New Year's party for the preparatory group “Journey through the Looking Glass. Scenario of a New Year's party for children of a preparatory group for school based on the fairy tale by L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" Musical beat of the White Rabbit

Olga Makhazen
New Year's party for preparatory group"Journey Through the Looking Glass"


Multi-colored lights

This hall sparkles

And invites all friends

On New Year's ball!

So let the music sing

We're starting the ball!

And invites everyone to dance in a circle

Happy carnival!

Music sounds, one after another enters the hall "snake" children come in, stand in a semicircle in front of the audience and perform a song


1st CHILD:

Winter will cover you with white snow

Houses, trees and bushes.

And then the holiday comes next,

You and I know this!

2nd CHILD:

The holiday is called New Year,

There is nothing more wonderful in the world!

He has been very dear to all of us since childhood,

He gives people happiness!

3rd CHILD:

New Year- a magical holiday,

So much laughter, so much noise!

He dressed us all, the prankster,

In carnival costumes!

4th CHILD:

Garlands and lights are burning,

Fancy masks.

Today we all - you and I -

Heroes of a wonderful fairy tale!

5th CHILD:

And today is a wonderful day

Let's start a round dance!

Let's sing a song together,

Hello, hello, New Year!

SONG "New Year has come again"

6th CHILD:

Tell us, Christmas tree, a fairy tale,

A magical dream for us, bring us a Christmas tree,

About palaces, about forests and sleds,

About wizards and kings!

7th CHILD:

Let's start, let's start

Your own presentation!

We will play all the roles in it,

And let's dance and sing!

8th child:

Unknown fairy tale-

But very interesting!

Let's light the lights on the Christmas tree

We'll immediately find ourselves in a fairy tale.

Do you all want to get into a fairy tale?

Why sit quietly?

There are magic words -

Repeat, kids

Miracle, miracle, appear… .

Fairy tale, fairy tale answer.

Our Christmas tree is lit up.

Children repeat 3 times, the Christmas tree lights up


The lights go out, the White Rabbit appears, hurries, hurries, asks everyone “What time is it?” and says that we are late again! (The rabbit makes one circle around the hall).

The Rabbit's song sounds


“Tick-tock, tick-tock!”- the clock is knocking, and the arrows are rushing forward.

There are a few minutes left, the clock will strike 12 times.

And our arrows are not moving. So what happened here?

Alice's exit, dancing around the Christmas tree

Alice's song sounds

(walks backwards around the Christmas tree and collides back to back with Alice coming out from behind the scenes. The rabbit, frightened and not recognizing Alice, jumps up and runs in the other direction.)


Stop, Rabbit, don't rush

What happened, wait?

Rabbit scared


Ah, Alice, it’s you.

Where have you disappeared?

I'll tell you what happened!

No more gifts.

Queen Red

She deceived Grandfather.

I took all the gifts

IN I took the looking glass.


What to do now?


And our Grandfather Frost

Went to look for gifts

To return them to the children on time

And give it for the New Year.


Oh my God! He got lost in Through the Looking Glass!

Leading: Guys, did you hear what happened to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. How can we help Santa Claus?

The White Queen appears Music The White Queen

White Queen

I flew on the wings of the wind for many thousands of kilometers.

I heard you are in trouble, I came here to help you!


The holiday is in full swing, and we have no time for jokes.

The Red Queen stole the gifts, and Santa Claus went looking for them and got lost in the Through the Looking Glass.

White Queen:

Come on, children, let's hurry.

I'll lead you!

After all, I can go to any distance,

I can walk anywhere looking:

Right, left, forward or backward.

We'll hold hands tightly

And in Let's go through the looking glass.

Sounds like a theme Through the Looking Glass, pass through the mirrored gate, the Hatter appears dancing back and forth

Hatter: Welcome to Through the Looking Glass, my dear!

Everything is very unusual here! To get somewhere, you have to move in the opposite direction. To read something you need to look at the reflection in the mirror.


What a wonderful country

I've never been here.

chess field spreads out (white fabric painted to resemble a chessboard)


All in squares - white, black -

Wooden plank,

And the rows of chiseled figures -

Wooden troops.


People move them

While the evenings pass,

People play chess -

Brilliant game!

You, my friend, without fear,

Enter without hesitation

Like in the world of a wonderful fairy tale,

This region is black and white.

Children - chess players line up on the chess field

Alice: Oh, who is this?

Yes they are alive!

Hatter: Chess pieces live in this country.

So, white squad, black squad -

Two armies are facing each other.

Strict order in a detachment alone,

Exactly the same - in a different squad.

In every squad, look for yourself -

Both corners are occupied by Rooks.

Knights are visible next to the Rooks,

Elephants stood next to the Horses.

Who's in the middle?

Queen and King -

The most important in their army.

White Pawn:

Pawn is a little soldier

Just waiting for commands

So that from square to square

Move forward.


I'm standing on the very edge

Let them open - I’ll go,

I just walk straight

I won't say what the name is.

All Elephants (in unison):

When we get into line,

Anyone will confuse us.

But as soon as the battle begins,

Everyone has their own path.


The Queen's stride is wide.

The Queen can move like a Rook and like a Bishop -

Both straight and oblique.

Right, left, forward and backward...

And I hit both far and point-blank.

And it seems like I'm cramped

Boards black and white space.


The horse is jumping, the horseshoes are clinking!

Every step is extraordinary:

Letter "G" and this way and that.

It turns out to be a zigzag.

King: Be on your guard, king's army -

She must protect the King.

After all, if the defenseless King died,

The figures would not be able to continue the fight!


Remember, the King is the most important, the most important of all,

There are no more important leaders in a chess army!


Alice: (Takes the elephant)

What is this strange figure?

Doesn't live in a menagerie

Doesn't take gifts

He walks on a diagonal

He leads with his trunk.

All children: Elephant.

Leading: This is an elephant, the birthplace of the elephant is India, and lo and behold, the birthplace of chess is also India, which means all roads lead there! Hurry to India, look for Grandfather Frost!

To the music "Moving to India" The chess board is removed, a song from a disco dancer plays, flowers run out to it


Indian dance "Jimi-jimi"

after the dance they freeze

Leading: How warm it is in India! Dear Roses, would you be so kind as to talk to us? Tell me, have you seen Santa Claus, we really need him?


Well, why do we need it?

This Santa Claus?

We'll show you the path

We won’t tell you how to find it.

The roses turn away, the music sounds

Leading: Wait, but if we don’t find Santa Claus and the gifts that the Red Queen hid, then we won’t have any holiday.

Roses: What kind of holiday?

Leading: Guys, let's tell the flowers what New Year is?



Let's tell you one secret,

There is a house in the clearing.

The gnomes live in it together,

Very nice and hardworking

Every night they carry something

And into a deep cave

put underground.

Hatter: I know this cave is in the country of the Mountain King, and it is almost in the center of the earth.

Leading: The Mountain King will help us get to the country (opens the chessboard, which is under the Hatter’s armpit, selects a knight piece) White horse- He is the most playful.

Horse racing game

after the game the lights turn off

Alice: Why did it suddenly become so dark? Oh, how scary!

Leading: Don’t panic, to get into the cave we need flashlights, it’s dark there and you can get lost.



There's a cave on the way

I'll try to log in.

Enters the cave and takes out a bag

Hooray! We found gifts!

looks into the bag, sounds of the Mountain King's footsteps

Leading: But it seems that these are not our gifts, these are the treasures of the Mountain King. Let's quickly run away from here.

Children run to their seats

The Rabbit comes out and pulls a white cloth behind him.

Leading: Rabbit, what do you have?

Rabbit: Milk River,

Kiselnye banks,

Waves of cream

Fish from lozenges.

Take us to Sakharine Island.



We are candy girls

We live happily

And on holiday New Year

Let's dance and sing!


Beautiful new wrapper

Candy outfit,

Fun frills

They rustle softly.


Bars, toffees,

Dragee and marmalade -

These sweets are delicious

Every child is happy!

princess sweetie:

Hello, guests with a sweet tooth!

Do you like my country?

Children: Yes!

Princess Sweetie:

Well! I'm happy about it.

Did you know that:

Who came to our palace,

He will get a lollipop!

Presenter: No, we didn’t know that. But that’s not what we came here for, have you seen Santa Claus with our gifts? Well, here we go again.

Hatter: I’m afraid that we won’t be able to cope without the White Queen, it’s almost midnight, and we haven’t found Santa Claus yet.

snow whirlwind music sounds, snowflakes run out


at the end of the music the White Queen appears

White Queen:

I wear a white hat

I breathe white air

My eyelashes, coat and mittens are white.

Can't tell me apart in the cold

Among the white birches.

Hatter: Welcome to the edge Through the Looking Glass! We are so glad to see you, White Queen.

Leading: It turns out that the Red Queen bewitched Santa Claus and he turned into a cold ice floe, in order to disenchant him you need to dance the most incendiary dance for her.

White Queen:

What are we going to dance?

To say this here.

We will dance what is fashionable

We will move freely.

Let's shake our hand first,

Belly... And head...

And then you need your ears?

What shall we try, guys?

Hey girls, come out

Have fun with all your guests!


after the dance, Santa Claus comes out dancing

DM: Oh! Thank you kids

I thought I would remain an icicle forever.

Hello my dear,

Both small and large.

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness and joy.

Look, the Christmas tree is amazing!

And everything around is so beautiful!

Snow Maiden:

I was born in a good fairy tale

From snowflakes, from ice.

And the magic sled

They brought me here.

I love frost and frost,

I can't live without cold.

Santa Claus chose my name,

I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

Hello guys! How you have grown this year! How grown up and beautiful you all have become!

Hatter: Santa Claus, where are the gifts?

DM: Yes, don't worry, they thaw!


DM. How merrily you danced!

And not at all tired

I'm a master at playing with you!

I'll play with you like this.

Well, guys, don't be shy,

Let's play hockey!

I need two teams

You must be dexterous.

(Relay game "Hockey")

2 teams; 2 clubs; 2 snowballs; 2 landmarks;

Ved. D/Frost, and our girls have prepared ditties for you.

(Ditties for D/Moroz)

D. M: Christmas tree holiday New Year's -

The best holiday of winter days.

Let the poems sound today,

I'll listen to the children.

(Children read poetry)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, I wish I could come up with a game,

amused the kids!

D. M: Stand up, guys.

Everyone hurry up and dance!

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

The Hatter brings in a large icicle and takes out gifts


Santa Claus, your gifts have already thawed! Maybe it's time to give them to the kids.

D. M: We give you gifts,

And we give you an order,

May you all be healthy

Getting better every day!

Snow Maiden: To have in your life

And fun and laughter.


I want the whole world to

In every house and apartment

There were guests and fun,

Songs, weddings, housewarming.

To draw better

For those who want to draw.

To dance better

For those who want to dance.

Snow Maiden:

I want even grandfathers

We got on our bikes.

To sing better

For those who want to sing.

To better perform

For those who want to perform.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

March 27, 2016

Why, of all the fairy tales in the world, is it so popular today? Alice in Wonderland themed party?

An amazing story about a girl who goes on a completely unusual journey into a magical world, meeting bizarre characters and going through bizarre trials along the way.

What's surprising? The fact that the author of the legendary fairy tale is a man of science, a mathematician, with the name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, is unusual. He was so embarrassed by the result of his wild imagination that he tried in every possible way to hide his authorship and himself as a writer. The glory that overtook the brilliant Lewis after worldwide recognition“Alice” did not make Charles happy, because he wanted his name to be associated with the most important scientific discoveries.

By the way, the prototype of Alice was a real girl - Alice Liddell. Here is a photo of her as a child.

The iconic tale has been translated into 125 languages ​​for maximum access to readers from any corner of the world. Subtle English humor with many non-existent words and fictitious characters was difficult for translators. Only Russian-language interpretations - about 15 pieces, about 40 animated, theatrical, animated productions!

The smile of the Cheshire cat, “falling down the rabbit hole,” “following the white rabbit” are phrases and characteristic punchlines of the fairy tale that are repeatedly used in the dialogue of famous films (for example, “The Matrix”) and in everyday speech.

So! Let's start organizing a party of absurdity and fantasy in the style of "Alice in Wonderland"!

1. Invitations

To invite you to a holiday in Wonderland, you need to carefully work on unusual invitations. After all, these cards are already a piece of the holiday in themselves, and the holiday should be themed throughout!

Since history often features cards and keys , you can make invitations in the form of these items. The shape of the key is simple: it can be cut out of decorative cardboard. Maps - either ordered from a printing house or drawn yourself: with markers, even if a little clumsily. A fairy tale about the real-unreal-distorted does not require clear lines, but allows for creative unevenness and childish scribbles!

Or you can hang toy keys from scrolls with invitation text.

Luxurious thematically Cheshire cat smile , which seems to hint at original party with lots of surprises and all sorts of unusual things!

A creative idea would be to use miniature drink bottles , on which hang a postcard on a ribbon and sign: "Drink Me", and on the reverse side: “Just not now, but before entering the party. This way you can really see a wonderland!”

The invitation text should be airy and fabulous, saturated with intrigue and illusion. It would be appropriate write letters in words in reverse order, or mix up words in places, only without complete “loss” of the text. Here's another: We write one line as usual, the second - “upside down”.

You can take care of the picture of the clock of that same white rabbit, on which the start time of the party will be highlighted - the rabbit is hinting that it was not for nothing that he was in such a hurry, you can’t be late!

Welcoming guests , set a simple condition: “To get into the rabbit hole, you need to shrink to its size, so you need to drink a magic potion!” It’s not a fact that everyone will come with invitation bottles, so prepare another set of themed drinks with the inscription: “Drink me!” After this, feel free to let those invited down the rabbit hole, which will lead them to wonderland, to the dimension of the unpredictable and mysterious Through the Looking Glass!

Try to build simple signs like in a fairy tale and a tiny door that creates the illusion of a real entrance to the rabbit hole!
This will immediately set the tone for the event and will delight those gathered.

2. Meeting time and place

This idea is for those who celebrate their birthday in summer or spring. The warm season and daytime gathering time will help to reproduce pictures of the sunny forest lawn on which Alice met the Hatter.

A dacha plot would be a great place to celebrate, or a clearing among trees would be better – closer to a fairy-tale theme.

If this is not the case in summer, “classic” options will also help out: a cafe, a recreation center, an office, an apartment.

3. Decorating a festive meadow and other useful tips

  • Hats. The hatter's personality is so bright and special that a creative hat involuntarily pops up before your eyes at the mere mention of Alice through the looking glass. Stock up on a wide variety of hats, decorate them with ribbons, various elements of satin bows and flowers that you can easily make yourself, and distribute them evenly throughout the festive area.

  • Scenery. You can find themed decorations in the theater and on the Internet.

  • Chess blanket. Try to get a large checkerboard blanket. If you gather in nature, then taking a break from endless tea drinking, you can lie on a blanket, contemplating the sky, the sun, and at night also the stars!
  • Garlands of light bulbs. Ordinary light bulbs (possibly burnt out), bouquets of wild flowers, playing cards in the form of garlands - all this is an excellent decor! Pay attention to such little things - they can do much more than you think.
  • Flowers. Red, white roses. If you can get a couple of black ones, this is not only on topic, but also a luxury in pure form! Don’t forget that you can make several themed rose bushes with your own hands from regular napkins required shades! Flowers made from foamiran (the so-called artificial suede) look no less impressive - just a little effort and patience!
  • Characteristic phrases from a fairy tale. Where would we be without the inherent funny expressions that are not found in any other fairy-tale work?

Here are a few examples for the organizer and main ringleader of the holiday:

  • More and more wonderful!
  • Getting weirder and weirder!
  • The farther, the stranger!
  • More and more curious!
  • Do cats eat bats, and do mice eat bats?

4. Menu and drinks

This point is simple. Mushrooms should be among the main dishes. Give guests a choice: stuffed, stewed, with vegetables, as a mushroom filling and as an ingredient in salads!

For dessert - various sweets to match the holiday: cards, keys, bunnies, just cute colored cotton candy, cakes and ice cream.

Drinks: champagne, martinis, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. Take the trouble to decorate the bottles in a party style, sign about teleportation to Wonderland after drinking a wonderful potion, and the like.

Necessarily tea in assortment. This is the main drink today!

5. Dress code

A fairy tale in which there are quite a lot of special, original characters who are very individual and harmonious. Thanks to this, Alice's story served as a separate idea for a theme party scenario!

Please go on stage!

  • Alice

The birthday girl/girlfriend of the birthday boy, the organizer of the holiday, or, in agreement with the company, any guest of the holiday deserves to become such a character. In reckless company - even guest.

Everything is simple with a suit. Loose hair (if possible, blond, although in the Soviet cartoon, a brunette with fashionable bangs also looked quite impressive), a blue dress with white ribbons, or vice versa. The dress can be quite modern, but preferably in pastel colors. White or beige sandals stable heels or ballet shoes. White knee-high socks would be appropriate. Makeup is discreet: the girl heroine of the fairy tale is about 7 years old, it’s worth remembering this. Modest jewelry. Despite all of the above, if you end up with a sexy image, it’s okay! The image can be complemented by the book that Alice read at the beginning of the fairy tale.

  • White Rabbit

The white rabbit is an important character. Alice's unbalanced guide with psychosomatic problems and fear of punishment. This important point for a good actor who will get this wonderful hero. Both a guy and a girl can become a rabbit. We remember that our rabbit is exquisite, so we simply add sexy mustaches and shaggy ears to a suit with a frill or a butterfly - the image is ready. A “golden” watch on a chain is a mandatory element; what kind of White Rabbit from “Alice” is it without a watch, looking at which his eye twitches nervously?

  • Cheshire Cat

Absolutely unusual character fairy tales, the Duchess's cat, who can disappear partially and completely. Long claws and an eerie wide smile from all over his mouth, sharp teeth and long claws together make the hero negative and unfriendly. In fact, this is a cat “on his own mind,” although Alice considers him quite good-natured.

Such a cat can become like man, so woman. You can use the simplest attributes as a costume, or rent a high-quality, bright suit - a win-win option.

Both options are quite unusual and good, but you just need to agree on the distribution of roles in advance!

  • Queen of Hearts

An expressive lady, every now and then, wanting to chop off the head of anyone! Work on a distinctive hairstyle and super bright makeup. Dress with a chic neckline in black and red tones. Stiletto heels or comfortable heels. And, of course, the bad character of the choleric!

Find a toy flamingo, or cut out its upper part from cardboard.

  • Hatter

After Johnny Depp's unrivaled performance in this fresh interpretation of Alice in Wonderland, this character will undoubtedly be 100% in demand. Moreover, both a man and a woman can play the Hatter. The costume must be carefully decorated: little things in the form of old-fashioned brooches, gloves, a creative hat, a diligent theatrical makeup will turn an amateur actor into a real competitor to a Hollywood star! Specific facial expressions, short-term “withdrawals,” spontaneity and a touch of madness—in all this, our special hero. We recommend watching the highlights of the film with Depp before attending the theme party!

  • Caterpillar

A caterpillar costume and a hookah in hand – that’s the whole look: simple and creative! The role, by the way, is also unisex.

  • Dodo bird

An unusual bird that Alice finds near the Sea of ​​Tears. The bird is specific, in keeping with the whole story. You don’t have to turn into a Mauritius Dodo, as Dodo is seen in most illustrated versions of the fairy tale, just create for yourself the image of a cartoon bird from some dimension unknown to the world! Most likely, you will have to rent wings or the entire costume. And the makeup is in your creative hands. The most responsible can turn to the pros, turning into a real Dodo bird, speaking in a non-human way (using a lot scientific terms), and the organizer of the strange “running in a circle.”

  • Duchess

A character is not a gift. The impudent Duchess slapped the Queen of Hearts herself, for which she was sentenced to death. Fortunately, the Queen has a changeable mood, like any woman! We appear as the Duchess in classic style, if desired. fluffy dress. Although this character is described as unattractive and even ugly, we are confident in working on an old-fashioned, sophisticated look that embodies femininity and mystery. Neat curls, or high hairstyle from curly hair perfect for the Duchess. Accessories a la “grandmother’s” will also be in place: a cane, an umbrella, a fan.

Don't forget that there are other interesting characters for a large group! As a last resort, you can become a playing card!

6. Entertainment program. Competitions

An Alice in Wonderland themed party is a full-fledged adventure and entertainment in itself. But, you must admit that all these inscriptions: “Eat me” and “Drink me” will lead to inevitable overeating, and it is unlikely that after this anyone will significantly decrease in size, like Alice, except perhaps the other way around! Therefore, it is necessary to think over a couple of interesting games!

  • Competition "Through the Looking Glass of Alice"

Let's remember an incredibly simple and difficult task: on a regular piece of paper we draw about 10 points (but not on one straight line), which must be connected by lines to each other, looking exclusively in the mirror. Have three participants sit down and give them an identical task. We determine the winner based on the quality of execution. Speed ​​is not taken into account, but players will still rush! The results will probably surprise you!

  • Competition "Croquet"

Stock up on simple props for croquet: instead of holes, make arches from pre-prepared glossy A4 playing cards (it’s better to laminate them for reliability). There is no need to mock flamingos and hedgehogs; croquet mallets and rubber balls are perfect for competitions! Among 3-5 participants we determine the winner, obviously based on the maximum number of points.

  • Contest " Best photo in the style of the Cheshire cat"

The photographer, preferably a professional, takes turns taking “solo” photographs, in which it is necessary to depict the notorious smile of the Cheshire Cat as closely as possible. The winner is determined after all friends have viewed each photo.

  • Competition "Best Jig-Dryga for the birthday boy"

3-4 people can participate. The task is to dance the most spectacular Jig-Jig for the birthday boy. We remember that it’s quite difficult to outdo Johnny Depp, so we give it our all!

  • Competition "Roses for the Queen of Hearts"

Two identical Whatman paper depicting a rose bush (according to the type of coloring). Two participants need to turn colorless roses into red ones. Stock up on wide brushes and gouache. The winner is the one who completed it faster.

  • Competition "Mad Tea Party"

On a small table we place toy sets with about 20 cups. Two participants are given 10 seconds to drink the maximum number of cups of cooled tea. The winner is the fastest tea drinker!

Incentive gifts.

Who would refuse a book with a legendary fairy tale? You can also give a themed CD or notebook with Alice on the cover. Playing cards, pendant in the form of a lock and key - it’s not so difficult to follow the task and stick to a single theme!

Photo for memory!

Be sure to organize a photo corner. Characteristic attributes: very small objects (when Alice became big), very large objects (Alice became small), flamingos, cards, drinks and food with inscriptions: “Orange marmalade”, “Poison”, “Eat me”, Hatter’s hat, clock White Rabbit, a mask with a Cheshire cat smile!

Invite a professional photographer. Photos taken by amateurs on iPhones will not be able to convey all the brightness and richness of what is happening!

Have a wonderful party!

If this year you found yourself responsible for the New Year's party in kindergarten or you just want to put on a show with your children for relatives and friends, then it’s time to start preparing.

On the site we will publish ideas and scripts for short plays and holidays that will surely bring a lot of joy to your kids. We start with the story of Alice in Wonderland. It is designed for 5 children involved in the performance, but spectators will also be able to take part. Prepare a real fairy tale by coming up with scenery and costumes, and at the end you can give the text to the audience and sing a song together.


  • Alice (also acts as a presenter)
  • Cheshire Cat
  • March Hare
  • Caterpillar
  • Hatter

Beautiful old music plays and Alice appears, she greets those present with a smile and showers everyone with snowflakes and confetti.

Alice: Do you think it would be appropriate to invite my friend the Caterpillar to New Year's? What if he sleeps in winter? But then how does he celebrate the New Year, not in a dream! Although I wouldn’t be surprised if this is true, because absolutely everything happens in Wonderland! We need to ask the Hatter about this.

At this moment, the Hatter enters, wearing an astrologer’s cap instead of his usual hat.

Alice (surprised): Is it you, Mr. Hatter? And I was just thinking about you... But what is that on your head?

Hatter: You just remembered me - and I’m right there! It's not an easy hat, when you have it on your head you can hear what other people are thinking.

Alice: Wow! So, I can look into any head?

Hatter: Absolutely true, my dear, but you will only be able to hear good thoughts.

Alice: What about the bad ones?

Hatter: Well, imagine, you heard a person’s bad thoughts about himself, and you and he could easily quarrel, although you didn’t say a word to each other. What if he wasn’t thinking about you at all? And, I must tell you, bad thoughts came to mind and disappeared. And good, kind thoughts can always result in something worthwhile.

Alice: What, for example?

Hatter: So you thought about the Caterpillar and wanted to invite him for the New Year.

Alice (amazed): Yeees....

The Hatter puts the cap on Alice's head.

Alice: But I don't hear anything.

Hatter: And you think about the Caterpillar, then you will hear.

Holiday scenario for children: Alice in New Year's Wonderland

Alice thinks intently about the Caterpillar and then hears a deafening snoring. He groans and takes off his cap.

Alice: I thought so, the Caterpillar is sleeping... What happens, he sleeps and thinks about the fact that he snores in his sleep?

Hatter: No, it looks like he's sleeping somewhere nearby. I hear it too.

The Hatter and Alice look around and see the sleeping Caterpillar.

Alice: Let's put a cap on it and think about it together.

The Hatter agrees and puts a hat on the Caterpillar. Together with Alice, they think about the Caterpillar, smile, and kind and gentle music sounds. The caterpillar smiles in its sleep and mutters something.

Caterpillar: Yes, my friends, I will come to visit you for the New Year, I’ll just sleep a little more, a month or two. I'll be there by March...

Continues to sleep. The March Hare enters with a cup of tea in his hands.

Hare: Lovely! In March we will celebrate the New Year again. What a wonderful idea! Our Caterpillar is unusually smart!

The Caterpillar wakes up.

Caterpillar: Which good dream! I was invited to the New Year as a smart guy. I just don’t remember who invited me and where. ( Addresses children) Guys, do you happen to know who invited me to the party?

Children: Alice! Alice wanted to call!

Alice: Yes, Caterpillar, I invite you to New Year's celebration. (Addresses children) Guys, who else will we invite to visit us?

Children (answer at random): Santa Claus ! Snow Maiden! Hatter! March hare!

The Cheshire Cat enters, this time you can see him entirely, he smiles dazzlingly.

Hatter: Greetings, Cheshire cat! Would you like to try on this cap?

Cheshire Cat: Why else? And then, they don’t wear hats when smiling, it’s somehow frivolous.

March Hare: Don’t disappear, stay with us and try on the cap.

Alice (addressing the children): And you guys, think something good about the Cheshire Cat.

The cat frowns and is capricious, but still puts the cap on his head. He stands with an independent air, as if he is completely indifferent to what people think about him. But suddenly he begins to smile, first in surprise, then with joy. Then he jumps up in place and, turning to one or the other child, begins to inquire...

Cheshire Cat: Is it you, boy, who thinks I'm handsome? Girl, is it you who wants to pet me? Wow! (To another girl) But you shouldn’t feed me sour cream, it spoils my figure...

Hatter (smiling): Hey, take off my hat!

Cheshire Cat: Well, let me wear it a little! It's so interesting to learn something new about yourself.

Alla Ricks
Scenario New Year's party for children of the preparatory school group based on the fairy tale by L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”

Scenario for a New Year's party for preschool children based on Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"

Characters: presenter, Alice, Santa Claus, Cheshire Cat, Humpty Dumpty, Queen - adults. March Hare, Hatter, Dormouse, mushrooms, Tweedledum and Tweedledum, roses, Snow Maiden - children.

Children enter the hall to the music.

Round dance "It's snowing"

Sl. and music M. Eremeeva

After the round dance, the children sit on chairs.


Hello, dear parents, guests, let me congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year!

Suddenly the March Hare runs into the hall, saying as he goes:

March Hare:

How late I am! Horrible! How late I am! The Queen will be furious!

The March Hare makes a circle around the tree and disappears behind the door.


What was it? Who is this?

A breathless Alice runs into the hall.


Where did he run? Have you seen him?


First of all, hello! And secondly, who are you? And who are you looking for?


Hello! I am Alice. I was sitting reading a book, and suddenly a white rabbit rushed past me. As he walked, he muttered something like that he was late and some queen would be furious. As he was running, he dropped this envelope. (Alice shows everyone the postal envelope.) I ran after him, hoping to return the envelope to the owner, but I couldn’t catch up. Although (thinks), wait, have you ever seen talking rabbits?



I didn't see it either. What a strange rabbit. How can I return the letter to him now?


Let's examine the envelope. Maybe there is an address there?

Alice (Considers):


And here something else is written. It is written that there will be a New Year's ball in the palace of the Chess Queen and... Oh! The chess queen captured the Snow Maiden to arrange a holiday for herself and her guests.

What to do? Guys, what would New Year be without the Snow Maiden? We need to go rescue her!


Can we handle it?


I know who will help us. Let's call Santa Claus. He is a wizard, with him we will rescue the Snow Maiden from captivity. Let's sing a song about him, he will hear and come.

Song "Winter Guest"

With the last words of the song, the knock of a staff and the voice of Santa Claus are heard from behind the door: “I’m coming, I’m coming!” Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost:

Hello, my dear guys, hello, dear guests.

I hastened to you from afar, from the northern region.

The road was not easy, but I am melting with happiness.

I see you, wonderful hall, I’ve missed you all year!

But the only trouble that worries us is - who will help save the Snow Maiden?

Santa Claus, this is exactly what we were talking about. We have to go help out the Snow Maiden. The guys and I are ready to go to the Chess Queen. But how to get to the Chess Kingdom?

Fits the door drawn and attached to the prop house. Look, there's a strange door here. Maybe we should go there? Only the door is too small, we can’t get through it. (Notices a table standing next to the door, and on it a glass bottle). Oh, and there’s also some kind of bottle. (Reads loudly: “Drink me”) What is this?

Magic potion. Special product to shrink and go through the enchanted door.

Well, okay, you need to close your eyes properly so that you won’t be scared and drink!

Magical music sounds, the lights go out, the painted poster is removed.

The light comes on.

Well, now you can go through the enchanted door to the Chess Kingdom.

What about you, Grandfather Frost?

Well, I’m a wizard, I can get into the kingdom anyway, without special potions.

And I? I can't go with you.

You, my dear, will have to wait for us here. And we hit the road!

Song "March"

From the film " New Year's adventures Masha and Vitya"

The Cheshire Cat Appears

Hello, kids, girls and boys! My deepest bow to you too, elderly gentleman. Where are you headed?

Hello! We are looking for the way to the Palace of the Chess Queen. And who will you be?

Mur-meow, and I'm the Cheshire Cat. And, let me ask, why did you need the Chess Queen?

She is keeping my granddaughter Snegurochka with her, we are going to help her out.

Hmm, if I were you, I would leave this idea. The Queen is often out of sorts and chops off heads left and right. My advice to you is to go back.

How will we celebrate the New Year without our granddaughter? Dear Cat, tell me the way.

Well, if you can guess my riddles, I might be a favor.

Guys, let's try to guess the riddles?

1. Yesterday I saw at the Christmas tree:

There were needles along the path!

But you can't fool me!

I realized that it was...a hedgehog

2. Transparent like glass

You can't put it in the window. Ice

3. On trees, on bushes

Flowers are falling from the sky.

White, fluffy,

Just not the scented ones. (Snowflakes)

4. Dressed in a snow fur coat,

Either a woman or a grandfather!

Nose is a carrot, hands are sticks,

And a hairstyle made from a washcloth.


5. What kind of fashionista is she?

At the top the spire is burning,

There are toys on the branches,

Beads and firecrackers! (Christmas tree)

Well done, you completed the task.

Well, now tell us how to get to the palace of the Chess Queen.

Go in that direction, there, behind the forest, the brothers Tweedledee and Tweedledee live, they will tell you the way further.

The music of the “Marching Song” sounds.

Mushrooms - fly agarics - appear.

Stop, whoever is coming!

Where are you going, kids? We should sit at home and read books!

Can you tell me where the brothers Tweedledum and Tweedledum live here?

What kind of brothers are these?

You are better, girls - boys,

Sit by the Christmas tree and take a nap

Take a little rest from the road.

Mushroom Dance

(While the Mushrooms are dancing, Santa Claus falls asleep)

What kind of jokes, Mushrooms, stop

Santa Claus, guys, wake up.

The toadstools want to put us to sleep,

Deceive, outwit, destroy

Well, I’ll ask you, poisonous ones,

We decided that everything was done!

Alice takes Santa Claus's staff and drives away the mushrooms.

Santa Claus wakes up.

A? What's happened? What's happened?

Yes, the mushrooms decided to put us to sleep and leave us here. Meanwhile, the New Year is about to come, the Snow Maiden is still in captivity of the Chess Queen.

The music of ditties sounds, Tweedledee and Tweedledee come out.

Ditties of Tweedledum and Tweedledee

Guys, are you by any chance Tweedledee and Tweedledee?

Yes, that's us.

We need you! Tell me how to get to the Chess Queen's palace. The Queen is holding Snow Maiden captive. And we cannot celebrate the New Year without my granddaughter Snegurochka.

Take the train, go over that hill, Humpty Dumpty lives there, he will tell you the way further.

The music of the train sounds. Children make a circle around the Christmas tree like a train.

They notice Humpty Dumpty lying under the tree, crying and kicking his legs.

Alice runs up to Humpty Dumpty and helps him get up.

What happened to you?

Humpty - Dumpty was hanging on the wall,

Humpty - Dumpty fell in his sleep.

All the cavalry, all the king's army

Humpty can't, Humpty can't,

Humpty - Dumpty, Dumpty - Humpty collect.

Who are you? Where are you headed?

We are looking for the way to the Chess Queen.

Why do you need it? My advice, don't go to her, she's angry and unrestrained. And it's better under hot hand she won't get caught.

But she holds Snow Maiden captive. What's the New Year without the Snow Maiden?

Well, okay, I’ll show you the way, so be it. Just play with me first!

Attraction "Wooden Horse Racing"

(Around the Christmas tree)

Well, thank you, it’s fun, otherwise I’m all alone, no one plays with me. And the queen lives behind that forest, go, just be careful!

The music of the “Marching Song” sounds, the children make a circle around the Christmas tree and sit on chairs.

Dance of Flowers

What beautiful roses!

Quiet! Quiet! The Queen might hear, then you'll be in trouble!

From what?

The Queen is not in a good mood. She ordered red roses to be planted, but the court gardeners mixed them up and planted half white roses and half red ones.

Music is playing. The queen appears.

Who is this walking around my garden and smelling my roses?

This is us with the guys. We came for my granddaughter Snegurochka. Give us back the Snow Maiden.

What more! Hey, my faithful guards, chess pieces, come out and drive away the uninvited guests!

Dance of chess pieces

But we are still not afraid of you!

Cut off everyone's heads!

Who will listen to you? You're just a chess piece! Give us back the Snow Maiden! We cannot celebrate the New Year without her.

How cunning! It means you have a holiday, New Year, and we in the Chess Kingdom don’t even know what it is!

Let our guys read you poems about the New Year.

Children read New Year's poems.

Well, Queen, did you like the poems? Will you bring back the Snow Maiden?

I liked it. Well, if you invite me to celebrate the New Year with you, so be it, I will return the Snow Maiden.

Of course we promise.

Music sounds and the Snow Maiden appears.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you on new happiness, friends.

Let's have fun together, you can't get bored here!

Let everyone's faces shine, let there be cheerful laughter,

May everyone's hopes come true this New Year!

The storyteller sings:

We will show you a fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe we won’t show

And let's dance and sing.

Then people will see

Or maybe not people

Just children for now

How together we live.

Musical background from the film “Alice” and the murmur of water from a bird. On stage, Alice is sitting by the river (thinking)

Alice: But New Year is coming soon! Everyone writes letters to Santa Claus, I

I want it too! Everyone tells me that you are already an adult. It's time for you to know that Deda

Frost does not exist - these are all fairy tales for children...

Musical beat of the White Rabbit.

The rabbit takes out his watch and looks at it.

Rabbit: “Oh, trouble, trouble, I’m late, what should I do? What will happen now for the New Year? What about Santa Claus? And with us all? These are all the tricks of the Red Queen, we must hurry, hurry quickly..."

Alice : Where? What's the hurry? (The rabbit runs backstage .)

Alice: I knew, I knew that Santa Claus existed. But if he's missing,

then there won’t be a New Year. Wait, so it was a talking Rabbit? Where? Hey, wait!

Alice gets up and runs after him.


And Alice rushed after the White Rabbit. And before Alice had time to get a good look at him, he quickly went into the hole - GO! And he disappeared. Alice thought: “Well, since the rabbit she met was not an ordinary one, then the hole might be magical, especially since it fit into it quite well!”

(Audio excerpt from a fairy tale)

Alice's thoughts: Oh, I'm falling! Woohoo! How big and dark is the well? Is it deep? I wonder? I keep falling and falling, and I fall as easily as poplar fluff falls from the roof! Woohoo! It's completely dark! And nothing is visible! And on the sides there are shelves, shelves, cabinets, pictures hanging and something written, we’ll read: “Athletic Ocean.” ABOUT! Africa! Oh, these are geographic maps. The jars are standing there, it’s orange jam, a whole jar! Eh, it’s a pity it’s empty... I wish I could throw it down, what if it hits someone on the head, oh, I’ll put it on the shelf, otherwise who knows, maybe it will fly with me, or maybe it will lag behind, or when I fall, she hits me on the head - BALE! Uuuuuh, that's how I fly! I wonder what parallels and meridians I’m flying through? What if I fly and fly and fly right through the whole earth? And I’ll find myself among these, what’s his name... well, they’re walking on their heads, anti-popes! I also want to walk on my head)) (Sound, rumble) Oh, it seems I landed, how good it is that this pile of dry leaves was here!

(Alice goes on stage, the recording continues to play)

Oh where am I? And why did I end up here? What is this strange place, hall, not a hall, hanging lamps in the middle. And doors, many doors, and all locked. How can we get out of here now?

(Sings the song Labyrinth)

Alice: Oh, so there’s a golden key lying on the crystal table, which means it must still open some kind of door! (looks for the door again)

So here she is!(squatted down to open it, looks in and tries to crawl through ) – Wow, how beautiful it is there! And the door is very small... And how can I get through?

Storyteller: And suddenly Alice looked at the crystal table, and on it there appeared a small bottle with the inscription

Alice: “Drink me” is a strange inscription, but it doesn’t seem to be poison! Eh, I was - I wasn’t, I’ll try to drink it!

Storyteller: And then she shrank in size, ran up to the door and entered it. And there, in Wonderland, it was winter and everyone was preparing to celebrate the New Year, and meanwhile Alice was becoming more and more wonderful.