How to find out when you will get married: numerology, palmistry, fortune telling, folk signs. Test: the name of your future husband and when will you get married? Where should you look for a guy for your future marriage?

Do you want to know when you'll get married? Focus! Are you reading it already? Right!

Reading this article will “find” the answer to your difficult question:

  1. Take the cards in your hands. Both ordinary cards and Tarot cards will do. Tell your fortune on them. They will most likely answer your question. If you don’t know how to tell fortunes (and don’t want to learn this “craft”), ask someone to tell your fortune.
  2. Place a mirror next to you. Choose the largest mirror you have. Wipe it thoroughly. Wait until evening. Find a large red rag (from any fabric). Cover the mirror. Turn off the light. Close the doors so that no light can pass through. Write on a piece of paper (without disturbing the darkness) your date of birth. Place the piece of paper in front of the mirror. Close your eyes and remove the cloth. Ask the mirror: “tell me, reflection, when will I get married?” Turn away. Count down the time (five seconds). Turn around and look at the mirror. Barely noticeable numbers should appear in it.
  3. Buy cherries. It doesn't matter how ripe they are! Eat them. Don’t throw away the bones, but put them aside. Count how many seeds are left from the berries you ate. Recount, saying: “soon, next month, this year, in a year, in two, never.” You will “see” your answer on the last bone.
  4. Take your favorite book. If it is not available, buy it or borrow it. Flip through this book, enjoying the rustle of its pages. When you feel your heart skip a beat, stop scrolling. Close your eyes. Move along the line with any finger without looking. Stop your finger movement whenever you want. The line on which you are “stuck” will contain the answer to the question. You just need to decipher it correctly.
  5. Wait for the day when your loved one gives you a bouquet of flowers. Admire the beauty one day or another. Then, when you notice that they are beginning to fade, tear off the petals, saying: “soon, not soon, fate will answer.” The last petal with the word is what you need. Can not wait to? Pick some daisies. Pick it up yourself if the guy isn’t going to give it to you. This will not affect fortune telling in any way. Treat the petals just like you would any other flower petals.
  6. Tell fortunes on your palm about marriage. The nuptial line (marriage line) is located directly under the little finger. If the line is drawn close to the heart line, the marriage will be very early. The “married” line looks sharply upward - unfortunately, you won’t get married. The marriage line bifurcates at the tip - marriage will happen soon, but will be unsuccessful, since it will end in divorce.
  7. When I get married? How can I find out the time of my future marriage? - Contact a clairvoyant. She will show you everything and tell you everything. Even things that don’t concern marriage. The difficult task is to find a real “sorceress”. After all, there are many liars who earn good money with their professional lies. Do you not believe in the existence of real “experts of the future”? In vain! One girl on her blog told a story that “breaks” the bad stereotypes associated with this topic. Here is a story from Victoria: “My dear aunt got cancer (in a woman’s way). Mom was very worried about her. The feelings were so strong that she was ready to do anything to find out whether her aunt would continue to live. A neighbor gave the address of one woman. Mom collected her last savings and went to her. The woman said a phrase that shocked my mother: “you came because of the illness of one woman...”. Then the lady said that my mother has several children, that they will both get married…. And so it happened! Since then I began to believe in such things.”
  8. Find that photograph in which you are depicted in full growth. Remember that you should be alone in the photo. And the background doesn't matter. Place the photograph in front of the mirror so that it does not fall. Turn off the lights and curtain the windows. Say one phrase while looking in the mirror: “wedding date, show yourself, please!” Leave the room for three hours. When you come back, take a closer look at the mirror. If it seems to you that it has moved even a couple of millimeters, get ready for a quick wedding!
  9. Go to the forest or countryside. In short, you need to go there, where the cuckoos live. Found this place? Ask the cuckoo how many months or days you have left until your wedding celebration. She will answer your question with the number of “cuckoos”….
  10. Find long hair(female). Pass it through your engagement ring. Keep the ring suspended. Place your elbow on the table. Place the ring in the glass. Watch the ring. If it remains motionless, then you will not become married soon.
  11. Take thick paper or cardboard. Cut out thirty-three squares. Write a letter on each square. Mix them properly. Ask when you will get married. Take out seven squares with letters. Try to make a word out of these letters. If you get the word “year”, then the answer is already in front of you. If “month” - the same. Remember that their letters can “peek out” and words can be clues or the name of your groom.
  12. Wait until the summer month (June). Pick a red rose that blooms this month. Do it exactly at seven o'clock in the morning. Take a snow-white (clean) envelope. Put a flower in it. “Place” the envelope under the pillow. Your dreams will tell you about when you get married.

Get ready to get married during this year,

If you have dreams like this:

  1. Cup.
  2. A glass.
  3. Field.
  4. Mountains.
  5. Baby.
  6. Organ (or music of this instrument).
  7. Moon.
  8. Mother.
  9. Silver.
  10. Children.
  11. Dad.
  12. Flowers.

How else do you know when to expect marriage?

If none of the methods appeal to you, you have several more options!

Look what these options are:

  1. Wait. It’s hard, but you’ll definitely wait! Catch your luck when you see it. Hide your pride during the search period! It will significantly hinder you (as in many other things)!
  2. Leave your profiles on the Internet. Is yours " virtual friend“It will determine when you stop leading a single life! Leave questionnaires with photos to make it easier to find the answer to your question.

Continuation. . .

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Every young girl cares critical issues, concerning her fate: “at what age will I get married, “who will my husband be, how many children will I have?” etc. Many women set certain time limits for themselves when they simply have to get married. But it is not always possible to get within these limits. And, sometimes, young beauties are in such a hurry to fulfill their own plan for marriage that they don’t particularly care that the decision to become a wife can be made completely thoughtlessly.

Tell fortunes for your betrothed

For a long time, young girls wanted to know their fate - they wondered about the groom, about marriage, about children. Today's beauties are no exception. They ask similar questions, but with one big difference - the girls want to know when exactly this main event will happen. Therefore, modern questions are formulated more specifically: “At what age will I get married? Will I have a wedding in the next two or three years? How can I find out by my date of birth when I will get married? etc.

To what extent are such questions correct? Perhaps quite. And there is nothing strange or out of place - these are life-changing issues, so they are always important. The problem is different - who can give accurate answers?

To a fortune teller or a psychologist?

Understanding the desire of young women to create a strong and lasting family, many psychologists organize special trainings to help women get married in two to three months. But, believing in your destiny, it is stupid to absolutely and completely trust such methods!

Our fate is largely predetermined - the main points have already been laid down, and we can only paint them in the desired colors of the life palette. And our fate is predetermined, firstly, by the date of birth.

Many palmists see the encrypted code of our future in the lines of our palms. And real professionals can quite successfully answer exciting questions about marriage, children, life expectancy.

But here, it is important that the information is read by a knowledgeable person who subtly understands the meaning of each line, each island, cross or other sign. Palmistry performed by an amateur is not only inaccurate, it can negatively affect the further development of events due to a fatal misinterpretation of certain points.

About the method of determining the age of marriage by date of birth

One of the most accessible methods for determining the expected age of marriage is numerological analysis of the date of birth. What is the point of the technique? Our date of birth is a kind of code, a key to what is destined for us by fate. Of course, our fate for the most part is in our hands. But the most significant years in each destiny are encrypted in the meaning of the date of birth.

So, by accurately deciphering the date of birth, you can find out about the most fateful years, the date of marriage, the number of future children, even about possible death. Any psychic or astrologer will agree that this is possible.

Numerology will answer important questions

Life important dates are determined by in-depth analysis of a 9-10-digit number obtained by multiplying the number of the year of birth by the number of the life code. You can calculate your life code by multiplying all the numbers of your date of birth.

For example, the date of birth is 04/15/1991. The life code is calculated as follows: 15x04x1991=119460. Next, we multiply this figure by the analyzed year for marriage, for example, 2010. As a result, we get the number - 240114600. Or the year 2014 - it corresponds to the number 240592440. And so on.

Each number of this year carries its own specific information. It is necessary to carefully analyze each number, taking into account the meanings of adjacent numbers.

The resulting code concerns all important moments in the life of a person born on the specified date. But, since the original question concerned the topic of marriage, the analysis of the obtained figures will be carried out in relation to a successful time of marriage. The most likely years for marriage are those years in which at least 3 fours are rolled in the code. If there are 4 or more fours, then marriage for love is more likely.

This forecast can be called quite accurate, but only in the correct interpretation of the results. If you want to learn not only about marriage, but also about others important points personal life, and to get not an approximate, but the most accurate answer, seek help from a numerologist.

Ekaterina Lidovskaya

Wedding date numerology is a form of fortune telling that is very popular among the fair sex.

Practical ladies, who do not want to remain blissfully ignorant, use numbers to try to find out not so much whether I will get married, but rather when exactly the desired celebration will take place.

Meanwhile, there are several ways in which you can calculate your marriage date for free.

Kattakar method

The scientist and mystic Kattakar several decades ago identified the following pattern: the date on which the wedding is scheduled depends on the birthday. The results of such calculations, however, do not claim to be absolute truth. But in half the cases they are actually justified.

So, to find out when it's time to go for wedding dress, you need to perform simple calculations:

  • Find out your birth number. To do this, we add up all the numbers of the date of birth. Take, for example, 06/11/1984. We add all the numbers 1+1+6+1+9+8+4 = 30. Then we add again 3+0 = 3.
  • In the same way, we calculate the values ​​for the coming years to find out which of them will be lucky for you. For example, the number for 2019 is 3: 2+0+1+9 = 12; we bring it to the unambiguous value 1+2=3.
  • Now it’s very easy to find out when I’ll get married. Just look at the table that Kattakar developed and compare the values ​​you get.

The resulting year (based on the sum of all its component numbers) is the most successful year for marriage. In the case of our example, these are years in which the numbers, when added, give 3, 6, 7 or 9. One of these years is 2019, which means that girls born on June 11, 1984 have every chance of wearing a wedding dress in 2019.

It is believed that by signing in the destined year, the couple will be happy. However, often couples whose wedding took place in an undestined year live very happily. In such cases folk wisdom says they cheated fate.

Another way to calculate the date

  • For example, the girl’s name is Anna Ivanova. We count the number of letters and get the number 11.
  • We bring the resulting result to a clear one: 1+1 = 2.
  • We add up the numbers of the day, month and year when fortune telling for marriage is carried out. For example, let’s take January 20, 2015: 2+1+2+1+5 = 11. Once again we bring the value to a clear result: 1+1 = 2.
  • We add the resulting numbers to each other: 2+2 = 4. We find that 4 is the ideal number of the year for Anna Ivanova, who in such a simple way found out the answer to the question that tormented her: when will I get married.

It is believed that it is best to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year, at this time there is a high probability of correctly predicting the future. By the way, numerology recommends performing such fortune-telling no more than three times a year. Otherwise, higher powers will become angry and may deliberately show incorrect results in the future.

The influence of some numbers on fate

Wedding numerology experts are confident that the repetition of the same numbers in the date of birth of a person is by no means accidental and helps predict his fate.

So, if the date when a person was born repeats the numbers 3, 6, 8 or 9, then difficulties may arise when organizing a special event, for example, financial ones. Or one of the partners may be afraid of losing freedom, afraid of future obligations.

To avoid becoming dependent on unfavorable numbers, you should simply choose your partner more carefully. If you love freedom, this is not a reason to categorically declare: I will not marry anyone. Look for a partner with a similar personality so that after marriage everyone has their own space.

There are also opposing personalities. These are people who need a partner. Loneliness weighs on them. In the date of birth of such a person there are large quantities 2, 4 and 6.

Calculation for a couple

There are already established couples who need to use numbers to find out when is the best time to have their wedding day. Numerologists assure: you can become spouses in May, contrary to popular wisdom.

  • We write down the date of birth of the bride, December 22, 1990, add up the date numbers until a single-digit value appears, as we did above: 2+2+1+2+1+9+9 = 26. Then 2+6 = 8.
  • Add until a single digit value appears for the day, month and year when the groom was born. For example, for those born on December 18, 1989, we get the number 3.
  • We add the resulting values: 8+3 = 11. Then 1+1 = 2.

According to numerologists, for happy marriage The wedding should be planned for the second day of any month.

And yet remember that the main recipe for happiness is in ourselves, and not in a set of numbers. After all, in fact, there are no unfavorable days for a wedding. It is enough to believe: I will certainly marry the person I love. And everything will come true the best way. Author: Valentina Levadnaya

Online test for girls and women: Who will you marry?

comprises 30 questions| rating 3.4 out of 5 points

Any girl would dream of finding out who exactly her future chosen one will be. What will your husband be like? What kind of relationship will he give? And in general, how will her family future turn out, and will it be happy and long? Our website is ready to offer answers to any of these burning questions, having prepared a variety of tests for you. And now, by answering several dozen simple questions, you will get a unique opportunity to find out as much as possible. suitable type men to choose someone exactly like him as their husband.
Answers, if you are really interested in who you will marry in order to find seminal happiness, should be given as quickly as possible, with almost no thought. And to do this, we recommend that you choose the answer that appears in your mind first. The test results will appear automatically as soon as you select the last answer. But if they suddenly do not satisfy you, do not try to repeat the passage, changing the answers to the questions. Instead, take other tests to understand what exactly you need to change in yourself, so that you can later receive it as the main prize and ideal spouse and an ideal family life.
Psychological test What do you get married? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate it. Happy testing!

Reviews about the test:

  • Innocent| Glazov
    Well, that's it.

  • Jjj| None
    Didn't match at all

  • Anna| Kyiv
    Magic test! I can't believe this coincidence! He is truly a professional military man, athlete and security officer! And also Leo according to the horoscope!

  • Ira| Petersburg

  • Alice| Moscow
    Surface test. The questions were asked incorrectly. It’s better not to use the particle “not” to avoid confusion: “You don’t have children?” - “no, I don’t have”, “yes, I don’t have”. It’s easier to ask the question “Do you have children?” Otherwise, I consider questions about motherhood unnecessary in principle. I don't plan to have children and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Half of the test is full of questions like “Isn’t it too late for you to get married and have children??” No. It's never too late for anyone, let's start with this. Even if those around you already have husbands and children. I don’t understand how it was possible, based on my answers, to come to the conclusion that a person from the law enforcement agencies could be suitable for me? What if I'm a pacifist to the core? The questions are incorrect, the test is incorrect, you are incorrect.