The role and functions of clothing in human life. About the role of clothing in human life Questions and tasks

“They are greeted by clothes, they are escorted by mind” - this expression very subtly notes the role that clothes play in the social presentation of a person. Clothing acts as a means of communication, as a tool to influence the behavior and attitude of other people towards its owner.

In our life, with its rapid pace and short-term meetings, there are situations when we simply do not have time to show our mind, so we can make the most favorable impression with the help of clothes. When creating an image, the ability to wear clothes and correctly present all the components of the costume plays the greatest role.

In costume science (the science of clothing) there are broad and narrow concepts of the word "suit"; in a narrow sense, it is a type of men's or women's clothing. For example, a men's suit is a jacket and trousers, a women's suit is a jacket and a skirt. In a broad sense: “A costume is a figuratively solved ensemble, the focus of which is a person; the ensemble combines clothes, shoes, hairstyle, makeup, accessories (from the French accessuar - additions to the costume: headdress, scarf, scarf, tie, gloves, bag, wallet, belt, umbrella, stockings, etc.) and carries a certain utilitarian-aesthetic function” (Charmon F.M. Costume composition. M.: Legprombytizdat, 1985. P. 8).

In applied costume studies, problems directly related to the creation of an image are studied, clothing is considered not only from a utilitarian standpoint, but also from the standpoint of self-presentation of a person and its perception in the process of communicating with other people.

It is no coincidence that the following expression has become popular among specialists: “A suit is a self-concept that is worn on oneself.” With the help of clothes, you can achieve psychological self-correction. Clothing can not only affect the well-being and mood, but also change the manners and even the character of its wearer.

We do not agree with the expression “there are no ugly women - there are lazy women” we are closer to the statement given by the Zorin sisters in the book “Presentation of Appearance” (M .: Gnom-press, 1998): “There are no ugly and unattractive women - there are women clumsily dressed” . You can add: "and those who do not know how to wear clothes." The last quality begins with the ability to choose clothes, and the choice is related to the situation for which the clothes are intended: performance of duties, time of day, age, figure, mood of the wearer.

It is believed that when choosing clothes, the woman herself should be visible, and only then - her "decoration", i.e. how she is dressed. Many women find it inappropriate to compliment: “What a beautiful dress you have on!” They would be much more pleased to hear: “How beautiful you are in this dress” or “How this suit suits you.” A woman is compared to a diamond that needs to be cut. Properly selected clothes and accessories serve as such a “decoration”, which does not overshadow the sparkle of a precious stone.

Women's elegance is subject to age, figure and circumstances. To conform to the circumstances means, as they said before, "to be at court." In the 19th century, a woman had to have many dresses in order to change clothes several times during the day: a peignoir for a morning breakfast, a dress for visiting, for receiving guests at home, for walking, for riding, for a theater, for a ball, a mourning dress ...

The involvement of women in production and the process of emancipation ended at the beginning of the 20th century with numerous dressing up during the day. Gabrielle Chanel developed a style that kept women tastefully and elegantly dressed throughout the day, without resorting to frequent and costly wardrobe changes. Not only the youngest could follow Chanel's style - she allowed women to forget about their age. Coming out to work in the morning in a Chanel-style suit, its owner can visit a restaurant at lunchtime and look very elegant in the evening, adding jewelry or replacing accessories. A modern woman often does not have time to go home and change clothes before visiting the theater, so the topic “from work to the theater”, “from work to visit” becomes relevant, where models (dresses, costumes) are offered, which after a slight transformation (adding removable parts, accessories, jewelry) turn, if not into "big evening dresses", then at least into quite elegant things. They say about such models: "And to the feast, and to the world."

When choosing clothes, many begin with fashion magazines, sometimes forgetting about the features of their own figure. We would advise you to start with a mirror: it is it that should tell you which section of the fashion magazine (models for overweight, wardrobe for women of short stature, etc.) should be focused on. Indeed, for most women, the figures are different from the figures of fashion models or photo models.

According to anthropologists, Russian women are leading among European women in terms of average waist and hip measurements, and 40% of residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region after 40 years of age become overweight.

How often, admiring the style we like from a fashion magazine and presenting this model on ourselves, we involuntarily forget about the shortcomings of our own figure, which this style is not able to hide, but only emphasizes. To avoid this, it is necessary to be clearly aware of the situation for which this thing is intended, and not to forget about the features of your own figure and color image, because, as you know, clothes can both emphasize and smooth out our shortcomings.

Poorly matched clothes (distorted proportions or silhouette, wrong colors, etc.), which contradict your type of appearance, almost always cause an inferiority complex, not to mention discomfort. A perfectly dressed person is a person without complexes.

So, do not be too lazy to once again stand in front of a large mirror (preferably in daylight) and try to look at yourself from the side without any nit-picking and excessive narcissism. Since there are no ugly women, each is endowed with its own charm, it is important to find this “zest” and learn how to present yourself from the best side.

Inna Kriksunova in the book “Create Your Image” (St. Petersburg: Lan, 1997) suggests evaluating yourself, all parts of the body on a five-point system, highlighting both the “trump cards” of your appearance and problem areas. It is not necessary to bring the shortcomings and advantages of your figure into a special table, as this author suggests, but you should always be guided by knowledge of the features of your appearance. When choosing clothes, the so-called visual illusions in a suit are of great importance. To understand this, it is enough to imagine the same woman dressed in a fluffy white mohair sweater or in a semi-tight black dress.

In imaging technology, the choice of color is of great importance. In a suit, the color of not only clothes is important, but also the headdress, shoes, accessories. When working on an image, one cannot consider color in isolation from the appearance of a person, the functions of a suit, its proportions, scale, lines, shape, texture, material, and in some cases the color of the environment (for example, when performing on television).

Recently, a lot of literature has been published that explores the problem of color in creating an image. A theory has gained popularity according to which men and women are divided into groups according to their color preferences: “light type”, “warm type”, “cold type”, as well as “winter”, “spring”, “summer” and “autumn”.

When shaping the image and choosing clothes, it is important to consider where we spend time: whether we go to work or for a walk, to the theater or to visit, play sports or work at our summer cottage. It would seem a banal topic, so much has already been written about it, and yet ... Here on TV they show State Duma deputies who, obviously, confused the meeting room with a tennis court and appeared in clothes for the week-end "a, here is a student in the morning classes, dressed like going to a disco, or sports-dressed applicants at the entrance exams... Of course, now there is a lot of talk about the democratic nature of fashion and the universality of clothing, but clothing for work and for fun is not the same thing at all.

The function of clothing is understood as the service role that it performs in a person's life. Functionality - compliance of a product, a complex of products with a purpose, i.e. the ability to perform a particular function in the process of life.

In everyday life, clothing plays a huge role for a person, because. represents essential item.

The main function of clothing- this is the protection of a person from weather conditions (cold, heat, precipitation).

The main functions of modern clothing: protective, informational, aesthetic.

The information function is necessary and has the value of a distinctive sign of social affiliation or professional activity of a person.

Aesthetic function is a subject of human material culture, and represents the features of a historical era, national character or individual creative features.

Protective function . Although clothing has a direct purpose, and it is used in consumer conditions, it is also an object of art.

The requirements for clothing depend on its purpose, operating conditions, age and gender of the consumer.

Utility (practical) function clothing is to protect a person from adverse weather conditions, to provide optimal temperature conditions.

Clothing should decorate a person, hide his physical defects. Clothing can serve as a sign of sadness (mourning) and a sign of joy (wedding). Clothing performs various social, ritual, professional functions. In accordance with this, the various meanings of the functions of clothing are determined. For example, for solemnly elegant clothes, the main function is aesthetic, comfortable to wear and durability - for everyday wear.

Ergonomic requirements to clothing are associated with physiological, anthropometric and other characteristics of a person. Clothing should be comfortable and create a feeling of comfort, it should not tire and cause a decrease in performance.

Anthropometric requirements. Clothing must correspond to the height, size, and fullness of the buyer. It should be convenient to take off, put on, fasten, iron, resize, etc. clothes. The degree of freedom of fitting a figure with a product is of great importance in clothes, it is provided by the corresponding amounts of increases or allowances. Anthropometric requirements are also satisfied through the use of textile materials that are capable of compensating for changes in body dimensions in dynamics due to deformation and elongation.

Hygiene requirements applied to clothing to ensure the normal functioning of the human body. Clothing should provide a person with freedom of movement, not wrinkle, easy to put on and take off. Hygienic requirements include: heat protection, hygroscopicity, vapor and air permeability, water tightness.

Thermal insulation - the ability of clothing to retain heat. Heat protection is affected by the design, cut, style. To increase heat protection, fleece fabrics and special cushioning insulating materials are used.

Hygroscopicity - the ability of clothing to absorb moisture to ensure the absorption of sweat and return it to the external environment. It is due to the hygroscopicity of the fabric from which the clothing is made.

Breathability. Clothing should be well ventilated. Carbon dioxide accumulates in the underwear space, which negatively affects the well-being and performance of a person. The greatest breathability should have products of underwear and dress assortment. Smaller - coats, raincoats, suits.

Vapor permeability. The thicker and denser the fabric, the less vapor permeability. The best vapor permeability in clothes made of cotton and viscose fabrics.

Aesthetic requirements are that the clothes are comfortable, beautiful. It corresponded to fashion so that the color, style and overall style of clothing created a harmonious look. Clothing should be consistent with modern style and fashion.

operational requirements. In the process of wearing clothes, they experience loads and undergo various deformations. The duration of operation of the product depends on the conditions of its wear, the properties of the fabric, its quality and type of processing.

The reliability of clothing in operation is an important consumer property. During operation, quality indicators should not change dramatically over a certain period of time (service life of clothing).

The reliability of clothing is associated with a partial or complete loss or change in the utilitarian and aesthetic properties of a garment. The reliability of clothing is a complex property, consisting of such elements as reliability, maintainability, durability, etc.

The durability of a product depends on its resistance to physical wear. Physical wear is the visible destruction of materials, changes in size, color, loss of water-resistant properties, etc. If the product ceases to meet fashion or consumers have changed requirements for the shape, color, texture of the material, then obsolescence of clothing has occurred.


7. Assortment and classification of clothes

At different periods of life and times of the day, a person wears not one thing, but several, and each of them has a specific purpose for different conditions: for recreation, for sports, for work.
That is why (classification of clothing by purpose) clothing is divided into: household, industrial and sports.

household clothes - This is the largest category and is divided into elegant, casual and home.

Industrial clothing is divided into departmental and special clothing (for lumberjacks, miners, nurses, doctors, firefighters).
Departmental clothing performs the most vivid informational function.

Sportswear can also be subdivided more narrowly. For example, clothing for certain sports (football, tennis, basketball).

There is a classification according to the seasons: summer, winter, autumn-spring or demi-season.

Another important factor in the classification of clothing is the classification by gender and age into men's, women's and children's.

Under assortment of garments understand the list of their goods grouped according to certain characteristics. The range of garments is large and complex, including various types and varieties of clothing, hats, as well as bed linen, table linen, etc.

Sewing products are classified into classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups, types, etc.

Classes of garments: household, sports, special, national, departmental clothing. Each class is divided into subclasses. Subclasses of household clothing: outerwear, light, underwear, bed linen, corsetry, headwear. Products included in subclasses are divided into groups, for example, groups of outerwear: coats, raincoats, jackets, suits, etc.

Groups by age and gender are divided into subgroups, for example, a group of coats - men's, women's, for boys and girls of senior school, school, preschool age.

Sewing products are distinguished by types that differ in the following features: specific name, gender of the consumer, his age, seasonality and time of use, the material used, the purpose of the product. Types of garments are divided into varieties, which are characterized by three features: product name, style, style complexity.

In industry, a certain classification of garments has been adopted.

The entire range for general purposes is divided into five classes:

1) household products;

2) sports products;

H) overalls;

4) departmental products;

5) national clothes.

Each class is divided into five groups according to operating conditions:

1) outerwear;

2) light dress;

H) linen and sewing haberdashery;

4) hats;

5) inventory, equipment and other products.

The groups are divided into subgroups depending on the model and design features and use: coats, suits, dresses, blouses, skirts and other dress products; top linen, underwear, bed linen, table linen; towel - shawl products; sewing haberdashery; headwear, etc.

Products included in the subgroups are divided into types, which are characterized by six features:

1) specific name (coat, pea coat, overcoat, raincoat, etc.);

2) gender (men's, women's clothing);

H) age (five age groups of children and three age groups of the adult population);

4) seasonality (winter, summer, demi-season, out-of-season products);

5) the type of basic fabrics and materials (woolen, silk, cotton fabrics, etc.);

6) purpose (front, weekend, everyday, home, work, special clothes).

Household clothes are made in various sizes (numbers) and lengths (growths). The size is determined by the circumference of the chest, the length is determined by the length of the human body and fashion.

Clothing has the following sizes (in cm): for adults - 88, 92, 96, 100, ..., 120; for teenage children - 88, 92; senior school age - 76, 80, 84; primary school age - 64, 68, 72; preschool age - 56, 60; toddlers - 48, 52.

For the mass production of clothing, industrial modeling and design methods have been developed that take into account the modern typology of the adult and child population of the country. The dimensional characteristic of typical human figures is given in the form of separate measurements, called dimensional features. The following are accepted as the leading dimensional signs: chest girth and length of the human body (height).

In accordance with the requirements of the standards, when marking ready-made clothes, they put the designation of sizes in centimeters in the following order: for men's clothing - height, chest circumference, waist circumference (for example, 170 - 100 - 88); for women's clothing - height, chest circumference, hip circumference (for example, 158 - 96 - 104), for men's shirts - height, chest circumference, waist circumference, neck circumference (170 - 100 - 88 - 41).

Under construction the appearance and volumetric spatial form of clothing, the nature of its division into constructive belts, the configuration and dimensions of its components, as well as the methods of their connection are understood. Clothing design is characterized by external form (silhouette, cut), constructive construction of details (collar, pockets, clasp), decoration and type of connecting seams.

Details of clothing can be divided into two groups: those that determine the three-dimensional shape of the product. these include shelves, backs, sleeves, front and back halves of trousers, skirt panels; not defining the volume-spatial shape of the product. they are divided into two types: parts that have auxiliary values ​​(facing, lining parts, gaskets, edges, etc.), and parts related to structural and decorative elements (pockets, cuffs, straps, belts, bows, etc. .).

The details of the first group are the main ones, as they create the form of clothing. The design and volume-spatial shape of the parts of the second group depend on the design and shape of the main parts.

The design of clothing is determined by the following factors: type and functional purpose of clothing; silhouette and volume-spatial form, dimensions and number of components (cut details); properties of the materials from which clothing is made; ways of connecting the components of clothing; the structure and location of structural seams and darts; the presence of structural and decorative elements (folds, draperies, reliefs, frills, etc.).

The main details may consist of one or more parts, depending on the model, silhouette, shape and type of clothing (Fig. 2.3). The variety of the design of the back and shelves, consisting of one part, is determined by the presence of finishing seams, tucks.

Sleeves of products can consist of one, two or three parts. In addition, the design of the sleeves may be different depending on the design of the lower and upper sections. The design of the upper sections of the sleeves (set-in, raglan and sleeves cut out together with the front and back) determine the cut of the sleeve.

The collar of clothes usually consists of two parts - upper and lower, in a women's dress it can consist of one part. The lower collar of the outerwear gives and holds the shape of the collar of the product, it consists of two parts. The top collar consists of one piece, with the exception of individual products with a stand.

The edging serves to decorate and process the edge of the board, therefore, according to the outer cut, it corresponds to the cut of the boards of the shelves. The belt in shoulder products is an addition to the style, and in waist products it is a detail that ensures the fit of trousers and skirts on the human figure.

The contours of the parts are called slices, they have different names depending on the location in the finished product, put on a human figure (Tables 1, 2).

Table 1

Designation of the design lines of the men's jacket

Name of the cut part Slice notation Slice name
1. Shelf 1-2 neck cut
2-3 shoulder cut
3-4 armhole cut
5-6 bottom cut
6-7 bead cut
7-8 lapel cut
1-8 lapel notch cut
7-9 lapel fold line
1-6 half skid line
2. Back 1-2 neck cut
2-3 shoulder cut
3-4 armhole cut
4-5 side cut
5-6 bottom cut
6-7 slice splines
7-8 ledge cut splines
1-8 middle cut
3. Barrel 1-2 armhole cut
1-3 cut of attaching a barrel to a shelf
3-4 bottom cut
2-4 side cut
4. Upper half of the sleeve 1-2 eye cut
2-3 front cut
3-4 bottom cut
4-5 slice splines
5-6 ledge cut splines
1-6 elbow cut
5. The lower half of the sleeve 1-2 eye cut
2-3 front cut
3-4 bottom cut
4-5 slice splines
5-6 ledge cut splines
1-6 elbow cut
Continuation of the table. one
6. Rebound 1-2 top cut (top)
2-3 inner cut
3-4 bottom cut
4-5 outer cut
5-6 lapel notch cut
6-7 raskep cut
7. Top collar 1-2 departure cut
2-3; 1-6 cut ends
3-4; 5-6 raskep slices
4-5 rack cut
8. Lower collar 1-2 cut ends
2-3 departure cut
3-4 middle cut
4-5 rack cut
1-5 raskep cut
9. Side welt pocket flap 1-2 top cut
2-3 side cut
3-4 bottom cut
1-4 front cut
10. Turning the side welt pocket 1-2 top cut
2-3; 1-4 side cuts
3-4 bottom cut
11. Leaflet top welt pocket 1-2; 5-4 bottom slices
3-6 leaf fold line
2-4; 1-5 side cuts
12. Valance of the upper welt pocket with a leaflet 1-2 top cut
2-3; 1-4 side cuts
3-4 bottom cut
13. Turning inside pocket 1-2 top cut
2-3; 1-4 side cuts
3-4 bottom cut

Rice. 2. Details of the cut of the men's jacket from the fabric of the top

table 2

Name of design lines of men's trousers

Name of the cut part Slice notation Slice name
42. Front half of trousers 1-2 top cut
2-3 bow cut
3-4 step cut
4-5 bottom cut
1-5 side cut
43. Back half of trousers 1-2 top cut
2-3 middle cut
3-4 step cut
4-5 bottom cut
1-5 side cut
44. Cut-off side part of the front half 1-2 top cut
2-3 inner cut
1-3 side cut
45. Belt 1-2 top cut
2-3 back cut
3-4 bottom cut
1-4 front cut
46. ​​Codpiece 1-2 inner cut
2-3 top cut
3-4 outer cut
47. Slope 1-2 inner cut
2-3 top cut
3-4 outer cut
48. Belt loop
49. Back welt pocket flap 1-2 top cut
2-3; 1-4 side cuts
4-3 bottom cut
50. Watch pocket flap 1-2 top cut
2-3; 1-4 side cuts
4-3 bottom cut
51. Back pocket facing 1-2 top cut
2-3; 1-4 side cuts
3-4 bottom cut

Rice. 3. Details of the cut of men's trousers from the fabric of the top

Each part must have a certain fractional direction of the threads of the warp of the fabric to ensure the resistance of the product to stretching during wear, as well as for better shaping.


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In the modern world, clothes play an important role in a person's life, because people evaluate each other by their appearance. And that initial impression should be positive. For many centuries, humanity has always strived to look beautiful, no matter how life changes.

What is a sense of style:

Both men and women should look appropriate in every life situation. Until quite recently, men did not devote appropriate attention to their style of clothing. Today, without a sense of style, it is almost impossible to achieve success. Having a sense of style does not mean dressing beautifully and the same every time, it is necessary to select the appropriate style for each life situation.

Not every person has a taste with which he can select and correctly combine "top with bottom", etc. This resource will help you learn the initial rule when choosing things.

For men, there are the same rules as for women, only they are slightly smaller.

Fundamental rules:

  • The right color combination of the outfit (no need to look like a parrot)
  • Selection of clothes depending on the time of the year
  • Selection of appropriate accessories

If we take life situations, then, for example, for an interview with an employer, you should not dress like a disco or like going to the market. The person hiring you should appreciate the taste and style of his applicant. An ideal option for an interview would be a formal suit that will emphasize the seriousness of your intentions. For a disco, you need a different outfit, as a rule, it is customary to get acquainted at parties, and therefore the first impression upon meeting will depend on an attractive appearance. Both women and men strive to see a person dressed with taste and fashionable next to them.

Clothes for women:

For women, choosing an outfit is like a “ritual”. Women have not been sitting at home by the hearth for a long time; at the present time, the beautiful half performs both female and male work. And in this situation, girls should not be fixated on the monotony of their outfits and costumes. No matter what kind of appearance nature has awarded, the right outfit and the right combination of things can work wonders. After all, initially a person looks at how you are dressed, strangers do not know how beautiful your inner world is, and if you tell every person you like about your life and what a good person you are, then most likely you will only scare people away from yourself.

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A person himself chooses what and when to wear, not always realizing that he seeks to make some features, his psychological and social qualities more expressive or inconspicuous, and here the influence of clothing on a person directly plays a big role.

Elements of clothing used to be signs of group affiliation. Understanding one's place in a particular social hierarchy, group, in the entire system of social relations determines the nature of communication and interaction.

In the old days, this was so important that people of the appropriate social status were required to wear strictly defined clothes. So, in ancient China, only the emperor wore yellow clothes, and if one of the subjects made attempts to measure the yellow robe, he could pay for it with his life. In medieval Europe, the church dictated almost everything in clothing: the length and width of the dress, the length of the toe of the shoe, the number and nature of jewelry for a representative of each social class. It is clear that by clothing a resident of the Middle Ages could immediately determine the social status of each person.

Along with the democratization of society, the official role of clothing in human life is changing. Now there are no such strict prohibitions and rules, although representatives of some professions have their own special clothes.

Along with the democratization of society, the official role of clothing in human life is changing. Now there are no such strict prohibitions and rules, although representatives of some professions have their own special clothes. Nowadays, everything about fashion can be found in many articles in magazines, on the Internet, for example, the Style-Fresh-fashion blog will give any reader a lot of useful information about what, how and where to wear. The fashion block will also tell you about fashion trends.

But even now the connection between costume and social role remains strong enough. Studies show that almost all adults can determine the status of a person by their clothes, roughly indicate their occupation. At the same time, we rely on the quality of a suit, which is directly related to its cost, relationship with fashion, scarcity, elitism, etc. The appraisal of the style of clothing is unconsciously transferred to the appraisal of the personality.

Clothing (in particular, special) encourages a person to attribute to another those qualities that she did not show, but which are associated with the corresponding social role. Psychologists call this phenomenon the “halo effect.”

Often it helps us quickly and fairly accurately assess a person's style. Wearing this or that clothes, people themselves subconsciously rely on this effect. But the strongest effect is caused by a traditional strict suit, looking at which we subconsciously conclude that we have a serious person who is engaged in serious business. Such suits are worn by presidents, ministers, entrepreneurs, professors, managers and other business people.

The ability to recognize a person by his clothes should not be overestimated. After all, suits, dresses of a similar style are worn by different people, endowed with individual characteristics. In addition, there is a fashion that is almost impossible to correlate with the psychology of the individual. Therefore, two tendencies are manifested in the manner of dressing: the desire for integration, community with others; the desire to assert one's own "I", to stand out from the masses.

The rapid development of production and the related problem of improving business relations are forcing more and more attention to be paid not only to direct, but also to additional factors that affect success in business contacts, and the right style of clothing helps to create the necessary business atmosphere. Our clothes are part of that inner world that testifies to our personality, status, authority.

The form of clothing is the best characteristic of a person, which reflects the tastes and habits of the individual. In a person's life, the aesthetics of clothing is no less important than the aesthetics of behavior. Sloppiness in clothes is tantamount to moral suicide. Dressing is a science and an art and depends on habits and feelings. As Honore de Balzac said: "It's not so much the costume, but the ability to wear it"

As human society developed, so did clothing. Its shape and cut changed, the working and living conditions of people were taken into account. Clothing requirements have also increased significantly.

Modern clothes should be varied, meet the needs of a particular person. It should be not only beautiful and durable, but also comfortable. Therefore, sanitary and hygienic requirements for clothing become very important.

In the climatic conditions of our country, its heat-shielding functions are important. The weight of clothing also affects the well-being of a person. Heavy clothing puts pressure on the shoulders, causing fatigue. Its weight can be reduced by using lightweight insulation materials and lightweight fabrics. The sanitary and hygienic properties of clothing also depend on the fabrics themselves. Dark fabrics and fabrics with a smooth surface are less polluted. In clothes made of hard-to-wash materials, it is more difficult to clean pockets, folds, decorative elements, complex seams.

Clothing retains its original appearance longer if it is carefully worn, properly stored, cleaned thoroughly and in a timely manner. When you come home from school, you should change into home clothes and shoes. A torn off button or hanger is best sewn on immediately. If you take off your clothes and in a hurry casually throw them on a chair, then the next day it will be wrinkled and untidy. To prevent this from happening, hang clothes on hangers as soon as you undress.

If a stain appears on the clothes, it must be removed (Fig. 81). Dirt can be carefully brushed off after the final drying of the product. On the day off, clothes meant to be worn at school are cleaned more thoroughly. It is very important that the care of clothes is timely.

Rice. 81. Cleaning clothes

To care for textiles, you need to know the type of fiber that makes up the product, how to wash and clean it. Industrial textiles are labeled with international symbolic signs recommending the type of processing (see Table 11).

Table 11. Symbols for the care of textiles

One of the most important conditions for caring for clothes is proper storage. Clothes before seasonal storage should be put in order: air, wash or clean, dry well and put (or hang) in a closet.

Outerwear should be hung on special hangers with roundings, as it is deformed and crumpled when hung on hooks. Store outerwear in special covers to protect against dust penetration (Fig. 82). Moth repellents are placed inside the covers.

Leather and fur clothes should not be stored in plastic bags. It should “breathe”, so it is better to store it in covers made of cotton (or linen) fabric. Summer clothes (dresses, suits) must be washed or dry-cleaned before storage so that moths do not damage them during storage. Women's suits are stored on hangers with hooks for hanging skirts, and men's suits are stored on hangers with a crossbar for trousers.

Rice. 82. Clothes storage

knitted clothes(sweatshirts, sweaters), on the contrary, are not hung on a coat hanger so that it does not stretch out. Such clothes are neatly folded and stored in plastic bags.

Store any clothing in dry, ventilated areas. It is undesirable to store substances with a strong specific smell next to clothing. It is better to put sachets in the closet - aromatic pads filled with a mixture of fragrant substances. Do not hang wet clothes in a filled closet or one item on top of another. Poor drying leads to damage to clothing and a reduction in service life.

Basic terms and concepts

    Sanitary and hygienic requirements for clothing, clothing care, textile care symbols, clothing storage

Questions and tasks

  1. What is the importance of clothing in human life?
  2. Why should clothes be not only beautiful, but also comfortable?
  3. How should you take care of your everyday clothes?
  4. Why do special signs appear on product labels?
  5. What types of product processing exist?
  6. How to properly store outerwear?

Practice 16. Learning the symbols for product care

  • Familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for clothes, with the symbols for caring for textile products of industrial production (see Table 11).
  • Determine the care instructions for a particular product using the symbols on the label.
  • Record the results in a notebook.

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    Aprons in Belarusian national style

    Models of aprons of a rectangular shape. Made from linen fabric. A decorative ribbon, reminiscent of a Belarusian embroidery ornament, and embroidery in the “set” technique were used as decoration. There is a fringe along the bottom line.

    Model 1. Apron with drawstring belt. The upper section of the apron is finished with a drawstring belt, into which a decorative ribbon is threaded.

    Model 2. Apron with a stitched waistband and a dense gathering along the top line. The upper section of the apron is finished with a stitched belt with tie ends. The headdress is a bandage, reminiscent of the traditional Belarusian "namitka".

    Model 3. Apron with trim-embroidery in the technique of "set". A belt-cord made of threads is pulled into the drawstring along the upper cut of the apron. For finishing, a “set” seam is used, which is an ornamental strip Border. It is performed with a certain number of rows of a “forward needle” seam. Stitches are used of different lengths (no more than 1 cm) according to the number of fabric threads. Headdress - bandage.

    Model 4. Apron with a trapezoid bottom line. Feature of this model - fabric with large drawing. Trapezoidal sections of the apron are finished with a narrow decorative ribbon. Headdress - scarf

    Model 5. Apron with decorative trim. The apron is made of linen fabric. As a decoration used embroidery in the technique of "applique". It has a rounded bottom line. Sections are processed by a slanting inlay. Headdress - scarf