Today we congratulate
All the nurses in the world!
For invaluable work and help
Our deepest bow to you all.

May families be happy
Children are always a joy.
Peace, happiness and prosperity
to you for many years to come.

Congratulations on Nurse's Day,
We must remind everyone about the profession.
Our health is the subject of their concern.
Let there be fewer sick people every day.
Once the shift has happened, so that it goes smoothly,
And the bonus should be monthly and worthy!
Always follow the call of the heart for all nurses to keep up,
Forget about the difficulties of working at home.
Good health - well, just “excellent”,
Joy in business and a stormy personal life!
Let luck be reliable and familiar.

International Nurses Day is celebrated on May 12th. In Russia in 2018, the holiday takes place for the 26th time. The celebrations are attended by nursing staff of public and private medical institutions, students and teachers of medical colleges and universities.

history of the holiday

The idea of ​​honoring nurses began in 1953. The first mass celebrations began in 1965. In January 1974, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) set May 12 as the date for the celebration. International Day nurse In Russia, the holiday has been celebrated since 1993.

The date of International Nurses Day coincides with the birthday of F. Nightingale, a nurse and public figure in Great Britain.

Holiday traditions

International Nurses Day is celebrated every year under a new motto, which is proclaimed by the International Council of Nurses. On this holiday, the management of medical institutions rewards nurses with bonuses and memorable gifts. Conferences, round tables, scientific and practical seminars are organized. Professional competitions and shows are held. Festive concerts are organized in cultural institutions.

Every two years on this day, the International Committee of the Red Cross awards nurses and voluntary members of national Red Cross societies with F. Nightingale Medals for dedication and courage in caring for the wounded and sick.

About the profession of a nurse

Nurse (male - nurse) - medical worker middle management Types of nurses: chief, senior, junior, ward, procedure, operating room, district, dietary, with a specialist.

Responsibilities vary by position and specialization. The nurse carries out the doctor's orders and carries out the nursing process. She cares for the sick, controls the intake of medications, gives injections, prepares patients for operations, and carries out therapeutic and preventive procedures. A representative of this profession must be a stress-resistant, careful, attentive and caring person, and be able to provide first aid.

To become a nurse, you need to study at a college or university in the specialty “Nursing”; to become a chief nurse, you need to receive a higher medical education.

  • Every year on the third Sunday of June, the countries of the former USSR celebrate Medical Worker Day.
  • The F. Nightingale Museum operates in London.
  • In 1856, F. Nightingale erected a white marble cross on the mountain above Balaklava in Crimea in memory of the soldiers, doctors and nurses who died in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.
  • Finland has the most nurses: 2,162 per 100,000 people, Haiti has the fewest: 5 per 100,000 people.


Good angels in white coats,
Doctors and patients in the wards need you:
Give an injection or measure blood pressure,
Dispel doubts in patients.
You can do everything, you can do everything.
May you be rewarded so that you have everything:
Happiness, health, success and warmth,
May you always be lucky in everything.
Happy Nurse's Day, our dears.
Know that there is no one sweeter and more beautiful than you.