How to apply the right makeup. How to do beautiful makeup at home: useful tips from makeup artists. Makeup tutorials

A neat make-up that matches the type of face, skin and occasion transforms the fair sex in a matter of minutes.

At the same time, an uneven line of foundation, too dark blush or crazy arrows give the opposite effect.

In this article, we find out how to do makeup at home correctly, not spend a lot of time on it and always look fresh.

The basics of makeup for women of any age are the same - the right make up is designed to emphasize the naturalness and beauty of the face.

And if at 18 it is enough to properly care for the skin, paint over the cilia and line the lips to look perfect, then after 30 or 40 this is not enough.

Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe for aging yet.

To hide all the flaws of the face and emphasize the dignity, you need a good tone cream, concealer from circles under the eyes, the desired shades of shadows and lipsticks, eyebrow pencils and a lot of all sorts of devices.

Where to start?

Do flawless makeup on your own is possible!

How to do daytime makeup at home - step by step photo

Step 1: Cleanse and Moisturize Your Face

The main rule of a well-groomed face is to apply cosmetics on clean, moisturized skin.

After washing, a cream according to the type of epidermis is suitable for this:

  1. Mattifying effect- for oily skin
  2. Oily with intense hydration- for dry
  3. Simple moisturizing- for normal

Our skin needs regular hydration.

Step 2: Apply makeup base

Let the cream soak in and apply the base for makeup.

The base or primer acts as a kind of barrier between cosmetics and the epidermis.

It contributes to the uniform distribution of funds, increases their durability and makes the colors more saturated. Choose a primer according to age and skin type.

First of all, we apply the base

Step 3: Refresh your eyes with concealer

After the foundation comes the turn of the concealer - it is needed to hide dark circles and bags under the eyes.

The color of the concealer should match your skin tone and foundation.

Ideally, it is better to purchase two products of the same brand. Too light circles will immediately give out your desire to get rid of them by all available and inaccessible ways.

How to properly apply concealer

Step 4: fix the result with foundation

Initially, we perform a small sculpting of the face, depending on the shape.

Which parts should be lightened with a highlighter, and which ones should be darkened, is schematically shown in the figure below.

The scheme of sculpting all types of faces

When the cream is completely absorbed, lightly powder the face with translucent powder to add a matte finish to the skin.

Choose foundations with a light texture

The foundation should ideally match the color of the skin, as too light or dark tones will make the face look like a mask.

The funds must also be applied to the neck and décolleté area, otherwise the difference in shades will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Powder is applied mainly to the T-zone

Step 5: draw the eyebrows

Eyebrow shaping is one of the basic conditions perfect make-up.

give them nice shape You can use a brown pencil and shadows of the appropriate shade.

However, you first need to remove excess hairs and cut too long.

step by step diagram eyebrow drawing

Tip: when choosing cosmetics, it is imperative to take into account not only skin tone and face shape, but also hair color. Makeup should be refreshing, not doll-like, so it's best to avoid contrasting color shifts.

Step 6: apply blush

If you do not know how to correctly determine the place of application of blush, smile slightly and make light strokes on the resulting dimples, blending the product to the temples.

Don't Use Bronzer Instead of Blush

To make the tone even, it is better to apply blush with a continuous movement with a brush made of natural materials.

Do not forget also that when choosing a blush, it is also necessary to take into account the skin tone.

Often girls use bronzers instead of blush, but it is important to understand that there is no brown blush in nature - pink, coral, red - yes.

Bronzer is useful for darkening some areas of the skin.

Tips for choosing the right shade of blush

Step 7: Emphasize the beauty of the eyes

When choosing a shade, you should focus on the appropriateness of makeup - a black / brown pencil and shades of 2-3 light shades are suitable for daytime.

It is better to give preference to matte, since mother-of-pearl is reliably a thing of the past.

We shade the eyelash growth line with a pencil - the eyelashes will thus appear thicker, and the look will be expressive.

The pencil line should not be thick, otherwise the makeup will look vulgar and sloppy.

Step-by-step diagram of the correct eye makeup

Never use black eyeliner for the inside of the eyelid, highlight it exclusively with a light shade. Otherwise, the eyes will visually decrease.

The shadows themselves are applied with an applicator or brush. The table below will help you figure out the shades that suit your eye color.

We apply light shadows on the inside, dark ones on the outside. The final step is ink.

When choosing it, also focus on the type and thickness of the eyelashes and refuse to stain the eyelashes on the lower eyelid so as not to look older than your age.

How to choose shadows for eye color

Tip: cold shades of shadows are suitable for creating a unique evening look.

Step 8: lipstick or gloss?

Applying lipstick or gloss is the final step in makeup.

Close to natural, but not too pale shades will help to emphasize the beauty of the lips: coral, peach, pink or light berry.

Choose lipsticks and glosses in natural shades

Glitter can also be used to create classic daytime makeup.

How to choose the right shade of lipstick

Step 9: Make your makeup last longer

The task of any make-up is to hold out for several hours. To do this, you will come to the aid of a fixative for an evening out and thermal water for a daytime one.

Step 10: Proper Makeup Remover

The skin on the face is especially thin and vulnerable. It is easily susceptible to negative effects, including cosmetics.

Therefore, be sure to wash off your makeup before going to bed to give your pores a chance to breathe.

Be sure to wash off makeup in the evening

How to do makeup at home step by step photo - the subtleties of age-related makeup

“I’m not 30 years old anymore,” women often think at 40, 45, 50, 55 years old and neglect an elementary make-up, which should never be done.

Looking fresh and spectacular is the sacred duty of every woman of the fair sex at any age.

Moreover, the rules of makeup in adulthood remain the same as in 30 or 35 years. The composition of the funds changes somewhat.

With age, it is recommended to approach the choice of cosmetics more carefully.

Everyone knows that after the age of 35, the skin begins to actively fade, so buy cosmetics with a lifting effect, created specifically for women of mature age.

Start off everyday makeup at home for women over 40, you need to apply an anti-aging cream and after a quarter of an hour proceed to the main manipulations.

Step 1: We apply a primer that helps fill in wrinkles and uneven skin, making it smoother.

Step 2: even out the texture of the face with a foundation with a matting effect.

Step 3: We mask circles under the eyes with a corrector.

Primer, concealer and foundation will help you achieve the perfect tone

Tip: The corrector application line should resemble an inverted triangle.

Step 4: Let's move on to sculpting. To do this, you need a powder or bronzer a shade darker and a highlighter.

Highlight the cheekbones, hairline, chin, wings of the nose and forehead in accordance with the type of face and the scheme from the previous section.

Step 5: apply blush on the protruding parts of the cheeks.

Step 6: draw eyebrows.

Step 7: on the upper eyelids we apply the base under the shadows so that the main color lies more evenly and looks saturated.

Before and after photos: pay attention to how young the right make up is

We apply the shadows ourselves, after which we draw the lash line with a pencil and complete the eye makeup with mascara.

Step 8: We outline the lips with a wax pencil, then cover with the desired shade.

Using a lip contour pencil is a must for women over 40.

Older women must use a lip pencil

This fast and effective method emphasize their shape and prevent lipstick from spreading over wrinkles in the corners.

Tip: if you want to use red lipstick for an evening out, choose a calm eye makeup, since two accents in one look are unacceptable.

Photo tip on how to apply red lipstick for a gala exit

How to do makeup at home - 10 mistakes that make us older

Regardless of how old you are, 30 or 55, using these tricks will not beautify your appearance:

Too much cream- plus a few years and an additional emphasis on wrinkles. Instead of heavy dense foundations, favor liquid vibes.

Mascara on lower lashes- will not make the look more expressive, but will emphasize the wrinkles around the eyes.

Tint only the top lashes

Dark shadows applied all over the eyelid- Firstly, they remained in the deep 90s. Secondly, they also age.

Wrong lipstick color- if you have naturally thin lips, fashionable rich colors will make them even thinner.

In this case, it is better to apply lipstick just above the natural contour.

Choose the right lipstick

Lower eyeliner- will make your eyes not look like the huge eyes of the heroines of Japanese cartoons, but, on the contrary, visually reduce.

Huge eyebrows that do not match the color of the hair, completely spoil the makeup. If you color your eyebrows, their tone should be one tone lighter than the natural color, but not 5 darker.

Neglect of corrector- with the help of foundation alone, it will not be possible to mask dark circles and make the look fresh.

Use corrector

Why do you need powder? To hide the oily sheen of the skin, mainly in the T-zone. When there is too much powder, it visually makes the skin dry and emphasizes wrinkles.

Freehand Arrows- if you can’t draw even arrows, this does not mean at all that you will have to say goodbye to them forever.

Try drawing them with a simple plastic card or purchase a special liner.

Buy an arrow liner

Rejection of the primer- shadow bases With it, you do not have to complain about how quickly the shadows "drain".

If there is no desire to spend money on a primer, you can replace it with a regular foundation.

Apply a small amount of the product on the eyelids and let dry, then proceed to the actual shadows.

Makeup should highlight your natural attractiveness.

As you can see, with our tips and photo tips, daily make up will not take you too much time.

A few more tips on how to do makeup at home, you will learn from the video with a step-by-step description:

Professional makeup is not only a prerogative fashion stylists. With step-by-step photos, time, necessary tools and cosmetics it can be easily done at home.

Professional makeup at home (step-by-step photo instructions are below) cannot be done without high-quality cosmetics and the necessary tools for applying it.

The skin is a canvas that should look perfect, so that the makeup turned out natural and beautiful.

To achieve this goal you will need:

  1. Primer (or make-up base). It is needed so that the tone and all other cosmetics lie flat on the skin and last for a long time. The primer has a light coloring effect and protects from wind, sun and frost.
  2. Tone cream. It is matte and with a slight shimmer, allows you to hide skin imperfections and even out the tone.
  3. Spot corrector. This tool is available in the form of a compact liquid and a pencil and has the same function as a foundation, but in cases where you need to hide minor imperfections - pimples, redness, dark spots or mosquito bites.
  4. Concealer. It is used mainly for the delicate skin of the eyelids and helps not only to protect it, but also to create a more durable eye makeup with shadows and pencil.

For eye makeup you will need:

  • mascara, preferably brown or black (other shades are not excluded);
  • liner or pencil to highlight or correct the line of the eyes and eyebrows;
  • eye shadows of various colors suitable for the color type.

For a stylish lip makeup you need:

  • lip gloss and lipstick;
  • nude liner to create a clear and even border between lips and skin;
  • lipstick-matched eyeliner to correct the shape and curve of the mouth.

With this set of cosmetics, you can create an excellent make-up.

But it won't be complete without:

  • blush;
  • powders;
  • eyebrow pencil.

For the application of all these funds, tools specially designed for them are needed. Some of the items can perform one or more functions and even interchange each other.

These include:

If something went wrong during the application of the product, instead of completely removing the composition and completely redoing the makeup, you can use additional tools.

These include:

  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • pack of dry and wet wipes.

Tools should be carefully looked after and washed with warm water and hypoallergenic soap at least once a week. This practice will extend the life of items and prevent skin diseases.

Makeup sequence

Professional make-up at home (step-by-step photos and videos below) is impossible without following correct sequence applying funds.

How to properly prepare your face

Makeup artists who work with Hollywood stars recommend preparing the skin for makeup in 3 important steps:

  1. Exfoliation of old cells with cleansing preparations with a gentle composition in the form of acids and enzymes. Such drugs are suitable for girls with oily skin. Owners of normal or dry skin should use lotions and tonics. Scrubs and peels in this case are not recommended, as they dry out the skin.
  2. Moisturize with a moisturizing (never greasy) cream. The texture of the product should be light and pleasant to apply. You can apply it in a dense layer, and wipe off the excess with a napkin after absorption.
  3. Primer application. It allows you to narrow the pores, add radiance, give the skin a matte color due to the alignment of the relief and tone.

Determination of shades of makeup

Professional makeup, despite the fact that it is done at home using step-by-step photos, must fully comply with the original - even if the application technique is correct and the cosmetics are of high quality, but the color is incorrectly chosen, this make-up can hardly be called professional.

To avoid this blunder, makeup artists recommend learning the basics of color combinations, starting from your color type:

Tone equalization

Step by step photos will help to make professional makeup at home. And first of all, you need to create the right skin tone. For these purposes, you can use a foundation, foundation or a moisturizing tint.

Makeup artists recommend purchasing two tones: one light - for the cold season and dark - for the warm. In spring and autumn, the two colors can be mixed. When choosing a tone, you should focus not only on the complexion, but also on the neck, so that when applying the product there are no obvious transitions or a mask effect.

First, apply the foundation for makeup. This can be done with both fingertips and a sponge. After application, wipe off excess with a dry cloth. Then the foundation is distributed.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. Professionals use a special tone brush. It can be a tool with a straight or rounded pile and a kabuki brush. To do this, you need to squeeze out a little money on back side palms, take a little tone with a brush and apply it with patting movements until the entire face is covered even tone. At the end, you can walk with a brush without a means of massage lines.
  2. The second way is with a wet sponge. To do this, wet it and wring it out well so that excess moisture is gone. After that, you need to apply a little foundation on it and distribute the product over the face. In no case should you apply the foundation with a dry sponge, as the cream will be absorbed into it due to the lack of moisture and you will need more funds than you need. The result is a dense and uneven layer of foundation instead of a thin and perfect one.

Face shape correction

The main purpose of makeup is to hide skin imperfections, turning them into virtues without being noticed by others. One of the drawbacks can be the shape of the face. The ideal shape is oval. Therefore, girls with a different face shape try to get closer to the ideal.

For correction, you will need two tonal products and two powders each - both types of products should be a tone darker and lighter than the natural shade.



Professional make-up at home (step-by-step photos will help you make-up according to the rules) includes the stage of working out the eyebrows:

Drawing eyebrows with a pencil takes a long time. Therefore, this method can not always be used. You can replace this step with eyebrow tinting. When choosing paint, you need to focus on them natural color.

Eye makeup rules

Professional eye makeup at home (step-by-step photos will serve as a support) can be exciting or mysterious. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and make-up in this area requires a special approach.

It includes:

  1. Applying eyeshadow base. This step will keep the shadows vibrant throughout the day or evening and keep them from rolling. The base comes in cream and powder. The first type is driven in with fingertips. The second is applied with a special brush in two layers. Finishes the step with the application of powder.
  2. Applying corrector or concealer. Their function is to remove bruises under the eyes. If they are barely noticeable, then you can use a corrector for a couple of tones. lighter skin. If this method did not help and the bruises are still visible, then a concealer of a shade close to yellow will come to the rescue for owners of fair skin and shades orange color for girls from dark skin. Only after applying the corrector or concealer, the tonal base is applied.
  3. Applying shadows. The way they are applied depends on the type. Dry shadows are applied using the applicator, which usually comes with the kit. Liquid shadows are applied with a brush. The first type of shadows is suitable for beginners, the second - for girls who have the skills to handle such a tool.

Shades of makeup should be selected appropriate, depending on the color of the eyes:

Lip makeup

When making up lips, girls usually limit themselves to applying lipstick or gloss. For a professional make-up, this is not enough.

Star makeup artists advise doing it in the following order:

Blush and highlighter

Blush and highlighter complete the look. The functions of both tools are to highlight some facial features. Blush is applied to the apples of the cheeks or cheekbones. To do this, you need to smile broadly and apply the product with a wide brush on the protruding parts of the face.

Highlighter is used to brighten the face and give it a slight glow. The tool can be liquid, cream, in the form of shimmering powder, multi-colored balls, a pencil or a stick with a brush. You can apply highlighter on the nose, upper cheekbones, lips, eyes and under the eyebrows.

In no case should it be applied to all the indicated points at the same time, only to one. For example, on the wings of the nose, if you want to lengthen it, or on the area from the bridge of the nose to the tip, if you want to reduce it. As you can see from the above photos, it is not necessary to be a star make-up artist in order to make a high-quality and successful professional make-up.

Even at home, this is quite doable. To do this, you need a set of high-quality cosmetics that matches the color type of appearance and correctly performed step-by-step actions described in our article.

Article formatting: Oksana Grivina

Video on how to do professional makeup

How to make makeup perfect, what mistakes to avoid:

Each person is unique by nature and is born with a unique shape. Some are quite happy with their appearance, some find some flaws in their appearance. Makeup helps to correct imperfections in appearance, a magic wand for many of the fair sex. Any of the ladies will be able to transform, make the shape of the face close to the ideal, emphasize the dignity, you just have to master basic techniques applying cosmetics.

One has only to remember that each area on the face differs in some features. Let's take the eyes as an example, their shape can be easily corrected using various techniques for applying shadows on the eyelid. You can easily reduce or enlarge their cut, give the look a special expressiveness.

All kinds of techniques for applying shadows on the eyelid, helpful tips, training videos - our review will help you understand all the intricacies of eye makeup. Let's start!

Basic principles of eye makeup: the rules for applying shadows and the necessary components

It is important to remember the three basic components of perfect eye makeup:

  • At making make apa should decide on the area of ​​emphasis. There are only two of them - eyes and lips. If your choice of lips - the eyes are given less emphasis, if vice versa - then the eye makeup is as pronounced as possible, and the lips are performed using the nude technique.
  • When choosing shadows, you should proceed from the natural skin tone. So, for example, on a pale face, purple tones will create a painful effect, and dark brown shades can age tanned skin.
  • Eye makeup should contain at least two shades, ideally three. The upper eyelid always stands out in the lightest tone. Experiments with dark option only experienced stylists at thematic shows can afford.

Before touching on the question of how to properly apply eye shadow, you should decide on the necessary components of eye makeup. Again, you will need three important components:

Foundation for shadow

It is also called a base, a primer. Many neglect it, at best using the usual basis under makeup. Meanwhile, the quality of eye makeup depends on the base. The base under the shadows, in contrast to the basis for makeup, has a denser texture. Silicone, which is part of its composition, fills all the smallest folds and wrinkles on the skin, thus preventing the shadows from rolling and shedding. So make sure you get a good base.

The second thing you need is brushes

For eye makeup, you will need a set of at least three types of brushes:

  • flat with a long pile for applying shadows;
  • large fluffy for shading;
  • thin with elastic bristles for eyeliner.

Many will wonder, but what about the applicators that are put into boxes with shadows? They are also suitable, but only as a last resort. Shadows with them are applied too densely and it is difficult to shade them with an applicator.

Third - the shadows themselves

Lots of shadow options:

  1. crumbly
  2. Compact
  3. baked
  4. Cream
  5. Stickers
  6. Pencils

You will need at least three eyeshadow colors:

  • Base - the leading shade of makeup
  • Light coloured. It should be slightly lighter than the base, creating a white effect in contrast.
  • Marker (highlighting or accenting pigment). It is necessary that it be darker than the base version.

Important point- the colors of the shadows used should be in harmony with each other.

Using a base under the shadows is an undeniable point. Brushes, on the other hand, are mainly used for loose and compact and baked shadows. Many people have a question - how to apply cream shadows? Brushes won't work here. The best option is to apply pigment to the eyelids with fingertips. An applicator may be used. Shadow sticks and shadow pencils are drawn directly on the eyelid. If the consistency of the shadows is quite dense, you can initially transfer the pigment to the fingertips, and then apply color to the eyelids with them.

How to apply eye shadow step by step (photo)

So, to create high-quality eye makeup, you need a base, shadows and brushes. But about how to apply shadows beautifully, you should talk separately. There are several variations of eye makeup. Consider the basic techniques of how to apply shadows on the eyes and photos for them for greater clarity.

Before choosing a particular version of MakeUp eyes, you should take into account all the nuances of the structure of the face, the shape and shape of the eyes. Incorrectly selected eye makeup can enhance existing imperfections or distort facial features.

Classic eye makeup

This option is considered universal. It fits absolutely any shape and shape of the eyes. And the use of different combinations of shadows will allow you to create different makeup, from daytime to evening.

The technique of applying shadows on the eyes in this embodiment involves the following scheme:

  1. The main color should be applied to the entire moving part of the upper eyelid.
  2. The area under the eyebrow and the inner corner are stained with a lighter pigment.
  3. A marker is applied to the crease of the eyelid, approximately from its middle (releasing pigment, darker than the main one by 1-2 tones). The marker is applied along the contour of the ciliary edge, also starting from the middle of the century. Gradually, it rises and thickens as it approaches the outer border of the eye.
  4. If you need to create a more accentuated makeup, then it is possible to use the 4th more saturated color, which should draw the line of eyelash growth. For evening version it is permissible to emphasize the lower eyelid.
  5. All areas of the pigment connection are carefully shaded.

The classic technique of applying shadows is inherently basic. The rest of the eye makeup variations are built according to the same scheme, but with some deviations and making their own adjustments.

Eye makeup in the "Bird" technique

"Bird" or as it is also called "Wings" helps to correct the eye: raise the outer corner and visually increase the size. The shadow pattern is somewhat reminiscent of a bird's wing, hence the name.

How to paint eye shadow in this version? The application technique is a bit similar to the classical one: the moving part of the eyelid is stained with the main pigment; the light area is located in the brow and in the outer parts of the eyes. Only in this case, an increased emphasis is placed on the crease of the eyelid, and the line along the ciliated edge is drawn more strongly. The outer corner is somewhat pulled up.

Makeup is suitable both as an evening option and as a daytime one, only in the latter case, the shades of the pigment are taken lighter.

Eye makeup "Loop"

Another name for the technique is "Wave". An ideal option for a narrow cut of the eyes, and will also interest those who are concerned about the question of how to apply shadow on an impending eyelid. The arcuate accent helps define the eyelid. In this embodiment, the zone of the outer corner is additionally highlighted, forming the so-called loop or wave. The outer edge rises slightly and becomes more rounded. Everything else is the same as in classic version.

"Smokey eyes"

The most popular shading technique. Consider how to beautifully apply eye shadow in this case.

For this option, eyeliner with dark shadows near the ciliary edge, both upper and lower, is very important. You need a very thick, which is carefully shaded. Makeup is done both in a horizontal layout (light shadows are applied to the inside of the eye, and then the tone becomes darker), and in a vertical one (dark pigment is applied near the eyelashes, rising to the eyebrow, they brighten).

The effect of haze will depend on how the shadows are shaded on the eyes. The more thorough the shading, the more effective the makeup. And do not forget about mascara, there should be a lot of it.

This technique allows you to create both luxurious evening make-up, and the nude option, if you choose a pigment that is close to natural skin tones.

Nude eye makeup, despite its naturalness, requires more cosmetics and more time-consuming. It's a paradox, but "natural beauty" requires more "decorations".

How to apply shadows on the eyes using the highlight technique

Pretty rare technique. In this version, the outer and inner zones of the eyes are painted over with accent shadows. The main part of the century is filled with a base shade. The upper eyelid is the lightest pigment. Further, with the help of a highlighter or light pigments, a small highlight is placed on the moving eyelid above the pupil.

This technique is ideal for women with deep-set eyes, because it visually makes the eye more voluminous. Also, this technique will help correct wide-set eyes, as internal darkening will help hide the large distance between the eyes.

Rules for applying shadows in the "Cat's eye" technique

The name is not accidental. If you apply the shadows correctly, you get the effect cat eyes. This option makes the eyes very expressive, visually rounds them and at the same time stretches them, makes them a little slanted.

How to paint eyes with shadows in this technique? Everything is very simple. Shadows are placed in the same order as in the classic version. Only accent shadows highlight the inner and outer corners of the eyes. In this case, the inner corner is pulled down, and the outer corner is pulled up. Underwater is required.

This option, due to its brightness, is more suitable for evening makeup. Considering that the eyes are maximally emphasized, the lips should not be highlighted so as not to overload the makeup.

Double Arrow Technique

In this version, two lines are drawn with really accentuating shadows - one along the natural crease of the eyelid, the other repeats the line of the upper eyelashes. Then both lines join at the outer corners of the eyes. This technique helps to highlight the eyes and lift the overhanging eyelid.

The presented version is more like an evening one, but if you use neutral shades of shadows, it is also suitable for daytime makeup.

The ability to choose a palette for your color type is only half the success, the second part is the knowledge of the correct application of makeup on the face. High-quality makeup is a whole science. We will help you to study it and become a little closer to the world experts of sponges and brushes.

Basic Rules

Without theory, nowhere, so you need to delve into basics, learn all about makeup and how to apply it correctly at home.

  1. Clean skin is an axiom. Without a cleansed, clean and beautiful dermis, nowhere. Tons of foundation and powder will hide the most obvious flaws, but in most cases, if you apply makeup like that, you can look ridiculous and age for several decades. Therefore, before makeup, be sure to cleanse your face with lotions and tonics. In addition, never go to bed wearing makeup.
  2. Quality cosmetics. Shadows bought on the market for 10 rubles will not lie on the skin in the same way as Max Factor or Maybelline, they can also cause allergies. Enjoy quality cosmetics. We do not insist on professional, but you don’t need to indulge in lipstick or foundation bought on the spontaneous market;
  3. Consider your own color type and face shape. For any flaw in the face, there is a certain technique for applying makeup: for strabismus, problematic skin, or a potato nose. Don't ignore them.

Video: applying foundation:

Now let's talk about makeup styles. Before applying makeup, think carefully about whether it is appropriate. The perfect everyday make-up is discreet, light. These are natural colors, soft lipstick, brown mascara. It can be used as a night or work. Toward evening, women need to do evening makeup. This means you need to use eyeliner and brushes to give expression to the face.

Photo - Applying makeup

Depending on the lifestyle, informal preferences and other characteristic features of a person, there are other main types and forms of makeup:

  • gothic or night, in black and white, with brightly lined eyes and lips. Be sure to use white powder and black eyeliner;
  • emovsky, not far removed from the gothic, all the same eyes summed up with a thick black line and bright black lips. Many informals are advised to try on lenses to complete the look;
  • French, in the style of Audrey Tautou. it discreet eyes and lips, foundation, with natural color and brown shades. Perfect for full ladies. There is another option, do not use shadows at all, but draw arrows;
  • Greek makeup - a lot of arrows and bright colors.

From theory to practice

Invisible or natural makeup is the epitome of style, but you need to know how to apply natural colors. Professional make-up is the perfect foundation. Use a liquid tone of a suitable color (this color should either match the context of the image or the color type, ideally both). How to learn how to properly apply a natural palette of colors and who suits such makeup?

Video: apply lipstick

Increasingly, fashion houses showcase fair-haired models with arrows and soft lipstick colors at their shows. This can be called a modern trend.

We invite you to view lessons, which were prepared for us by famous stylists:

  • narrow eyes (advice to Asians, Koreans and Kazakhs), you need to paint in the style of smokey ice. This technique is quite possible at home;
  • emphasize the cheekbones, so the face becomes more expressive, these are the tips of makeup artist Angelina Jolie;
  • buy hypoallergenic cosmetics, especially if you do eye makeup. The most famous representative companies: Amway, oriflame, lisse, clarins, mary kay (Mary Kay);
  • do not use in summer fatty base or cream to match (this is not correct at all) - it is better not to apply makeup on a sweaty face;
  • shake off the crumbled shadows from under the eyes with a dry sponge or just blow on your face.

How to apply make-up brunettes so that he is not defiant? For starters, limit your use of dramatic colors. Focus on only one thing: on the eyes or lips. An expressive feline look is much more effective in conquering hearts, so we are learning to paint eyes.

Cleanse the skin, smooth the face. To do this, take foundation and powder, although the use of the latter is undesirable for young or problematic skin. Now we apply the base, use the powder in order to remove the shine and hide the circles under the eyes. We emphasize the cheekbones with blush.

Photo - How to apply blush

An excellent romantic image will turn out if you apply blush not only on the contour line, but also lightly sprinkle them on the corners of your eyes from the inside.

The darkening of the inner corner of the eye is just a godsend when the eyes are deep set and when the eyelid is lowered.

Photo - Applying lipstick

How to apply everyday make-up for blondes and which shadows are suitable for blue eyes- we will tell you step by step. The smoky look is a popular trend right now. To implement it on light skin of the Summer and Spring color type, we need:

  • natural base;
  • pastel colors of shadows;
  • brown ink and pencil.

A girl who has fair skin needs to be especially carefully aligned. But if you do not use blush, then the face will turn out flat and expressionless. Our instruction is simple: in the spring, paint your face with pastel soft tones close to natural beauty. In order to hide imperfections, use a corrective pencil, and eyeliner is applied only under the shadows.

How to apply daytime eye makeup

How to do makeup for green eyes? Need a warm tone. This is especially true in autumn, when golden hues are everywhere. Although the beauty of green eyes is also well emphasized by purple and blue shadows.

The cheeks of the autumn color type should be painted with brick colors, but the lips should preferably be in the same palette as the eyes.

Photo - Applying shadows

A little easier for brown-haired women and brunettes who have Brown eyes . We recommend using ash-gray shades, the Winter color type loves it. Emphasize hair color with scarlet lipstick - you need to choose it individually.

For redhead ladies perfect color shadows - green, so the red-haired girl needs to actively use fashionable makeup smoke in all shades of green (swamp, bright, light green, turquoise).

Useful secrets:

  • before applying lipstick on the lips or eye shadow, even out the skin, then the paint will lie lighter and smoother, and the makeup will look neater;
  • if you want to learn how to apply oriental eye makeup, then use an eyeliner with a hard brush and purple shadows;
  • important and then comb them. To do this, take special brushes. Be sure to remove the excess: protruding hairs, wipe bright lines;
  • elderly ladies and teenagers are strongly discouraged from applying bright makeup, which has red lipstick or the same eye shadow.

Video: apply shadows

Makeup in oriental style

Everyone has already seen anime girls on the streets and on the Internet. it new trend in makeup, which is called " Japanese style". To bring it to life, you need to lighten the face as much as possible and emphasize the eyes. It is difficult for mulattos and girls suffering from hyperpigmentation to whiten their skin, so some deviations from the classic anime make-up are allowed. The scheme is as follows:

We lighten the skin, apply powder, blush is not used. If you look at the pictures, you will notice that this is still the same smokey ice, only even more saturated.

Lips do not paint or lighten. We get the perfect club or New Year's makeup sample for a teenage girl.

Photo - Applying turquoise shadows
  • use brushes made from natural materials;
  • be sure to view the training photos and videos;
  • bright wedding make-up the bride is made in order to turn out beautifully in the photo, so it needs to be applied with mother-of-pearl paints;
  • apply a festive make-up based on the type of face, the shape of the eyes and lips.

Impeccable appearance is a big plus for any woman. But not everyone knows how to paint correctly, especially teenage girls. In order to competently use cosmetics, you need to learn how to do it for beginners, and only then it will turn out to be beneficial to emphasize all the pluses and hide the flaws. Eyebrow correction, applying mascara and shadows, creating a blush and gradually leveling the tone of the face - all these are the basics of makeup that every woman needs to know.

Basic rules for using cosmetics

Facial skin is sensitive to various cosmetics Therefore, make-up must be washed off very carefully. Do not apply new cosmetics over old or too thick a layer - this does not allow the skin to breathe, clogs pores, causes redness and rashes. It is not recommended to use excessively bright makeup, which beginners do quite often. Girls tend to emphasize that they are already adults, so they actively paint their lips, bring bright eyes, draw a blush, involuntarily causing laughter from those around them.
To always look neat and attractive, it should be noted that the application of cosmetics should be phased and in a minimum amount. Makeup cosmetics should be purchased only of high quality, in special stores, and the choice should be made depending on the type of face, eye color and hair. In addition, the time of day also matters: in the morning and afternoon hours, makeup should be almost invisible.

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How to even out the tone of the face?

The most important moment in applying cosmetics is the creation of tone. With the help of foundation, some areas are lightened and others are shaded, favorably emphasizing the outlines of the face. To apply the tone you will need:

  • foundation or powder;
  • for fastening;
  • bronzer;
  • corrector;
  • sponge or special brush.

The foundation should match the skin tone as much as possible; apply it with light movements from the center of the face to the cheekbones. Sometimes it is enough to cover only problem areas. If the skin is naturally even in color, it is not recommended to tint the entire face - this creates the effect of a mask. It is very important to learn how to sculpt your face with cosmetics, and makeup tutorials for beginners will help you master this process. First you need to pick up a powder or foundation cream in tone 2 times lighter than the skin and apply it with a brush to the middle of the forehead, back of the nose, the area above upper lip, chin, cheeks and cheekbones. Then the temples and wings of the nose, as well as the corners of the lower jaw, are darkened with a bronzer. Dark areas around the eyes must be masked with a corrector.
Each tool should be applied in minimal quantities and blend well, otherwise it will clog into the folds of the skin and ruin everything. Face correct form so you don’t need to sculpt, you just need to slightly correct individual sections. In order not to look ridiculous, you first need to practice at home, trying out step-by-step options and choosing the most optimal one.

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Studying makeup step by step, special attention should be paid to the eyebrows. Only a professional make-up artist can choose the optimal shape for them, because for this you need to take into account the outline of the face, the fit of the eyes, and the shape of the nose. You can make an easy adjustment yourself, which consists in removing excess, too protruding hairs and filling in the gaps in the eyebrows with special shadows.
Sharp curves and very thin eyebrows are out of fashion for a long time, so you need to pluck the hairs very carefully. If there are noticeable gaps in the eyebrows, you need to paint over them with shadows, the shade of which is slightly lighter. natural color hair; apply them with a special brush in a very small amount. No other manipulations in this part of the face are required - the more natural the look, the better.

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Using mascara and shadows

For beginners, learn the art of makeup step by step great importance has the choice and proper use of mascara. Thick and long eyelashes can be an adornment in themselves, but what about those who do not have them so beautiful? The assortment of mascara in stores is simply huge, and choosing the perfect option right away is quite difficult. Perfect for blonde girls voluminous mascara Brown color- it will visually increase the eyelashes, make them thicker, emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, and all this will look quite natural.
If the girl has dark hair, you can choose both brown and black mascara; the brush should be soft, not too long, with the same bristles. When mastering the basics of makeup for beginners, it is important to remember that mascara is applied little by little and very carefully: sticky eyelashes look unnatural. The presence of lumps is also unacceptable, and they are sure to form if you apply mascara too thickly or use expired cosmetics.
Correctly making up the eyes for beginners is the most difficult thing, since there are many secrets in the phased application of makeup.

At first, it is better to use only natural shades of shadows, for example, brown and light brown.

pink, green, Blue colour is not suitable for everyone. Black shadows can look out of place and rough. Apply shadows according to the growth of eyelashes, and then shade a little. The layer should be very thin and light, then the eyes become more expressive, but not artificial.

Since these are makeup lessons for beginners, the use of a pencil is not considered: you cannot learn how to correctly draw arrows and draw eyeliner in 1 day. An eyeliner requires a confident and experienced hand, all lines must be perfectly even, neat, in addition, you need to be able to shade them correctly, which a beginner cannot do.