How to understand that your head is dirty. How to quickly tidy up an unwashed head: hairstyles for dirty hair. What not to do with dirty hair

Probably everyone is familiar with this feeling: I came home exhausted, collapsed on the sofa in depression and fell into a heavy, dreamless sleep. This, of course, does not happen so often that it becomes a habit, but even once it throws you out of your usual rhythm.

Waking up in the morning, you are horrified to discover that your makeup has not been washed off and your hair is in complete disarray, dirty and tangled. Everything would be fine, but there’s absolutely no time to wash your hair!

What to do in such a situation? How to style dirty hair, and generally shake it up?

Well, you never know why our hair suddenly lost the most pleasant procedure - washing. It happens that you don’t have the energy and time, and sometimes the water is turned off and heating is too troublesome.

If you find yourself in such a situation, when there is absolutely not a single extra minute for styling, you should not panic, because there are little women’s tricks and techniques that will help make the condition of your hair invisible to others.

Hairstyles for dirty hair

Instead of combing your dirty hair back into an unattractive ponytail, soak your hair generously in hold gel and dry it with a hair dryer and diffuser. Pin up all this splendor with stilettos and calmly go about your business - no one will suspect any flaw behind this styling.

Don’t even try to curl dirty hair with a curling iron or curlers - they, weighed down by accumulated secretions and impurities and having lost their elasticity, simply will not obey you, so you will waste your time - but, on the other hand, if you apply a little styling product on them and warm up the curling iron properly, then something might happen. Only this method should not be abused, otherwise the hair can be damaged.

Before styling dirty hair, it is best to comb it with a fine comb - combing will give it volume, after which you can lightly spray it with hairspray and curl a few thin strands on a curling iron to style your hair. You can try to divide the combed hair into strands, and, twisting them, fasten them around the head with hairpins - and the dirty roots are not visible, and it looks like styling on the face. Shell styling in all possible variations hides this hair condition well.

DIY dry shampoo and other methods

  • There are a few folk ways“wash” your hair dry and very quickly, for this you apply a large number of flour or mustard powder, which needs to be rubbed well over the hair, left for a couple of minutes and simply combed out with a fine comb. This is in case there is no dry shampoo in the house. In general, these methods not only camouflage dirty hair, they actually make it much cleaner.
  • If your hair is very oily, you can rub it with a clean terry towel - you should do this as if you had just washed your hair, but a little more intensely. Your hair will truly become proudly fluffier and more attractive.
  • When trying to figure out how to style dirty hair, do not forget that there is alcohol - apply vodka generously to your hair, pat dry with a towel and dry with a hairdryer - your hair will look like it has just been washed.
  • There is another way to hide dirty hair - it suits stylish girls who have several scarves in their wardrobe. Just choose the one that matches your outfit today and tie it on your head, complementing the look with jewelry. No one will guess that this is a forced measure, and not a thoughtful image. And if you have a couple of cute wigs in your arsenal, then this is also a solution - just don’t let your hair grow for long, otherwise it will lose the ability to breathe and become weaker.

If this condition of your hair is caused by a temporary shutdown of water, go to the nearest hairdresser and ask the master to wash your hair and dry it - it’s a pretty penny, but the difference is visible immediately!

All representatives of the fair sex sooner or later face a situation when they urgently need to go out in public, and the cleanliness of their hair leaves much to be desired. What to do if it's time to leave the house, but your hair demands... bath procedures? In this article we will try to provide proven life hacks for such emergency cases.

How to save dirty hair as quickly as possible?

Untidy hair is most often revealed by bangs; they are the first to become greasy and look unattractive. In order to somehow correct the situation, you can backcomb your bangs and secure them with bobby pins. If your hair is dirty, in order to distract the attention of others from it, you need to remove it from your face and fasten it as casually as possible on the very top of your head.

The same goes for short strands. To do this, tilt your head down and spray your hair with hairspray right at the base. Thus, the processed bottom will add volume to the entire hairstyle.

How to quickly refresh your hair: proven life hacks

Dirty, greasy hair is not only aesthetic problem, and also feeling uncomfortable. After all, in addition to external beauty, you want to feel fresh. Experienced stylists are happy to share with us life hacks that they themselves resort to in emergencies:

    Keep dry shampoo at the ready. This tool is gaining more and more popularity every year, because it is convenient, practical and fast.

    Rub your hair with a damp terry towel, much more vigorously than you usually do after a shower.

    Apply setting gel to your hair and then dry with a hairdryer.

    You can wet your hair with vodka (or any other alcohol), then pat dry thoroughly with a towel and dry.

    If you don’t have dry shampoo on hand, you can use improvised means, such as starch or corn flour.

    Comb only with a wooden comb. The fact is that wood perfectly absorbs fat.

Everyday hairstyles

In fact, there are many hairstyles that can be used to hide a dirty head.

Hairstyle high ponytail. This is one of the most simple ways quickly get yourself in order before going out. Just tilt your head, comb all your hair into one bun and secure with a tight elastic band. If you have bangs, apply a gel serum to the strands, comb it back and secure it with a bobby pin on the top of your head. A simple high ponytail hairstyle suits almost everyone and does not require much time.

Scythe. Any braid perfectly masks oily hair, and the more complex the braid, the better. It would also be nice to do a little backcombing and let individual strands get out of the braid, this way you will better hide the problem.

Lush bagel hairstyle. Ideal for long and long hair middle length. To create such a hairstyle, you can buy a donut elastic band in advance or use any other thick elastic band. It's very stylish and quick hairstyle on dirty hair. What to do: Pull your hair into a ponytail at the top of your head and tie it with a donut. Next, separate some of the strands and weave a braid from it. Comb the main part of your hair, form it into a bun and secure with hairpins. Wrap the set aside braid around the bun and secure with a bobby pin.

Hairstyles for dirty short hair

It would seem that there should be fewer problems with short hair, because such hair can be washed in no time and dried quickly. But the catch is that when short haircut The roots of the hair are clearly visible, therefore, excessive grease immediately catches the eye.

Owners of such hair can be advised the following:

    Try the effect wet hair. To do this, apply gel or mousse to the strands and comb them back with a fine-toothed comb.

    Roller hairstyle. This hairstyle for dirty hair is ideal for medium length hair, but you can try it on short hair, especially if you have long bangs. All you need to do is divide the strands into two halves and twist. And then secure it at the temples with hairpins.

Simple hairstyles for dirty medium length hair

Doctors and even stylists themselves do not recommend frequent washing hair. No matter how trivial it may sound, many hairstyles on dirty hair turn out better than on freshly washed hair. Therefore, even world stars never bother about this.

Hairstyles for dirty hair, first of all, should have a somewhat disheveled and disheveled appearance. Just remember a simple rule: no curlers or curling irons will help you. Perms on dirty hair always look bad, and they don’t last long.

So, what can you advise a woman with dirty, medium-length hair to do?

    Remove all hair messy bun- it's fast, stylish and very convenient.

    Weaving - in this case greasy hair are even a plus, because they are more manageable and the hairstyle looks perfect.

    Vintage style is back in fashion - here, however, you will have to learn new skills, but the effect is worth it.

Accessories will hide your unwashed hair

The situation when there is no time to wash your hair is probably familiar to everyone, but what to do if you don’t even have time for those same hairstyles for dirty hair that we wrote about above? Accessories will come to the rescue! Below we will give a small example of how to properly use hats and hair decorations in order to not only hide imperfectly fresh hair, but also look flawless.

    Handkerchief. This easy-to-use accessory never loses its relevance. There are a lot of master classes on how to tie a scarf on your head in an original way. Such a quick “hairstyle” for dirty hair will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Hairpins. Any woman should have a great variety of them, because with the help of a variety of bobby pins, hairpins and other pleasant little things, you can easily create a stunning hairstyle on your head.

    Headbands and headbands. Feminine boho style will always be in trend. To do this, just lightly comb the top of your head and put on a headband. The same applies to hairstyles in the Greek style.

Let's sum it up

The hot water was turned off, you didn’t have time to run home, or something else - there can be a lot of reasons for an unwashed hair, and almost every woman, one way or another, faces a similar situation. The problem is aggravated if you are invited, for example, to go for a walk fresh air or take a boat ride - you have to admit, greasy strands of hair fluttering in the wind are not the most pleasant sight. But there are no hopeless situations, especially when it comes to female beauty.

You can turn any situation in your favor and with the help of an unusual hairstyle for dirty hair, which you can do in a matter of minutes, show others your originality and difference from everyone else. Therefore, our advice to all ladies reading the article: always keep dry shampoos, mousses and hair gels in stock, master the simplest hairstyles at least to begin with, and buy yourself various styling accessories, because you never know what emergency situation you may find yourself in. And a real lady should always look perfect. Even with dirty hair.

The first thing you should do when you notice the problem of rapid hair contamination is change your shampoo. Choose products that contain salicylic acid, which reduces oiliness, as well as sulfur, a natural antioxidant that reduces scalp oiliness and nourishes hair with protein. We recommend using dry shampoo - it helps keep your hair looking fresh longer.

You wash your hair too often

To bring your hair back to normal, it is recommended to wash your hair less often. Yes, yes, you heard right! The fact is that frequent washing washes away the protective water-fat film and irritates the scalp. This provokes intense sebum production, and your hair gets dirty faster. Another rule: wash your hair with lukewarm or cool water, avoiding sudden changes in temperature. Jumping from hot to cold water is stressful for the hair follicles, causing hair to lose its healthy shine and become lifeless.

You wash your hair at the wrong time

Sebum (sebum) is produced mainly at night, so it is best to wash your hair in the first half of the day - this will help prolong the feeling of freshness and cleanliness. And don’t forget that you need to wash your hair twice: during the first application, the shampoo cleanses it of dirt and dust, and during the second, it gives all the benefits of its composition.

You are using inappropriate additional care

If you are faced with the problem of increased secretion sebaceous glands, then try to avoid leave-in masks with a creamy texture. Especially if they involve application to the entire surface of the hair: from roots to ends. Such remedies will only aggravate the situation and provoke intense activity of the glands. If you can't give up oils, then pay attention to lavender, peppermint and rosemary - they will help reduce sebum production, cleanse the scalp and eliminate oily shine. Remember about serums and light sprays, which are also based on essential healing oils.

You're not eating right

Internal diseases also affect the health of the hair, so excessive activity of the sebaceous glands may be due to metabolic disorders in the body. Strict diets or, conversely, disordered eating can provoke hormonal imbalance, which will affect the production of sebum. And your hair will always look unkempt. In this case, we advise you to contact a trichologist - a specialist in diseases of the scalp and hair. The doctor will prescribe treatment and select appropriate care.

Prepared by Ekaterina Egorova

Dirty hair gives a girl a sloppy, unkempt look. However, there are situations when it is impossible to wash your hair with hot water and shampoo. For example, you overslept, your hot water has been turned off, or you are on a train, business trip, etc.

There are several ladies' tricks to give your hair freshness.

Emergency help for dirty hair:

1. Modern cosmetics offers special dry shampoos that are suitable for any hair type and are very easy to use. You can wash your hair with this shampoo without water in a matter of minutes. However, such a shampoo may not always be at hand, and its cost is quite high.

2. Blonde hair can be quickly "washed" using flour, baby powder, light powder or starch. All these products absorb oil perfectly, resulting in hair that is dry, voluminous and looks fresher. Simply apply a small amount of the dry mixture to your hair roots, massage lightly, then shake off any excess. Then the hair must be combed thoroughly so that the powder is not noticeable.

3. For dark hair It is better to use dry mustard powder or dark powder, since light flour and powder will make the hair visually lighter and more noticeable.

Hairstyles for dirty hair: masking imperfections

Many girls comb their oily hair into a smooth ponytail, but this is a big mistake, since smoothed greasy strands instantly catch the eye and look sloppy.

Backcomb. The best option is to lightly comb all the hair at the roots to create additional volume, and then twist it into a shell or bun at the back of the head. Secure your voluminous hairstyle with hairspray.

Wash your bangs. If you have a little time, try separating your bangs or a few top strands and washing them with shampoo, then blow drying them. Clean, fluffy bangs will distract attention and give your hair a well-groomed look. The rest of your hair can be combed and styled into a voluminous bun.

What not to do with dirty hair:

It is not advisable to curl dirty hair with curlers or tongs; the curls will be heavy and quickly fall off.

Do not try to mask oily hair with hairspray, foam or gel. The hairstyle will look ridiculous.

Go to section: Hair care: haircuts, styling, coloring, restoration, hair masks

Fashionable hair colors and shades

How to choose a haircut according to your face shape

How to choose the perfect hair color

Favorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar

Each of us has those days when we don’t have time to wash our hair. The water was turned off, Mercury retrograde happened... It’s a completely different matter when your hair becomes dirty closer to lunch, although you washed it thoroughly in the morning. We asked an expert why this happens.

Karina Kotova, expert and technologist MATRIX

Brush your hair frequently throughout the day

You may have heard the advice that you need to comb your hair 200 times in different directions. It only applies if you have a lot of time or are wearing a wig. After all, the more often you comb and touch your hair, the faster it gets dirty. The fact is that any massage stimulates the production of sebum. By running a comb through your hair, you distribute sebum along the entire length. As a result, the hair turns into icicles by the middle of the day.

You wash your hair every day

If you wash your hair every day, the scalp gets used to it and stops regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, more sebum is released than is needed to moisturize the skin, and the hair gets dirty faster. Therefore, once every two or three days.

If the hair becomes greasy the very next day, this problem is solved not by daily washing, but by the use of therapeutic shampoos for the scalp.

Using hair care products incorrectly

Until now, many girls apply hair balms and masks directly to the scalp. But this cannot be done. Balms and masks often contain silicones and other components that serve to cover the hair scales and smooth them.

They create a film on the scalp through which sebum cannot pass. A greenhouse effect occurs, which stimulates the sebaceous glands and can even lead to inflammation of the scalp.

The shampoo is created for the scalp and hair, and the conditioner, mask, balm, oil, cream are applied along the length of the strands, while you need to step back five centimeters from the roots. It is worth reading the label carefully, these important nuances are often listed there.

Do not wash your comb and hair accessories

If you constantly use the same elastic bands, hairpins or other accessories, but do not wash them, then dirt accumulates in the form of dust, styling products, and keratinized scales. When they get on the scalp, they accelerate the process of hair pollution and even lead to inflammation. It is advisable to give your comb and hair accessories a bath once or twice a week.

Turning on too hot water

Do you like it hot? You will have to pay for this. High temperatures stimulate the sebaceous glands. Try to wash your hair with warm water, and at the end, after using conditioner, you should rinse your hair with cool water.