Happy 1st birthday baby. The little one is one year old! Scenario for the first birthday. What to put on the holiday table

19th Feb 2018

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Baby's first birthday is undoubtedly important date. I want the holiday to be remembered forever! But how can you celebrate your child’s first birthday in a fun and budget-friendly way?

Many modern parents take things too seriously. They arrange luxurious feasts, book the best restaurants, order a huge cake from the best pastry chefs, buy fluffy dress or a tuxedo for a baby, organize a photo shoot for guests and even hire a toastmaster! Advertisers of holiday paraphernalia are insidiously rubbing their hands... As for me, all this is too much 🙅 And Birthdays should not take away a family's monthly income- it’s better to spend money on a child, because he absolutely doesn’t care about all these excesses. Some of my friends even refused a trip to the sea, since they spent half of the set aside funds on organizing the holiday! As for me, this is somewhat selfish, because it is obvious what is healthier for the child. But this does not mean that you don’t need to celebrate your birthday at all! Let it become a cozy, family, comfortable holiday.

Let's look at it in order: where to start organizing the first birthday, what to cook or celebrate in a cafe, who to invite, how to do it beautiful photos, what to give to the birthday boy and so on.

What to give a child for his first birthday

The first question that arises among both parents and holiday guests is: what to give to the baby?

The first thing I can say is: don’t bother. A child under three years old doesn’t really care what they buy for him. But this doesn’t stop parents, and they spend a lot of money on a “cool gift.” Why, to show it off to your friends?

Daughter in her play corner - a gift for her one year old

You can also use . I wrote the article for the New Year, but the ideas are quite suitable for any time of the year :)

Who to invite to your child's first birthday

I know mothers who went to great lengths and invited all their relatives and girlfriends from the playground, respectively, with their families. It turned out to be 40-50 people, of which about 20 were children. Naturally, small children need to be entertained somehow, and big children need to be fed intensively. Therefore, the costs will be approximately the same as for a wedding.

One more thing - won’t the birthday boy himself be afraid of so many people? Of course, you can endure it for one day if you really want to. But all this is for the sake of the mother, and not for the baby. I really understand the keen desire of mothers to show off in a new dress, we deserve it! The main thing is that the event does not turn into a hassle, because you will 100% not take a group photo, the kids will make noise, so you won’t be able to talk either, some guests may not like that someone has infringed on their child in some way, underfed, or offended . All in all, how more people, the more problems- remember this.

For me, the best option is to invite parents from both sides, grandmothers and godparents. Plus brothers, sisters, whoever has them. There were 10 people in my little family! As practice has shown, even such a quantity is not easy to gather at one table at one time :)

And since these are all the closest people, they are understanding about the overlays, help to clean up and calmly stay with the child while you are busy in the kitchen. Our grandfather (thanks to him for this!) even agreed to take the child for a walk to sleep, so that other guests could continue communicating with us, the parents, and the baby could relax in silence and fresh air. Children often get overexcited on their birthday., and here it is important to hear their needs in time and let them take a nap in peace. I don’t know how this is possible with a bunch of people. So, first of all, think about the baby, and if you are sure that 40 people will not be too stressful for him, then go ahead;)

At home or in a cafe?

The next thing you need to decide is to celebrate your birthday at home or in a cafe. I admit, at first I thought about a restaurant, because then I wouldn’t have to cook and accommodate a bunch of people in a tiny apartment. But then I thought: what’s best for my family and specifically for the child? After all, the baby will want to sleep, and it will be unrealistic to put her to bed in a noisy cafe. Besides, you have to go to the cafe, which means time and nerves on the road, changing clothes, carrying bags with you...

What can we say about the price of food and room rental! For example, average children's Cafe in Moscow it will cost 3000 rubles per person. For our 12-member family, the bill amount will be at least 36,000 rubles. And this is the price of a year and a half supply of diapers or as many as two sports complexes for a child. Or many other things, much more useful than financial assistance to restaurant owners who are already strapped for money.

In general, we decided to get together at home as a family and settled quite well in a small apartment. The main thing is to stock up on enough cutlery and cups :) As often happens, many of your relatives and friends have their own things to do, so the feast will not take much time - two to three hours at most. Does it make sense to give a considerable amount of money in order to party for an hour? Who do you want to surprise with this? For me, the most important thing is family relationships, communication with loved ones, which can most easily be enjoyed in silence and in a familiar environment. In a cafe, you will be 100% “lost” and will not be able to focus on the most important thing.

Menu for a child's first birthday

The menu for a year should be as simple as possible, because you still don’t have enough time for elegant cooking. Save the French chefs' recipes for later. I will write about the dishes that I chose:

  • Penne with chicken
  • Country style potatoes
  • Pork chops
  • Chicken and apple salad
  • Chocolate cake
  • Panna cotta

If you need recipes, write in the comments and I will add them :) but they can be found on any culinary site and, believe me, they are very simple, and the dishes are to die for! Be sure to check out mine, it’s very easy to prepare, so you’ll save a lot of nerves and money. By the way, next time I’m thinking of having a sweet table with lots of unhealthy goodies. Let's see what comes of it :)

Decorating for a child's first birthday

If you decide to celebrate your birthday in a cafe, you will have to spend money on decorations.

At home, you can decorate the room balloons and hang a garland with the inscription “Happy Birthday”. The price is: 150 rubles. 20 balls will cost 200 rubles. It looks quite festive and not pretentious.

I know that some girls make one out of napkins - kudos to them, as it is incredibly painstaking work. I have little time and space for such decoration :) I preferred to spend this time preparing a gift for my daughter - a cozy and safe play corner.

First Birthday Scenario

If you want to celebrate your first birthday with fun and excitement, organize competitions for your guests! Here's an example:

  1. Prepare jars from the dairy kitchen - puree from broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beef, turkey, rabbit. Blindfold your guests and let them guess the taste of the product! Let them understand what it’s like for kids to eat this rubbish :)))
  2. Have a quiz dedicated to a child. I like to arrange these for my birthday to check who knows me well and who needs to be punched in the eye 😄 You can simply ask questions - about weight and height at birth, about the first word, about your favorite toy, or you can make the task a little easier and provide answer options.

When everyone is gathered at one table, show film about a baby's first year or a photo slideshow. Our dad spent a whole week editing the video at night, processing about 300 videos! It turned out very cool and funny. Watching a movie like this is a pleasure!

Photo session with a child

Family photo on daughter's first birthday

What I decided to spend money on was a photo shoot for the three of us. I wanted to preserve the memory of us, beautiful and happy :)

I was lucky that a photo project came along with an excellent photographer and gorgeous scenery. My dream came true about New Year's photo shoot, dedicated to my daughter’s one-year anniversary, two in one! I will write more about how to organize such a photo session and prepare for it in the next article.

The first year is here!
Someone might say: “not enough”
But he actually knows
It’s not enough - just mom!
How much it takes to become that mother!
The most tender and beloved,
The most important, the most!
Become both strong and vulnerable!
Like tired at the crib
To be happy, silently crying,
From what is in the world
The one who more life significant!
The one who hugs for the first time,
He will smile purely and purely,
Somehow he will say “MOM” in a wonderful way
In the first year of your life!
The first year is here!
There was still quite a bit in it.
Only he knows for sure
Only mom! Only mom!

A toast from mom.

Presenter: (name) has another most beloved person who can do EVERYTHING!

Maybe read a book
Can I heat up the soup?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me -
Most best dad my!

Toast from dad.

Presenter: I sat down and sat
And I don’t go out for a walk,
I don't turn on the TV
I gave up tea
I don’t want to eat or sleep -
I'll be waiting for grandma!
Why didn't you come?
Maybe urgent matters?
Maybe she's tired
Did you lie down and get sick?
All! I decided: I’ll run,
I’ll help her myself!
Suddenly, I hear: knock-knock-knock!
It's grandma's knock on the door!
Hello, my darling,
I'll hug her, love!
Let the whole world know
No one has a grandma like this!

Toast from grandmothers.

Presenter: My grandfathers are with me,
And that means we are the main ones in the house,
I can open cabinets,
Water flowers with kefir,
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands?
Slam the door on purpose!
This won't work with mom.
I've already checked.

Toast from grandfathers.

Presenter. The very loved ones who baptize the baby,
Promote development and growth slowly.
According to the old custom that has been around for a long time,
They got to cut their goddaughter’s first lock of hair!

Godparents cut their hair in the shape of a cross and perform a fortune-telling ceremony to determine the future of the baby. Required details:

A ball that symbolizes long life.
A book is knowledge and intelligence.
Money is material well-being.
Garlic - health.
Keys are a good solution to the housing problem.
Candy - sweet life.
Brush - creativity.
Ring - great love.

Whatever the baby reaches for first, that will be his fate.

Toast from godmother and godfather.

Presenter. Anyone will confirm, and you will understand everything,
And I'll tell you, without hiding anything,
That there is nowhere in the whole world better than auntie,
What a dear aunt, my dear.

A toast from my aunt.

Presenter: I want to hear you on this day,
I wish you health and happiness.
You won't find an uncle like him anywhere else,
And I'm lucky - I don't have to look.

Uncle's word.

Although my mother's friends rarely come,
We hope that they will be corrected
It's probably just how it works out for them,
We will listen to their instructions.

A word to mom's friends.



Now let’s check how well you know the birthday girl (birthday boy).

1) What weight was (name) born with?

2) How tall?

3) What color are her eyes?

4) What is the name of the doctor who delivered the child?

6) Favorite food?

7) What time did the first tooth come out?

8) When did she crawl?

9) When did you go?

10) How many teeth are there now?

11) What is your height now?

13) What is your zodiac sign?

14) What year were you born?

15) What time were you born?

16) On what day of the week were you born?

17) What color are the birthday girl’s eyes now?

19) What is the birthday girl’s house number?

20) What is the name and patronymic of your godfather?

21) What is the name and patronymic of the godmother?

22) What can (name) already show?

23) What date were you baptized?

Competition "Spit the pacifier"

Several participants - how many nipples there are. A competition to see who can spit out the pacifier the farthest. It is carried out in 3 attempts, the place where the pacifier falls is marked with a paper circle, and after each spit the participant must sterilize the pacifier in a glass of hot water.

Poem for the winner

Competition "Libra"

Adult men are unlikely to weigh the birthday girl. Whose answer is closest to the real weight wins.

Competition "Bottle"

Two men are given a bottle containing the same amount of champagne or beer. Through a nipple with a wide opening, competitors need to drink their bottle as quickly as possible.


Prepare diapers and dolls. 3-4 participants are needed, who must temporarily put a diaper on the toy, swaddle it and tie a beautiful bow.

Competition "Fat-cheeked lip slap"

This competition is more likely for men or for brave women. For the competition you need candy candies. Each participant takes a candy into his mouth and says the phrase “I am a fat-cheeked lip-slapper,” after which he adds another one to his mouth. The winner will be the person with the largest number sweets in the mouth and the best diction. The competition is very funny, it can be held as long as there are people interested. It will also cause laughter that the most “fat-cheeked lip-slapper” will receive a pack of lollipops as a gift!

Changeling game “Guess the name of the fairy tale”

Square (“Kolobok”).
Green Slipper (“Little Red Riding Hood”).
Zharishche (“Morozko”).
Hundred meters ("Thumbelina").
The Beggar's Old Pants ("The King's New Clothes").
Palace (“Teremok”).
Tin animal (“Goldfish”).
Solar servant (“The Snow Queen”).
Silver fox and 3 giants (“Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”).
A goat and five little wolves (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).
A saucepan of cabbage soup (“A pot of porridge”).
Radish (“Turnip”).
Slender mare (“The Little Humpbacked Horse”).
The Cowardly Shoemaker (“The Brave Little Tailor”).
The chicken is a silver paw (“The cockerel is a golden comb”).
A Dog Without a Hat (Puss in Boots).
As the cod wanted (“At the behest of the pike”).
Ducks-cranes (“Geese-swans”).

Competition “Guess what I ate”

Men try with their eyes closed baby food(from cauliflower, pumpkin, etc.). The one who guesses correctly gets a prize.

Competition "Children's Songs"

Guests sitting at the table should be divided into two teams: one team to the right of the leader, and the other to the left. Teams take turns singing children's songs. The one who sings the most songs wins.

But it turned out that there was a lot to write, since a holiday for a two-year-old is significantly different from celebrating a baby’s first birthday. Therefore, the article is only about the celebration for the anniversary.

Where to mark?

The choice of place to celebrate depends entirely on the parents. A cafe or children's play complex is attractive because the mother does not need to prepare for the holiday, spend time purchasing groceries and thinking through the scenario.

But... I could now begin to reason that the baby will not like an unfamiliar place, that it is unknown what kind of people are there. Let's not talk about this. To be honest, we don’t have money for a cafe and we celebrate all holidays at home. If we had money, maybe we would go to child Center, but unlikely. I somehow miss the warmth there.

Who should I call?

I do not recommend inviting children of the same age to their first birthday. The Godovas company has a lot of disadvantages:

  • Not all children go one year. Some poor mother will have to lead someone by the hand all evening.
  • All babies have different routines: some eat, some sleep, some poop.
  • At some point, it will be the birthday boy who will cry and demand attention while mom will be busy handing out snacks.
  • Different view nutrition. Some children eat adult food every year, while others only eat mother’s milk.

And other babies will not make the babies happy this year. They are more interested with adults or big children. Children may not share toys, be afraid of the owner's dog, or cause the cat to have a nervous breakdown.

Considering what we celebrated at home, the closest people were invited to celebrate Lisa’s year: godparents, grandparents. And this also turned out to be very difficult. Yes, Small child I was alone, but I had to entertain the adults too. My husband and I were literally in a daze. My mother and Lisa’s godmother helped, the rest for some reason decided that they were invited to eat.

This year the holiday was held only for Lisa, Andrey, mom and dad. We didn't invite anyone.

What gifts should I give?

At one year old, the child does not realize how cool a children's tablet was given to him! Mom's saucepan and ladle are the best items for games, no matter where they take place! I propose to give to you:

  • Buzzing, squeaking, driving toys. If the child is not afraid of them.
  • Soft puzzles of any size. Just an ideal thing, wherever we used them - to lay them on the floor and keep children aged from one to 36 years occupied (you should have seen how our dad crawled, putting all these parts in place!)
  • “Developmental” toys: pyramids, mosaics, construction sets. For example, the original Sweet Potato needle construction set is convenient, interesting, and the child can put together the shapes himself.

There is no point in giving clothes to a child; the child will not appreciate it. If relatives cannot decide on a toy gift, ask them to give money. Then buy what you see fit.

For Lisa's one year anniversary, we solemnly presented her with a soft doll 30 cm tall. I really wanted the gift to be symbolic and memorable. At first it was just a toy, later the Lucy doll became close friend daughter and even sleeps on a pillow with the baby.

How to spend a fun holiday?

Since I always believed that birthdays are for birthday people, we held Lisa’s birthday in two stages. The first is directly on the day the girl was born. The second is on weekends, for adults.

I thought that this way of celebrating would become a tradition for us, but now I have abandoned this idea. I liked how Lisa’s birthday went personally.

We didn’t inflate the balloons, my daughter is afraid of them. She’s generally a fearful person, but I don’t think it’s necessary to scare her in order to cure her of her fears, and she didn’t appreciate the fact that her grandfather brought balloons over the weekend, although he was asked not to do so.

So, what is a holiday without balloons, guests and a set table?

  • This nice outfit for a girl who really looked like a fairy.
  • Bubble.
  • Funny music.
  • Hypoallergenic cake. I cooked completely myself, and baked the sponge cake and made the curd layer from homemade milk.

And many holiday photos taken by a professional photographer. Yes, the photos are very necessary, it’s nice to look at them for both me and Lisa. True, given that the photographer is our dad, no special scenario for the shooting was thought out.

We blew bubbles, ran with a magic wand with tinsel after the cat, laughed and tickled, even blew out the candle on the cake more than once! An hour of such increased attention was enough for the baby, and she simply fell asleep from fatigue.

Here's a birthday video from another mom:

I would like to tell you a lot more about birthdays and babies, but I will continue in the next article. Subscribe to the blog, don't miss updates! Everyone Have a good mood!

And for the development of children, it’s time to study " One year old school“—in it you will find a program of developmental activities for at least six months!

First birthday. The child is 1 year old. Ideas, scenarios

The first important holiday in a baby's life is his first birthday. However, a one-year-old baby is not yet able to appreciate the significance of this day in his life, and even more so cannot understand that he is the culprit of all this fuss. In general, a child’s one-year anniversary is a holiday exclusively for parents. Therefore, everything that you come up with is addressed primarily to yourself, as well as to relatives and friends. Adults should find it interesting and fun, children should not cry and be capricious because of the protracted event, and, of course, the first birthday should be remembered in the form of photographs or a video.

It is better to celebrate the first anniversary in a narrow circle of close friends and relatives, limiting the number of invited children to two or three. These could be his peers or older children - your relatives, the children of your friends or neighbors, but in any case, you need to introduce the baby to his first friends before the holiday so that he has time to get used to them.

Experience shows that it is advisable to invite parents and children two hours earlier than other guests in order to create a comfortable environment for the children and carry out all the events planned for the children without fuss. And try to plan the day so that you deviate as little as possible from the child’s usual routine, otherwise in the midst of the holiday the baby will become capricious. Therefore, it is better to invite guests either before or after naptime. The child will be cheerful, happy and receive a lot of impressions.

If you invite all the guests for the same time, the children will quickly get tired of communicating with each other, quarrels will begin, toys will be divided, parents will pull them back and, as a result, the birthday boy will cry loudly and the evening will be ruined. After all, at this age, children still do not know how to share, give in, endure, or communicate. It is necessary for the child to feel comfortable, that is, familiar, not unusual.

In addition, babies will need to sleep, and mothers will look for secluded corners to lull them to sleep, and this will not always be possible. As a result, capricious children, tired mothers and not very cheerful fathers will not reach the end of the festive evening with joyful feelings at all. And in such cases, alas, there is no one to blame but yourself.

So, where to start on your very first birthday?

Of course, with good morning. Mom's gentle kiss, dad's kind smile - and great mood the baby is provided for the whole day. Let him wake up in a beautifully decorated room. Air balloons, colored ribbons, delicate bells, mobiles swaying from the movement of air (angels, birds, butterflies, flowers). Gentle music and a bouquet of flowers on the table. A little imagination is all that is needed for this. It would be a good idea to start each child’s birthday with a traditional ritual: a height mark on the door frame, a photo for the family album, a new tree in the garden, etc.

What can you give such a baby?

These, of course, are “functional” toys - ones with which the baby can do something, for example, open and close lids, turn the steering wheel, take out and put in small things, press buttons and get some effect. But among the toys, attributes of a more “adult” life can and should appear. For example, a soft doll to sleep with, a new beautiful bed, an interesting night light - all this will help the baby learn to sleep without adults. Or big beautiful book, which a mother or grandmother or nanny can read before bedtime. It could be a music cassette with children's melodies, a new cup, new shoes, or a new jumpsuit - the main thing is that the gift should be beautiful and interesting for your baby.

Very often, the work of a lifetime begins with a birthday gift - a book or stamp, a box of pencils or a soccer ball can influence the choice of a future path in life. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully and observing your child before deciding what to give.

Our Online assistant for choosing gifts for children

Buy or make your own birthday cap and bowtie (for a boy) for your baby. This is very simple to do: cut out both the cap and the butterfly from a sheet of cardboard, and then paste them over wrapping paper for gifts with children's drawings. Tie an elastic band wrapped with thread to the cap (you can buy it at “Everything for Sewing” stores). It is better to tie a ribbon to the butterfly, which is used for wrapping gifts. Try on accessories the day before the holiday, show your child in the mirror how beautiful he is, and promise that tomorrow you will show all this to his friends.

To make the holiday bright and unforgettable, you need to decorate the room where the celebration will take place. You can decorate the room with multi-colored balloons and helium balloons, garlands, flags, fairy-tale characters, attach decorative butterflies to the curtains, hang a wall newspaper in a prominent place, etc. Introduce your baby to the transformed home in advance by giving a “tour” right in the morning: show your baby everything the “magic” that you have prepared for him. Let him touch and play with everything. Within the toddler’s reach, you can arrange a corner with gifts, where he can unwrap and examine them. By the way, it is better to put away some of the gifts “for later” - due to the abundance of impressions, the baby will still not be able to appreciate everything at once.

Air balloons - this is perhaps the most significant detail of the holiday for a one-year-old child, so the more there are - different shapes, colors and sizes, the better. Balloons can not only decorate a room, they will also be needed for playing. Just inflate them and place them on the floor, children will happily start fiddling with the balls, getting incredible pleasure from this activity. You just need to buy balloons that are not ordinary ones, which burst very quickly, scaring children, but ones made of thickened rubber.

It is unlikely that everyone will be able to gather at the same time, so it will be necessary to somehow occupy those who have already arrived. Guests can be entertained with a chronicle film about pregnancy, birth and the first year of a baby’s life, and photographs.

For children, prepare sheets of white paper and markers in advance, they will really like it.

A small souvenir lying on his plate unusually lifts the spirits of every child.

For example, prepare a funny pipe for everyone: both the children are busy and the fun is in full swing.

The birthday person should have a special place at the festive table. And even his porridge will become festive if it is decorated with a variety of figures made from boiled or raw vegetables and fruits. And the drink, for example, can be served in a new interesting sippy cup or cup.

Order two cakes: one for guests, the second for a child - according to a special children's recipe, for example, filled with yogurt or grated fruit. Decorate the cake with a candle, but keep in mind that your baby will blow it out with your help. And be sure to make sure that the baby does not grab the bright, “living” light with her hand.

There is a humorous sign associated with the birthday cake: A plate of cake is brought to the child and his reaction is observed. The cake symbolizes the adult world, and the child’s actions are how he will enter this adult world. If he looks at it in confusion or resolutely puts his hands in the cake, it means that he will be confused in the adult world or will resolutely enter it, will begin to lick his fingers or begin to wipe them on his hair - he will be able to take advantage of the benefits of life or, on the contrary, will not take advantage of it.

Many families conduct funny fortune-telling , by analogy with traditional eastern fortune telling, timed to coincide with a child’s first birthday. In addition to food, garlic, a wallet, keys to the apartment and a chocolate bar are placed on the table at which the birthday person sits. It is believed that each of these items means something: garlic - health, a wallet - wealth, chocolate - a sweet, cheerful life, and keys - prosperity.

Another variant - place six objects in front of the child: a flower, a ring, a pen, a spool of thread or a ball, a ball and a coin. Whatever the baby chooses, such a fate awaits him. Flower - happy family life. The ring is great love. A pen is a life dedicated to science. Spool of thread - long life. The ball means great achievements in sports. Coin - rich life.

Be sure to highlight such a moment in the celebration as cutting off a lock of hair at your one year old baby. Prepare a box for the first curl, make prints of its arms and legs, compare with prints after discharge from the hospital - this makes a strong impression on guests, especially grandparents!

Now is the right time to go around with a video camera and ask everyone how they remember the child in the first months after birth, and how they would like to see him in twenty or more years. These same wishes can be written down on big postcard, “certifying” them with the birthday boy’s hand and foot circled.

If you are able to cope with such a task as drawing up a family tree of the hero of the occasion, prepare in advance a special album with cardboard sheets on which you can write captions for photographs and leave wishes for relatives. After interviewing your relatives, write down on the first spread family tree. On the next pages of the photo album, starting with the birthday boy, place photographs of all relatives with stories about them: where and when he was born, who he married, who he worked for and about interesting moments in his biography. Such an album will arouse great interest, and, constantly updated and expanded, will be the center of attention of guests more than once in the coming years.

Grandparents, aunts and uncles will love colorfully designed thank you forms with something printed on them. kind words on the occasion of the celebration. The text could be something like this :

"Gratitude. Expressed to grandma... and grandpa... in honor of celebrating the first anniversary... For their support, responsiveness, kindness and understanding. For participating in raising a child. For showering your grandson with toys, clothes and goodies. For systematically pampering a child. During parents' weekend hours."

Or like this:"Gratitude. Expressed to uncle... and aunt... in honor of celebrating the first anniversary.... For regular visits that make life easier for parents, for a warm attitude, for giving gifts made with one’s own hands, and therefore especially valuable.”

And now the birthday is in full swing: the guests are having fun, gifts have been given, the table is half empty - it’s time to play! Start with the game "Who's in the bag?" You need to pick up several small soft toys, put them in a beautiful gift bag and alternately invite the children to put their hand into the bag, take one of the toys and determine by touch what exactly they are holding. This game will interest not only your baby and older children, but also the gathered adults will be able to participate in it.

You can play other fun games with one-year-old babies.

For example:

  • play pilots: fly around the nearest territory in dad’s arms;
  • if the kids can’t walk yet, find out who can crawl to the door faster;
  • arrange a disco for the kids if they are already confident on their feet;
  • organize a competition “Who is taller?” by marking the height of children on a stadiometer in the form of a toy bear or bunny on the door;
  • arrange a puppet theater: take Stuffed Toys, make a screen from sheets or a blanket, choose the simplest fairy tale known to everyone, for example, “The Turnip” for the production.

You can invite older children to act out a fairy tale; they will do it with pleasure.

With balloons filled with helium, you can arrange the following game: from the balloons flying under the ceiling, each child (with the help of their parents, of course) chooses the one they like, and some “won” prize is attached to the balloon.

Organize competitions for children and adults , for example, who can eat a banana, peel an orange, or solve riddles faster. Let the prizes be kinder surprises or lollipops, magnets, stickers, keychains, etc.

Don’t forget about a camera and a video camera, the song “Ay, tooth, tooth, tooth, we have Petenka (Lenochka) a year old”, the obligatory “dance number” of the birthday boy to his favorite music. Then your stories about his first birthday, supported by photographs and videos, will be imprinted in the child’s heart for a long time.

Finish the celebration with a walk in the fresh air: you can play with the children and see off your guests at the same time.

See also:

It's no secret that every month for a newborn baby is as filled with events and changes as an adult's year, or even two, so happy parents, as a rule, celebrate every month. And when your daughter (or son) turns a year old, all the relatives, or even friends and families, gather and a real celebration is held.

We offer an option Children's birthday script "Celebrating the baby's 1st birthday"- universal, here in some entertainments, for example, the name of the girl Ksyushenka is used, but everything is easy to change to a boy and to any name.. Such a holiday can even be organized on your own, and one of your close relatives and friends can act as the host . At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out everything; you can select from the script only those game moments that suit your situation and company.

Scenario "Celebrating the baby's 1st birthday"

Mother: Dear relatives and friends! Today we have a special reason to get together: we invited you to celebrate our son (daughter)....

And a Fairy from a fairy tale flew to us to congratulate our daughter. So, meet the host of our celebration - the fabulous Fairy...!

Fairy enters

Presenter: Please accept my greetings from a fairy tale! I'm a fairy and that's it fairy-tale heroes They asked me to congratulate the wonderful girl Ksyusha on her first birthday, but since they could not come, we will create a fairy tale - a holiday in her honor ourselves.

So, let's forget about all the worries and everyday affairs and plunge into the holiday! I brought you magic wands from a fairy tale, and with their help all your wishes will definitely come true. All you have to do is say your wish, wave your wand and say the magic words “Crex-Fex”

Music is playing. To the music, the fairy hands out magic wands to all guests.

Shout - congratulations "Who is the birthday girl today?"

(The fairy invites guests to answer all her questions in chorus: “Ksyushenka, Ksyushenka” - or another name)

Presenter: Who is the birthday girl today?

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Who's the lucky girl today?

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Who is our beauty?

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Who do we really like?

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Happy birthday to you..

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Presenter: And now, for those who want to move further, let’s continue playing? Let’s form a circle and make some noise with you, my friend!

Outdoor game - noisemaker for children and adults

Presenter: Has everyone joined in a round dance? Now, let's play a little game.

Like dogs bark: woof-woof-woof,

How cats meow: meow...,

Like elephants stomp: stomp...,

Like slapping mosquitoes: clap...

And now we'll run in a circle like horses,

We won't catch up with each other. No one can catch us.

Our circle did not disperse. Let's try one more time (repeat from the beginning)

Children's round dance

The presenter leads a round dance, accompanying the text with general actions


Ball, Ball, inflate

try to be big.

Suddenly the wind came

spun and spun.

Flew and flew

and flew into a branch.

Once again...

Presenter: After these fun games I suggest everyone have a little refreshment! I invite everyone to the table!
(there is a short banquet break during the ceremony)

Presenter (reads verse):

What are our children? These are... miracles!

Cunning eyes make you believe in them.

Rustle in silence - the naughty girl is not sleeping

Fidgets know that mom will forgive everything!

He will decorate the walls, turn the whole house upside down,

So that there is something to do, and fun at that.

Children are children. We can't live without them!

With them new words come into the house,

- “mya” and “la”, “yum-yum” and “tol”...

It means something, only he knows.

We often get tired, but from their love

Everything comes alive here: faces and flowers,

Children make noise, excite the mind

Children give laughter, happiness and success.

Mother: Our beloved daughter turned a whole year old on this day! Let's raise our full glasses and drink to the health of our birthday girl! HURRAY!

Presenter: Dear guests, each of you will have the opportunity to say your magic words to our birthday girl.

Now he will have his say - let's guess who -

Who walks with grandchildren, lulls them to sleep,

Does he always read fairy tales to them and buy them candy?

Of course, the floor is given to our... Grandma!

(Grandmother congratulates)

"Magic chest with wishes and treasures"

Presenter: Time goes by quickly and it's time to start collecting treasures for your daughter. The parents have already put the most precious things in this chest: the first rattle, the first vest, the tags from the arms from the maternity hospital.

Let's add ours good wishes?! (everyone takes a piece of paper and writes their wishes to the birthday girl and puts everything in the treasured chest). Don't forget to include your signature, initials and date.

Presenter: And now, to convey my congratulations, the floor is given to - guess who -

Even though wrinkles are intertwined in a network

white chalk gray hair

he carries his granddaughter on his shoulders

and throws up to the clouds

Of course, the floor is given... to Ksyusha's grandfather!

Comic fortune telling at a children's birthday.

Presenter: Let's see who Ksyusha will become when she grows up.

Objects are laid out in front of the child, for example:

book - scientist

money - businessman

toy dishes - housewife

ring - good marriage

candy - confectioner

doll dress - designer

comb - hairdresser

(Whichever subject he is drawn to first is the profession he will choose).

Symbolic rite "Tonsured"

Presenter: Now the floor is given:

the most tender - you are the second mother,

be always by your side

I miss you...

Yes, the word for a magical wish is given... godmother!

Presenter: Do you know what day our birthday girl was born. Together with her, on the same day, such celebrities were born as... The horoscope says that children born on this day are different...

Presenter: Well, after the charming godmother he will say his word:

You give care, warmth and attention

If you find time, you will always come.

Godfather, who gives the law of the universe,

peace and love, in the happiness of every day…. godfather

And now, according to the old custom, the time has come for the godfather and godmother to perform the magical rite.

(godparents carry out a symbolic “haircut” - they cut off the curls (a little at a time) behind the ears, on the back of the head, on the forehead - a cross is obtained)

Presenter: We put these curls in an envelope as a keepsake and hide them in a magic chest.

Game "Guess Ksyushin's tasty treat"

Presenter: It's the kids' turn to have fun. Now the older children will remember when they were as small as our birthday girl. There are small plates in front of you. Well, who will try and guess what it is?

They bring out plates with prepared children's food fruit puree(banana, apple, pear, etc.). You have to try it and tell us what it’s made of. Whoever guesses correctly receives a prize (for example, an inflated balloon).

Presenter: And now the competition is more difficult, for adults. Try to guess what you ate. They bring out the same plates for adults, but with a variety of baby food - a variety of baby cereals and different purees (for example, buckwheat porridge with vegetables, broccoli, rice porridge, etc.)

Presenter: We continue congratulations...They say their magical congratulations

They will help, just ask

They will come from the Far East

They will give you the best they have

Always support and support

The floor is given uncle and aunt Ksyusha

"Dads can do anything" competition.

Presenter: Imagine that in front of you is your child, and your mother went to chat with a friend. It is necessary to dress the child. In this case, it is necessary to dress everything correctly and not cause any inconvenience to the child. Get started!

Take out dolls and doll clothes. Dads dress dolls. The fastest and most dexterous dad wins a prize.

Competition for guests "And in chocolates the meaning really..."

Presenter: Everyone, of course, remembers the cartoon in which the height of a boa constrictor was measured: in elephants, monkeys and parrots. Since parents and closest relatives know such information by heart, they are not allowed to participate in the competition. For everyone else, a quick-witted question: how tall is Ksyusha in chocolates? (You need to either measure it in centimeters in advance or actually estimate it in order to know the correct answer) Whoever answers faster and more accurately will receive the unit of measurement itself as a prize, i.e. chocolate.

(game being played)

Competition for guests "How much does happiness weigh..."

Presenter: And now a competition for the most experienced parents. Please do not give any hints to your immediate family. It is clear that the happiness of the parents from the birth of Ksyusha is immeasurable and yet, how much does Ksyusha weigh in this moment? You need to take the birthday girl carefully in your arms or palms and determine the weight in grams. Whoever is more precise also gets a chocolate bar.

(game being played)

Presenter: Attention! Attention! A telegram has been received from all the fairy-tale characters. Unfortunately, it got caught in the rain and not all the words can be made out. Therefore, I hope that the guests will help me fill in the empty spaces, all the adjectives are lost. Tell us who remembers what! (the named adjectives are inserted one by one into the blanks)


And ____ Ksyusha!

All fairy tale characters congratulate you, _____ and _____ on your first _____ birthday!

Grow _____ and _____ to the joy of mom and dad, grandparents and all your family and friends. May your ____ birthday be the most ______ holiday every year. We look forward to visiting you in a fairy tale.

Your fairy friends

Forfeits for guests "Magic Pyramid"

Presenter: Now a task for the guests from the birthday girl. Here is her pyramid, which she likes so much. Ksyusha, come on, take off the top ring, who will you give it to? But next to him in the hat are pieces of paper with tasks. Pull one out. What assignment did you receive?

The child takes off one ring and points to one of the guests and gives him the ring. The hat contains folded pieces of paper with tasks. For example, sing Ksyusha a song, dance a dance or crow.

This game can be played without the participation of the birthday girl: the guests themselves choose any ring from the pyramid, and on the task cards it is written what the owner of the yellow or blue ring should do.

(Here is a version of the poetic text for this competition - thanks to the author)


We bought a pyramid
They invited you to play.
Everyone break into pairs,
Don't be embarrassed, don't be shy
And choose a ring,
Do everything they say.
You took the blue ring
And they made no mistake.
You need to be in time now
Sing three ditties to Ksyusha.
But, as if under water,
You hold your nose with your hand.
Choosing red
You will amaze the whole world.
Now you will surprise everyone -
Fun circus show:
Trainer Pipen
And a scientific seal.
Green ring!
What, did your heart skip a beat?
It will add interest to everyone
A play in a puppet theater.
Get the wolf and the hare,
Start the show.

"Family tree" for memory

Presenter: Now let's do it. But it's not that simple. You'll have to ask your grandparents for help. Here are photographs of you, your children and grandchildren in infancy. Come on, determine which of them is which and let's build our tree, starting with our birthday girl.

Whatman paper, glue and photographs are brought out. A family tree is being built.

Presenter: the time has come for magical wishes from the most important people in her life, from from dad and mom.

The most important people in the world

We will kiss you many times.

Dad and mom, be happy together

and your baby will delight you!


Presenter: While the main magic is being prepared, let the children make a big and friendly round dance for our birthday girl.

Loaf is being arranged (mother and daughter in the center)

Birthday cake

Presenter: Now let's move on to tea drinking.

A birthday cake with one candle is ceremoniously brought out.

Presenter: The most magical moment comes.

May all your wishes come true quickly

And all life is filled with magic.

Let laughter and smiles, childhood pranks

Paints, flowers and the best drawing, -

Life is like a game throughout your youth

And let our girl be pretty,

Raspberry lips, eyes like diamonds

Our clever girl is growing beautiful and brave

With love and happiness - from dad and mom!

Blow out the candle on the cake.

Presenter: Well, the celebration is coming to an end. Finally, the children will leave their autographs as souvenirs. And in a year we will compare your autographs with those that will be.

They take it out Finger paint and a large sheet of Whatman paper. You need to leave a palm print on the sheet.

Presenter: Well done to all the participants. Well, in conclusion, let's launch the heavenly paper lantern, and everyone will be able to make their deepest wish. I ask everyone to go outside...